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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 26, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests tim robinson, wendell pierce. lindsay mendez everybody. i want to thank fred armisen and the 8g band. thanks for watching everybody. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ right now at 11:00, the list is getting longer. a new encampment on a college campus. and this time it's stanford. a sea of tents and pro-palestinian protesters taking over white plaza. so far, peaceful, but that hasn't been the case everywhere. usc taking drastic action now canceling the university's main commencement ceremony because of the turmoil on campus. so many questions and so divided. nbc's jossom moran joins us from the stanford campus tonight. jocelyn, what's the latest out there? yeah, well, this all started this
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afternoon when protesters walked through campus and ended up. here at white plaza. you can see tents have been set up. it's hard to estimate right now how many people are here, but i would say maybe around 100 people are still here tonight. if we remember, we were here a couple of months ago when students organized that sit in. then stanford got ferm with them, saying they couldn't be here past 8 p.m. tonight it is well past 8 p.m. and from what we can tell, university officials haven't showed up and everything has remained peaceful. tents have now been set up in white plaza at stanford university. first and foremost, we stand for the liberation of palestine. we stand for. we stand against the genocide and we stand for divestment. it started with the demonstration this afternoon, where about 200 to 300 people showed up. we had a rally in solidarity with a lot of the other college campuses around the country. pro-palestine protests on college campuses continue from george washington university to northeastern to emory in atlanta, where police
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in riot gear today clashed with protesters. as i go to the school, law enforcement appeared to use zip ties to restrain demonstrators, even tasing one person. nat columbia, those camping out given a deadline to disperse by 4 a.m. if not, the university says they will have to consider alternative options at usc, the university canceled this year's main commencement ceremony, citing new safety measures put in place amid protests on campus. here at home at uc berkeley, tents have taken over the steps and lawn at sproul hall. uc berkeley says it's not planning. on removing protesters or involving law enforcement unless it becomes necessary to protect the physical safety of students or faculty. and at stanford tonight, the protest has remained peaceful. the encampment is pretty well established. it's looking like students have already moved in and gotten settled. and i think we are going to remain here for the foreseeable future tonight. in a statement, stanford says in part, quote, we support the peaceful expression of free speech. but for those who violate university policies, the university will be enforcing its
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time, place and manner rules through stanford's student disciplinary process. now we have seen security and sheriff deputies here throughout the night mostly just monitoring everything there have also been a couple of people that we've seen holding up israel flags. we did try talking to one person, but they did not want to talk with us tonight at stanford. i'm jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. jocelyn, thanks so much. also tonight, shock and sadness and pleasanton after a family of four was killed in a fiery crash. police say a mother and father and their two children were in an electric vehicle when it went off the road and burst into flames. nbc bay area's gia vang reports from pleasanton. a handful of people stopped on the side of this road in pleasanton to lay flowers at a tragic scene where family of four was lost in a fiery crash that includes hassan sheikh. he knew the father and says the family lived nearby. they were close to home. it was very shocking. it was very shocking because it's something, you don't want to
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hear. plus, you know, it's the entire family, parents and two children younger than 15. according to police, a charred ground, parts of the car and remnants of an investigation remain, along with a sign may your family find peace. i think it's very sad. it's very tragic. and, you know, we lost some lives and is in this place, so it's very sad to see that. investigators say the family was in an electric vehicle around nine last night. they say right now they don't expect foul play, but they're looking into why it veered off foothill road just past stone ridge drive, colliding with a large oak tree before catching fire. i heard a loud explosion, like a boom. when i heard it again, i thought, what's going on around here? because it seemed pretty loud that the second one, a handful of neighbors, came through the park. they saw the orange glow above the tree line, and when they came up that bluff, it unveiled a horrendous scene, got a little closer to it, and could see a person on the ground that the firemen were working on. unfortunately, he
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didn't make it. the father of the family worked at a high tech company for about five years with hassan. he says his spirit will be missed. i was, trying to meet you with, you know, with great energy. so? so it was always good to talk to him. pleasanton unified school officials did not confirm if the children attended their schools, but said because kids were involved in such an awful crash, it checked in with students and staff in pleasanton, gia vang nbc bay area news. memorial services will be held tomorrow for an oakland police officer who died in the line of duty. officer jordan wingate was in a crash back in 2018 at the port of oakland, and he succumbed to his injuries on saturday. 28 year old started his public service career as a cadet in 2013. services start at 11:00 in the morning at three crosses church in castro valley. a last minute change of plans in antioch. it was supposed to be a special meeting for the school board, but it turned into a community session. this is all
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about the superintendent of antioch and allegations of bullying within her staff. this is a story that we broke last week, and in light of our investigation, the school board president is calling on the superintendent to resign and bixby park. nbc's pete serratos has the details. a special closed session meeting for the antioch school board did not go as planned, with three school board members not showing up, but it did provide a space for residents to express their concerns regarding bullying. claims against district employees. yes, this is no longer. an official school board meeting, but with only two school board members present for tonight's closed session meeting, the antioch school board did not reach quorum to discuss the future of its superintendent, stephanie anello, last week, our investigative unit uncovering bullying claims by the antioch unified school district director of facilities maintenance and operations kenneth turnage. our investigation confirming at least ten employee complaints about turnage, including this
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one where he directed two workers to move an employee's desk to a rooftop to allegedly publicly humiliate him and those making the claims believe turnage is close relationship with the superintendent and her husband, former antioch police chief alan cantando, is why he has not been properly disciplined. we know that if things are going to change, it starts at the very top. following our investigation, school board president antonio hernandez called tonight's special meeting to discuss the performance of the superintendent, who he feels needs to resign for mishandling these cases. i was horrified at these things that our employees are going through. that's not the kind of school district that i want. that's not the kind of school district that our employees deserve. it's time for everybody to make a change and get it together. come in love, come in peace. and with the lack of quorum, the meeting turning into a community forum with dozens of speakers expressing their concerns about these claims, nothing was done and we
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begged and begged for help. kim atkinson was one of the district employees who came forward with bullying claims in our investigation. since the report, she says, the past week has been rough, but seeing the community support tonight gives her hope that her story could lead to changes. i'm so proud i can't even put into words how proud i am and how how brave they were to be here tonight and speak from their hearts in response to our investigation, anello is calling for an independent investigation into the bullying claims and will remove herself from any of the investigative proceedings. nbc has reached out to three board members not in attendance tonight, and they have not responded. we have also reached out repeatedly to anello, her husband and turnage, but no response as of this report. as for the next steps by the school board regarding the future of the superintendent, board member doctor lathan, one of the two school board members at tonight's meeting, had this to say. we have a board meeting may 8th. i encourage people to come and express their their same concerns and to, make
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demands that leadership changes in antioch. pete serratos, nbc, bay area news. he thanks. south bay parents say they are shocked and disgusted after hearing the pta president is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the school. police arrested tessa knight on tuesday. she is accused of stealing more than $400,000 from shallenberger elementary school in san jose. investigators say she wrote 45 checks to herself and her husband when she was president of the school's parent association, and a new board member noticed discrepancies when knight left her position last summer, triggering that investigation. things really didn't add up. money spent didn't add up to what we knew programing had cost over the years. and as we dug into it, just money was missing. the school says it had to cancel some of its programs because of the theft. knight faces three felony counts for grand theft and forgery. new at 11, no one
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is immune from san francisco car burglaries. tonight. congressman adam schiff attended a high end dinner with some campaign supporters without a suit. you see him standing there on the left side of your screen? this was at ristorante roca in burlingame, the congressman told the crowd there gathered thieves , stole his suitcases from his car while it was in downtown san francisco parking garage. and that left him with nothing but a shirt and some hiking vest there to this dinner. those at the dinner say the congressman wasn't ruffled by the whole thing, and he acted as if everything was just fine. a man is behind bars now. tonight, after getting busted for selling thousands of dollars worth of stolen goods. san ramon police began the investigation last year when officers arrested thieves in san ramon. officers learned of someone in oakland conducting a major operation selling stolen items. the san mateo county sheriff's office was also investigating the same suspect, so the two departments teamed up with the chp and
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arrested 52 year old octavio ambriz. valle last week. he's accused of selling more than 325,000 bucks worth of stolen products. ambriz is awaiting a hearing in alameda county jail. all right, a heads up. two big road closures might have you rethinking your weekend plans. tomorrow at 9 p.m, 680 southbound. all lanes will be shut down from 580 in pleasanton down to koopmann road in sunol for road repairs. that closure is set to last until monday at 4:00 in the morning and in the north bay highway 37 westbound will be shut down again starting tomorrow, also at 9 p.m. from vallejo to sears point in sonoma, 37 is also set to reopen by monday at 4 a.m. okay, did you watch one of the most exciting nights of the year in the nfl? look closely. that's a sea of football fans in detroit for the annual nfl draft. the 40 niners and raiders shaping their future. tonight. the san francisco 40 niners select ricky
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pearsall. there you go. 40 niners with the 31st overall pick drafting wide receiver ricky pearsall from the university of florida. this is interesting because there is continued speculation the niners might be trading brandon aiyuk or even deebo samuel. bottom line they get an athletic receiver who can also return punts. and we have a local star who's now a multi-millionaire. lease is about to be. that's brock bowers, who grew up in the north bay, went to napa high school. he's now headed to the las vegas raiders, the raiders drafting the tight end from the university of georgia with the 13th pick. he saw his family there. the watch party in fairfield at their home in fairfield this evening. congratulations to that family. all right. we are back in 60s. up next. it is hard to ignore your pg and e bill just keeps going up. but why? we investigate what's behind pg and e recent rate hikes in our new series. the high price of power
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also. so how did he get there? the unusual rescue after that dog got stuck in a bay area canal. we'll show you what happened next. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a few sprinkles and some drizzle. tonight. we'll show you what's happening with this storm system tomorr
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here in oceanside. you see? right there caught fire. the buildings at the end of the pier. still smoldering tonight. and fire crews are still hard at work. this all started at around 3:00 this afternoon at the far end of the pier. you can see all that smoke there. firefighters battled the flames for hours. thankfully, no one was hurt and the fire department is investigating the cause of that fire. that pier was built back in 1888. it has been rebuilt twice. tonight we begin a new series called the high price of power. this is something that so many of us can relate to our skyrocketing pg and e bills. what's behind all these pg and e rate hikes? here's nbc investigative reporter jaxon vanderbeken. hawaii. the isolated island paradise where everything costs more, including power. much of it comes from oil. that has to be shipped in from as far as libya and
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argentina. the cost to generate it accounts for about half the average $0.41 per kilowatt hour price. customs pay, according to the federal energy information administration, hawaii has been held out as the entity with the highest rates in the united states. mike campbell tracks rates for the consumer watchdog arm of the california public utilities commission. he says over the last five years, pg and e rates have doubled where it operates in california. after the rate hike in january, customers pay an average 39.6 cents per kilowatt hour, compared to $0.21 per kilowatt hour in 2019. to put it in perspective, an average customer uses about 500 kilowatt hours per month, one kilowatt hour is the amount of energy it takes to power ten 100 watt light bulbs for an hour, so the average customer were paid $100 for power back in 2019. now pays
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nearly twice that amount. bills have been going up at a pace far beyond inflation and we're at a place now where pg and e's rates are, unfortunately, approaching the levels of hawaii, but with a network of dams, a nuclear plant, abundant solar all tied to a multi-state power grid, mike campbell and other ratepayer watchdogs say our power should be much cheaper than hawaii. so why do we now pay almost as much pg and e rates are clearly insane right now. matt friedman is an attorney with the ratepayer advocacy group turn. he points to this analysis of the added costs borne by pg and e ratepayers. ratepayers are now paying $0.06 more per kilowatt hour for wildfire efforts. that includes his plan to put power lines underground. there are $0.06 more per kilowatt hour to subsidize rooftop solar and $0.02 more per kilowatt hour for
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low income subsidies. it's low income customers in pg and e service territory are really facing a crisis of affordability . we saw 180,000 customers disconnected for nonpayment last year, and about a third of pg and e low income customers are late in paying their bills. right now, state regulators have proposed one way to make bills more affordable. it involves charging an income based monthly fee to account for fixed costs, while trimming rates per kilowatt hour. we're in a race for the highest rates in the nation, and that is an ignominious prize to win. but critics like former cpuc president loretta lynch say many customers don't use enough power, even at a discount, to make up for the proposed standard $24 monthly fee. people who rent apartments, people who are in smaller units, people in urban areas where usually the footprint of the house is smaller, are going to pay more, period. besides, she says, any benefit wouldn't last long as pg
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and e already has approval for rates to go up even higher next year. lynch says the only long term solution is for regulators to limit pg and e spending. i'm not as worried about beating a hawaiian becoming the most expensive state for electricity in the nation. i'm worried about it continuing for the next 5 to 10 years. at this rate, pg and e says it knows the current structure isn't fair to low income customers. it has sought a $75 monthly fixed fee, but with greater discounts. pg and e says any change will take time. and although pge says rates should go up about $50 per month this year to pay for bearing 1200 miles of lines and other wildfire investments, ratepayers may see some relief as soon as next year thanks to cost cutting. it's achieved as it already is. cut fire risk by 94. we are working hard to have average bills decrease in 2025 and 2026 compared to this year,
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even as these investments continue to pay off in greater safety and reliability for our customers, the utility says. the cpuc is slated to consider the rate change proposal as soon as next month. jaxon vanderbeken, nbc bay area news. there's a lot of frustration from pg and e customers. tomorrow, i will be sitting down with the ceo of pg and e, patty poppy in a rare one on one interview. we'll bring you that exclusive interview at 6 p.m. and 11. looking forward to that. raj. taking a look at our weather now. jeff, i'm not going to lie, i still turn my heater on when i get home at night. yeah, it's cold out there. it's been chilly. we've we've had some 40s, you know, and even a few weeks ago we had 30s in the morning. so our weather, it's just having a hard time switching here into our traditional april temperatures. we have this new system that's dropping down tonight and tomorrow, and with this one it's mainly developing over the land.
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so there's not a big chance of rain for us, but we'll have the chance of a few spotty showers. i think the bigger thing will be some wind gusts we'll be dealing with. let me show you more on that in your microclimate forecast right now, and we'll get you set for your friday and right into the weekend. and here we go. we started off tomorrow morning with those widespread low clouds. chance of some drizzle at the coastline. then through the afternoon i see a good amount of sunshine for us. but where we'll be watching on the radar is towards the central valley. we'll see some showers develop real close to napa county, and we could see a few showers pop on the eastern fringes of contra costa alameda counties that may head our way. so just a very slight chance we could get a little bit bubbling up tomorrow afternoon, and then we'll dry it out here as we head through your saturday and also your sunday, with plenty of sunshine. now, the wind tomorrow morning picks up 15 to about 25mph out of the west, northwest and where i see it getting gusty here is tomorrow afternoon, two, three, four and 5:00, anywhere
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from 20 to about 50mph. notice this magenta color at the coastline, through the mountains . that's where we could get up to about 50, maybe even for some of our south bay mountains as well. it'll be a quick burst here. some wind. we should get this calming down here for most of the bay area by saturday and sunday, with just some breezy conditions left to the coastline 15 to 25 as you head out the door for tomorrow morning. temperatures in the 50s throughout the bay area put us down to 50 here in the tri valley. san francisco at 53. daytime highs stay on the cool side for us. lots of 60s throughout the bay on our weekend forecast here in san francisco stays breezy. temperatures in the upper 60s dry through next week. and for the inland valleys we do warm it up. that'll be nice. 72 on saturday, 74 on sunday and 79 next tuesday. looking pretty good right about now. getting close to the 80s there. right. very close. okay jeff. thanks. thanks, jeff. up next seat assignments on southwest. the big change the airline could
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ma and how
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rifle range road earlier this month. witness actually took this photo of him before he took off. police say he was seen wearing a dark robe carrying a horse bow. anyone who recognizes him is asked to call police. a dog is safe tonight after getting stuck in a tight spot. the dog was dangling inside a canal. see that there in antioch animal services says the dog had been spotted in the area over the last few days. but they weren't able to catch him. today, a good samaritan spotted him wedged between the wall and a beam inside the canal. there, first responders worked together to slowly free the little guy. the dog is now at the antioch animal shelter and yes, yes,
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he's available for adoption. nice. hope he finds a home soon. well, a big change may be on the way for southwest travelers. the airline could be getting rid of its open seating system. so right now, southwest has a single economy class cabin with no seating assignments. you may know this, but the airline says it is considering changing that model. most airlines, including delta, american, frontier, charge travelers to choose their seats in advance. it's not clear if southwest will do the same thing, or when those changes will take place. i always tried to get fighting to get on that a-list. exactly. not the b if you're getting c, you're in trouble. you're so you have no choice where you sit. we'll check in with the 40 niners top draft
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receiver that could fit in nicely with all the other offensive stars they have. we
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mentioned this earlier in the newscast. ricky pearsall is coming to santa clara. we are 49. we are 40 niner. that's a magical moment, right? when you get that phone call from the team that drafts you the niners use their number one pick 31st overall to get this guy. he could be special with the 40 niners. grew up in the phoenix area. went to asu before. look at that one handed catch by the way before transferring to florida when he was team. actually he was teammates with brandon aiyuk. oh wow. while he was at asu. all right. baseball tonight the a's wrapping up their four game series at yankee stadium. with all the negative headlines about ownership. it's been awesome to actually just watch the players here. top of the third inning, tyler nevin with the two run homer. a's beat the yankees 3 to 1 and split this series. the giants they're back in action tomorrow night hosting the pittsburgh pirates at china basin. you can watch that game right here on nbc bay area. our live coverage


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