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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 26, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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on college campuses as students take a stand against the war in gaza. we are live this morning at the latest bay area college
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becoming a flashpoint with a new tent protest becoming a fixture overnight, not selling. that is the new response from tiktok parent company bytedance. with a ban now looming reaction this morning in washington and the growing chances tiktok could eventually go dark here in the us. attention all commuters. there is a major interstate closure that starts tonight. it could impact your weekend plans. mike inouye is laying out what you need to know to get around. this is today in the bay. it is here friday. yes. good morning to you. i'm marcus washington and i'm chris sanchez. i'm here for laura garcia and for you as well. let's start the day with a look at that forecast. mike, we know you're going to be busy. carrie, if you have a construction project, not a bad time to do it, i guess. so we are going to have a dry weekend. and so i know that's what they look for. so we are going to
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start out this morning. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s as you're heading out. and everything looks pretty good. but it is still breezy. if you have those winds kicking up yesterday evening, expect the same again today. so as we're getting started, we are having mild temperatures and we're only headed for the mid to upper 60s for today. san jose morgan hill in the mid 60s, 64 in oakland and in santa rosa 68 degrees tomorrow it's just a touch warmer as we get more sunshine. we're looking at some low 70s for the inland valleys. i'll talk more about that and where we may see some light rain. but mike, you got to start with that closure. yeah, we're first of all we're warning about this in. okay. so over here, southbound 680 which is open now, it will be closed for this weekend starting at about 9:00. we'll talk more about it. i want to show you the alternates, though. you can either go east or west from that closure of southbound 680 through pleasanton. again, i'll enumerate more about that. and the other closures that will happen this weekend for highway 37. but right now this closure is going on right now, northbound 880 to southbound
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101. folks are familiar with this cloverleaf. it's very tight. and someone didn't quite make that turn. and so they've gone off the roadway. no major injuries reported. but a closure of this connector right now. so we're going to follow that. i'll bring you the latest. it's in san jose. you can see sjc right there. the rest of the bay moves smoothly. back to you. well we're following breaking news out of the middle east. israel is considering a temporary cease fire proposal in exchange for the freedom of 3003 hostages held by hamas. now, the potential plan was to put forth by egyptian mediators, who are in the country today to discuss what's on the table. 40 hostages were part of that original proposal and would include people from humanitarian category that includes women, children, the elderly and those severely injured with medical conditions. however, hamas indicated it may not have 40 hostages fitting that category. so it was narrowed down to 33. the war in the middle east,
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central in the widening tension on college campuses everywhere and to this week was one of the most volatile weeks in some school history. in some cases, those pro-palestinian protests leading to clashes with students, staff and at times, law enforcement. well, here is a live look right now on the stanford campus. that's where a new encampment has now popped up in white plaza. the palestinian supporters, they have set up tents and vowed to remain there indefinitely. so far, this demonstration has been largely peaceful. but it started yesterday afternoon during a campus march in the middle of that demonstration, daily prayer from people of the muslim faith. there demands echoed those of activists. on the other campuses across the country, calling for divestment from israel. first and foremost, we stand for the liberation of palestine. we stand for. we stand against the genocide and we stand for divestment. now, in a statement,
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the school says in part, quote, we support the peaceful expression of free speech. but those who violate university policies, the university will be enforcing its time, place and manner rules through stanford's student disciplinary process. i listen to what happened down in southern california this morning. we know there's new fallout from the protests that happened at usc. the school now canceling the main commencement ceremony, the graduation, because of the turmoil on campus. some of that turmoil stems from the school's decision to cancel their valedictorian address because of comments she made on social media. police there arrested more than 90 protesters on campus on wednesday. us secretary of state antony blinken is in china this morning, wrapping up a three day trip after meeting with the country's president. new video here from blinken's meeting with china's foreign and public security ministers, talks between the two countries have increased in recent months, even as geopolitical differences continue to grow. a primary goal
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of blinken's visit was to warn china about its support for russia's war against ukraine. the conflict began weeks after moscow and beijing declared no limits partnership in 2022. tick tock, tick tock. that is the sound of time running out for the app. bytedance the chinese based company behind the video sharing app, says that it has no intention of selling. of course, you know, this comes after the us gave the company a nine month countdown to sell or shut down today in the bay's bree jackson. explaining what sources are saying about the app's future. bree, the back and forth between the us and tiktok seems far from over, and this seems pretty decisive for bytedance to say that's right. good morning, chris markus. so four sources tell reuters that bytedance would rather shut down in the us if legal challenges to the recently passed bill banning the video sharing app fails now, the report says. algorithms tiktok
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relies on are central to the company's operations, so its sale would be highly unlikely. the company says it plans to sue after president biden signed into law a bill that would result in the app's ban in the us if it does not sell. the video sharing platform within nine months. now, critics argue that the new rules are unconstitutional, but by violating the company's first amendment rights. meanwhile proponents of the law say national security concerns could still prevail and a legal challenge. for years, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have expressed concerns that chinese authorities could force bytedance to hand over us user data or influence americans by suppressing or promoting certain content on tiktok. now it should be noted that the us is not the only country where the app faces restrictions. places like australia, canada and the uk have banned the app in some capacity on certain devices
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issued by its government. back to you and those content creators who make their money off of this, still waiting to see what's going to happen with their future. thank you very much bri. 507 for you this morning and a rood bay area. welcome this is for a leading california us senate candidate. well, turns out even he is not immune from san francisco car burglaries. here is an image of congressman adam schiff, high end dinner last night with campaign supporters over in burlingame. as you can see there, he is a bit dressed down, but this is because he says the thieves broke into his car and stole his bag in a downtown san francisco parking garage. dinner guests did say that shift was unfazed by what happened. oh, don't leave your luggage in your car, sir. live. look in sacramento now, where opposition is mounting against a plan to alter flow requirements in the delta. this is part of new state water quality control plans, which would limit the amounts of water pumped from the delta to keep more nearby waterways flowing. happening today, salmon
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fishermen, environmentalists and native american tribal leaders plan to lead a rally. they are calling on leaders to reject this plan. there are fears that this could lead to a greater salmon shortage. oh, all right, time to look at that forecast. last night i went to dinner and my friend was like, is it raining? and i'm like, well, carrie said we were going to see some showers. oh my god. my friend was like, hey, what did carrie say? she said, 3/10 of an inch over san jose. wow. paying very close attention. all right, so a couple of sprinkles this morning. two here and there. i was hoping it would be enough to where i didn't have to water. you know, my little garden that's growing, but it's probably not going to be that. it's just enough to ruin your car wash. right. and, also give you a bad hair day. oh, that's very humid. this is in. we are taking a live look outside in oakland where we are starting out with good visibility this morning. but once again, maybe missing a little bit here and there. and then once again for this afternoon, the wind is going to pick up. you probably had some of those gusty winds
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yesterday evening. we're going to see a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures here going from mid 60s, mid 50s to low 60s. for this afternoon we'll see a high of 64 in fremont and also 64 in livermore. and then tomorrow we're going to see slightly warmer temperatures for parts of the south bay. the north bay, we're up to 73. in santa rosa tomorrow afternoon. and looking at sunday some mid 70s. so we will continue to warm up each and every day as we get more sunshine. and we'll be tracking all of that. now mike's been tracking where you can find some lower gas prices. yeah. and i've been following this one specific number all week for one full week. the best in the bay has continued to be fremont's 434 a gallon at fliers on osgood. it stays there. so we put it at the top again. we'll see if it lasts through the weekend. that is an outlier. things around the bay otherwise are higher, like the best in santa clara county and city. that's a platinum gas 485 platinum gas on washington street. and then in solano county, you can duck just below
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that $5 mark for cash if you have it. exxon on springs road in vallejo. but go ahead and keep reporting and keep checking on the roadway. we keep checking in the great news, san jose's closure for that spill on 880 crash. i'm sorry, 80 to 101 that reopens that ramp. but now over here, the berkeley curve i've circled. it's all green on those sensors. did see some flashing lights at the top of the screen. there you go. look, if you look very carefully, there's that slow drive going from left to right, heading toward the bay bridge. but it looks like the flashing lights, the team of chp that was there has cleared. will double check and make sure we'll check back in just a couple minutes. back to you guys. thank you. mike 510 for you this morning. one night down. two more to go ahead for you here on today in the bay. we're going to give you the highlights from day one of the nfl draft including a new wide receiver heading to the bay area. scott you say there's still a chance for him. maybe the fifth round. well hey, i got a cool story for you. stick around in space. nody can hearbo
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to expect in livermore today will be in the mid 50s and a mix of sun and clouds into the afternoon, but we're only headed for the low to mid 60s. we'll talk about a warmer and more sunny weekend ahead coming up in a few minutes. and right now i did check the report. chp cleared most of their vehicles. i'm showing this yellow arrow right below where they're
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slowing and then things let up. i think there's still two cruisers. they're just outside of our view, and maybe some flares. this is west 580 coming off of the maze, heading toward the bay bridge toll plaza. but the berkeley curve off of 80 moves very smoothly. we'll keep following this. thank you. mike, it is 514 right now and we are following breaking news out of san francisco. take a look here. this is a fire that san francisco firefighters are now responding to at this point it is a two alarm fire, but it is giving a lot of smoke off in the area. it's happening near clay and lyon. the fire department just sent new video and images out from the scene saying that there are 60 firefighters there responding, and that four floors of that building are now on fire. firefighters are advising residents in the area to shelter in place because of all of that heavy smoke. if you're not in the area, don't head there and reroute around it. our crew is headed to the scene. we will have a live report as soon as
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they arrive. hopefully we're not talking rescues at this point. scott. well good morning very happy friday to you chris. markets down thursday a lot in the middle of the day, but they recovered a bit by the end. worries that growth is slowing along with yet new inflation data showing inflation is stubborn and that we most likely won't see an interest break interest rate break anytime soon. shares in meta fell 10% after that company's earnings report at walmart, closing one of its stores in fremont. it had two of them in fremont. the company says. one store was an underperformer. there was a store just down the street, rubrik in palo alto picked yesterday to debut on the market. one of the roughest days we've seen in quite some time. but the cybersecurity company did just fine. shares were up 15, its first day, a former tesla executive tells the sec he's going to sell $180 million in stock. drew baglino there on the left quit as senior vice
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president earlier this month. he says he's exercising stock options just into our newsroom. the u.s. and china have agreed to talks over artificial intelligence. this comes as us secretary of state antony blinken meets with chinese officials, including president xi and southwest airlines, warns it's running short of planes because of the boeing shutdown. southwest flies boeing 737 and nothing else. it'll discontinue flights to houston, syracuse, bellingham, washington and cozumel, the company also said in its meeting with reporters and analysts it's reconsidering its cattle call boarding system. maybe, maybe assigning seats. and it said that before. and marcus and chris, i just heard about a problem in space that i had not thought about before. when astronomers find something new like a crater, they get to name it. but the rules set down by the international astronomical union say they have to name it. generally after a famous scientist or artist, and that person has to be dead a
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certain number of years. now, when you think of dead scientists from years back tends to be a man, which is 95% of the features on the moon are named after men. here's a young astronomer trying to change that . i mean, because, men kind of came there as a first come, first serves, it does mean that we have this de facto male occupation of space. but space science is evolving at such an incredible rate that new discoveries are constantly being made. that's astronomer annie lennox, who's leading the charge to get things named after women. finally, she discovered new craters on mercury. she struggled to get the iau to accept her women's names for the craters, but they did finally relent. i have had some craters, names, yes. so that first one that prompted this whole project , i ended up calling the nairn crater. that's after a scottish, poet and singer called lady catalina nairn, who was a
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contemporary, actually, of robert burns. now she's a really interesting woman. in her lifetime, it wasn't, considered proper for a lady to be a poet. so many of her poems were wrongly attributed to robert burns. and it wasn't really until after her death that she got proper recognition, recognitions. huge irony there. you know, she struggled when she was alive. she struggled when she was dead. so that's the nairn crater right there on mercury that lennox discovered and mapped. but it's an interesting problem that she's now, you know, pushing for more women, 95% of on the moon, 95% on mars. men. just think about it. yeah. no. yeah you nobody ever did. right. and she finally went, hold on. yeah. it just takes one person to go, wait, wait a second. that's not right. yeah all right. well, scott, i know we're going to hear more from her on our show. press here sunday mornings. all right. thank you so much. you bet. today, the san francisco 40 niners are expected to formally introduce their first round draft pick. the san francisco 40
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niners select ricky pearsall. all right, the niners took pierce from florida, 31st overall. he should add a new dimension to the team's rather uncertain receiving corps right now. as you know, nine year veteran brandon aiyuk is looking for a new long term deal. as you also know, deebo samuel has a long history of injury. pearsall may be also able to help on special teams. i heard that the raiders took a brock. i guess they liked our brock. yeah, thought it was the name. it's not just it's not just the name. it's more than a name. that's right. well, speaking of names, meteorologis kari hall has been tracking what we can expect coming into work today. also, a little showers, and i was like, whoa. and then it was like, come and gone. yeah, that's kind of what mike and i like to call nuisance rain. yes not really doing anything. it's just getting on your nerves a little turn the wipers on. it was gone. that's what we're seeing in san francisco. yeah. take a look at
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this camera. we need a windshield wiper to go by. we are going to see more of these very light showers with us into the morning. and in some spots, possibly into the afternoon. this as our temperatures are way below normal, only up to 64 in cupertino. and it's going to be windy, which makes it feel a little bit cooler out there. and morgan hill expect a high of only 66 today and 66 in walnut creek. we'll see a high of 64 in oakland, as well as 64 in fremont and in san mateo. redwood city, 64 today, 59 in daly city and windy in san francisco today, downtown, up to 61. keeping those jackets on and maybe even a hoodie if it's going to be misting and drizzling where you are and santa rosa is going to see those temperatures up to 68 degrees, here's a look at the wind. so this is another day where we're going to have some pretty high wind gusts that start to ramp up around noon. so in san francisco we're going to see some of those gusts 36mph. and even for the inland valleys and livermore,
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we're going to see 30 to possibly 40 mile per hour gusts. and we're seeing the even stronger winds near the coastline that will eventually start to relax a bit later tonight. and our hour by hour outlook does show a lot of green here, a lot of clouds, some light showers coming down, off and on even into the afternoon. but then clearing out tonight and making way for a sunny weekend. it is ramping up a little bit more with how much rain we could see. possibly up to a 10th of an inch of rain in the tri valley. while there may be some spots that barely get anything, we could see very little to no accumulation of rainfall in concord. and looking at our 7-day forecast, eventually it's going to start to warm up as we get more sunshine, and the peak of those temperatures will be on tuesday. and mike, you're keeping an eye on the berkeley curve. yeah, but i think i can kind of ease up now because we've seen the travel continue with no sensors slowing. there is a crash there, little activity coming off of 580 in the maze off of eight interstate 80 westbound. everything moves smoothly where that volume starts to build a
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bit. not a lot of slowing, but a little for highway 37. there will be complete stop for 37, though, starting tonight. remember that closure continues westbound this weekend, just like last weekend, and the same detours in place 29 over here to 12 to 121. we'll talk about this closure as well as the closure for sunol. again, i'll remind folks, because it's happening tonight. back to you can't say it enough. somebody's going to forget. thank you very much, mike. it is 522 right now. next here on today on the bay nbc bay area responds it's possible for your air conditioner to deliver nice cool air without making you boiling mad about your high electric bill. i'm consumer investigator chrisimura. i'll k
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hungry for energy. in fact, pg and e estimates they account for about 40% of our summer electric bills. but if you give your ac a little tlc, it might run a lot more efficiently. the energy department says you can hire a pro to check out the coils and perhaps clean them, but there are some other steps you can take yourself. for starters, check the filter and consider replacing it. the energy department says replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner energy consumption by 5 to 15. check your outdoor unit two. debris can disrupt air flow and cost you money. the energy department also recommends at least two feet of breathing room, so trim back plants and shrubs at least 24in
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inside your home. check your ductwork and use tape to seal any loose connections. the state contractor board says sealing and insulating ducts can improve the efficiency of a home's heating and cooling system by as much as 20. sealing ducts will require time, elbow grease, and possibly squeezing yourself into your home's crawl space. yes, that's me. the work might pay off in a big way. consider a big home with a big ac. well, sealing everything up and lowering the build 20% equates to roughly $50 a month every month. those savings are pretty cool. major traffic alert here in the east bay this weekend shut down of 680. stay with us. you're wat
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next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. four, dies in a fiery crash. new details from police about the seconds before impact and an unforeseen twist in one of our investigations in the bullying complaint now rocking one school district, the surprise no shows at an emergency closed door meeting. plus like i say, there's a little bit of short term pain going on, but there is definitely going to be long term gain. commuter alert team coverage on work, getting
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underway. that's that will close a major interstate. we're going to tell you about the workarounds to keep in mind when it comes to your weekend plans. this is today in the bay. thanks for joining us on this friday morning, i'm chris sanchez. i'm here for laura and i'm marcus washington. but first we want to continue with some breaking news this morning out of san francisco. we do know right now around 60 firefighters are battling this two alarm fire. it's happening near clay and lyon in presidio heights. joining us right now on the phone is captain justin shaw of the san francisco fire department. thank you so much for taking just a moment away. what can you tell us about the fire at this point, chris marcus, good morning. it was a scary morning for our neighbors here at lyon and clay, who woke up to see a four story building appearing to be under construction, completely engulfed in flames. all four floors on the front of the building. firefighters quickly worked to contain this building, this fire to the building of origin. right now we have our
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ladder pipes up which are the hoses that we have at the end of our 100 foot ladders, and we're using that to apply heavy water into the remains of this fire. now, we know that here in the presidio heights neighborhood, the homes are pretty close together. is there any risk to the people who live on either side? as a precaution, the fire department has evacuated both of those buildings, and we go to extreme measures to try to protect those structures. at this time, we have no reports of fire in either of those buildings to either side. and what about people in that area? i know you said this is a building that was under construction. have you all had any issues with that particular building or area in recent time? we don't have access to any records of anything in this area or for this building in particular. the department of building inspection hasn't been able to determine if this was under construction or being renovated, or perhaps the scaffolding out front was just for some painting or facial
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work. the fire investigators are on the scene and will work to determine the cause through the morning. is it unusual for four storeys to be fully engulfed by the time you all arrive there? i mean, you guys arrived pretty quickly during the daytime hours. lots of people are out in the neighborhood walking dogs, moving through the streets at four, 430 in the morning. we don't have a lot of people on the street to initially report a fire from a window. a garage, or from a storefront. so it's difficult to tell just how long this fire had been burning before it had been noticed by neighbors. okay. and because this it appears that this was unoccupied building, right at this time, we've had no one present themselves as an occupant of the building. we have no injuries at this time, and we do not know if anyone has been displaced by this fire. okay. so we have evacuated all of the buildings on either side of that home. or do we know it's a residential building? i assume it is a residential building,
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and we do still have a large volume of smoke that's moving, eastward through the city. we've gotten reports as far away as the tenderloin of people smelling the smoke from this fire. so we're just encouraging anyone who's not in the immediate vicinity of the fire. if you do think you smell smoke outside, close your doors and windows. don a mask, or if you're able to do so, maybe head out for an early morning coffee and wait until we get this smoke and fire under complete control. okay. all right, all right. then we do have, captain shaw with san francisco fire department. thank you for your time. and for that information, of course. we'll check back in with you as needed throughout the morning. thank you chris. thank you marcus. and we will continue to add coverage on air as well as online. make sure you download our free nbc bay area app if you haven't already done so. that way you can stay up to date of what's happening with this breaking news, as well as other news throughout the day. you can find it right now on your app store. it is 534 right now, and people in the east bay, they are bracing for the latest full
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weekend closure this is of southbound interstate 680 for repaving. now we do have team coverage for you this morning. our mike inouye has been tracking a lot of those workarounds. but you see bob redell he's out in the elements right now. bob, you are in pleasanton. the good news is that this is supposed to be the final weekend closure for that stretch of roadway, right? correct. and barring any surprises, we don't suspect that there would be any. this will be the fourth and final closure of southbound 680. behind me. the brake lights are heading in the southbound direction here in pleasanton. this is between 580 always south of highway 84. we put this map together. we're going to throw it up on the screen for you so you can get a visual of what we are talking about. we are talking about a nine mile stretch of southbound 680, starting at the dublin interchange, all the way south to highway 84. as i mentioned, that's the connector to livermore, the onramps for southbound stoneridge drive, bernal avenue, sunol boulevard will be closed as well. the closure starts tonight at 9:00. so friday night at nine
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reopening by 4 a.m. monday morning in time for the morning commute. in this video, you might be able to see why this part of southbound 680 needs work. there are potholes and parts of the road are uneven and deteriorated now. this was originally scheduled for a couple of weekends ago, but was delayed because of the rain. the weather, caltrans says this repavement is an entire year ahead of schedule. if caltrans didn't shut down the road for the weekend, this work would require roughly 40 nighttime closures as we are removing deteriorated pavement and we're going to replace it with concrete, which is a durable material that will give us a smooth ride for decades. so that's the good news. we're all familiar with those potholes. i know everybody who drives that stretch is familiar with the condition of the road, so it will definitely be a smooth ride. on monday. so again, starting tonight, 9:00 southbound 680 dublin
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interchange 580 all the way south to highway 84 will be shut down for the entire weekend. this does not impact northbound 680, just the southbound direction. and of course, caltrans is asking you to avoid this area in the southbound direction this weekend reporting live here in pleasanton, bob redell today in the bay. all right. thank you, bob. and of course, the other big story are the work arounds. and we know there are two big ones. mike, you were telling me one is more popular and one is easier. yes. one is shorter and might be easier depending on the volume of traffic right now. so at present right here, southbound 680 is open. that's the section bob was showing you where the closure will be. let's take these maps to full so we can talk. these folks around this at home here. so starting tonight, as bob said around 9:00, but avoid it after 7 or 8 p.m. because crews are in the area southbound, 680 will be closed from 580 down to highway 84. and that is the same stretch as a few weeks ago. now the alternates for you, the yellow route is shorter, but it might
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be restricted because highway 84 coming out of livermore and pleasanton is a smaller roadway, so it could get more congested, but more popular. as chris was talking about 580 through dublin, the orange route over to castro valley, the castro valley, way down the nimitz. the nimitz will likely have much more traffic and maybe jammed at times from 238 all the way down to auto mall parkway, as it has as the alternate to southbound 680 again starting friday night and reopening, hopefully in time for most of the folks early morning commute on monday. but we start an earlier commute, so we would have to still avoid that until monday mid-morning. as we're looking at the rest of the bay, though right now again, that closure is not happening. there is another closure on highway 84, so we will watch that and a little sprinkles here and there. so we'll watch for that as well. marcus back over to you. all right. thank you mike. well happening today. memorial service for a fallen oakland police officer who died from injuries suffered in the line of duty. officer jordan wingate. crashed his patrol car in the summer of 2018 while responding to reports of suspicious activity at the port
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of oakland. he succumbed to his injuries last saturday at the age of 28. wingate was born in walnut creek. he started his public service career as an oakland police cadet in 2013. his memorial service will take place at 11 a.m. today at three crosses church in castro valley. the funeral procession to lafayette will follow today's service. we are hearing from a friend of the pleasanton family killed in a horrific crash, and it happens as we expect to learn more from pleasanton police later today. at this point, investigators have only told us that the family was in an electric car wednesday night when it veered off foothill road, just past stone ridge drive, and collided with a large oak tree before then catching fire. in the car were two parents and their two children, both under the age of 15. people stop by to lay down flowers and to mourn. one of them was hassan sheikh. she's he says he worked with the father at a tech company for about five years. hassan says the family lived nearby. it was very shocking. it
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was very shocking because it's something, you don't want to hear. plus you know, it's the entire family. a pleasanton unified school officials did not confirm whether the children attended their schools, but said that because children were involved in such an awful crash, it did check in with its students and its staff. well, a new surprise twist for one east bay school board rattled by bullying claims. first reported by our investigative unit, antioch school board last night was supposed to hold a closed door special meeting. this is a surrounding the future of its superintendent, who recently removed herself from overseeing the district's investigation onto an employee. bullying claims made against its director of faculty or facilities, i should say. now, maintenance as well as operations, kenneth turnage. now, last night's meeting turned into a community forum because only two of the five board members showed up. several employees have filed complaints, including a worker who claims that their desk was
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moved to the top of a roof as a form of public humiliation. the board president, now among those who believe that superintendent stephanie anello should resign, citing her and her husband's close relationship to turnage. her husband is antioch's former police chief. i was horrified at these things that our employees are going through. that's not the kind of school district that i want. that's not the kind of school district that our employees deserve. in response to our investigation, anello is calling for an independent investigation into the bullying claims. we did reach out to the three board members who did not attend last night. they did not respond, nor did anello, her husband or turnage. it is 541 now let's take a live look out at san francisco. we're seeing a little bit of the fog, maybe cloud cover there. the weather is getting warmer, though, it's coming soon and people will have a new option to get the most out of golden gate park. don't worry
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about buying your own roller skates or inline skates. anyone over the age of 13 will now be able to rent them starting tomorrow and on saturdays and sundays, people will be able to rent skates in that favorite spot in the park known as skating place. it is near sixth avenue on jfk promenade. it will cost $20 for the first hour and $5 for each hour after that. you do have to rent safety gear for kids, carry weekend, has the ideal roller skating weather. do you think? yeah, i think so. you can skate right on down to the end of golden gate park and enjoy the dutch king's day windmill festival tomorrow. so that's going to be going on with some free entertainment and activities to celebrate the dutch windmills. and we are going to see temperatures right at about 60 degrees. and then going into tomorrow afternoon, some breezy winds. yeah, definitely jacket weather, but at least we don't have to worry about rain. and it's going to be beautiful at the cherry blossom festival in cupertino tomorrow,
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starting out at 59 degrees and sunshine. and that sunny sky continues throughout the day as our highs head for the upper 60s. and we'll see upper 60s in sonoma valley as well as we get more sunshine throughout the weekend. so looks really great. mike. right now you have a standard slowdown in san jose. we do standard for monday through thursday. friday tends to be a lighter flow and a later build, but right now we have our first build and it looks pretty extensive as far as how far it goes from 280 all the way up to oakland road. now it looks like it's already starting to ease up, so it may just be folks trying to get out on the roadway a little bit earlier. there were a few drops here and there, but nothing major and nothing that will impede this. look ahead toward what is still scheduled for this weekend the closure starting tonight. we talked about southbound 680 from 580 into sunol to highway 84. yellow and orange options are there for you, just like they have been in previous weekends. and hopefully this is the last weekend closure there. but this is only the second weekend closure for highway 37 westbound. your alternate once again for the westbound direction is 29 to 12
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to 121. the weekend after, we'll start the eastbound directions and i'll talk about transit closures as well. coming up back to you. all right. looking forward to it. thanks, mike. an unbreakable bond formed by motherhood ahead on today in the bay, the story of two women who came together during their surrogacy journey. the message they have for anyone struggling with infertility. we have an update on the weapons to ukraine and the presidential immunity argument in the supreme court. and a reminder tonight, don't miss the start of a three game series. the giants host the pirates, and you can watch it live right here on nbc bay area. it's happening over at oracle park at 7 p.m. and right here on
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golden gate bridge, where you can see the roads are a little damp after some light showers moved through, and we'll see that for the next hour or two. temperatures only gradually warm up. today we're staying for the most part in the upper 50s here, and we'll take a look at our weekend forecast coming up. and we're looking at palo alto just down the road for carey. showed you the damp roadways. and yeah there's a little mist on the lens here to 101. the flow is not a problem on the peninsula. there's the build in the south bay. and we also have a build happening up at the bay bridge. we'll talk more about that coming up. president biden is waking up in new york city this morning after spending the day upstate, and he's going to campaign in queens today. and, of course, scott mcgrew, another former president in new york today. i know who you're talking
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about. yeah. good morning, donald trump, who goes back to court today to hear more from his former friend, the publisher of the national enquirer. we'll get to that in a second. as for biden, he was in syracuse to announce billions of dollars in grants for chip maker micron technologies to build a massive new chip fab there, paid for through the bipartisan chip bill . at least 9000 of which are construction jobs, 11,000 manufacturing jobs, tens of thousands more up and down the supply chain. and it includes 9000 permanent micron manufacturing jobs. now, former president trump's first criminal trial continues today with more cross-examination of the national enquirer's david pecker. yesterday, pecker said his newspaper paid to catch and kill karen mcdougal's story about an affair with trump. but trump never paid him back. so when the second woman, stormy daniels, came forward with her story, pecker wouldn't put up more money. and that's how trump's lawyer ended up paying. prosecutors say it was to the
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repayment to michael cohen was where the business records were forged. now, trump acknowledges the payments, but he says there were no affairs. there were also trump lawyers in the supreme court yesterday arguing that presidents should be immune from criminal charges. now, the same questions that came up in lower courts came up again. could a president order the assassination of a political opponent? could he sell nuclear secrets to a foreign country? and the answer was yes in certain cases, according to trump's lawyer. anyway, john sauer, because the way that sauer has set up his legal theory, he really can't answer otherwise. now just in, kagan pointed out the whole point of the american revolution was to fight between americans who thought it was all self-evident that all men were created equal and a king who thought he was above the law. justice jackson said. a president who could do anything would be dangerous if someone with those kinds of
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powers, the most powerful person in the world with the greatest amount of authority, could go into office knowing that there would be no potential penalty for committing crimes. i'm trying to understand what the disincentive is from turning the oval office into, you know, the seat of criminal activity in this country. we're hoping for a decision in the summer. defense secretary austin will announce the purchase plan for new weapons to ukraine today, including new patriot batteries, along with other weapons that will be built here in america. there are two types of weapons that go to ukraine. one come from the drawdown. those are weapons that can be loaded on planes immediately because they come from our warehouses. they're often weapons we don't use anymore, like cluster munitions being loaded here. we don't use them. the other manufacturers specifically for shipment to ukraine. and that's what austin will talk about today. either way, the new weapons or the replacement for
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weapons we already have are built in america. so when we say money for ukraine, chris, it's mostly spent here and it's always such an important reminder. thank you scott. well, april marks alcohol awareness month and one san francisco based company is working to help people build better relationships surrounding any drinking that they do. this is called sunny side, and the app helps to track people's alcohol consumption. the primary focus is to help people be mindful about how much they're drinking, the company says its members have reduced their drinking by 32% in their first 30 days. we're providing a path for people who maybe aren't interested in the idea of kind of quitting entirely, or for whom alcohol is kind of a positive part of their lives, but maybe is a little bit out of balance with their overall health goals. and we believe that by kind of providing this type of alternative, we can get millions more people working on drinking as a component of their proactive wellness routines and really help them to improve their lives. now, the app also
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helps uses texting to help people discreetly track their drinks while out and about in social situations as well. after a long journey of battling infertility, a picture perfect ending for an intended mother and the surrogate who fulfilled her family dreams today in the bay's ginger conejero, saab joins us with their story as we bring attention to national infertility week. you too. hi. hi. an unexpected instant connection and a lifelong bond that began from ties to this popular food blog. one night i was just scrolling through instagram stories and up popped a story she had posted just seeking out anyone who may be interested in helping her friend. kate gobbi has been a long time friend of mine, and also somebody who has had her own infertility struggles, so it's something she and i always bonded over. my husband was there and he encouraged me to reply to the story. i was very blown away by, the amount of people that did reply from jen's first reply, which came from california to meeting kate, who
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lives in new york. things seemed to quickly fall in place. kate was hopeful and optimistic, but knew all too well how difficult it was to even get to this point. it was ten years from when i initially wrote i think i froze eggs at the age of 34 or 35, with the intention of kind of putting aside that insurance policy, and i really went through a lot to get here. and it was i multiple tries of my own, multiple miscarriages, multiple different diagnoses, and also a lot of, sort of unexplained diagnoses. that's when jarrett zaffran and brownstone surrogacy came into the picture. there are many more parents turning to surrogacy to build their family than there are qualified surrogates. the screenings from both parties are extensive, particularly for the surrogate and even when there is a match of an intended mother and a surrogate, many possible scenarios still need to be addressed. we want to make sure that the parties are truly
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aligned on all sorts of topics from, medical decisions to abortion to compensation, to, lifestyle preferences and labor and delivery scenarios. but when the stars do align, as they did for jen and kate, gratitude takes over. there's not enough ways to thank somebody for having a baby for you. and i went into this process, you know, hoping to help someone else grow a family. and, i'm grateful that i had that opportunity. but what actually came out of it was that, you know, we now have extended family more than a year since jen replied to that instagram story. this picture perfect moment, the fact that there's that many more people to like, love my baby is wild ginger conejero saab today in the bay. well, infertility is an issue facing many families across the country, and although 1 in 6 couples struggle to get pregnant, it's the women's reproductive health that is
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typically talked about. but coming up for you, this morning on today, they're lifting the veil on male infertility. so tune in this morning to meet the two couples who are sharing their stories on how male infertility affect their ability to conceive, and the important lesson men want other couples to hear. that is coming up at 7:00 this morning after today in the bay, and now we want to take a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. and never is the forecast more critical than on a friday. yes i know right. and we're starting out with a lot of clouds. and every now and then we feel some dampness coming from those clouds. that's the mist and drizzle, even some light rain. and our forecast today starts to clear things out. by this afternoon. temperatures from san jose to san martin will be in the mid 60s and 64. milpitas today. and we're also going to see increasing sunshine, but also increasing winds. those winds gusting 30 to 40, possibly 45mph in san francisco today. and then gradually relaxing
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tonight. but it does show that we will see a lot of clouds and also the possibility of some light rain. not a lot of rain here. up to a 10th of an inch for the tri-valley. other areas may not see much at all, and then the rest of the forecast is dry with temperatures warming up. we'll head for the mid 70s for the weekend and we'll see the peak of those temperatures on tuesday up to about 79. mike, how's it looking in the south bay? you know what? things were pretty crowded here. a little more congested than we expected on a friday. but that was a brief period of time. and now things northbound are starting to ease. ease up and get back toward the green zone for san jose. little blips here and there show over in the tri valley. you might have some damp roads. as carrie was talking about, and we know we're going to get the backup at the bay bridge even on a friday. so there you go. nothing dramatic. here's a note starting today, we'll continuing today, i guess for vta, the orange line is impacted with a bus bridge for part of its light rail rehab. we continue to have the closure or the suspension of the sausalito san francisco ferry service, and a couple of areas for the bart
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line will be out of service this weekend with a bus bridge. check their website. back to you. thanks, mike. well, happening now in east bay animal shelter needs your help to find forever homes. the oakland animal services has more than 130 adoptable dogs that shelter over capacity right now, and it's really looking for some support. oakland animal services is offering reduced adoption fees right now, and you can actually go to their website to find the adoption hours as well as the animals that need that forever home. well, it is a busy morning here on today in the bay and we are following breaking news out of san francisco, where dozens of firefighter are at the scene of a fire. they are trying to get under control. we'll take you live to the scene for an update on the investigation that is just getting uerway. keep it rndig
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or you can cool your home without unnecessarily heating the planet. consumer investigator chris komor is empowering us to be climate warriors with a little ac, diy. air conditioners are notoriously hungry for energy. in fact, pg and e estimates they account


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