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tv   Today  NBC  April 26, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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is a factor. this one. not not this weekend. hopefully it actually gets repaved. okay, that's part of your route i know. yeah. so we're going to see temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s for the weekend. actually it won't get repaved. it's going to get resurfaced. so instead of pavement there will be concrete. so that should be better. but we'll see. there's your alternate to southbound 680. and remember we still have that closure for westbound 37 as well. your alternate in orange up and over. so carrie is going to be even smoother than usual. absolutely the today show is just ahead. we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other platforms starting at 9 or 8. i should say a pay gap for women in technology. we're talking about that. plus, scott mcgrew breaks down all the business and tech for the day. donald trump's fate before the highest court in the land. >> with a question for the ages. can he or any president be prosecuted for their actions? it's april 26th.
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this is "today." high stakes. the supreme court hears arguments over donald trump's claim that presidents should be immune from criminal charges. the justice us divided. >> presidents have to make a lot of tough decisions. >> i'm trying to understand what the disincentive is from turning the oval office into a, you know, the seat of criminal activity in this country. >> the federal election before november. but, in new york, it is full speed ahead in trump's hush money trial, the latest this morning. missing spring. millions of americans waking up to freeze or frost alerts this interference case now hanging in the balance, looking much less likely to go to trial before november. but in new york, it is full speed ahead in trump's hush money trial, the latest this morning. missing spring. millions of americans waking up to freeze or frost alerts this morning with unseasonably chilly temperatures across the northeast. and in the midwest, potential hail, high winds and tornadoes as we head into the weekend. al is tracking it all. campus chaos. pro-palestinian chaos leading to more arrests overnight and
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dramatic measures on college campuses including graduation canceled at usc. can others be next? >> even if they have to cancel every single commencement, that's up to them. >> we will have the latest. harvey weinstein's 2020 rape conviction overturned. his accusers outraged. >> this is an act of institutional betrayal. >> will there be another trial? will the disgraced movie mogul walk free? we'll go inside the case. plus, breakdown behind the wheel. gisele bündchen pulled over by police. that emotional exchange straight ahead. plus, all about the qb. >> caleb williams. jayden daniels.
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drake maye. j.j. mccarthy. >> a record-breaking six quarterbacks taken in the first round of the nfl draft as dreamed come true for players and fans and commissioners alike. today, friday, april 26, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." we got there. it's friday morning, and it feels very, very good. >> how about those bear hugs? six quarterbacks. it was their night. always exciting. we'll have more on that in just a bit. >> dreams coming true. but we begin this morning with those two court cases taking place at the supreme court in washington at the manhattan criminal courthouse here in new york. first, whether former president trump should be immune from criminal prosecution in his federal election interference case.
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the court indicating yesterday any interference trial is unlikely to take place before the election in november. the hush money trial continues no new york with a key witness for the prosecution expected to take the stand again for the fourth day of questioning. laura jarett is here with the latest on all of this. good morning. we don't know exactly how the court will rule when it comes to mr. trump's case in washington or even when. one thing the justices are in total agreement on, how they answer this question, whether the former president is immune from prosecution or not has enormous implications. as one justice said thursday, we are writing a rule for the ages. this morning the criminal case against donald trump for trying to reverse the last election on the rocks. the government aiming to show mr. trump cannot be immune for federal charges for his actions leading up to january 6th simply because he was still president at the time. the conservative justices skeptical justices don't need
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some protection. >> he's subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else. >> but, still, the justices were mostly unpersuaded that mr. trump should be completely immune. >> i'm trying to understand what the disincentive is from turning the oval office into, you know, the seat of criminal activity in >> reporter: pressing his lawyer. >> if the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person, and he orders th this country. >> pressing his lawyer. >> if the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity. >> it could depend on the hypothetical. >> jack smith brought conspiracy and obstruction charges against mr. trump last year, but the
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case has been dogged down in appeals, telling the justices that the former president's actions would lead to dark consequences. >> his novel theory would immunize presidents for bribery, treason, sedition, murder and here conspireing to use fraud to overturn the results of an election. >> the ultimate result in the case likely turning on the line between actions taken for personal gain and a president's official duties. >> if you don't have immunity, you are not going to do anything. you are going to become a ceremonial president. you are not going to take any of the risks, both good and bad. >> none of this stopping mr. trump's current trial in manhattan. tabloid mogul david pecker expected back on the stand today after telling the jury thursday how his company purchased the story of karen mcdougal. another woman that alleged an affair with mr. trump before the election, admitting i wanted to protect my company, i wanted to
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protect myself and i wanted also to protect donald trump. pecker testifying that while in the white house, mr. trump asked him about mcdougal, saying, quote, how's our girl, to which pecker replayed, she was quiet. >> listening to the argument yesterday, the justices of every ideological stripe didn't see all that interested or persuaded by what trump is arguing in his particular case, that he should be totally immune. >> that's right. but they're very concerned about what their ruling here means for the future. >> yeah. they're worried the political rivaling will keep coming after each other. they think there should be some limited immunity. the question is who will draw those lines? how will you decide that? the reality is it means the case is likely headed back down to the trial court. that's a win for him strategically because it means a delay and it cannot possibly go to trial before november.
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>> in essence, it's a win if this goes after the election for those hoping that somehow a criminal conviction might affect his political fortunes. >> yes. he wins the long-term war, which is to delay, even if he loses this short-term battle in front of the supreme court. >> meanwhile, the hush money trial continues. that is a state case about conduct that precedes his name in office. so that goes forward. >> all this compelling testimony that we've heard from pecker, i think people are finding juicy. but, remember, the actual crime is about falsifying business records. i think on cross-examination today, you will see the defense team try to play that out. >> all right. we'll see how it develops, laura. thank you very much. let's move to the volatile scenes playing out over the israel hamas war. with tensions rising and graduation just days away, some schools are taking major steps, even canceling ceremonies and
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celebrations. emilie ikeda is outside columbia university with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: hey there, hoda. good morning to you. there are more than 40 protest encampments set up. security ramping up controls. i can tell you you have to have a student id to even gain access to the campus as tensions flair over the israel-hamas war and, remember, with graduation fast approaching. from new york to california and illinois to d.c., demonstrations over the violence in the middle east are spreading across more college campuses just ahead of graduation as tensions flair and arrests soar into the hundreds. at emory university, heavily armed officers deployed pepper balls to break up protesters who place say threw bottles, even tasing one person resisting arrest. faculty members joining the
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protests. >> call the office and tell him i'm been arrested. >> reporter: more confrontations at ohio state. after chaotic clashes at the university of southern california, the school canceling its main commencement ceremony just two weeks away. >> i don't understand. specifically, why are we afraid? >> reporter: the university says it won't have time to process the estimated 65,000 guests with its new safety measures in place. the unprecedented move comes after usc already nixed the graduation speech of its pro palestinian valedictorian due to safety commencements. but what protesters are defending as free speech, some jewish students call hate speech. >> freedom of speech is very important and i'm for that. but there is a point where the university itself has a duty to protect all of its students,
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including the jewish ones. >> reporter: and overnight, columbia university ramping up security as counter protests from outside groups marched near campus. demonstrators clashing on campus. the clock is ticking on negotiations with students on site of the encampment. but with no clear deadline from the university. >> i'm absolutely worried. i think it will change the university forever.ens at the us in the nypd, it's going to change the university forever. >> reporter: and it does appear columbia university is still preparing to hold its graduation scheduled to happen in less than three weeks, walking around campus you'll see stacks of chairs, signs, bleachers, but many of the students i talked to are doubtful it will actually happen. a sore point for some, part of a class that graduated high school four years ago in 2020, that also cancelled by the pandemic. >> all right, emilie ikeda at
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columbia, thank you. turning to severe spring storms putting nearly 20 million americans at ris million americans at risk for possible hail, tornadoes and high winds this morning. al is tracking it all. what happened to spring? >> this is a very spring-like situation unfortunately. we are watching this area of showers. 18 million people at risk for especially strong storms. tornadoes possible and a wide area of possible tennis ball sized hail from omaha all the way down to dallas. we move into tonight, on to tomorrow. system rolls into the plains. also heavy snow developing in the rockies as well. we've got a risk, enhanced risk for golf ball sized hail, damaging winds. again, strong tornadoes. tomorrow will probably be the worst day of this. we haven't seen an ef-5 tornado in about 11 years, and we could see one tomorrow in this area. plus, we've got two-inch hail at risk from ames, iowa, all the way down to dallas. then we move into sunday.
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relentless storms continue over the plains. strong storms from des moines all the way down to dallas, but all the way to chicago. tulsa, oklahoma down to wichita falls and north of dallas. 2 to 3 inches per hour. some of these totals could reach 4 to 5 inches or more. back through the rockies, we're talking about up to two feet of snow as well. >> al, thank you. we will check back in a minute with the full forecast. turning now to a stunning decision that caught a lot of people off guard yesterday. new york's highest court throwing out former hollywood mogul harvey weinstein's 2020 rape conviction. the court finding serious flaws in his trial, which, of course, was a milestone in the me too movement. kate snow is here with more on the reasons behind that ruling and how it could have an impact.
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>> the fact that the justices on new york's court of appeals were split 4-3 on this division tells you they were divided. but they say its division was grounded on bedrock principals of evidence. for years, weinstein's attorneys argued the trial court should not have let women testify who weren't directly involved in the charges at hand. the appeals court essentially agreed and said the only remedy now would be a new trial. for the more than 100 accusers of harvey weinstein, the new york appeals court decision to overturn his conviction hit hard. >> my first reaction was a total visceral one. my hands were shaking so much. >> reporter: actor ashley judd speaking out. >> this is an act of institutional betrayal. >> reporter: weinstein was charged with crimes in new york of three women and convicted in 2020 of rape and sexual assault. that trial also included
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testimony from three other women that made allegations that never led to charges. a majority of the court of appeals concluding the trial court made egregious errors. dawn was one of the three other women. she says she doesn't regret testifying. i'm a stronger person for having done so. i urged the district attorney to retry this case. >> and on your left. >> reporter: weinstein was once at the top of hollywood.s arres 20 in 2017 "the new york times" uncovered decades of allegations involving sexual misconduct. when he was arrested back in 2018, savannah sat down with oscar-winning actress mira sorvino. >> how does that feel? >> it's him finally facing real, real consequences for his criminal behavior. so for that, i feel gratified. >> it was the start of the #metoo movement. now worried this is a major setback. >> i worry that sets a precedent, but we will keep
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fighting. >> reporter: weinstein's attorneys applauded the decision. >> you can't throw out 100 years of legal precedence because someone is unpopular. >> all right. so what's next in this case? >> so the manhattan district attorney said they will do everything in their power to retry this case. he remains right now in a prison in up state new york. he will be moved, weinstein, somewhere closer to new york city so he could have access to his attorneys. don't forget that he also has a case going on in california. he was convicted of rape there and sentenced to 16 years in california. his attorney in l.a. says the new york decision will have significant impact on his appeal in california. >> which is interesting. i think more as a practical
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matter. they're making some of the same types of arguments in california. although, in that case, california law, different court, different judges. >> right. but his attorney in l.a. definitely thinks what happened in new york is going to have a bearing on what happens in california because they may argue it was the same kind of situation where other people were brought in to talk about prior situations, and that might not hold. >> yeah. >> all right. thank you, kate. >> craig joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. investigators in southern california are trying to figure out what started a massive fire at a historic pier for the city of oceanside. it started yesterday. this was the scene just after 3:00 in the afternoon. a huge plume of quick gray smoke quickly filled the air. firefighters battling those claims from the ground. thankfully no reports of injuries in california. at this point, there is still no word on what may have sparked that blaze. playoffs, and what a night for philadelphia's joel embiid, scoring a playoff career high 50 points against the knicks.
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>> maxey against hart. embiid splash! >> yeah. the sixers go on to win it. new york still leads the series. game four on sunday. >> the denver nuggets take a commanding three-game lead now after beating the lakers 112-105. nuggets can close out that series tomorrow night. it's do or die time. >> i felt some cheering. i felt a little extra. >> you know what, i just follow my husband and their 7-year-old. they're into nba. that's his man, so i'm excited. >> the nuggets have owned the lakers. they beat them at least ten straight times now. >> it's crazy. 7:17. mr. roker, what do you got cooking? >> now that sports center is done, let's take a look. a brisk start to the day. nice and warm down through the gulf. severe storms in the mid-plains and mountain snows out west with some sunshine in southern california. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and that is your latest and that is your latest guys? >> all right, al. thank you. coming up, a moment of real vulnerability for supermodel gisele bündchen. sam brock with what we know. >> reporter: that's right. we don't know exactly why she was pulled over, but she does tell the police officer she was trying to escape paparazzi. what happens next is revelatory about what she deals with on a daily basis. that video coming up next. >> sam, thank you. plus, top college athletes living out their wildest dreams during the first round of the nfl draft with a record number of quarterbacks being chosen in the first round. we have a front row seat to all the action, including the fashion. but, first, this is "today" on
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just ahead on a friday, craig, you have an incredible story of a track star kind of hiding in plain sight.
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>> yes. he was working at a walmart deli counter at night trying to get to the olympics. now he's a favorite to head to paris. we will have the story and a surprise about this amazing young man after your local news. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go,
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when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. i'm chris sanchez and we continue to follow breaking news in san francisco, where flames ripped through a four level
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apartment building today in the bay's ginger conejero saab is live near the scene near presidio heights. ginger, do we know anything more about the fire? well, chris, the smoke has cleared at this point. firefighters have contained the bulk of the two alarm fire in that building here in presidio heights. firefighters still working on possible hot spots and void spaces of the four story building to make sure that things won't turn into something of more concern. the first calls came in before 430, and crews arrived on scene already immediately challenged by the weather. that wind and mist this morning, heavy smoke and poor visibility on the street. we're told the smoke carried all the way to other neighborhoods. the fire department getting call as far as a tenderloin. investigators are still looking into the exact cause of this fire, but no injuries have been reported. thank you. ginger. we'll take a look at our forecast now. meteorologist kari hall looking lovely for later
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this afternoon. yeah, it does look better later today. we are starting out with some clouds, some light showers, and our temperatures today a little bit cooler than normal in the upper 60s. but we are going to see it warming up over the next few days. and that warming trend continues through tuesday with sunshine in the forecast and in san francisco partly to mostly cloudy, breezy winds and upper 60s for the weekend. chris. all right. thank you, carrie. we have more local news coming up for you in just a half hour. hope you can join us.
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♪♪ back now at 7:30.
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with that moment from the beloved children's cartoon "bluey" has a lot of grownups weeping. how ryan reynolds is playing off that emotional scene in a commercial for zillow. i'm dying to see that episode. right here at fao schwartz, they have the bluey. >> i love how we just turned bluey into a commercial for zillow and us. she broke down in a moment of vulnerability. >> supermodel gisele bündchen is seen on body camera video being approached by the police department after explaining her situation, she becomes emotional. nbc's sam brock has more. >> reporter: good morning. the surfside police department hasn't filed a report, so it is not clear exactly why gisele was
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pulled over. she tells the police officer she was trying to escape paparazzi. she starts to break down, telling him, i just want to live my life. >> why are you crying? >> reporter: on a surfside street, an emotional window into celebrity gisele bündchen's struggle with paparazzi. an officer approaches an suv only to hear this. moments later, she appears on video explaining her driving. >> i will give you a pass today. there is nothing i can do about that. >> reporter: then the emotional dam appears to burst. >> i just want to live my life. >> i can't prevent them from doing their job, which is to
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take pictures. >> reporter: a world famous supermodel, ex-wife of legendary quarterback tom brady with whom she has two children hasn't spoken frequently about the strains of celebrity and paparazzi hounding her. >> i just don't think it's very respectful for people to follow people. and i don't understand how that's right. >> reporter: bündchen and brady purchased properties in l.a. and tampa when brady played for the bucs. gisele recently telling a magazine. >> i just moved to florida a year and a half ago. it feels like brazil. i love how warm people her. >> reporter: her miami ranch a fresh start. she told "people" magazine about the attraction. i love the sunshine. wherever the sun is i feel the
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happiest, adding, she feeds off the energy. but this morning, she's fending for herself. >> they're stalking me. >> reporter: it was coming from miami beach. >> i feel badly for here. so what about the paparazzi, sam? are authorities looking into them? >> reporter: sure. so, hoda, first of all, you heard the police officer mention miami beach. we have reached out to the miami beach police department. they are looking into whether or not a report was actually filed there. as for protections against paparazzi, there just aren't many. since 1998 the state of florida passed several laws doing so, including making reckless driving a misdemeanor, constructive invasion of privacy laws also passed. but that's one state, hoda, and that's not florida. back to you. >> sam, thank you. >> i feel for you. can you imagine? >> i can, actually. every time you go out, she's got her kids. i got it. coming up, we have been shining a light on the future of fertility all week. this morning a piece of that
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puzzle that's rarely talked about. we will hear from men sharing their struggles in hopes of helping others. first, though, some very talented athletes celebrated in detroit after being chosen in the first round of the nfl draft and our kaylee hartung had a front row seat. >> hey, guys. it was a record-breaking night here in detroit. not only for the incredible crowd that filled downtown detroit, but also for the number of offensive stars that came flying off the board. coming up, we will recap the biggest moments of a night that 32 young men and a whole lot of football fans will remember for the rest of their lives. stay with us. let's just say a little bird told me... hey lady, did you hear the news? it was judy, wasn't it? she told you!
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good job. save 20% on your first pharmacy order and get it delivered right on time. we're back. 7:39. carson daley is here. it was a big night. football's newest stars getting their first moments in the national spotlight. >> nbc's kaylee hartung spoke to the top prospects moments after those dreams became reality. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. it really is one of the best nights in all of sports. you can feel the heightened emotions of it all here in the draft theater of detroit. the draft headline? offensive stars. those guys went flying off the board, a record.
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and that included six quarterbacks who nfl franchises are betting their futures on. in detroit, it was a spectacle, pageantry and celebration. and when the show began, it was just as expected. >> with the first pick in the 2024 nfl draft, the chicago bears select caleb williams, quarterback, southern california. >> caleb williams fulfilling a dream he had been working towards since he was 12 years old. why are you the right player to change the fate of chicago? >> because i care. i care about the community. i care about the fans. i care about winning games. >> from one heisman winner to the next. >> the washington commanders select jayden daniels, quarterback, lsu. >> how confident were you that you'd be their pick? >> i was pretty confident. we got to get to work. you know, washington gonna get everything out of me.
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>> and then -- >> drake maye, quarterback. north carolina. >> let's go. i'm ready. i'm ready to go compete. >> in a sport where almost nothing is uncertain, the first three picks went chalk. >> with the eighth pick in the 2024 nfl draft, the atlanta falcons select michael penix jr. >> wow, there it is. wow! >> and at pick 10. >> the minnesota vikings select j.j. mccarthy, quarterback michigan. >> and then again at 12. >> the denver broncos select bo nix. >> there it is. >> wow! >> quarterback, oregon. >> the most quarterbacks ever selected that early in the draft. >> six quarterbacks in the first dozen picks! >> and a playful show of force on stage with the commissioner, recovering from back surgery. >> somebody bring some ibuprofen to the commissioner's green room. >> the commissioner confirmed he
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is okay. >> got to keep up tradition. >> a little bit of flair. a little bit of flash. that's my style. >> i went with a double breasted zip-up. >> this is my louis vuitton suit. >> with style and substance. >> i need you to open up the inside of my jacket and tell me what it represents in this moment. >> all the memories in here is the reason i'm here today. >> in front of a record-breaking crowd, lions fans giving a roaring welcome to their new star. >> do you want to introduce yourself to the city of detroit? >> i'm home, man. i'm home! >> all 13 prospects got their moment with the commissioner on stage. but, man, guys, it would have been hard to script a moment better than the lions trading up to get arnold late in the first round in front of this hometown crowd. we thought the place went wild when eminem took the stage to kick things off. but they love their football.
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>> you looked great, by the way, last night. >> you are our number one draft pick. you're incredible. >> thank you, guys. >> awe, i love you guys. >> thank you. >> she was right there. >> by the way, she owned that. >> oh yeah. yeah. yeah, she crushed it. >> i was enjoying it. >> michael penix jr. going so early was the moment at draft. the raiders were eyeing him at 13. it is interesting to watch this because we don't know how it will play out. it is fun to see the families are excited. the student athletes are dressed up, and it is the beginning of a long career hopefully for a lot of them. >> i like the fashions, too. >> me, too. they looked good. >> it seemed to be tamed down this year. >> it is cool, though. they had pictures inside of their families. >> speaking of fashion, mr. roker joins us. >> good to see everybody. >> what did you get drafted in, al? >> well, we were still in leather helmets.
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it was great. we had the shoulder pads on the outside. it was a great time. i remember talking to knute rockne. anyway. you're all going, who? >> 46 million people, again, this is the last chilly morning from boston, grand rapids, columbus, temperatures 10 to 15 degrees below out west. 83 in oklahoma city. birmingham pretty nice and warm. boston a little cooler than average. baltimore only 66 degrees today. again, one more day of chilly conditions here in the northeast tomorrow. but the warmth is going to be making its way west -- or east i should say. chicago tomorrow 81 degrees. 84 in little rock. 83 in huntsville. new york city, are you guys ready for some 80s? monday i think we will get above 80. in washington, d.c. upper 80s. raleigh in the upper 80s. and nice and warm in cincinnati. you will have your chilly three-way and not even heat up the stove. nashville look for temperatures
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into the low 80s0s as well. mr. melvin questioning the chilly in cincinnati. skyline chili. how do you have your chili. on top of spaghetti and the toppings there. >> we want to hear about knute rockne. >> thank you. >> thank you, al. >> you're welcome. guys, coming up, how to avoid the most common spring cleaning mistakes. like that moldy shower curtain,
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people just toss it out. well, our expert says it is easy to clean. we have some viral hacks to make your home sparkly again. >> but, first, a hilarious gender reveal that was confusing on purpose. we will explain after this. gende i vewould describe my mom as... incredibly nurturing and encouraging. honest! truly my rock. she's hilarious. —cheeky. —cheeky? yeah, you think you're funny. i am funny. she really truly makes me feel loved. i love that they're true romantics, in spite of it all. (giggles) the most authentic and real person in the world. thanks, dyl. yeah! i am who i am because she is who she is. diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds.
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breathing claritin clear is like... is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. live claritin clear® i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) (man) excuse me, and a new fiber would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies.
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a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. you know those mornings when it takes just a little bit extra to get you out of bed? this might be it. wake up to the goodness of jimmy dean. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function
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so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good.
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we are back with a friday boost. >> here we go. it is a gender reveal like you have never seen before. a family in l.a. came up with a fun way to tell their family whether they were expecting a boy or girl. if the drink was blue, it was a boy. if it was pink, it was a girl. like any cocktail, there was a twist. take a look. a
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twist. take a look. >> three, two, >> three, two, one, pour! >> what the hell? hell? what the hell? >> that's right. you see the pink. the couple is having twins. family members could not believe it. dad, john, comes from multiple generations of twins, so nothing new for that family. >> what a gender reveal. a nice little cocktails. cheers to celebrate the moment. that's good. >> let's go to popstart. we have an exciting morning. taylor swift is hinting at some changes coming possibly to the eras tour. we'll tell you what we know about that and a whole lot more on "popstart" after your local news. my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!!
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why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. [♪♪] how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. finally yasso! a ridiculously creamy, crunchy, chocolatey-dipped ice cream-like experience with 25% fewer calories* and made with greek yogurt. so thanks for everything ice cream, we'll take it from here. yasso. love it or it's free. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time.
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( ♪♪ ) (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat! ♪ wipe ♪ ♪ wipe ♪
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[sniffs] ♪ wipe it ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ wipe ♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision,
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cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. and i'm marcus washington. and here's a look at what's happening now on bob redell in pleasanton. later tonight, southbound 680 behind me will be shut down starting at 9:00 tonight until 4:00 monday morning. we're talking about a
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nine mile stretch from the dublin interchange. all the way south to highway 84. this is so caltrans can repave the road, which has been filled with potholes, uneven pavement and just overall deteriorating conditions. let's take a look at that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. and we have do we do have a nice weekend ahead. and temperatures are a little bit on the cool side today. but warming up for the weekend for this time of year. we'll see highs in the mid 70s. and we'll head for the upper 70s through early next week. mostly sunny skies in the forecast, while san francisco will have some gusty winds and cool weather today it will be just a touch warmer for the rest of the weekend and we will see highs in the upper 60s with sunshine through the beginning of next week. chris and marcus. all right, thanks so much, carrie. and don't forget, watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast coming up for you at 8:00 this morning. we're going to talk to a leading expert on the reason behind the continued pay gap for women who work in technology. you can watch that on roku, amazon fire
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tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including from our app
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coming up in session. the supreme court hears arguments about whether former president trump should be immune from prosecution as the hush
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money trial continues in new york. we'll break it all down with what you need to know. and male infertility. >> i was 100% sure i didn't have a problem. >> a look at the side of the process that's not often talked about. >> just goes back to that cultural bias that this is clearly a female issue or problem. >> we'll talk to two couples about their journeys and the steps they took towards starting a family. then out of and running. meet the deli worker overcoming hurdles. >> what drives you? >> at the end of the day, my name is attached to what i'm doing. yes, i'm working at walmart, but it still represents me. >> how he became the fastest man and the surprise we have. the changes to the eras tour. taylo
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taylor swift. >> and so long slim shady. >> >> who killed slim shady? >> it's all coming up on arkan. >> today i'm turning 60. >> good morning to our april 26, 2024. >> on a sisters' trip. >> from little rock, arkansas. >> today i'm turning 60. >> good morning to our grandkids! >> on our senior trip in toronto. >> today is our 27th wedding anniversary. ♪ >> from greensboro, north carolina. >> marco island, florida. >> and minnesota. >> to "the today show". >> here to meet savannah and hoda on my 10th birthday trip! oh, a lot of girls' trips. welcome back to "today." it is a good one out there. the pun is peeking out. lots of smiles on the plaza. >> lots of birthdays out. we will get out and celebrate with all of you guys. take a look at this, though.
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the stars are shining bright next week. right here in studio 1a, we have anne hathaway, see lee that hav gomez. >> chrissy teigen. john legend will be here and kate hudson. that's all next week. >> kate is going to sing. >> she's what? >> i think. am i making that up? i'm pretty. let' no, i'm pretty sure she will sing. busy morning. let's get to your news at 8:00. the supreme court hearing on arguments over trump's claim that presidents should be immune from criminal charges. here in manhattan, a key witness back on the stand in trump's hush money trial. our senior legal correspondent laura jarrett is here to break it down. laura, good morning. >> hey, guys. good morning. the criminal case against donald
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trump for plotting to overturn the 2020 election appears headed for another setback. after nearly three hours of argument at the supreme court, most justices appearing skeptical that mr. trump should be completely immune for federal charges or acts he took while still in the white house. though, some conservatives seem to struggle with the idea that no immunity exists for the president at all, arguing it could lead to political rivaling coming after one another. it seems likely they will send it back to the lower court, which will help mr. trump's strategy of ensuring that case does not get to a jury before the november election. but meanwhile, the case that is in front of a jury here in manhattan, david pecker back on the witness stand. he's the former publisher of the "national enquirer." he's been painting a vivid story of how he helped to cover up damaging stories that could hurt mr. trump's 2016 election
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chances. trump's lawyers now likely to allege that he can't speak to the crimes that has been alleged. prosecutors saying the former president falsified his business records, which of course he denied. >> laura, thank you. a programming note. this week on "meet the press," kristin sits down with mitch mcconnell, tim kane and ruby bridges. it is all coming up this sunday on "meet the press.." let's move on now to the rising tensions on college campuses. protests over the war in gaza growing overnight, leaving one university to cancel its graduation ceremony. emilie ikeda is outside columbia university with the latest this morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. overnight, we saw more arrests, a number that soared into the hundreds in recent days as demonstrations continue to spread across more college campuses. there have been more than 40 protest encampments directed at schools since the one here at columbia university. at times those clashes between
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protesters and police have turned volatile. at emory university, police use a major decision, making the shocking decision to cancel its main commencement ceremony. they made that decision because it wouldn't be able to handle the 65,000 guests with security measures in place. now many people are wondering, students and families alike, if other schools will follow suit with graduation season set to ramp up in the next several weeks. here at columbia university, security had been ramped up overnight because of clashing protests. it seems like these efforts, there are no signs of them slowing as negotiations continue between the university and students, hoda. >> all right. emilie ikeda for us there. thank you. a huge settlement has been reached in a privacy case involving those ring security cameras. the federal trade commission is
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sending more than $5.6 million in new funds to consumers as part of a settlement with the amazon-owned company. the agency says ring allegedly used customer's private video footage to train algorithms without their consent. the company was also charged with implementing key security measures which enabled hackers to take control of accounts, cameras and videos. the next time you fly on southwest airlines, the boarding process could look different. the airline is considering changes. southwest, of course, is well known and loved for its first come first seated boarding policy. but the airline is looking to drive up revenue. and for the first time is weighing a more traditional seating model. no final decision has been announced yet. if you are wondering, don't worry, southwest has checked bags.
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and a little pretzel packet. >> got to have that, yeah. coming up, slim shady is back, back again. well, kind of. eminem's big announcement. first, a young man that went from a walmart deli worker to a track store basically overnight. >> basically overnight. his remarkable story. and then we have a special surprise for him right after these messages. across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta.
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find savings and support at (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours, and watch it all on the new galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent.
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(♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. ♪♪ ♪♪ bring color to life with the very best paint, only at sherwin williams. ♪♪
8:11 am
since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. we are back. 8:10. savannah left a little early today to get her weekend started. but we have our countdown to paris ahead of the summer olympics. craig caught up with this guy who is a surprise qualifier in the 60 meter hurdles. you love this guy, don't you? >> surprised indeed. quite the surprise. when he left his regular night shift at the walmart deli in february, his coworkers had no idea he was headed out to run the race of his life. in fact, they didn't even know dylan was a track star. now the 25-year-old may go from the deli line to the starting line at the 2024 paris olympics. when hurdler dylan beard showed up at the games in february, he was not expected to win. >> where are you? >> i'm so the right.
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>> you're not even on the screen! and as he blew passed the competition. >> go! go! >> the announcer didn't even seem to know his name. >> is that dylan beard? >> oh, but they know it now. >> indeed he is now confirmed. >> when the flower girl approaches you, you looked a little confused. >> yeah. >> you were like, are these flowers for me? >> yeah. flowers are for the winners. i'm still looking for the time. not knowing the results or anything. >> this 25-year-old has been running over hurdles since he was a teenager in baltimore,
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maryland. his high school hallway is still filled with his unbroken records. >> did you feel the same way that you usually feel before a meet, or did you feel any different? >> i think i went in a lot more relaxed like nothing to lose, a lot to gain. >> what he gained was everything. dylan didn't just win the race. he broke records and became the third fastest hurdler in the world, punching his ticket to the u.s. track and field trials in june. >> what did you do like after this? >> flew home. and the next day i was back to weight training, back to practicing, back to work. >> here is my favorite part of your story. you have been training. you have been grinding for years. but you have a full-time job. you work at walmart. >> yes, i do. i work in the deli section of walmart has an associate. >> dylan is what they call an unsponsored athlete. his dream is funded only by his own sheer grit and his weekly paycheck. >> set. >> by day, he trains tirelessly
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at north carolina state university in raleigh, north carolina. his coach says dylan is unlike any athlete he's ever worked with. >> his work ethic is very much unmatched. and his character speaks very highly of the man who he is. >> and by night, he's behind the counter at walmart slicing deli meat. >> small or large? >> small. >> and waiting on customers. >> thank you and have a great day. >> you too. thanks. >> what's up, bro? >> his manager david davis tells us dylan is one of the most dependable employees they've ever had. >> his work ethic is next level. he provides excellent customer service all the time. he goes above and beyond, just as he does on the track. >> just a as he did throughout his education, dylan completed his masters degree in public health at howard university which he hopes to use counseling public youth. we saw you doing training and working at walmart as well. it seems as if you take both of them equally serious.
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>> oh, absolutely. >> what drives you? >> at the end of the day, my name is attached to what i'm doing. so i'm working at walmart at the deli, but it still represents me, which represents other people. >> we saw who he gets that positivity from. >> this is my mom. >> when his friends and family, even former coaches -- >> high school track coach, yes. >> heard he was in town, they showed up. they all showed up. >> you know these people? >> this is my dad right here. >> and this is grand dad. yes. >> you have a big cheer squad here. a lot of folks love dylan. and dylan would love to take that cheer quad with him all the way to eugene, oregon to the olympic trials. but his squad runs deep. thanks to our friends at walmart, they have decided to give you $20,000 for all these folks to be able to go cheer you
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on. >> dylan clearly moved, needed a moment to collect his thoughts. >> i'm appreciative, very unexpected and i'm thankful, very thankful. thank you. >> i'm proud of you, man. i'm proud of you. >> now dylan will have this at his side at the olympic trials when he hopes to join an additional team usa. come on! >> awesome. somebody to root for. >> just an amazing guy. i mean, he's one of these guys you're talking to him like this and you can just sense like his soul and his spirit are all pure. >> wow. >> so now -- >> now what? >> we have to make sure he gets out there to make team usa. so you can watch the best athletes in the country, including dylan compete for a spot at the u.s. olympic team trials in june of course ahead of the paris olympics this summer all on nbc, all on peacock. >> craig, that was a beautiful, world-class story. >> so much more fun to root for people like that when you see their back story. >> he overcame injuries. he had to transfer college
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several times because of covid. >> and what he wants to do with his life. >> yes, just wants to do good. come on, dylan! >> i feel good! >> where are you going? >> i have to do the weather before the best time of the morning, of course. we have severe weather going on right now. severe thunderstorm watches through eastern oklahoma. 18 million people at risk. damaging hail. here's what we're most concerned about. these strong tornadoes possibly today. omaha, kansas city. we could see them all the way down to dallas. tomorrow 33 million people from green bay all the way to waco. tomorrow is the most worrisome day because we've got this risk for ef-2 tornadoes. kansas city, wichita falls, abaleen just outside of dallas. ef-5 tornadoes, that's what
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we're most worried about. we haven't seen those in 11 years in the plains. hopefully it doesn't happen. but we have to be ready for it. 20 million people at risk for tornadoes, damaging hail. heavy rain. we could see flooding as well. rain fall totals 4 to 5 inches, could be even more. that's what's going on around the country. all right. best time of the morning, friday "popstart".
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>> you see what happens to the "popstart" staff when we hit our quota of not talking about taylor swift for 72 hours. we get electrified. we need a story. ladies and gentlemen, we're back. >> i was going through withdrawal. >> after just a brief touring hiatus, gearing up to say this one once again. >> and welcome to the eras tour! ♪ >> that's right . paris. since her last show, you might in less than two weeks, the eras tour picks up in paris. since her last show, you might remember or maybe you don't, it's been a while. taylor has dropped a couple of albums since then. the record-breaking tortured poets department and a new video hinting that she just might be changing the set list. of course she has to now. got 31 new songs so include some of that new music in her show. take a look. ♪ forever running to you ♪
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♪ sometimes in the backyard ♪ >> well, as you can imagine, that's a clip cut and they used "fortnight." of course, swifties flooded the internet saying that portions of the rehearsal footage appear to show new choreography. wow. we will have to wait and see. the eras tour back on may 9th. >> are you able to take the weekend off with all this happening? >> i don't know. i don't know. emilie ikeda i'm sure will be there for us. we'll have more coming up. next up, eminem helped kick off the first round of the 2024 nfl draft in his native detroit. at the same time, he announced a brand-new album is on the way. the project is called "the death of slim shady." teasing the project with this unsolved mystery style video. >> the blonde anti-hero known as slim shady has had no shortage of enemies. >> he's a psychopath. >> perhaps it is no surprise that the same rude lyrics and controversial antics which made >> perhaps it is no surprise that the same rude lyrics and
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him infamous may have ultimately led to his demise. >> so who killed slim shady? >> okay. slated to drop some time this summer. cannot wait for that. next up, the lord of the rings. after two decades since its premier, this iconic trilogy is making a big return. >> you shall not pass! >> but soon you shall see gandolph back on the big screen. all three movies are headed bace to theaters. for three days in june, warner brothers holding screenings of peter jackson's extended cuts which each film ranging from three and a half to over four hours long if you have lots of time. tickets are on sale for that now. >> okay. >> next up, my four-year-old. "bluey" is in the news. parents and children's feelings, they were quite stunned when the healer family almost moved to
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another city. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh, yeah. we kind of blew it, i guess. a little bit of a spoiler. >> you blew it for "bluey" fans. >> it is a big sigh of relief. bluey and bingo both because what did dad do with the for sale sign? he tossed that sucker in the street. audiences blew up the internet after it aired with fans saying they were destroyed by shockingly emotional 28-minute special. but as always and ready for a laugh, our friend ryan reynolds and his production company teamed up for a new commercial with zillow to show that moving doesn't have to be so traumatic. >> at zillow, we know a home is
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more than just floor boards and windowsills. it is where memories are made. despite how a recent children's show made us all feel recently, moving into a new home might just be a good thing, a chance to make new memories, a fresh start, a whole new chapter, no matter what these four -- don't you look at me like that. >> oh, wow. >> yeah. that's not bad. >> do you know where you can get a lot of bluey stuff? >> where? >> right across the street. >> that's why i didn't bring my kids to work yesterday. >> that's his second home. tape something over that sign. next up, anne hathaway with a look back at this iconic movie moment. >> going to take this and this and give you -- >> a princess.
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>> well, with the legendary course including queen julie andrews, fans have been waiting for decades for potentially a sequel. anne hathaway told v magazine, we're in a good place. all i can say, there is nothing to announce yet, but we are in a good place. this will be the topic of discussion when our friend anne is here next week. hoda, maybe it will be you. >> could be both of us. who knows? >> ask about "princess diaries 3." report back. people want to know. >> people want to know. >> that's right. finally "the voice." next week our show returns for the final playoffs and with the competition heating up, uncle al, we had to bring in more all star advice. first up, anthony is great. opening up for team reba. then it's our buddy meghan trainor. who adviser will get their artist to the next level? you have to tune in to the voice on monday to find out here on nbc at 8:00 p.m. eastern, please. >> as we always do. as we always do. still ahead, guys, a spring cleaning expert with the answer to big questions that often divide households. how to load the dishwasher the right way. >> and also, there is the best time to wash your windows, too. it's going to surprise you.
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>> is it -- >> assuming you wash your windows. >> after your local news. ♪ wow! welcome back. it's 8:30. it is a friday morning. it's good to see you. it is the 26th day of april. we're going to give a lot of >> there's a right way? >> and also -- >> there's the best time to wash your windows too. it's going to surprise you. >> oh. >> is it? >> after your local news.
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♪ wow! welcome back. it's 8:30.
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it is a friday morning. it's good to see you. it is the 26th day of april. we're going to give a lot of camera time to our crowd and roll around the plaza. everybody gets on tv. everybody gets on tv. everybody gets on tv. >> uh-oh. look around the hook, around the horn morning. >> definitely. i love this. she made you do it? >> she got a picture with you. >> we're all doing a selfie together. good to see you guys. okay. we will shine the light on an issue that's sometimes hard to talk about, male infertility. savannah sellers talked with two couples opening up about their journey. >> also, spring cleaning in the air. the most common mistakes that we make around the house and how to fix some of those mistakes as well. and then we will help you settle that how to load the dishwasher question for good! >> and do you have the rinse the dishes?
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>> no, i don't think you do. >> and do you have to do the dishes, all that stuff. we're looking forward to that. also, we're very excited. we have billianne in studio there. you may know her. she does a couple incredible viral covers of tina turner. she did a taylor swift video that taylor commented on. we're excited for her to perform an original song. >> what a voice. >> ahead on the 3rd hour, career advice for any stage of life, including when you forget to read your lines. whether you are changing careers mid-career or you are a college grad just getting started or you are past your prime, we have timely advice to set you on the road to success. >> all right. speaking of college, coming up next week on "today," wednesday, by the way, is college decision day. we will celebrate live on the plaza. we have a special event. we have fans and cheerleaders and students all sharing their pick. it will be a fun, fun day next week on "today".
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>> mr. roker, by the way, you are a long way away from being past your prime. how about another forecast? >> let's see. let's check your weekend. seasonal conditions through the southeast. severe risk of severe weather. a lot of snow in the rockies. then sunday, sunday, we have spring warmth along the east sea board. we're looking for strong storms continuing in the mid-section of the country. plenty of sunshine through the west with some showers and snow in the mountains of the pacific northwest.
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>> got a big crowd. we got to go around the horn! there we go, yeah! they're from cincinnati. happy 50th birthday right here! all right. and from greenville, michigan. round the horn! hold on. >> way to go, roker! >> al, that was epic. that was epic. wait. saint michaels is here? >> yes. >> that's a big 8th grade trip,. that was epic. wait. saint y'all. coming up next, the lightbulb moment for these couples who are struggling to have a baby. savannah sellers sat down with them to break the taboo around
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the infertility question. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. it's not just designed to look good. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. ♪ ♪ they're not just headlights. they light the way forward.
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the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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and we're back with our ongoing series on the future of fertility. it is national infertility awareness week. and 1 in 6 couples struggle with fertility issues. >> we often hear about female infertility. savannah sellers is here with more about that. >> hi, guys. good morning. this was a fascinating one. it may be easy to giggle when you hear the terminology around this issue. but for couples that have gone through it, it is no joke. it is a life-changing diagnosis. they were both looking to start their own families. >> we kind of figured it was just going to happen.
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>> but neither were having any success. who did you think was having the so-called problem. >> i was 100% sure i didn't have a problem. >> anthony, what did you think? >> i definitely thought it was her. >> but that wasn't their story. dr. paul is a urologist in the d.c. area. >> so when we have couples that come in, 40% of couples have a factor that's primary on the female side. 40% primarily on the male side. and there is another 20% where there is contribution from both. >> so about half the time? >> exactly. >> a 20/20 study found when a couple tries to get help for infertility, 25% of the time the man does not undergo any kind of fertility evaluation. what do you think about that number? >> i think that's about right. and it is unfortunate. it just goes back to that
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culture bias that this is clearly a female issue or problem. >> it look anthony three years before he finally agreed to get tested. >> he's like, you have enough sperm. it is just 98% of your sperm is abnormal. so you are going to have to try to have a child another way. >> the results were even more stark. >> i'm looking at the section that said sperm count, and there was an na, like not applicable and there was a big zero next to it. >> male factor infertility usually comes in two forms. >> a problem or an inability to make sperm to begin with, so a production-related issue. or a broader delivery problem. >> how much shock do you see in couples when it turns out that the issue lies on the male side? >> it can be as devastating as telling someone they have cancer. >> i didn't feel human.
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i didn't feel like a man, actually. >> you feel like what is the point of building a company and hoping one day your child will run the company. and, you know, thinking about teaching your kid how to play sports or play an instrument. all of a sudden, none of that applied to me anymore. >> it meant going under the knife in hopes of finding some. >> when you first heard of a testicular microdissection, what did you think. >> it sounded not as bad as when i googled it. when i googled it, i was like, whoa, what is this? >> if healthy sperm was isolated, it could be directly implanted into an egg. how difficult was it to know that you were healthy and you might have to undergo this procedure you were really not interested in having. >> yeah. there were nights i was in the bathroom crying. those tests, it was very, very tough. >> after countless shots, she got to share the good news.
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she was pregnant. >> i was at the barbershop. she sent me a text message. >> anthony jr. is now two years old. >> his surgery with dr. shin turned out to be a success. >> my first happiest moment was even knowing that i could have a child. >> they now have 6-year-old gabriella. >> well, i spoil her pretty bad. >> forgets the word no. >> both couples sharing their stories, aiming to breakthrough the stigma surrounding male infertility. if you could turn back time, would you get that test sooner? >> yeah, yeah. i would do it immediately. i would do it immediately. >> when you look now at your son, is there so much gratitude? >> yeah. sometimes my mom is like, put him down. mom, you don't understand. i can't. >> definitely cherish him. >> a lot of men might be overwhelmed by the tests. that's no substitute for a visit
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to the doctor. but i will point out, as the couples did, it is quite a lot more comfortable than the type of tests that women have to undergo to do this. >> by the way, the fact these women thought something was wrong with them, so they go through this rigorous, all these things they have to go to to find out it wasn't them at all. >> that was one of the things that shocked me is women are undergoing hormonal therapies, procedures they don't need. that is why they're not getting pregnant. it is because their partner is not tested. and doctors aren't bringing them into the equation soon enough. >> that's a good story. straight ahead, guys, the most common cleaning mistakes in the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room and of course we'll show you how to fix them just in time for your spring refresh. but, first, this is "today" on
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back now with "today home."
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did you know that you could de-scum a shower curtain liner in the washing machine? and there is a fact right there. there is a right way to load the dishwasher. is that the case? we will go room by room showing you how to tackle house mistakes. jessica is here with all the answers. i love when you guys study things because i know they're right. so i'm happy that you're here. all right. let's talk about loading the dishwasher. couples always say i do it this way, you do it that way. is there a right way to do it? >> yes. it is so divisive in so many houses. you're right. let's start with the silverware. forks, times go up so they get the best clean. spoons, alternate up and down. and knives blade down. >> simple, simple. what about plates? how do they go in? >> plates, face the dirtiest plates inward. you want to face it where the spray is the strongest. bowls, you want them to cascade. i know it is tempting to stack them like this. you want it like this so water can reach everything. >> what about cups?
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>> a lot of people are tempted to balance the cups over times. that could lead to stretching. you want to lean them against it like this. >> do you scrape and rinse all your dishes before you put it on or just stick them in with dirt on them? >> you don't have to pre-rinse your dishes. it doesn't make the clean any more effective. it's incredible and blew my mind. >> now for pods. >> yes. >> you stick these where? >> a lot of people are tempted to toss the pods into the machine. the detergent compartment exists for a reason.
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just want to pop it in, close it. and then if you don't do that and you do throw it into the machine, it will all get rinsed away. >> all right. good, good. let's get to the bathroom. >> let's move on. >> wiping down counters. you have the wipes. is that good enough? >> a quick wipe actually won't do. >> okay. >> most of us will just wipe the surface, think it's good. >> yeah, good enough. >> really it needs to be wet for the disinfectant to work. that takes anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes. >> wait, what? >> so you need to keep wiping and wiping and wiping according to the manufacturer's label. >> what should you do instead? >> or you can just keep wiping with multiple wipes or use another spray that fits your lifestyle, sure. >> this one i find interesting. the shower curtain that gets gunky and moldy that you just buy from cvs. >> i have a well loved one here. tossing this would be a waste of money, not to great for the environment. you can toss this right into your washing machine.
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>> oh, you can? >> uh-huh. new life. >> what is the cycle? what do you do? >> throw this in on a gentle cycle using detergent, breach, old towels and then hang it up for a fresh life. that before and after blows my mind. >> it is all gunky. >> look at how fresh it is after. that's just one cycle. >> even with these magnets in the shower curtain, it is cool to throw it in the washer and you let it dry by letting it hang. >> you're right. for the environment, why are we throwing it away. >> they're not too expensive, but we want to be conscious. >> let's clean some windows. >> okay. if you are cleaning your windows on a sunny day, you are mistaken. so if you are spraying down your windows in the sunlight, the sun will actually dry the cleaner on to the window with the dirt and create streaking. >> so do it on a cloudy day. >> do it on a cloudy day. overcast days are your best days for cleaning. >> what is the best to use? >> glass cleaner. make sure you are dusting your windows before. otherwise, you will make mud on your window.
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>> what type of cloth do you like to use? >> microfiber. >> al said using a newspaper is fine. >> well, that's al's way, and i won't knock it. >> okay. how do we get a stain out on the carpet? >> okay. a lot of people are tempted to douse this coffee stain we just made with cleaner, but that is a mistake because you can end up damaging your fabric. instead, you want to spray the cloth directly with the cleaner. sorry about that. >> that's okay. >> and dab and stain. >> and then what? >> and then you can use a second cloth. >> okay. >> like this. i mean, you will repeat the process. yeah, moving out of here. >> jessica, thank you so much. we appreciate it. coming up, we are so excited. a new song. you may know the 21-year-old for her acoustic cover of this hit that blew up on tiktok. this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ simply the best ♪ ♪ better than all the rest ♪
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the citi music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back with our citi music series. this morning we are so excited to introduce you to a rising star. >> yes. remember this name. billianne, a singer song writer from montana, billianne. she received praise from taylor swift, pink, the lumineers. >> today she is out with her new single called "daydream." billianne, it is great to have you on. literately right before you blow up. >> we're so happy you are here. a lot of people say, wow, she's an overnight sensation. how long have you been at this?
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>> i'd say it's been a solid two years, yeah. >> when did you know you could sing? how old were you when you were like, yeah, i got something here. >> probably as early as i could talk. in high school i took it more seriously. i sang in a funk band. yeah, i got more into it. >> what are you going to sing for us today? >> it is my song "daydream." it is brand-new. i wrote it back in august. it came out today. >> okay!okay! thanks, thanks, billianne. ♪ ♪ ♪ i was daydreaming in the sally inn ♪ ♪ one day, for the someday ♪
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♪ we could drink coffee at our old table ♪ ♪ with the trinkets ♪ stable ♪ and we're so stable ♪ ♪ rosie in my head ♪ ♪ it's easier to day dream about you ♪ ♪ meet me on my bed ♪ ♪ i could fantasize if i have to ♪ ♪ dancing all around the way i daydream about you ♪ ♪ dancing all around the way i h daydream about you ♪ ♪ i was fantasizing about some solitude ♪ ♪ caught a higher corner altitude ♪
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♪ losing service ♪ ♪ you're coming up the driveway through a tunnel of trees ♪ ♪ take me off the table ♪ ♪ and it's sweet, but it's so far from it ♪ ♪ rosy in my head, it's easier to day dream about you ♪ ♪ meet me at my bed, i could fantasize if i have to ♪ ♪ dancing all around the way i daydream about you ♪ ♪ dancing all around the way i daydream about you ♪ ♪ rosy in my head, it's easier to day dream about you ♪ [ applause ] >> let's go!
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you did it! >> shout-out to the band. thank you very much. >> we're going to remember that you sang that here before you blew up. >> went viral. >> yeah. >> hey, your first time on television, like live tv? >> live tv, yes, yeah. >> you crushed it. >> and american television. >> you really did it, wow. >> thanks! >> how did it feel when taylor clicked in and loved how you covered here. >> oh, i freaked out. i was sliding around the house and screaming. >> you are about to go out on tour. >> yeah, i will be sleeping on a tour bus with a band. i'm opening with them in june. >> where will you perform? >> all over north america. so i could be coming to you. >> june. >> thank you so much. all right, guys. coming up on hoda and jenna, we have the eyebrow queen. >> i could use some help. >> 3rd hour is coming up. joy bauer with superfood friday hacks. >> and "daydream" is out today.
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>> get it! firefighters are still at the scene of a massive early morning fire that tore through a residential building. it started a little before five this morning on clay and lyon streets in presidio heights. firefighters say that that building was vacant and there are no injuries, but nearby buildings were evacuated. that damage is extensive. firefighters also telling us that that building was being painted and that's why the scaffolding was there. that smoke spread to neighborhoods as far away as the tenderloin. the cause right now, still under investigation. happening now. our ginger conejero saab, she's speaking with firefighters. she'll have a live update in our midday newscast. you can also head over to our homepage for more coverage, including details from firefighters
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," dreams come true. >> with the first pick in the 2024 nfl draft, t


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