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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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right now, at 11, honoring the fallen will show you the way. the east bay community is remembering an oakland police officer who died years after he was injured while in the line of
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duty. thanks for joining us for our midday news now. and friday afternoon, i'm chris sanchez and i'm bigad shaban. laura and marcus are off. well, a somber service is just now getting underway for fallen police officer jordan wingate. crowds are gathered at three crosses church in castro valley. and that's where we find nbc bay area's christie smith. christie, i know dozens have shown up as part of this treaty. yeah, a very sizable crowd out here. there are, of course, law enforcement from the oakland police department, but also other law enforcement agencies from around the bay area here today. of course, all to remember, officer jordan, the ransom for my life. all he's done is you are good. fellow officers are describing 28 year old jordan wingate as a true hero who dedicated his life to making the community safer, according to police, he passed
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away after recently battling injuries sustained in a vehicle collision while on duty in 2018. i wanted to show you what it's looking like right now inside the church where mourners are just arriving. jordan's father retired oakland police captain randy wingate, is expected to be among the speakers here today. officer jordan wingate started his public service career as an oakland police cadet in 2013 and according to those who knew him, they describe him as a very hard worker who always had a smile on his face. the procession left the oakland police department this morning, headed to the church for the service, as officers lined up for one final to salute their fallen colleague. now we're told that after the memorial service here today, there will be a flyover. reporting live in castro valley, christie smith, nbc, bay area news. christie smith, thank you. let's show you another live look right now. inside three crosses
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church. the procession just wrapping up there in castro valley. we're streaming officer wingate's full funeral service on our website. that, of course, is christie will be back with us in our evening newscasts with a full report. a new at 11 this morning, we're learning san francisco's newly revamped 911 dispatch center suffered a computer outage. it happened yesterday morning and it was down for about 2.5 hours. a spokesperson tells our investigative unit that dispatch switched to another system quickly, and there was no impact on the public's ability to call 911. but you might remember that on wednesday, mayor london breed held a ribbon cutting ceremony at that very dispatch center. all right, let's take you to san francisco now, where an early morning fire engulfed a four story building. this all happened in the city's presidio heights neighborhood. firefighters say their quick response made all the difference in containing the damage. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab
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has been at the scene for hours. ginger, what is the latest there? now well, bigad, the smoke has cleared. the fire is extinguished at this point, but there is still one fire engine here on site. you can still see some firefighters along with a building inspectors there, making sure that that four story building, there's residential building here in presidio heights, that it is safe enough for investigators to be in to conduct their investigation into this fire. the scene here, much more different now than it was earlier this morning. the first calls for this fire came in before 430 in the morning. less than four minutes later, crews arrived on scene. you're seeing you're seeing rather some of the video of how the flames engulfed this six unit residential building. it appears to have been undergoing some renovation now. fortunately, no one was inside the building when the fire broke out. no injuries have been reported, but it could have been a very different situation given the challenges to putting out this fire. the early morning
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wind that we had coming over the hill, we're just south of the presidio. smoke was down all the way to the street level. visibility was almost zero at some points. we also had a spitting mist, almost a rain, which makes all of our tools and equipment slippery. but our firefighters were able to quickly get to work and hold this fire to the building of origin. i smelled the smoke and i heard my upstairs neighbors running around upstairs. i was worried it was in our house, but it was. and speaking of that smoke, san francisco fire received calls from other neighborhoods as far away as the tenderloin about the smell of that smoke. now, clay street has partly reopened to traffic. you can see it was closed off earlier in the morning, but this intersection is now partly open. but lyon, between clay and sacramento, that remains closed off as investigators continue getting to the root cause of this fire in san francisco. ginger conejero saab nbc, bay area news. all right, the
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cleanup there should take a while. ginger. thanks be sure to download our free nbc bay area app to get news and weather updates sent straight to your phone, and our team will, of course, continue to follow that story well, if your weekend plans include driving in the east bay, get ready to take the scenic route because 680 southbound is shutting down tonight for resurfacing. we want to help you be ready for it. so we begin our team coverage with nbc bay area's bob redell, who is in pleasanton. bob, you have the silver lining that drivers can look forward to once they get through this weekend's project. reporter this will be the fourth and final closure of southbound 680, behind me here in pleasanton. caltrans will be shutting down this section of road starting tonight at 9:00. we are talking about southbound 680 starting at the dublin interchange, 580 all the way down to highway 84. here's a map that we put together for you so you can better visualize this section of the road that we're
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talking about. we are talking about a nine mile stretch of southbound 680 starting at the dublin interchange. as i mentioned, all the way south to highway 84, which is your connector to livermore. the onramps for southbound stoneridge drive, bernal avenue and sunol boulevard will be closed as well. the closure again to start tonight at 9:00, reopening by 4 a.m. monday morning in time for the morning commute. you can see in this video why this part of southbound 680 needs work. there are potholes and parts of the road that are uneven and deteriorated. this was originally scheduled for a couple of weekends ago, but was delayed because of the rain. caltrans says this resurfacing is an entire year ahead of schedule. if caltrans did not shut down the road for the weekend, this work would require roughly 40 nighttime closures. we're removing deteriorated pavement, and we're going to replace it with concrete, which is a durable material that will give us a smooth ride for decades. so that's the good news. we're all familiar with those potholes. i know everybody
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who drives that stretch is familiar with the condition of the road, so it will definitely be a smooth ride. on monday. so again, southbound 680 behind me. shut down tonight from 9:00 until 4 a.m. monday morning for the entire weekend between 580 all the way south to highway 84. caltrans is asking that you avoid this area. northbound 680 will not be impacted and will be reopened. will be open for the entire weekend. here in pleasanton, bob redell. nbc, bay area news. all right, mike, you helped us get through the northbound closure. now you got to get us around the southbound closure. yeah, and bob's being a little polite. it's not that caltrans asked us to avoid the area. you can't go there. it's closed. let's show you over here, folks. this is southbound 680, the nine mile stretch from the dublin interchange down to 84 to into sunol. and that goes along with the frontage roads as well. closed for access. and you can't go through that area anyway because the traffic would be just unbearable. so here's your alternate. so getting over
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here the yellow route as we take this to full screen, you'll see that the yellow route will take you back toward 84. you take 580 coming east and then to 84 down there. it's a smaller capacity as far as that highway goes, but also less used because the orange route seemed to be everybody's preferred route. the other direction toward castro valley and the castro valley. why? as folks headed over there last closure, we had a flood of traffic south from 238, down 880 and down in toward fremont. so prepare for that. likely open, though, before that monday morning commute. they tend to open that a few hours early. we hope again this time. and remember, there's also highway 37 closed for the second weekend in a row. same reroute along that orange up and over and the opposite direction will be in the subsequent two weekends after that. guys, back to you. all right. well, we know that weather really kind of foiled the projects last time. so we'll see what happens this time. looking live outside at san jose, we see clouds that should be on the simpsons this morning. i think meteorologist kari hall is here. and what do they mean? well, we are going to see those
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clouds rolling out of here. so it's going to be a nice weekend. and also it's been kind of cool. look at the four microclimates we have here from san jose to oakland, as well as san rafael to san francisco, where we can see those winds are starting to pick up. if you had a gusty evening yesterday, it's going to be windy again today and we're already seeing those gusts in oakland 25mph, 23 in san francisco. that makes it feel cooler as you're heading out, as we are getting these cooler than normal temperatures headed for the mid 60s for today. dublin only going to see a high of 64 today, 68 in concord and 68 in napa. we'll get a look at a slightly warmer weekend with more sunshine that's coming up in a few minutes. back to you. all right, carrie, thanks, and be sure to join us tonight for an exclusive interview with pkgname ceo patricia poppy. raj mathai sits down one on one to ask about the rising rates and recent safety issues you can watch live right here at six and 11 tonight on nbc bay area news.
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okay. and here's a head scratcher whose names can be heard in space. well, apparently in the cosmos, it's only a certain group of people still ahead on nbc bay area, scott mcgrew explains the unique mission one woman is now taking to the stars. you're going to like that story. also, unrest continues to grow on college campuses as students take a position in the war against gaza. the latest bay area college now becoming a flashpoint. we'll be right back
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castro valley, where right now the east bay community is gathered to pay tribute to fallen police officer jordan wingate. he crashed his patrol car in the summer of 2018 while responding to reports of suspicious activity at the port of oakland. he only died from his injuries last saturday. he was 28 years old. wingate was
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born in walnut creek and started his public service career as an oakland police cadet back in 2013. we are streaming officer wingate's full funeral service on our website, nbc, bay and nbc bay area's christie smith will have a full report coming up in our evening newscasts. all right, switching gears now, new overnight israel is now considering a proposed cease fire. a temporary one, in exchange for the freedom of 33 hostages. still held by hamas. the potential plan was put forth by egyptian mediators, who were in the country today to help with negotiations. now, an original proposal called for the release of 40 hostages made up specifically of women, children and the elderly, as well as those suffering severe medical conditions. but hamas countered that it may not have 40 hostages who all fit that criteria, so the proposal was narrowed down to 33. well, the war in the middle east is leading to widening tensions on college campuses across the country.
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some of the pro-palestinian protests escalated into clashes between students, school staff and at times, even law enforcement. one of the protest sites in our area includes the stanford campus, though demonstrations there have been largely peaceful. a new encampment has popped up in white plaza. palestinian supporters have set up tents and vow to remain there indefinitely . their demands echo those of activists at other college campuses across the country, calling for divestment from israel. first and foremost, we stand for the liberation of palestine. we stand for, we stand against the genocide, and we stand for divestment. in a statement, the school says in part that while it supports peaceful expression of free speech, it will take disciplinary action against those who violate university policies. in southern california, big fallout from protests for students who aren't protesting on either side. usc now canceled its main commencement ceremony. things really heated up after the university canceled the valedictorian's address over comments that she posted on
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social media. police since then have arrested more than 90 protesters. in other news, contract talks are percolating between starbucks and the union that represent workers at about 500 of the starbucks cafes. this is the first significant progress in nearly a year of bargaining. discussions center on the process to resolve grievances, representation of baristas and other issues. in a joint statement, both sides said there is a lot more work, but they are committed to working together. as you may know, several starbucks stores here in the bay area already voted to unionize. we are getting more data this morning showing that inflation is stubborn, a key index the fed follows closely shows prices are actually up almost 3% from this time last year. and scott mcgrew says that's still too much. it's 8/10 of a percent too much. the fed is targeting 2% inflation, and so long as inflation is above
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the fed target, they're going to keep interest rates high. food prices have been particularly noticeable to families. now prices are down significantly from their all time highs last year. and wages are up. but we know american families are still struggling. i have an interview coming up on our sunday morning program, press here that i've told a dozen friends about, because i think it's so interesting. it's a problem i've never thought about before. when astronomers find something new, like a crater, they get to name it. but the rules set down by the international astronomical union say they have to name it. generally speaking, about a famous scientist, or after a famous scientist or an artist. and that person has to be dead for a certain number of years now, when you think of a dead scientist from years back, well, that tends to be a man. which is why 95% of the features on the moon are named for men. here's a young astronomer trying to change that. i mean, because, men kind of came there as a
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first come, first served, it does mean that we have this de facto male occupation of space, but space science is evolving at such an incredible rate that new discoveries are constantly being made. now, that's astronomer annie lennox, who's leading the charge to get things named after women she herself discovered new craters on mercury and struggled to get the iau to accept any of her proposed women's names. but they finally relented. i have had some craters names, yes. so that first one that prompted this whole project, i ended up calling the marin crater after a scottish, poet and singer called lady catalina nairne, who was a contemporary, actually, of robert burns. now she's a really interesting woman in her lifetime, it wasn't, considered proper for a lady to be a poet. so many of her poems were wrongly attributed to robert burns. and it wasn't really
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until after her death that she got proper recognition. recognition now there's the nairn crater on mercury that lennox discovered and mapped. you can see our full interview coming up sunday morning on our program. press here right after meet the press sunday morning at nine. that's cool. well, here is to more female names in outer space. all right. let's take you live now to san francisco, where warmer weather means we have a new option to get the most out of golden gate park. well, you can forget about buying your own pair of roller skates or inline skates. anyone over age 13 will now be able to rent them starting tomorrow, and on saturdays and sundays, people will be able to rent skates in a favorite skating spot in the park known as skate in place eight and place. it's near sixth avenue on the jfk promenade. were you guys skaters? are you skaters now? i was i'm not now, but we were talking this morning. i think i lived in my skates from like age 5 to 10. like didn't take them off at all. all right, well, next time i want to see them on, i can do skating from one part of the studio to the next. okay, we got
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you. yeah, a little slippery in here, so we kind of do that anyway. yeah. you know, so. but we have some great weather for skating. whatever you plan to do this weekend, we have the giants game in san francisco tonight and it's going to be very windy out there. so we'll see if as they pitch the ball, if it has a little bit of curve to it, it may be because of some of those gusts that they have out there. and if you do rent those skates at golden gate park, you can skate right to the end and enjoy the dutch king's day windmill festival tomorrow. so we're starting out at noon. temperatures at about 60 degrees and some lower 60s for the day. and then the wind increases once again. they do encourage you to wear orange if you're going to this, but a lot of free festivities and some activities going on there, there's also the cherry blossom festival in cupertino tomorrow at 10:00. we're starting out at 59 degrees throughout the day. it's headed for the mid 60s, so it's going to be really nice and comfortable and also a nice little breeze there. as well. in sausalito, there's the citywide yard sale that starts at 9:00 in
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the morning. if you're getting there early, you do need a jacket. it will be in the mid 50s. we will see some peeks of sunshine early, then becoming mostly sunny as the yard sale wraps up. will be in the low 60s, and if your weekend plans take you to the coastline, you're going to maybe santa cruz . it'll be in the low 60s there for today and still very windy, but i don't think it's going to be as windy for the rest of the weekend as our highs reach into the mid 60s, and palisades is getting a little bit of a wintry mix of rain and snow. we're going to see that continue for today, but it will be clearing out and warming up for the rest of the weekend with highs in the 60s. now, we've seen the gusty winds here. it's going to be very gusty throughout the evening. 43 mile per hour gusts in san francisco at 6:00 this evening. and we're seeing those gusty winds elsewhere as well. models are showing that there is a disturbance very close by. that's going to bring in some rain for the central valley, but that for the most part, just kind of skips around the bay area we're looking at a few hundredths of an inch of rain.
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if we see some, and then after this we're going to be warming up. going into next week. walnut creek will go from temperatures in the 60s to the 80s. by the end of next week. our 7-day forecast shows that we are, for the most part, all dry here, and we are going to see some nice conditions there as we go into the next several days for san francisco. so we're going to see some gusty winds this evening and highs reaching into the upper 60s. and now as we turn to our climate in crisis, the san francisco giants are trying to cover all of their bases when it comes to sustainability. this season, you'll see more bike lanes around oracle park, making it easier and safer for fans and bicyclists in the city. and if you're driving to a game or any other event at oracle, there will be more ev charging stations available later on this season. and if you don't want to drive giants officials say they'll have faster and more frequent caltrain rides to and from the peninsula and the south bay, and that will help you get
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to the park. this can help reduce your carbon footprint and keep our air clean. our fans that are biking to the ballpark will be able to continue to use the bike valet service, which is run by the bike coalition and located along the park. the port walk and then for our self parkers, the bike racks that are located behind the bleachers on the coke bottle side will still be available. the giants have continuously won awards for being a green stadium in 2022. they got their 13th green glove award. that's an annual award given to the team with the highest rate of waste diversion. that includes recycling, composting, food donations and energy recovery. for more stories like these, visit us on our website, nbc bay and click on the climate in crisis tab. well, since we're talking about the giants, remember the giants take on the pirates this weekend for a three game series. you can watch live from oracle park at 7:00 tonight, or you can watch live
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right here on nbc bay area. all right. happening now a popular barbecue spot in oakland is officially reopening. this is new video. hopefully it'll play soon. maybe. oh, there we go. all right. new video. we just got a horns barbecue at their new location along eighth street. it announced it was actually leaving its original location on mandela parkway due to theft. crime and damage from a fire that happened back in november. good to see him reopening. an unbreakable bond formed through surrogacy. ahead on nbc bay area how one woman helped another woman's dream of motherhood come true, and the message they both have for anyone struggling with infertility. also, will we get an answer? today we are talking about the race for second place in the 16th district congressional race. our ian cole is tracking the recount in santa clara county for us.e will h
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you can make some families dreams come true, a california woman posted on instagram about her struggles to have a baby and made a connection with another woman across the country. jennifer wagner reached out to kate durkin online. they hit it off right away, instant chemistry. so they agreed to meet in person in new york and while kate was hopeful, she was also wary because of years of disappointment. and i really
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went through a lot to get here. and it was i multiple tries of my own, multiple miscarriages, multiple different diagnoses, and also a lot of, sort of unexplained diagnoses. in the end, jen carried kate's embryo and helped them to create a family and a forever bond as well. so many beautiful ways to start a family. that's great. what matters is that your family. there you go. and speaking of beautiful things, the weather is supposed to be great too. despite all those closures, you get a lot of beautiful sunshine and check it out. get the family outside. it's going to be nice and comfortable. highs in the 70s 70s. that's amazing. all right. thanks and thanks for joining us. be sure t
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