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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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see. when do we benefit from this? we are forecasting prices falling in 25 and again in 2026. so that's 25 is next year, 2026 is two years from now. that is exactly what we're working on. so we've gone up 100% in the last five years. so in the next 3 to 5 years, will we go down 100, 20, 50? we're working on forecasting what those reductions are going to be, but we're going to drive those reductions. you follow any of that kind of it kind of. yeah. she couldn't quite tell us how much rates will be going down. but many watchdogs and analysts say rates will go down, if at all, minimally. okay. next year and the following year. all right. minimally, if at all, minimally if at all. okay. you had mentioned that pg and e made more than $2 billion in profit last year. so where's all of that money. yeah that's the big question. also where's that money going. well pg and e says it's interesting. it's complex
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here. pg and e says they're reinvesting that money into infrastructure and to pay off the investors. so that leaves most of the frustrated customers . no money for us. no money. yeah, we have a lot more of our exclusive interview coming up at 6:00. it's a fascinating story. it is frustrating, but there is a lot of revelations. there as to where all of our money is going, and it's impacting mostly all of us. so most all of us, unless you're off the grid, even if you have solar, it's impacting you only if you're off the grid. that's very few of us. then this doesn't impact you. all right. well, we're looking forward to that. we'll see you at six. all right. see you at six. dramatic pictures here of a fire that raced through an apartment building in san francisco, firefighters say started at around 430 this morning. this is in the presidio heights neighborhood at lyon and clay streets. firefighters say they knocked the fire down in about an hour and a half later. no one was hurt. the early morning wind that we had coming over the hill were just south of the presidio. smoke was down all
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the way to the street level. visibility was almost zero at some points. we also had a spitting mist, almost a rain, which makes all of our tools and equipment slippery. the owner of the building told firefighters that the building was vacant and undergoing renovations. a widely popular oakland restaurant that was forced to close after vandalism and a fire last year just reopened in a new location today. long line to get into the new horn barbecue restaurant on eighth street downtown. started hours before the 11 a.m. reopening. a lot of customers who arrived early were well aware that the original horn barbecue on mandela parkway was gutted by a fire november 21st, shortly after the restaurant had celebrated its third anniversary. it is fantastic. so far i've had nothing but great, great bites. feel good to see this place reopened. it feels really good. you know, oakland needs more places like this. there was times where i didn't feel that we would reopen and,
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you know, emotionally, it just felt exhausting. you know, just the thought of it having to go through it all again. but you know what? there's always light at the end of the tunnel. horn barbecue appears to be off to a good start. judging by the lines, of course, and crowds today, oakland fire department tells us that the november fire remains under investigation. i am joined now by cynthia pimentel. happy friday cynthia. happy friday i know back 430 here we are. yes. so i'm guessing maybe this weekend a good time to maybe have some barbecue. yeah, the temperatures are not so bad, but when you step out there, maybe hear it on your window. it's the wind that's making you grab that jacket as we head for this final weekend in april. let's check on walnut creek. we see the trees rustling there in the winds. temperatures creeping up to those 70 degree marks. and as we take it on into our microclimate forecast, we continue to see the wind for the weekend. but the good news is that it will stay dry. we've had a couple of weekends with the rain, but now we're starting to dry things out
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and that's becoming our pattern so far. on the weekend, 66 in san rafael winds out of the west at 24 miles an hour. and down here in san jose, we've kept the cloud cover peeks of sunshine yesterday and today, and i think that will continue as we go on into tomorrow. we see over the golden gate bridge clear blue skies, but that flag in the wind also around 22 miles an hour out of the west. you might be wondering where is all of this coming from? there's a couple of weak disturbances around the bay area, even some lightning being detected into parts of the sierra. and if i zoom it on in here into the bay area there's been a little bit of activity, mainly out towards the east. and as we lose that sunrise today, going into the evening, we should diminish those showers as well. maybe you're heading into san francisco. we've got a huge game. we're doing pirates and giants out there. first pitch 715 and we continue to see the wind. so bring all of those warm items, the beanies, the blankets, the gloves, the socks, everything to keep you warm because this will continue as we go on into this evening. and those temperatures will start to creep down into those low 50s.
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we'll be back at five. i'll be here all evening. we'll talk about the windy weekend ahead. it will stay mostly sunny, and we've got even better weather ahead into next week to welcome may. i'll be back in just a little bit, audrey. all right. we'll see you in a little bit. cynthia. thank you. meanwhile, a weekend traffic alert, a big stretch of interstate 680 is going to be closed in the east bay. what you need to know before you make your weekend plans. also, a judge strikes down a law that allows homeowners to split their lots into two and build more housing. our scott budman is looking into how this is impacting the bay area. but before we head to break, we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on in this newscast? i have a pull up right now on my instagram. still have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories, right here. grizzlies returning to north cascades starbucks workers hold contract talks or nasa finds new homes for
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two videos he's created for us. and i understand you're creating another one. yes. happy friday, happy friday. you have air conditioning. i do yeah, it's expensive, isn't it? so expensive. so all this week it's earth week and we're trying to turn you into a climate warrior. and we're tackling how to make your air conditioner run more efficiently. and this is the focus of our video. that's me climbing into the crawlspace coming up at five. we'll explain how climbing into the crawlspace might help you cut your air conditioner bill by as much as 20. oh, that's a big deal a minute and a half. that might save you hundreds. okay, k5, make sure we watch. yeah see you. chris. have a great weekend. bye. you as well. also plan for detours if you're driving through the east bay this weekend. so looking at that map there, caltrans is shutting down a major freeway for repaving. starting tonight, southbound 680 will be closed from the i-5 8680 interchange to
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koopman road in sunol. it's the latest part of a project to replace deteriorated pavement on the freeway. we're removing deteriorated pavement and we're going to replace it with concrete, which is a durable material that will give us a smooth ride for decades. so that's the good news. we're all familiar with those potholes. i know everybody who drives that stretch is familiar with the condition of the road, so it will definitely be a smooth ride on monday. closure begins tonight at 9:00 and is expected to end around four monday morning. now to a decision that could make it even harder to make it in the bay. an l.a. county judge just ruled a controversial housing law unconstitutional. sb nine allows homeowners to split their lots into two and then build two homes on each lot. ruling only affects five southern california cities right now, so let's go to bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman scott, thank you for joining us on this friday. can you go ahead and
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just tell us more about sb nine and exactly how it works? sure. audrey. yeah. senate bill nine sb nine allows a homeowner of a single family home on a lot. if the lot is big enough to divide the lot and then have a second home built on it. so this isn't going to be hundreds of thousands of homes added quickly, but a little bit, 1 or 2 at a time. and there are limits, but it basically says instead of building more single family homes on these lots, let's divide the lot and add homes to it. and so this is a lot. for example, up in monte sereno, pretty good sized lot. it's going to be divided in half. and so two separate owners will actually build their single family homes on it instead of just one. and that's something that passed in 2021. but it's just starting to catch on now. partly because it takes so long bureaucratically to get anything built in california, but at least this is something that can add homes to neighborhoods. sure. and we know we need more of those homes, as we've talked
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about in the past, i know you got a chance to speak with a ceo of a tech company who's actually helping people do just this. what's he saying? well, right. this is a company based up in oakland. and what they do is they use technology to figure out if your lot is big enough, where it would be divided, that sort of thing. so people will start with them. and then these are one of the services that can look at your lot and say, okay, it is big enough to house two single family homes instead of just one, and then sort of do some of the paperwork from there. and so we'll hear from them at 6:00 as well, some places, for example, in los angeles have ruled this unconstitutional. it's not always popular with neighbors because neighbors might appear. excuse me, might approve of one house on your lot, but they don't want two in their backyard. but this is something that we have to deal with. if we're going to add more housing that's so desperately needed here in the bay area. all right. very interesting. looking forward to your full story at 6:00. thanks so much. we'll see you then. oh, and scott, by the way, here's something you posted on social media today. how much do you need to earn to be
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considered rich in every state? okay, so this is according to the finance website gobankingrates and by rich they mean an income of the top 5% of earners. probably doesn't surprise you that california is near the top of that list. here in california, you have to earn just over $613,000 per year. but the richest of the rich don't live in a state at all. technically, they're in washington, d.c. $719,000 landed among the highest earners there as well. it is an exciting day at levi's stadium, as the 40 niners welcomed the newest member of their team. ricky pearsall was officially introduced today. his family and girlfriend joined him as he posed for pictures with the niners jersey star receiver from florida was selected 31st overall last night in the nfl draft. 49ers say they like his hand speed and versatility. pearsall says he's excited to be
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joining such a storied franchise . words can't really describe my feelings right now, man, you know, it hasn't hit. it hasn't hit yet, just trying to soak it all in. like i said, man, trying to be where my feet are at. obviously, this is a legendary program, and i just appreciate the entire organization taking a chance on me. man and, you know, i'm gonna prove them right. so i'm looking forward to, you know, getting the work in and, you know, showing everybody pearsall and the rest of the 40 niners draft class will first take the field at rookie minicamp during the second week of may. in the meantime, the san francisco giants are trying to cover all their bases when it comes to sustainable hetty this season, you'll see more bike lanes around oracle park, making it easier and safer for fans and bicyclists in the city later on this season. if you are driving to a game or another event at the ballpark, more ev chargers will be available. and if you don't want to drive giants, say faster and more frequent caltrain rides to and from the
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peninsula and the south bay can also help you get to the park. it can help reduce your carbon footprint and keep our air clean. our fans that are biking to the ballpark will be able to continue to use the bike valet service, which is run by the bike coalition and located along the park, the port walk. and then for our self parkers, the bike racks that are located behind the bleachers on the coke bottle side will still be available. the giants have continuously won awards for being a green stadium in 2022. the team got its 13th green glove award, which is given to the team with the highest rate of waste diversion. that includes recycling, composting, food donations and energy recovery. so for more stories like this, just visit our website nbc bay in crisis. and speaking of the giants, you can watch them take on the pirates tonight right here on nbc bay area. first pitch, by the way, is at 7:00 at the anchor desk with our janelle
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wang who's working on the 5:00 news friday. audrey. happy friday. we are learning more details about that deadly fiery crash in pleasanton today. police revealed the ev that caught fire. it was not a tesla. and what may have caused the crash that killed a family of four, including two kids under the age of 15. our reporter is on scene with the latest details and drivers in san francisco. beware of a new crackdown on speeders. the streets of san francisco officers will be focusing on ten of the most dangerous intersections in the city, and we have information on those exact intersections, those stories and more coming up at five. a lot of new developments, for sure. we'll see you then. janelle. thank you. and still to come, top trending story as voted by you on my instagram poll. also, bay area hotels are getting international recognition. forget michelin stars. we're talking michelin keys, the local stays, getting ranked among the best of the best. we're back inwo minutes. t
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are set to make a comeback in washington state thanks to a new federal relocation plan. grizzlies from the rocky mountains and british columbia will be introduced into the north cascades ecosystem national park and wildlife service officials say that they are going to relocate 3 to 7 grizzlies every year for up to a decade. the last confirmed grizzly sighting in that part of the u.s. was back in 1996. it's been a while, and as always, i will be posting links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram. and thank you so much for voting on this friday. the michelin guide is branching out when it comes to its standard menu of categories. along with the world's best restaurants, it's now including hotels. the grading method is actually the same. top destination can receive 1 to 3 keys instead of stars, and three bay area hotels received three
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key status. they include the single thread inn in healdsburg, meadowood, saint helena and canyon range in woodside. all were recently honored in an , and you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we're streaming our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. there you can watch live newscasts breaking updates, and more of our content. thank you so much for joining us at 430. janelle is working on the 5:00 newscast next, and we are back in just two minutes.
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memories for one mother, while the fiery ev crash is still under investigation, she tells us she can't help but believe the road safety could play a major role in san francisco. a new plan to make the most
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dangerous intersection safer by cracking down on speeders. we're going to tell you where in the city police will be zeroing in on traffic enforcement and silicon valley tech ceos are heading to the white house. the way these leaders are planning to tackle security with the rise of artificial intelligence. good friday everyone. the news at five starts right now. thanks so much for joining me. i'm janelle wang. we have new information on that fatal crash that killed a family of four in pleasanton. it happened on wednesday night on foothill road. and this evening we have new details about the ev involved and the stretch of roadway that has already claimed many lives before nbc bay area's damian trujillo is in pleasanton with more pleasanton, police are not releasing much information, only that speed may have been a factor in this accident. this stretch of road is an eerie reminder for one bay area mom. not a day goes by that ana
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reynoso doesn't think about her twin boys know every day, and i celebrate them every day as if they were still alive. michael and mark and a third teen, javier ramirez junior, died on christmas night in 2021 on foothill road as they were driving to help a friend. the twins were 16 at the time. this morning, ana heard that another family died on the same road on wednesday night. ana calls the news triggering. it was shocking and emotional. yeah, it's, very emotional. you just. your heart breaks, she had really hit the foothill on foothill road. the coroner has not released the names of the victims. only saying they were a family of two adults and two children under 15. investigators say speed could have played a role as the car hit the curb. and then a big oak tree before bursting into flames. police also identify the car as a vinfast electric vehicle


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