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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  April 26, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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the relay for life of cambrian. it's a 24 hour fundraiser for the american cancer society. a lot on the schedule for tonight and tomorrow. inspiring speeches, food, games and musical performances. relay for life of cambrian has raised
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almost $90,000. look pretty nice out there tonight. just a little chilly. just a little chilly. some people wearing their hoods hot waffles on the menu sounds good. it'll be a breezy weekend, but then we'll get more sunshine and [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> tariq: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- bill murray and ernie hudson, kimbal musk, musical guest, sleater-kinney. and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: g-g-g-ghost! >> tariq: and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, come on. wow. that is a great crowd, right there. welcome. enjoy yourself, everyone. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you're here. thank you for watching. [ cheers and applause ] well, everybody -- hi. everybody is excited. this sunday is st. patrick's day. come on. that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] whoof! yeah, everyone likes to have fun on st. patrick's day. then the next day, people see all the drunk photos of themselves and edit them like the royal family. and -- [ laughter and applause ] but i -- i love st. patrick's 'cause even people who aren't irish try to explain how little bit irish they are. they're like, "i saw u2 at the sphere, so --"
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[ laughter ] of course, what's st. patrick's day without corned beef and cabbage, you know? and i -- [ cheers and applause ] like any -- i, like any good irishman, started boiling mine around mid-january. and -- yeah. [ laughter ] yep, this sunday is st. patrick's day, so i thought maybe it'd be good to read a a few of my favorite irish limericks for you guys, right now. [ cheers and applause ] i love it. can i get a little music there? ♪ thank you. [ light laughter ] "st. patrick's day is here. a time to drink green beer. but if you have more than three, next morning you'll be squirting shamrock shake out of your rear." [ laughter and applause ] i didn't know i was gonna read that. you want one more? do you want another one? [ audience responds ] that was weird, let's try this one. ♪ "march madness, i love you truly, so, i entered me office pool-y.
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but the teams that i trusted let me bracket go busted. now i owe $20 grand to fan duel-y." [ cheers and applause ] all right. do one more? okay. one more. [ cheers and applause ] "to spring break, the students were going. excited they all were a-glowing. then they let out a squeal, lost a door and a wheel, guess they shouldn't have flown in a boeing." [ laughter and applause ] there you go. come on now. that is one of my favorite irish limericks. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] all right. last one, last one, last one, last one. [ laughter ] "two running for president, we know. the polls show it's a dead heat-o. the campaign is long. the candidates ain't strong. a choice 'tween a saltine and a a cheeto." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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thank you very much. meanwhile, today in washington, the prime minister of ireland visited the white house to meet with president biden. yep, they're calling it the meeting of the blarney stone and the kidney stone. [ laughter ] but biden was an excellent host. he even told the prime minister about the time he saw his buddy, pat, drive all the snakes out of ireland. [ laughter ] well, guys, switching gears, amc has secured a deal with nbc to show live daytime coverage of the paris olympics at their movie theaters. [ audience oohs ] and to make sure it's a huge success, they're rebranding beach volleyball as "dune: part 3." [ laughter and applause ] i think it'll work. did you see this? home depot has already started promoting their halloween collection. [ laughter ] even cvs is like, "bro, that's way too soon. i mean, what's going on?" [ laughter ] yep, then home depot was like, "those aren't decorative skeletons, those were customers waiting to talk to an employee."
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[ laughter and applause ] "hey, does anyone work here? does anyone work here?" well, i heard that dollar general is getting rid of self-checkout at thousands of its stores. but while they're getting rid of self-checkout machines, another chain store has added them. yeah, watch this. ♪ >> here at bj's, we're always working to make your experience more pleasurable, which is why we're proud to introduce our new self-bj machine. [ laughter ] the self-bj machine only requires one person, you. just walk up to the machine and whip out your member card, then follow the instructions. once you're done, the machine will spit out a receipt. there, you're finished. you'll be glad you came. [ laughter ] the self-bj machine. only works on your birthday. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's very interesting. i haven't heard of that. some more business news, dunkin' donuts customers are complaining about the size of the holes in the bagels. take a look at this. this is real.
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[ laughter ] [ rimshot ] that's not a bagel. that's an everything friendship bracelet. [ laughter ] let me look -- can i see it again? wow. the only thing worse is their new all-hole doughnuts. look at that. [ laughter ] guys, get this, willie nelson just announced that he's releasing his 75th album. [ cheers and applause ] willie's 90-years-old, which means any day now, he should be announcing his presidential campaign. very interesting. [ laughter ] well, this is interesting. i saw that a blueberry the size of a golf ball has broken the record for the world's -- [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's -- oh, my -- that's -- oh, that's bill murray! what is going -- wow! what -- bill! what is -- >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's -- [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hey, i appreciate it. that is -- >> that's cool, that's cool. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on. >> i appreciate the applause, but jimmy, you're taking a lot of time here. and i appreciate what you're doing talking about the president, politics, and so forth. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you're here to preserve democracy or tear it down. i don't know. >> jimmy: yeah, no, preserve. [ light laughter ] >> i mean, there -- there's good people on both sides, so i appreciate that. >> jimmy: sure, yeah. yeah. >> but i think it's more important that people here find out a little bit more about the new "ghostbusters" movie. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you think that's -- >> well, i feel that in my heart, 'cause i've got this coat on. and i don't wear this, but this is the one day of the year that i have this thing on. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> so -- >> jimmy: that's perfect. we'll get talking about "ghostbusters"? >> do you mind? would you mind -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- if we just got right to it. >> jimmy: let's get right into the interview. >> okay, yeah. >> jimmy: sure, why not? i don't know, i think this is -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] are you -- are you here -- are you here by yourself? >> you know, where's -- where's my guy? >> jimmy: where's -- you're here with ernie hudson. >> where's ernie hudson? anybody see ernie hudson
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anywhere? >> jimmy: ernie, are you in the audience? >> ernie! >> jimmy: ernie hudson, are you -- bill. >> answer, damn it, ernie. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is ernie -- is ernie hudson here? >> hey, somebody -- ♪ well, you guys obviously are incapable. somebody here, go find ernie hudson. you're not doing anything. >> jimmy: yeah, come on, let's go. go find him, will you? >> jimmy: yes, yes. go on, please. >> anybody else want to volunteer? ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, who wants to find ernie hudson? >> come on, we need -- >> jimmy: come on. we need some people. yeah, come. just -- yeah, sure, come. let's go get ernie hudson. >> ernie! ♪ >> jimmy: oh, there, he is. hey, ernie. [ cheers and applause ] he's looking good. no, he's ready. he's ready. [ talking over each other ] people from the crowd got you. come on, yeah. we all got you. yeah. thanks guys. i appreciate that. thank you, guys. >> ladies and gentleman, ernie hudson! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on, bud. welcome. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] wow! bill murray and ernie hudson.
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that's what i'm talking about. thank you for helping. thank you for helping -- >> thanks. >> jimmy: -- get -- yeah. >> thanks. i like the volunteers, the auxiliary people you have here. that's nice. >> jimmy: yeah, thank you very much for helping us find ernie. i'm happy you're back on the show. thank you. >> you're overheated, baby. you're overheated. here we go. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: when you first did the original "ghostbusters" -- this was 40 years ago -- did you -- did you know that it was going to be a hit? when did you know? >> yes, i did. [ laughter ] i did. >> jimmy: you actually did, yeah. >> no, i actually did. we -- we were -- we went to thanksgiving dinner at the director, ivan reitman's house. and he showed us, like, an early cut of the first scene of capturing the first ghost. and it was so extraordinary that when we went back to work on monday, you know, the crew is like, "okay, we're ready." and i was like, "relax, everybody. we've got a big one here." [ laughter ] "let's all -- we can all take our damn sweet time now." >> jimmy: yeah. >> "this is going to be good." >> jimmy: yeah. ernie, you had the same feeling? >> uh, no. [ laughter ]
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so, bill knew, but i -- it was the first time i saw it with an audience. and something happened in the very beginning when bill was interviewing the -- the couple. and something came over the audience, and they were laughing out of control. and i knew that this was something beyond your normal film. and i knew then that this was special. >> jimmy: not only was "ghostbusters" the number one movie, but you also had the number one song, the theme song, "ghostbusters," is fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: ray parker jr. >> that's right. >> yeah. >> jimmy: number one movie, number one song. i mean, you had the whole country -- you had the whole world, really, watching and talking about "ghostbusters." >> we should have quit right then and there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. no. we actually have a clip of the video too. >> oh, cool. >> jimmy: can we just take a a look at the music video? this is you guys. ♪ who you gonna call ghostbusters i can't hear you ♪ ♪ who you gonna call ghostbusters ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, do you -- [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you remember shooting that in -- in times square?
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>> absolutely. people didn't know what the hell we were doing there. [ light laughter ] and we -- and we just kept walking back and forth doing it. and they thought, "these guys are --" you know how there's, like, a a naked cowboy out there in times square? [ light laughter ] they -- he was more interesting than we were. >> jimmy: yeah. >> they were -- they were -- they were concerned about us, that we just kept going like this, and why were we dressed that way? but we knew what we had, so we -- we just kept -- we didn't care. >> jimmy: well, guys, earlier today, bill, ernie, and i gave ray parker jr. a call and just wanted to see if he was around. and we got together with the roots and some classroom instruments, and we did our version of "ghostbusters" theme. [ cheers and applause ] please enjoy. ♪ >> one, two, three. ♪ ♪ ♪ if there's something
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strange in your neighborhood who you gonna call ♪ ♪ ghostbusters if there's something weird and it don't look good tell me who you gonna call ♪ ♪ ghostbusters ♪ ♪ ♪ i ain't afraid of no ghost ♪ ♪ ♪ i ain't afraid of no ghost ♪ ♪ ♪ if you've got a ghost darling freaky ghost baby ♪ ♪ you better call ghostbusters ♪ ♪ ♪ i ain't afraid of no ghost i ain't afraid of no ghost ♪ ♪ i ain't
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afraid of no ghost ♪ >> all together now. ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah [ cheers and applause ] ♪ don't get caught alone no no ghostbusters ♪ ♪ who you gonna call ghostbusters come on y'all louder ghostbusters ♪ ♪ who you gonna call ghostbusters let me tell you something busting makes me feel good ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ splat ] >> jimmy: yeah! give it up for the roots, right there. that was fun. that was so fun. ray parker jr., thank you. ernie hudson, bill murray. we're talking more with bill and ernie, when we come back. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> when you point it, the ghosts know to back the hell up. [ light laughter ] you know? yeah, there you go. put a little attitude into it. >> a little menace, a little bit more menace. >> yeah. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. “enjoy yourself”) new axe black vanilla? yum! ♪ he like when i get dressed, ♪ ♪ i live life with no stress, ♪ ♪ he said that's my best flex. ♪ ♪ i hopped on a big plane, said i'm doing big things, ♪ ♪ gonna bring out the champagne...yeah. ♪ ♪ baby i'm cool, yeah, you know what to do, ♪ ♪ yeah, we got nothing to lose.♪ sfx: yacht's horn ♪ metro boomin want some more ♪ ♪ with the bosses, i just pull up in ♪ new axe black vanilla. get closer with the finest fragrances.
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wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. we are hanging out with bill murray and ernie hudson! [ cheers and applause ] come on! we're going to talk "ghostbusters: frozen empire." but before we get into that, march madness starts next week. bill, i know you go to a lot of games and you're a huge fan. >> it's very exciting. it's the best time of year to be a sports fan -- actually to be a an american, let's face it. [ laughter ] the big east tournament is on this week in madison square garden, and people are crazy and you see people wearing funny hats and colors and stuff. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's a lot of fun. >> jimmy: when you're watching the tournament, are you superstitious at all? >> i am superstitious. >> jimmy: you are? >> as a matter of fact, i'm going to the -- i'm going to the game and i'm going to wear the same clothes i wore yesterday. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you're that -- really? you think that your clothes has something to do with whether the team wins or not? >> well, i like to feel i'm
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contributing. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: both of you coincidentally starred in two of the most iconic basketball movies in movie history. ernie, you played leonardo dicarpio in "the basketball diaries." you actually played against leo. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: who -- who won? >> i won. [ laughter ] i won, absolutely. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, in the film. but in reality, leonardo kicked my butt. i'm not a basketball player. [ light laughter ] i think they hired me assuming because i'm a 6 foot tall black man that i could play basketball. [ laughter ] and i -- and i can't. i'm very bad at it. >> jimmy: you couldn't do it. bill, you starred in a film with michael jordan called "space jam." there you are there. [ cheers and applause ] what was it like spending time with michael jordan? >> well, we had a lot of fun on the -- on the job because it was larry bird and michael jordan and we would do a shot and then we would cut, and they'd have to change the
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camera. and we'd go play two holes of golf and then come back. that's kind of -- you know -- you know, i'm still a little -- not bitter. we won the game and i guess it's about that. but i made the steal at the end of that game, and i passed it to mike, and then i was wide open. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. >> you think that guy'd give it back? >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, they can call him the greatest of all time. he's a ball hog. [ laughter ] he's a ball hog. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. oh, my gosh. you must have fans from around the world coming up to you, big "ghostbusters" fans. i happen to have one random shot i found of you, bill, with this tiny intruder sitting on your head. [ laughter ] whose baby is this? >> that's not my baby. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, it's not yours.
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this is not an episode of "maury." we're not getting into this. bill, you are the father, yeah. >> yeah, he looks easily happy enough to be my kid. he's happy enough. >> jimmy: yeah. ernie, anything like this ever happen to you? >> well, i mean, a lot of strange things happen. i was in chicago and a young lady asked me would i give her away. they were getting married in a a couple of hours and would i give her away. and i said, "but, you know, i don't really know you." and she said, "oh yeah, you do, we met before and you signed my ankle." and i went, "what?" so she had -- i had apparently signed her ankle and she had it permanently tattooed. and she showed me the tattoo. and so margot kidder was there. and so, me and margot did the wedding with her and gave her away. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you did it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's awesome! >> you know? >> jimmy: that is awesome that you did that. i love it. [ laughter ] time to get a tattoo. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> it took -- it took 40 years. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] there you go. yeah. there. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] now, that's -- that is when you know you've made it. okay? >> jimmy: we'll go to the tattoo parlor before the garden tonight. >> right. >> jimmy: let's talk about "ghostbusters: frozen empire." the franchise is back in new york, where it belongs. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's right. >> it's -- i saw it for the first time last night. it's -- it's going to be really big, folks. i hate to say it, but it's going to be really big. it's going to be a big, sloppy movie that you're really going to like. it's really fun. [ laughter ] it's really good. >> amazing -- >> and we got -- here. we wrote down -- there's a lot of people in it. i can't remember all their names because there's so many of them. but everybody was really good
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in the movie. >> yeah. >> you know some of the deadbeats to begin with. dan aykroyd is amazing in the movie. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. finn wolfhard. >> finn wolfhard, he's really good. he's really good. go ahead. >> okay. paul rudd. >> jimmy: yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> he's good. >> yeah. mckenna grace. >> she's spectacular. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> carrie coon. >> jimmy: carrie coon. >> carrie coon's a doll. >> right. annie potts. >> annie potts! >> jimmy: annie potts is back! >> yep. she's back and she's busting ghosts. kumail nanjiani. >> he's really -- he's really funny. he's a really funny guy. >> yeah, he really is, yeah. >> patton oswalt who is also -- >> patton oswalt is really funny too. >> jimmy: this is a lot of people. >> it's a lot of people. logan kim. >> he's funny. >> celeste o'connor. james acaster. bill atherton. >> that guy's really funny. acaster is how he says his name. >> acaster, oh my bad. >> he doesn't say his last name much. he goes by jimmy. >> i didn't get his last name. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: everyone does. >> and bill atherton, who was [ bleep ]-less in the first movie is [ bleep ]-less in this one too. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: typecast.
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he's typecast. carrie coon was on the show the other day. and she was saying that when she put on the pro -- proton pack that she was kind of nervous because she didn't know how to act with the pack and how do you act because -- with all these special effects. and you guys were nice enough to bring an actual proton pack here to the show. [ cheers and applause ] do you mind if i put one on? >> no, no. >> yeah, no. >> go right ahead. >> jimmy: all right. so, it's got some heft to it. >> yeah, they're heavy. >> yeah, it's -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's actually not -- >> this room could stand a a sweep anyway. >> jimmy: it's not -- it's not -- ♪ >> get it on right. there you go. >> jimmy: this feels pretty good. >> you got the buckle in the front here. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> here, suck it in. suck it. [ laughter ] >> you're a ghostbuster. >> suck it in. >> jimmy: the movie comes out next week and it's also in imax. wow, this feels -- look at this. [ laughter ] this is why i'm not a a ghostbuster. >> no, no, not yet.
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>> no, no, no. >> it's okay. there you go. it's -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so when i -- this is why i wasn't cast in the movie. but do you hold it here and then -- when i would aim it, i would be like -- >> well you've got it upside. no, you're good. no, i'm just kidding. >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ laughter ] when you're acting, do you just -- 'cause i would be like, "let's go, guys. let's get these ghosts." >> yeah -- no, no, no. [ cheers and applause ] no, no, no, no, no. yeah. no, no, no. you've got to hold it with authority. like you -- >> yale drama school, show him how this goes, will you? >> yeah, with authority. you've got to -- when you grab it, just grab it like, you know, the ghosts -- the ghosts know they're in trouble. when you point it, the ghosts know to back the hell up. you know? there you go. put a little attitude into it. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> right. >> jimmy: i like that. >> yeah. there you go. yeah. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's bill murray and ernie hudson in "ghostbusters: frozen empire."
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take a look at this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> here we go. [ suspenseful music ] >> can i be of any help? >> son of a bitch. >> venkman. >> you've got to be kidding me. >> home sweet home. melnitz in uniform. yeah. courage, anyone? >> jimmy: "courage, anyone?" [ cheers and applause ] bill murray, ernie hudson! "ghostbusters: frozen empire" is in theaters and imax next friday. we'll be right back with "thank you notes." stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: thank you st. patrick's day, for basically being cinco de mayo for redheads. [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground] (vo) we got a subaru forester wilderness to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [minimalist piano plays throughout.] [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. get 2.9% apr financing for 72 months on a new 2024 forester, going on now. ladies and gentlemen, please take your... [crunching] mmmm. place... mmmm. on the conveyor belt. let's move it— oh... [crunching] [alarm beeping] [crunch] [crunch, crunch, crunch] turn up the fun with crunch!
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finally yasso! a ridiculously creamy, chocolatey chippety, ice cream-like experience with 100 calories and made with greek yogurt. oooooh, sorry ice cream, we know calories are a touchy subject. yasso. love it or it's free.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. guys, i should mention we have our limited-edition fallon sweatshirts for st. paddy's day. [ cheers and applause ] they sold out last year, and they're probably going to sell out again. but if you need a sweatshirt before st. paddy's day, nbc's
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store, it's called, the shop -- actually it's not called the nbc store. i made that up. [ light laughter ] but i call it that. but the shop at nbc. you can go down. they -- we talked to them. they're going to open up early tomorrow before the parade. so, if you need something -- [ cheers and applause ] or the if you want -- if someone wants one now, i'll give it to you now if you want one. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, nice -- good grab. that guy's got a good grab, right there. ♪ yeah. happy st. patrick's day, everybody. and thank you nbc for making those sweatshirts. guys, today -- today is friday, and that's usually when i catch up with some personal stuff. i check my inbox, i return my emails, and of course, i send out "thank you notes." and i was just running a bit behind. [ cheers and applause ] can i write out some -- i just want to write out a couple thank you notes right now. james, can i get some thank you note writing music, please? ♪
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that's beautiful. [ light laughter ] he's beautiful. ♪ thank you, st. patrick's day, for basically being cinco de mayo for redheads. [ laughter and applause ] it's fun. ♪ thank you, congress trying to ban tiktok, for being a real tortilla slap in the face. [ cheers and applause ] [ slapping ] ♪ thank you, speedometers, for letting me pretend my kia could ever get up to 140 miles an hour. [ laughter and applause ] that's impossible. ♪
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45. [ car horn ] [ laughter ] what was that horn sound? was that you? [ car horn ] [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, standup desks, for making everyone look like a a keyboard player in a wedding band. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ ♪ celebrate -- brate good times and you come on now with the celebration yeah ♪ ♪ ow ow ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ celebration ow ow ow the celebration ow ♪ ♪ i never know what you do with your feet when you're -- when you're playing. do you do anything, like, if you're standing up playing or do you -- like -- or do you want to -- do
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you like it covered? >> i've got a sustained pedal. so, you've got to stand up and -- you've gotta -- ♪ [ rhythmically clapping ] ♪ [ rhythmically clapping ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's good, james. ♪ thank you, quiet business meetings, for being the time when my stomach decides to play a halloween sound effects record. [ laughter and applause ] [ imitating stomach growling ] ♪ thank you, venetian blinds, for making me feel like a cop on a a stakeout every time i check to see what the weather is like. [ laughter and applause ] ♪
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thank you, paninis, for making it look like someone with corduroy pants sat on you. [ laughter and applause ] there you have it, everybody. those are my "thank you notes." we'll be right back with kimbal musk. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ saving on your education should be a right, not a competition. at university of phoenix, our bachelor's and master's scholarships are accessible to all. you'll get the best scholarship or savings you qualify for. simple as that. because everyone deserves an opportunity to save on their education without competing for it. explore scholarship options
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a chef, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the popular restaurant, "the kitchen." he has a new book called "the kitchen cookbook: cooking for your community," which is available now. please welcome, kimbal musk. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: kimbal, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: thanks so much for being here. i was lucky enough to meet some of your family backstage. i met your son, august. and your -- >> my mom. >> jimmy: your mom, who is here today, i believe. is she in the audience? [ cheers and applause ] there she is. there's your mom. >> she's getting a jump on st. paddy's day. >> jimmy: hi, mom. and that's your son, august, there. was mom the one who inspired you to get into cooking? >> yeah, my mom is a great inspiration, and she also
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doesn't cook very well. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so she wasn't. >> no, no, no. that was the inspiration. if i wanted to eat well, i had to cook. >> jimmy: you had to make it yourself. >> she was like, "you talking to me? you've got to cook yourself." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have a very popular restaurant called "the kitchen," which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. [ cheers and applause ] that's very -- that's an amazing run. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're going to open up your fourth location. >> we're going to open up in austin in october. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. you're always innovative, and you're always trying to take things to the next level. your restaurant is farm to table. but you work with farmers to, kind of, introduce them to technology as well. >> well, that was the thing. so, 2004, when we were opening -- i had already built an internet company and sold it a few years before that. i figured everyone was online. but actually, most people weren't. this concept of email was a new invention to most people. there were no iphones. it was really actually quite astounding.
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and so, i would go out to these farmers, and what they would do is they'd drop a paper chit at our restaurant, scribbled on, like, a prescription. you know? this is our broccoli. this is our name. and we're trying to, like, decipher who these people are. they're like leaving us voicemails, and we're trying to answer back. and i'm just, like, "guys, there's this thing called email." >> jimmy: yeah. "it's going to change your life." >> "it's gonna change your life." so, anyway, i got a bunch of them online. but there was this one grandfatherly figure, he was like, "look, if you want me on email, you've got to help me." so, i took him to best buy. helped him buy a computer. i didn't pay for it. he paid for it. but i was his litt -- like the grandkid he wanted. you know, i came over. i'd kind of done a lot of internet stuff. i was a pretty well known guy. >> jimmy: you're like geek squad helping the guy out. >> underneath the table getting the modem to go. i did all of it. >> jimmy: great. >> and for years we worked with that guy. and it was a fun time. you know, just kind of get farm -- creating farm to table was, kind of, a blend of restaurants.
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like, i always had wanted to work with farmers, and then getting them online so that you could communicate back and forth. and as a result, we have a a whole movement now. it's really great. >> jimmy: and help them survive. yeah, absolutely, yeah. we need our farmers. >> our farmers are the best. it's a hard job. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we need our farmers. is that where the signature cowboy hat came from? >> yeah, so -- >> jimmy: did it make you feel like a farmer or a cowboy? >> so i go out to these farms. i spend a lot of time on the farms, and they -- i borrow their hats because it's so damn hot out there. >> jimmy: sure. >> and after a little while, one of them came up to me and said, "look. sorry. we need to explain something to you. when you have a hat, it's kind of like a pet. like, yeah, you can ask, we'll lend you a hat, but it's really not right." >> jimmy: it's yours. >> it gets a little sweaty as well. >> jimmy: it's a very personal thing. >> "let's go get you a hat." so, went up to the cowboy hat store, got the same hat i'm wearing right now for over ten years. i only wear it when i was on the farms, but then i'd hang it on this hook at the door, and it would look at me every time
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i walked out the door. it would say to me, "you don't have the guts to wear me today." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "you don't have the guts to wear me out in front of your friends." >> yeah. i was like, "but i don't need to. i live in a regular town." >> jimmy: it's not hot. >> "yeah, you don't have the guts." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: your hat called you out. >> after a little while, i was like, "all right, i've got to wear it. i've got to wear it." now it's a thing. >> jimmy: now you can't take it off. >> now it's my pet. >> jimmy: now it is your pet, yeah. it looks very good on you. [ cheers and applause ] talk about your new book. this is exciting. it's out. it's called "the kitchen cookbook: cooking for your community." this is your first cookbook. what made you decide to do this? >> well, 20 years in, we also had the pandemic, which, if you're in the restaurant business, it crushed our soul. you have just complete loneliness obviously at home, but even in your restaurant, even when you're open, no one was there. so, we -- our team is amazing at "the kitchen." and we just said, "you know
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what? this is the time. let's put our recipes together." you know, there's -- i think even after the pandemic, there's a loneliness epidemic that i think if we just cook more together, we just, uh -- these are fantastic dishes from 20 years. 100 recipes that we chose that were fantastic, easy dishes, but also delicious. but the message is really, cook for your friends, cook for your family, and get back together. let's solve it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's get everyone back together -- over food or anything. i love it. i'm a big fan of cookbooks. i actually collect cookbooks and i love it. i love it when there's great photos in the book. >> that's the thing. i'm a cookbook fanatic. and i hate it when there isn't a photo for every single dish. >> jimmy: me too. yes. >> so i was like, "i want a a photo for every dish." and the publisher was like, "we don't really do that." i was like, "i don't care. we are doing it." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, you're like, "this is the hat talking. the hat is talking right now. he's got something to say." you did something very cool to us, and i want to tell everyone
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what you did, because i hope it becomes a trend. you came on the show and you want to support local bookstores. so, this afternoon you went to a local bookstore and you bought 250 copies of your book to give to everyone in our audience tonight. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that is so rad. that is so cool to do that. you're the first to do that. that is awesome. i hope it becomes a trend. >> thank you. >> jimmy: please come back. kimbal musk, everybody. "the kitchen cookbook" is available right now. we'll be right back with a a performance from sleater kinney. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ to help protect from hiv, i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month,
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: whoa, look at this. [ cheers and applause ] look at that vinyl. performing "untidy creature" from their new album "little rope," give it up for sleater-kinney! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i heard the click of a tiny catch i closed my eyes and you found the latch ♪ ♪ i looked up and saw the bars intact locked up tight the perfect trap ♪ ♪ i rattle and shake inside but i can't escape tonight ♪ ♪
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♪ there was a time when i saw it outside followed the air turn left, turn right ♪ ♪ now with a move you close the lock the world outside it's what i want ♪ ♪ i rattle and shake inside i push against your arms tonight and it feels like ♪ ♪ we were broken and i'm holding the pieces so tight you can try to tell ♪ ♪ me i'm nothing and i don't have the wings to fly but there's too much ♪ ♪ here that's unspoken and there's no tomorrow in sight could you love me ♪ ♪ if i was broken
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and there's no going back tonight looking at me like ♪ ♪ a problem to solve like an untidy creature that you can't push around you built a cage but ♪ ♪ your measurement's wrong i'll find a way i'll pick your lock and it feels like ♪ ♪ we were broken and i'm holding the pieces so tight you can try to tell ♪ ♪ me i'm nothing and i don't have the wings to fly but there's too much ♪ ♪ here that's unspoken and there's no tomorrow in sight could you love me ♪
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♪ if i was broken and there's no going back tonight ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh oh-oh-oh whoa-oh-oh oh-oh-oh ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh oh-oh-oh whoa-oh-oh oh-oh-oh ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. that is it. that is how you do it. come on. thank you. thank you so much. come on. sleater-kinney! [ cheers and applause ] catch them on tour now. we'll be right back, everybody. that is how you do it right there. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to bill murray, ernie hudson, ray parker jr., kimbal musk, sleater-kinney, once again! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. bye-bye.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jerrod carmichael, host of msnbc's "11th hour," journalist stephanie ruhle


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