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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  April 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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marathon. wow their first one. they were ready. oh my gosh. more than 4000 people attempted the course this year. the course looked a little different now. back in march, a chunk of highway one that would have been part of the course collapsed during a storm. we also want to say to philip suzuki, who works here at nbc bay area, he does it all here at nbc bay area. phil, he came in 442nd and he was proud of him. he goes all over the country running these things. i know. marathon 29 for him. by the way. wow wow 39. congratulations, philip. thanks for everything. all right. thanks for watching. nightly news is next. see you again at six. tonight, a new round of devastating tornadoes in a relentless outbreak turning deadly. multiple tornadoes in oklahoma overnight blasting through towns. new video of entire neighborhoods destroyed, trucks
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tossed into homes. what people there did to survive, with twisters tearing through nebraska to texas over three days. it looked like a war zone. >> clashes on campus. dueling protests over israel and gaza colliding at ucla while across the country this weekend, hundreds arrested at universities. the new comments from the family of an american hostage held by hamas after seeing the first video of him since his capture. now the secretary of state headed to the region. is a ceasefire deal to free hostages any closer? president biden trying to ridicule his rival at the white house correspondents' dinner. >> my vice president actually endorses me. >> donald trump's reaction today. a conspicuous change for the nfl, the new helmets that the league says drastically reduce head injuries, but will players want to wear them? and the town overrun by bears, breaking into home after home.
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how folks there are fighting back. >> get! get! >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news with hallie jackson." >> good evening. we are coming on the air tonight with an unrelenting storm system now turning deadly in wan one of the most volatile stretches for the middle of the country in five years. we are learning tonight at least four people have been killed with overnight twisters like this one tearing through parts of oklahoma, stripping the roof off this massive warehouse in a powerful show of force, flipping these tractor trailers. the destruction across more than a dozen states stretching from texas, you see it here, all of the way to here, nebraska, where the national weather service issued the most tornado warnings ever in a single day, and if you look at this map here, you can see more than a hundred tornadoes reported in just the last 72 hours and yes, it is ust the last 72 hours and yes, it is always intense in the spring in this part of the country, but it is rarely this extreme. we've got it covered tonigh and yes, it is always intense in the spring
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in this part of the country, but it is rarely this extreme. we've got it covered tonight with marisa parra making her way to hard-hit sulphur, oklahoma. >> oak, my god. >> reporter: this is the moment sulphur, oklahoma, changed forever. the eerie outline of a tornado making its way through the night sky. >> the theater. there's reina's. >> decimating the buildings beneath it. >> just be advised all of downtown sulphur is destroyed. >> reporter: daylight revealing the dramatic scenes of destruction, businesses and homes downtown reduced to cinder blocks. >> we were just so scared. u. >> reporter: a postal truck tossed like a toy. this building standing proud for over 80 years destroyed in seconds. and a desperate search through the rubble, a woman buried under the crushing weight of the building above her. >> what i saw downtown sulphur is unbelievable. we've had four confirmed fatalities. one was here just right here on the corner. they just removed her body. >> reporter: down the road beau thompson had to rescue his neighbors trapped in the shelter down below.
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>> opened the door! >> reporter: you rescued them? >> yeah, i rescued them. >> if they would have been in there they probably would have drowned. >> in marrietta, oklahoma, the roof of this dollar tree facility to pieces, massive semitrailers piled on top of each other, all of it part of the massive storm system that officials say brought 120 tornado reports in two days from texas to missouri. states like nebraska slammed by tornadoes friday. but on saturday, it was oklahoma's turn. >> it's a lot to take on. >> reporter: here, the family grieves on the cinder blocks, once the foundation of their family business. what's today look like for you? >> acceptance. acceptance, just planning the next steps, i guess, you know? just trying to put together what we can and move forward. >> reporter: moving forward as this community begins the long road to recovery. how does last night change you? >> think about life a little bit more. think about the long picture instead of >>ht now.
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>> marissa is joining us now from sulphur, where they are starting to think about the cleanup now, right? >> hi, hallie. i want to show you on a microlevel what the devastation looks like. this was a family business 30 years in the making. you can see what's left of this furniture store, pieces of furniture buried underneath these bricks here, this sky completely exposed on the other side here. hallie, the governor says there were 20 people buried underneath what was left of a bar. one of them didn't survive. hallie? >> marisa parra, thank you. in california, protests and counterprotests colliding at ucla after a chaotic weekend across the country, demonstrators clashing with police, hundreds arrested. adrienne broadus is there. >> reporter: tensions spilling over at ucla as protesters clash on campus. >> back up! >> reporter: demonstrators swarming past security barricades. >> free, free, free palestine! >> reporter: duelling
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rallies facing off. pro-palestinian protesters calling for an end to israel's war. >> enough is enough, the violence has to stop. we are here for a ceasefire. >> reporter: a counterprotest supporting israel with some say pro-palestinian protests have fueled hate speech. do students, jewish students feel safe? >> absolutely not. i think what's happening right now is making everyone feel extremely unsafe. we really do fear for our lives and the future. >> reporter: across the country this weekend, hundreds arrested or detained for protesting on campuses from arizona to missouri where 80 people were arrested overnight at washington university, some now released. >> there are people who don't have the choice on whether their life is risked over this or not. if all i have to risk is maybe sitting in a cell for a minute to help that i will. >> reporter: at usc saturday the school's famed trojan statue vandalized and these images overnight show tactical police units surrounding the campus. they were later called off.
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that standdown despite students returning to the very same area on campus police cleared them from last week. all of this calling many to question the decisions colleges across the country are making about how to handle the protest. >> it's a very difficult thing, and this particular political issue is especially hard because there are no good guys. this one's been a real challenge to find the right words, the right choices between freedom of speech and safety for students. >> adrienne is joining us from ucla and we understand campus police are on the scene. >> reporter: hallie, campus police are present and the barricades are in place. members of lapd are not here. the school says it will only call in outside law enforcement if absolutely necessary to keep demonstrators safe. hallie? >> adrienne, thank you. the israel-hamas war hitting home for families of the americans taken hostage with a new plea from relatives
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after hamas released a video of one citizen they've held for more than six months. keir simmons reports from saudi arabia. saudi arab. >> rep >> reporter: tonight, more reaction from the family of keith siegle. the 64-year-old appearing in an undated hamas hostage video, its second in just one week. his niece with this message for hamas, israel and the biden administration. >> i have faith that we can do a deal now, but i also think that if that isn't possible then the biden administration should think about what they can do directly to bring our american citizens home. >> reporter: but there are more signs of an impending israeli attack on rafah in gaza now home to 1.2 million after a phone call between president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu, the white house saying biden reiterated his clear position on rafah while netanyahu's office insisting preparations continue. as a meeting of the world economic forum in the saudi capital
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today, palestinian president mahmoud abbas warning it would be the greatest catastrophe in the history of the palestinian people. tonight, secretary blinken heading for talks in saudi arabia before he goes to israel. hamas officials will be in cairo to study an israeli proposal but egypt's foreign minister telling cnbc's dan murphy that a deal remains difficult and multidimensional. >> the number of hostages and the positioning of israeli troops and the duration of a ceasefire and the return of civilians to their original place of residence. >> reporter: alongside secretary blinken, top arab officials and foreign ministers from france, germany and the uk will be here in saudi arabia tomorrow. the pressure on israel and hamas to agree to a deal mounting, the clock ticking. hallie? >> keir simmons there for us in saudi arabia. keir, thank you. clearly, the president has a lot on
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his plate in the days ahead, but for a couple of hours this weekend his focus less on global events, more on the social events of the year for washington. the white house correspondents' dinner as he hosted his republican rival. aaron gilchrist was there. >> i want to thank you for the warm welcome. >> reporter: journalism, hollywood and politics colliding in washington with president biden in rare form as comedian in chief. >> yes, age is an issue. i'm a grown man! running against a 6-year-old. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the president using the white house correspondents association annual dinner to launch a barrage of jokes at his 2024 presidential challenger, former president donald trump. >> age is the only thing we have in common. my vice president actually endorses me. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: biden also taking a rare swipe at trump's legal troubles. >> i've had a great stretch since the state of the union.
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donald has had a few tough days lately. you might call it stormy weather. >> reporter: the president has ramped up direct attacks on trump, but biden's age didn't escape the night's entertainer from "saturday night live" colin jost. >> the economy is kind of like you on the steps of air force one. it feels like it's stumbling, but there's somehow upward progress. jost also took some shots at former president trump. >> can we just acknowledge how refreshing it is to see a president of the united states at an event that doesn't begin with a bailiff saying all rise? >> trump reacting on social media sunday morning calling the dinner really bad and saying colin jost bombed and crooked joe was an absolute disaster. doesn't get much worse than this. president biden ending the night with a toast to the first amendment. >> to a free press, to an informed citizenry, to an america where freedom and democracy endure.
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>> aaron is joining us now with more on the campaign trail ahead and aaron, mr. trump may be reconciling with a former rival. >> the trump campaign tells us trump met with florida governor ron desantis this morning to talk about fundraising and to bury the hatchet after a bitter primary battle. >> lots to watch. aaron, thank you so much. >> still ahead for us on the show, the nfl's controversial new helmets to prevent head injuries. they're big. they're bulky. so will players wear them? injuries. they're big. they're bulky. so will players wear them? i knew i'd find you here. i know, it's wild. i'm you from the future! anyway our doctor figured it out. all that constipation with belly pain that keeps coming back, it's ibs—c. she said linzess could help you get ahead of it. whatta you say? yess! get ahead of your ibs—c with linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once—daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms...
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we are back with a consequential and conspicuous nfl safety shift with the league just approving controversial new helmets to prevent head injury, but one look at them has a lot of folks asking will players actually want to wear them? here's george solis. >> reporter: the nfl now taking perhaps its most visual and polarizing steps in drastically improving player safety. the league now expanding the use of these admittedly for far from fashion forward, players giving the option to wear guardian caps to o beyond practice to regular season games and to reduce head injuries by as much as 20%, according to league data. the league cementing their stance. >> if you'll take a punch from mike tyson straight to the face. would you rather a pillow over your face or take it straight on? >> reporter: the nfl introduced the caps during training camp. >> we saw the guardian cap this year. the guardian cap again
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had a 50% reduction in concussions for the players who wore it in training camp. >> reporter: nbc news on the field then with washington commanders n95 lineman saahdiq charles. >> i'm always open to change. >> the nfl mandating the use for practices for most players. >> we've seen players sacrificing looking cool to be safe in the past and we're talking about cte and helping avoid some of those things that affect you later on in life, and if they're able to prove that it does reduce that, then players will get on board with it. >> reporter: even now reaction to the beehive-shaped covering mixed. one player writing this is the craziest thing ever. it's not just the pros. some high schools have been using them for years. >> when we first started wearing them i had coaches coming up to me making fun of us. >> churchill's high school football team in michigan has been sporting caps during practices since 2017. >> i think we've been a pioneer of player safety at our school and we'll continue pushing that envelope for sure. >> reporter: but will guardian caps take the field or fumble, as
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the nfl continues to tackle player safety? george solis, nbc news. she's one of the greatest gymnasts ever and i know you know her name. gabby douglas, she won gold for the u.s. in two olympics. but eight years ago, an eternity in the world of gymnastics, she stopped competing. now this weekend she's roaring back. >> reporter: it may look smaller scale, but this texas qualifier could mark the start of a colossal comeback. gabby douglas, swinging on to the scene after stepping away from competitive gymnastics, this weekend delivering performances in floor exercise, vault, and uneven bars. familiar terrain even if it's been a minute for the 28-year-old who won hearts after she won gold in the olympics all around and helped power the americans to team gold in 2012 and 2016. earlier this year, announcing her return to the mat. >> so, gabby, the big question, does this
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mean you have your sights set on paris for the olympics this summer? >> oh, definitely. most definitely. i've been taking one day at a time. i'm honestly super excited to get back out there. >> reporter: if she makes the cut this year, douglas would be the oldest american woman to compete in gymnastics since the 1950s. >> honestly, i'm super grateful for my body to be able to hold up to this sport. >> reporter: that work yet in the spotlight yet again. >> i would say if you truly love what you do then go for it and don't let someone's limited view limit you, and go for the moon. >> a lot of folks cheering her on. we're back in a moment with the town overrun by bears, breaking into homes, even cars. the serious steps some people are taking to stay safe. . known for lessons that matter. known for lessons that matter. known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer,
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to a to a bear scare tonight happening north of los angeles where some folks who wanted to get away from it all are now finding themselves getting away from the bears invading their town by the hundreds. some caught on camera breaking into homes, even cars. elwin lopez reports. >> reporter: tucked away within the los padres national forest, the community of pine mountain bluff, california, has always been surrounded by wildlife. >> this one doesn't even care that i'm here. >> reporter: now it's turned into what some here are calling an invasion. black bears now out of the woods and crawling on the patios, somehow opening car doors. >> holy -- >> reporter: even breaking into homes. >> get! get! >> reporter: this one chased away by a non-lethal gun.
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how would you describe the bear situation here? >> honestly, it's out of control. >> bear in the house! >> reporter: ian woke up shocked as he spotted a bear opening his fridge. >> i asked who was in the kitchen, and the bear replied with a lengthy sturdy growl. i just hit that stun gun, and that electrified sound made the bear jump straight back out the wound he came in. >> reporter: since last july, there have been over 560 bear-related incidents, already far higher than the 319 from the year before. >> we're going on bear patrol? >> we're going on bear patrol. >> reporter: sam patrols the town nightly looking for bears. within less than an hour. >> there's a bear! >> reporter: we saw two of them. >> what are you guys doing? >> reporter: his goal, to scare them away. across the west, bears wandering away from their natural habitats infiltrating suburban towns, backyard pools and even grocery stores. some experts say raging wildfires and
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drought have forced them to look for food elsewhere. in pine mountain club, some blame the wildfires. >> what are you doing? get down. get down! >> reporter: others see another culprit. >> we've got a few residents who think it's their job to feed the bears. so they contribute to the problem and we're working with the authorities to deal with that. >> reporter: now homeowners are doing whatever they can to keep bears from breaking in. ian's property fortified with electrical wire. >> i love our wild life, but i also love my home and my family. >> the problem so dire here that dozens of homes now boarded up like this one after bears barged through. >> we are anticipating it getting much, much worse. >> this is your new reality. >> this is our new reality. >> reporter: a new reality testing how people and bears can co-exist. elwin lopez, nbc news,n
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pine mountain club, california. when we come back, there is good news tonight. how this high school pep band stepped up at a key moment and stepped into the national spotlight. ♪♪ ♪♪ breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin. tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide. hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation.
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put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. there's good news tonight about stepping up and a high school band answering the call for help on one of college sports' biggest stages. >> they've won the national championship in st. paul, minnesota. ♪ ♪ >> this, the thrilling moment the university of denver men's hockey team won their tenth national championship. their secret weapon,
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the soundtrack in the sands. stands. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: minnesota's edina hornets, a high school pep band. ♪ >> reporter: the squad stepping up because denver have a band of its own. so the team's director josh burlow connected with andy richter. tell me about getting that call. >> it was exciting and an opportunity i just could not pass up for our students. >> one, two, ready, go! >> with less than two weeks to the frozen four, time was running out. >> we were scanning sheet music and emailing through them to learn the university of denver fight song and boy did they ever deliver. >> reporter: talk about the challenge, andy. you didn't even know the fight song. >> well, luckily, the fight song is kind of short. and so the kids really latched on to it fast and were able to learn it. ♪
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>> reporter: so these two dozen high schoolers suddenly in the national spotlight for the last two games of the season. >> it's crazy. this is a college event and we're high schoolers playing it. >> reporter: talk to us about the spirit they brought to the game. >> that it brought so much energy and really inspired our team. it was an incredible moment. >> a slap shot with denver's team so grateful they took out this full-page ad in a local minnesota paper to say thanks. >> it was just electric and so much fun to be able to look at the fire in the students' eyes and they were cheering on as if they were a college band for denver. go. >> denver! >> reporter: what does this say about the power of good sportsmanship? >> sports and music came together here. it really had an element that makes something special and brought folks together and generated a ton of smiles. and smiles are important.
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>> an incredible moment. denver's athletic director tells us they're so grateful to those high schoolers they're offering small scholarships for the ones that accept an offer to go there. that does it for "nightly news" this sunday. i'm hallie jackson. for all of us at nbc, thanks for watching. we'll see you right back here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin.
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