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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 29, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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on roku and all other platforms. you can watch breaking news newscasts as well as those updates and more content. so nbc bay area, whenever you want. and right now, at six overnight developments in gaza and word of a new israeli airstrike, despite efforts to reach a cease fire. we're live in washington with the latest including a new hopeful sign of progress in relief efforts. plus, when it comes to making it in the bay, is it better to rent or buy? well, the new data that may have some homeowners second guessing those mortgage payments open again following a weekend long hard closure. we've got an update on southbound interstate 680 and what to expect during your morning commute. this is today in the bay. and good monday morning. i'm ginger conejero saab in for laura garcia, and i'm marcus washington. and of course, we've got a lot to talk about. mike, you have that commute coming up
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in just a bit about what we should know. and some good news for you there. all right, all right. but look, let's talk about that forecast, because look, look behind us, carrie. it's your favorite time of the day. the sunrise and the sunrise is getting earlier and earlier. so days getting longer, slightly warmer. and we are going to have another really nice day ahead. we're right now at 49 in oakland. one of the cooler spots, san rafael, 50 degrees and 53 in san jose. and we will continue with a sunny sky and temperatures very much like yesterday with a high of 66. in san francisco, 73 in santa rosa. and the warmest temperature fairfield at 77. most of the bay area for the east bay, the south bay. parts of the peninsula will be in the low 70s. tomorrow is a repeat of today, so we're not going to put an end to this nice weather, but it will be slightly warmer on wednesday into thursday with some upper 70s and low 80s on the map, so i'll be tracking that for you. mike, you were looking at a crash in fremont. absolutely carrie. yeah, we're talking about this
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side of the bay where we see most of the slowing in the east bay and southbound 880 at alvarado-niles coming into fremont out of union city, there is a crash may be blocking with debris in some of your middle lanes. that's why there's more slowing here now. also, 680 as ginger was talking about that reopened right on schedule. that's great news. there is a crash now south 680 at 84 near the transition. so that is starting to distract folks and gum up traffic a bit. no major injuries, but that will take a little while longer until the crew can get there from actually from the tesla plant, it sounds like we're looking at westbound highway four, westbound 37 and the bay bridge toll plaza. the backup is there of course, filling it in back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well developing right now in the middle east, israeli forces have reportedly launched a new, deadly overnight strike in gaza. now today in the bay's brie jackson. live for us in washington this morning and brie, this comes despite the high stakes talks between president biden and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that's right. good morning marcus. so that phone call taking place over the weekend,
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president biden discouraged israel's assault on rafah, a plea seemingly to have fallen on deaf ears, reuters reports. new israeli airstrikes killed at least 20 palestinians there overnight. more than 1 million people are reportedly seeking refuge in rafah following months of attacks. now the attack comes just hours ahead of hamas leaders meeting in cairo, egypt, to discuss a potential cease fire. it's unknown if today's air strike by israel will have an impact on those negotiations. but back to sunday's conversation between president biden and netanyahu. it comes less than a month after the two leaders held a phone call after an israeli airstrike killed seven humanitarian workers. and speaking of those humanitarian aid workers bring a lot of people can't forget that now the organization they were affiliated with, they're actually making an announcement this morning. they are so world central kitchen is set to resume its humanitarian operations in gaza following that deadly israeli airstrike that killed
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those workers. officials with the organization say they have more than 200 trucks carrying enough supplies for almost 8 million meals ready to enter gaza through the rafah crossing and from jordan, world central kitchen says it's also looking to add new sea routes to bring supplies into the region. following the airstrike nearly a month ago, israeli forces took full responsibility for killing the aid workers, saying it was the result of soldiers mistaking them for her. for hamas gunmen. now the aid organization founded by chef jose andres, suspended all deliveries of food and other critical supplies immediately after the attack. marcus. all right, brie jackson in washington this morning for us. and certainly what's happening there feeling the effects here with a lot of folks here in america. all right brie, thank you for that. now pro-palestinian protests continue to make their voices heard. this is at colleges camp, college campuses across the country, including here in the bay area at stanford. want to
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give you a live look this morning. this is at white plaza, and you can see there the set up this morning with the tents and people there. now, over the weekend, stanford leaders, they handed out letters to protesters letting them know they could be expelled or possibly even arrested. today at the base, kris sanchez, she's live on the campus with more on that big decision that students are now faced with. she'll have a live report coming up for us in the next half hour. and new this morning. it is not often that you get to listen in on a conversation involving two former presidents and a sitting president. well, it's happening on the smartless podcasts latest episode featuring president joe biden and former presidents barack obama and bill clinton. excuse me. now, in one clip, mr. biden talks about gun reform. when asked about the issues that voters should be focused on. we're going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country. yes, the idea that we allow assault weapons to be sold with magazines with 100
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rounds is just bizarre. the democrats never said, we want to take your guns away. absolutely not. you never said that. you said, by the way, we got to be smart about what's don't need to kill a deer with an ar 15. well, former president donald trump has said that if elected, he would undo restrictions implemented by president biden. the podcast was recorded when biden was in new york city for the three presidents fundraiser at radio city music hall, the interview dropped today on all podcast platforms. well, south bay deputy is recovering. this is after a crash in a high speed chase which also injured four innocent people. this happened yesterday on commodore drive and king road in san jose. that's where patrol car struck an suv. now, all four passengers in that suv and the deputy survived there, suffered some non-life threatening injuries. now, the entire incident started when deputies say that they tried to pull over a speeding car and that suspect took off. at one point, he also rammed a patrol car. police later slowed that
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car with speed strips, later arresting the driver. the driver of that car is facing multiple criminal charges, including driving a stolen vehicle. well, new signs this morning that making it in the bay is not getting any easier for first time home buyers. today in the bay's bob redell is live in dublin. and bob, the latest data indicates a surge in home prices compared to this time last year. it does. good morning to you ginger. the california association of realtors just released new numbers. we'll put them up on your screen for you. and you can see that the median price of a home here in the bay area is almost $1.4 million. that's 15.5% higher than the median price the year before. in march of 2023. it's also a sign that prices have recovered from the dip they took in the fall of 2022, following the federal reserve's interest rate hikes. back then, experts say buyers
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have grown tired of waiting for those interest rates to come back down. they've come off the sidelines but are having to pay much more than they wanted. there's just not much inventory out here, just a two and a half month supply. actually, two months supply, excuse me. and the median time for houses to sell is just under two weeks. now, as home prices go up, renting becomes more attractive. a new study from bank rate backs this up. the financial website has found that renting is now cheaper than buying a home. in all, 50 of the largest us metro areas, the average mortgage payment nationwide was 2700 a month, while the average rent was around 1980 a month. that's a gap of close to 37% in the bay area. the gap between owning and renting is much greater. it ranges from around 160% to 190, roughly bank rate also found that in 21 metro areas, the average monthly cost of owning a home is at least 50% more expensive than renting.
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reporting live here in dublin. bob redell today in the bay. thanks a lot bob. that was really interesting stuff to watch out for a lot of a lot of things that people are listening into. thanks. 608 for you this morning, let's take a live look out in san francisco. beautiful. start there to the morning. look, this is how we like our monday mornings to begin. and that's where we find a lot of students raising some awareness about bike safety. certainly the weather to get out and ride those bikes. so a group it's called safe routes to school. it's behind this week's bike and roll to school week, and it's really aimed at showing students how to get around without a car and children in all grade levels. they are encouraged to participate, and meteorologist kerry hall is here to monitor the forecast for those bike rides to school or wherever you need to go. yes, it looks like it's going to be really nice. no issues with fog or visibility. we have a clear morning as we take a look live right now, and we head over to walnut creek with also a clear morning as
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we're starting out with temperatures in the low 50s, our highs today will reach into the low 70s. so really nice all around oakland as well as dublin. we'll see a high of 71 degrees will be in the low 70s for pleasanton and union city and antioch today. just a touch warmer at 76. and we'll continue to warm up over the next few days. so we'll take a look at those numbers coming up in just a few minutes. let's head over to mike now with a look at where we can find some lower gas prices. yeah, we're doing our best. honest so we'll go to abe. right. this is the lowest price in union city. 4.79 at abe on mission boulevard for sunnyvale. it's national petroleum for 89 at their shop on old san francisco road in the middle here. and nothing under five bucks in san mateo. the city or the county will go to san mateo, the city, for 5.04 at gas and shop on east fourth avenue. that's their best price listed for the city, listed by you and compare your prices, folks. as we look at the roadways, compare routes. and compared to this weekend, 37 is great. it's reopened right on
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schedule. there is slowing right on schedule out of vallejo, over towards sears point. now this coming weekend, eastbound will be closed for that same section. i'll remind you. i'll show you the way around. meanwhile, there is that bill for the richmond san rafael bridge. pretty typical 580 over in toward the north bay out of contra costa county. there's the berkeley area. sorry, not the berkeley curve. this is the span of the bay bridge. there's a disabled vehicle reported, but it's moving smoothly. now back to you. i love that moving smoothly. all right. thanks, mike. especially on a monday. well, the big sur marathon looked quite different this year after that partial road collapse , but it did not stop one bay area local from getting first place. i head on today in the bay. we'll hear from the san francisco man who took that win. turns out sometimes made in america isn't. we'll tell you what company got in trouble for that. out to the futures this morning. the markets were quite good last week. looking well this morning monday morning as well. and speaking of looking good, how does a three day weekend sound for super bowl.
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yeah i'd be like absolutely. all right so look at that new exciting proposal. hoping for a touchdown. keep it right her you're watching
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. how it shapes up for us in santa clara will be at 53 degrees. it's a clear start and we have a lot of sunshine throughout the morning into the afternoon. we're headed for the low 70s and you can see the trend there as
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we go from needing a light jacket to maybe some short sleeves. today we'll talk about the changes ahead for the week coming up, and we're looking over here toward fremont, the headlights heading southbound and that's a nice easy drive past the tesla and toward milpitas. there may be a crash somewhere along that stretch, so i'm going to check again with those speed sensors and the chp. we'll let you know to expect as you travel out of the east bay and into silicon valley. well, good morning. very happy monday. the markets did well last week. the nasdaq was up better than 4. a lot of companies report earnings this week, including apple and amazon. san francisco based williams-sonoma got in trouble with the ftc over accusations it's made in america. products weren't. it's paying a $3 million fine. it's not the first time the company, which also owns pottery barn, has gotten in trouble for that. tesla shares are generally up after a surprise visit from elon musk to china. here's a picture he posted with a visit to the country's premier. musk says china has cleared the way for
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tesla's so-called full self-driving on its roads. on friday, the department of homeland security announced a new ai safety board. musk isn't on it, nor is zuckerberg. the heads of microsoft, nvidia and openai, though, made the cut. speaking of openai, we know the maker of chatgpt four is working on version five. the best guess is chatgpt four was programed with more than a trillion data points vacuuming, vacuuming up wikipedia articles, new york times articles, anything programmers could get their hands on to teach the large language model estimates say they'll need ten times as much for gpt five, which makes some in the business concerned. we're running out of data. one solution is to feed ai data from one eye to the other. we spoke to an artificial intelligence expert about that on our program. press here over the weekend. it sounds gross, pablo, but you know what that reminds
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me of is mad cow disease, when you feed a cow, a cow, you end up with bovine encephalitis, this is a an ai producing data that other ai would use as its data, just sounds like the beginning of a scary movie. yeah and, you know, it can go really, really poorly. like the, ai feeding on itself. it can get lost somewhere and lose, lose track of reality and start spouting garbage, so you need to control that process very carefully to make sure that it is actually improving the model and not just leading to nowhere. other news the washington post reports meta is considering layoffs at facebook at its oversight board, the group that polices content. facebook created the oversight board in 2019 as an independent body that could overrule the company's decisions on blocking and banning the federal open market committee meets this week to discuss interest rates. i mentioned this last because
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everybody is sure they're not going to change anything. they're certainly not going to lower interest rates. ginger brought up an interesting point in our 5:00 hour. the number of people who are hoping or waiting for lower mortgage rates, they probably will come down at some point. but make no mistake, they're never going back to 2 or 3. i don't think we had a global financial crisis in 2009. right then we had a pandemic. if that happens again, you'll get two and 3% mortgage rates. otherwise, no, i don't think there's a chance of that. and i don't think people want to see a repeat. no, we do not want another million americans dead, right. or the global financial crisis. but it was such a unique time in the history of america that that's where those numbers came from. and so many people are like, i'm just trying to wait till they get back. now i'm like, no, it's not happening. no, scott said. scott, be a good segment. scott said. we'll work on that. thanks, scott. you bet. well, we do have a follow up on that road closure on highway one today. caltrans is opening the
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convoys to the public. you may remember a portion of the road on bixby bridge near big sur collapsed after heavy rain last month. now, since then, the road has been closed and caltrans has been leading convoys for residents twice a day. but now anyone visiting the area can join the convoys running from 7 to 8 in the morning afternoon southbound convoys will only be open to residents and essential workers. and speaking of roads, recent road conditions on highway one, no obstacle for some long distance runners taking part in the big sur marathon. now, one of this year's winners is from san francisco. simon ricci crossed the finish line in just under 2.5 hours to take first place. look at that now in the women's division, the central valley's payton bilo came in first, crossing the finish line about 25 minutes later. bilo says the updated course because of the highway one closure did not affect her run. i was nervous because i knew it was going to
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be more hilly than it would have been otherwise, but we had the wind at our backs going out, so i think that actually ended up being a good thing, pushing you faster. the pitch to the finish line. now, this year, more than 4000 people attend the course. good job guys. what a beautiful day i know. yeah well trending this morning something to put on the back burner for football fans who have experienced the super bowl hangover. of course, that next day after the games. absolutely. but you know what nfl commissioner roger goodell well he's actually now considering a long term plan to extend the season another week that ends up on presidents day weekend, which is a three day weekend, which makes the sunday night. and then you have monday off. yeah. so he's talking about adding the second bye week and extending the postseason to presidents day weekend, as you heard right there. so the nfl would also further shorten the preseason by one game. now this will all hinge on the agreement in the next contract, which
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actually won't come into pass until 2030. the next issue has really been, you know, contention in the past, but for years there's actually been a viral push for fans to make the day after the super bowl a national holiday. that or even maybe making the game on saturday, which is kind of weird because, you know, you think football sunday's super bowl sunday, but it's always early for us, so it's no problem. on the west coast. east coast. yeah. you know, but you let's rewind okay. 2030 i know. oh man. so you got some time to plan for. yeah i know it's a long time away. yeah. so if you get it up here it'll make sense when it's on the screen. right i was telling mike that my kids had the day off after super bowl off of school, and it was just like there was no holiday, you know? and then the next week was presidents day, so for two weeks they had mondays off. and i'm like, okay, well when we make this happen for the workplace too, i know that's right. i mean, we'll still be here, but i mean, you know, yeah. all right.
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well, let's wait for that. i guess. all right. let's get started. this morning. we are starting out with a clear sky, cool temperatures. it's a really nice start to our monday after a beautiful weekend. and we are going to continue on with sunshine today in san jose. we're in the upper 50s at 9:00. at 1:00 it is 69 degrees and headed for the low 70s for today. and it's going to be comfortable all throughout the day. still pretty windy though, and we are going to see the temperature in san mateo and san francisco up to 66 degrees 71 in oakland as well as dublin and 75 in concord. the 7-day forecast is up at the bottom of the screen. temperatures slowly rise over the next few days and then come down for the weekend. so all throughout the week we're looking at some nice, comfortable, nice spring like weather. slightly warmer for wednesday and thursday, but we're still looking at some 60s near the coast, 70s and low 80s for the interior valleys. we're still seeing high pressure dominate across our region and a
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very active storm track hitting the pacific northwest. so we're still getting our normal weather pattern here. but only a slight chance of rain for the weekend. definitely a drop in temperatures. take a look at santa rosa. we're going from highs in the 70s to low 80s to saturday's high. only 65 degrees and not much better on sunday. it's going to be cooler than normal, but still pretty mild if you are able to get in some sunshine. and as we go throughout the next few days, our temperatures are headed up to the low 80s inland, while san francisco will eventually get one day of a high of 70 degrees. mike, you're seeing a couple of issues in the east bay. overall, things are moving nicely, but we are tracking a couple of issues. the one south to south, 880 around alvarado-niles looks like the debris has cleared, so we're starting to actually improve despite more traffic heading down there. we have 680 with the crash still at 680 and 84. more traffic means more distractions. so watch the area of sunol there. but at least this crash over here, dixon landing road is not a factor. heading down
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through milpitas. back to you. thanks a lot, mike. 623 right now helping patients living with parkinson's. next here on today in the bay, we're going to talk about this new app, that one local tech company has developed. and it's going to actually help doctors better understand the disease. keep it
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diagnose the problem for people living with the disease. strive pd is an app developed by san francisco rune labs. it's with the apple watch. now, that app can actually distinguish tremors from parkinson's and movements caused instead by drug side effects. the company that actually has this information can better help doctors manage the patient's symptoms and dosage. we are really looking at how do we harness brain data through wearables? in our case, it's the apple watch to really get a better understanding of what's happening with folks that have different brain diseases, strive pd gives you some data to that. you can kind of gut check yourself and say, you know what's really happening here? what am i really seeing? and it really helps you prepare for doctor's appointments. house lawmakers in december passed the national plan to end parkinson's act. it calls on the federal government to create a new project to prevent and cure the disease. the senate is still debating the same legislation, and we've got a lot more ahead
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at 630, including devastating rain across the midwest, the search and rescue efforts underway following a weekend of powerful storms which spawned tornadoes. plus some very serious consequences are over the heads of the protesters sleeping here on the stanford campus, another bay area campus also joined in that protest, and things got pretty heated down in southern california. i'll have a wrap up for you coming up. and later on, california pandemonium . it's not just san francisco getting pandas from china, the southern california city, which will have two of its own. keep it he. you'reer
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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now at 630. campus tensions on high nation wide. and here in the bay area, some face expulsion as they push the limits in their protest over the war in the middle east. we are live this morning at one school, threatening to draw a line in the sand. a heartbroken community sharing their grief. new details about the family of four killed in a tragic crash in the east bay. plus, a mail carrier robbed at gunpoint on the peninsula. those thieves apparently seeking much more than just mail. the massive new reward to help crack this case.
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this is today in the bay. and a good morning to you. i'm marcus washington, and i'm ginger conejero saab. it is monday morning. hello work week. and hello, sunshine meteorologist carrie hall has our forecast for today. is it looking good, carrie? it looks amazing. we had a great weekend that continues today. we're waking up to sunshine. our days are getting longer and eventually our temperatures will start to warm up. here's a look at what to expect. it will be slightly warmer starting tomorrow through thursday, where some of our inland valleys could reach into the mid 70s and low 80s. this weekend we'll see more changes coming our way with a drop in temperatures. it will be cooler and breezy and then taking a look at what to expect as you're heading out. we are going to see temperatures in the mid 50s to start, but then continuing to head up for the mid 60s and then low 70s for later today. so we'll get a look at this and what to expect in our forecast
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coming up in a few minutes. marcus and ginger and we'll watch out for that. thanks a lot carrie. now political protests on the stanford campus are reaching a critical juncture. some students are now at risk of getting kicked out of school or arrested. today in the bay's kris sanchez is live there this morning, and chris, students have some big decisions that they need to make. yeah, it is all quiet and very peaceful here at the stanford campus right now. the protesters are sleeping , but it might have been a restless night as they were notified that if this protest continues, they could face getting kicked out of school or even arrested. there are about two dozen tents here at white plaza, where students and some non-students continue to camp out and call for a ceasefire in gaza and a recent student election shows that the majority of undergraduate students who voted want stanford to divest from israel, as well. but there are some very big personal consequences that could come. i would like the university to cut all of its ties to israel, to
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cut all of its ties to companies that aid israel in, funding the war crimes they commit against the palestinian people. now, over the weekend, students at sonoma state joined the protests as well, pitching tents and holding a rally there. as you might know, cal poly humboldt was early in the protest. it is now shut down for the rest of the semester as protesters occupied two buildings on campus down in southern california usc the famed tommy trojan statue was vandalized with the words say no to genocide, and the main graduation ceremony is still canceled as nearly 100 people were arrested last week, things escalated at ucla as well, where protesters clashed on campus between amongst themselves. at some point, things got physical between the two sides. demonstrators rushed security gates until police were called in. today, we expect that san francisco state students will also begin a protest of their own there. they might have the
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support of some faculty members who created a group called justice in palestine, and we expect that is going to be happening later on. we'll bring you news out of that protest coming up in our midday news at 11:00 at stanford. kris sanchez, today in the bay. thank you. we'll be watching for that. chris 634 right now and heartbroken community mourning the loss of a family of four killed in a fiery crash. some 200 classmates, teachers and friends gathered yesterday at valle vista park in pleasanton. that's where they were remembering the george family, who you may remember, died last wednesday. this is when their electric car slammed into a tree on foothill road and burst into flames. friends identify the family as the father to ruin. mom renzi and their sons rowan and aaron. rowan was an eighth grader at hart middle school, and aaron, a second grader at dunnellon elementary. now, families with students at each of those schools, they're just devastated. i still can't believe nobody can believe that
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they're gone. he called my son just two hours before it all happened. this is heartbreaking. now, police say speed may have played a role, but the investigation into why the driver lost control is ongoing. angry activists are raising new concerns over the texting scandal rocking antioch's police department. dozens gathered yesterday outside department headquarters. they fear some of the officers involved in the scandal have been reinstated, and they're upset about what they believe is a lack of transparency. we don't know which officers have been reinstated and which officers have been rewarded for their misconduct. with a years long paid vacation, sending gorillas and monkeys and other racist memes. are we safe with those guys? the department did not respond to our requests for a comment. activists were also marking ten years since the
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police assault incident involving a young black man who later took his own life. now, the us postal service is offering a six figure reward to solve the recent robbery of a mail carrier at gunpoint, where it happened last week. it's in san carlos, niello, walnut street and saint francis way. investigators so far have little to work on, but they say this is one in a recent string of robberies targeting bay area mail carriers. now, anyone providing information leading to an arrest will be eligible for a reward. up to $150,000. well, new video this morning showing the aftermath. this is from deadly tornadoes in oklahoma to at least five people, including a baby, have died. about 100 others were hurt. now those tornadoes caused some damage to homes and even businesses. the governor there in oklahoma issuing an executive order declaring a state of emergency. we do know that 12 counties where crews work right now to clean up the debris, and they're
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assessing the damage there, meteorologist kari hall of course, been tracking the weather going on there as well as here at home. but that weather, the conditions there kind of moving out of that area. yeah. so it's clearing oklahoma now but continuing to move to the east. and you can see that louisiana has a big threat of the tornadoes this morning. and we're going to see that pushing into some of the more the gulf coast states. and then we're also going to see more of that storm progressing off towards the east. while they will have a chance to kind of clean up and reassess today for some of those areas that have had to deal with the severe weather and then for the pacific northwest, the new storm system coming in, this one is going to bring some rain, as well as some high elevation snow for the spots in oregon, as well as washington state as it continues to move off towards the east. and that's going to kind of skip around the bay area. so our weather stays nice and quiet. it will, though, be a windy day as we're seeing that low to the north, high pressure to the south creating a rush of winds across the bay area that will give us another windy day
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near the coastline that could reach some of those. wind gusts 30 to 45mph. and then even in some of the hills, we could see some breezy winds, while the valleys will start to see those winds calming down later on this evening. so we'll be watching that. temperatures stay nice and mild, and we'll talk about the rest of the week. mike, you're seeing that the morning rush has now made it to 92. yeah. highway 92 westbound across the san mateo bridge got very popular over the last 15 minutes, slowing because of the volume. no incidents. but we have the volume building on 880 as well, a crash. it looks like everything's clear now to dixon or at alvarado-niles, but we'll watch for some slowing for some debris. dumbarton bridge, just to the south of there is fine and sunol reopened after the weekend closure. there is a minor crash there. six 8084 it's a distraction but the build is on for the tri-valley south bay kicking in with that second slowing, we typically see looking ahead. there is a game over there at the coliseum, so there will be some slowing after work as folks exit there and there's a concert over at chase.
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so keep in mind that crowd there. back to you. thanks mike. now, pandas. well, they're coming to california. and it's not just san francisco ahead on today in the bay. the other golden state city getting a pair of their own white house correspondents dinner was over the weekend. we'll give you some presidential humor out to wall street this morning, where the dow has opened the 200 points to the positive. story of my life. i take her home. i'll drive all night to keep her warm. oh, yes, that's the sounds of bay area. yeah. so a pair of local brothers hoping to make the bay area proud tonight on the voice. i want you to keep it right here. we're going to talk abo theirut
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a look at fremont as you're heading out the door this morning. it's all clear, temperatures nice and cool, and there will be a gradual warm up going from 52 with a light wind now to a little bit more breezy as our highs head closer to 70 degrees. we will have a warm up as we go throughout the week, so i'll show you that and the full microclimate forecast coming up. and we're looking at the bay bridge. this is interesting. we have lighter flow in the lanes closest to us. i know hov of course, but i'm talking about those other lanes where folks are paying for their tolls, seeing what's going on at the berkeley curve and coming out of the maze. we'll let you know what we find coming up. well,
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president joe biden spoke with prime minister of israel over the weekend, and the white house says that the president was clear do not invade rafah and scott mcgrew. the concern is that civilian death toll would just be far too high. that's right. good morning to you. rafah is on the south end of gaza. israel, as you'll remember, attacked gaza starting from the north, encouraging refugees to move south for safety. but now there's nowhere else to go. egypt will not let those refugees cross into their country. the white house has been very clear in its opposition to an invasion of rafah. reuters this morning reporting israel has already started airstrikes within that city. meantime, worry is growing within the democratic party of the popularity of the cause for palestine and peace on college campuses and elsewhere, and that the split is developing within the party. perhaps with protests at the upcoming democratic convention this summer. democrats, well aware of their own history and the debate
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within their own party over the vietnam war in the 1960s, led by young people, and the attack on those young people in chicago at the convention of 1968. this year's democratic national convention also held in chicago. bree jackson has been talking about this all morning about the push for ceasefire. secretary of state blinken's next trip to israel is coming up tomorrow. so over the weekend, the president attended the white house correspondents association dinner. longtime tradition in washington hosted this year by nbc's colin jost, with president biden, his guest of honor. it's been a year since i delivered this speech, and my wife, jill is with me tonight was worried how i do. i told her, don't worry. just like riding a bike, she said. that's what i'm worried about. of course, the 2024 elections in full swing and
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. yes, age is an issue. i'm a grown man running against a six year old. former president trump met behind closed doors with florida governor ron desantis over the weekend. desantis quit the republican race for nomination and endorsed trump back in january, a possible candidate for trump's vice president made waves over the weekend after a newspaper published portions of south dakota governor kristi noem's book, in which she recounts shooting the family dog because it was a poor hunting dog. and she said it was dangerous. the guardian quotes passages passages rather from her book, where she says the dog was untrainable dangerous to anyone she came in contact with less than worthless as a hunting dog. i hated that dog, she said. that's from the guardian. nbc is not independently seen. that new book, no court for donald trump today. they're off today. they'll meet tomorrow, and then
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they're off again wednesday. the podcast smartless just published its interview with presidents biden, obama and clinton. somebody wrote of this picture, it looks like joe biden, barack obama and bill clinton and hosts will arnett and sean hayes are celebrating. jason bateman's release from a foreign prison. you can find the smartless podcast wherever you find your podcasts. marcus all right. thanks so much, scott. well, two vips will soon arrive in san diego from china. and in this case, we're talking about some very important pandas. the pair of giant pandas are expected to begin their residence at the san diego zoo this summer. now, that announcement coming out this morning and made possible with the ongoing partnership between the us and china, the zoo last had pandas in 2019. an exact date for that handoff. not yet set, but i can tell you that the double dose of cuteness is already triggering. shall we say, a little pandemonium? it is such a globally beloved animal that just brings so much
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happiness and joy. and san francisco mayor london breed recently announcing that agreement to bring pandas from china to san francisco in the zoo there. right now, those plans will be facing some fundraising challenges and supervisors will first have to agree to allow the mayor to try to raise that money. now, you can watch the full story about the pandas. much anticipated arrival in san diego that's coming up for you on the today show, right after us here on today in the bay at 7:00. panda, panda, all right, well, trending this morning is india serving more than just looks at the box office this past weekend. she duncan she's in another league. you were incredible today. come on. well the tennis drama challengers raked in $15 million in ticket sales. india also serves as producer of that film. now it follows kashi, who is a former pro tennis player who wants to help her pro tennis playing husband break out of a
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losing streak ahead of a game with another player who she previously dated, who? spicy. i don't know where to go there. well, the live shows for the voice, they also begin next week. yeah, but tonight the play off round will determine the final six singers who will actually be one note closer to the victory. we're here in the bay area, of course, rooting for our favorite local duo. they're justin and jeremy garcia. take a look. the climb every mountain and swim every slauson just to be okay. i like that they have a good blend, right? okay, so this is the twins. they're they're from millbrae and they started on team dan and shay. but you know what reba mcentire said? i want them. so she won them over in the battle round. so the question is how far will season 25 take justin and jeremy garcia? well, you can find out tonight on the voice right here on nbc bay area at 8:00. well,
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that's the reason to watch. i like next season. no, no, no, there's sunny skies. it's. let's not make it rain. no storm ahead. right, carrie? i guess i mean, we had the little melody going. yeah. so we'll work on that during the break. let's get started this morning as you're singing in the car on your way to this first day of the week, we are also going to see some nice quiet weather out there and temperatures in the low 50s. the star is going to be a beautiful day and some of the same weather we had from the weekend continues today as it warms up nicely, but it will still be windy. here's a look at our wind gust forecast. it will see those winds in the north bay along the coastline, as well as half moon bay 2030, possibly 40 mile per hour wind gusts. we'll see that in san francisco and some of our hills. the valley will have a much lighter wind as we go throughout the day, and our temperatures warming up into the
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low 70s. san jose, morgan hill, 73 degrees. about the same in livermore with some mid 70s for concord and martinez and in napa today 75 degrees san francisco in the mid 60s. we'll see that repeat tomorrow and only a slight warm up. but we really start to feel it on wednesday with upper 70s in the south bay, the tri valley into the north bay, close to 80 degrees in concord and fairfield. and we're going to see still an active storm pattern for the pacific northwest and ocean breeze for the bay area, and a slight warm up. but then as we approach the weekend, some of that cooler air starts to make it down our way. so take a look at gilroy and the changes. we'll see mid 70s for today and tomorrow. and then up to 80 degrees. that will be the warmest day on thursday. and then a major drop in temperatures for the weekend, possibly some spots getting some light rain. we'll only see a high of 67 there, as well as more of the same on sunday. i do think we'll have a better chance of rain in san francisco. the
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coastline, parts of the north bay mainly. on saturday. so as you're making plans for the weekend on this monday, just a heads up that it's going to be chilly. and mike, you're looking closely at the berkeley curve. yeah. and typically we'll look at this the commute direction which is moving very smoothly. and in fact a little bit lighter at the bay bridge. so that made me look for an issue. and we did hear about an issue. but it's going away from the bay bridge probably not affecting that lighter volume. there was a traffic break that might be called i don't see a problem right now going away from the bay bridge in the berkeley curve, reports of a crash there or a mild incident there. we don't see any slowing coming toward the area. we do see more slowing, though, at university for west 80, also through richmond. also slowing in toward the walnut creek interchange. the biggest change on this map. the rest of the bay moves smoothly. back to you. thanks a lot, mike. well, happening now, we could potentially have a final results for the much contested recount for the 16th district congressional race. there are just a handful of ballots remaining in a recount, which will decide who will
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square off against former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november. right now, state assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian are fighting for that other runoff spot in november. officials say a series of challenges have pushed back, wrapping up the recount, but both are vying to replace congresswoman anna eshoo after she announced she would not run again for the congressional seat . well, up next, we catch you up on the top stories making headlines here in the bay area, including facing expulsion as they push the limits in their protest over the war in the middle east. the local university threatening to draw a line. and when it comes to making it in the bay, is it better to rent or buy? well, there's some new data out that may have some homeowners. second guessing those mortgage payments. we'll be r
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different.
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okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) with a look at the top stories on today in the bay. pro-palestinian protesters continue to make their voices heard. this is at college campuses across the country, including at stanford. so here's a live look this morning at white plaza where you can see those tents are still up this morning. so over the weekend, stanford leaders handed out letters to protesters letting
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them know that they could be expelled or probably even arrested. and at usc over the weekend, the famed tommy trojan statue there vandalized with words saying say no to genocide. now at ucla, protests clashed with the campus. demonstrators rushed security gates until police were called in. a heartbroken community is mourning the loss of a family of four killed in a fiery crash. some 200 classmates, teachers and friends gathered yesterday at valle vista park in pleasanton. they were remembering the george family, who died last wednesday when their electric car slammed into a tree on foothill road and burst into flames. friends identified the family as a father, tarun marin, and their sons roman and aaron. roman was an eighth grader at hart middle school, and aaron was a second grader at donlon elementary. a south bay deputy is recovering. this is after a crash in a high speed chase which also injured four innocent people. it
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happened yesterday on commodore drive and king road. this is in san jose. that's where the patrol car struck an suv. now all four passengers in that suv and that deputy suffered non-life threatening injuries. the entire incident started when deputies say that they tried to pull over a speeding car, and that suspect took off. now, at one point, he also that suspect in that car rammed a patrol car. police later slowed that car down with some speed strips, later arresting that driver. the driver is now facing multiple criminal charges, including stolen vehicle. new data finds a home prices in the bay area are up compared to last year. that report comes from the california association of realtors, and it shows in march the median price of a home in the bay area was almost $1.4 million. that's 15.5% higher than the median price the year before. in march of 2023. now, it's also a sign that prices have recovered from the dip in 22 and 2022. i should
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say, following the federal reserve's interest rate hike, the median time for houses to sell is just under two weeks. that is fast. a lot of people say we're paying for the weather that we get, and it is pretty nice right now. it is nice. i don't know about that night. okay, we do have more sunshine and it will be in the low 70s. it does gradually get warmer as we head through the week. thursday will be our warmest day and then a big drop in temperatures in time for the weekend. we'll only see highs in the 60s with a chance of some showers and paying for some traffic. i guess. talking about tolls. san mateo bridge that's the traffic we typically see across the span. it is moving. be grateful. but 92 not a major issue. the bay bridge unusual. the bottom of the lanes on the screen now just filling in once again. i was looking for an incident near the maze there. there may have been a traffic break. there was a wrong-way driver reported coming out of the maze. i've seen no disturbance and no follow up crashes. i'm continuing to follow this though, of course, in the traffic center. all
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right. thanks, mike. well the today show is moments away, but we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other platforms ahead at eight. the private patient data. kaiser permanente may have sent to several big tech companies, plus the major shipping improvements at amazon, says it's making all right, we'll stick around for that. and thank you for joining us for here on today in the bay right here on nbc bay area. want to leave you with a live look at the beautiful city of san francisco. make it a great day. it's monday, it's fresh start. get things going right. what'd you do last week? well, you know, a fresh start. okay, okay. i want to talk about good monday morning. after a devastating weekend of tornadoes. >> and more severe weather o devastating weekend of tornadoes. >> and more severe weather on the way. >> good morning. it is april 29th. this is "today." direct hit. states of emergency declared after dozens of tornados rip through the midwest and the


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