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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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now at 11, pack up or face expulsion or arrest. we're live at stanford, where administrators are upping the stakes for students protesting the war in gaza. good morning.
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thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington and i'm ginger conejero saab. laura garcia is off. well in about an hour, some of the faculty at san francisco state university will join students in their protest against the war in gaza. this is in support of palestinians. nbc bay area's kris sanchez joins us now from stanford, where a pro-palestine protest continues. and, chris, the stakes are now higher for the students protesting on campus. there they truly are. you'll see that it is a very quiet and peaceful protest here. the students now have come out of their tents. they're sitting together in the middle of this encampment. but sanford did give them notice that they are now in violation of the university's community standards and face possible expulsion or even arrest. now, while we did see university workers power washing the chalk off the sidewalk, we have not yet seen anyone taking down the tents here at white plaza, where the university posted that letter that they emailed to students on thursday night,
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which they say, in which they say they are in violation of the camping and banner and amplified sound policies. the university's letter also again warns of expulsion or possible arrest. we talked with a first generation low income student from the central coast who is having some very serious conversations with his family. honestly, they are really scared, i keep talking to them in person, talking to them about rest, talking about the possibility of me being suspended or expelled. and they get really worried and they're just like, i understand this is important to you, so i just want you to take care of yourself. at the end of the day, we're fighting for human rights and people's lives. we haven't gotten a new comment today from stanford, but over the weekend, students at sonoma state also joined in the protest, pitching tents and holding a rally. cal poly humboldt, which has been protesting for days, is now shut down for the rest of the semester as protesters occupied two buildings there in southern california at usc, the famed
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tommy trojan statue was defaced with the words say no to genocide, and the main graduation ceremony is still canceled and nearly 100 people were arrested there last week. also in southern california, at ucla, protesters clashed with one another on campus as something at point, things just really got physical between the two sides. demonstrators rushed security gates until police were called in. now, the san francisco state rally is planned for the noon time. hour and again, we expect that faculty will join the students there in calling for divestment from, the there the university's funds with israel and also calling for a ceasefire in gaza. that's coming up again at 1215 at the stanford campus. kris sanchez nbc bay area news. a lot to follow there. thanks so much, chris. well, the division over the war in gaza continues to worry. democrats scott mcgrew continues our coverage. and, scott, we saw some democrats vote uncommitted in recent primaries. they want to send a message that they're displeased
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with how president. exactly. right. particularly in michigan, ginger, where we saw that sort of vote. they have a larger muslim electorate in michigan compared to other states. we've seen protests and sit ins on all kinds of college campuses. you saw chris run through all those california campuses, mostly peaceful until the universities bring in force to move the students. columbia in new york has given students until 2 p.m. their time. so that's right. now to move their tents off the campus lawn. all this protest, some democrats fear, could spread to the democratic convention this summer. democrats, well aware of their own history and the debate within their own party over the vietnam war in the 60s, led by young people. and the attack on those protesters in chicago at the convention of 1968. this year's democratic national convention will also be in chicago. the president over the weekend spoke with by phone to
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israeli leader benjamin netanyahu. the white house says mr. biden once again discouraged the prime minister from invading rafah in gaza. israel overnight conducted airstrikes on the palestinian city. other political news over the weekend, the president attended the white house correspondents association dinner, a longtime tradition in washington hosted this year by nbc's colin jost, with president biden the guest of honor. it's been a year since i delivered this speech, and my wife, jill is with me tonight was worried how i do. i told her, don't worry, just like riding a bike, she said. that's what i'm worried about. of course, the 2024 elections in full swing and yes, age is an issue. i'm a grown man running against a six year old. former president trump met behind closed doors with
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florida governor ron desantis over the weekend. desantis quit the republican race, of course, for the nomination and endorsed trump back in january, a possible candidate for trump's vice president made waves over the weekend after a newspaper published portions of south dakota governor kristi noem's book, in which she recounts shooting the family dog because it was a poor hunting dog and she said it was dangerous. the guardian quotes passengers passage rather from her book, where she says the dog was untrainable dangerous to anyone she came in contact with, and less than worthless as a dog hunting dog. i hated that dog, she said. that's from the guardian, the nbc network has not independently seen this book by the way. no court for trump today. they're off today. back tomorrow, and then off again wednesday. the wednesday thing seems to be a pattern. oh all right. thanks a lot scott. you bet we'll be watching out. well this just in a planned redesign
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of a busy intersection in san francisco is put on hold. now, this follows a deadly crash that happened back in march. the san francisco chronicle is reporting that a supervisor has brokered a new agreement. the original redesign was a reroute to reroute traffic rather through west portal avenue and ulloa street street to make it safer with pedestrians or for pedestrians and cyclists, according to the chronicle. supervisor myrna melgar will allow business leaders to form a committee to look at the impacts of traffic and parking in the area. the move halts the current redesign, but the supervisor tells the paper she hopes the group's input will help lead to a new plan by september. a family of four a block away from the intersection was killed in march, leading to calls for more pedestrian safety. happening now the family justice center courthouse in downtown san jose is closed again today. this is all due to a power issue. it comes after the building was closed due to a power outage
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back in march. san clara county superior court has actually relied on generators to maintain operations in the north first street site. but those generator generators have failed several times. kaiser permanente is telling the patients of the company that they may have sent private data to google, microsoft and x on their website . they let members know the data shared may have included their names and any information people searched for on their computers. we've reached out to kaiser for comment and have not yet heard back, but the company told bloomberg that it has removed the trackers from its websites and mobile apps after a voluntary investigation. we're learning about some nerve wracking moments aboard a delta flight on friday. an emergency slide fell off of that plane just moments after takeoff from new york's jfk airport. the boeing seven 767 was on its way to los angeles. it circled back around, landing back at jfk. the airline says that that plane was
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removed from service for evaluation, and delta is cooperating with investigators and supporting efforts to find the slide. the 176 passengers on board were put on another plane to california, a south bay deputy is recovering after a crash in a high speed chase, which also injured four innocent people. it happened yesterday on commodore drive and king road in san jose. that is where a patrol car struck an suv. all four passengers and the deputy suffered non-life threatening injuries. but the incident began when deputies say they tried to pull over a speeding car. that driver took off at one point, he also rammed a patrol car. police later slowed the car with speed strips and eventually arrested the driver. that driver is facing multiple criminal charges, including driving a stolen vehicle. well, a heartbroken community mourning the loss of a family of four killed in a fiery crash. some 200 classmates, teachers and friends that gathered yesterday at valle vista park in pleasanton. they were
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remembering the george family, who died last wednesday when their electric car slammed into a tree on foothill road and then burst into flames. friends identify the family as the father to ruin mom lindsay and their sons, rowan and aaron. rowan was an eighth grader at hart middle school. aaron a second grader at dunnellon elementary. now, families of those students at each of those schools just devastated. i still can't believe nobody can believe that they're gone. he called my son just two hours before it all happened. now, police say speed may have played a role, but the investigation into why that driver lost control is ongoing. well, recovery efforts are just starting after the deadly tornadoes ripped through oklahoma. at least five people, including a baby, have died about 100 others were hurt. nbc's jesse kirsch reports. crews are now searching through that debris for those survivors.
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holy oh my god. this morning, devastation in oklahoma just be advised, all of downtown sulfur is destroyed. sulfur. oklahoma population roughly 5000. taking a direct hit. the harrowing night time twister captured on camera. locals say this was the small city's historic downtown. now it's been reduced to rubble. roofs are gone. buildings destroyed. this mail truck tilting on a pile of debris. it honestly looks somebody like somebody just dropped a bomb on on this area because it's just it's gone. officials say at least 100 people are injured from relentless storms across the state. you just can't believe the destruction, devastation stretching from texas to the midwest with torrential rains and tornado reports in college station and trinity, texas, and at least 120
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tornadoes reported across multiple states. much of minden, iowa, ripped to shreds here in minden. officials say this ravaged home is in the middle of a street. it's supposed to be yards away on this foundation, and you can see it is hardly the only building badly damaged. the community now comes together to pick up the pieces. when something's that bad, you almost go a little bit numb. and so now it's a matter of just getting up and going forward. so tough for those families. all right. well, back here in the bay area, we want to take a live look at the golden gate bridge. what a beautiful afternoon. as we lead into the afternoon. anyway, you know, it's supposed to be another sunny and nice day out there. meteorologist kari hall told us so. so if you've been following us on today in the bay, you already know. it was such a nice weekend and it's monday. we still see this nice weather continuing. so we are looking at a lot of sunshine all around the bay area in san jose. it's currently 63 degrees and it's starting to warm up after a
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cool start this morning, but we're also still getting that breezy wind that we've seen over the past couple of days. it's still with us and it will get even stronger as we go into the evening. we're looking at winds that could gust 30 to possibly 45mph going into the day. some of those highest winds will be near the coastline and in some of the hills. so san francisco at 6:00 is going to see 43 mile per hour wind gusts. so be prepared for that as our temperatures around the bay head for the low 70s. it's going to be nice and sunny and we will be warming up. so i'll have a look at that. and what to expect leading into the rest of the week. coming up in the full microclimate forecast. back to you. thanks a lot, carrie. well, graduation season nearly here in many bay area seniors have another reason to celebrate. coming up for you during our midday newscast. we're going to talk about that big boost they're getting as they gear up for college. exciting times. plus, when it comes to making it in the bay, is it better to buy or rent the new data that may have some homeowners second guessing those mortgage payments
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not getting any easier. those first time home buyers, as nbc bay area's bob redell reports, the latest data indicates the surge in home prices compared to last year at this time. the california association of realtors just released new numbers. you can see them on your screen right there that show that in march, the median price of a home. and happening today, south bay leaders will join the salvation army to unveil a new housing project that the nonprofit will renovate the emmanuel house overnight shelter on fourth street and build another housing complex on the same site.
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earlier this month, santa clara county supervisors approved $4 million for the project. now, the salvation army says people now living at emmanuel house will be relocated to temporary units during the construction of the supreme court, is refusing to take a case brought by elon musk. tesla's ceo wanted to get rid of his so-called twitter. sitter musk agreed to allow his tweets about tesla be vetted by a lawyer ahead of time. now, that agreement was part of a settlement with the securities and exchange commission, the sec ruled musk had posted falsehoods about tesla that affected the stock price. musk agreed to the legal babysitter, but later challenged it in court. well, a deadline to cancel your student loan debt is quickly approaching and it arrives at midnight tomorrow. so here is what you need to know. in order to be considered, you're going to have to consolidate your loans by tomorrow. types of loans. we're talking about here. commercially held federal family education
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loans, parent plus loans, perkins loans and health education assistant loans. people who missed that deadline may still receive some credit once they do consolidate their loans, but the white house is urging everyone to act now. well, speaking of school graduation season is nearly upon us, and 15 bay area students have a little extra reason to celebrate. those seniors come from low income backgrounds, and they're being recognized with a dave goldberg scholarship that's named for sheryl sandberg's late husband as part of the peninsula bridge program. now, we talked to two of them. evelyn aguilar is graduating from los altos high, where she excelled in biology and worked with organizations focused on emergency response and biomedical research, as well as conservation. valeria chavez franco. well, she's graduating from woodside priory school and is known for her leadership in the classroom, on the volleyball court and in causes of diversity, equity and inclusion. they say this opportunity will
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benefit them and their whole families. we understand that there is a lot of other barriers to education than just the financial barrier, or there's a lot of other barriers to the workforce that first generation low income students face. it gives me hope that i all the dreams and goals that i've had, could actually come in real life . well, the students will get $15,000 a year for non tuition expenses plus mentorship and networking opportunities so they can continue to succeed even after generation something tells me they're going to be great. now a big celebration is happening today at the state capitol to honor two east bay high school basketball programs. oakland high school's girls team, and oakland tech's boys team each won state championships, both recently got special shout outs at warriors games, and today, they'll be honored on the floor of the california legislature. they'll also be visiting local elementary and middle schools,
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hopefully inspiring younger students. yeah there you go. well, look, i'm inspired by this forecast we're getting because yeah, it's definitely an inspiration i think. so all the sunshine, comfortable temperatures and it was a little cool this morning. but we're headed for the 70 for much of the bay area as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge here, we've had a cool breeze and here it feels a lot cooler compared to the valleys, where we're set to have a warming trend starting tomorrow, continuing through thursday where our valleys will head for highs in the mid 70s, even low 80s. but then the weekend we will have some changes coming our way. cooler temperatures, breezy winds, and possibly a little bit of rain. so we'll talk about that. let's get you out there in oakland heading out for lunch. it is 62 degrees. we have a breezy westerly wind at 12mph throughout the day. we're going to see temperatures in the upper 60s and that high temperature right at about 2 to 3:00 today. if you're looking at
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the 7-day forecast at the bottom of the screen, you'll notice that we're going to see those temperatures going up before it goes down. so as we take a look at what to expect around the bay area today with those highs will be in the low 70s for dublin, hayward mountain view, all at 71 today, 75 in napa, as well as martinez and san francisco at 66 degrees tomorrow. there's not much of a change here. we're going to see about the same temperatures with a lot of sunshine, but it will be slightly warmer on wednesday, and thursday is when we reach the peak of those temperatures. the warmest day, as our highs in some of the inland valleys are up to 80 degrees. martinez. it will be in the upper 70s. oakland 75 and upper 60s. for san francisco. we are heading into the month of may when we do typically see some rain, but it is making it toward those drier summer months. and so we are looking ahead to see if there is any rain that could be coming in, and the whole storm track. all of the storms have been moving across the pacific northwest and missing us, so we
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are going to still see that same pattern, with the exception of a slight chance of rain on saturday and look at the change in the temperatures that we'll see for santa rosa going up to 80 degrees on wednesday and thursday, and about the same on friday. but then we'll have a big dip in temperatures on saturday, and that cool weather continues into at least the early to middle of next week. so we're looking at a lot of sunshine warming up just a little bit through the end of the week. friday. we're also still quite warm, but it will be a cool and maybe at times a wet weekend for some of us. and so there will be a major change over the next several days that we need to prep for even on this monday, as we're making weekend plans, make sure that you have the extra layers and possibly the umbrella as we could see some rain coming in, but for now, we're going to enjoy this nice weather that we're seeing. it does continue through the entire workweek. ginger marcus okay, well, good weather for house hunting there. so there are some signs out there that saying that making it in the bay
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really not getting easier, especially for those first time home buyers. and bob redell was just telling us the latest data indicates shows there is a surge in home prices compared to this time last year. the california association of realtors just released new numbers. you can see them on your screen right there that show that in march, the median price of a home here in the bay area was almost $1.4 million. that's a 15.5% jump than the median price the year before, in march of 2023. it's also a sign that prices have recovered from the dip they took in the fall of 2022, following the federal reserve's interest rate hike. back then, experts say, buyers have grown tired of waiting for those interest rates to come back down. so they've come off the sidelines, but they are having to pay much more than they wanted, and there's not much inventory out there, just a two month supply. the median time for houses to sell is just under two weeks. as home prices go up. as you can imagine, renting has become more
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attractive. a new study from bank rate backs this up. the financial website has found that renting is now cheaper than buying a home. in all, 50 of the largest us metro areas, the average mortgage payment was just over 2700 a month, while the average rent was just under $1,980 a month. that's a gap of close to 37% here in the bay area the gap between owning and renting ranges from roughly 162% to a 189% bank rate, also found that in 21 metro areas, the average monthly cost of owning a home is at least 50% more expensive than renting. here in dublin, bob redell nbc bay area news. thanks a lot bob and happening now caltran is opening the convoys to the public through the highway one closure. now, you may remember a portion of the road on bixby bridge near big sur. it collapsed after heavy rain last month and since then the road has been closed
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and caltrans has been leading convoys for residents twice a day. now, anyone visiting the area can join the convoy is running from 7 to 8 in the morning, but those afternoon southbound convoys will only be open to residents and essential workers. well, the bad guy singer hitting the road next year on nbc bay area billie eilish going on tour with stops she says is making right here in theay area. and we're b
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and i left it under clear. yeah. i'll chicken off two shows here in the bay area and san jose at sap center, december 11th and 10th. those tickets go on sale friday. presale starts tomorrow. all right, well, you know what? now we can get out and sing our favorite bil
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