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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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highway shootings more than doubled between 2019 and 2021, hitting a peak of 178. by contrast, so far this year, the bay area has seen 21 shootings. while the numbers are promising, cal state east bay criminal justice professor doctor lisa hill cautions more needs to be done to address root causes. das and police come in after there's been a victim. you know, our this is a bigger social issue. oakland highways along 80 and 580 are seeing the most gunfire. since 2023. san francisco has seen about a dozen freeway shootings. oakland has seen four times that amount for council member noel gayo. progress starts at the city level. numbers are one thing, but what i actually see on the street is another. chp says it's working to prevent crime before it gets to the highways. they know they've been on the streets of oakland since august, targeting violent crime, leading to dozens of recovered firearms and
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multiple arrests. now, council member gallo wants the chp to expand their presence. we do have some state highways here, and we need to enforce the rules. the law of the state is a lot different than the city law. and i, you know, within the highway patrol, they're not going to feel sorry for me if i don't have a driver's license or if i violated the speed limits. and so we need their presence here in oakland with 480 new license plate reader cameras on the way from the state, chp hopes we're headed for an even bigger drop in crime stats, saying in part, while the decrease in freeway shootings is encouraging, we continue to work diligently with our allied agency partners to identify trends in violent crime, allowing us to better allocate resources. when it comes to the highways. i have noticed a difference, but we got a long ways to go in oakland, velena jones, nbc, bay area news. it's been one week since students first began building protest encampments on various campuses,
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demanding a cease fire in gaza and to have their schools divest from israel. tonight, those protests are spreading and tensions are rising. hundreds of arrests have at several of those protests, police at virginia tech arrested 91 protesters last night alone on this map shows the locations where police arrested protesters across the country. the white house declined to say whether president biden believes that the demonstrators who are camping out should face disciplinary actions in austin, police arrested dozens of protesters at the university of texas today, campus police and texas state troopers swept the encampment. they used pepper spray at one point to disperse crowds that were blocking police after the confrontation. police eventually backed down, allowed the crowd to pass back onto that area where encampments were set up. here are some of the headlines and flashpoints today in rhode island. brown university said it will hear arguments for divestment if
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students end their encampment within the next few days. that's according to a letter sent to the students from the university's president. and in new york, negotiations between columbia university leaders and protesters have broken down. the university's president sent a letter to the school community saying that talks had ended without an agreement. president gave students until 2 p.m. today to leave or risk suspension. despite that threat, protests remained out in full force today, with estimates of 1000 additional students who created a perimeter around the encampment ahead of the afternoon deadline. over the weekend, we saw demonstrators on both sides at ucla. the police arrived after those dueling protesters clashed. several fights, several confrontations. jewish students say the campus atmosphere at ucla is so hostile they're afraid. pro-palestinian protesters said this is about protecting innocent civilians in gaza and at usc, activists are asking the university president
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to initiate a, quote, emergency campus student dialog in response to the ongoing protests. another demonstration was held today at the campus entrance. meantime, graduation arrangements continue to be impacted while the main ceremony has been canceled, two speakers who were set to address masters and doctoral graduates at usc school of education have actually withdrawn, citing the way the school is handling the conflict that new protests are forming at campuses across northern california. take a look. campuses like sonoma state, sacramento state and san francisco state, pro-palestinian protesters are directing demands toward their university and the entire csu system, which represents 23 campuses statewide. we have an update now from stanford university. leaders. there are now warning students of consequences for those who camp in on campus there those demonstrations. nbc bay area's marianne favro reports from stanford's campus tonight. marianne the number of
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protesters here at y plaza has grown in just the last three days. there are now 23 tents out here. despite the warning from the university that students at camp out here overnight could be expelled, this tent community in white plaza is a new home for dozens of student activists who say they're fighting for peace in palestine. the genocide has been occurring for 200 plus days, and it has not stopped. and right now we need to stand up more than ever to call for a cease fire. demonstrators are also calling for stanford to divest in companies including chevron, hp and lockheed martin that students claim are supporting military efforts against the palestinian people with these companies. these have distinct ties to israel. for example, lockheed martin literally supplies weaponry to israel and has been transporting these weapons that are being used against the palestinian people. the call to action is getting strong support. campus
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wide preliminary results of a recent student election at stanford found more than 70% of undergrad and grad students supported the university, issuing a statement on divestment. meanwhile, the university has emailed and handed out dozens of letters to students warning them that camping here overnight violates university policies, and they could face suspension. the university did not confirm today if any protesting students have been suspended or expelled at usc, the university canceled the main commencement because of security concerns. after protests there and cal poly humboldt shut down the campus and switched to online learning after students barricaded themselves inside two buildings last week. i think it's likely that other universities will use remote learning as a way to try and manage the protests on campus. it strikes me as an odd response. these are protests, not snowstorms. at sonoma state, protesters plan to camp out for
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a third night as they call for an end to the violence in gaza, and protesting students at berkeley continue to sleep in tents in front of sproul hall, joining forces with students at campuses across the nation hoping their unity will elevate their message and lead to change. at stanford, marianne favro nbc bay area news. marianne, thank you. so we keep hearing from the protesters to divest from israel. so what exactly does that look like? what does that mean? divestment would involve an investor or institution selling off shares of a company. the goal would be to avoid complicity in activities they deem unethical or harmful, like the actions of the israeli military forces in gaza. it would then redirect those funds to what would be considered more ethical investments. it would make a political statement to pressure changes within a company or government. csu students are getting specific here. they're calling on the entire cal state system to disclose all expenditures, including direct
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and indirect investments. stocks and bonds divest from all companies and partnerships that actively participate in the war, and the csu study abroad program in israel and declare a stance against israel and defend student activism. we will continue to follow these protests and the response from universities when we're not on air. you can get the latest updates anytime at one of the south bay's oldest partners and charity is now hoping to chart a new course to help address the bay area's homeless crisis. today, leaders from santa clara county, san jose and the salvation army revealed new plans to expand the agency's fourth street facility starts with the immanuel house, which is an 88 bed sober living facility that will be expanded to 112 beds. agencies will also build temporary housing to accommodate those displaced during the transformation. those units will ultimately be turned into more permanent housing. people talk about, well, the
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reason we have unsheltered is people prefer the streets. i've yet to meet one. they prefer the streets to what they're being offered. they don't want to be in a bunk bed in a group shelter. dingman's is proud to offer private rooms. the salvation army also previously housed only only men, but will now be offering services to women and their children. the group says it hopes to break ground this fall and be up and running by the end of the year, and vallejo has big plans to address homelessness. city leaders broke ground today on the vallejo navigation center. it will be a hub that provides services and shelter for unhoused people. it will offer 125 shelter beds and staff will provide medical services and job training. city says the project will cost nearly $12 million, with donations from companies like kaiser and sutter health construction is set to wrap up in december. well, plenty of people will tell you the nightlife in san francisco is not as vibrant or fun as it used to be. this was a big issue
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today at the 14th annual san francisco nightlife and entertainment summit, officials, merchants, and community members came together to share ideas about how the city and businesses can better work toward long term recovery. mayor breed says the goal is to make it easier for people to come together in all the work that you all do to make these experiences joyful, we have to be a real partner from the city side in order to get rid of the bureaucracy. we get rid of the layers of fees, get rid of the drama and get to yes, that is my goal. that is my hope. yeah. less drama, more fun. the mayor adds. there has been a jump in new restaurants and bars in the city. she says 147 new businesses opened last month. up next a slowdown in traffic at sjc. how the airport is making up for the dip in passengers. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. not done with rain chances yet. i'll have the update on a system set to bring some rain. that's coming up in
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about eight minutes. right now another american arrested and charged in the resort destination of turks and caicos for allegedly possessing ammunition. and in major cities, it's now cheaper to rent than to buy a home. we'll tell
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was closed for business this morning. courthouse, which handles everything from divorce and child support payments to temporary restraining orders, has been battling a power problem for months now. this is at least the fourth significant outage. court has been bringing in large trailer sized generators while waiting for a part to fix the building's link to the power grid, and court insiders tell us that this is the fifth generator since the power first went out back in march. the others either failed or were too loud to be used. today, a court spokesperson said that the parts needed for a more
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lasting fix arrived a couple weeks ago, and pga tells us it is working to complete those repairs as soon as possible. it's pricey, it's controversial, and it's still happening. the recount in that congressional race to replace an issue is coming to a close, we think. but the man who requested it says it's mind blowing, mind boggling that it's taking so long. nbc's ian cull spoke with jonathan padilla in his first tv interview since requesting the recount today. the recount at the santa clara county registrar of voters is winding down. officials say they expect it will wrap up tomorrow morning. for the past few days, staff have been doing something called reconciling votes. basically, since the votes are counted in batches, they're finding the votes for this election from those batches matching them to the correct precinct, and then recounting them. it's not lost and it's not. we just found some in a shoe box somewhere. it's we're reconciling them, pulling them from the different batches
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to make sure that they're in the correct precinct before we can say anything or any results. this is mind boggling. the county told us last monday a week ago that they would be done last tuesday. jonathan padilla is the man who requested the recount in the 16th congressional race, where more than 180,000 votes were cast. the first count determines sam liccardo will move on to november, and joe simitian and evan lo were tied for second. padilla is upset the recount is taking so long, it's also costing the super pac he's working with an estimated $12,000 a day to fund. the pace of counting has dramatically slowed down. we are doing 40 to 50 precincts a day. thursday was three, friday was two. they're still charging the same amount. there's real issues with that. ten years ago, he helped run sam liccardo's mayoral campaign in san jose. now he's a tech ceo. many questions have been raised about who is funding the super pac that's footing the bill. so i asked padilla about it. there's been absolutely no talks
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with mr. liccardo or his campaign. anybody on the campaign. this is done completely without any of their knowledge. and, you know, they even want us to do things we're not necessarily willing to do right now. like reveal the donors. we're going to do that following fec guidelines and mid-july. as for the recount, voting officials say an additional seven ballots have been accepted and counted in this process. san mateo county is done, but padilla attorneys challenged 16 ballots that are still in envelopes. they're those were originally rejected because they arrived late. he's challenging another 16 in the south bay for the same thing. we don't know who they are. it doesn't matter who they're for. like the matters is they should be counted in san jose, ian cull nbc bay area news. well, fewer people are flying out of san jose international airport, so now it's making changes to try and attract a different type of traveler. airport handled about 12 million passengers over the one year period that ended last month. it's actually down more than 22% from the number of
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passengers who used the airport in the year before the pandemic started. airport officials believe a drop in business travel is to blame, so they're making adjustments to accommodate more leisure and family travel, including adding more low cost carriers and more flights to tourist destinations. that seems like a good idea. let's take you outside now on this beautiful monday evening that looks almost fake. i know it looks great. the golden gate bridge not just the weather, but look at the traffic. it's flowing. it's a perfect monday. good all around. and then we're going to throw some rain in here in colder temperatures. i'm just going to stick with the sunshine . that's my mentally where we have more of that tomorrow. eventually we're going to get into that. we're also looking at here the national forecast. i'll show you where we're seeing some severe weather developing into tomorrow's forecast. let's go ahead and roll it into that microclimate forecast tonight. and here's the thing that's bringing that beautiful weather that probably had you a little extra kick in your step today. this area of high pressure moving the storm track just off to the north. it's going to keep
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some rain fall in washington and oregon. but for us it stays dry. although the way it's setting up, it will bring in some wind here the next two days and keep some of those warmer temperatures. so let me take it into that wind here for tomorrow. and i think for the commute, it's anywhere from five to about 20mph. so totally manageable. then as we head through tomorrow evening, we'll start to see a few areas of wind pop here in the north bay mountains. and at the coastline, 20 to about 40. but i really think the strongest wind out of all of this is going to get here. as we head through wednesday morning, especially for doing any traveling in the central valley 50 plus miles per hour. and notice in the north bay mountains, some of that magenta color wednesday morning, that's 30 to 50. also a few pops. here are some strong wind over the east bay and the south bay mountains as well. we'd hang on to some of these breezy conditions into wednesday afternoon and evening, and then we would see that wind get out of here as we head through thursday morning. overall temperatures for tomorrow morning. starting off on the chilly side, so with a little bit of a breeze kicking up, it will feel blustery out here, but
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still lots of sun. you'll need those sunglasses on the commute. 47 here in the south bay over to the east bay 46. and for the north bay 45. temperatures for tomorrow. we're coming in. nice. look at this in the south bay. 71 here in los gatos, 73 san jose over to oakland. it's 69 with that bay breeze, but then out towards walnut creek, 75, peninsula chilly, 58.5 moon bay and down to palo alto, woodside, los altos. atherton will be in the low 70s up to san francisco, 64 in the outer sunset, 65 in downtown and for the north bay, 74 here in sonoma. so dry tomorrow, dry through the workweek. and then we are looking at that chance of rain potentially by this weekend. now here's the thing with this storm, if the storm track moves just a little bit more to the south, we'd get in on some higher totals. if it lifts more off to the north, we'd see barely nothing. so the way that i'm seeing it right now, we will get in on some spotty rain. maybe be some heavier pockets by
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saturday. temperatures much colder in the 60s, so we'll have more on that as we get closer. i also wanted to get this in here real quickly. if you're doing any traveling. des moines, omaha, kansas city, thunderstorms, hail, strong winds, and tornadoes will be possible tomorrow and some thunderstorms expected at the other east coast major airports right here in that 7-day forecast, down to 58 in san francisco on saturday. we are going to drop 63 by saturday's forecast. and 68 on sunday, because i know everybody wanted colder weather back on their weekend. we definitely are serving it up delivering for us. i'm not listening okay. all right. all right. thank you. got it. thanks. up next, a rescue at a pickup basketball game. the off duty nurses that jumped into action with a man's life on the line and the nearby tool that saved the day.
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score. good samaritans rushed to save a player who was suffering a medical emergency during the game. it happened yesterday in clayton during an adult league game. one of the players you see there suddenly collapse and stopped breathing. two off duty nurses happened to be in the stands. they immediately rushed to his side. to his side. they administered cpr and used a portable defibrillator to jumpstart the guy's heart. people can make a difference. we're a community that came
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together. we were all there at the right place, at the right time to save him beyond words, the way they worked and the efficiency and to actually save this man's life and see him breathing again. wow. the player gave a thumbs up as paramedics finally got there, took him to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. glad he's all right. well, it could be the future of air travel and a santa cruz company plans to build it right here in california. joby aviation broke ground today to expand its manufacturing facilities in the monterey county town of marina. company develops electric air taxis for commercial passenger service. project is expected to more than double the company's manufacturing footprint at the marina municipal airport. at a ceremony today, joby officials showcased a new production prototype aircraft. they say its new facility will bring new opportunities and jobs to the golden state, a clean way of enabling transportation within
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cities. think of it as you order an aircraft on a mobile app. it comes and it picks you up and saves you a ton of time there. connecting to our colleges and really making sure that we can get, you know, the people directly from the community into these jobs. the prototype aircraft will be sent to edwards air force base later this year. by the way, joby's electric air taxis can carry a pilot and four passengers at speeds of up to 200 miles an hour. they also make only a fraction of the noise produced by helicopters and create zero emissions. historic changes could be coming to longtime bans on same sex marriage and lgbt q clergy members for one denomination. this week, the united methodist church is set to vote on a measure that would allow u.s. churches to perform same sex marriages and ordain gay and lesbian ministers. last week, legislative committees overwhelmingly approved several proposals liberalizing the
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church's stance on sexuality. the delegates are also set to vote on a new set of social principles. the proposed new version, amidst the prior version statements describing homosexuality as incompatible with christian teaching. well, up next, a sneak peek of the star studded cast in the new lion king movie and the role beyonce's daughter will b business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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a lion was born without a drop of nobility in his blood. he so many star voices you're going to recognize from this one. mufasa the lion king explores the legend of simba's dad, mufasa, through a series of flashbacks. so what's actually making headlines right now is beyonce's daughter, blue ivy carter will make her film debut as princess kiara. it's set to hit theaters this december tonight at seven. keeping politicians safe. we'll be joined by san jose mayor matt mahan about a fistfight between his security detail and a heckler. that story, and more coming up on our 7:00 news. what up next on nightly news, a new report showing it is now cheaper to rent than to buy a home in much of america, and the bay area cities topping the list in that report. what you should know if you're looking to buy.
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nightly ne with le breaking news tonight. the deadly attack on police officers in charlotte, north carolina. a doorbell cam capturing the gunfire erupting as members of a task force attempted to serve a warrant. eight shot. at least three killed. including a deputy u.s. marshal. one suspect dead, and what police are saying about a possible second shooter. also tonight, the growing unrest on campus. new arrests as police clash with pro-palestinian protesters at u.t. austin.. the massive walkout at ucla. and at columbia the school suspending protesters who refuse to clear out. the deadly tornado outbreak across the central u.s. at least five killed, including a four-month-old infant. the first ef4 of the year hitting in oklahoma. and now the new severe threat. al roker is here tracking it. the u.s. turning up the


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