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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  April 30, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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lang lang, once again! [ cheers and applause ] fantastic, buddy. you're gonna get so many kids into classical music thanks to this. you're fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you are brilliant, buddy. and of course thank you to the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching. stay tuned "for late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jim gaffigan, musicians charli xcx and troye sivan, an all new "closer look," featuring the 8g band with queen cora coleman. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? we hope you're doing well. [ cheers and applause ] and now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. former president trump has reportedly complained to advisers about how he's portrayed in the sketches created by the courtroom artist in his hush money trial. well, i guess when you're used to being painted like this, any sketch is bound to be a letdown. president biden suggested earlier this month that his uncle was eaten by a tribe of cannibals during world war ii. okay, man. we get it. scranton was a tough town. [ laughter ] south dakota governor kristi noem is facing criticism for writing in her upcoming memoir about killing her 14-month-old puppy. even crazier, it was during a drug deal gone bad. [ light laughter ] in a new interview -- [ light laughter ] our head writer wrote that joke. [ laughter ] in a new inter -- oh, he
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criticizes the other writers, but sometimes, sometimes he's not right about everything. in a new interview, former president trump's ex-attorney general bill barr said that trump talked regularly about executing his rivals. not to mention co-workers. [ laughter ] in her new memoir, actress rebel wilson wrote that a member of the british royal family once invited her to a drug-filled orgy at a tech billionaire's house. she didn't name names, but come on. we all know who it was. [ laughter ] according to a new survey, a third of public school teachers believe that schools should install metal detectors. the other two-thirds are concerned their flasks will set it off. [ laughter ] the american lung association recently released its state-of-the-air report. apparently it's loaded with dangerous particles such as smoke, pollen, and boeing airplane parts. [ light laughter ] whoo! [ laughter ] [ laughter ]
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but, like, why would you whoo? [ laughter ] whoo! the restaurant chain chipotle reportedly told employees last week they could not have chicken for their own meals because of high customer demand. also due to high customer demand, employees can't have the bathroom key. [ laughter ] and finally, authorities in florida recently seized nearly 150 pounds of crystal meth, two kilograms of cocaine, and one kilogram of fentanyl from a home in orlando. wow, that's almost enough drugs to have a good time in orlando. [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. here we go. we're back. [ cheers and applause ] we are back. got a great show for you tonight. he's a grammy-nominated comedian and actor who's starring in "unfrosted," which premieres on netflix this weekend. jim gaffigan is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] and they are grammy-nominated musicians who are joining forces on their upcoming sweat tour. charli xcx and troye sivan will
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also be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] but before we get to all that, the very first witness called by the prosecution in donald trump's hush money trial confirmed in damning testimony last week that the payments were part of a criminal conspiracy to defraud the electorate and help trump during the 2016 campaign. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] well, guys, we just had a two-week hiatus for spring break, and we missed a fair amount. i did not do well mentally without the show to process the news. here's a picture of me over the break doing "a closer look" at a makeshift desk in central park. [ laughter ] i talked for 36 hours straight until i got too tired and passed out. here's a picture of that. yeah! [ laughter ] yeah, we missed trump falling asleep in court. but, guys, good news. i think it's going to happen again. [ laughter ] if someone's going to doze off multiple times during the first week of a trial, there will be other naps forthcoming. also, he's not dozing off in just any trial.
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it's his trial. [ laughter ] how can he be chill enough to snooze? at this point, i do think he met a genie, and one of his wishes was, i'll never get convicted. and now every day, he calls the genie and says, "i meant never get indicted." and the genie says, "you can't change it." and trump says, "what about my other two wishes?" and the genie says, "you used those already. one to win the election and one for that airplane chicken." and then trump says, "oh, yeah, that one was a mistake. i def could have -- def shouldn't have used a wish for that. should have sent an aide out." [ light laughter ] so it's weird to hear reports about a former president falling asleep at his own criminal trial. but one thing that remained true over our break is that maga republicans, in addition to supporting an unrepentant criminal authoritarian who wants unlimited dictatorial powers, are also very, very weird. trump supporter vivek ramaswamy recently said this extremely bizarre thing at a maga event. >> it's going to be every one of you, every one of us doing our part as well for this country. and when we face our founding
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fathers in the afterlife and they ask us, "what sacrifice did you make for your country," we better have a damn good answer for them, and we will. >> seth: first of all, i like that he said afterlife and not heaven. way to know your audience. [ laughter ] second of all, if i get to meet alexander hamilton when i die, my first question for him will be, "can you really rap?" oh! [ laughter ] can you imagine how much the afterlife must stink for hamilton now? everyone he meets is like, "do you know there's a musical about you?" "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." [ light laughter ] i doubt anyone up there is even paying attention to politics. if they were, we probably wouldn't have ended up with the single most amoral ass [ bleep ] in the entire world as president. the guy's broken nine out of the ten commandments, and he came pretty close to getting mike pence killed on january 6th. that would have been ten out of ten. he could have gotten his card punched. [ laughter ] anyway, that's how low these people will stoop. they genuinely want you to think you have to vote for trump, or the ghost of thomas jefferson will be mad at you when you die.
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but, that somehow is not the weirdest, most off-putting thing a maga republican has done lately. not even close. >> one of donald trump's possible vice presidential picks facing some backlash. this is an excerpt from an upcoming book by south dakota governor kristi noem. she explained how she shot and killed her 14-month-old puppy named cricket. in an excerpt from the book obtained by the guardian, noem described the puppy as untrainable, dangerous to anyone she came in contact with, and less than worthless as a hunting dog. she then went on to write, quote, i hated that dog. >> seth: it's one thing to kill a dog named cricket. it's another to brag about it in a book. what's the book even called? "i did it"? [ laughter ] she thought telling that story would make her look cool. what's going on? does she think cats can vote? and even if they could, those lazy sons of bitches aren't going to wait in line at a high school for three hours. [ laughter ] it's horrible enough to kill a dog but even crazier to brag about it. that's a level of psycho i didn't even know existed.
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even buffalo bill had the self-awareness to keep his abhorrent behavior indoors. he didn't walk around town saying, "hey, check out my new outfit." [ laughter ] "it's a skin suit." [ laughter ] but don't worry. after the backlash, noem offered a very reasonable explanation that made it all better. she wrote on social media that tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. sadly, we just had to put down three horses a few weeks ago that have been in our family for 25 years. way to change the narrative. [ laughter ] yeah, i killed a dog, but in my defense, also three horses. sleep with your eyes open, donkey. you know, we don't have a ton of time on our show to talk about the governor of south dakota, but this is not her first bonkers moment of 2024. in march, she posted a five-minute video that was basically an infomercial for a cosmetic dentistry practice in texas. >> well, hi. i'm kristi noem. i'm the governor of south dakota and had the opportunity to come to smile texas to fix my teeth,
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which has been absolutely amazing. for years, i have needed to have an adjustment to my teeth from a biking accident, and they have been absolutely phenomenal. got the chance to work with dr. davis. dr. dooley has always been fantastic to me too, but the team here was remarkable and finally gave me a smile that i can be proud of and confident in. >> seth: she went to texas to get her teeth fixed, which explains why the south dakota license plates have the slogan "we don't have any dentists here." [ laughter ] these stories tell us a lot about kristi noem, but they also say a lot about donald trump. she wants to be his v.p. and thought both of those things were positives, that when her name came up, trump would say, "nice teeth, kills dogs. a lot to like." [ laughter ] "a lot to like." so who knows? maybe trump is spending his time during the first criminal trial of an ex-president thinking about running mates between cat naps. whatever he's doing, it's clear that the trial is not off to a great start for him. although his supporters would like you to believe that actually trump's time in new york has been awesome.
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>> he goes outside. he talks to construction workers. he goes to a bodega. they cheer him. >> when donald trump visits a bodega in harlem, that's not manufactured. >> he's going all over the place, and his stamina, maria, i've never seen anything like it in my life. i mean i've just never seen it. he'll be in trial all day long, relentlessly being attacked by a corrupt judge. >> yeah. >> you know, whose literally family is apparently profiting off of this whole thing, only to step out and go to events at bodegas. [ light laughter ] >> seth: going to a bodega is proof that you have energy and stamina? have you ever been to a bodega? the vibe in there isn't exactly up with people. [ light laughter ] every bodega i ever went to was like a dmv with lottery tickets. here's how you know the vibe at a bodega is low energy. that's where the cats are. [ laughter ] so trump's supporters want you to believe the trial is going well based on what's happening outside the courtroom. but inside the courtroom, there was damning testimony from a former trump ally that went straight to the heart of the case. >> in the spotlight, the prosecution's first witness,
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david pecker, the former publisher of the "national enquirer." in his testimony, he described under oath the catch and kill scheme, saying that he would look for negative stories about trump, buy the rights, and then bury them. stories like the one about former adult film star stormy daniels. >> the alleged scheme stretches back to 2015. a meeting at trump tower between mr. trump, his former fixer and attorney michael cohen, and david pecker, the longtime publisher of the "national enquirer." this is where prosecutors say the trio hatched a plot for the tabloid to buy and bury any damning stories about mr. trump. a tactic known as catch and kill. >> pecker said he questioned the legality of buying a story concerning a political candidate, then killing it. he adds he would not have done it were it not for trump's benefit. >> when pushed by prosecutors about whether he suppressed stories to help a presidential candidate, pecker replied, "yes." >> seth: "did the defendant suppress stories to win the election?" "yes."
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"was one of those stories about stormy daniels?" "yes." "and in that story, did ms. daniels discuss the size and shape of the defendant's penis?" "yes." "and is it true that ms. daniels described said penis as both small and weird?" "yes." [ light laughter ] "if the jury could, say, visualize the defendant's penis, would they have a better understanding of why he may have wanted to engage in a criminal conspiracy to illegally suppress this story?" "yes." "your honor, i would like to enter into evidence exhibit a, this kumquat." [ laughter ] "i got it at the bodega." [ light laughter ] that testimony is crucial because this case is not just about hush money. it's about election interference. pecker confirmed that he bought stories to help trump defraud voters and win the 2016 election, and trump covered it up by lying and falsifying business records. but trump's supporters like to ignore that part when they dismiss the charges as nonsense, like republican senator lindsey graham, who said over the weekend that it's okay for trump to do it because all celebrities do it. >> david pecker, who ran the "national enquirer's" parent company, testified that he paid to catch and kill stories about
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trump, specifically to help his presidential campaign. you don't have any concerns about that? >> you know, apparently a lot of people do this. arnold schwarzenegger, tiger woods. no, i think the whole thing is a crock. >> tiger woods is not running for president, and the allegation is about -- at least not yet, about campaign -- >> yeah, no, i got it. yeah i think the whole thing's b.s. >> seth: the whole thing's b.s. it's more b.s. than the time my meemaw told me her parakeet had to move into my bedroom because it was keeping her up all night with its cursing. she learned those words from you, meemaw! [ light laughter ] parakeets aren't born knowing how to say "sum bitch." [ laughter ] also, no one is saying celebrities can't pay hush money. i've done it, not to cover up an affair but to bury any photos of me doing a standing monologue from the first year of our show. i didn't know what to do with my hands! [ light laughter ] the crime isn't just paying hush money. the crime is committing fraud by concealing crucial information from voters in order to win a presidential election and then
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covering it up. and now trump is reportedly considering for v.p., a person who not only killed a dog but was proud of it. she bragged about it and basically said it -- >> gave me a smile that i can be proud of. [ laughter ] >> seth: that's the last thing that dog saw. [ laughter ] it's nice to be back. [ laughter ] this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with jim gaffigan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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sitting in on drums with us this week, she's a d.j., a leader of the queen cora orchestra and drummer for two historic super bowl halftime shows with prince and beyoncé. check out her drum throne international magazine available at and follow her on instagram @iamqueencora. queen cora is here. welcome to the show, queen. [ cheers and applause ] >> good to be here. thank you for having me. >> seth: good to have you. our first guest tonight is a grammy-nominated comedian and actor. he stars in "unfrosted," which is streaming on netflix may 3rd. please welcome back to the show our very good friend, jim gaffigan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: welcome. >> thank you. >> seth: jim, it's your -- it is your tenth time on the show. >> tenth time. i'm co-host. [ cheers ] i am officially the co-host. i'm going to fix some things around here! >> seth: wait, no, no. [ laughter ] that's not where i wanted this
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to go. you -- i want to celebrate with something you brought us. >> oh, wow. >> seth: you have your own personal bourbon brand now. >> oh, my gosh. how did that end up happening? >> seth: well, don't you remember? you brought them in the box, and you were selling them. >> yeah, i brought it, and i told them to place it back there. but i didn't know they were going to do exactly what i wanted. [ laughter ] this is my bourbon. it's called father time. >> seth: yeah. >> and because -- you know, people ask, why do you have your own bourbon? it's because i have children. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] you cut out the middle man. >> yes. and so i know your kids are younger. >> seth: yeah. >> but you're going to need this stuff. >> seth: yeah. >> and i think that fathers are generally underappreciated. who would agree with me? [ cheers and applause ] right? listen to these divorced dads, right? >> seth: that's the most muted we've ever gotten for a call-out. [ laughter ] that's how bad life is as a dad. people are like, "do they?" >> well, it is -- first of all, we've got to try this. >> seth: yeah, yeah. all right, i'm -- i also drink it with ice, and you're not going to judge me. >> feel the -- feel the weight
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on that. >> seth: oh, it's a good weight. >> it's nice, right? >> seth: that means so much to everyone. [ laughter ] >> no it is. >> seth: "heavy cork, oh, yeah." >> no. i worked really hard on this. >> seth: oh, you wasted your time. no one cares. [ laughter ] >> the thing is, it's like this is unlike other celebrity spirits. >> seth: yep. >> i'm going to lose money. >> seth: okay. >> because this is -- i was approached a couple times, but i've had some celebrity spirits that weren't great. >> seth: yeah. >> so i called a friend in louisville, and i was like, "hey, do you think that we can buy a couple barrels and make sure that it's good?" and so we -- that's what we did. then we designed the label, and it's -- >> seth: and is that your father? >> that is -- no, that's my grandfather. >> seth: that's your grandfather, okay. >> that's my grandfather. by the way, i have to sign this because every bottle is signed. >> seth: really? >> i sign every bottle, and i really regret deciding to do that. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> because in the end, i'm just a lazy guy. >> seth: so you're losing money.
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you've made it more hard on yourself than anybody else. >> yes. >> seth: like clooney's not signing his tequila. >> no, he's not. >> seth: he's just making money and not signing. >> that's my grandfather. >> seth: okay. >> and you know, it's interesting because as your kids get older -- when you become a father, it makes you look at your father differently. >> seth: yes. >> and so over time and during the pandemic, when i became an alcoholic, i realized that, you know, my dad made more sense, and then it made me consider my grandfather, who made dentures. i don't want to brag. [ laughter ] but -- and i remember thinking that's so weird he made dentures. but he really is a hero because i found out on "finding your roots" that he broke a cycle of my family working in coal mines, not that there's anything wrong with coal mines, but we worked in coal mines for like 60, 70 years. and he broke the cycle. so let's give it up for joseph patrick gaffigan. [ cheers and applause ] so that was -- >> seth: you know, i -- cheers by the way. cheers to your grandfather. >> let's see if you like it. >> seth: i'm very excited.
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you can tell it's a heavy cork, a heavy stop. [ laughter ] it's wonderful. >> it's good, right? >> seth: it's very smooth and good. >> i mean, that's the important thing. i wanted it to be smooth. i wanted it to be good. >> seth: yeah. >> because it's, you know -- >> seth: it's, uh -- it's -- it's smooth like gaffigan. you also have -- these are glasses. >> these are quotes. >> seth: these are quotes on the glasses. can i read my quote? >> yes. >> seth: raising -- these are your quotes, i should note. >> yes. >> seth: these are not inspirational. >> yes. >> seth: these are just -- "raising kids may be a thankless job with ridiculous hours, but at least the pay sucks." >> yes. [ laughter ] and this is "being a father is definitely the most important thing i will fail at." [ laughter ] and some of it is, like, around father's day, you do a lot of family material. >> seth: well, it's -- i mean, i have three. you have five kids between the ages of 19 and 11. >> i know. >> seth: so how can you not -- no matter how crazy the world gets, i feel like there must be nothing that generates better material for you than five children. >> it really is amazing. i mean they are slowly killing me.
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>> seth: yeah. >> but there is an endless supply of material, which is really pain, right? because that's what stand-up is. we take pain, and we turn it into ha-ha. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] so they're just like pain factories, and then you're like spinning it into laughs. >> i mean that's why teenagers -- that's why every hurricane's named after a teenager. [ laughter ] right? >> seth: yeah. >> it's hard. it's hard. that's why this is -- >> seth: and new york city kids. the fact that you -- because, again, that's where i realize, oh, the people in the suburbs -- i'm not saying it's easy to have kids in the suburbs, but, my, god, this city. >> no, yeah. i mean i love new york city. i've lived here for 35 years. i know i look like i'm 36. [ laughter ] but -- and i love this city so much, but i would love to walk maybe a half a block without smelling pot. >> seth: yeah. >> that would be nice. you know what i mean? i've got an 11 and a 12-year-old. and you know, it's like, i'd like them to maybe struggle to find drugs if at all possible. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] well, i -- you know, because i
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feel like i learned a lot of my wherewithal for how hard it was to track down as a kid. >> yes. >> seth: you know? >> that resourcefulness. you looking for drugs made you great. >> seth: yeah. i'd have to go to like the old quarry. >> right, and half of it was oregano. >> seth: yeah. meanwhile, these kids just getting at -- like there's storefronts now. >> if you're watching at home, we're encouraging alcohol and drugs. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: you've -- i've been very lucky. recently i've been doing some shows with our friend john oliver. you've been doing shows with jerry seinfeld. that must be a heck of a night for people. >> oh, it is crazy. i mean jerry -- it's -- you know, i'm just happy that i can help him. you know what i mean? [ laughter ] >> seth: because he's had some tough times, right? >> poor guy. >> seth: financially it's not been good. >> when's he going to have some success? do you know what i mean? [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> i mean he had a sitcom, "seinfeld," "comedians in cars," "bee movie," but other than that -- >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ]
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>> nothing. >> seth: it's very sweet of you to throw the rope down for a friend. >> i just want to help. >> seth: yeah. >> you know what i mean? >> seth: you're a helpful guy. >> but you know -- it is -- and i'm sure that john oliver is like this. there is something, you know, as a comedian, when you can -- when you gain a certain level of touring and success, you lose contact with people. so it's great when you can do these shows together with -- >> seth: yes. >> -- somebody that's so fun and, you know, jerry is just like this encyclopedic knowledge of comedy. he's like talking to aristotle about comedy. >> seth: it is nice to be with someone -- like i feel like there are some people who are like, "oh, i don't want to talk about work." >> yes. >> seth: all i ever want to do when i'm with another comedian is talk about work. >> yes. yes. >> seth: yeah. >> and, you know, and jerry is definitely one of those guys that is constantly caught up in the theoretics and the logic behind jokes, so it's really fun. i mean it's either that or alcohol. >> seth: yeah. and you -- you've done a film with jerry. we're going to talk about that when we get back. >> yes. >> seth: more with jim gaffigan in just a minute. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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you see the smiling, friendly milkmen. that's all fake. they're a greedy, ruthless syndicate, and they protect what's theirs. and we are currently developing a product that doesn't need milk. >> wait a minute. whatever happened to milky cashman? >> he was the first missing
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person on the side of a milk carton. his own god damn milk carton. sorry for my french. >> that's not french. >> well, what does this mean? >> what it means, is we're about to have some very powerful people very upset. >> i'm not afraid of those sour cream jockeys. >> that kind of attitude could land you on the business end of a cow. that means the butt. [ light laughter ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night." we're here with jim gaffigan. [ cheers and applause ] that was a clip from "unfrosted." this is a, uh, this is a fictional tale about the breakfast wars. is that a fair way to describe it? >> you know, probably one of the most significant events in modern times, the creation of the pop-tart. >> seth: yeah. >> and it is fictionalized, but, yeah, it's this amazing -- and by the way, the cast is bananas. >> seth: it really is. >> like if you looked at like the cast list, because every day, we would -- you know, melissa mccarthy and amy schumer, and it would just -- you would go --
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>> seth: hugh grant. >> and its just -- i mean we could -- we could spend like 20 minutes talking about it, but it really is amazing. >> seth: uh, jerry co-wrote the film with spike feresten, who's very funny, and brothers of our cue card guy, wally feresten. which is very exciting. and, uh, wally, give it up for wally, everybody. cue card wally. [ cheers and applause ] >> what about wally? >> seth: shocked wally did not have a bigger role. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] there he is. really tonight's all about wally. >> seth: you'd be shocked how many nights end up there. [ light laughter ] yeah. they start about me, and they just slowly curve around to wally. this is, it feels very fitting for you, not just because of your skills as an actor, we've talked about before. i think you're a wonderful actor but you, a pop-tart film does sort of call -- is a siren call to jim gaffigan. >> yes. well, i -- i love food. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> i'm a fan of it. >> seth: you and jerry are maybe two of our greatest living food comedians. >> oh, well, that's -- that's a great honor. but yeah. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> and there is the pop-tart and the hot pocket are-- >> seth: they're sisters. >> they're like-minded. >> seth: yeah, yeah they're like-minded, yeah.
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>> you know there's the jamaican meat pie. >> seth: yeah. >> there's the calzone. >> seth: yum. >> really it's -- >> seth: yeah. >> -- it's the one unifying thing. >> seth: very few people like one of those and aren't into the other. >> right? >> seth: yeah. >> if you're eating any of those, you're not eating well, right? [ laughter ] >> seth: that's a very simple -- yeah, that's a very simple dietary rule. if you're eating anything that's described as a pocket. >> yes. >> seth: yeah, or -- or a tart. >> yes. >> seth: yeah, yeah. if "pop" is in the word, that's a bad sign. >> or meat pie. >> seth: yeah, meat pie. like i love a jamaican meat pie, but you're not -- there's no culinary achievement there. but i was so excited when jerry -- because he started writing this with spike and a couple of other "seinfeld" writers during the lockdown. and you know, i would just never bet against jerry seinfeld on anything. >> seth: yeah. >> and so, then he sold the script, and they were gonna do it at netflix, and i had to be that diplomatic friend who -- all i wanted to do was like,
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"hey, what's my part?" you know what i mean? but i had to be like, "oh, hey, how is that project going?" [ light laughter ] hoping that he would ask me, and then he did. then it was a great part, so i was thrilled. >> seth: that's really cool. you -- we were talking backstage about the fun of -- you know, because, again, you've done ten specials. and uh, so every time you finish one, you got to start writing again. you still, even after doing it for this long, you still love the writing of stand-up. >> i love it, and i'm just trying to get my dad to love me. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> you know? >> seth: your dad passed away how long ago. >> 30 years ago. but he might watch it! no. it is -- i mean it's the process that i love. >> seth: yeah. >> right? its -- and there's no better high than -- than getting a new joke to work, right? >> seth: yeah. isn't that the most heartbreaking thing, is the first time a joke -- you know you wrote one that works, like that's the best it will ever be in your head? >> yeah. >> seth: yeah. >> but that's why you got to keep going back and finding more and more. >> seth: do you -- do you find when you -- do you do your writing on a computer? do you do longhand? like how do you?
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>> a little bit of -- the most i rewrite on a computer -- >> seth: gotcha. >> but there's -- you know, sometimes it's talk to text. sometimes it's in my notes. but -- >> seth: do you feel like -- do you have that moment where you think you've landed on a new one that's going to work. where you just feel like your pulse racing just in the writing of it? >> oh, yeah, definitely. i mean well there is something -- i find -- this sounds -- a lot of times when i complain about my kids, i'll be like, "oh, yeah, that's actually funny. >> seth: yeah. >> you know what i mean? [ light laughter ] >> and like -- or, you know, my wife, which i would never say anything negative against. [ light laughter ] we have this dog, and just hearing her -- like she has a very, you know, complicated relationship with the dog. and there was a moment when we were talking about it, and i was like -- i was empathetic to her, but i was like, "oh, this is a great joke." so it's -- it's -- it's complex. >> seth: yeah, my wife has once said like to me like during an argument, she went "stop writing." [ light laughter ] she could tell that like during a fight, i was like, "oh, hello there." she's like, "don't think about
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what you're going to spin this where --" yeah. so, it's not easy for them. you're doing the hollywood bowl in may. >> i know. >> seth: that's a fantastic venue and it's going to be a fantastic show. >> yeah. >> seth: tell us some of the people on that bill. >> well, it's got sebastian maniscalco, jerry seinfeld, nate bargatze. and we're doing it two nights, which is bananas. so i don't know. i've never been to the hollywood bowl. it's -- it's gigantic. >> seth: going to be quite a night. uh, congrats on the film. congrats on everything. it's always so great to talk to you, jim. >> thanks. appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: jim gaffigan, everybody. get his bourbon. "unfrosted" begins streaming on netflix may 3rd. for stand-up tour dates go to "" we'll be right back with charli xcx and troye sivan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: our next guests are each two-time grammy-nominated musicians and pop icons. they're about to embark on their joint tour. charli xcx and troye sivan presents sweat. tickets are on sale now. please welcome back to the show charli xcx and troye sivan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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so happy to have you both here. >> thank you. >> seth: you are back on the show, but this is the first time we've chatted. charli, you were here ten years ago. >> oh. >> seth: there you are. troye, you were here eight years ago, and now we're so happy to have you here together. how are you both? >> good. our looks have changed quite a lot. >> yeah. >> fashion. >> seth: that's the thing with pop stars. the looks change. >> yeah. >> seth: i have to ask. you guys go on this tour together. [ light laughter ] how did you first meet? >> the first time -- well, so, actually, i saw you before i met you at a festival in the uk. i went and watched charli perform. i was like front row. charli looked at me. i got starstruck. [ light laughter ] >> seth: charli, do you remember looking at troye in the front row? >> no. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] >> fair enough. >> there were probably like 25 people there, though, so, you know, it was -- it definitely wasn't a sold-out show. >> i was like singing everywhere. i loved it. >> seth: was is sold out, though?
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>> like no. like literally no. [ laughter ] like not at all. >> no, yeah. but, no, and then the first time we actually met was at charli's house. charli had a house party, and somehow i ended up there. >> seth: okay. this is in -- it was in l.a.? >> it was in l.a. >> in l.a., yeah. >> seth: okay, and, charli, did you throw good house parties? >> yeah, i did. they were -- they were kind of like -- i mean i don't want to -- they were kind of famous. >> no, they were iconic. [ laughter ] i swear. they were iconic. i had heard a lot about them. that's why i was really excited to like -- >> seth: tell me some of the iconic details of a charli xcx party. what was the location? what was the house like? >> it was like a castle. >> the house -- yeah. it was like an old kind of tudor -- i don't live there anymore. >> seth: okay. >> it was like an old tudor house. a little bit scary. >> spooky vibes, for sure. >> yeah. >> seth: okay. this is -- [ light laughter ] let me just say, this is sounding very iconic. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: spooky old castle. great. >> yeah, yeah. >> occasionally the police would get called. >> seth: okay. >> my neighbors hated me. >> seth: did you ever mend it by the time -- do you think when you left, they were like, "good riddance," or they were like, "you know, we were wrong about her?" >> no. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] >> they were like bye, yeah.
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yeah, yeah. >> seth: and so you go to this -- so you sort of get invited to -- did you know before you went there that these parties already had this reputation? >> yeah, yeah. i had heard about the parties. and then i think i went -- i don't know -- with my boyfriend at the time. and, yeah, i don't remember, like, much of the party. i remember meeting you in the kitchen. >> yeah? i didn't know you were coming. >> yeah. >> i was quite starstruck when i met you. >> really? >> yeah. i was like, "oh, my god, troye sivan's in my house." >> seth: was this a normal thing at your parties? are they so iconic that a lot of times people would come into the kitchen, and you would be surprised and excited? >> yeah. yeah, i mean, i definitely had like a few parties where like someone would like come up to me and be, like, "do you know about the person whose house this is?" and i'd be like, "huh? and they'd be like, "oh, have you not heard about him?" and i was like, "tell me more." and they'd be like, oh, and then they'd like say this really crazy story, and i'd just be like, "totally." [ laughter ] you know? >> seth: did you -- your parties, were you sort of managing the party? were you like in charge of -- >> i mean, barely. but i was just -- it was always
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just quite messy. >> seth: okay. >> it wasn't very chic. it was like messy. >> seth: just like messy castle party? >> messy -- yeah. [ laughter ] you know the vibe? >> seth: sure. i was invited to a lot of those. [ laughter ] >> yeah. next time. there's always the future. >> seth: there's always the future. now this is -- i've heard you guys describe -- you want this tour to people like a rave. >> both: mm-hmm. >> seth: and you guys both had a lot of raves in your past, and this is the part that i find very endearing. you both brought your parents to raves when you were younger. >> yeah. my parents -- i started playing at raves when i was younger. i had a myspace, and this guy on the internet was -- it sounds really shady, but he -- [ laughter ] he would like hit me up and be like, "hey, do you want to come play these raves?" i was like 14 at the time, super weird. >> seth: yeah. >> actually, now that i'm saying it out loud. >> seth: the more you're talking about it, the worse it's getting. >> yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] so my parents very, you know, like intelligent of them, they were like, we will take you to the raves.
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which i was kind of, you know, frustrated by because i wanted my rebellion. >> seth: sure. >> but we would basically go to these raves together, and i would perform, and they would kind of stand in the back, being very, very supportive. >> seth: i would assume when you're going on in a rave, it's fairly late in the evening. >> yeah, yeah. the first time we went, we didn't know that. >> seth: okay. >> because we -- i grew up in the countryside. i wasn't really immersed in club culture growing up. it was like the countryside. and so we went at like 9:00 p.m., and no one was there. >> seth: sure. >> and we kind of helped them set up. [ light laughter ] and then it wasn't until like 3:00 a.m. that i went on, and that's when i learned, like, "oh, like, we were really early." >> seth: yeah. rave promoters are historically bad at preparing you for what you're about. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: did you -- what about you? >> i've never taken my parents to a rave. my parents have shown up against my will before. [ laughter ] and also -- no, i'll like be traveling and i'll get a video in the family group chat of like my mom, like, barefoot in some
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place, just like going absolutely insane to music. >> seth: you'll find out after the fact that your mom was at the rave? >> yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: wow. >> yeah. no, she loves it. she like -- like honestly the harder the music, the more she -- the more she likes it. [ laughter ] >> seth: good for her. >> what do you call -- isn't that like a bush -- >> a bush doof. >> bush doof. >> seth: oh, is this -- oh, bush doof. this is a great question. this is about an australian term. >> yeah. a doof is like a party, like a doof, doof, doof. >> seth: yep. >> and then a bush doof is a doof in the bush. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> duh. >> seth: yeah, self-explanatory. and that's in "mad max," that movie "mad max." there's the doof warrior. did you know that? >> oh i didn't know that. >> seth: yeah. yeah, that's what he's called. and i once called him the doof warrior. and everybody in australia were like, dude, have you never heard of a doof boof? and i was like, no. >> right. >> seth: doof bush. bush doof? >> bush doof. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> yeah, yeah. so close. >> seth: so close. >> there's also -- i don't know if this is a slur in america. >> seth: go for it. >> i can say it. no, no, no.
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a poof doof is a gay party. >> seth: okay. >> because -- okay. never mind. [ laughter ] >> seth: now, i have another question for you guys, which is you -- how do you guys feel when you're out in public and you hear your music? >> i love it personally. >> i personally -- i'll like run to the bathroom vibes. i don't love it. >> seth: you don't love when you hear your music? >> no. >> seth: but, charli, is it true that you've actually seen troye -- >> yeah, i was going to say this isn't true. >> seth: okay. [ light laughter ] >> because we've been out together recently. we were at a "grammys" after-party, and your song came on. >> yeah. >> and it was very much like troye, middle of the dance floor, dua lipa being like number one cheerleader, kind of being like -- ♪ i feel the rush ♪ vibes. [ laughter ] and you were in the cute little beret in the middle. >> yeah. >> it was a moment, and you loved it. >> no, okay. so, yeah. i was going to be like humble vibes and say that i hate it. i really do. but then -- [ laughter ]
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the -- that night, like not to brag, but i got nominated for a grammy this year. >> seth: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> and so that night, i was like, okay, you know what? like don't -- don't like try and hide. don't go to the bathroom. like this is like really sick. >> seth: yeah. >> and also it was like dua's in my face, like, singing the lyrics and stuff like that. [ light laughter ] so i was like, okay, yeah, i should probably just like pretend to be chill about what's going on right now. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] i think that you were right to celebrate that moment. >> thank you. >> seth: i think that was a very, very smart choice. you also were in -- you were portrayed, i should say, in an episode of "snl" recently. timothee chalamet played you. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: it was about a woman with a medical condition where i guess she like just saw you dancing. [ laughter ] and you did not know this was coming. >> i did not know it was coming. they had like emailed to get the song cleared. >> seth: sure. >> for "snl." so i knew there was a chance that the song was going to be on "snl," but i had no idea -- like i had no idea any details.
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i did a google search and saw that timothee was hosting, and i was like, "there's no way." [ laughter ] like there's no way. but then even so, i thought maybe it would be like sort of the butt of a joke for like one second or something. i had no idea that it was going to be like a whole -- >> seth: a full sketch. >> skit like that. yeah. i made it my instagram picture. >> seth: yeah. you changed your profile picture to be that. [ laughter ] which, by the way, like -- [ cheers and applause ] >> the thing is, though, now some people don't know that that's not me, and like -- like, you know, with work and stuff like that, i'll get sent some creative deck or whatever, and the brand will like include a picture of like all these beautiful pictures of me. and then there's like timothee in a wig. [ laughter ] yeah, it's awesome. >> seth: you also -- we were talking you did raves earlier in your career. you performed at raves. you were a busker, ten years old? >> yeah. i used to sing like in the city, just like on the street in perth. i hated it so much. >> seth: but you say that about hearing your own music, and now we know you love it. >> no, no, no. this i genuinely --
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>> yeah. >> i really, no, i really really detested this. >> seth: so why did you do it? i mean, i'm so impressed to like work -- did you hate the, like, the performance anxiety, or just which part of it? >> i just did it for money honestly, like -- no, no. i really -- it was i guess good experience and stuff. and i think it was like fun to try and get people, because when you start, it's so brutal. people just like walk past you and don't pay any attention. and then, you know, if you can start to build a crowd, it's kind of fun, i guess. but i did it, like, maybe five times, and it like -- i made more money than i did at my bar mitzvah, and that was like sick to me, so -- [ light laughter ] >> seth: well that was very impressive. >> it was cool. >> seth: so you guys must be so excited you're going to spend the fall together doing the show. it seems like you really genuinely get along. >> we do. we were just saying before coming out here, we like don't know any of the input about the tour. we were like, "when does it start? who knows?" [ laughter ] we're like supposed to be promoting it. but you've got the info. >> seth: i've got the info. and you know what? i'm going to venture there's a website and everything. >> i reckon there is, yeah. yeah. [ light laughter ]
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but, no, it's going to be great. it's gonna be so fun. >> seth: it was so nice to have you guys on almost ten years, but it has been even more lovely getting to talk to you in person. thank you guys so much for being here. it's just been the best. [ cheers and applause ] charli xcx and troye sivan, everybody. tickets to sweat are on sale now. right there. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (vo) it's shrimp your way. choose three flavors for just $20*. like new street corn shrimp.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: i wanna thank my guests jim gaffigan, charli xcx, troye sivan, everybody. i wanna thank queen cora coleman and the 8g band. thanks for watching. we love you, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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