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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 30, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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the paris olympic games coming this summer. brought to you locally on nbc by toyota. proud partner of team usa. out here. every run tells a story. every turn, every hill. icons are made. and when you're pushed to the limit, that's the sweet spot. on this mountain there is no rest. only better take it on. the official vehicle of palisades tahoe hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. zinhle essamuah is off today. "nbc news daily" starts right
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now. today, tuesday, april 30th, 2024. tensions on campus columbia university partially shuts down after students protesters take over an academic building. spread out across the country as demonstrations escalate at universities from coast to coast. in contempt. the judge in donald trump's historic hush-money trial said he did violate a gag order, how much the money the former president must pay in finance and why the judge is also threatening jail time. a whole new you, taking the popular weight loss drug ozempic is changing more than just their body s bodies. and a different tune. ♪ dancing in the front yard ♪ ♪ are those christmas jamies ♪ ♪ they're christmas jamies ♪
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>> pen holderness why he thinks his adhd helps him win one of the most popular reality shows out there. we begin this hour though with an escalation in the ongoing protests on college campuses. protesters are occupying a building at columbia university. that's video of protesters breaking windows and doors to get into the building. columbia is now threatening to expull expel any students. >> protests must be peaceful and lawful. the education secretary telling congress this morning that federal dollars could be at stake if schools don't take action. more than 1100 people have been arrested nationwide during these protests.
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police and protesters faced off virginia commonwealth university in richmond. police also arresting several demonstrators at unc, chapel hill this morning and nearly 80 people were arrested during protests on monday at the university of texas, austin. team of correspondents from california to capitol hill. we begin with antonia himselfon at columbia university. what did the student say about the occupation of that building and what is the school doing if anything to try to move the students out. >> reporter: we spoke with this student who was was in his dorm right next to hamilton hall for hours has been occupied by dozens of students. he watched this transpired. he walked outside and he saw students grabbing items like gates and furnitures to
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barricade themselves inside. physical altercation between counterprotesters who tried to stop those students from blocking one of the entrances into hamilton hall. take a listen to my conversation with him as what he described as a very chaotic scene. >> i think it's a little surreal. that's my mood. in shock that this is happening. people that aren't living on campus no longer have access to it. several calls from my parents to come home. i might be obliging them. >> on the school's part kate we know they're threatening expulsion for students. they sent that notice out to the community. but the piece we don't know is how are they actually going to get students out. kate. >> antonia, thank you so much. let's go to david noriega who's at ucla in los angeles, the
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university says it's evaluating campus events on a case by case basis, what are wow hearing from the school and the protesters there. >> reporter: kate the situation here is still for the most part pretty calm than in new york and austin. it's tense. it has the potential to escalate there have been some viral videos online of protesters allegedly blocking students from getting to class. certain walkways have been blocked by private security contracted by the university to manage the encampment. there's a is system of wristbands. generally speaking they're actually quite organize in how they're managing this. someone from the university circulated this statement, she said in reference to these allegations of protesters blocking students' access to
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class, they have taken several needed actions. one that jumps out our student conduct process has been initiated, severe disciplinary action including expulsion or discipline. that hasn't happened yet. earlier today, a protester climbed up some scaffolding to plant a palestinian flag that led to a police response which in turn led to a pretty substantial response from the protesters in the encampment to block the police from taking this protester away from the camp. they were using homemade shields from trash cans they cut in half. these protesters have been training and preparing for a significant escalation with law enforcement. both the protesters and the administration are facing difficult decisions in terms of whether and how to escalate.
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this is nothing compared to new york and austin has the potential to heat up quite a bit. >> it certainly does. let's bring in guad venegas. have we seen police -- i know we've seen them in the past days in riot gear arresting demonstrators, what's happening on campus today? >> reporter: kate that's right. we saw state troopers arrive for a second time since the protests started last week that was yesterday when they came in today we have protesters gathered once again in that same area behind me they're speaking to each other, they have a professor leading the conversation things have changed every day since we had that first walkout last wednesday when the state police arrived and we had that standoff between the state police local police on one side and the students on the other side. then we saw a thursday and friday that had protesters
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without police stepping in what happened on monday that was slightly different some of the protesters came in with tents in the area behind me. a wall with tables that seems to be what triggered authorities here triggered officials, called in state troopers for a second time and chaos erupted. about 79 individuals have been arrested. pushed those remaining protesters out of this area, so it was quite violent yesterday, today these protesters are back we also have protesters outside of the local jail where the individuals were taken, many of them had been outside with blankets protesting for those individuals to be released. we know the first group that was arrested on wednesday, most of them have been release and the charges have been dropped. we'll have to wait and see what happens to the individuals who were arrested and how authorities or officials at the
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universities are going to handle the protesters here. >> thank you to all of you. as we watch these protests grow across the country, house speaker johnson is revealing a crackdown on antisemitism on college campuses. announcing the move on capitol hill earlier today with house republican leaders around him. after he visited columbia university last week. ryan nobles joins me now. ryan it's interesting the speaker is sort of getting really involved in this issue. >> reporter: kate he was flanked by ten different committee chairs and he tasked with individual committee chair to look into this issue from their respective committees. to see anything the house of representatives writ large can
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do. putting pressure on state department to look into the visas of these college students who may be protesting and perhaps those visas be revoked and sent back to their home countries. listen to what johnson had to say just a few minutes ago. >> antisemitism is a virus. and because the administration and woke university presidents aren't stepping in we're seeing it spread. we have to act. we will not allow antisemitism to thrive on campuses and we'll hold them accountable for failure to protect jewish students on campus. >> this is clear that this is issue that republicans believe is important. and put a tremendous amount of pressure on the biden administration and college presidents to do something about. >> practically speaking what congress could do in this vain republicans are in the house and
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the democrats are in charge of the senate. >> achieve the goal they're looking is likely elusive. they'll use a pressure campaign to try to convince who have authority in these cases to try to rein this in put pressure on the department of education to open title vi investigations. something that the miguel kor done ya said earlier during a hearing. >> ryan thank you. it's time now for the money minute. today's the last day you can apply for a government student loan forgiveness program. would you bet on somebody playing on an arcade game. student loan forgiveness program ends tonight. apply for loan koll dags that combines into one to help them get their debt forgiven sooner.
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under which borrowers will get payment credit on their loans based on the longest paid loan. nearly 100,000 pounds of prosciutto has been called for not being inspected properly. the usda is urging retailers to throw the packages of prosciutto out. david and busters will allow customers to bet on its arcade games. make real money wages to the dave and busters app. expected to launch in a few months. >> i don't know how i feel about kids gambling or young people. julia, thank you. coming up planning a
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wedding is stressful enough but what if artificial intelligence could help you out fo ar people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness dizziness, limb discomfort or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist
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about starting ultomiris. when you see what it's really like when our skin touches wool... you see why we need downy free and gentle with no perfumes or dyes. it not only makes your clothes softer it is gentle on your skin. it breathes life into your laundry. depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. [♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles by penetrating the skin, to boost
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regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. former president donald trump has removed a series of social media posts as ordered by the judge presiding over his hush-money trial in new york. mr. trump was held in criminal contempt over those online posts which the judge said attacked
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jurors and witnesses. he's facing $9,000 in finance. rehema ellis is if new york city following all of this. let's start with the gag order, the former president not only facing a financial penalty but the judge suggested that he could be jailed for future violations. >> reporter: he did. because of the statute he's only allow him to fine him $1,000 per violation. with so he said if it turns out that it might be necessary and appropriate under the circumstances it will impose an ins incars ra toir punishment. the former president tweeted about this saying this is rigged. he called the judge violating his freedom of speech and called him a conflicted judge. kate. >> rehema today's testimony has featured a lot of witnesses
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including the lawyer for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. can you walk us through what we heard in court. >> reporter: one thing we heard in the court the lawyer for karen mcdougal had reached out to national enquirer and a, mi have a block buster trump story. if this would benefit donald trump. he said yes. the prosecution seems to be trying to build a case of a narrative between michael cohen having some connections with these entities of catch and kill in order to prevent the story about karen mcdougal going public. davidson was the attorney who was acting as the agent if you will as well as the attorney for karen mcdougal to make this happen. when it did happen he said he heard from michael cohen his
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understanding was his client would be very pleased. we're learning new details about the four officers killed during a wild shootout in charlotte, north carolina a u.s. marsh shall's fugitive task force was serving a warrant when opened fire. >> probably well over a hundred rounds of gunfire or projectiles and casings will be collected. we did recover so far on the scene an ar-15 rifle. a 45 caliber handgun and also additional magazines and ammo that goes both with the ar-15 and the 40-caliber handgun. tre maine lee is in charlotte for us. good to see you. police have been working to release the identities of the officers who were killed. what do we know about it. >> reporter: in times like this
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it's easy to get wax poetic about heroes running into danger and gunfire. according to officials that's exactly what happened here with these officers. what we know about them kind of backs them. sam poloche. william elliott. josh eyer six-year veteran, who had a wife and a 3-year-old. and thomas weeks, 48 deputy u.s. marshal, had a wife and four children. these men have been described as heroes certainly and even with eyer last month was named officer of the month because of the way he handled his business but also the way he dealt with the community. >> let me tell you something about this hero thomas weeks is a deputy united states marshal, 48 years old, he's survived by
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his wife kelly and his four children he was with the agency for some 13 years. trying to bring to justice those who are responsible for so much the most heinous crimes in our society. this is a loss for the entire country. >> reporter: the shooter has had a long record including some gun violations and two other individuals here 17-year-old young lady and a older woman, police say they're not looking for any other suspects outside the situation and still more to come. kate. >> thank you. coming up the major new i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies most saw no substantial impact
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always wanted to be and write your own story with schwarzkopf keratin blonde. what story will you tell? the alameda county registrar of voters is set to present the recall effort on district attorney pamela price. price is accusing the registrar of trying to conduct an illegal election. nbc bay area's kris sanchez has more on the fiery news conference. alameda county district attorney pamela price just talked about complaints that she filed with the state attorney general's office and the california fair political practices commission, and has also talked about irregularities. she sees with the county registrars process. the da filed those motions on behalf of the group, protect the win for public safety who support her, saying that the group behind the recall save alameda for everyone, did not
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comply with financial disclosures for nearly $600,000 in funding. she also accused some of the signature gatherers of showing people one petition, then getting them to sign a different one and in some cases even harassing people. as for the county registrar of voters she says his process has not been by the book. there has not been sufficient notice of it. the registrar has not followed the law, consistently. he's picked and he's cherry picked. what provisions should apply and what provisions should not? and that is not a democratic process . it's now at 1:00 this afternoon, save alameda for everyone or safe. we'll talk about the reasons they want da price out. you might recall that they have said price's criminal justice reforms put the rights of suspects ahead of those victims of the victims and ahead of those of the families, and have led to higher crime rates. so here's what could happen today. alameda county supervisors could set the recall
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election as part of the fall election in november. they could call for a special election, or they could declare the recall election invalid altogether. the supervisors will take up the recall issue at 2:00 this afternoon. back to you. thank you. chris. peaceful but adamant student protesters at san francisco state university don't appear to be going anywhere. they started camping out yesterday, joining the growing number of college demonstrations across the country. they're demanding the school to divest from companies doing business with israel. sf state is now one of several bay area schools where tent protests are in place. uc berkeley and stanford have similar demands. i think the students here who are prepared for the long haul struggle that is for the liberation of palestine, is something that many faculty here support and are ready to stand alongside them, unlike what's happening at some universities across the country, there are no police at sf state. in a statement, the school says it respects the students rights to peacefully protest and will work
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to keep everybody safe. hope you can get out and enjoy the nice weather today. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast. we're looking at some nice and comfortable temperatures for today mostly low 70s for the east bay, as well as the north bay and we're up to 73 in san jose, while san francisco will see a high of 64 degrees going into tomorrow. it is a just a touch warmer for the coastline, but significant warmer for the inland valleys. we're up to 81 in concord, while san jose will see some upper 70s and into the day on thursday. there's not a significant change. cool in the morning sunny throughout the day, and our afternoon highs headed for the upper 70s for the south bay tri valley as well as the north bay. we are going to see a big cool down for the weekend, even some rain. so we'll talk about that and a look at our 7-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. here are some other stories you need to know about college bound students and parents. time is running out. actually, you have actually more time to apply for california
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financial aid programs. a san jose based newspaper is suing over i and a car fire causes some delays on the bay bridge. this is where the fire is. you put up a lot of smoke. the chp reported about an hour ago crews had to shut down all lanes while firefighters put it out there. now, back open all those lanes. no update on the cause of the fire or if there were any injuries. the mercury news is among eight newspaper companies suing over artificial intelligence in a lawsuit. it says microsoft and openai illegally harvested millions of copy written materials for its products. we've reached out to microsoft, which is not commenting at this time. the lawsuit follows a similar suit filed by the new york times in reference to those claims, microsoft and openai says allegations that a.i. threatens journalism are, quote, pure fiction. california is extending its deadline for college financial aid programs. they now have until thursday to apply for fafsa or the california dream act. governor newsom's office says fewer high school students
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are filling out the forms. the extension was made possible after the governor signed an urgency measure into law that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back in 30 minute hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. [♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shr edded. it's time we listen to
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to hydrate, smooth visibly firm, brighten and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay bottom of the hour now, here are some stories making headlines on "nbc news daily."
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breaking news biden administration is planning to reclassify cannabis. since 1971 cannabis has been a scheduled i drug the same category as heroin and lsd, it now be changed to a schedule iii drug including substances with acceptable medical uses. the decision will not legalize cannabis outright for recreational use. there are new federal workplace guidelines when it comes to gender identity. the equal employment opportunity commission now says it would be considered workplace harassment if employers repeatedly misgender employees. this is first change to the guidance in 25 years. the guidance is not legally binding but it will be a standard for how federal officials enforce anti-bias law. in oregon we know one of the winners of the 1.3 billion
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jackpot, he immigrated fromto the u.s. from laos he was battling cancer for the last eight years. 46-year-old who has two children explained what this win means for him and his family. >> and i'm thankful for the lottery. and my life has been changed. now i can bless my family and find a good doctor for myself. >> the winning powerball ticket was sold in early april. he plans to split with the lump sum payment with his wife and a friend two chipped in to buy the ticket. wow. king charles resumed his royal public duties today for the first time since beginning treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer. he and his wife visited a cancer treatment in london.
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it's the first of several events charles has planned for the coming weeks as he continues to receive treatment. his doctors say they're very encouraged by his progress. for more let's bring in josh lederman, he's in lonlic life is carefully thought-out, why did he visit that particular treatment center today and what's next on the agenda also prince harry's expected to travel to the uk next week? >> reporter: that's right, kate. so striking that king charles in his first public duty event since being diagnosed with cancer rather than trying to project an image of everything's fine business as usual, make people forget about the can sr. really lend into this he used this moment to do what he's been doing for some time to raise awareness. struggling with an illness that so many of our friends and family have to deal with. he was able to hear from cancer
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patients like side effects from the treatment. he had his most recent treatment for his cancer as recently as today. but as we go forward it's unclear how much more we're going to see of king charles, although his doctors say they're optimistic and he can go back into a regular schedule they're taking it day by day not confirming whether he'll pay a visit to his son when prince harry is many town for the invictus games anniversary. >> josh thank you. weight loss drugs like ozempic can change a lot about your body but some patients say the drugs are affecting their mental health. vicky nguyen shows us what's been dubbed ozemipc -- >> reporter: the latest side effect that's giving some patients pause. >> i absolutely for months now have been feeling depressed.
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>> reporter: they say popular diabetes drugs also used for weight loss such as ozempic and mounjaro are leading to mood changes and depression in what's been dubbed ozempic personality. some users say they don't feel like themselves. their joy dulled. >> i used to be a really positive, bubbly, sunshine person. and over the last year and a half i've kind of lost that. >> reporter: since being prescribed ozempic, sydney foster lost 90 pounds. she says it's her mental health that's now weighing her down. is this making you rethink your relationship with the drugs for weight loss? >> it has been. i know i don't want to have this same mindset forever. if it means staying skinny, that's not what i want. >> reporter: these injections include semaglutide. its effect on mood needs more research. >> there has not been any link directly with the drug to any known personality disorder or any known psychiatric condition, but it would not be impossible
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to see a range of responses, including a change in personality. >> reporter: after receiving 175 reports from ozempic and wegovy patients experiencing suicidal thoughts, an fda study found no link between the drugs and suicide. though the administration added, it could not rule out that a small risk may exist and it's continuing to study the issue. what's more, while wegovy lists depression as a possible side effect, ozempic which is used to type ii diabetes does not. novo nordisk says it collaborates closely with the fda to monitor the safety of all its medicine. this latest complaint adding to a growing list of some patients. >> my biggest side effect was nausea. >> reporter: gnc announcing its location will have a dedicated section of items that will address more common side
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effects. like products that help gi health, muscle mass and bone density and nutrition. while doctors say the relationship between mood changes and the drugs needs to be studied, they're hopeful their benefits outweigh potential hazards. >> i am not worried about it when i weigh the risks of obesity, diabetes and all the other health conditions against the use of this drug. the make of the mou in jaro told us patient's safety is our top priority. the biden administration is launching new regulations to improve safety on the roads. starting in 2029 all new american cars will be required to include an emergency braking system here's tom costello. >> reporter: the video is hard to watch, 9-year-old landon thrown into the air after being hit in the crosswalk by what police say was an unlicensed driver. >> it could have been avoided if
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she was paying attention. >> reporter: his injuries prove minor. look closely to see a woman in the crosswalk hit by a delivery van, she suffered serious injuries. >> one of the big challenges we have right now is pedestrian fatalities. >> reporter: transportation secretary buttigieg announcing new aeb standards for all cars within five years. to reduce the 43,000 people who die on american roads each year. it works by using radar or video infrared sensors to scan for potential collisions. the government is telling carmakers they need to make the technology even better. a triple aaa study presents rear-end crashes under 30 miles an hour. just 30% of crashes under 40 miles per hour.aeb in new cars. the
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the. >> we want to set a high standard for what it should be like for the future and have thing that's in every car. >> reporter: hitting the accelerator on braking. tom costello nbc news washington. artificial intelligence is being used for just about everything right, what about planning your wedding. elwyn lopez spoke with a woman who saved thousands just by using an a.i. bot. >> reporter: dyi weddings are all the rage, but some couples are diving into a.i. for their big day. >> airy. almost flowy summer. >> reporter: she and her fiance planning a beautiful riverview ceremony in poughkeepsie. hundreds of guests ready to celebrate the couple in august. on a data's come together thanks to chatgpt. >> i said you know what, i'm
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going to to take a gander on this. >> reporter: the program listing out detailed options for decorations and so much more, eliminating the need and costs for a wedding planner. >> google is so generalized, right, when you're typing into chatgpt, it's very specific as to what you're asking. >> reporter: so we gave it a shot. tell me which is the best spot to get married in the united states. >> the best spot to get married in the united states depends on personal preferences. destinations like hawaii, napa valley and new york city are popular choices for their stunning scenery and their variety of venues. >> what's the most hated song for weddings? >> one song disliked or considered overplayed at wedding is "ymca" by the village people. labeled as one of the most hated wedding songs by some. >> okay, good to know. >> reporter: those save the dates they came from a.i., too,
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everything from the wording to the formatting. it even helps out with haggling prices with those vendors. >> i found a photographer that did engagements and then bridal shower and photography for almost half of the price it would have cost me to get a photographer to do the wedding on its own. >> reporter: they're saving 5,000 to 10,000 by skipping out on a traditional planning service. in 2024, the average cost for a wedding is more than $30,000 according to zola. >> who are you? >> i'm the wedding planner. >> reporter: even traditional wedding planners have started incorporating a.i. into their wedding businesses. >> i used it to explain a few things to clients. i used a.i. to help me explain it to people. >> reporter: she's been in the
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wedding business for decades, she still feels there's no replacement for the real deal especially on the day. >> making sure the chair counts are right and honestly, we know the person so well by time they get to their wedding if i see them nervous about anything i can fix it. >> reporter: even still a.i.-planned weddings are taking off, more than half of couples engaged are now eyeing tools like chatgpt to help them tie the knot. a little help from a.i. could help them get to the altar and ultimately to those i dos. >> it basically does everything except walk you down the aisle. >> pretty much. pretty much yeah. >> elwyn lopez, thank you for that. coming up leading with adhd.
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♪ night and day ♪ ♪ and neighbors walk by and say -- ♪ >> are those christmas jamies ♪ >> they are christmas jamies ♪ you may remember that video. penn holderness and his family are known for their videos and they also won the amazing race.
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he's opening up about adhd. it's good to see you. >> it's so long ago. different hair different color. >> thank you both for being here. so let's talk about the book. you credit adhd with helping you win the amazing race. how so. >> one part of adhd there's facet called hyperfocus. if there's something you really care about you can block out everything else and knock that task out of the park. it was million dollars at the end. that's interesting, right, and a series of individual tasks, took
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your phones away no internet one thing to worry about when we have that condition we can be great. >> but doctor caldwell let's talk about that a lot of misperceptions about adhd how do you define adhd? >> so, there's a formal definition with a long list of symptoms but i like to think about what a difference in the controls of the brain. most brains operate kind of like a dimmer switch. it creates this these extremes line hyperfocus those extremes are the adhd default. >> i remember a doctor saying to me we have someone in my life with this it's hard to modulate the attention it's sort of all or nothing. why did you write this book?
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you want to reach people who have adhd. >> i want them to know they're not alone and their brains aren't broken. we have this mixing board on the book. you can't modulate. things go on or off. if you can understand your brain better it makes you work hard to get better at. i wanted people to understand that this is a type of a brain we got and honestly if you work on the stuff that you have a deficit on you can be great in a lot of other ways. . you can be innovative spontaneous. >> it can benefit you. be something positive. >> doctor about 10 million people are living with adhd and 9 million of them are untreated. why do you think that is. >> for adult adhd we're only starting to understand it and how it looks in different groups. so the rates of diagnosis are
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increasing pretty dramatically in the past 10 to 15 years, but it's definitely still a new thing that we're still trying to figure outs and sometimes it's confused with other ailment and yes, most commonly confused with depression and anxiety, they can present a lot like adhd. really important you speak with a specialist who fully understands adhd. >> how can the rest of us support and relate to folks with adhd in a better way. >> by asking the questions that you just did, by knowing that when we do something we're not trying to make things difficult for you, the world is just a little bit difficult for us. >> yes, and you know exactly. the world isn't well built for adhd brains so we need to partner with the adhd brains in our lives and to really build external structures to help bring out their strengths
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because there are a lot of them and shore-up the vulnerability. really fascinating topic and fascinating book thank you guys so much for being with us today. appreciate it. >> thanks for having us on. >> thank you. there's much more news sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is prove n to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at
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febreze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating vision changes or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. right now, firefighters are still on the scene of a large fire destroyed a large
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commercial building in the east bay. we want to show you video from contra costa county fire. you can see just how big and dangerous this fire was when they arrived at 1030 last night. this is a vacant three story building around sunset avenue and east street in concord. conte fire says they immediately searched the building. they didn't find anyone. they control the fire within three hours. it is now out. no injuries reported. the roads around there still closed though due to the success of cleanup. khanna fire protection district says they're still investigating and still on scene to make sure no hotspots flare back up. a new proposal to build a new community within san francisco. take a live look at the city right now. a beautiful day. you may have seen fliers around town about a project by the nonprofit city campus. the plan would transform a square mile of the lower haight, hayes valley and alamo square neighborhoods into a walkable campus. the idea is so that people can live in a community raise families, and work near their friends. the nonprofit wants to fund a major piece of
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infrastructure every six months. the weather will soon be warming up. here's meteorologist kari hall with our 7-day forecast. we have more warm and sunny weather in our forecast throughout the week for the valleys in the upper 70s and low 80s, and expect their weekend rain chances to increase as a cold front comes in and look at how much cooler it's going to be. only 63 for a high and a little bit better on sunday. probably the best day this weekend to get outside by monday. we're starting to see those temperatures continuing to warm up and a look at the near-term forecast for san francisco. really great workweek. but the weekend, if you do have some outdoor plans, you'll have to keep an umbrella. it may be a little bit soggy at times, and we'll only see temperatures in the upper 50s with a breezy wind sunday. also here will be the best day to get out forhe weekend. thank ts,
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i found a lesson for you. rebecca in san jose recently realized she did not get about three years of cash back rewards. she expected from her amazon cash back credit card. more than 500 bucks. well despite hours on the phone, no resolution or cash back. so rebecca reached out to our team. we contacted amazon headquarters. well it turns out rebecca's card was not connected to her family's amazon prime account. amazon fixed that, and now she's getting cash back for her purchases. amazon also gave rebecca $561. what she says she would have earned if her account had been connected. amazon told us in this case, we've worked to resolve this for the customer. if i could rewind and travel back three years to the day amazon sent rebecca her first statement, i would encourage her to review it and every statement
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after that to make sure she was earning the perks she expected. and that's savvy advice for you. for any monthly bill, check for minor mistakes today so they don't become major problems months or years later. rebecca reached out online. you can to scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. good tip. thank you chris. oakland's brand new baseball team should be sliding into its new home soon. later today, council members are expected to sign off on the ballers plan to play at raymond park in west oakland. the ballers are joining the independent pioneer league. the team plans to spend about $1.5 million to bring the field up to league standards. can't wait to watch them play. get all the day's news on our website that does it for us. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪
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feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth visibly firm, brighten and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay
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depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo!
1:00 pm
i'm andrea canning and this is dateline. my mom was hysterical. my brother was crying as well. gone? dead? murdered? he believes that there's this lady out


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