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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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man is now in critical condition after getting into a collision involving two vehicles while he was riding a scooter near san jose state. our jocelyn moran is at the scene. has been talking to witnesses out there. jocelyn, what are you learning? yeah, well, right now the street has reopened. this happened on 10th street. it reopened just a few minutes ago. but you can get a good idea of just how busy the street can really get. many cars are driving through here in just the last couple of minutes. police say this happened a little after 1:30 p.m. the street was blocked off for several hours. police say a man was on a scooter when a crash occurred involving two cars. you can see at least one white car in this video, along with the scooter on the ground at. witnesses tell us the man ended up under one of the cars. police say he was taken to a nearby hospital with life threatening injuries, and he remains in critical condition. just a short time ago, we talked with someone who heard it all happen. i heard like a lot of commotion, somebody sound like somebody screaming. so then i went to the window, actually, and i seen the
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car and i seen somebody just lay it out. so i was like, oh my goodness. so then i went outside and looked like somebody was actually under a car. so yeah, we're not far where classes take place on the san jose state campus. there's also a parking garage here. some students live around this area. in the last couple of hours that we've been here, we have seen some students walking by asking, what happened? san jose state police chief did send out a message a couple of hours ago. just letting students know that there are resources on campus because, again, some students may have seen this crash. police say this investigation is ongoing in san jose. i'm jocelyn moran, nbc, bay area news. all right. we'll stay on that story. thank you. jocelyn. our other top story tonight, how do you get people back to downtown san francisco? the city has been slow to recover after the pandemic, and the idea to attract a university campus seems to be gaining steam at least with one supervisor. he's also running for mayor. nbc bay area sergio quintana shows us the plan and the opposition supervisor, asha sapphire, says
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he wants the city to be among those that are taking advantage of the local commercial real estate slump. he points to the recent private purchase of the david hughes building on market street for the bargain basement price of just under $7 million. he says the deal shows there could be real opportunity for reimagining the city's core. so we're proposing today a downtown educational zone. we're going to create a fund that includes city money, that includes the ability to go out and get philanthropy and private foundation dollars to purchase buildings in the downtown. supervisor asha sapphire, who is also a candidate for mayor, says his proposal would be specifically aimed at trying to get a public university to relocate to downtown. if this is an idea that sounds familiar, it is mayor london breed has been pushing a plan to attract a historically black college or university to the city's downtown corridor. in february, she hosted leaders from several hbcus in an effort to move that plan forward. what this looks
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like long term is a real possibility to have historically black college campuses right here in san francisco, where they are choosing to lease space specifically in our downtown area. sapphire's plan differs because he's proposing to buy properties rather than ask universities to lease them from existing owners. his proposal was introduced during today's board of supervisors meeting. at least one other mayoral candidate, daniel lurie, has also talked about trying to get a university campus downtown canada. mark farrell's campaign declined to comment on the idea, but aides for fellow board member and mayoral hopeful aaron peskin voiced immediate skepticism, with one of his legislative aides saying even though she hasn't seen sapphire's plan, there are issues with the city facing a difficult budget year. a member of the aaron peskin for mayor campaign voiced similar skepticism, saying it's going to be very difficult when you have real programs on the chopping block to set aside any money for a vague idea. sapphire says he's
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hoping to establish a $20 million fund for his plan in san francisco. sérgio quintana, nbc, bay area news dozens of supporters and opponents of alameda county district attorney pamela price are facing off at tonight's board of supervisors meeting, as we speak, the board is debating when voters should go to the polls to decide whether to recall the da. tonight. supervisors are receiving the certified results of the recall petition, then that they'll set an election date. both supporters of price and those looking to recall the da rallied outside of the administration building ahead of tonight's meeting. that's what you see right here, price opponents feel that she's too soft on crime and are asking for a special election to be called immediately, but other county residents have said it should just be added to the existing november election to save money. today, the da herself accused recall organizers of breaking the law to gather signatures and money for that recall. price says the state is now investigating. i am concerned for our community that people
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would be able to come in with money and overturn an election, that people would be able to come in and bring people in who would lie and mislead the public . how many people have been convicted? how many people have been convicted of murder? how many people have got a plea deal? how many people have been released? that's her job to give that information to the community. while she's worried about what we're not doing. i'm gonna need you to do that. recall organizers deny those allegations, saying they did everything by the book. the registrar of voters estimates a standalone special election would cost 15 to $20 million. board is now has 14 days to set an election date. a disturbing discovery in a san jose neighborhood. a brothel being run inside of a home, one suspect arrested and plenty of neighbors are talking. here's nbc's marianne favro. san jose police first received a tip in november that something suspicious was going on inside
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this home on 16th street. there were so many men waiting in cars parked on the street. neighbors tell us someone painted a red no parking sign to try to prevent people from blocking their driveway. one person, who asked not to be identified, told us a parade of men had been visiting the home for about a year, constantly seeing like men come from like as early as like nine, 10 a.m. all the way up to like two in the morning, and just every hour on the hour. some told us they'd see men in groups of 3 or 4 go into the house together and leave together. an hour later, neighbors also said they saw many different women with luggage get picked up on the street at night. they would usually leave in an uber or some women. sometimes i don't know if they would take them for the day and so guys would come in really nice cars and would pick them up. on april 19th. after an investigation that included the fbi, police arrested 53 year old zeke wang lieu. during the
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search of the residence, detectives obtained evidence that was indicative of an operation of a commercial brothel. the suspect was booked into the santa clara county main jail for charges related to pimping and pandering. police also seized about $1,000 cash they say they found two women inside the house during the search of the residence. detectives did locate and identify two adult female human trafficking survivors, and they were provided with resources. today, a woman came out of the house but declined to answer any of our questions. do you have any information about what was going on inside this home? police say they're still trying to determine if there are more suspects or victims. neighbors say while they're glad to learn of the arrest, they still fear for their safety because men are still coming to the home day and night in san jose, marianne favro. nbc bay area news. well,
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let's move on. there's more tension around the country. antiwar protesters at columbia university in new york city occupied a campus building in the overnight hours. the university is now threatening to expel students who remain inside that building, as we have been reporting for more than a week now, these campus protests are part of a nationwide movement of college students demanding a cease fire in gaza and for their schools to cut financial ties with israel. house speaker mike johnson says he's launching a crackdown in response to what he's calling anti-semite ism on campuses that came after he visited columbia university. students there say they're not backing down. i don't think we have any plans of stopping anytime soon, but in terms of how negotiations will resume, i, i think that that is largely in the hands of the university, and it's up to them to commit to not threatening us with food insecurity, evictions and
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soldiers and militarized police. that would be a great first step. this is not a gray issue. there is right and wrong here. there is good and evil in my view, and we need to call it out for what it is. i think this is a time for decisive, decisive leadership. if you want to have vigorous debate about foreign policy issues or you know anything else, do that. sponsor it, open up the auditorium and have kids from different viewpoints, come in respectfully and have debate. that's what the university campus should be for, but not this. while tensions remain high, we are seeing a rare agreement at one university. protesters at brown agreed to take down their encampment after university leaders said they would discuss and then vote on divesting funds from companies connected to the israeli military. clashes also continue here in california about 35 people were arrested at cal poly humboldt after taking over two buildings on campus. the university said it supports free speech, but says the barricaded buildings created a
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fire hazard. protesters first took over those buildings last monday, forcing campus to shut down for the rest of the semester, which ends on friday at uc berkeley. demonstrators have also been camping out since last week, pitching tents you see there at sproul plaza. while other universities have taken harsher stances on demonstrators , uc berkeley says it will only involve police to protect students and faculty. things are also remaining peaceful at stanford. police aren't forcing those demonstrators out, but stanford has warned that the camps violate campus policy. so protesters do face suspension or even expulsion. so far, stanford hasn't confirmed if any students have actually been disciplined there. our skyranger flew over sf state today. it's the latest major university in the bay area where students have set up an encampment in support of palestinians. demonstrators set up more than 30 tents there yesterday after a rally at the student center. and make sure to stay with us for the latest on
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these protests as they sweep the nation when we're not on air. you can get the latest by downloading our free nbc bay area app. or you could always visit our website . a big change in the perception of pot. the white house is close to easing federal restrictions on cannabis. sources tell nbc that the biden administration will reclassify cannabis as a less serious schedule three drug. right now, cannabis is listed as a schedule one, the same category as heroin and lsd, meaning it remains legally restricted under federal law and banned from any medical use. this change would mark the first time the federal government will officially acknowledge marijuana's potential medicinal benefits. oakland congresswoman barbara lee celebrated the move. she tweeted today that it's a step in the right direction, but called for cannabis to be fully de-scheduled to end the war on drugs and repair harm to communities of color. starting this summer. no more surprise fees on your restaurant bill.
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today, the state's attorney general confirmed that a new law banning junk fees also applies to surcharges at restaurants. so starting july 1st, restaurants won't be able to charge service fees and will have to fold the costs into the actual prices on the menu. restaurants defend these fees, saying they help them afford wages and offset the costs of business fees. industry groups argue that this could lead to pay cuts and hurt small restaurants, because the law opens them up to lawsuits if they keep charging fees up next, added options for jewish and muslim students who rely on school lunches. the california bill, working to ensure no student goes hungry due to their faith. i'm scott budman in concord, where the need for food at food banks in the bay area is as high as ever. we'll tell you how you can help. just ahead. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. sunny blue skies right now, but we are tracking rain and sierra snow ahead. we'll show you exactly how mucand
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and kosher school meals act just passed the senate education committee. it would require schools to offer halal and kosher meal options if the school has a significant population of students who follow those religious and cultural dietary practices. the bill's author says kids shouldn't have to choose between hunger and adhering to religious beliefs. the legislation now moves to the senate appropriations committee. there, on the front lines of the fight to feed our community. but today, bay area food banks say they desperately need your help. at least one food bank says that their shelves are nearly empty and the need is only getting worse. here's nbc bay area's scott budman. the monument crisis center in concord is bagging food as fast as it can to help feed local families in need. currently, we're seeing
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close to 200 300 families a day. but the center says because of cutbacks and more people who need help, they're running out of food. the amount of people that are in need of food has only increased, but the amount of donations or food to supplement that need has not been met. unfortunately and this isn't the only place where the need is rising. second harvest of silicon valley is one of many bay area food banks who sent executives to sacramento today, asking lawmakers to bring back programs that helped feed so many people during the early days of the pandemic, in particular, we're asking for support for cal food. this is a program that allows food banks like ours to source californian grown produce, milk, eggs, all of those wonderful things that our clients and people in our community need. and the cost of which keeps going up at the grocery store. meanwhile, the crisis center is putting out the call and some are responding,
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stepping up to help. i'm a veteran, so i'm i'm very service minded. so i know that responsibility of having to get back to your community. the monument crisis center will be delivering food to those who need it again on wednesday from nine until noon here on market street. they say they still need food and monetary support. in concord, scott budman nbc bay area news. scott. thank you. let's take you outside on this beautiful tuesday evening, the golden gate bridge looking spectacular. jeff ranieri is here. we're having it. we're enjoying a very nice week so far, jeff. we are. and you know, we're getting a couple more days of this before rain. that's okay. we can. so positive. okay, audrey, what's like i'm on the fence on this side. i know. yeah. we are looking at some rain coming in for this weekend. but don't worry, it's not going to be wet all weekend long. we've got that timeline for you right now and that microclimate forecast. and we're going to start it off with a look at tomorrow morning. and
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temperatures here are going to be down into the 40s and low 50s. no rainfall, just yet. a mix here of some sun and just a little bit of cloud cover near the coastline. south bay right here at 48 over to the peninsula 51. and for the east bay coming in with the upper 40s. daytime highs for tomorrow, warming up about 4 to 7 degrees with this dryer wind throughout the mountains, primarily at the lower elevations, it will be ten to about 20 in the mountains. still could get up to about 45. but look at this. 80 in santa rosa, 78. martinez 81, in concord, 77. right here in san jose. even getting up to 70 here in downtown san francisco. so sunshine, nice temperatures tomorrow despite a little bit of wind. and you're going to want to enjoy it because as we head into this weekend, we are still looking at some rain chances coming in now. overall, i think the positive benefit of getting some rainfall is that it's going to help out your allergies. look at this pine, oak, cedar and sycamore all in the high category. so let's get to that storm system. and the big thing
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that we're starting to see about this storm is it looks like it's inching closer and closer towards the bay area. so that's upping our confidence. we're actually going to get some rainfall here on saturday's forecast right now. looks like widespread chances. also temperatures in the 60s. look at our totals now starting to increase here. we'd be anywhere from a quarter to a half inch throughout the bay area. most locations at about a half inch. but the south bay right there at about a quarter inch. now, any kind of rainfall we can get is just going to continue to boost up that rainfall season. look at this. we're running a surplus here of 4.17in in santa rosa, up nearly three inches in san francisco and a surplus of 3.62. in san jose, we got a deficit in oakland and concord, but we'll be able to add to that and help out our numbers here, not only on rainfall, but look at the snowfall. it now looks like some of the highest elevations would get over a foot of snow on saturday's forecast, so be ready for that. look at this snowpack here. we're at 111% of the northern sierra central 92. once
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we get that snow on saturday, if everything holds through for us, all areas will be back up above 100. okay, let's take it into that 7-day forecast. look at this dry weather on sunday so you get rain chance saturday drying it out for the back half of the weekend. we'll go from that 81 on wednesday to 59 on saturday. i know what i have fully embraced this. have you and decided it's a great reason to just, you know, be lazy, maybe catch up on some streaming on peacock, right? yeah. there you go, peacock and chill. take me a little longer to embrace. but yeah, i've got a few good shows i'll. i'll share with you that. yes, please. okay. popping on peacock sounds good. thank you. jeff. up next, the south bay family still picking up the pieces after their livelihood went up in flames. how they're working to move forward after this devastating fire. and an announcement today as we count down to the paris olympics, there's a new way to watch this summer. nbc and roku are launching nbc olympic zone for
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fans to consume all coverage from paris. it's easy to access, actually. you can find olympic zone on the roku homepage. live olympic coverage from paris kicks off right here on nbc. bay area on july 26th. we're back in a moment
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a fire department, says the call came in as an explosion on pitcairn way. it happened early thursday morning. the cause of that fire is still unknown, but investigators say it doesn't appear to be arson. sadly, the family's insurance doesn't cover that fire, and they've now set up a gofundme account in hopes of replacing their $95,000 food truck. the controversial plans to build a new city in solano county appear to have taken a big step forward. over 20,000 solano residents have signed the petition. you saw him there. that's the ceo today of california forever. that company announced it's gathered enough signatures to qualify an initiative for the november ballot. that initiative would ask voters to rezone areas to clear the way for this project. california forever wants to build what it calls a green community in eastern solano county. the group claims it would include thousands of homes, walkable neighborhoods, shopping, dining and open space.
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but several local and federal leaders oppose this project. i think the reality is there's a there's a small but vocal group of opponents who really dislike the project. but the more people in the county learn about it, and the more they look at the facts, instead of all of this misinformation that's been put out there, the more people are beginning to say, why is anyone against this? they have said that they will pay their fair share. well, now, who's going to pay the remaining share? it will be the taxpayers of solano county of california. and sure, as we're talking, they're going to try to get federal money to build the infrastructure. the county registrar of voters office says it will likely take several weeks to verify those signatures. okay, now to san francisco's pier 39. look at that. they're back and in bigger numbers. there are more than 800 sea lions basking on the docks. the highest number in seven years. harbormaster says the population boom is the result of a large school of anchovy coming from the farallon islands near
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the golden gate bridge. a lot of food for them. pier says sea lions have been a major attraction since they first invaded those docks after the 1989 loma prieta earthquake. if you're not able to see them in person, you can check them out on the pier 39 live webcam. we like those anchovies here. up next, wild times in the east bay. we'll show you what happened after a herd of goats and sheep get loose in contra costa county. stay with us business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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here they are. you can see an officer chasing a herd of goats and sheep back onto the field. pinal pd joked online, calling it a twist on patrol crowd control training. officers were ultimately able to find the owner and get those animals back home safely. tonight at 7:00 hour, university officials handling those campus protests the right way. and why can't president biden broker a cease fire in the middle east? well, overwhelmingly, people in our district and my district, which is the heart of silicon valley, san jose and the peninsula and east bay, want the war to end. congressman ro khanna is our guest. coming up tonight on our 7:00 news. and up next on nightly news. what exactly is going on with iphone alarms? not
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ringing? has it happened to you yet? apple is responding to reports on that issue with a quick fix. lester holt joins us from tonight, the tense standoff at columbia university, as pro-palestinian protests escalate on campuses nationwide. columbia now threatening to expel students who have taken over a historic campus building after they smashed windows and used furniture to barricade doors. and the new arrests, more than a thousand nationwide, since the unrest began. also tonight, donald trump held in contempt for violating his gag order in his hush money trial. the judge warning if he does it again, he could go to jail. and the former president making headlines with his agenda for a possible second term. what he said about letting states track women's pregnancies, mass deportations, and refusing to rule out violence if he loses again. the historic move on marijuana


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