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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 1, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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night at ucla. this is all tied to protests dealing with the war
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in gaza. now police are getting involved. the new overnight developments as protests take hold of college campuses nationwide. it comes as pro-palestinian groups organize bay area rallies tied to may day. the growing concerns that this could impact your commute, plus parking crackdown. san francisco is getting tough on violators and promising more enforcement. we're live this morning with those differences. you may notice the next time you drive in the city. this this is today in the bay all right, here we go. vroom, vroom. wednesday here we come. i want to say good morning to you all. thanks for allowing us to be a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington and i'm kris sanchez laura garcia is off. mike is going to keep track of vroom vroom vroom vroom. hopefully you don't get any tickets marcus. that's a lot of room there okay. here. he's watching for that forecast. and the weather looks great. i mean, this morning we're starting out. nice cool temperatures and the sky is all clear. no issues with visibility. so we haven't seen
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any fog rolling around. and as we take a look at four of our microclimates in oakland right now we're at 48 degrees. it is 51 in san jose and 50 in san rafael and in san francisco. the wind a little bit breezy now. it's going to become gusty again today. and cupertino will see temperatures in the low 50s at 8:00, low 60s at 10:00. you see how fast we're going to see our highs headed for the mid 70s. it's going to warm up nicely with our temperatures in the upper 70s for the south bay, east bay, as well as the north bay and a few spots hitting the low 80s. so we'll keep an eye on that. we'll talk more about it in just a few minutes. mike takes us back to the crash in hayward. yeah, we're looking over here. southbound 880 shows a general build here. the crash at tennyson. i had misread the report. honestly so instead of four vehicles, it is one vehicle on the right shoulder. there so not as much of a distraction around tennyson. we're watching. the classification officially says there's not a lot of detail, so we're just tracking mild slowing, a mild build for the area. it doesn't look like there's much impact miles
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slowing here, as well as the first burst of traffic through san jose eases off for north 101. the second will kick in in about 40 minutes. down there. no major problems out of the east, out of the altamont pass in the dublin interchange moves very smoothly. typical slowing for contra costa county. here for highway four. same thing for highway 37 and the build through richmond toward the bay bridge. back to you. thank you mike. developing this morning palestinian protesters are organizing a new round of bay area protests to mark today's may day tradition of recognizing laborers. rallies and demonstrations are expected at all of these different locations around the bay area, including san francisco, oakland and san jose. this includes both the 24th street and west oakland bart stations, golden gate park, san jose's mcenery convention center, and the sonoma county sheriff's office. as we have seen in recent weeks, protests have severely impacted commuters as they headed to work last month. you'll remember demonstrators shut down the golden gate bridge and lanes
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along 880 in oakland, and those incidents led to hours long backups for drivers. at this point, none of the demonstrations appear to be quite as large in scope. however, in the past, pro-palestinian protesters have not announced plans to shut down bay area highways and bridges ahead of the incidents. a new developments this morning in the middle east crisis here and abroad and in southern california overnight, violent new clashes involving college protesters from each side overseas. secretary of state antony blinken is sitting down with israel's prime minister. and today in the bay's brie jackson is live in washington covering all of this. let's start with what we know about the ucla clashes. those really escalated overnight. bree that's right. good morning chris. so we saw a chaos playing out overnight amid dueling protests on ucla's campus late last night. pro-israeli demonstrators surrounded a pro-palestinian encampment on campus. those
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pro-israeli protesters, many wearing white masks and flags around their shoulders, then attempted to dismantle all the encampment at points, shooting fireworks and using what some believe to be bear or pepper spray. the pro-palestinian group then used umbrellas to shield themselves. police responded, and around 2 a.m. officers managed to separate the two rival protest groups. the mayor of los angeles is among those condemning the violence. meanwhile, on new york city's columbia campus, nypd officers arrested dozens of palestinian supporters occupying an academic hall. now, here's new video of the scene. there when police moved in, activists had barricaded themselves inside the school's hamilton hall. and it's it adds to the 200 or so arrests already made this week on the columbia campus. the mayor and police now claim many of the latest arrests involve so-called outside agitators who don't even attend columbia. and then this
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video from city college of new york is where police also clashed with palestinian supporters. this also led to dozens of arrests. police say activists there tried to take over an administration building. now, police so far have not identified any of those arrested or nor are they offering details on possible charges as of yet. well, fortunately, here in the bay area, most of the campus protests have been largely peaceful. but we also want to talk about what's happening between those two major allies in the effort to try to come to some sort of resolution about the war. that's right. so us secretary of state antony blinken and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu launched a round of face to face talks overnight. the. here's video of when the two when the pair met back in march. the us state department says these closed door talks surround the ceasefire proposal in gaza as part of a hostage deal. blinken is also accusing hamas of
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standing in the way of that deal. humanitarian aid for gaza is also part of today's talks. now the meeting follows a phone call this week between netanyahu and president biden, where the us advised against invading the city of rafah, where tens of thousands of palestinians are still seeking shelter. now, netanyahu is still vowing to do so with or without a ceasefire deal. so many moving parts. thank you very much, bri. 606 for you this morning. and if you drive in san francisco at all, listen up, because starting today, a police crackdown on parking violators today in the bay's ginger conejero saab in the city for us this morning. okay, so, ginger, i know a lot of folks. it's hard to find parking there in the city and they try to make their own spots. so what kind of crackdown are we talking about here? i know that's the tough part, marcus, and you know that. well, anybody who's been in the city knows that. well, there are multiple signs, which means
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there are more than one rule that you could possibly break. and it is can be quite confusing. and starting today, be forewarned, enforcement is stepping up. now. city officials say they are focusing on cars that are blocking sidewalks. any vehicles that block those crosswalks as well. the bottom line they say sidewalks need to be clear for pedestrians to use them safely. and for the first time since the pandemic, the department is staffed to target these vehicles. sfmta director jeffrey tumlin spoke last month about parking behavior in the city since the pandemic. given the scarcity of parking control officers that we have faced for several years, there are people who think that the rules don't exist. so we want to make sure that we get the word out that we are finally able to start enforcing all of the rules. it puts the target on our back, and we definitely plan on seeing the aggression, the aggression from the public to come out with that message. and that was someone
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who works for sfmta, he says they are already facing aggression from upset drivers. this could make things worse. parking tickets in the city for blocking a pedestrian crossing or a residential parking garage can range from over $80 to over $100 for each citation. those numbers range depending on the type of violation, of course, not to mention the late penalties that can add to those missed payments. just in case you forget that you did something wrong, or broke a rule, or didn't even realize that you, you know that you may have done that now, those are not the only violations that will be enforced. each district in the city can also expect a week long sweep every three months. so do the math with those parking tickets and the amount of enforcement. and that's a adds up to a lot. marcus. so watch out. yeah. and we're already talking about making it in the bay. well those
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tickets are going to make it harder too. so be mindful of those new rules and extra patrol. all right. thanks, ginger. well, a new small step. this is in a push to recall alameda county's embattled district attorney. but her opponents are saying it's still falling short. supervisors last night voted to certify the petition to recall pamela price, but they fell short on declaring an election date that will be announced on may 14th. now, two weeks from now. now earlier in the day, price claimed that outside money is actually fueling the opposition, calling her recall push misleading and based on lies. well, last night, people on both sides of the aisle weighed in on that issue. the special election will alleviate some of the losses that still can happen right now with her directors there putting on her the burden of eight years ago and even 30 years ago, like come in immediately, da pam and just wipe away crime. make us safe. the board members are
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still considering the cost of holding a special election, which could approach $20 million. some argue adding it to the november ballot would save money late last night, price issued a statement that was in part covered those added costs, saying, quote, the county already faces a $54 million budget gap and the board's decision could add $20 million more debt to that shortfall. this is irresponsible. a special election should not even be on the table. taking a live look out our window over san jose and some of those clouds look like they're drooping just a little bit, this is the best. it's going to be before the weekend gets here, right? yeah. these next few days we better enjoy it. we continue with sunshine and we're going to see a lot more sun as we go throughout the day. and it's also going to be windy at times. there's a wind advisory that will be in effect for solano county, and then a breezy coast, as well as our inland temperatures was in the
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70s and low 80s weekend. the rain returns will also have a big drop in temperatures that wind advisory for solano county, in effect also for the sacramento valley. and we may see some of those gusts up to 40mph today. it's been windy along the coastline, and we're still going to see some of those gusty winds all throughout the day. so mike, two hands on the steering wheel as you're heading to the gas station. yeah, exactly. but then when you get there then take your hands off and be careful with the pump. we're going to look at the prices at the pump. santa clara south bay's best is 475 at platinum gas on washington street. contra costa county. the best price there is arco in concord, 489 at the shop on monument boulevard. that's right near the costco, where they have the same price, and heading up to vallejo. we're heading up to 499 arco there on sonoma boulevard. check those prices. report those prices on gasbuddy .com. on the roadways, we're looking at a smooth flow. no surprises to report, really. as we zoom over toward the east bay. we're looking at a build for highway four, both directions over at san marco,
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same as yesterday. we have slowing on the bay bridge a little bit more. there as the volume builds, so does the build up on the overcrossing back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well, college decision day is here. and while it is usually a reason to celebrate issues with financial aid this year are leaving high school seniors in limbo. up next, a glimmer of hope for some students applying to top bay area universities. major car manufacturer owners say they are shocked and stunned. but wait, i have more dumbfounded. stupefied, baffled, bewildered, aghast. startled. we'll tell you what it's all about. reading the source. yeah, maybe you missed one. i'm not also out to the futures this morning. let's take a look at what's going on. the fed may make a major decision on interest rates today. we'll go over that as well. and tiger woods already one of the greatest golfers of all time. but you know what. now he's branching out so ahead for you this morning on today in the bay we're going to tell you about
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a small biotech maker in menlo park, pacific biosciences has warned the state it's going to lay off 195 people. now, many of the job losses will actually be in san diego, not here. starbucks generally speaking, says generally speaking, people are not spending as much at its stores. it blames slow sales in china. but we're going to keep an eye on this one because people not spending money on
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expensive coffee can be a sign of a bigger slowdown. the fed could absolutely blow up these numbers make them even worse today. it concludes its two day interest rate meeting at 11 a.m. our time. we already know they're going to keep interest rates high, but if the fed chair hints, they're going to keep them high for the rest of the year, that could kneecap the stock market, which has been hoping for rate cuts eventually. well, just days after launching a program to allow any sort of electric car to charge at a tesla charging station, tesla laid off essentially its entire charging staff about 500 people. executives at ford and rivian and gm say they're absolutely flabbergasted. so stunned they say they were in the middle of working out all the details on the big switchover with people who, as of today, don't work at tesla and they don't know who to talk to. the blog, the information was the first to report on those cuts. tesla has not commented, and these come
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just a week after tesla laid off 14,000. the mercury news and a host of other newspapers are suing openai, saying the company violated their copyrights when they used newspaper articles to train the artificial intelligence, large language models need a lot of study, a lot of language, and they use newspapers, among other things, to do it. the new york times was the first to sue. we were just talking about this the other day that ai is running out of things to read, but it can't get smarter if it's already read everything, which is why companies are turning to things like youtube videos and podcasts. facebook thought about buying the publishers simon and schuster, just so its computers could read all the books that would work with newspapers, too. openai is worth about $80 billion. most newspapers are worth at most a few hundred million. are you familiar with liquid death? it's water. it's just canned water. but it's a huge brand, a best seller among young people. this week on our podcast sand hill road, i talked
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to liquid death investor mike jones, who was the money behind dollar shave club, which is another big 20 something brand. recently, his firm was approached by people representing a religious app, asking for help reaching that very same young demographic in faith. there's a lot of fans right? just to be honest. like, you know, jesus has a lot of followers. they're very passionate fan group, and so they came to us and said, look, we think churches are struggling. we think the small church may or may not be around, you know, in the future. so you can listen to sand hill road anywhere you get your podcasts, including apple podcasts, etc. so jesus really scaled. he started with just 12. yeah. he was like, now look and now look. quite the platform. yeah. no, it's a very serious attempt to go reach these christians. where they are. right. which is things like podcasts and apps and everything else and highly associated with the best selling book of all time. yes, that's
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true too. just saying amen to that. maybe i should read that book. thank you very much. all right. 619 for you this morning. you know what it is. it is decision day, or at least it used to be may 1st. yeah, well, it still is, chris. come on. all right. so you know, typically it has been the decision day for those waiting to enroll in universities. but this year many schools are extending that deadline. so the reason is because of issues with the new fafsa form. most students, they have no idea how much they'll actually receive in financial aid because they actually haven't heard back from the fafsa yet. so some of those schools here in the bay area, at least they have extended the decision deadlines to accommodate san jose state. and ucsf moved it to may 15th. san francisco state and csu east bay moved it to june 1st. stanford university has not extended their deadline, among others, all according to their website. i mean, it's already a stressful time and this whole fafsa thing, like when people are waiting to make their decision like, can i
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afford to go to my dream school or can i not afford? i mean, it's just been really, really stressful. and we talked about it here in california that, california, students, the deadline has extended to thursday to apply for some of those, forms, so. right. but still, you need to know that federal aid, right? a lot of students, it's expensive. right. it's 620 for you right now and not so much an early tee time. but you know what? let's call it an early tv time for tiger woods. this morning he joined the today show to talk about golf, his future, his plans, his family and with mother's day approaching, he explains how mom helped shape his iconic sunday red look. we're red, my mom thought that being born a capricorn, that red was my power color. and so. and some of the junior junior golf events in socal, i would wear red. and i won, and then saved it for. okay, mom, i'll make you a deal with you that i will only wear. i wear red on big events. right
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on the last round of big events, because i can't wear it every single day. of course. yeah, you can if your mom tells you to. i read also a key color in his growing clothing line, which he says is taking off. he has no plans to give up playing in golf's major tournaments either, including this month's pga championship. i didn't know red was my power color as a capricorn. oh yeah. capricorns. yes that's right. oh, there you have. that's right. oh, caps. caps. okay. all right. well there you go. all right. well i'll take it away. this pisces. let's get a look at what to expect as you're heading out. it is another beautiful start. take a look at the sunrise over the golden gate bridge with the clear sky and you can tell it's already breezy. our temperature today heads up for 68 degrees there and 75 in novato. we'll see upper 70s in the east bay and upper 70s for the south bay. really nice for us as we've had a stretch of slightly warmer than normal temperatures that continues into tomorrow, a few low 80s for the inland east bay, as well as the north bay. and
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then on friday, we're also enjoying the warmer weather. but then on saturday, a cold front drops in. it brings us some rain. we'll also have a big drop in temperatures and some sierra snow. take a look at that. we're going to see that quick wave of rain coming through that at this point is looking a little bit more in the way of some more measurable rain, as we could see in some parts of the north bay, about a half inch of rain, up to three quarters of an inch for ukiah. and then most of us getting about a half inch of rain or less in the valley. so a nice soaker for saturday and then we go back to dry conditions on sunday. if you do have some weekend outdoor plans, sunday is your day. it'll be still very nice as the lawn, all the grass starts to dry out and then for early next week, we're looking at highs in the low 70s so far. mike. it seems pretty smooth out there. that doesn't mean it's completely clear obviously, but it is very smooth. oh there's a new crash. maybe you have to bite my tongue there. this is in fremont. we'll check on that for 680. meanwhile the rest of the bay, just a
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pretty typical pattern with a little slowing for the nimitz through hayward. a little more build out of richmond. and now toward that richmond bridge, we have more slowing shows up toward the toll plaza. 580 coming out of the altamont moves very smoothly. vasco road, holding steady as you exit contra costa county back to you. thanks mike. 623 this morning. and you know what we here at nbc bay area, we are celebrating asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month and ahead for you, we're going to introduce you to one local martial arts program, teaching community members more than
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hawaiian and pacific islander heritage here at nbc bay area. and tonight we visit a bay area school combining filipino culture and self-defense. for decades, legacy filipino martial arts has taught people of all ages the art of self-defense. while the practice incorporates weapons like sticks into fending off an attack. but you know what ? that school is more than just a physical pursuit. it is also connecting people to filipino culture. we don't only train here just for physical nature, they train here for culture reasons, social reasons. right? they want to, you know, connect with their roots. and coming up tonight at 5:00 here on nbc bay area, we are going to introduce you to what some describe as the first family of filipino martial arts. so you don't want to miss that. all right. we have a lot
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more ahead for you at 630, including the latest chaos playing out at campuses at colleges nationwide overnight. but things remain peaceful here at uc berkeley. but there could be disruptions in other parts of the bay area today. planned demonstrations for today, may day, which historically is a day of action st it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want.
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make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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ucla. new video of the moments that chaos erupted overnight, and the challenge police face to calm the tensions there. a day of action in marking may day. pro-palestinian groups plan to make their voices heard right here in the bay area. we are live this morning with the commuter concerns and no more surcharges at your local restaurant. a new law will soon mean big changes when your check arrives. growing questions, though, from restaurant owners and their workers about how it will impact them. this is today the bay area thanks for joining us on this wednesday morning. i'm kris sanchez and i'm marcus washington. so let's get started with that day. meteorologist kari hall has a look at a beautiful sunrise as we start the day. and really nice weather for us right? yeah, another really comfortable day. we're starting out cool. it's going to be nice and sunny and temperatures warm up quickly by late morning into the afternoon. san jose will go from
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temperatures in the upper 50s at 9:00 to a 1:00 temperature of 73 degrees. we'll make it into the mid to upper 70s today. a light wind and we're still going to have some of those breezy winds along the coast and in the delta . we could see some of those gusts 30 to 40mph for today. and then tomorrow. the weather is pretty much a repeat of today. we do have a couple of more days of warm valleys and mild coastlines, but we are going to have a very chilly weekend ahead, so i'll have more on that in the full forecast coming up in a few minutes. mark. all right gary, thank you. well developing this morning chaos amid dueling protests on ucla's campus late last night, pro-israel demonstrators surrounded a pro-palestinian encampment on campus. now, those pro-palestinian pro-israeli protesters, many wearing white masks and flags around their shoulders, then attempted to dismantle it and points shooting and points shooting fireworks. they started actually shooting fireworks and using what some believe was bear or pepper
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spray. the pro-palestinian groups then use umbrellas to shield themselves. police responded, and at around 2:00 in the morning, officers managed to separate those groups. so far, there's no word of any arrests. now, here in the bay area this morning, there are also preparations for a day of protest. as you know, may day is often a day where labor related rallies happen. and this year there's that added dimension as anger and frustration grows over the war in gaza today in the bay, bob redell is live on the uc berkeley campus, where palestinian pro-palestinian protesters continue to gather. we see the tents behind you, but are you hearing of any plans to escalate? bob not here at uc berkeley. you can see there are still dozens of protesters, pro-palestinian protesters that have been camped out here for a couple of weeks outside sproul hall here on campus. they've been peaceful and as far as we know, they have not been disruptive. the campus operations. but there are other demonstrations. demonstrators who have announced plans to be
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disruptive today in oakland, san francisco, san jose and other parts of the bay area. as you mentioned today, may 1st, also known as may day, has historically been a day of action. and as you can see on this map, we put together for you, there are several planned locations throughout our region. for example, later this morning there's a planned action at the 24th street bart station in sf. this afternoon, there's another demonstration aimed at shutting down the port of oakland. in recent weeks, protesters have shut down the golden gate bridge and 880 in oakland. it's not clear if those demonstrators will target roads today to this is a live look from sunnyvale, where today over 20,000 janitors who cleaned some of the largest tech campuses in silicon valley. they are planning to walk off their jobs to protest the fact that they don't have a new contract to replace the one that expired yesterday. they are threatening to go on strike next week if they can't come to a new agreement. now, this was the scene yesterday at cal poly humboldt, where police arrested
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at least 25 protesters. this was part of a sweep the university plan to remove protesters who have been occupying the campus for over a week. those arrested face a range of different charges, including unlawful assembly, vandalism, conspiracy and assault of police officers. this is new video into our newsroom from the university of wisconsin in madison, where you can see police in riot gear. they've arrived on campus to disperse and possibly arrest a pro-palestinian protesters who have been occupying that campus. and this was the scene last night at columbia university in new york city, where nypd moved in to clear campus buildings of protesters. they made several arrests, and the contrast that to the campuses here in the bay area, where, again, protests have been peaceful. this is white plaza at stanford university, where there is an encampment with signs protesters there at stanford. we're watching what was happening last night in columbia. i hope that people around the country will
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use them as a model for action and for change. honestly, i pray for them and i thank them because they are leading a very, very difficult fight. so again, to reiterate, pro-palestinian protesters have announced several demonstrations throughout the bay area today in san francisco, oakland, san jose, up north in sonoma. so there is a possibility that this could affect your comings and goings is something to be aware of. reporting live here at uc berkeley bob redell today in the bay. all right. we'll be monitoring all of that. thank you bob. well, new at six a north bay bar facing new penalties, including a new shut down. this is in the wake of a violent altercation involving security guards. now, that incident unfolded last saturday. this is at jameson roaring donkey and petaluma police eventually arrested five security guards accused of
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assaulting a patron and then putting him in a chokehold. all five are now facing criminal charges. the press democrat reports that bar is now being hit with a new 20 day suspension. that is because it resumed operating without a new approved security plan in place. the bar's owner did not comment on the last report. a longer term closure is possible. are we finally have results in a recount in the closely watched race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo, the tied for second now appears to have been broken with a little asterisk. santa clara county published its results yesterday afternoon, evan low gaining 11 votes and joe simitian gaining seven. so evan low still ahead. the recount found no change in san mateo county, so for now, low ahead by four votes. now, if this stands low, will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november. but this is not over yet because there are 16 ballots still in their envelopes in san mateo county,
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which were never counted. and those votes are being challenged. the ballots arrived after the deadline, and both the county and the postal service are now investigating the postmarks on those envelopes to decide whether those 16 ballots should be admitted. now. the recount was requested by a former liccardo campaign staffer and after weeks of silence, liccardo issued a statement saying in part, i did not request this recount. neither i nor anyone in my campaign has communicated with padilla or his donors about the recount. he adds. candidates and their campaigns cannot lawfully communicate with independent expenditure groups. well, consumer advocates are plotting a big decision from state attorney general rob bonta to include restaurants in a new junk fee ban. but some restaurant owners there already fearing a ripple effect. so once that new law takes effect, as bonta announced yesterday, restaurants will be included. so
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this is a ban on those hidden fees, and it will include everything from hotel to those concert tickets you buy restaurant customers. they really like the idea. the most restaurant owners we spoke with did not want to talk on camera, but they did believe that this actually won't help their business. will that being up front and center cause people to dine out less? and if people continue to dine out less, we do have a struggling restaurant industry that restaurants still have some time to prepare. that new law takes effect july 1st. i'll taking a live look at walnut creek this morning and the sunrise looks lovely. it is a little chilly to start the day as usual, carrie, but we're expecting big chills for the weekend. yeah, absolutely. and what we're feeling for our morning starts will be closer to the afternoon high and a few days, so we're going to enjoy the warm up that we'll see. going from upper 40s in oakland. it's 50. in san rafael we have a
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light wind, but as we are making plans for the afternoon into the evening, there's a bay fc game at paypal park in san jose. it's going to be really nice, but temperatures will drop back down to the upper 50s with a light wind for tonight. and we're going to see temperatures today hitting a high of 78 in santa rosa and napa, 77 in dublin and in san jose, also 77. mountain view looking at a high today of 75 and upper 60s into san francisco. and tomorrow will be another repeat of the nice weather. we'll see today. mike, you're already tracking a couple of incidents out there. yeah, they popped up over on the grid toward the south bay. we pointed out 680 southbound, so we'll call it out. and there's no real slowing as you head south of there. here's the mission cut over. not a problem. as you're heading past scotts creek, i think everything is on the shoulder. and we're looking at here a little build off of eight 8237. that's a smooth transition there. the rest of the south bay shows a pretty traditional pattern, with one on one showing some slowing in. through san jose, there is a crash south to
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80 around saratoga. near the exit. it's out of lanes and opposite the commute again. that northbound 101 commute does slow, though. past the sjc. that's the san jose airport. that's also just north of paypal park, where carrie talked about the game tonight. so go bay fc game time is seven. watch coleman will get congestion back to you. coming up, president biden and governor newsom respond to a wide ranging interview with former president trumpall that in your.
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and band now is in effect in florida, and until today, florida had been one of the least restrictive southern states for abortion laws. now, anyone seeking abortion care after six weeks will have to drive as far away as north carolina or virginia. republican supporters say the law has exceptions for rape, incest and human trafficking up to 15 weeks. and in cases where the life of the mother is at risk or there are fatal fetal abnormalities, in november, floridians will vote on a proposed ballot amendment which could protect abortion rights until roughly 24 weeks. a president joe biden is lashing out after a new interview with donald trump over abortion and possible violence during the election. and scott mcgrew governor gavin newsom is also speaking out. yeah, they have a lot to react to. good morning. it was a time magazine interview, a long sit down with
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former president trump. two, in fact, the cover was called if he wins and the article was called how far trump would go. times eric condoleezza asked trump if his supporters would become violent after the upcoming november elections. and trump said, quote, it depends. it depended on whether the election was fair or not. now a reminder not only did trump say the previous election was not fair, he said the election in 2016, the election he won, was also unfair. trump was also asked whether prosecutors might monitor a woman's pregnancy to see if she gets an abortion. to that, trump responded, quote, i think they might do that. you'll have to speak to the individual states. mr. trump has said he does not want to talk about abortion, that the overturning of roe means states have to deal with abortion, not federal officials. but of course, it's not working out that way, president biden tweeted after the interview. this is reprehensible, donald trump doesn't trust women, i do. former trump adviser kellyanne
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conway told the time reporter that major changes will come very quickly should trump return to the white house, saying, quote, i think people will be surprised at the alacrity at which he will take action on. the former president also said he would be willing to use the us military to remove undocumented immigrants from the country. now, there's an american law that prohibits federal troops from enforcing civilian laws, trump responded. people in the country illegally are not civilians. civilians in the law's context, is widely interpreted to mean anybody not in the military. other news the speaker of the house is calling for the president of columbia university to step down after new york city police successfully cleared that university building of protesters. mike johnson says the president did not do enough. after i met with president shafik, it was clear that she has lost control of her campus and she needs to step down. the first and most obvious
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responsibility of a university administrator is to ensure the safety and security of their students. if an administrator cannot ensure that they have, they have missed their first assignment. the student protests continue to spread. as bob was talking about many in the movement calling for a cease fire, a palestinian state and divestment from israel. our secretary of state met with israeli israeli officials overnight. now israeli prime minister says he will go ahead with an invasion of rafah, something the united states is discouraging. he says even if there is a cease fire deal, donald trump's first criminal trial will take its standard wednesday break today. yesterday a banker detailed an account to pay off stormy daniels. and you heard trump was fined for contempt. the bulk of the trial day, though, was eaten up by the defense demanding video expert certify every news clip shown to the jury did, in fact, have trump in it. this may be a thing we have to do in the future, given ai and fake videos, nbc
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news reports quote, trump's eyes were closed for extended periods of time in his head, has at times jerked in a way consistent with sleeping. despite all the late night jokes we have not in the past, reported trump appearing to sleep because we can't really determine if he is marcus. all right. thanks, scott . well, at 647 right now as we take a live look at the state capitol, this is where this week leaders are helping mark a national day that commemorates indigenous people missing or murdered. well, tonight there's a vigil happening on the capitol steps. and prior to that assembly budget subcommittee hearing will address the matter. first. partner jennifer siebel newsom will speak at that vigil. and if you would like to learn more about the history, fight and resilience of indigenous peoples in california, you can watch our racial america story covering the challenges indigenous people face, including those growing numbers of those missing and murdered tribal members. you can watch that online. just go to slash race in america new at six. if you are
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looking for the best ways to manage your time and energy, one of google's productivity experts is now sharing her tips that top executives there use to boost their well-being. i always wanted to say more about the overall picture of holistic productivity and how it plays into well-being, and so a lot of these ideas came to me. what i talk about in the book, just on stroller walks or, you know, in my downtime, i would think that would be a great idea for a book. so i used google keep to keep a list of, i think it was 300 ideas that i thought would be cool to put in a book, and then i eventually consolidated them all into google docs. and then it came to be wow. laura mae martin lays it all out in her book uptime a practical guide to personal productivity and well-being. among the ways that she gets organized, she says, build small routines and sort your email like you sort your laundry. also, schedule downtime. i like that one. also manage your screen time. also like that one. and to find balance, try fighting procrastination and saying no to
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some requests. good advice. my father in law used to say no is the shortest sentence. yeah, it's a full sentence. yeah, no thank you. if you have ever enjoyed biking on one of the bay area's hundreds of miles of bike trails, you've probably enjoyed it. so did you think about all the work that people do to make those trails happen? i never thought about it, but now i do. you know what? well, there is one east bay city that has a person. his name is najari smith, and here's garvin thomas morning bay area proud. good morning everyone. i want to introduce you to someone who believes in the power of bicycles to transform his city. the city is richmond and the man is najari smith. he came to the bay area 15 years ago and found his community among biking enthusiasts. when a local biking nonprofit left town, he decided to pick up where they left off and formed rich city rides. not only have they organized bike rides, expanded the trail system
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, even led a movement to build a new park. they are still expanding, and e-bike lending library is set to open next year. and rich city rides is expanding beyond just bikes, with plans to open three new community hubs, you can experience the whole story at, slash, bay area proud, as well as hundreds of other stories of people being good to each other in the bay area are certainly. and the weather now really just making way for any bike ride or skateboard. but soon, soon, i think within the next couple of days this weekend, probably not the best because we are going to see major changes coming in. we've enjoyed some cooler air, some warmer than normal temperatures, and we've also had a lot of sunshine, but at times it's been windy and now we have a wind advisory that will be in effect until 5:00 for solano county. that wind coming through the delta and also hitting the coastline as well. so tomorrow we'll continue with the breezy coast and inland highs in the 70s and low 80s. but the weekend rain is back and temperatures
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drop significantly into the 50s and 60s. check it out. as the 7-day forecast for your microclimate comes up at the bottom of the screen, we are still once again headed for some nice and warm weather today. one of the warmer spots in the south bay will be gilroy at 79, and for the east bay, it's 81. in antioch and concord, 80, in walnut creek, while oakland will see a high of 75 and 72. in san mateo, half moon bay will see a high of 64 degrees in san francisco, mid to upper 60s and even 70 in the mission district will also be up to 70 today in mill valley and 78 in sonoma and in napa. so beautiful day. but we're also heading now into the month of may and this is a month where we do get some rain, but we are usually transitioning to our dry summer months. and for a lot of our cities around the bay area, we see much less in the way of monthly rainfall. but napa still gets about an inch of rain throughout the month of may. on average, san rafael usually also gets about an inch of rain. it's down to a half
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inch of rain for livermore and less than that for san jose. and we do have a system coming in that will bring us some weekend showers, and we're looking at most of that coming in on saturday with a much cooler temperatures, as well as sierra snow. and then we're back to the dry conditions early next week. so that one day may bring us a good soaking with parts of the north bay anywhere from a half of an inch to three quarters of an inch of rain and about a half inch of rain or less for much of the rest of the bay area. look at the changes that we're going to see. going from 80 for wednesday and thursday to only 59 on saturday. it's going to be chilly off and on rainy, but we're back to springtime sunday through early next week. and mike, you're saying it's getting crowded on the way to the peninsula? yeah. san mateo bridge typically sees more traffic flowing. but notice over here we have a couple of sign trucks and a truck between them. there's some sort of maintenance or cleanup work that slowly moving along that right shoulder. so westbound 92 distracted by this for safety's sake. and so that is an issue as
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folks are heading to the peninsula slow. there and building on the incline as well. the dumbarton bridge is moving very smoothly. but look over here on the peninsula side, we see more slowing as more folks feed in off of the more crowded 880 transition. no problems on the nimitz, just more traffic building into the south bay where the northbound routes are. the push 87 101. and now look at that. the last few minutes have seen slowing for 85. so this entire stretch through san jose tough heading north back to you. thank you mike. right now it is world maternal mental health day. the nonprofit postpartum support international is spotlighting the mental health struggles of mothers through a new campaign. the blue dot project is aimed at giving resources to women who experience depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy. very normal. the organization sites 1 in 5 mothers suffer from these mental health issues, but only 25% get treatment. the campaign is encouraging people to wear a blue dot or a pick a pin or a
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sticker to show their support, and up next, a look at our top stories here, including preparing for a day of protest. a new dimension to this year's may day rallies. pro-palestinian groups plan to voice their anger over the war in gaza. the concerns it ma
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good morning. 657 i want to welcome you back as we move you forward with a look at our top stories here. first, want to get you caught up on the protests happening at college campuses across the country. i want to show you what's happening in wisconsin right now. there are a couple hours ahead there. police in riot gear are arresting protesters and taking down tents at the university of wisconsin, madison. today is the third day of protests on that campus. also, overnight, chaos and dueling protests unfolding on ucla's campus, where pro-israeli demonstrators surrounded a pro-palestinian encampment on campus. those pro-israeli protesters then attempted to dismantle the encampment at points, shooting fireworks. police responded and managed to separate the two groups. and on new york city's columbia campus, nypd officers arrested dozens of pro-palestinian supporters
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occupying an academic hall. activists had barricaded themselves inside the school's hamilton hall, and the mayor and police now claim many of the latest arrests involve so-called outside agitators, who are not columbia students. palestinian supporters here in the bay area, where they are organizing a new round of protests to mark today's may day tradition recognizing laborers, rallies and demonstrations are expected in several cities, including san francisco, oakland and san jose. now, for some, it's raising new concern about commute disruptions on tax day last month, demonstrators shut down the golden gate bridge and interstate 880 in oakland. now, at this point, today's demonstrations do not appear to be as large in scope. but we should also note that in the past, pro-palestinian groups never announced intentions to shut down any bay area roadways. all right. well, mike will be tracking any disruptions on the roadways. carrie, you're talking about a disruption coming this weekend in the weather department. we do have a few more days to enjoy some nice weather. we're going to see some
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sunshine, and our highs will head for the upper 70s. low 80s for today. no changes though after we're looking over here toward a smooth flow of traffic right now. there will be changes as the traffic continues to build. the san mateo bridge and the south bay see the most change over the last few minutes. northbound, of course, through san jose and westbound. that crew is still over on the right shoulder about mid span. all right. the today show is moments away, but we will continue our today in the bay coverage on roku and our other streaming platforms live at eight. the co-founder of the oakland ballers joins us with more on the new stadium plans just approved. you have to say it like the oakland baller force. yeah. all right. look that's what's happening here on today in the crisis on college campuses reaching a boiling point overnight. >> it's may 1st. this is "today."


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