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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  May 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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right now at 11, it's may day and pro palestinian groups are organizing bay area rallies. the events planned and the impact it could have on your day. good
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morning and thanks for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington and i'm kris sanchez. laura garcia is off a may day and pro-palestine march making its way across the streets of san francisco as we speak. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab is live in the mission district, and ginger, this rally is really linking up causes with other parts of the city as well. well, that is the expectation. good morning, chris and marcus. we just heard just moments ago who we believe to be the last speaker at the program, at the rally here on 24th and mission street in san francisco. so shortly they will begin the actual march that will go through the streets of san francisco, making its way to city hall. now, there are a coalition of groups represented and a number of speakers that have already taken to the mic to bring the message of solidarity on this may day, solidarity for labor groups, unions, nonprofits advocating for the rights of immigrant workers, as well as
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undocumented workers. now, michelle i was have been talking about, will make its way from 24th street and mission all the way down to market street, make a right on market, and then make its way to san francisco city hall. that's roughly about two miles. it is expected to arrive there at 1230. there's another rally that's expected to start in the embarcadero at harry bridges plaza. also at 1230. may day is a day for workers all across the world and all across the united states. it's a day of international solidarity, so we are out here today in san francisco calling for the rights of all workers, all immigrant workers, all undocumented workers, and of course, the workers that are in palestine and the working class in palestine and the women's collective. now you're seeing a map of the planned protests happeng today. several here in san francisco, others in oakland, as well as the south bay and other parts of the bay area. now, we did see at least one person holding up an israeli
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flag here at the rally. i spoke with him briefly just moments ago. he says he is here in peaceful protest by himself with the messages of both bring the hostages home now and ceasefire now. organizers to this rally say they recognize everyone has the right to free speech. they expect it to be a peaceful rally and they do have de-escalation teams present, as well as san francisco police escorts both at the front of the march as well as the back of the march, to make sure that everything stays in line. we're live in san francisco, ginger conejero saab nbc, bay area news. ginger we will continue to monitor that as well as others across the bay area. yeah. so speaking of that overnight campus unrest escalated on some other college campuses across the country. over the last 24 hours. law enforcement arrested hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters. and ucla is now canceling classes because of violence on the campus there. let's check in with nbc bay area's bob redell, who is live at uc berkeley, where hundreds of protesters
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remain camped out and bob, this has been so much more peaceful here in the bay area so far. absolutely. good morning to you, chris. over the past week and a half, roughly here at uc berkeley, this pro-palestinian encampment has grown to around 140 tents. this is the front lawn and the front steps of sproul hall. this is the main administration building on campus. it butts up against sproul plaza, where a lot of students come and go. they have been peaceful. the demonstrators have, as far as we know. i know they were doing a teaching not too long ago this morning, and they have not disrupted operations here at cal again, as far as we know. same goes for protesters at other campuses here in the bay area. unfortunately not the case down south at ucla, where the school just announced that classes are canceled today because of the violence on campus overnight. this is when pro-palestinian demonstrators, who were camped on campus clashed with counter-protesters. the school says law enforcement is now stationed throughout campus and
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at royce hall, where the violence took place, will remain closed through friday. this was the scene yesterday north of here at cal poly humboldt, where yesterday, as i mentioned, police arrested at least 25 protesters. this was part of a sweep to remove protesters who had been occupying the campus for over a week. those arrested face a range of different charges, including unlawful assembly, vandalism, conspiracy and assault of police officers and on the other coast on the east coast in new york city, police arrested around 230 people at columbia university and city college of new york this morning, new york mayor eric adams praised his officers at city college for their restraint as protesters threw bottles and other items at police last night at columbia university, the nypd cleared out hamilton hall, where a number of demonstrators had trespassed, occupied and vandalized, the mayor says at the hundreds of arrests made last night in the city were necessary to keep peace, and said outside
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agitators were mixed in with the student. demonstrators made the crackdown of the pro-palestinian protesters necessary? yeah, students have a right to protest and free speech is the cornerstone of our society. but as our major concern, we knew and we saw that there were those who were never concerned about free speech. they were concerned about chaos. it was about external actors hijacking peaceful protests and influenced students to escalate. and this is video of officers replacing an american flag at city college of new york that had been removed by protesters. no injuries reported in last night's police raids in new york city. reporting live here at uc berkeley, bob redell nbc, bay area news. all right. thank you so much. let's hope it stays that way. well, those protests come as us secretary of state antony blinken and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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launch a new round of face to face talks this morning. the us state department says that those closed door talks surround the cease fire proposal in gaza. part of a hostage deal. now the meetings come ahead of a wider sit down with other senior israeli officials and u.s. diplomats. blinken also met with families of those being held by hamas in gaza. well, back here at home. in other news, starting today, your chances of getting a parking ticket in san francisco just went up. sfmta is cracking down on drivers who block sidewalks or crosswalks in particular, the parking enforcement workers who write those tickets aren't happy about it. they say they already get a lot of aggression and hate their way on the job. the tickets aren't cheap. blocking a pedestrian crossing or a residential parking spot can cost you $80 or more. each district will get a designated week long sweep every three months. that's on top of regular enforcement. well, just into our newsroom for you, this midday,
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new data showing crime is down in oakland. police data shows a 33% decrease in overall crime this year compared to last year. right now, homicides are down 17. assault, assaults 7, rapes 21, and burglaries 50. the onl robberies by 11. the city says the drop is because of task operations and crime prevention organizations implemented by opd. a small step in the race to recall alameda county's embattled district attorney. but her opponents say it falls short . supervisors voted last night to certify the petition to recall pamela price, but they won't declare an election date until may 14th, which is two weeks from now. price claims that this recall is fueled by outside money, misleading information and lies. last night, people on both sides of the issue weighed in. the special election will alleviate some of the losses that still can happen right now with her
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directive, they're putting on her the burden of eight years ago and even 30 years ago, like, come in immediately, da pam and just wipe away crime, make us safe. our board members are weighing whether to have a special election, which could cost up to $20 million, or placing that issue on the november ballot to save costs. now late last night, price addressed the cost issue, saying in a statement the county already faces a $54 million budget gap, and the board's decision could add $20 million more debt to that shortfall. this is irresponsible, da price says. a special election should not even be on the table. this should take place on november 5th during the general election. consumer advocates are applauding a big decision from state attorney general rob bonta to include restaurants and cutting out many of those hidden fees. but some restaurant owners are already fearing a ripple effect once the junk fee ban law takes effect, restaurants will
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be included. this will also include hidden fees on everything from hotels to concert tickets. restaurant customers, they say they like the idea. most restaurant owners we spoke with did not want to talk on camera, but they don't believe that this will help their businesses. will that being up front and center cause people to dine out less? and if people continue to dine out less , we do have a struggling restaurant industry. the restaurant still have some time to prepare for this. that new law takes effect july 1st. all right, let's take a live look out at the golden gate bridge, looking absolutely picture perfect right now. but change is coming. meteorologist kari hall is tracking some cooler temperatures, maybe even some rain. yes, we are looking at some rain for the weekend. so the beautiful weather that we've had these past couple of days, it does continue today, but by saturday we're going to see a big drop in temperatures and also the rain coming back. but we've had some breezy winds. in
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fact, there is a wind advisory in effect today for solano county. a lot of those winds coming through the delta, as well as along the coastline, have been up to about 30 to 40mph. some of our inland temperatures will head for the 70s and low 80s. and as we take a look at san francisco right now, the wind is still fairly light at about five miles per hour, it's 62 degrees and headed for the upper 60s. so we are going to see some mid 60s there while the valleys will be in the upper 70s. i'll have a look at what to expect as well as that rain coming in for saturday. that's in the full microclimate forecast. christian marcus. thank you carrie. all right. well, the biden administration relieving thousands of students of college debt ahead for you during our midday newscast. we'll tell you the reason that group is having some debt erased. plus today is world maternal mental health day. the shocking number of mothers struggling and the help they can get
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open markets committee, the fed announced a few minutes ago it would leave interest rates at their current levels. yes, certainly better than raising them there. so scott mcgrew no surprise here, but there's more to come. there is more to come. the head of the fed, jay powell, marcus, will speak in about 15 minutes about the decision. powell is a super, super careful guy with his words because he knows a single phrase can absolutely send the stock market diving or climbing. here's some video of a past news conference. again, we're on standby for powell in about 15 minutes. but as chris points out, we do know the basics the fed keeping rates where they are citing a quote, lack of progress in fighting inflation. higher interest rates are supposed to deflate the economy a little. take the air out. that in turn should push prices lower, fighting inflation. except this economy
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continues to do very well. we get the big jobs number on friday and those have been strong for months now, though, just into our newsroom, google is cutting about 200 people. cnbc says some of those jobs will move to india and mexico. at least 50 of the positions eliminated were in engineering at the company's offices in sunnyvale. tesla laid off essentially its entire staff of those in charge of superchargers, it's about 500 people. this just days after launching a program to allow any kind of electric car to charge at a tesla charging station, executives at ford and rivian and gm say they're flabbergasted . stunned they were in the middle of working out all the details on the big switchover with their counterparts at tesla, but as of today, they don't work at tesla. tesla hasn't commented. well, are you familiar with liquid death? it's just water. it's canned water, but it's a huge brand. it's a best seller among young people. this week on our podcast, sand hill road, i speak with the
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investor behind liquid death, mike jones, who's also the money behind dollar shave club, another big hit with the 20 somethings. recently, his firm was approached by people representing a religious app, asking for help reaching that very same young demographic in faith. there's a lot of fans right? just to be honest. like, you know, jesus has a lot of followers. they're very passionate fan group, and so they came to us and said, look, we think churches are struggling. we think the small church may or may not be around, you know, in the future. so we'll talk about all kinds of things on sand hill road. you can find that wherever you get your podcasts, including religion and the fact that he sounds and looks a lot like ryan reynolds, which, you know, the beauty of a podcast, you can ask any crazy question you want. yeah. and so ryan reynolds becomes one of the subjects. interesting. but just let people know you can't listen to that on sunday and count that as going to church. that doesn't count. good try scott. good try a new at 11. the biden administration
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will soon forgive billions of dollars in student loan debt for thousands of former art students. this will forgive more than $6 billion for more than 300,000 former students of the art institutes. it comes after the u.s. department of education found the school and its parent company, education management corporation, misrepresented its services to help students find careers after graduation. this relief will go towards students who enrolled at any one of the 50 campuses. eligible borrowers will get the forgiveness automatically. well, we finally have the results of that recount. we're talking about the closely watched race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo, and it looks like second place tie is broken by just four votes. santa clara county published its results yesterday afternoon. evan low gained 11 votes and joe simitian gained seven. the recount found no change in san mateo county for
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now. now, if lows for vote count lead, well, that will face him with san jose mayor sam liccardo in november. here's why we say if it's not over yet, because there are 16 uncounted ballots still in their envelopes in san mateo county, and those votes are still under challenge because those ballots arrived at the registrar's office after the deadline. and both san mateo county and the u.s. postal service investigating the postmarks on those envelopes to decide if they should be admitted. happening now, it is world maternal mental health day. the nonprofit postpartum support international is spotlighting the mental health struggles of mothers through a new campaign. the blue dot project is aiming to give resources to women who experience depression and anxiety during and after pregnancy. it encourages participants to wear a blue dot in order to reduce the stigma surrounding postpartum depression. people don't realize they're going through something that's temporary and treatable,
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and they think they're just failing. they're wrong about that. they're not failing. they're not sad because they have a baby. they're not angry because they have a baby. they have a baby and they're sad and they're angry and they're irritable because they're having symptoms is such a great way to put it. the organization cites 1 in 5 mothers suffer from these mental health issues, but only 25% of them get treatment. we are celebrating asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage here at nbc bay area. and tonight we visit a bay area school combining filipino culture and self-defense. so for four decades, legacy filipino martial arts has really taught a lot of people, all ages, the art of self-defense. that practice incorporates weapons like sticks and fending off an attack. but the school has more than just the physical pursuit there, so they are actually connecting people to the filipino culture. people don't only train here for just physical nature, they train here for cultural reasons,
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social reasons. right? they want to, you know, connect with their roots. and i know you want to know more. so coming up tonight at 5:00 right here on nbc bay area, you're going to meet who some describe as the first family of filipino martial arts. don't miss that 5:00 tonight. right. the oakland as brand new baseball team is getting the green light from the city council to play their debut season at raimondi park in west oakland. the ballers are joining the independent pioneer league, and the team plans to spend about $1.5 million to bring the field up to their league standards. ballers co-founder brian kamal says he hopes to start a new chapter in baseball for the city of oakland, especially their coed team that signed the first woman pitcher in the league. he says they have a short timeline before opening day, but they are ready to move forward. so our vision has always been, you know, it's a 96 game season, so that's 48 home
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games. and, you know, we wanted it to be basically 48 block parties around a baseball game. and i think that's what that's what the vibe is going to be. and also our design principle has just been to embrace the space. you know, we're taking a public park and turning it into a pro baseball ballpark very quickly. marcus, you asked him how soon that would be done. the first game is june 4th. remember he said june 3rd. by june 3rd at midnight. at midnight. i mean, that is a lot. you are, like you said, taking a regular park and turning it into, you know, a professional baseball. but the cool thing, it's so much history there at that park, you know, it is one of the places where they first had segregated well integrated those baseball teams. i did not know that. so that and a lot of players that we know have played there. so history is continuing. all right. well, there are a lot of baseball fans in oakland who want baseball all around the bay area, and we have some great weather. if we want to get out there and practice the swing a little bit. going into the day right now, our temperatures in san francisco are in the low 60s. we're in the
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mid to upper 60s elsewhere, warming up very quickly under all of that sunshine and a light wind. here's a look at our high temperatures and where we're headed for today. cupertino 77, also 77, in morgan hill for the east bay. we'll have a few low 80s for this afternoon. antioch and concord, 8175 in hayward and 78 in martinez and san mateo. today 72. this will be slightly warmer compared to yesterday. we're up to 70 in the mission district in san francisco and up to the upper 70s for much of the north bay. now that we're in the month of may, this is when we do get some rain. but we are transitioning to those drier summer months, so we're right in between, and we are expecting some rain in the forecast, but we're looking at how much rain we normally get through the month of may for some of our cities around the bay area and napa throughout the entire month. usually in the first part of the month, gets about an inch of rainfall. san rafael close to an inch there. san francisco, on average gets a little less than
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three quarters of an inch of rain. half inch of rain in livermore and san jose, we usually get about 3/10 of an inch of rain. well, with this next system coming in, we may get most of our monthly amount with one storm coming in, so it's arriving on saturday with some cold temperatures. also snow for the sierra, but once that moves on, we're back to dry conditions and this is a look at what some of the models are showing for how much rain we may measure on saturday. the possibility of look at that 3/10 of an inch of rain in san jose, a half inch in dublin and a half inch or more for parts of the north bay. up to three quarters of an inch of rain possible in ukiah on saturday. and while we're getting the rain, the sierra gets a pretty good amount of snow anywhere from 7 to 21in of snow this weekend, so heads up if you're going that travel is going to be very hazardous while we're getting the cold temperatures and the rain after that, we see it rebounding into the upper 60s and low 70s. we are back to the sunshine on sunday and in the san francisco area along the coastline, upper
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60s, low 70s and a very chilly and at times soggy saturday. sunday is your best day to get outside, and next week we're still looking at highs in the lower 60s. back to you, marcus and kris. thank you carrie. happening now a welcome return for today north bay commuters ferry service finally resuming between san francisco and sausalito last month, golden gate ferry suspended service after an inspection showed structural issues at the sausalito pier. those repairs are now finished and the pier is once again
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you've gone to kfc and you love the smell of the 11 herbs and spices there. i'm pretty sure you've never thought i want to wear that and smell like that, but if that's the case, you do. we've got something for you. kfc is releasing this new perfume. we are not joking here. it is called number 11 barbecue, meaning water of barbecue. the perfume is said to have a woody, smokey scent to it. the perfume mimics kfc's ultimate barbecue burger, which is basically a fried chicken sandwich topped with barbecue sauce. the bottle is going to cost you 14 bucks over at kfc, and they say that all those proceeds are going to go to charity, so it's for a good cause. well, listen, one of the parents brought a bucket of kfc to the last team dinner. it smells delicious. oh, i didn't
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dab it behind my ears, though. maybe date night. i'm gonna get you guys some food. yeah that's what you all getting for christmas this year? no. thank you. no, it's not what you want. it's what i. it's from the heart. oh, it's not what you want. it's what i want you to have. yeah, because it's from the heart. take that kfc outside. might make some new friends. it's gonna be. i'll be your friend in the low 80s today. and also nice and sunny. oh that's what we should get laura some kfc. she needs some chicken perfume. she hasn't been feeling good. oh. all right, have a good one. we'll see you
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so off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent on this magical day, i vow that you will always be the most important lot of brothers. the most important. it's a good time. absolutely. we'll make sure you get the best care and pay nothing up front. shervin make sure to tell them they don't pay unless they win the law. brothers are always there for their clients. you may kiss the bride. law brothers. this morning on california live, a brand new food and wine festival debuts in the bay area this weekend, celebrating makers and creatives of color. and we are going to tell you all about it. cheers! see ya then. fight inflation with expert approved, money saving apps that really


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