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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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demonstration. there back over to san francisco. we're going to begin our coverage there tonight. nbc bay area sérgio quintana is live at city hall, where the protest ended earlier this afternoon. sadio yeah. when the demonstrators got here to san francisco city hall, there were a few speakers who did voice concerns over budget cuts at the city that could affect workers. and some people who spoke about concerns for immigrant workers rights. but from the start of the demonstration today, which was in the mission district, the overriding message was support for palestinians in gaza. niello viva palestina looking into the crowd gathered at mission in 24th street in san francisco, palestinian flags are the most visible part of this event on this international workers day, marchers in paris protested issues about the city hosting the olympic games, and people in manila marched for better wages and job security amidst rising prices. but here in san
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francisco, demonstrators spoke out against the u.s. government's support of israel in the ongoing battle with hamas in gaza. we send an even clearer message that we will not rest until every last piece of this war machine is dismantled. a few hundred people turned out for the morning rally in the mission on this sunny wednesday. organizers say they represent a coalition of labor groups, teachers and immigrants. and we just want to want to show that the working class shows out for each other, that we have each other's back and that we show out for the working class all over the world, especially in palestine. among the group, we spotted one person holding an israeli flag. this conflict started in october when hamas militants invaded israel, killed thousands and took hundreds hostage, including more than 100 who remain in captivity. also in this crowd, galen mcewen, who supports the palestinians she was wearing a silence equals death cap, which was a slogan used in the 1980s and 90s by lgbtq rights activists. she acknowledges lgbtq people face
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persecution in gaza, for sure, like the people in power are not friendly to anybody who's an underdog anywhere, essentially, you know, like and but the people of palestine have proven again and again to be open and willing to accept, like there's been activists of all races and sexual identities who have come to do work there. the group marched from the mission to san francisco city hall on the way, a sizable deployment of san francisco police and california highway patrol blocked the on ramp to the central freeway. no one from the protest group tried to enter. i just wanted to correct a quick detail in that story. we said thousands were killed during that raid in october by the hamas militants. the actual number of people who were killed were 1300 israelis. now, when the demonstrators got here to san francisco city hall, they rallied here for about an hour and then they peacefully dispersed. reporting live at san francisco city hall. i'm sergio
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quintana, nbc bay area news. we will, of course, keep an eye on the protests across the bay area throughout the newscast. coming up at 530. we'll take you to oakland to see the messages being sent by demonstrators there in the east bay garvin college campus, protesters on both sides of the country face police in riot gear. in the past 24 hours, they've been setting up camps for over a week now, but at two schools, columbia university and ucla, officers moved in as nbc's alice barr reports, president biden and lawmakers are keeping a watchful eye on all of it, a potentially watershed moment in the college campus protests against the war in gaza, columbia university overnight calling in the new york police department to clear the encampment and the building. pro-palestinian protesters had taken over more than 100 people were arrested, a mix of students and outside agitators who new york's mayor said had co-opted the movement. many people thought that this was a just a
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natural evolution of a protest. it was not. these were professionals that were here. columbia's president saying the break-in of hamilton hall raised safety risks to an intolerable level, drawing a line between a proud tradition of protest at end. quote, acts of destruction, not political speech. at the university of wisconsin in madison today, police clashing with and arresting protesters as they cleared that encampment. and overnight, los angeles police breaking up violent confrontations at ucla between pro-palestinian and counter-protesters while at george washington university in d.c, protest have been largely peaceful, though some students have been suspended. ed, this is going to be a long fight, but we're in this for the long haul and we're going to do what it takes until we see divestment. even if it could potentially cost your academic career or others who are out here. yeah, i
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think this movement is bigger than any of us and more powerful than any of us. house republicans meeting with gw university leaders today, we expect the rule of law to be upheld as a student led movement becomes a political flashpoint in this all important election year. republicans are casting the campus protests as a sign of chaos under president biden, only adding to the pressure to reach a ceasefire deal and calm the turmoil. secretary of state antony blinken has been in israel, where he's been pressing hamas to agree to a proposal to pause the fighting, get humanitarian aid into gaza and bring hamas held hostages home in washington. alice barr, nbc news. governor gavin newsom says he is seeing significant progress in the effort to shut down san francisco's illegal fentanyl drug market. today marks one year since he deployed a special operation involving the chp and the national guard in the tenderloin and south of market neighborhoods, newsom says, along with local police, officers have made more than 500 arrests seized nearly 700 pounds
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of fentanyl and recovered more than 115 stolen vehicles. they also cited more than 6000 people for criminal activity. san francisco mayor london breed says she is grateful for the governor's drug crackdown operation, saying it sends a message to anyone that selling fentanyl in the city will be prosecuted. police efforts to crack down on crime in oakland seem to be working there as well. new data shows a 33% overall drop in crime is year compared to last year. right now, homicides are down 17. assault 7, rapes , and burglaries 50. the only crime seeing a rise is robberies. and that's up 11. oakland leaders credit the crime drop to the new changes in the operation and department. they say they're hopeful. the data shows oakland is beating back a crime surge that has caused several businesses to leave. new mexico has the biggest drug problem in the u.s. that is, according to a
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new report from com the website looked at data such as arrests and overdose rates, as well as opioid prescription use. new mexico ranked number one, followed by west virginia, nevada, washington, d.c, colorado rounding out the top five. california came in at 37th. a new law banning most abortions took effect in florida today, the law bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, but there are exceptions, including rape, incest and the life of the mother. before the ban, florida was considered something of a refuge for abortion access in the south. after the supreme court overturned roe v wade. now, abortion rights activists say the law could put lives at risk. there aren't enough states left with abortion access to absorb tens of thousands of patients. with this six week ban, there will be an abortion desert in the south of our country, further worsening the national public health crisis created by the fall of roe. over
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80,000 abortions were performed in florida last year. the pharmaceutical giant pfizer is creating a new way for patients to get their medication that they need. pfizer calls it a direct to consumer platform. it's set to launch later this year. the platform will connect us patients with telehealth consultants or basically doctors online who can prescribe medication. then the drugs they need are shipped directly to their homes. pfizer's announcement comes after another drug maker, eli lilly, launched a similar platform back in january. the new services come while drug makers are pushing to sell their products directly to consumers, rather than going through a pharmacy. there's a wave of disappointment and frustration for swimmers at acalanes high school tonight. they've learned they won't be able to swim in a critical swimming and diving championship this week. it appears their entries didn't get in in time, and a computer issue may be to blame, nbc bay area's christie smith explains. we're obviously
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feeling pretty bummed. kyle hansen sums up how some of the swimmers at acalanes high school are feeling with an important meet coming up that their team won't be able to compete in since it's out of our control and out of our reach and we're being penalized for it, so it's pretty devastating, especially since we had our freshman season taken away due due to covid. it's pretty bummed out for our senior season, taken away due to this too. this is like our biggest meet besides state championships in the whole entire season. and for swimmers who are want to go to the collegiate level, this is really important for like college coaches. parent becky hansen is deeply disappointed to may 3rd. we have ncs and that the kids from acalanes that qualified saturday or before have now been told that they are not allowed to be in this swim meet due to technical errors. our coach, brett, submitted the entries on time, adding to the disappointment missing this meet also means no more chances for
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the team's seniors to compete in their final year, according to a statement from the north coast section, cif commissioner of athletics acalanes high school did not submit their ncs swim team entries for this weekend's championships before the mandatory deadline. this occurred after a reminder was sent out to all ncs member schools by the section office that the deadline was mandatory and no exceptions for late entries would be made. they say the procedures were agreed to by all member schools. the coach told us late this afternoon they received information from ncs that suggests missing the rigid deadline is, in all likelihood, a user error instead of purely technological. in this me, it's like kind of our like our big biggest meet of the year, maybe second biggest meet of the year if we can qualify for state. so it's actually it's devastating. bottom line for those who qualified they just want to compete. i would like to just see our team be included. christie smith, nbc, bay area
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news. still ahead, no changes on the horizon when it comes to how the federal reserve is handling interest rates. the inflation numbers being used to explain its decision. and with mortgage rates over 7, some are once again turning to adjustable rate mortgages. why? experts say it could work for you but also warn why it might not. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. more warm 80s tomorrow. but look at this rain still coming in the forecast for this weekend. i've got the updated timing a totals comingnd
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either. fed chair jerome powell discussed the decision with reporters after the announcement was made earlier today. the fed says progress has stalled on bringing down inflation, while price increases have eased since their peak in 2022. data shows that the annual inflation rate is nearly 3. the fed wants it back down to 2. officials had projected possibly three rate cuts this year, but depending on
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how this data goes, that could change the forecast next month. wall street mixed over the fed's decision. the dow up 87 points today. the nasdaq though dropped 52 and the s&p fell 17. and so as mortgage rates remain above 7, some would be homebuyers are looking for another option to help them buy. and that option is an adjustable rate mortgage. it's a tool many have cheered as a home buyers dream, while others warn it's a nightmare that offers would be homebuyers false hope. let's bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman scott. some of us maybe right here, have been down this road with adjustable rates mortgage with mixed success. let's explain it to those who haven't. right. you know, we talk about a fixed rate garvin, and that's where you're locked into a rate for the duration of your mortgage, typically 30 years, maybe sometimes 15. but an adjustable rate is one that can change the mortgage rate as the overall rates move, which means your monthly payment could go down over time. but it could also go up. i like it those
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buying houses now are according to silicon valley agent lindsay gridley, choosing the adjustable rate more frequently than at any time during the last several years. they feel hopeful they're in the job market, they know what's happening on their local economy scale, so they feel confident in their jobs, their situation, their local investment into the real estate market. here's one reason why. while the average fixed rate mortgage stands at 7.29, the average adjustable rate 6.6, but an adjustable rate at this point in time, is a little bit like playing the lottery. it can be much riskier because if rates drop your monthly payment drops too. but what goes down can also go up. meaning if rates rise, so does your payment. those getting adjustable rates are banking on that future drop. i mean, you could really be riding a roller coaster for an extended period of time, and you may want to
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ride that roller coaster in all honesty, because if it is, you know, lower than what you originally locked in at, then that's your benefit. maybe not the 3% we saw a couple of years ago. after all, that was when our economy took a big hit. but i think people are hoping for five instead of seven. so scott, this means when you take an adjustable rate mortgage, you are making a bet and not only are you making a bet, you're making a bet with the biggest purchase you're ever going to make, right? and you're making that bet with the overall economy. garvin, we were just talking about interest rates. will they go up? will they go down? that has so much to do with inflation and so the adjustable rate means you're not locked in. you really have to pay attention to what's going on in the overall economy before you write that monthly check. and that gives a lot of people anxiety. and really there are two ways, many ways actually to do this. but the two main ways people right now, though, because they are optimistic that rates will go down, are jumping into those adjustable rates. i mean, the experts have trouble
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predicting where the economy is going. i don't know how i would it's a fool's errand to predict. right. so yeah, there you can try either way. but right in one way you are sort of guessing. scott budman, thank you very much. you bet. let's talk about job numbers now. in the u.s, they are rising even better than economists expected. payroll processing firm adp says private payrolls increased by 192,000 this month. ferm also found worker pay is up 5% from a year ago. job gains were led by the leisure and hospitality industry, with 56,000 new jobs. most of the growth came from companies that employ more than 500 workers. let's welcome in chief meteorologist jeff ranieri . jeff, it's been a spectacular week, i heard it's been outstanding. i've not been outside today, but everybody who's come into the newsroom is like, oh, have you been outside? it's gorgeous. and i'm like, i have not been outside. i can confirm it. it felt like the weekend outside. it was so amazing. i need to get outside. but there's a speed bump, there is, you know, we have something called rain that's going to be
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returning. i know everyone's like, wow, we're in may, and we're going to get, not only a little sprinkle here, but some sizable rain coming in the forecast for this weekend and much colder temperatures. let's take a look here at the numbers outside today. and we were above average for much of the bay area. santa rosa at 82 average is 72. concord coming in with 81 under that sunshine averages 75. san francisco stayed on the cool side because of that ocean breeze, san jose right here at 79 and the average at 71. so if you're out here in san jose tonight, just need the sunglasses. no need for the jacket here. the next couple of hours, we're going to stay in the 70s through 7:00, and then we're going to drop it eventually down to some low 60s here through nine and also ten. we're in for more dry weather as we head through tomorrow from that area of high pressure. it keeps the storm track to the north. but check this out that storm system we're talking about, it's already going to be developing in the pacific tomorrow with those weekend impacts. i've got details on that coming up in about a minute
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and a half. we'll take you through all the timing and the totals, but let's roll it right into tomorrow morning's forecast. no issues on that morning commute tomorrow. temperatures here coming in across the bay in the low 50s, 51 for the east bay, 53 in san francisco and the north bay right there at 50 under mostly sunny skies and daytime highs for tomorrow. i don't really see any big adjustments. lots of upper 70s and low 80s. that puts us right here in cupertino at 79. over to east san jose 80. we have more of that over to the east bay 81, concord 79, pleasanton and 75 here in hayward. the peninsula sunny skies will get breezy here though, especially at the coastline. 15 to 25 mile per hour winds coming out of the northwest. but you get out to redwood city and palo alto will be in the upper 70s san francisco 68, in downtown. also, that wind kicking up here through the sf peninsula. gusts up to about 25. and for the north bay 80. in santa rosa, 77 here in mill valley. so sunshine tomorrow. and then by this weekend everything continues to
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show, this storm system dropping down closer and closer towards us. so we're locked in right now for those rain chances. i don't really see any path where we get totally dry weather this weekend, so that means on saturday a temperatures dropping into the 50s and 60s, winds gusting 15 to 30, sierra snow 7 to 18in. snow levels at times could go down to 4000ft. let me show you more in the timing of this. just kind of an early look here. and i do think it's going to start to move into marin, napa, sonoma counties by 5 a.m. here on saturday. get over to the east bay and peninsula by about 8:00 in the morning, and then we'll start to see that move down towards the south bay by 11:00 on saturday morning, with some heavier rain at times. this should eventually try to get out of here by late saturday afternoon and through the evening. totals a quarter to a half inch most of the bay, around a half inch south bay, right there at about a quarter inch. but if you're kind of dismayed about all this rain chances this weekend, the
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following weekend, we should come in with some warmer weather and temps in the low 80s. so hang on some better weekend weather eventually on the way. right now in that forecast, san francisco drops to 56 on saturday. there it is, 59 on saturday through the inland valleys. from that 80 tomorrow. we'll enjoy it for sure. i'm going to get outside tomorrow. please. i did not get to enjoy today. so. and then back, kick it up, then back inside on saturday. yeah, under a blanket. i no reason to be lazy. yes for sure. thanks, jeff. still to come, google is laying off hundreds of employees, the jobs being slashed and where s
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at its office in sunnyvale. the layoffs are happening in what google calls its core organization. those are the tech teams behind google products and systems that protect user online safety. google says it plans to move some of the roles to mexico and india, despite reporting strong first quarter earnings last week. google is following through on a plan to lower the head count by about 6. they made that announcement last year. move over chatgpt. a san francisco based startup, anthropic, launched a free iphone app that aims to make ai more accessible and mobile. it's much like chatgpt, which was created by openai, but the anthropic app lets users upload photos and files from a smartphone. anthropic is heavily backed by amazon. get this they've invested $4 billion into the startup. also in the works plans to launch an android version a heads up for people who recently bought a ford maverick pickup truck in the us. the company is recalling more
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than 240,000 maverick trucks because of a computer glitch affecting the tail lights. ford says that can cause the lights in its 2022 to 2024 models to remain dark and not illuminate while the truck is being driven. the company says that can increase the risk of a crash. so far, no reports of any crashes or injuries. ford says truck owners will receive recall notices starting next month, and dealers plan to just update the software to fix the problem for free. here's a question for you how many sit ups can you do while working out? we're not ready. we're not going to answer that one ourselves, but we will tell you about the ridiculous
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that is what one kentucky man is doing. did you do the math? i think it works out to roughly a thousand now, a thousand sit ups an hour for 35 hours. it's painful just saying it, but it is his way of honoring the sacrifices of those who fought in vietnam. tung din came to the u.s. from vietnam 49 years ago. he was raised in vietnam in the final years of the war, before his father brought him to america. din says he still feels blessed to live here, and that's one of the reasons he's doing
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sit ups. you heard it for 35 straight hours. he started yesterday, and so far he has done more than 27,000 sit ups. these are not just like crunches . oh good. he takes a break because he's doing like full sit ups. but he's trying to average about a thousand an hour. maybe he'll like crank out 5000 in 1 hour and then take a break. that is amazing. and what a good cause. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. i want to see a six pack. got to be impressive, aipac. here's what we're working on. it's a double whammy tonight, the ongoing student protest and the may day protests. the message from demonstrators today in oakland. what they're saying as this protest is happening as we speak and two months after election day, we finally have closure in the race to replace retiring congressman min ana eshoo. the results of the closely watched recount, to see who advances to the runoff and be


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