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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  May 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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sit ups. you heard it for 35 straight hours. he started yesterday, and so far he has done more than 27,000 sit ups. these are not just like crunches . oh good. he takes a break because he's doing like full sit ups. but he's trying to average about a thousand an hour. maybe he'll like crank out 5000 in 1 hour and then take a break. that is amazing. and what a good cause. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. i want to see a six pack. got to be impressive, aipac. here's what we're working on. it's a double whammy tonight, the ongoing student protest and the may day protests. the message from demonstrators today in oakland. what they're saying as this protest is happening as we speak and two months after election day, we finally have closure in the race to replace retiring congressman min ana eshoo. the results of the closely watched recount, to see who advances to the runoff and be careful where you park in san
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francisco. the cost lee tickets you can now get if you park in the wrong spot. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. may 1st is international workers day. every day every year it happens. hundreds of people today are marching through downtown oakland. many are rallying to celebrate the labor movement. but this year, the focus is also on the israel-hamas war. nbc's velena jones is in oakland for us, following one of these protests. phelan avenue. yeah. raj and janelle, this protest started over at the federal building about a street away from where we are right now. i'm right in front of city hall is where we are currently, where hundreds of people are still gathered. they say today is not only about workers rights, but also about calling attention to the war in gaza and asking for a cease fire. signs, flags and
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demonstrators filled clay street in front of the federal building today in hopes of sending a clear message to lawmakers and government officials. we're here to say immigrants, workers, students, families. we are the ones who make this country work, and we need to be respected and have really true freedom, taking their message to the streets so coalition of hundreds of workers, students union and nonunion members marched throughout downtown oakland stopping traffic and calling for a ceasefire and the end to u.s. military aid to israel. it is our tax dollars at work that pay for the bombs to be sent over there. and we're here to say not in our names. if we're workers, we're on strike today. this is mayday. this is international workers day, and we're not having our tax dollars and our earnings go to bomb people in other countries. as united states residents, our taxes go
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towards the, towards military aid for israel to continue its genocide. and as oakland residents, we are not we are here to say it is not our consent for nurses like martha kuehl, she says the violence in gaza is a workers rights issue. we think that all workers around the world should be able to live , take care of their families, earn a living, have health care, peace and justice a day of action and demands that protesters hope will be heard from oakland to the capitol this day is really rooted in the call to shut down the economy, to demand what we, as community members think is just and fair. now, tonight's rally is expected to last until at least 6:00. they also have a resource fair set up here in front of city hall that they hope people will take a part of as well. for now,
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reporting live in oakland, velena jones, nbc bay area news. lena, thank you so we're velena is just one of many protests that have been happening today or happening at this hour, including west oakland, san francisco and san jose. we'll take you out to the other protests in about 25 minutes. janelle raj, after two months of counting and recounting and controversy, it appears we finally know who will challenge former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the november runoff to replace ana eshoo in the 16th congressional district. eshoo is retiring. a recount shows evan low is in sole possession of second place after the final ballots were re tallied and revealed today. after the march election, low got the exact same number of votes as south bay supervisor joe simitian. but the addition of so-called challenge ballots broke that tie. let's bring in our nbc bay area's ian cull, who's been following this race closely for weeks. and,
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ian, we've all been on pins and needles for weeks. i can't even imagine what the candidates have been going through. tell us the numbers. well, it's certainly been stressful for them. but janelle, we can report tonight the recount is officially over. this process is done within the past hour. joe simitian has conceded, and evan low will move on to the november runoff. low entered today of four votes after santa clara county finished its part in the two county vote, but there was still the question of the 16 challenged ballots in san mateo county today, officials there ruled that seven previously uncounted votes should be counted, and in the end, the numbers show evan low edged out joe simitian by just five votes. our photographer spoke with evan low at his campaign headquarters. you'll hear from him coming up at 6:00. low posted on social media saying, we are very excited that my advancement into the general election was reaffirmed and look forward to the next eventful chapter in this race. he also said, this election reminds us that every single vote in former participation matters. joe simitian sent an email to
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supporters conceding saying, quote, the good news is the 16th congressional districts long, painful exercise of counting the votes is over. the not so good news we have come up short. i lost and i concede, he added. i trust the process and i accept the result. the front runner in this race, sam liccardo, also sent a statement after the results came in saying despite our efforts, despite the efforts of some to stop this recount, we should all celebrate that democracy prevailed. previously, uncounted votes were counted. we can now refocus on our work ahead. and the man who requested the recount, jonathan padilla, tells me he's glad all the votes were counted and he will not challenge any more ballots. so it's official. evan low and sam liccardo will be squaring off in november. guys, it's been a long road. thank you ian a national headline tonight, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene plans to force a vote next week to oust house speaker mike johnson. today, the controversial republican from georgia harshly scolded speaker johnson, who is also a republican, for working
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with democrats to push through major legislation. she dared democrats and johnson's republican allies to step in to save his job. greene's call for the speaker's resignation comes just a week after he pushed through a long stalled $95 billion package to aid israel, ukraine and other us allies. speaker johnson condemned representative greene's demand, calling it misguided and wrong for the country. harvey weinstein is scheduled to be retried in september. the former hollywood executive appeared in a manhattan criminal court today. it was his first appearance since his 2020 rape conviction was overturned last week. the court of appeals found the judge in the trial had prejudiced weinstein with improper rulings. weinstein will remain in custody because he was convicted of rape in a separate case in los angeles in 2022. the new trial in new york is set to happen after labor day. well, beginning today, be careful your chances of getting a parking ticket in san francisco just went up. sfmta is cracking down
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on drivers who block sidewalks or crosswalks, in particular blocking a pedestrian crossing or residential parking spot can cost 80 bucks or more each district in the city will get a designated weeklong sweep every three months, on top of regular enforcement. up next, a family that treats martial arts not just as a hobby, but also a tradition. we celebrate asian american, native hawaiian, and pacific islander heritage. when we come back. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. more sunshine and 80s tomorrow. but look at this. by friday night, a storm is off to the north. i have those updated weekend timing and totals. we'll get
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bay area, shining a light on some of the people who make our area so unique. for many in
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these communities, martial arts is much more than just a hobby for a local filipino family, it's a tradition. here's nbc's joe rosato jr. okay, guys, come on, let's get out of the middle. yeah, get closer. in the world of filipino martial arts, a name is remy presas junior. there's a name that's fallen into legend. one is my dad for doctor remy presas junior. i make it simple. martial arts were a birthright. what i'm showing you is the drill and how to defend yourself. in the 70s, his father, remy presas senior we made with this brought a unique brand of martial arts from his native manila in the philippines to the u.s. and before he passed away, he had told me that if i could jump in and continue the legacy of promoting filipino martial arts, i go there, see inside legacy filipino martial arts, a school located in a former elementary school in daly city, presses junior makes good
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on his pledge to his father. when they block this, i put, i put my hand here. i travel all over the united states and promoting filipino martial arts just like that. this is a simple as it is. the martial arts techniques developed by presas father is known as modern arnis, employing weapons in self-defense. it includes sticks, knives, maybe even a ballpoint pen. you improvise things that you have with you. you can use it as a weapon not to hurt anybody, but to defend yourself. black with the right. but there's more to this school than just learning to fight and defend for many, it's a connection to culture. people don't only train here just for physical nature, they train here for culture reasons, social reasons. right? they want to connect with their roots. for joseph bautista, owner of legacy filipino martial arts, that link between culture and martial arts is directly tied to the precious family. the precious family is one of the major, major
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components as to keeping filipino martial arts alive, right? they helped to get filipino martial arts implemented in the school system in the philippines. they helped promote it worldwide. it's like that there. i can take you down, see, what my father would say is that when you learn the filipino martial arts, you're able to learn the filipino culture and become filipino. you block a lot of it is being going to flow. being able to move with the current, being able to adapt. and that's something that filipinos historically had to do. having to move to america, having to fight for our own rights. this is as simple as it is. the family legacy begun by president junior's father and uncles handed down to him doesn't stop here. his daughters, joanne and samantha precious, are the next generation with samantha hoping to carry on teaching. i hope to possibly teach it one day, and i do see her taking over one day and i'm behind her 100% from here. i just borrowed that and then, okay, within this
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technique of fighting is the fight to keep tradition alive. practical. a thrust, a block, a twist, a family, and a legacy pushing ahead. yes, joe rosado jr. see the magic. nbc bay area news. write your name on it. what an incredible family. seeingt ov the generations. we have so much more online celebrating aan arican, native hawaiian pacific islander heritage. st goo n bay area, slash a nhp to see more stories. let's turn things over to our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri. as promised, this was gorgeous today. it was warm. yeah, i started sneezing. so something about the allergies too. i know it's like kind of all combined in together. we're going to get you some colder weather and some allergy relief here. coming up i know everybody is. yeah sniffling and sneezing out there. we are locked in for some rainfall and temperatures. we're talking about a 10 to 25 degree drop as we head into this upcoming weekend. let's get you
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outside right now to our satellite radar picture. and what you're going to see on this view is this bubble of clearing that we're undergoing here throughout much of california. now some cloud cover just off to the north, but it's going to be real hard pressed to move into california as we head through tomorrow. and that's because of this area of high pressure that is continuing to move that storm track off to the north. so we are dry. we're staying in the 70s and 80s for a lot of the bay area tomorrow, but i want to draw your attention to this out here. that is the next storm system that's already developing in the pacific. and will be impacting us by this weekend as updated timing and totals coming up in about a minute or so. we'll also take you up to the sierra and show you the numbers which are pretty off the charts here for the start of may as we roll into tomorrow morning's forecast. though pretty simple. start here. temperatures in the low 50s, mostly sunny skies. shouldn't really have any issues as you're out on that commute. have you down to 51 here in the tri valley looking all good.
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south bay mostly clear and 52 over to the east bay. back to contra costa. alameda county is a little bit of a warmer start with some low 50s. it will be breezy in san francisco not only for the morning, but through the afternoon. wind gusts of about 15 to 25mph. so hold on to your hats there in sf. otherwise, as we head through tomorrow, look at these numbers 70s, 80s. as we mentioned, it will put us to 79 in morgan hill. same thing in san jose. low 80s concord and livermore up to napa 81. you get near the coastline though. we still have that ocean breeze 15 to 25. that's why half moon bay will be at 58, our coldest. and san francisco, right there at 69. then beyond this, here comes that next storm system lining up as we hit saturday and everything continues to show this developing here through northern california. and that's why our rain chances have just continued to increase. so let's take it into the early timeline on this. by friday night we're going to be watching the storm here. just off to the north. then that starts to move down as we head into saturday morning, a
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4 or 5 and 6:00, certainly over marin, napa, sonoma counties, maybe closer to san francisco in the east bay as well, then for the east bay and peninsula by 8:00 in the morning. then as we head through about 11 a.m, it moves down towards the south bay with some of those heavier pockets. i do think this would start to get out of here as we head through late saturday afternoon and also into saturday evening. rainfall totals right now were good for about a quarter to a half inch. most of the bay area on about a half inch could get rain shadowed in the south bay, maybe only about a quarter inch, but this is sizable. i mean, these rainfall totals of a quarter to a half inch are 10 to 25 times what we should see in an average day in may. so off the charts also, sierra snow, look at these numbers in one day on saturday 18in kingvale 18 kirkwood 11in south lake tahoe. on the 7-day forecast we dried out on sunday and 62 in san francisco, also drying it out for the inland valleys on sunday and 68. and if
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that's not the weekend you were hoping for, i can promise you drier and warmer weather for the weekend after that 70s and 80s. so we'll take that 1111 bitter day for all the sunny days there. exactly. i'm kind of embracing it. yes, i am, but i got to move the patio furniture back in. oh, you got a you got a soccer game on saturday will be watered, right? yeah. that's a good, good benefit. their softball game. yeah. yeah. softball. thanks so much going on. thanks jeff. up next, the earthquake spent a lot of money for a new player who's related to soccer legend diego maradona. how he, the new player and the quakes are preparingor a big ma ftc
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are in action. our new women's team, bay fc, host chicago on sunday at paypal park, and the earthquakes are at levi's stadium against one of their rivals. and they've got a new big time player to show off as well. here's nbc's anthony flores kicking it at the home of the 40 niners. the players love this field, love the stadium and love this locker room and love the environment. the san jose earthquakes practicing today at levi's stadium. they'll play there saturday for the first time this season against lafc. it's part of their cinco de mayo celebration. this is one that i don't have to say much. these guys are going to be so excited to play in this stadium. like i said, this environment against
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this opponent, i mean, it doesn't get better than this. the quakes normally play their home matches at paypal park in san jose. a change of venue might be just what they need to turn around their season. the earthquakes have the worst record in the mls with just one win in ten matches. this game against lafc couldn't come at a better time. we know this is a clasico. this is a game we take personal. it doesn't matter the points, the table. this is about on the given night. who wants it more. and we're excited for this opportunity to play a lfc. the results have not been with the quakes had hoped for this season, but they are making moves to improve the team. today. they introduced the newest member to the squad who they acquired in a deal that more than doubled the previous franchise record, sporting a jersey as a gift from the 40 niners, edinson lopez says he's happy to join and be a part of the quakes for a long time. the team paid a record $7 million transfer fee to the midfielder soccer club in argentina. he's the nephew of argentine soccer legend diego maradona. terms of
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what ana brings like there's things there that are not coachable. it's talent and creativity that that are natural, lopez will be recognized at halftime of saturday's match, but won't play against lafc. the match is scheduled to kick off at 4:30 p.m. at levi's stadium. anthony flores nbc, bay area wow related to diego maradona. well, this is painfully beautiful. the a's are playing some really good baseball right now, even though they're halfway out the door to sacramento and then las vegas. a nice afternoon at the coliseum. a's and pirates look out for flying bats. shay langoliers lets loose. it goes right into the dugout. you got to be careful there. everyone was. okay. bottom of the second we pick it up. abraham toro with the solo home run. the athletics had a one to nothing lead right over that xfinity sign there. tyler nevin also hit a home run the next inning. here he is. that was more than enough. the a's cruised to a four nothing win. get this the a's have now won four straight games and six of their last eight. they're off
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tomorrow before the marlins come to town this weekend. still ahead, the 150th kentucky derby is just days away. why the favo norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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thrown into the crowd. the march, organized by france's main union seeking better pay and working conditions. they were also joined by anti-olympic activists and pro-palestinian groups. the unions are threatening to strike during the
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olympics this summer if the government does not adequately pay people to work during summer holidays. the olympic flame is sailing across the mediterranean on its way to france right now. the flame was lit in ancient olympia, greece. it traveled on an 11 day greek relay before they handed over the flame to the paris game organizers. it's expected to arrive in marseille, france, on may 8th. there will be a 68 day french torch relay that will end with the lighting in the olympic cauldron in paris during the opening ceremony, which is on july 26th. the fastest two minutes in sports happening this saturday. the 150th kentucky derby at churchill downs. i spoke to nbc news national correspondent steve kornacki about predictions and odds, so we'll have our mint juleps. i'll be wearing the big hat from home, but let's just talk about the odds. like if i'm going to place a bet, my trifecta or win place or show, who should i be putting my money on? yeah, i think just a couple
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things maybe to keep in mind if you're just, you know, looking at this field and trying to make sense of it. i mean, it is 20 horses. that's the only time this year there's going to be a 20 horse race in this country. fierceness is going to probably be the favorite in this race, he's drawn a post position. he's in the 17th position at the starting gate kind of way out there, that hasn't been too successful in the past. the concern for fierceness, you know, is simply that being that far out there could cost him important position early, could get lost in the in the shuffle. but if he doesn't, he's gng to be hard to beat. you never know. right. long shots have won two. we remember two years ago when rich strike. yes won as an 80 to 1 long shot. yes. you can watch all of it on nbc this saturday. coverage starts at 1130. i'll be watching audrey asistio joins us now with what's coming up next. janelle and raj, right now at six, a flurry of demonstrations and protests across the bay area in honor of international workers day. but that wasn't the only cause on everyone's minds. many walking out today to show
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solidarity with palestinians amid the war in gaza. also, it's been a struggle just to stay in business. a string of burglaries is crippling a tea store in the south bay, the difficult choice the owner had to make for the sake of his employees, and a major beauty store in the east bay, is shutting its doors. when to shop before it closes for good. the news at six starts right now. good evening and thanks for being with us on this wednesday. i'm raj mathai and i'm audrey asistio. hundreds of people across the bay area today are marching for may day or international workers day. look at this. demonstrators walking out for workers rights. today's may day also a day of solidarity coinciding with ongoing protests demanding a ceasefire in the israel-hamas war. and right now, protesters are gathering outside of oakland city hall, where our pete serratos has been tracking demonstrators throughout the evening. pete, what's the latest out there? yeah, we're here in
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front of city hall for this may day demonstration. it appears that this is the only active one here in the city of oakland. now, hundreds of these demonstrators are marching here from the federal building. earlier of course, in solidarity with palestine on this may day. and they're showing their solidarity to palestine during the war in gaza. now, earlier, we were at what was going to be another planned demonstration in oakland, but that wrapped up early. so you're looking at video from the west oakland bart, where organizers held a victory rally with the port of oakland, closing for the day due to their planned may day protest . now, organizers are calling this a victory, saying that the port could potentially lose millions of dollars by closing due to that planned protest, and in their protest, they said that that was in solidarity with palestinian union workers. we want to take you guys back out here, live to oakland at city hall. as i mentioned, this appears to be the only active may day demonstration here in the city. of course, we'll continue to monitor


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