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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  May 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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front of city hall for this may day demonstration. it appears that this is the only active one here in the city of oakland. now, hundreds of these demonstrators are marching here from the federal building. earlier of course, in solidarity with palestine on this may day. and they're showing their solidarity to palestine during the war in gaza. now, earlier, we were at what was going to be another planned demonstration in oakland, but that wrapped up early. so you're looking at video from the west oakland bart, where organizers held a victory rally with the port of oakland, closing for the day due to their planned may day protest . now, organizers are calling this a victory, saying that the port could potentially lose millions of dollars by closing due to that planned protest, and in their protest, they said that that was in solidarity with palestinian union workers. we want to take you guys back out here, live to oakland at city hall. as i mentioned, this appears to be the only active may day demonstration here in the city. of course, we'll continue to monitor things and
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provide you with updates as they come in. we're live here in oakland. pete serratos, nbc bay area news. all right, pete, thank you. so pete was mentioning that other protests in oakland will hundreds of workers rights activists rallied at the federal building. the group, made up of workers students union and nonunion members, marched through downtown, stopping traffic and calling for a cease fire. and the end of u.s. military aid to israel. it is our tax dollars at work that pay for the bombs to be sent over there. and we're here to say, not in our names. if we're workers, we're on strike today. this is may day, this is international workers day, and we're not having our tax dollars and our earnings go to bomb people in other countries. yeah. these demonstrators say the violence in gaza is a workers right issue. what do we want tracks. what do we want it now? demonstrations also taking over the streets of san francisco, terry mcsweeney sent in these videos from union square, where another march happened this afternoon. this one's organized
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by two unions calling for fair contracts for local janitors and hotel workers. and these may day demonstrations in san francisco started in the mission district. they continue to city hall. at the start of the event, palestinian flags were the most visible part of the event. organizers say they represent a coalition of labor groups, teachers and immigrants, but chose to stand in solidarity with those in gaza. people spoke out against the us government's support of israel in the ongoing battle with hamas in gaza, calling it a conflict that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people. we send an even clearer message that we will not rest until every last piece of this war machine is dismantled. and as the protesters marched toward city hall, a sizable deployment of san francisco police and california highway patrol blocked the on ramp to the central freeway, while protesters briefly blocked city streets. during that march, no
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one ever tried to get onto the roadway, and we are continuing our coverage of the may day protests throughout the evening. you can catch more in our newscast at seven and 11:00 tonight, and on our website at well many small businesses across the bay area are struggling with crime, but this story really stands out. the owner of a tea shop in the south bay says he's had more than 20 break ins since the pandemic started, and he's struggling to stay afloat. nbc's marianne favro has the exclusive story here at tea villa in downtown san jose. you can see the windows are boarded up. the owner says. after seven break ins in the past year, he can no longer afford to replace the glass. this glass panel alone was broken into four times and i got fed up. so i installed acrylic on here. so they try to break in using a rock of some kind. they couldn't. so they try to burn it. lam ha owns tea villa on first street in
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downtown san jose and says he's fed up with break ins at his store. seven in just the past year, i had security cameras, ripped off the walls. burglars also stole the technology he relies on for to go orders. they rip off all the tablets on the wall that we had. so those were also being very costly. so we had ipads, we had samsungs, and, we had to replace those three, four times. the laser is broken. it doesn't work. yeah. security brought it back. also stolen four playstations he bought for customers to use. but it's the broken windows that have become his biggest expense. it's all these four panels just got broken in. just in the last nine months, forcing him to make a decision, pay his employees or pay thousands of dollars to replace the windows. he decided to just board them up with plywood. manuel perez has been a security guard for the building the last ten years, and says he's recently seen an increase
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in crime. i've been here all those times that there was a windows get broken, we make a report, that's the end of it. police did make one arrest, but lam says the break ins continue and he's worried about his employees. it's not only just for myself, the store, but now it's the safety of my employees also. so everybody here in concern, i'm not even sure how long i can stay here, lam says. during the pandemic, ti villa handed out free food, clothes and blankets to people in need. now, he's hoping the community can help him stay in business in san jose, marianne favro. nbc bay area news. speaking of helping people in need, an east bay food bank called for help and the community answered. you'll remember yesterday we reported on a critical shortage at a concord food bank. the monument crisis center said hundreds of low income families were in need and its shelves were almost empty. well, over the last 24 hours, the crisis center received more than 330 pounds of food donations. and
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now it says it is one step closer to its goal of feeding every family who comes through that door. popular cosmetic store is closing its location in the east bay. we're talking about the ulta store, located at the bay street emeryville mall. it put up a sign sharing the news that the store will close may 4th. it's unclear why the emeryville location is closing. ulta, you might remember, opened 33 stores last year. last month, it reported strong fourth quarter earnings from 2023. last year, nbc bay area did reach out to corporate for comment, but has not yet heard back. well, the lights are back on at the family courthouse in san jose after weeks of power issues. it all started with a major power failure in march. since then, the court has not been able to reconnect to pg and e system large generators were brought in, but one of them failed. the power outages have forced the court to shut down multiple times, causing issues for people who need the services, like filing for restraining orders or child support, the court says pg and e has restored power to the
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building, and it's not expecting any other service disruptions. a ride on a fire truck for an exotic dancer, and the recent arrest of a fire captain in a child sex sting operation are two serious scandals. san jose's fire department is facing, and now two women who used to work in the department tells us that those incidents help explain why there are so few women working in san jose fire. the entire department only has 24 women. accounting for less than 4% of its firefighters. that's down considerably from just a decade ago. our investigative unit looked into the causes of that disparity. they spoke with two women who used to work for the department and blame what they call a, quote, frat house culture and a stigma that women can't do the job. san jose's fire chief recognizes that the scandals are not helping his female recruitment efforts. do you think that events like that could be discouraging to women
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who are thinking about joining the department? certainly public image and perception of the organization is critical to our recruitment process. it's critical to the confidence that our community has in our organization, the chief says. they do have a plan to bring in more women. tonight, investigative reporter hilda gutierrez will show us what the department has and has not done to address the problem. she's going to be joining us to talk about her findings tonight at 7:00. well, up next, who's in and who's out of this race? the recount is over. we know which candidates will be on the november ballot in the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. also, home buyers are turning to adjustable mortgage rates in tonight's making it in the bay. we take a look at the pros and cons of a fluctuating rate. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. rain it is on the way and heavy at times, and the updated storm timeline and what it means for the weekend. coming up in about
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seven minutes. liz creutz here at ucla coming up on nightly news. we are looking at the violence that took place here overnight as pro-israel counter-protesters showed up here and tried to get into the encampment. that's led to these violent confrontations between the groups, and it took hours before law enforcement arrived to break it up. coming up, we're going to look into why that response took so long. and what's next for this
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san jose police and animal care workers served a warrant today at a home on vine street. this little chick you see there, one of 75 birds found in the backyard. 75 two of those birds have medical issues. the owner was cited for having an excessive number of birds and has been ordered to remove them within seven days. the rescuers are also caring for six other birds that the owner surrendered to the officers well. after weeks of counting and
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controversy, the recount is officially over. we finally know who will challenge sam liccardo in the november runoff to replace anna eshoo in the 16th congressional district. evan low gained one more vote today as san mateo county issued its ruling on 16 so-called challenged ballots, combining the vote count across san mateo and santa clara counties, low has edged out joe simitian for second place by just five votes in all, 182,000 ballots were recounted. process took two and a half weeks. low said tonight that he is excited to move on to the general election, and feels this process is a reminder that every single vote counts, and within the past three hours, simitian issued a statement conceding, adding, quote, i trust the process and i accept the result. low will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november, the highest mortgage rates we've seen in years is leading many homebuyers to look at another option for financing. we're talking about the adjustable rate mortgage. it's a
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way to get a lower mortgage rate when you first buy a home. the adjustable rate is currently about 1% lower than the current 30 year fixed rate, but the adjustable rate comes with a big risk. it can, like it says in its name, adjust your monthly payment up or down depending on how rates move in the future. those choosing the adjustable rate are betting on rates to drop. they feel hopeful they're in the job market. they know what's happening on their local economy scale, so they feel confident in their jobs, their situation, their local investment into the real estate market. let's bring in our business and tech reporter scott budman. okay. so how long do you get the lower rate here? so you go for the adjustable rate and how long is that the lower rate? there are many ways to do this, raj. some people will have it for seven years, some people for a little less, a little more. and you get the lower rate until it moves higher. yeah. and then so you it expires. then you just have to kind of it's a gamble
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there because it expires. you could be paying more or less. right. and they're betting on it to go down hopefully. exactly. and yet think about how quickly rates have gone up in the last year, year and a half, as the federal reserve has raised the overall interest rate. we've seen mortgage rates spike. so people who within the last few years have gotten an adjustable rate probably started very low and are now facing something considerably higher. what are analysts saying? experts saying? is this something that they advise to do not really. they say it's something you can do if you're confident that rates will stay the same or drop. for example, if you think over the next 5 to 7 years, rates will drop, you're not thinking out 30 years. you're thinking, maybe i'll sell in 5 to 7 years and my payments will have gone down. but even that's a risk. so the numbers have gone up of people doing this adjustable rates, simply because people are betting that we are somewhere near a peak. but obviously that's a bit of a guess and it can be a costly one. just today, the fed decided to keep rates where they are to freeze rates.
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what are they waiting for before they start dropping? they're waiting for inflation. literally our economy to cool down. so when we see inflation drop to the level they want to see which is 2, they say it will be time to bring rates back down. and usually mortgage rates follow. so we are close. they want to get to 2% inflation rate. where are we right now in the inflation rate about 3% a little bit below that. so we're close. and so a lot of those people who are getting the adjustable rates right now are thinking sometime time in the next few years, we're likely to see rates drop. and sure, that could happen. there are also economic factors when interest rates were down to 3% or even two and a half, it was because our economy was struggling. that can happen at any time, and if the interest rate drops, mortgage rates are likely to follow. we just don't know when or even if that will happen. it's wasn't that long ago that the mortgage interest rates was at 3, and now it's about 7. and that was a quick move up. and they can move down quickly. but it's kind of a guessing game and therefore a little anxiety if you've got one
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of those adjustable i'm nervous right now. thank you scott. you bet. getting all the latest housing and bay area housing headlines. it's pretty easy here. we've started a newsletter called housing deconstructed. we send out a new edition every week directly to your inbox. you can sign up for it at com slash newsletters. okay, let's go and take you outside now as we take a live look from our sutro tower camera. it is just absolutely beautiful out there. jeff you've been telling us about this day. i've been looking forward to it and it delivered. it really did. fog free conditions at the coastline. and we're going to see really at this point, a repeat performance of this as we head into tomorrow's forecast. we get two for one. exactly, exactly. and you'll want to enjoy it because we do have some rainfall on the way as we head through this upcoming weekend. colder temperatures. we are going to detail that for you, but i wanted to get you a check right now. those current temperatures, if you're headed out here over the next couple of hours, maybe running some
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errands, getting to the grocery store. we have temperatures here in the 70s throughout the inland valley, still holding on to 79 in concord, 76 in santa rosa, 74 in san jose. you're cooler at the coast. and that's because of that ocean breeze with 50s and 60s. now i see more weather just like this as we head through tomorrow. because of this area. high pressure where it is planning its feet, so to speak. it's keeping the storm track to the north for an additional day. so warm weather, sunshine coming on in. but look at this storm system is developing in the pacific and that's going to change everything for us by this weekend. i've got those updated timing and totals here coming up in just a bit, but let's start it off with tomorrow morning's forecast. pretty easy going low 50s, not overly cold, mostly sunny skies that will put us down here to 51 in the east bay. will be breezy in san francisco. and really for all of the coastline for that matter, tomorrow 15 to 25 mile per hour gusts. so watch out for that. if you're driving near the coast for the north bay will be at 50 temperatures as we head through the afternoon, my microclimate forecast is going back up. look
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at this. some low 80s milpitas in san jose, east san jose, los gatos at 78, we have a few of those 80s back to concord, antioch, livermore and walnut creek. oakland. a nice day at 7475 in san mateo, and a downright chilly day in half moon bay. 58, san francisco 68. in downtown and for the north bay 81 here in napa. so how about those rain chances by saturday, we see the storm system dropping down, and i don't really see any way we get into a dry path this weekend the way that this is setting up. so not only rain chances, but look at these temperatures 50s and 60s for highs. we'll see some wind right now, it doesn't look like the kind of wind that would produce any kind of damage, 15 to 30mph coming out of the southwest sierra snow 7 to 18in snow levels at times down to 4000ft. so an early timeline on this has the storm system off to the north. by friday night. saturday morning, four, five and 6:00. it's over the north bay.
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then it's for the east bay and peninsula around 8:00 in the morning on saturday, and certainly down to the south bay by 11 a.m. we will see some heavier rain at times. i think it clears out of here by saturday night. rain totals a quarter to a half inch. we'll see about a quarter inch for the south bay and right around a half inch for everyone else. now, if you're kind of just bummed out about this weekend forecast, i did want to show you there's some hope coming our way. so we're at those 50s and 60s this weekend. look at the following weekend, upper 70s. that's going to be a lot better for us on that 7-day forecast. we'll get the rain chance on saturday, dried out on sunday. and same thing here for the inland valleys. so 80 tomorrow, 68 on sunday. and just before that 59 on saturday. everyone's kind of planning their weekend now. yeah we got a curveball in there. yeah. get the barbecue in for the weekend after that. all right. we could do that. all right. thanks jeff. up next, a potential game changer for commuters. how's this the step forward and the plans for train from the bay area to the central
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coast. and a quick reminder, you can now access nbc bay area news whenever you want. we're on all the time on roku and other streaming plform there. you can watch liv breaking news, news conferences, and of course, repeats of our newasts
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right now, travelers from monterey county to san jose have few options for transportation. the plan is to build tracks from san jose to salinas, linked by two new train stations in pajaro and king city in monterey county. the project has a $1 million boost secured by the bipartisan infrastructure law. san jose congresswoman zoe lofgren says that it'll be a big help for anyone trying to dodge traffic while traveling to the bay area for work. people who commute are tired of the traffic jams and the capacity to ride on a train to get where you're going is very attractive to people. and other officials hope this project will limit greenhouse gases and address high housing costs and overcrowding. construction on the pajaro station should begin in 2027. oakland's brand new
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baseball team is getting the green light from council members to play their debut season at raymond park in west oakland, so the ballers the team is joining the independent pioneer league and plans to spend about $1.5 million to bring the field up to league standards. ballers co-founder brian carmel says that he hopes to start a new chapter in baseball for the city of oakland, especially their coed team that signed the first woman pitcher in the league. he says they do have a short timeline before opening day, but they are ready to move forward. the first home game is june 4th. well, disappointment and frustration for a swim team in the east bay technical issues will keep this high school team from competing in a critical meet. the meet is coming up this friday, but the swimmers at acalanes high school say they're have been told that their entry wasn't submitted in time. their families believe the entries were completed on time, but a technical issue prevented them from being submitted. the body that oversees the competition says the rules are clear, and
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the school, acalanes high, did not submit the entries before the mandatory deadline. it's a heartbreaking decision, especially for the seniors who may not get another chance to compete before graduation. we missed freshman year due to covid, so we didn't get to go to ncs or have any swimming at all, and then if we get this taken away from us too, like it's just really saddening and like really unfair. this meets like kind of our like our big biggest meet of the year, maybe second biggest meet of the year if we can qualify for state. so it's actually it's devastating how late today the coach says the school has now been given information that the reason for the missed deadline is likely a combination of technical issues and human error. bottom line the competition organizers say they have not. they have no plans to make an exception to let this team compete. well. up next, after decades of waiting, ancient pieces of japanese art have been returned. the reason
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the art was missing. and here's a look inside rockefeller center lester holt is preparing for nightly news and one of the top stories today, the fight for the future of abortion, a turnaround in arizona where there's a push to repeal one of the country's strictest abortion bans. we're back in a moment business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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ryukyu kingdom era and now the 18 artworks, including royal portraits, are being unveiled. they're believed to have been taken to the us by soldiers during the chaos after the war. the fbi did contact japan last month after the art was found in the us, and japanese officials say there's no plan to make them public for now. tonight at 7:00, police giving a warning to protesters at ucla. this is breaking news. 15 minutes or get out. we're following the latest developments from that campus as police are starting to move in. also, we hear from evan lowe for the first time after coming out on top in that tied congressional race. those stories and more coming up on our 7:00 news. and next on nightly news as calls for a ceasefire continue, us secretary of state antony blinken was in israel today. what happened in his meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu? lester holt anchors nightly news in new york right now.
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tonight, the tonight, the tensions on campuses boiling over from coast to coast. the violent clashes today at the university of wisconsin just hours after police in new york stormed a building that had been taken over on the columbia campus. the nypd arresting nearly 300 protesters across the city. the mayor blaming, quote, outside agitators. in california, ucla canceling classes today after violence erupted between dueling groups. our team on those campuses tonight. also this evening, the terrifying moments an active shooter at a middle school in wisconsin. officials saying the threat was neutralized outside the building. the new storm threat across the central u.s. after another deadly tornado outbreak. we're tracking it. arizona lawmakers voting to repeal the state's 1864 abortion ban. why it will still be on the books for months. and in florida, the six-week ban taking effect. secretary of state antony blinken meeting with israeli prime


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