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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  May 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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congress. the recount is officially over after one of the candidates concedes. also a string of scandals rocking the san jose fire department. a captain connected to a child trafficking sting and the infamous pink poodle strip club scandal. yeah, the pink poodle incident that, that doesn't seem out of the ordinary for san jose. women from the department are now speaking out to our
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investigative unit. are these incidents symptoms of a bigger problem and a struggle to stay open? a string of burglaries is crippling a store in the south bay. the difficult choice. the owner had to make for the sake of his employees. good evening. this is nbc bay area news. tonight, i'm roger maathai. we're going to get to all those stories in just a few minutes. but we want to begin with some breaking news. let's take you down to los angeles. this is we're going to take a live look at the ucla campus in westwood. police have been given an order now for the protesters. the police have given the protesters an order to clear out. you can see down below our helicopters down there will move around. you see some scaffolding there where some of the protesters are. but as we pan out a bit, you'll see a big encampment at the ucla campus, which has been there for the last several nights. this is the ongoing protest of the war in gaza. there you go. you can see all those tents there in one
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of the main quads at ucla and near the tents. that's where you see more protesters and a lot of police officers. there's a heavy police presence gathering, possibly getting ready to clear this crowd, possibly getting ready to make arrests. now that dispersal order from lapd and various agencies came after brawls broke out last night when pro-israeli protesters attacked the pro-palestinian protesters as police were not on campus at the time. it was about midnight last night. the violence broke out and the delayed response from the lapd was slammed today by governor newsom. now, classes have been canceled at ucla today, and tonight because of the brawl and the ongoing protests here. we're going to keep a close eye on this developing situation. and give you updates throughout this newscast and throughout the evening. but again, to summarize this, about 30 minutes ago, police officers did tell the crowd to disperse and they have started to surround this area.
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so based on what we saw even last night at columbia university, we can see that perhaps the officers will come in to start clearing out this encampment and possibly making arrests down at ucla. back here at home, this was a day of many protests in the bay area activists, labor groups and students all showing up for may day protests, protests, rallying and marching. the common theme here calls for that ceasefire in gaza. you can see, if you look carefully, some palestinian flags as this group marched through downtown oakland may day. typically commemorates the struggles and gains by workers and the labor movement. hundreds of union members and their supporters marched to union square in san francisco, calling for fair contracts for hotel workers and janitors. let's bring in nbc's terry mcsweeney. he's at union square now. terry. it looks relatively quiet behind you, but that certainly wasn't the case just a short while ago. yeah, that is a fact. may day in san francisco. maybe it's not the union town it used to be,
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but there are still thousands and thousands of union members in this city. they started at 400 california street, made their way here to union square today. and when they were, they got here and just about to leave . they were huge and they were loud. matsui one. what do we want it now? i'm going to say maybe a thousand people marched around this neighborhood where a lot of these people work. these are hotel workers. their contract is up in august. they want a new contract, a livable wage, and better conditions. san francisco police making sure that when they march onto those streets, they had an escort and all was safe. who was at this rally? well, politicians for two of them were candidates. the president of the board of supervisors, aaron peskin. and also asha safai, a candidate for mayor, a member of the board, as well, local two president was in the crowd. lizzie tapia i talked to her. she was there with her
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two daughters. they were walking along. she, of course, is concerned about that new contract. and she wants some family matters to be included in the details of that contract. met a guy named jesse johnson. he came all the way down from rodeo. he's in union two. he's in the food and beverage section, not the hotel section. but he came down from rodeo just to show his support. just want to give you an idea of who was marching out here. a lot of union shirts, a lot of union signs, and it was all union today. there wasn't any talk about pro-palestine, as sergio was talking about a little bit ago. at this rally, it was union and only union on the agenda. back to you. all right. terry mcsweeney there at union square, a few blocks away at city hall. we will bring in nbc's sergio quintana, who continues our coverage of these bay area protests. reporter. well, this may day, also known as international workers day, here in san francisco, there are several groups that are part of this gathering outside of san francisco city hall. lots of labor groups advocating for
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their own individual issues collectively. but if you take a look out, you'll see that there are a whole lot of palestinian flags. that's basically become the overriding issue. there are a lot of these groups that are pledging their solidarity for the palestinian people in gaza in particular, as the conflict there continues, i can tell you that there is also some precautions for security here. if you go over to the front of city hall, they have a barrier that's set up, and there are some deputies that set up out front. that's in part because some of the prior protests, especially recently, have have become issues, especially as people have tried to take over freeways. as the march was heading from the mission district here to san francisco, there were several chp officers that were positioned right at one of the freeway entrances to make sure that no one went onto the freeway. but overall, so far , this demonstration has been extremely peaceful. there are about a couple hundred people that are part of this group, which again, i mentioned started in the mission district and then
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has come here to san francisco city hall in san francisco. i'm sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. sergio, thank you. so really, from here to the white house, there's a lot of pressure on president biden for a ceasefire between israel and hamas. and just into our newsroom, we've learned the president is coming to the bay area. president biden will be on the peninsula next week, a fundraiser in portola valley next friday, may 10th. tickets range from $6600 to $100,000. this will be at the home of billionaire venture capitalist vinod khosla. no word yet on when president biden will arrive or whether he'll have any public events this will be at least the fourth bay area fundraising trip for mr. biden since taking office. let's move on now. after weeks of counting and controversy, the recount is officially over. we finally know who will challenge sam liccardo in the november runoff to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. this is for the u.s. house of representatives. evan
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low gained one more vote today as san mateo county issued its final tally. this is district 16, which covers san mateo and santa clara counties, combining the two counties. evan low wins the race for second place over joe simitian by five votes, five in all, 182,000 ballots were recounted. the process took two and a half weeks. the final part of it took place today in san mateo county, where voting officials decided that seven of the 16 challenged ballots met the conditions to be counted. this means joe simitian finished third and is eliminated from the race. evan low says he's excited to move on to the general election, and sees this as a reminder that every single vote counts. well, i'm excited about the opportunity to continue the legacy of congresswoman anna eshoo. when you look at the results of the primary election, only about 38% of voters actually cast a ballot, whereas we expect in a presidential general election, close to 80. and this is an opportunity to
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build the type of support from a wide variety of different voters, including that of younger voters. it could be a showdown come november. now late today, joe simitian issued this statement saying in part, the good news is the 16th congressional districts long, painful exercise counting the votes is over. the not so good news we have come up short. i lost and i concede. i trust the process and i accept the results . sam liccardo sending us a statement saying in part, despite the efforts of some to stop this recount, we should all celebrate that democracy prevailed previously. uncounted votes were counted. we can now refocus on our work ahead. well, tonight, a story from our investigative unit looking into a severe gender gap within the san jose fire department. the department has so few women, a civil grand jury issued a scathing report on the disparity . back in 2022, women who used to work for san jose fire tell us they endured a sexist, fraternity like atmosphere that
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discourages women from wanting to work there. they point to a recent scandal where a fire truck dropped off a dancer at the pink poodle strip club as an example. now, san jose fire has 24 women in all, accounting for less than 4% of its force. that's down considerably from just a decade ago. in comparison, san francisco fire department has 15% women. the two former san jose firefighters say they faced a pervasive stigma that women can't do the job. the chief recognizes that pink poodle scandal is not helping his female recruitment efforts. do you think that events like that could be discouraging to women who are thinking about joining the department? certainly public image and perception of the organization is critical to our recruitment process. it's critical to the confidence that our community has in our organization. joining us now is our investigative reporter, hilda gutierrez, who is leading the charge on this story. why did you start looking into this
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issue? did those firefighters reach out to you or what got how did it get on your radar? well, first it was the grand jury report that highlighted the low number of female firefighters. and then we spoke to two female firefighters who were former employees of the san jose fire department, who had very negative experiences. and they told us that the recent scandals and the few the low number of women are really a reflection of a deeper and wider frat house culture within the department. so we said about 4% of the department is women. we compare that to san francisco, where 15% of the department is women, and any other comparisons here? these are the two biggest cities in the bay area. yeah. overall, when we when we look across the nation, the numbers are pretty low when it comes to female representation, there are about 5. but when we see that san francisco is a 15% is the largest in the country. when we compare it to the san jose police department, the police department has 13% women. so there's definitely an issue there. so this came out to light, at least from our point of view in 2020. that grand jury report is anything changed from
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in the last four years here? they got the report. it was scathing. and then what i can say that they have improved their numbers. they were at 16 at that time. and now they're at 24 female firefighters. so the number has gone up. the chief also told us they've made some changes, like adding dividers when it comes to shared sleeping areas. and they're making also changes when it comes to the gear. so it could be more fitting to women. they're investing in recruiting and boot camps for female firefighters. but the woman we spoke to say it's not enough. we'll hear from those women tonight at 11:00. i presume you will hear their stories. okay, hilda, we'll see you at 11. thank you. up next here at seven, a san jose business owner. his business broken into more than seven times in the past year. the tough decision he's had to make in order to keep paying his employees. and a new plan in the south bay to keep to help victims of sex trafficking. why they're targeting airport bathrooms. to get the word out. you're watching nbc bay area news ton
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in westwood, what you're seeing at parts of campus here, if you can see those busses down below those busses transport all the police officers to come to the ucla campus. as we mentioned about 15 minutes ago, ucla protesters remain on campus, but about 30 minutes ago, the police officers told all the protesters
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and the people they're camped out on campus to clear the area. now, we don't know if they'll start making arrests, but they did say to clear the area and you can see that heavy police presence there of squad cars and officers from various agencies in l.a. and now you're looking at that heavy presence of protesters that have been camped out on campus for several nights now. this is all in an effort for uc and even all campuses and colleges to divest from their relationship in israel, and a cease fire in the israel-hamas war in gaza. again protesters are still there. we would imagine that police officers will start moving in because they did say they wanted this area cleared. we'll continue to follow the story throughout the evening. let's move on now. a san jose business owner says he's something's got to give here. he's seen 20 break ins at his shop in the last four years, 20 break ins. the owner of t villa in downtown san jose says the repeated crime has him
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struggling to stay in business. of course, burglars have taken everything from ipads to security cameras, but it's the repeated busted windows that are hitting him the hardest, he says. san jose police did make one arrest, but he hasn't received any restitution. and he says the burglaries continue with seven in the past year alone. joining us now is the owner of t villa lam lam. nice to have you on the program. we're disappointed to hear this news. so many break ins. what's what's it? why your store and are the other stores near you? your neighbors have also been broken into. yes that's correct, so at my building, the other stores are pretty much closed. during the last four years, we had the, the my neighbor closed in 2021. the other two stores, also closed within the last two years. mine is the only one left in this building. how many times have they smashed your windows? we see. we see the wooden the
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wooden slates up there. how many times have they come in and smashed it? right, so the four wooden windows that you saw are, represented four different break ins that i had in the last year alone. wow. and, throughout 2000, since 2020, more than 20, there's so many that i couldn't even count all of them. so when you tell sapd this, what's their response? i mean, they've got to be able to help you. so each incident was isolated. so, when the police came, we just made a report. we said this is a break in and they took a report, we i did mention that happened. happened before. and, so far, there's only been an arrest for the last four years. lam how? lam just a ballpark figure here. how much does it cost to replace those windows? we see you in the video here. each one bottle up. i got a quote for roughly about $870 each. one including parts and labor. and what are you going to do? what are you going to keep replacing the windows,
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or are you just going to keep it with those wooden slats there for right now, i don't have enough funds to replace the windows, the store, it's not, as you can tell, the look doesn't look good. so right now i have to choose between paying my employees or replacing the windows, right now, i chose the lab. i chose the former. so right now i'm just keeping up, the wooden windows like that, but, keep my employees. wow that's incredible. hey, hey, lam. why stay there? why not just move to another part of town? why stay in this location where you've been burglarized more than 20 times? i i would say downtown is a prime location for a boba shop or a motel. we have a lot of people here in apartments also working. so primarily just serve the area, serve the community. and especially san jose state students. but as you can tell right now, it's getting hard. and i'm contemplating on moving, well, we wish you the best, and we appreciate your time tonight.
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lamha with t villa in downtown san jose. hopefully people will, will go and hit you up for some for some business. thanks for your time tonight. appreciate it. thank you, let's move on now. san jose city council member has a new plan to make it easier for victims of sex trafficking. to get the help they need to escape. we're talking about these fliers here. you can find some of them inside bathrooms at san jose international airport. the posters have numbers that victims can call for help, and witnesses can call to report any incidents. council member brian dion wants to expand this and put similar signs in every bathroom in the city. he first shared his idea with san jose spotlight. our janelle wang spoke with a reporter at the spotlight who covered the story. that hopefully people who are victims will see this phone number with the signs to be put up across the city in bathrooms citywide and use it and get out of the situation. they're in and get some help. other council members told gabbert that they
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like the idea, but the city is facing a $52 million budget deficit, meaning the council will have to make some tough choices about which proposals to fund. well, let's take you outside on this beautiful wednesday evening a live look at the bay bridge. jeff is going to join us next. talk about the sunshine and the rain it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll.
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love it. the unmistakable sounds and smells of the most famous residents of pier 39. there's more than a thousand of them right there. a population boom of the sea lions, the most we've seen in about seven years, say the experts. they're drawing in tons of visitors and a bunch of locals, too. we love seeing this. some say the smell is a bit overwhelming. those are the rookies out there. the harbor master says the sea lion invasion is the result of the mammals chasing a huge school of anchovy coming in from the fairlawn islands. they are lounging in the sun. look at that. oh, they are, they are thanking you right now. the that weather guy is awesome at nbc. i'll take that. and you know, the tourists in town, right now, i mean, they're enjoying it. look at san francisco. fog free. yeah, it's a hot spot out there to check out those sea lions. we got some beautiful conditions across the golden gate bridge. let me show you more of what's coming our way as we head through tomorrow. and of course, those updated rain chances.
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we'll start it off with temperatures here in the 50s under mostly sunny skies. so by all accounts, a pretty easy going morning for us tomorrow through the afternoon. we're in for one more day of these warm temperatures up into the 70s and low 80s inland. really some perfect california weather. 81 here in napa, 81 in concord, 80 in livermore. upper 70s for the south bay still remains cool near the coastline. 50s to 60s from half moon bay over to san francisco. also a little bit breezy at the coastline. 15 to 25. soak up that sunshine right now, because everything changes by this weekend as this storm system drops down. not only rain chances saturday, but much colder 50s and 60s. a little bit of wind 15 to 30 sierra snow 7 to 18in. snow levels as low as 4000ft. early timeline on this has it coming in by 4 or 5 and 6:00 in the morning on saturday, over to the east bay and peninsula by about 8:00, down to the south bay by the late morning at 11 a.m. again that is saturday. should clear out of here by sunday. overall totals a
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quarter to a half inch as that gets here for the first part of your weekend. by sunday we're at 68. looks dry as we hold through next week. but yeah, look at that change from 80 tomorrow. 59 saturday. wow, that's a big drop. thank you jeff. as we wrap up mario lopez just getting started with access hollywood. all right. on tonight's access, melissa mccarthy comes forward with an answer to her friend barbra streisand's question, asking whether melissa is using ozempic a question that had social media freaking out a little bit. but i think you're going to like how melissa handled it at all. then check out this stunt at ryan gosling's the fall guy premiere. pretty cool kickoff to his film, where he also gives props to costar emily blunt or as he calls her, stunt, he blunt. we're going to show you how she feels about that little nickname. add to that, we're hitting a food truck with benny blanco, who happens to be dating one of the most popular stars in the world, selena gomez. and as it turns out, having a nice lunch gets benny to really open up about
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their love story. it's all just moments away on access hollywood. back to you, mario. thank you. and then coming up on prime time here on nbc, it's chicago night, chicago med at eight, chicago fire at nine, and chicago pd at 10:00. and then on our 11:00 news, we're going to continue following the latest developments on the ucla campus. the brawl broke out last night. and tonight police are waiting to move in. they are on campus as we speak, perhaps to break up this encampment that's going to do it for us here at seven. thanks for joining us. we hope to see you back at 11:00.
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♪ tonight on "access hollywood." >> barbra streisand knows i exist? and she thought i looked good. >> melissa mccarthy has an answer to the ozempic question. what is this garbage? >> this is the craziest. >> how crazy was ryan gosling's "fall


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