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tv   Early Today  NBC  May 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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lapd ordering crowds to disperse at ucla. the protesters defiantly staying put overnight, as officials call for an investigation into earlier violence between the encampment and counter protesters. we have a live report from los angeles. in wisconsin, a student shot dead outside a middle school after reports of a person with a gun. what police are saying today about the incident.
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new concerns at the southern boerd after nbc learns a suspected isis member entered the u.s. and liverd lived freel nearly two years. a graduation six decades in the making. a 100-year-old vietnam vet finally gets his college diploma. it's thursday, may 2nd. "early today" starts right now. sgla glad you are up early with me. i'm frances river eaa. activists are trying to get universities to divest from israe israel. a tent city currently, lapd
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anti-riot forces are deployed on campus in an explosive situation that we are following closely this morning. let's turn to nbc's gadi schwartz live in los angeles with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, frances. actually, right now we're hearing screams of "do not en engage". it looks like there's some kind of altercation between counter protesters and people that are here in support of the sol darts encampment that's just down the way. this is one of the first skirmishes that we've seen. we've seen a few counter protesters kind of checking the perimeter around here. we're going to work our way down their this way to get a sense of what's going on. so far for the most part, tonight has been peaceful. last night was a very different story. last night we saw protesters here attacked by some counter protesters that came through. i'm going to walk over here and see what we can see.
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and that happened right around midnight. so around midnight, this encampment was attacked by a group of protesters that came or counter protesters that came on the scene, and weigh knew see some sort of, some sort of fight that's happening over in that area. this area right here, their is one of several areas where protesters have set up. the encampment proper is over on the other side of the quad there. this, what you're seeing right now, th this is about a thousan students that have been here throughout the evening. there's been a standoff. students gathering here. well over a thousand. and we've seen officers come through here. and each time they come through, they are, are met with chants of "shame". in fact, over there we saw
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bottles being thrown at the chp officers that came through. at this point, this entire area seems to be surrounded by different officers from chp as well as lapd and the sheriff's department here. we haven't seen them move in to disassemble or take down the encampment, which is what a lot of people are expecting, and we're still monitoring the situation. >> we continue to watch as appears that from the crowds, law enforcement are growing and hopefully the tensions will not overnight. appreciate the update, thanks, gadi. now to president biden who is heading to north carolina today to meet with families of officers killed in the line of duty. four officers were killed in charlotte while attempting to serve a warrant. another four officers were injured but are expected to recover. police say the suspect, terry hughes, was killed in the
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shootout. heart-pounding moments in wisconsin where police averted a potential shooting at a middle school. mara baretz is there with the latest. >> reporter: a middle school student is dead after police responded to reports of an active shooter outside at a wisconsin school. >> the deadly force was used in this incident, and the subject is deceased. >> reporter: police responding to 911 calls around 11:00 a.m. the suspect was unable to breach the entryway of the school, preventing the gunman access to the students. >> she finally answered, and she's obviously bawling her eyes out. >> getting that call and not knowing, you know, are they going to make it? is this going to be our last phone call? >> reporter: police releasing little information but confirmed there were no reports of injuries or deaths outside of the suspect. >> officers are okay. >> rifle recovered with the
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suspect. >> reporter: the incident unfolding during gym class and recess. rollerblades left behind. >> i made it a point when i dropped the kids off for school to say "i love you". because theiris is a possibilitt could happen. >> reporter: they were so grateful for their first responders. this small community of 8,000 people are shaken but relieved. as students throughout the district are slowly being reunited with their families. back to you. >> mara, thank you. later this afternoon, arizona governor katie hobbs is set to sign into law a repeal of the state's civil war-era law that banned almost all abortions. protesters clashed outsides state capital as the senate voted largely along party lines. the two republicans did join the democrats, voting for the repeal. it could be several months before the repeal goes into
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effect, thanks to legislative procedures and maneuvers that arizona republicans could use to delay it. once in effect, they will return to a 2022 law that bans abortions after 22 weeks with no exceptions. now the united methodist church will allow lgbt members to be ordained as clergy. it was a decisive decision, with a 692-51 vote, in favor of lifting the ban in the lgbtq clergy. that change officially goes into effect at the end of the conference tomorrow. turning to the continued onsau onslaught of severe weather that left millions at risk overnight. more than a dozen tornados reported in just the last 24 hours. here's maggie vespa for more on
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how residents are dealing with the deadly storms. >> reporter: seven straight days of reported tornados des mating america's heart land. >> oh, my god, it's blowing peemg' people's houses away! >> reporter: twisters tearing across kansas and hail hammering missouri, leaving a patchwork trail of destruction that continues to grow. robin knoblauch's house survived but her niece's was demolished. >> it was very loud. i fully expected our house to be gone the way it sounded. >> reporter: 13 tornados were reported across oklahoma and kansas. authorities in westmoreland confirming one person was killed, nearly two dozen homes destroyed. >> i was born here. >> yep. >> i was raised here. my kids were raised here. >> reporter: it's the latest community caught in a broad sweep of violent weather, with more than 180 tornados reported
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since thursday, at least six people killed, including a 4 month old girl. she was inside her home with her family when the tornado threw their home 200 yards. their family says they are heart broken. and millions more americans are under severe threats, battering an america that is battered and exhausted. >> we've been working hard all day to try to gather what's salvageable. >> reporter: maggie vespa, westmoreland kansas. >> there is still a lingering threat of severe storms this morning. angie lassman is watching it all. >> the good news is, it's a much smaller area. the chance support severe weather, but we're starting off with an active morning across parts of the plains, northern plains into central plains and southern plains seeing thunderstorm activity at this time. this is what we're going to be watching as the afternoon gets under way, especially with the
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heat and humid ity of this situation that we'll see developing here later today. we'll see also potentially heavy rainfall. the flooding will be a concern not just today but into tomorrow as more of these rounds of thunderstorms get going across that same region. here's the severe threat today. much smaller area, parts of texas stretching barely into oklahoma. but we have abilene and witch tau falls include netherlands that with large hails, and an isolated tornado is possible here. that's going to go through midnight tonight. ft. worth include netherlands thatincluded in that with smaller hail. with the flash flooding concern, it's going to be there at least through the day today and likely into tomorrow. we'll see some of these rivers that we've seen swollen be at major flood stage across texas. as we continue to see the chance to er 70s, along
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with little rock. plenty of sunshine on tap for tucson today. that's a look at your forecast, frances, back to you. "early today" is back in a minute with a five-alarm fire that engulfed a new york city block. and terror at the border. how a suspected member of isis crossed into the country illegally and lived here undetected for months. re undetected for months. the thi, but... green... means... go! ♪♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems.
4:42 am
it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign (s that your digestive system) isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. the new york fire department is investigating what sparked an inferno at a supermarket in brooklyn. the flames broke out last night and quickly spread to four surrounding buildings. it tookcrews hours to get the five-alarm fire under control. it left at least two dozen
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people without a home. a shocking update on terror concerns at the border. the u.s. border. nbc news has learned a suspected isis member not only crossed into the u.s. illegally but was also living here for quite some time before anyone realized it. here's julia ainsley. >> reporter: among the record wave of migrants crossing the southern border, a suspected isis member who lived frieely i the u.s. for nearly two years two officials tell nbc news. he crossed into arizona in february 2022, where he was apprehended and vetted by customs and border protection and i.c.e. he was not on the u.s. terror watch list and was released into the u.s. sources tell us. then, in may 2023, uzbekistan put out an alert saying he was affiliated with isis and wanted there. but it took nearly a year for u.s. officials to figure out the suspected isis member was living freely here in the u.s. dhs made the alarming discovery
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after reviewing his application for asylum. shortly after dhs connected the dots, i.c.e. arrested him here in baltimore two weeks ago. former homeland security officials tell us his case raises flags about the vetting process. should alarm bells be going off here? >> we are in the midst of a really volatile threat environment. any time i see a gap in a system like we are seeing in this case i do have concerns. any time you have just a massive volume of people, like we do, our systems are overwhelmed. we need new resources at the southern border to properly protect the homeland. >> reporter: and it follows our exclusive report last month that a migrant u.s. officials say was affiliated with an afghan terror group crossed the border and released into the u.s. because agents lacked information to connect him to the terror watch list. that man was arrested hours after our report aired. the fbi director recently alerted congress the agency is investigating whether isis has a
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hand in smuggling migrants across the southern border. >> there is a particular network that has, where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have isis ties that we're very concerned about. >> reporter: two u.s. officials tell nbc news, they have not yet confirmed if he was part of isis but are questioning him in detention. he remains in u.s. custody, and there is no threat to public safety. >> our thanks to julia for that report. still to come. you can live like an adventurer or f 1 driver for one night only. find out how airbnb is bringing these experiences to life right after this. riences to life righ after this. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments.
4:46 am
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4:47 am
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perfect. love it. >> really? >> yeah, amazing. >> i'm really feeling the dua spirit. ♪ if you want to come with me to a pizzaria, i can give you a
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slice ♪ >> that's close. you can nail it, kid. >> >> what? >> i'm going to work on my sketches, so i thought you could do my performance for me. >> it is dua lipa preparing for her snl hosting debut. the multi-talented singer is filling double duty in studio 8h. her album drops tomorrow. i love chloe, she's the best impersonation. but talk about dua lipa. she was in barbie. let's see what she can pull off with a double host. >> she's funny. she has good comedic timing. i think this is a good fit. her musical taste as well. it's going to be great for anyone going or coming. >> now to airbnb bringing some of the most iconic spots in pop culture to life. they are rolling out new
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listings called icon. most notably, stays in custom locations. the first listings include accommodations at carl's house in disney and a trip to the x-men mansion in westchester. it will feature one of a kind encounters like a night of standup and drinks with kevin larts hart. they are promising new drops after this summer's initial lineup. all that sounds amazing. but how much do these cost. >> we failed to mention that. >> this is the ferrari museum in italy. that was a prince house, the purple rain house. so for people who are a big fan, they are going to pay, right? they're not going to look at the price. the fda just released new findings for ongoing testing for bird flu in dairy. and calling all mets fans.
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a position on the team is open for one iconic mascot. s open for one iconic mascot. honest! truly my rock. she's hilarious. —cheeky. —cheeky? yeah, you think you're funny. i am funny. she really truly makes me feel loved. i love that they're true romantics, in spite of it all. (giggles) the most authentic and real person in the world. thanks, dyl. yeah! i am who i am because she is who she is. diamonds for all mothers. pandora. lab-grown diamonds. when you see what it's really like when our skin touches wool... you see why we need downy free and gentle with no perfumes or dyes. it not only makes your clothes softer, it is gentle on your skin. it breathes life into your laundry. wanna know a secret? with new secret outlast, you can almost miss the bus... but smell like you didn't. secret fights 99% of odor-causing bacteria. smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it's a crime to smell that good.
4:52 am
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4:53 am
bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. finish ultimate. engineered for the toughest conditions. dry burnt-on stains. old dishwashers. very hard water. finish ultimate, with cyclesync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. (♪♪) try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
4:54 am
here's what's making headlines this morning. ongoing testing of pasturized retail dairy products by the fda has found no signs of the bird flu virus. the agency's acting director said the additional preliminary results further aaffirmr aaffir state of the u.s. milk supply. certain pickup models from years 2022 through 2024 are impacted by a ford recall. frequent feelings of anger may increase the risk of heart disease. being angry impairs blood vessels' ability to open. which over time can damage them. the mets are looking for the
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mr. baseball. they are searching for a high-energy individual to wear the massive baseball-shaped head and serve as the mascot. ♪ everybody's coming down ♪ ♪ to meet the m-e-t-s mets ♪ m-♪ ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. pain means pause on the things you love,
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but... green... means... go! ♪♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. it is an honor nearly 60 years in the making. jack milton finally got his college diploma after missing his graduation ceremony while serving in vietnam. from our washington, d.c. station, we have the story. >> reporter: jack milton lived an extraordinary life. a decorated pilot with a 31-year military career. he served in world war ii, korea
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and vietnam. but there was one thing that's always eluded him. he never got to down tn the cap gown and get his diploma since he was in vietnam. something that the university of maryland had to fix for one of its most distinguished alums. 55 years later the school made it up for milton, giving him the ceremony he's always wanted. >> i thought about it many times, that i was unable to attend my ceremony after all that hard work. and this more than makes up for it. >> reporter: an act of service for a selfless service member. he initially thought the school was hosting a luncheon to mark his 100th birthday, a milestone he reached in august. the surprise was the icing on the cake. >> i feel like this is the finale of a long journey in education. and, again, i keep using the word appreciative, but i can't think of any other word.
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>> reporter: what made it even more special is that milton was surrounded by those who matter most. nav she has been a caretaker for the family. >> he has been there for me. he's been there in every way. i mean every way. he's a father to me. >> reporter: a priceless moment definit definitely worth the wait. >> i've had many ceremonies throughout my life, fortunately, to celebrate many occasions. >> congrats to him. here's a question for you. could you do 35,000 setups in 35 hours? that's what one kentucky man is doing to honor the sacrifices of those who fought in vietnam. other veterans vojoined his
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challenge. he emigrated from vietnam 45 years ago. dinh has done challenges like this in the past and says this will not be his last. next year he plans to do over 58,000 situps in one go, one for each name on the vietnam memorial wall in
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breaking right now at five. chaos and clashes. protesters and police facing off on campus at ucla. now the classes canceled as violence and arrests start to mount this morning. and pro-palestinian protests continue at campuses all across the country. and now lawmakers are trying to get involved. a live report from


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