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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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warranty gripe, do not do battle alone. you can call this number here (800) 927-4357. that's the california department of insurance. it regulates home warranty companies and investigates consumer complaints. you know who else takes complaints? we do scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. thanks, chris. and a quick reminder for you. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we are streaming 24/7 on roku and all other platforms. you can also watch our live newscasts, breaking news updates, and more local content. and now you can hear the escalation breaking right now at six. a face off at ucla as protesters and police clash on campus after officers a short time entered a controversial encampment. we're going to take you live to l.a.
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for an update on this tense situation. as the arrests continue to mount. this is today in the bay thanks so much for joining us on this thursday morning. i'm kris sanchez and i'm marcus washington. certainly a busy thursday morning for you. we're going to get to that breaking news in just a moment. but first we want to get a look at what's happening with that weather here in the bay area and kerry. it has really been a nice one for us. it has. it's been a great week and we've enjoyed sunshine and cool mornings, but warm afternoons it's also been windy and we're already seeing some of those breezes picking up in san rafael as well as san francisco. elsewhere, a calm wind with temperatures in the low 50s. a live look outside in oakland as you get ready to get this thursday started. we're in the low 60s, and then we'll see temperatures in the low 70s for the afternoon. eventually we'll make it up to 75 degrees there. 75 in hayward, san jose will reach a high of 78. in the same in los gatos, mountain view, 75
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and mid to upper 70s in the north bay. but we'll talk about some weekend rain that may have you changing some plans. that's coming up in a few minutes. but mike says the build now is gradual. yeah, it's gradually building up as expected, but nothing dramatic. just in the last actually. 30s we've seen what looks like all lanes filling in about halfway to the back of the parking lot. that's what we refer to here. overcrossing still moves smoothly, but this will fill in over the next 5 to 10, and then you'll see that typical backup at the bay bridge. typical slowing for richmond. and now at the richmond bridge, a little slowing near the toll plaza, indicating more traffic coming out of contra costa county, heading over toward the north bay. there may be something going on for highway 13. i'll check the chp report for the warren freeway. no major slowing, but the build here for the nimitz, as well as in the south bay. back to you. all right. thank you very much, mike. we continue to follow breaking news out of la, where much of the ucla encampment protest has been cleared out by the chp. let's take a live look at the tense situation which started unfolding around three this morning. the sun. they're starting to come up and you see
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that the protesters are now gone. the remaining protesters who have not been arrested are now gathering outside the ucla library. a law enforcement has been removing barricades and tents and gazebos since 3:00 this morning. officers at some point were throwing flash bangs, triggering dozens of explosive sounds to try to disperse the people. in some cases, they also scuffled with some protesters who defied the warning to leave or face arrest. our affiliate, knbc nbcla, has several reporters on the ground at ucla tracking those new developments. this is just an example of some of the people being detained. they walk them this way, they get all of their belongings, they search them, they put their belongings into a clear bag. from what we've seen, we've seen dozens of arrests. we've easily lost count of just how many people have been arrested. and i was told by a chp officer,
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again, they are being detained for failure to obey lawful order to disperse. you can see all of them with their wrists zip tied. now again, this is down at ucla. we're muting some of the sound, bringing it down because they are they were shouting profanities earlier this morning so we'll apologize for that. also there were busses waiting to haul away the demonstrators as the encampment was dismantled. the encampment was declared unlawful last night. now closer to home, we are learning more about a fight that happened last night at uc berkeley, an opposing group attempted to take a flag belonging to another, resulting in injuries to at least two people. we don't know or have any video of that incident. meantime, the university is not commenting on whether or not the discussion took place between encampment organizers and university leaders. now, here is a live look over at stanford university this morning. that university threatening protesters that they could be suspended. this demonstration
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and the ones at uc berkeley and san francisco state have not resulted in any arrests. but the tensions are continuing to boil over amid campus unrest. this is where protesters are pledging to keep up their fight. congress now getting involved today in the bay's bree jackson joining us live this morning from washington. so, bree, what kind of actions are we talking about here from lawmakers? good morning marcus. so the house passed a bill, a bipartisan effort. the house passed a bill to expand the definition of anti-semitism for the department of education to enforce. but some lawmakers did raise concerns that it could threaten free speech on campus because of the broad definition. the measure now heads to the senate, where its fate remains uncertain. now, as nationwide protests continue, colleges and universities grapple with how to handle growing tensions over the war in gaza. this morning, los
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angeles police moved in on an encampment on the ucla campus, this after demonstrators refused to leave despite warnings from police and school officials. in washington. house republicans got a first hand look at an encampment at george washington university wednesday. we're seeing these protests spring up all across the united states. we're hearing from jewish students that they don't feel safe across the country. there are concerns about outside agitators interfering with peaceful demonstrations. i noticed some of them were students. their faces did look familiar, and there were certainly people there who were not students. they almost seem like professional burglars, which made it even more scary because they don't have anything to lose. the biden administration says it supports lawful protest and condemns hateful speech. we are also going to call out any type of anti-semitism that we are hearing, that we are seeing the
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hate pro-palestinian protesters are standing firm. we plan to be here until our demands are met, no matter what domestic and foreign policy challenges taking center stage on campuses and on capitol hill. and republicans are also seeking to launch investigations into anti-semitism on college campuses. marcus. all right. and thanks. staying calm here in the bay area. of course. bree jackson, thank you for that update. it is 607 and switching gears just a little bit today, maybe a little more stress than usual for parents with kids on their way to college. because today is the deadline to apply for with the fafsa application to get state financial aid today in the bay's bob redell is live outside one east bay high school. bob, this is california's edition of the fafsa application. there's been so much trouble and stress for a lot of senior families like ours . yeah. good morning. i hear
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you, chris. i've been through that before. well, if you're a senior at a high school like the one behind me here in dublin, or you're somebody, you know who's getting ready to go to college or you're already in college, you might qualify for state aid like the cal grant or middle class scholarship will apply. california used the fafsa. that's the free application for student aid application. and if you're hoping for that state, help. today is the last day to hit send on that application. however, as you mentioned, the rollout of the new fafsa application was a debacle. what was supposed to be a simplification of the application process held up the students financial information at colleges and universities. they need to decide who should get financial aid and how much. in fact, some colleges and universities just started getting students financial information. now, months after they usually do. that means a lot of students for whom financial aid can make or break their college dreams are in limbo. meanwhile acceptance letters have gone out and the
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deadlines to accept are looming. we talked to cal state east bay's associate vp for financial aid, who says do not commit until you know what you can afford. if you have not received your financial aid package yet and you are coming to the deadline to decide, what i would suggest that you do is contact your your admissions office to the colleges that you're applying to ask for additional days until you can get all of the necessary information that you need to make the decision. some schools already extended their deadlines because of the fafsa trouble. students now have until may 15th to declare their intention to register at san jose state, ucsf, and uc berkeley. june first is the deadline for san francisco state and cal state east bay. now, while today is the deadline to submit the fafsa application for state help, you or your students still have until june 30th to submit the application for federal aid reporting live here
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in dublin. bob redell today in the bay. i mean, they say that this is eventually going to make the whole process a little bit easier. bob, i know you know that it's complicated, but it has been a very difficult rollout, so we'll hope for better things next year. thank you bob. well, animal control teams are finding a south bay homeowner for possessing too many chickens. oh, yeah, you heard me right. police yesterday confirming officers helped execute a warrant. this is at a home on vine and floyd streets in san jose. and while following up on a neighbor's complaint in the backyard. get this. they found some 75 chickens, hens and roosters. now the city only allows up to six chickens without a permit. roosters are illegal. the homeowner now has one week to remove the birds from the property. chris i mean i am glad roosters are illegal because they make a lot of noise. we had a neighbor with a rooster. i was like, yeah, they don't just crow at morning time. illegal. all right. the return
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of warmer temperatures has the east bay park rangers reminding all of us that when we're out and about hiking, we got to watch out for rattlesnakes. east bay regional parks this week issued its annual advisory, saying they're seeing more snakes in general on the hiking trails. the problem is some of them are venomous. hikers are encouraged to take precautions, including keeping eyes on the ground and avoiding tall grass and being aware around logs and rocks before you decide to sit down and tie your shoe, keep your dog on a leash to. all right. 611 for you this morning. speaking of dogs, you can do a dog walk this morning. oh, look at this. a beautiful shot of the bay bridge. and look at that beautiful water there. meteorologist kari hall has a look what we can expect. carrie just looking at that, it makes me want to take a swim. now, i know you're going to tell me it is too cold, but i still want to take a swim. cold how about a hike, marcus? i rather do the swim, but. okay. he just wants to float. all right. we are
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going to have some great weather for going hiking throughout the east bay today. starting out with temperatures in the mid 50s. and it's going to warm up again. so i definitely like the cooler temperatures when i'm out hiking. so get that done before noon. before we make it into the upper 70s today we'll see a high of 78 in san jose and morgan hill, 75 in mountain view, and some upper 60s in san mateo, napa today, 78 degrees in 80, in concord. tomorrow also just as warm. but then on saturday, really looking at highs, struggling to make it into the low 60s, it's going to be much cooler and we'll have some off and on rain. so we'll talk more about the timeline and how much rain we're expecting here. but mike has a look at what we can find. some lower gas prices i do, but even as the traffic guy marcus come on, man, the bay water, it's not warm. all right? i know, i know that much. all right, i know this, too. we have private. we have a we have private citizens reporting here through so we can all share that in livermore.
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we're going to head out there to old first street for the enticing 465 cash price at fox. see, gasoline, then south bay san jose's got 479 at a few spots. we'll highlight that low price gas and shop on mckee in the middle here and moving to the north bay. it's 489 in larkspur at marin gas on magnolia avenue. again we can all share those prices on we're sharing the roadways just fine so far. pretty typical pattern here. predictable pattern for the slowing. we see the bay bridge slow down. there was the incident we saw pop up on highway 13 northbound. your commute direction on the warren freeway, just about park boulevard is where the crash is moving to the shoulder without any slowing. it's a lighter drive right now through that portion of oakland and piedmont. we're looking at the build up for the westbound directions, especially the bay bridge toll plaza, now, filling in all lanes and slow off the 880 overcrossing back to you. hi. thank you. mike. 613 for you this morning. you know what scientists they are showing off a 75,000 year old discovery. and she looks pretty good. so coming
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up, we're going to tell you the new clues she's providing about similarities to our distant ancestors. and they say a diamond is a girl's best friend. but what kind of diamond? let's go out to the futures this morning, see what's in store for wall street. looks like a positive day. plus projects like this are expensive, protecting forests from wildfires. coming up at 625. we're going to hear from one company convincing wall street to invest in the woods. what does that mean
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report roughly this time tomorrow, amazon said it made $143 billion in revenue in three months, powered especially by its cloud computing. so that's a billion and a half per day or 60 some dollars billion in revenue every hour. tesla stock down for a second straight day after that company laid off most of the people working on its supercharger network and now we're hearing from college kids who say their internships have been canceled. this young man from ohio says he got two messages from tesla in a day. one had his airplane tickets to come to work, and then a few hours later, a notification the internship offer was gone. gone. we have reached out to tesla for comment about their internship program. some of the google employees who were fired after holding a sit in over the war in palestine, have filed a formal
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complaint with the national labor board. they say their protest was peaceful and non-disruptive, and indeed, some of the fired employees say they didn't even take part in the actual sit in. google says it went over video and other records carefully to identify the employees, who it says acted in a threatening and disruptive manner. the national labor relations board. it's kind of old fashioned. you can't obtain a cannot obtain a copy of the complaint online. but we have asked they mail us one under the freedom of information act. so we'll have more detail later. the federal open market committee did as expected, left interest rates alone at the conclusion of their two day meeting. rates have not changed since july of last year. at one point, wall street rallied as chair jay powell indicated it's unlikely they'll raise rates further. but they're not cutting either. we've stated that we do not expect that it will be appropriate to reduce the target range for the federal funds rate until we have gained greater
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confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2. so far this year, the data have not given us that greater confidence and christian marcus i learned something this morning while reading over the financial reports for pandora jewelry. it turns out they are the largest maker of jewelry in the world. it announced a couple of years ago it would no longer use mined diamonds in its jewelry. instead, it uses lab grown, which are very much, just as much diamond as one pulled out of the ground. same carbon structure, same everything. company says sales are up about 10% at a time. that other jewelry companies are struggling, and it attributes the decision to go with lab diamonds as one of the factors a little trivia for you. one of the largest lab diamond manufacturers is headquartered in san jose. really? now they don't build them here or they make them, or i don't even grow them, i suppose. grow and a lot of them are used in industrial use. that's where the that's where the real money is. but yeah, it's kind of cool. right i
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did not know that. yeah. all right. i got you for christmas here. thank you. i mean, you asked what kind of diamond any kind, any kind. sparkling kind. just a real one. all right. thanks, scott. 619 for you right now. trending this morning. definitely not just a pretty face. nope. in fact, this is literally the face of a 75,000 year old neanderthal woman. yeah, she looks pretty good for 75,000, right? yeah. the scientists in england just unveiled it. this is after spending six years reassembling that skull somewhere along the way, it was actually smashed into about 200 pieces. it's amazing what they can do i know. right. so they reimagined her facial features to help add insight into what neanderthals actually looked like. while the overall skulls are difficult for different, i should say from humans, the faces were believed to be more similar. the new bbc film on netflix documents the discovery in iraq and the effort to bring her to life. look at that. i mean, there's just so much history there. i mean, just think 75,000 pounds. we think
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like, wow, 20 years ago, like 75,000 years ago. all right. well, so we are tracking that forecast. we is a lot of people tracking up. i mean we're trying to make some plans this weekend. yeah and it's going to be much different from the weather we've had throughout the week. so we're still on track today to see those highs in the upper 70s and low 80s, 60s near the coast with breezy winds, and tomorrow is going to be just as nice as we continue on with some mild weather. but then looking at saturday, only 60 degrees in fremont, 62 in san jose and we're going to see this storm system well off the coast, making its way into the bay area and bringing us some rain. so here's what to expect with more clouds and a chance of rain late friday into saturday, rain chances will bring us about some scattered showers in the early. estimates are at about a half inch to an inch of rainfall. the higher rainfall totals will be in the north bay and along the coastline, as well as cooler temperatures. we're only up to the upper 50s low 60s for
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saturday. it's also going to be breezy, with winds at about 15 to 20mph in the sierra, 1 to 2ft of snow all coming down on saturday. so this is a significant storm for this time of year. starting out with the rain moving in at 730 on saturday morning for the north bay, spreading across the bay area, pretty much raining off and on throughout the day and then tapering off by saturday night. and so we are going to see all of that rain coming in and a high of only about 60 degrees. but then on sunday that's our day to get back outside. it's sunny, temperatures warming up and we continue to warm through the middle of next week. while san francisco will see temperatures only in the mid 50s on saturday. but saturday a sunday is looking nicer with highs in the low 60s. mike, you got a possible traffic break now. yeah, we're looking over here toward the northbound direction of highway 13. that crash i told you about, park. i think there's a car that's maybe needing to get cleared from the
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roadway, so they might need to slow traffic to clear it. it might not be on its wheels right now. light traffic flow. no major issues. as you approach park boulevard, but watch it starting at broadway. everything else shows a pretty standard slowdown. holding steady for the last ten minutes. crash 880 southbound south of the coliseum. we don't see any slowing here. no interruptions to the traffic flow back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well, planting trees after a wildfire is a complex maneuver, and it's expensive. so the question is, who should pay for it? up next on today in the bay, we take a look at a new business encouraging wall
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let's turn to our climate in crisis. over the last decade, wildfires have burned more than 70,000 acres across the u.s. when those fires burn through forests, it does not only just pollute our air and turn our skies orange, it also creates a feedback loop which accelerates climate change. but replanting forests is a complex and expensive plan. and now there is a big push for wall street to invest in the woods. new companies like carbon streaming is making it easier for people and businesses who want to offset their carbon emissions, and buy carbon credits. those credits are used for projects like planting trees and replenishing those burned forests. the financial markets haven't really engaged with
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carbon finance in the way that they could. that capital then gets unlocked, and then we're really talking about millions or tens of millions of acres, which is the scale that we need to operate at in order to address climate change. you can learn more about carbon streaming, go to our website,, and look for this story on our climate in crisis page. thank you carrie. all right. 626 right now, so much more ahead for you at 630 this morning, including we continue to follow that breaking news out of ucla. the chp now has moved in on a campsite set up by student protesters. we're going to take you live to the scene to show you how the clash is playing out. early this morning, we'll also update what's happening on our bay area campuses. and it's oh so sf. we've got more on the push to revitalize downtown san francisco. we'll give you the
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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breaking right now at 630. college campus protests continue, but at ucla, chaos this morning, several protesters have been cleared out by police after they moved in overnight. we are there with new developments on the growing number of arrests. plus a patient becomes a suspect after stealing an ambulance in the north bay and the paramedic was stuck inside for that wild ride. the way police say they were
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eventually able to catch up with them and revitalizing the struggling streets of downtown san francisco. we'll take you live to the city with the new monthly event launching today to help local economy bounce back and welcome us back to this is today in the. bay. thanks so much for joining us on this thursday morning. i'm kris sanchez laura garcia is off and i'm marcus washington. want to give you a look at what's happening weather wise today. beautiful sunrise behind us. meteorologist kerry hall is tracking what we can expect. little hazy there in san francisco. yeah, it's going to be a hazy but sunny day. and we continue with sunshine all around the bay area. we've seen those temperatures starting out in the upper 50s, and for the city, we're only going to see a high of about 68 and breezy winds into the afternoon. but as we take a look all around the bay area, dublin will see a high of 7778 in san jose and some upper 70s for santa rosa, as well as napa and tomorrow is
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just as nice and warm. but we do have a significant cooldown coming along with some rain in our weekend forecast, so i'll show you that and some events going on as you're making weekend plans. chris and marcus. thank you kerry. back to that breaking news out of ucla. the sun is up now so we can see what's happened. the authorities now cleared out that controversial pro-palestinian encampment that's been there for days on campus. the chp is also reporting hundreds of arrests this morning. but one hard core group is continuing to resist the officers there. we have also learned that one officer suffered some sort of undetermined injury or unspecified injury. now, the chp dismantling that effort started at about 3:00 this morning. officers were using flashbangs, which we heard in the video in order to try to disperse the crowd. now reporting, lauren coronado is in our la sister station, and she's picking up the story from there. at the scene, you'll see the plywood,
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which were those walls up against the encampment went around the perimeter of the encampment. those are down. the entire thing is really gone on at this point, all of it dismantled. you can see some of the easy ups, the tents, those are destroyed now. and when we were in the encampment, when we were walking around, it was a really interesting vantage point to see what was left behind. you saw those tents. this is where people have been living about a week now, right? you see water bottles on the ground there were tents with sleeping bags, blankets, even hand warmers. those are the kind of situations that people were in. and of course, they've been calling for a ceasefire in gaza. they have been calling for the university to cut ties with israel. not sure if you can hear it right now, but there appears to be some kind of commotion happening where some of those detainments are going on right now. they continue to chant free palestine, and you might be able to see chp officers that are walking toward some of those
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busses right now. but we're standing by to see if there's any more movement on this end to see once they start loading folks onto those busses and where they may be headed. now, a closer look at home. we are learning more about a fight that happened last night at uc berkeley. so an imposing group attempted to take the flag of another, resulting in injuries of at least two people. we don't have any video of that incident. meantime, the university not commenting on whether or not that decision and discussion took place between the encampment organizers and university leaders. now, here's a live look at stanford this morning. well, the university is threatening protesters there with suspension. the demonstration, along with the one at uc berkeley and over at san francisco state, they've not resulted in any arrests. today, the competency hearing continues for a man accused of driving his family off a cliff near devil's slide. dharmesh patel is being held without bail last year.
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investigators say he deliberately plunged his tesla off a 300 foot cliff with his wife and two children in the car . amazingly, everyone survived, so now the judge is weighing whether patel should be criminally tried or diverted to a mental health program. also, an ambulance patient is now now facing a trip to jail instead of the hospital after authorities say he stole the vehicle during his emergency call with an emt still in the back. it happened last night in santa rosa, and that's where police tell us that one paramedic was treating the patient. when the patient jumped into the ambulance and took off, police had to use spike strips to stop that vehicle and arrest the suspect. the good news is the emt was not injured. well, president joe biden is heading back to the bay area once again. he's attending a fundraiser a week from tomorrow. this is may 10th in portola valley in san francisco. this is at the home of billionaire venture capitalist vinod khosla. tickets range from $6,600 to up to
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$100,000. there's no word yet on when the president will arrive, or whether he'll have any public events moving forward. on a push to revitalize downtown san francisco. so here is a beautiful look at the bay bridge and the bay. and this morning an event is going to kick off today chris. so you can get that beauty up close and personal. it's going to bring hope to struggling merchants out there in san francisco tonight. the city launching its first ever first thursday. it's i love it today in the bay ginger conejero saab is live in the city and ginger it's a little early to start the party, but hopefully by this time tomorrow we'll be talking about quite the celebration. hopefully. so, chris and marcus, good morning to you. it is a beautiful morning in san francisco and that is hopeful to continue throughout the day because tonight downtown first thursdays will kick off. organizers have been planning it for just as to only about a month at this
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point. but they are eager to revitalize that struggling downtown area. so downtown first thursdays or dft, as it will be known, is hoping to turn those things around. the goal to get thousands of people downtown, specifically on second street between market and howard, that is where several city street blocks and alleys will be closed off to a big san francisco street party. it's oh so sf, as organizers would want you to say, those throwing the event know how to have a good time. they are the event producers behind other popular city events like into the streets, summer of music and sf is a drag, but they will have their work cut out for them. san francisco's downtown has had a challenging wave of retail store closures. dozens of businesses have left the downtown area and the pandemic also shifted. those coming in to offices, challenging merchants and supporting businesses. but tonight is a step, hopefully towards changing that vibe. there will be music, some disco,
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some street vendors as small businesses, open air beer gardens. it is a block party to start the weekend early and it's really looking to revitalize the downtown area. there are high hopes for this event. it kicks off at 5:00. it will go till ten. it's on second street between market and howard. that's a nice little strip there. and i know in the last hour i said i would hopefully make an appearance. chris, i do have to ask my kids for permission first, but i'll have until april of 2025 to make it. so it's the first thursday of every month until next april. i hear they're pretty lenient. they're pretty lenient. yeah and they're like, you and dad go. depends. we might have to make some bribes. yeah, well, you know. all right. thank you. ginger, that's going to be so cool that you can do first thursdays in san francisco, do first fridays over in oakland. there we go. so, i mean, you kick off the weekend today, gary. absolutely. it's a good thing these are happening on thursday and friday. saturday is a no go. yeah. the weekend is looking very dicey in terms of our weather. things change
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significantly. so we are going to enjoy some breezy winds and cool temperatures. but at least it will be clear for this evening for downtown first thursdays. and then we go into about 8:00 hour at 57 degrees. of course, you'll be all bundled up there. and also tomorrow night we've got the a's game. it's going to be in the low 60s to start. and also mostly clear, dry evening as we are going to see those temperatures dropping to the upper 50s there. but we're looking for some things to do inside because we are going to see not only cool weather, but some off and on showers on saturday in danville. there will be the star wars day celebration. may the 4th be with you. we are going to see off and on showers once again, then and then also lingering rain into the san jose earthquakes game for saturday evening at levi's stadium, celebrating mexican heritage night and we are going to, unfortunately need those ponchos out there to watch the game. now, mike, you have one note about tonight's first thursday. yeah, san francisco,
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it will be a bfd, right? big first dance here for the dance party between market and howard. that may shift some traffic. as howard, i usually access the bay bridge when i go to the east bay from san francisco. i usually go there fourth and howard. so just to note, their mission will not fully access that stretch because of that dance party closure. just the note now eastbound. that's later tonight about 9 or 10. they're going to start to do some construction like they did last night. it says eastbound direction the lower deck. remember on the san francisco side it looks exactly like this live shot shows you. and that will be leaving the city will be down two lanes. that should be cleared well in time for the morning commute, and usually is opposite the commute direction anyway. that commute direction holding up pretty steady. not bad. a little build for the crowd out of richmond and into concord, and out in toward walnut creek and pleasant hill for south. 242 the crash here. highway 13. there may be an issue. it's southbound , not northbound, but we saw a little slowing earlier. we'll double check on that. but i did want to make sure folks know that we will not have the
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closure for eastbound 37. eastbound 37 was scheduled for a weekend closure, but they saw that forecast, and they have called off that construction because of the rain back to you. so pay attention to kerry's forecast to find out a lot. all right. thanks, mike. an iconic east bay comic store is shutting its doors. up next, how the owner is celebrating a comic book holiday he helped to start himself. plus his hopes for a fresh start in the future. and in washington. the debate over what's to happen on college campuses nionwide. you're atwa
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clock a nice cool morning and headed for a mild afternoon with breezy winds and sunshine and reaching into the 70s. but we are going to see a significant shift with rain and colder temperatures for saturday. more on that in just a few minutes. and san mateo bridge westbound 92. that's on the right side at your commute direction. that's your commute starting to build right on schedule. change the peninsula. but i see some more slowing in the south bay and of course, parts of the east bay. i'll show you the san jose camera, where it may sort itself out. we'll see. coming up. recovery teams now have retrieved all but one of the victims in the baltimore bridge collapse. divers pulled the body of yet another worker yesterday after salvage teams located it inside a submerged truck. this
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week, the first container ship arrived at the port of baltimore just about a month after that cargo ship slammed into that bridge. well, president joe biden will spend time today with the families of law enforcement officers killed this week in north carolina. scott, we know four officers died. four more were injured. it was just terrible. good morning. three of those officers killed federal marshals. and then one officer from the charlottesville police department shot as they were trying to capture a fugitive. president biden says they were all heroes. and america prays for them. the justice department says it's heartbroken. vice president harris was in florida yesterday as that state enacted one of the toughest anti-abortion laws in the u.s, limiting women to six weeks, with certain exceptions. there's also an abortion question on the florida ballot this november, and harris says abortion rights on the ballot consistently bring out women who vote. since roe was overturned, every time
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reproductive freedom has been on the ballot, the people of america voted for freedom. from kansas to california to kentucky, in michigan, montana, vermont and ohio, the people of america voted for freedom. abortion rights activists are also trying to get the question of abortion on the arizona ballot. on wednesday, the arizona legislature repealed an 1864 law that banned abortion, and the governor says she'll sign it. in washington, republican marjorie taylor green says she'll push for a vote to get rid of fellow republican mike johnson as speaker. as soon as next month. she says he works too closely with democrats. it's the right thing to do for america. it's time to clean house and get our conference in order and get ready to support president trump's agenda. now, democrats in the house say
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they're actually ready to vote to keep johnson even though he's on the other side, which would defeat green's effort, but also kind of proves her point as well. the new york city police department has released new body cam video from the night they entered that building on the campus of columbia university. columbia's president still coming under fire from the right, even though she's the one who asked police to clear her campus of protesters. and the person that heads up columbia university was a great school. it's been, you know, badly damaged, i think reputationally but the person that heads it up a woman she waited so long, she was so weak. she was so afraid. she was so bad. they could have done this with the tents and it would have gone quickly and no problem. the state department needs to yank the visas of foreign students in these little gaza's, and dhs needs to deport them. the justice department should investigate the funding sources behind these little
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gaza's. now there is a push in congress to force the department of education to adopt the international holocaust remembrance alliance definition of anti-semitism, which is fairly broad, though those guidelines do not prohibit the criticism of israel. earlier in the newscast, brie jackson was talking about that from washington. back to you. thank you scott. well, new at six. a sentimental moment is drawing near. this is for a beloved east bay comic book shop that started a moment. really a big movement. yeah saturday marks the 23rd annual free comic book day, which is now a global phenomenon. it started with flying colors comics, located on concord's oak grove shopping center. the store also happens to be closing very soon. the owner recently posted a youtube video talking about that event that changed the industry. good things were happening in comics, but we just had no mechanism to invite people in to check out the good stuff going on. and
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free comic book day became that invitation for people to go into comic book stores. more than two decades later, he says, tens of millions of comic books have been given away by thousands of stores. flying colors, by the way, opened in 1988, it is expected to close early next year, with hopes of reopening somewhere else. that's the hope. so we wish them luck for sure. absolutely. yeah, that's a tradition. they see it advertised all around the bay area, but around the country, friends of mine know they have special issues that they have to sort of bring people in as new customers, as new new visitors into the world of comics. you know, my kids were into comic books. probably not the same ones. most kids are into, like nancy and sluggo. for my father in law. he sent them like a collector's edition and they opened it and read it. oh no. and my husband was like, oh no. but you know, i hope they enjoyed it. they they did. all right. well, opening up a beautiful forecast again today. again today. it's going to be a
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nice one. more sunshine even though we're starting out cool. it's going to warm up and head for the 70s and 80s again today. and then the weekend it will be turning cloudy and then eventually some rain coming in with wind and cold temperatures, most of that hitting us on saturday. and the sierra will get snow showers and up to 1 to 2ft of a snow accumulation. this weekend, so expect some travel delays possible once again, mainly on saturday. today it's beautiful. we're back up to 80 in east san jose, 80 in gilroy, and we're also going to see upper 70s and low 80s for much of the south bay into the east bay concord, up to 80 degrees today. and livermore 77. and in oakland, hayward and fremont, 75 degrees, some upper 60s for san mateo and daly city, and upper 70s for palo alto. san francisco will see a high of 68 downtown and in the mission district, 69. it will still be windy today, and sustained winds at 20 gusts,
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possibly 35. and we'll see temperatures in napa up to 78 degrees at about the same in santa rosa. but this is what's going to change our weather for the weekend. this storm system that's going to be moving our way and bringing in the clouds and rain. the timeline of that rain. it starts out early on saturday morning. here we are at 730, and it's cloudy across much of the rest of the bay area. while the north bay is starting to get that rain. that rain spreads from north to south going into the afternoon, into the evening, and then it tapers off saturday night. so that's most of the day on saturday we are seeing some wet weather and in total we're looking at up to an inch of rain in parts of the north bay. but most of us getting about three quarters of an inch of rain. so that's more than what some of the previous computer models were showing. and the forecast. so we are upping the amount of rain we may see on saturday and lowering those temperatures. we're only up to 60 for a high. and then as it clears out on sunday, temperatures head for the upper 60s and then eventually the
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upper 70s. so a nice little bounce back for the middle of next week. but we just have that one day where we have to deal with some winter like weather and mike, you're monitoring the patterns in san jose. yeah, we saw a lot of slowing. i saw a lot of slowing here in the fast lane. i think someone just hit their brakes a little hard right around our camera, which is just north of here. two 8680 the overcrossing there. typical area where we see some slowing and typical slowing onto 80, 87 and 85, just showing the build over the last few minutes. so there we go. silicon valley in play now for the morning commute. same thing. continuing for a build for the san mateo bridge. a crash near the dumbarton bridge. not a major problem. we're looking at a standard flow throughout contra costa county. back to you. thank you very much, mike. happening now, a walnut farm just south of the bay area is now being linked to a nationwide e.coli warning after dozens of people in california and washington state got sick. here's what you're going to look for in your pantry. gibson farms, which is in hollister, is recalling organic light halves and pieces.
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shelled walnuts, those nuts are believed to have been sold at several stores, including new leaf in half moon bay, star grocery in berkeley and luke's local in san francisco. so far, seven people have been hospitalized and two others developed a form of kidney failure. the symptoms are usually felt 3 to 4 days after eating those walnuts, but most people recover without treatment. and up next is top stories we're following this morning, including that breaking news out of ucla, where chp in riot gear converging on campus, clearing pro-palestinian protesters from an encampment. we havan updatee
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we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on today in the bay and we begin with that breaking news out of southern california at ucla, and the dismantling of a pro-palestinian tent protest. this is a live look at the campus right now as the sun is now up and you see the protesters have been cleared out within the last hour or so that started at 3:00 this morning, the chp tells us hundreds of protesters are now under arrest. there were violent clashes, though, that played out
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overnight as law enforcement moved in around three this morning. they removed barricades , tents and gazebos. you'll see the flash bangs that officers use to disperse people, though. we turn down the volume because there was some profanity there. we also learned one officer suffered some sort of unspecified injury. now, closer to home, we are learning about a fight that happened last night at uc berkeley. an opposing group attempted to take the flag of another, resulting in injuries of at least two people. we don't have any video of the incident. the meantime, the university not commenting on whether or not the discussion took place between the encampment organizers and university leaders, 657 now in bay area, families with college aged students may be scrambling today because today is the deadline to submit fafsa applications tied to financial aid. it's what the state uses to make their awards that helps universities decide things like cal grants and in-state scholarships. as well as middle
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class scholarships. you might remember the troubled rollout of the new fafsa application happened nationwide. some colleges and universities are only now getting students financial information months beyond the typical window, which means a lot of students have been accepted to the universities of their choice but don't know if they can afford it. so most bay area universities and colleges already extended their registration deadlines. you can see five of the big ones right here on your screen, and san francisco downtown first thursdays kicks off today, bringing new hope to struggling merchants. this comes as the city's downtown is really had a challenge of a wave of retail store closures, and the pandemic also shifted those coming into office in the bay area. now tonight is the step towards changing the vibe. there there is a free block party. it's dubbed downtown first thursday. it's going to happen on second street between market and howard. it begins at 5 p.m. and
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it's going to go until ten. all right. we want to get a look at that forecast because you have to tell people get out and enjoy it. yeah. today it's still warm and nice and we're still going to see sunshine today and tomorrow. look at saturday's forecast. only 60 and some off and on rain. sunday is your day to make some weekend outdoor plans. san francisco is only going to be 56 on saturday afternoon. a pretty nice dry, but i'm concerned about the crash. i've circled south 880 right around stevenson. perhaps thornton there is a crash and i see some more slowing there for the nimitz. and then we'll zoom over here in contra costa county, circling a crash on ignacio valley road, which is the continuation of kirker pass, which is a cut through for a lot of folks through contra costa county. so that's the middle number there. it's starting to grow. so watch that route. you might want to stick toward highway four and 680. that is still moving smoothly. we don't like to see that orange today show is just moments away. but we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms live at eight. the
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reason you could soon see an extra $24 added to your monthly electricity bill. sorry, don't shoot the messenger. yeah, don't . all right. that does it for us here on today in the bay it's going to be a beautiful. so maybe we should take the midday outside the windows. turn off the lights inside. try to save on the power bills. exactly. that's a good day. and you can spend it on heat. . hi there. good thursday morning. those campus protests escalating overnight. >> yeah, tensions building as police ramp up the response nationwide. it's may 2nd. this is "today." breaking new hi, there, good thursday morning. campus protests escalating overnight. >> it's may 2nd, this is "today." >> breaking news, chaos and clashes. police and protesters facing off at ucla this morning. classes there now canceled as violence and arrests mount on dozens of other campuses across


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