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tv   Today  NBC  May 2, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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extra $24 added to your monthly electricity bill. sorry, don't shoot the messenger. yeah, don't . all right. that does it for us here on today in the bay it's going to be a beautiful. so maybe we should take the midday outside the windows. turn off the lights inside. try to save on the power bills. exactly. that's a good day. and you can spend it on heat. . hi there. good thursday morning. those campus protests escalating overnight. >> yeah, tensions building as police ramp up the response nationwide. it's may 2nd. this is "today." breaking new hi, there, good thursday morning. campus protests escalating overnight. >> it's may 2nd, this is "today." >> breaking news, chaos and clashes. police and protesters facing off at ucla this morning. classes there now canceled as violence and arrests mount on dozens of other campuses across
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the country. we're live with an inside look at the newest turmoil. lashing out. donald trump returns to the campaign trail with a message about his trial. >> i'm being forced to sit for days on end in a kangaroo courtroom. >> while president biden slams his rival for refusing to rule out possible political violence if he loses in november. we'll have the very latest. about-face. a critical vote in arizona to repeal one of the nations strictest abortion bans. two republicans now breaking ranks to stop the controversial law from taking effect. this morning, what is next in the showdown at the center of the 2024 election. take a breath. new science now revealing how a surge of anger could raise your risk of a heart attack. what everybody needs to know. trashy behavior.
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growing outrage over video showing florida boaters dumping garbage into the ocean and appeared to celebrate it. >> i just couldn't believe it. i thought it was a joke or something. >> just ahead, the search for the group now underway and the hot water they're set to face. those stories, plus, celebrating charlotte. the young princess turns 9 today, a happy occasion for the royal family amid kate and the king's health battles. we're live in london. and garden party! >> boston blows out miami, rolling into the next round, while dallas dominates the clippers. >> a terrific feed! >> to grab the lead in their series. >> all the highlights with two more huge games on the way today, thursday, may 2nd, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news,
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this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. s good morning. good to see you. happy you're with us on this busy thursday morning. >> that's where our top story is unfolding at this hour. the breaking news on the clau campus, this was the scene just a short time ago. police storming into a protest encampment there, using flashbangs, using riot gear after a night-long standoff. >> ucla is just one of 60 campuses across the country protesting. nbc's liz kreutz has been at ucla at night. good morning, liz. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning to you. it's been a stunning seen at ucla overnight. it's a bit calmer than it was just a few hours ago, but you still can see the heavy police presence here right now and the debris and damage at the university. these police essentially in a bit of a stand-off with pro palestinian demonstrators that
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blocked off a major thoroughfare and stairway here on campus. they are there. they have been chanting at the police. they are waving the palestinian flag. they say free gaza. they continue to demand that the university divest from israel and meet these demands. the university called in the police overnight. they came in. police in riot gear and they just one by one tore down the barricades, the plywood, these makeshift sort of campus they created for themselves here and just tore it apart so they could barge in and got into these intense, heated confrontations with students and protesters, hundreds of protesters are believed to have been arrested overnight. bringing right now going down to the police department. the students saying they would not leave until the university divested from israel, but clearly the directive to the police was to come in and clean this up. >> reporter: overnight, ucla
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beginning its crackdown on the campuses pro palestinian encampment. >> shame on you! >> reporter: police in riot gear moving in early this morning. >> all right. police in riot gear right now. you hear the flashbangs there. but the police, they are breaking through the barrier, trying to make their way into the encampment. the students, though, they're pushing back and trying to hold the line. and they kept pushing back. police and demonstrators clashing throughout the early hours. the extraordinary scene unfolding outside the university's iconic reuss hall, flashbangs lighting up the sky. police overturning the protester's barricades. ucla saying this morning that students should avoid the area. many of the protesters have refused to leave until their demands that the university divest from israel are met. yesterday, violence broke out between rival protest groups
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after courant protesters stormed the encampment. the university facing criticism for failing to prevent the fighting. the governor's office calling the law enforcement response unacceptable. it comes as across the country, campus confrontations are increasing. protests focused on the conflict in the middle east have impacted more than 60 campuses in recent weeks. universities struggling with how to respond. just one day after nypd officers made more than 100 arrests at columbia university, where protesters had taken over a building on campus. >> i saw students being dragged out of there in handcuffs. the blockade, the human chain that was outside of it, being cleared. >> reporter: hours later, columbia's president visiting the damaged building, writing, i am sorry we reached this point. nearly a hundred students from yale protested outside the home of that university's president after he called for civility. the wave of activism generating a backlash from students with different viewpoints, who say they're being harassed and barred from moving freely around campus. >> i have my i.d. right here . i'm being blocked off.
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>> reporter: eli is a pro israel student at ucla, posting this video of protesters not allowing him to access a pathway near an encampment. >> they created their own checking system and they themselves would decide who can enter and who cannot. and i saw this and i said, no, no, no. absolutely not. >> reporter: now, all that tension leading to what happened overnight. this morning here, this is our first look right now at the encampment, what was of the encampment. that's where we are right now. and this is dixon plaza here. you can see the wreckage, you can see the damage, the graffiti. if you pan over here, there's tents that have been collapsed. they left paint behind. they left food behind. they left helmets behind. we have seen a lot of their gear they have been gearing up to fight off the police. helmets, hard hats, and putting on gas masks and fortifying their encampment, knowing that police were going to try to come in. this was a very organized operation here. something else i want to show that we've seen play out at
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other universities, specifically columbia university, when the students there took over one of the buildings. here, again you see tactical police still on site, on campus here, but all of the graffiti. this is the famous, iconic reuss hall, one of the most well-known buildings here at ucla, it is graffitied on the steps, on the wallways, on the doors, all of that could cost a lot of money for the campus to clean up right now. there's a lot of clean-up under way here. and this all began going back just tensions that have been brewing here for a long time. yesterday we saw those images of counterprotesters showing up here on campus, insta gating fights. that reached a tipping point, why did ucla let it get to this point to the point where there were violent clashers between protesting groups and the point where hundreds of law enforcement would need to come in, get involved in a stand-off for hours here at ucla overnight. we were here watching this unfold for hours before the
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police eventually moved in, stormed this encampment, cleaned it up and here we are today. but a lot of questions for ucla tonight. guys? >> all right, liz kreutz at your post. keep us posted, liz, thank you. well, those protests are also front and center now in the 2024 race for president. president biden and former president trump addressing them at their campaign events overnight. and this morning, trump will head back to new york city and the courtroom. his hush money trial goes on. nbc's chief white house correspondent peter alexander joins us with the later. peter, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. the race for the white house again as we witnessed a juggling act for mr. trump between the trail and his trial, wrapping up his first campaign rallies since these criminal proceedings began. coming as president biden is a. ahead of his return to a new york courtroom this mo fiercely criticizing his rival, warning about what he calls mr. trump's vision of anger, revenge and retribution. ahead of his return to a new
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york courtroom this morning, former president trump is trying to make up for lost time on the campaign trail. holding a rally doubleheader in critical swing states wisconsin and michigan, where he falsely accused president biden of orchestrating a legal conspiracy against him. even though he was indicted by a new york grand jury. >> i got to do two of these things a day. you know why? because i'm in new york all the time with the biden trial. >> reporter: mr. trump also taking new swipes at the judge in his hush money trial. >> i don't think there's ever been a more conflicted judge. crooked and conflicted. >> reporter: the same judge who earlier this week slapped the former president with a $9,000 fine for repeatedly violating a gag order that prohibits him from attacking witnesses and jurors. and a warning that he could face jail time in the future. at a private fundraiser wednesday, president biden slam olympiad trump's efforts to capitalize on the anti-war protests sweeping college campuses. denouncing the trump presidency as chaos. and telling donors trump is trying to make the country forget just how dark and unsettling things were when he
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was president. but we will never forget. mr. trump in wisconsin praising the nypd for its response at columbia university. >> the police came in and exactly two hours everything was over. it was a beautiful thing to watch. new york's finest. >> reporter: the white house just announced president biden will deliver a speech next week at a holocaust memorial ceremony. addressing the nationwide rise in anti-semitism. the president also highlighting mr. trump's recent comments to "time" magazine, where the former president suggested he would ignore a law forbidding the use of military force on civilians. part of his plan to target undocumented immigrants. and refusing to rule out the possibility of political violence if he loses the election again this fall. and again in wisconsin, mr. trump did not commit to accepting the results of the upcoming election. telling the milwaukee newspaper, quote, if everything is honest, i'll gladly accept the results. i don't change on that, he said. if it's not, you have to fight
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for the right of the country. but the former president, savannah, appears to leave it to himself to determine if the election is, in fact, honest. >> right. all right, peter, the trump trial resumes today. what are you expecting in court? >> yeah. so this morning's hearings will kick off. they'll focus on four additional violations of the gag order. nearly all of them having to do with mr. trump's taking aim at his former lawyer and fixer, michael cohen. what's different from last time is mr. trump did not take these swipes in social media posts. instead, they were made out loud on camera. then, savannah, right back to the trial and more testimony about those hush money payments. >> all right, peter alexander. at the white house. thank you, peter. another major issue in the presidential race, reproductive rights. showdowns are playing out across key battleground states, including arizona. lawmakers there narrowly voted to repeal a controversial civil war era ban on nearly all abortions. but the timing could mean that
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it could still take effect briefly. nbc's hallie jackson is our senior washington correspondent. hallie jackson, explain all of that. >> all right, hoda. the arizona governor is expected to sign this repeal into law later today. that's the next step that would roll back this controversial 19th century abortion ban in arizona that would have become one of the country's strictest bans. this is the latest development in this very important swing state, where abortion access has become a flashpoint ahead of november's election. new fallout this morning after arizona's historic repeal of a strict civil war-era abortion ban. the state senate on wednesday rolling back a controversial 1864 law that would ban nearly all abortions, with no exceptions for rape or incest, only for the life of a mother. protesters on both sides heated outside the state's capitol. th join democrats to ban the law including one republican married to a state supreme court justice who reinstated it.
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another republican who voted against the repeal playing sound from his daughter's sonogram. >> if i vote and inside, shouting from the >> if i vote "yes," these heart beatings will be fewer. >> reporter: still, it's possible that the near-total ban could take effect temporarily later this spring, because of procedural rules in the state. arizona's democratic governor, who has pledged to sign the repeal, with nbc's dana griffin. >> as governor, i'm doing everything i can to ensure that the 1864 ban doesn't go into effect. it will just increase the level of confusion and fear that exists already. >> reporter: in florida, where a six-week ban went into effect wednesday, vice president kamala harris berating former president trump on the issue. >> we witnessed a full-on assault, state by state, on reproductive freedom. and understand who is to blame. former president donald trump did this. >> reporter: while in office,
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mr. trump appointed three conservative supreme court justices who helped overturn the landmark abortion rights ruling, roe v. wade. since then, more than a dozen states have put tougher abortion laws in place. >> the original aim was to take abortion out of the federal government and move it into the individual states. and let the people decide. >> so back in arizona, once that repeal does go into effect, and that could be later this summer, only after the state's legislative session ends. arizona will likely be governed by a 2022 law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks. but arizona and ten other states are expected to take up the issue of abortion access in ballot initiatives come november. this is not the end of the road for the abortion access fight there or around the country, hoda. >> hallie jackson for us there in d.c. hallie, thanks. also this morning, new developments in the fight against rising consumer prices. the federal reserve deciding to hold interest rates at a two-decade high, because inflation is cooling more slowly than expected. what does it mean for you and
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your wallet? nbc senior business correspondent, christine romans here to break it all down. there was a moment when some people were hoping that the fed would actually start to cut rates. that's not going to happen. they're holding steady right now. is there any concern they could be raised again? >> you know, i think it's still more likely that they cut is the next move, but it won't be in the near-term here. the economy is strong and inflation is at 3.5%. the fed wants to see 2%. so this inflation fight is not over yet. >> so, if they're going -- sorry. you said that so quickly and efficiently. we were just stunned into silence. >> dazzling. >> say more, christine! you have more time. >> what it means for the american family, if you're going to buy a home, if you're using the spring selling season to try to buy a home, it means mortgage rates will stay near 7 to 7.5%. that's keeping some people on the sidelines. if you have a house at a 3% mortgage, you don't want to sell your house at the moment. there's kind of this deep freeze in the housing market. but credit card interest rates, 21%, they're not coming down.
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if you are borrowing money, very bad news to be carrying a balance on a credit card right now. very, very expensive. >> a lot of people are planning summer vacations and thinking, what am i going to be doing here? how does this affect them? >> you know, look, if you have money set aside for a home, you want to buy a home, but you can't get into the market, you need to be getting money for that money, right? savings accounts are still paying a lot. one of our colleagues said she got a certificate of deposit for 4.5%. i was cheering downstairs because if you have money in your savings, for the first time in a long time, you're getting paid to have your money sitting in a bank account. look, make sure you have it in a brokerage account or brokerage savings account or certificate of deposit or a high-yielding savings account so you're getting paid. on the one hand, high interest rates mean borrowing costs are high. if you're a boring saver like me, you're getting money for yo. >> your savings accounts. >> you're not boring. >> thank you, christine. >> she can go long, she can go short. it's like an accordion. >> thank you, my dear. let's turn to the nbc playoffs.
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the boston celtics advancing to the eastern conference semifinals, closing out their series with the heat with a blow-out win in game five.e cel to 24 a piece. >> luka doncic led the mavericks to a 124-93 against the clippers. game six in dall the score there six in dallas night. >> couple blowouts. let's turn to the weather. mr. roker, what you got cooking? >> come on. >> oh, you introduced me so quickly. >> your turn. >> you go. >> we're smooth as butter over here today. >> any way, we have a line of showers and thunderstorms, minneapolis all the way down into texas where we have the risk for se some severe weather, also right around abilene, texas, we could be looking at wind gusts of 60 miles an hour. damaging hail. can't rule out a tornado or two. as this system moves to the east, heat and humidity will
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fuel these storms in the plains. localized flash flooding is possible tomorrow. the storms will move east while another front starts to form, bring more storms into the plains. we are looking at a risk of flash flooding, especially between lufkin and houston, with rainfall rates 2 to 4 inches per hour. that extends all the way up into the plains, with that heavier rain down, though, in east southern texas, we're talking about 5 inches of rain or more. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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guys? >> al, thank you so much. still ahead, we'll check back in on that ongoing chaos happening on the campus of ucla this morning. also, a piece of video that has sparked outrage and an investigation now. look at this. boaters in florida just dumping their trash right into the ocean. emilie ikeda on that story this morning. >> it's a video that has been seen by hundreds of thousands and seen around the world. a group of rowdy boaters dumping brazenly trash into the ocean. coming up, the latest on the
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investigation. >> all right, em. thanks. and we've all heard that saying, when someone's angry, they say, don't give yourself a heart attack. well, this morning, there's actually research revealing the exact toll that anger can take on your heart and your health. we'll break it all down and hopefully give you a few reasons to be nicer. okay, but first, this is "today"
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coming up, hoda's got a powerful conversation with the surgeon general and selena gomez! >> it's an important message that they're both sharing on mental health awareness month, after your local news. trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check.
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because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ 26 i'm kris sanchez. it was generally a quiet night on bay area college campuses, where palestinian protesters have tents set up. unlike southern california, where authorities arrested hundreds of people overnight, uc berkeley police say a scuffle did break out last night involving opposing groups when one group tried to remove a flag in sproul plaza. at least
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two people were injured there. the school, though not commenting more than that. also in our top stories, somewhat ironically, an important deadline for new college applicants. i'm bob redell in dublin. let's say you're a senior at a high school like the one behind me who's getting ready to go to college or you're already in college, you might qualify for state aid like the cal grant or middle class scholarship. well, today california, you know, uses the new fafsa. that's the free application for student aid application. today is the deadline to hit send on that. if you're familiar with this, you might know there's been a debacle with the rollout of this new application in what was supposed to be a simplification of the application process has held up students financial information at colleges and universities need to decide who should get financial aid and how much. in fact, some colleges and universities are just getting started with that information now, months after they usually do. let's take a look at that forecast. kerry, we've got to get out and enjoy the weather now. yeah, the next couple of
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days are still looking pretty nice. warm and sunny. big changes on saturday. we're only up to 60 degrees for some of our inland areas and we will see some rain coming in. chris. all right, thank you carrie. don't forget to watch today in the bay live in our streaming newscast at 8:00. we'll show you an unusual new plan that could cut some of your monthly electrical bill in exchange for a flat rate fee. you can watch
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♪ we're back. 7:30, thursday morning, ongoing situation unfolding on the campus of ucla this morning. >> police in riot gear moving on a large pro-palestinian encampment after demonstrators ignored an overnight order to disperse. >> we have nbc's liz kreutz right there. she's been there all night long. we checked in with you last half hour, liz.
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it was loud, there were flash bangs, you could barely hear us. so what is the situation now? >> reporter: yeah, hey, savannah and hoda, it's still very intense here, but it seems to have simmered for just a moment. we're at some kind of standstill right now. the police have been able to get down the barricade. they flew down the tent, the tables the plywood with dozens of protesters here lined up on the curb. their hands -- oh, you heard that flashbang there. we heard those all morning. and they're still going on. but the students -- or the protesters we should say, lined up, their hands behind their backs in zip ties here. many of them are the ones here that have stayed to the very end, resisting the police. they grabbed arms, created a human shield to try to keep the police back.
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again, those flashbangs still going off. you can still hear them chants right now. now these protesters are being processed right now, chp, the police, say there are hundreds potentially protesters that were arrested overnight. very tense scene here right now that continues to play out on campus. >> unfolding situation, liz. we'll check back and have much more ahead in our next half hour. now, let's move to some video that is getting a lot of attention nationwide. the search is on this morning for a group of people in florida who were caught on camera tossing garbage into the water off boca inlet. their actions have infuriated so many people in the area, people on social media. nbc's emilie ikeda is joining us with this. >> good morning, guys. the 40-foot boat is now at the center of an investigation after several individuals onboard brazenly dumped trash into the water. it was caught on video and has been, as state officials say, seen around the world. >> reporter: this morning, an investigation is ramping up into a rowdy group of weekend boaters seen dutching trash into the
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waters off boca raton, according to officials. >> i just couldn't believe it. i thought it was a joke or something. >> reporter: watch as two men throw full garbage cans into the water. you can see the trail of trash that follows. the group later seen returning to the shore, at times waving to the camera, ran by a local boating content creator who called out the behavior in a video that's racked up hundreds of thousands of views and generating a blistering response from the public. >> this has become a worldwide story. i mean, the world is watching this. >> the florida fish and wildlife conservation commission telling nbc news, its investigation is ongoing and that several suspects have already been identified. >> we are identifying the subjects that were involved in themselves, you can call us. >> reporter: investigators say they're working with the state attorney's office to identify any potential charges in the
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incident. the boaters were leaving a once a year gathering, boca bash. the organization posting on social media, we do not condone this behavior by any means, the illegal dumping of trash in adding, it's appalled that the passengers even had the audacity to clap at the drone that was filming them dumping their garbage. >> they should be joining groups to clean this stuff, to know what kind of stuff they're doing. >> reporter: their actions also. >> reporter: their a upsetting many in the community, especially those who use the waters regularly. >> i scuba dive here, and if we mess up on the size of a fish, that's $5,000 fee and possibly some days in jail. it's major. so we all really care. they should have some consequence like that so people around don't do the same. >> this is clearly a horrible act, but is it criminal? could there be criminal charges filed against them? >> investigators say they're still looking into what kind of potential charges these people could face. but if you look at florida's litter law, for instance, that people are dumping trash into a waterway, that could be a first-degree misdemeanor charge,
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which could carry jail time, community service, fines or some combination of that. florida's wildlife commission chair says this is an important teaching moment for those onboard, but also everyone watching. i should also note we reached out to the owner of the boat and they have not responded for comment. >> the worst consequence is the whole world seeing that. >> thanks, 'em. >> thank you. still ahead, a story that will certainly interest our girlfriend over here. we'll take crow inside a small london pub and tell you, but you probably already know why, the black dog is the hottest destination in the world for swifties, because it was in a song. >> i like that. >> you'll get there eventually, em. but first, a reason to be nicer. we'll break down the latest evidence that anger is very bad for your heart. and how understanding its effects could help your health. that's coming up after right after this. , ok? (♪♪) what does a cat need? -chewy's here. (♪♪)
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>> that's anger. he cares very deeply about things being fair. >> that's how you want to play it, old man, we'll eat our dinner, right after you eat this! dinner, right after you eat this ahhh! >> here comes an airplane! >> ahh! >> oh, airplane. we've got an airplane, everybody. >> oh, we're back. 7:39. that's anger for you. fully displayed in the beloved animated movie "inside out." this morning, the reason we're showing you that, there's more evidence that actual anger is in fact really bad for your health. >> previous studies have shown there's a link between frequent anger and an increased risk of heart attack, but now there's a new study out in the journal of american heart association that is helping to explain why that is. >> so nbc news medical contributor dr. john torres is here to walk through it. he's going to calmly walk us
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through this. >> very calmly. >> actually, if you have an outburst of anger, it shows up in your heart? >> it does. and what we've known is anger over time, these strong emotions can have an increased risk on your heart. what this study showed is even one episode, and these episodes as they multiply over your life, can cause an impact. one episode can increase your risk for these type of things. >> what type of episode? is that rarks ragy or mild irritation? >> in the study, they had the students looking in the study, just reviewing something that happened in the past that made them angry. they were just re-living an angry episode. it doesn't have to be that heavy of an episode. >> if you're in traffic one day and you're ragy and yell at your kids later that week and you're ragy, all those things, is this cumulative? >> it is cumulative. what happens is, when this is happening, on the blood level stage here, think of it like a straw. your blood vessels are like a straw. you want them to be wide so it's easy to get that fluid through the blood to get to the organs. when you have an anger episode, those blood vessels constrict. it's a skinnier straw and you're
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trying to get the same fluids through. it's not getting through to the arteries. and you have plaques inside there, they'll break off and that can cause a heart attack or stroke. that's what's happening on that level when you have that episode and those can build up over time. >> could you rage yourself in one episode into a heart attack? >> you potentially could? if you're young and healthy and have these raging anger episodes, it's probably not a big deal at that time. if you're older, you can have one. we've all seen the movies where someone's angry and is like, i'm having a heart attack. over time these could accumulate and cause problems. that's what the researchers are saying. >> how do you get anger out? what's the best way to relieve it? >> the best thing is to use these calming techniques. they sound cliche. the biggest one, my wife taught this. breathing exercises. in through the nose, out through the mouth. think of things positive. if i'm in traffic and somebody cuts me off, i try to think, maybe they have an emergency. let me give them some leeway. and learn to control angry thoughts. not everything is aimed at you, not everything is purposefully trying to get you. my favorite one is simply walk away.
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walk away, take a deep breath, let it diffuse for a few seconds and go back into that situation. sometimes easier said than done. >> you've got the angry app where sometimes -- >> i put on these boxing gloves and pound a pillow for three straight minutes. >> in a controlled setting, it's great. you're getting it out. you don't want to get in the situation where you exacerbate the anger. >> but later else -- re-aim it, get it somewhere else and try to do that. >> i like that. >> i like it, too. >> exercise works great, too. because that gets you to think about other things. >> dr. torres, thank you. let's go over to al? >> i like to go down to the control room and scream. >> they love that. >> they do. they really enjoy it. they really do. i'll be down there right after this. let's show you what we've got going on. warm air, moist air, humid air coming up in from the gulf. so highs today in the midwest to the northeast, 10 to 20 degrees above average. looking at -- could be a record in indianapolis. charlotte, you're going to get 88.
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washington, d.c., 90. atlanta 87 degrees. but then we have low pressure over canada and the plains and that's bringing in cooler air. temperatures anywhere 5 to 20 degrees below average. look at rapid city, below average. great falls, minneapolis, omaha, right above average, but not by much. that cooler air swings to the east, so we cool down. cleveland, you're 82 on friday. 71 on saturday. washington, d.c. 61 on sunday. raleigh,h, 90 friday dow
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cleansing breath. >> thank you, al. >> thanks, al. guys, coming up next, this will put a smile on your face. a milestone for one of the youngest royals, princess charlotte. we'll be live in london with a big birthday for her. we'll get an update for her and the latest on the royal health battles and hoda has morning boost as well. right after this. ids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life- threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing,
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we are back with dylan and a much-needed cause for celebration at the royal family. today is young princess charlotte's birthday. megan fitzgerald joins us from buckingham palace. >> reporter: hi, guys. good morning. that's right. today is princess charlotte's special day. and of course, we're talking about two royal birthdays in just the last couple of days, as prince louis celebrated his 6th birthday last week. guys, i can tell you, there's no doubt about it that these special occasions are a needed distraction for this family. this morning, another royal birthday. princess charlotte, prince william and princess kate's only girl turning 9 today. and like in years past, kensington palace releasing this new photo to mark the special occasion, just taken days ago in windsor by her mother. we know y particular at the moment is rae safe >> we know this that this family particularly at this moment with
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kate's cancer is really safeguarding privacy. for them to be actively giving out photographs of their children is significant. >> reporter: but it's these images that show charlotte's striking similarities to her mom kate when she was younger and even the late queen when she was a girl. princess charlotte is third in line to the throne. the young princess growing up into quite the little lady, usually seen trying to keep the often rambunctious louis in line, from telling him stop his cute antics during trooping the color last june to nudging him on the balcony. not afraid to give direction to her big brother, as well. it's safe to say she's fulfilling her duties as big sister, and of course, she's her parent's favorite daughter, with a very special bond with her father, since the very beginning. >> she's been a little joy of heaven. >> a sweet relationship that's been evident through the years. a close connection to the princess of wales, too, following her lead, and conducting this orchestra in wales.
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even copying her mother's mannerisms. but it hasn't been an easy last year for the royal children, forced to grapple with their mother and grandfather's devastating health news. prince william reassuring well wishers this week. but if there's one thing for sure, it's that charlotte and her brothers bring so much light to the royal family, even in their darkest times. >> reporter: and guys, look, still no official update from the palace on princess kate's health, and even though we are seeing the king returning back to public-facing duties, the palace says that his cancer treatments continue. guys? >> megan, thank you. and happy birthday, charlotte. >> indeed. all right, 7:51, guys. do you want a boost? >> yes, ma'am! >> you see a lot of these videos online, dads who shave off thei they get upset. well, here's one that's a beards and their kids are totally confused and sometimes they get upset. well, here's one that's a little different. >> can you kiss me?
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>> you want me to kiss you? >> oh, you're so soft. >> you like it? >> yeah, i love it! >> so the mom says her 4-year-old has never seen dad, josh, without a beard. so here's josh's before look. a little scruffy -- >> jason kelce. >> she's a love bug. so cute. >> kiss me, so sweet. >> one of our camera men couldn't commit. >> it kind of does! oh, my gosh. by the way, they had the bond with or without the beard. >> is this a trick? >> no, he's just -- >> all for that segment? >> no, no, i think jim's just lost it. >> or lost half of it. >> it's been a long time coming. >> you don't know the half of it. >> what's coming up? coming up on pop start, exclusive news on a very special honor on the way for comedy legend mel brooks. a well-deserved honor. we'll get into that in pop start. but first, your local news and
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people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. 56 of marcus washington, and i'm kris sanchez. here's what's happening now. we are working for our streaming newscast at the top of the hour. on that growing push to divest on college campuses, which now is spreading to another bay area local government, the city of richmond is poised to become the second bay area city to try to pressure the u.s. and companies to not do business with israel. you might remember richmond was the first to approve a cease fire resolution last year. council members now calling out companies, including airbnb, microsoft and intel. hayward
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made a similar move in january. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, where downtown first thursdays kicks off later today, giving new hope to struggling merchants in the downtown area. the party kicks off at five. it'll go until 10 p.m. it's happening on second street between market and howard. it is and will happen later today and every first thursday until april of 2025. we want to take a look at that forecast, as we need to enjoy the days that we have ahead. carrie. yes, it's going to be still warm and nice, as well as the sunshine continues today and tomorrow. on saturday, there will be a significant drop in temperatures only 60 degrees for some of our warmer spots inland, and we'll see off and on rain with some gusty winds. and that rain may add up to be quite a bit, especially for the north bay and along the coast, but it returns to sunny sky on sunday and next week we'll continue to warm up with highs in the mid to upper 70s. san francisco will reach a high of 69 today again,
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make sure you watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast. it's going to start in minutes at 8:00, and also includes an unusual new plan that may soon cut some of your monthly electric bill in exchange for a flat rate fee. watch roku, amazon fire tv, xumo and streaming p it'sla a beautiful... to fly. wooooo!
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♪♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, campus standoff. protesters and police clashing at ucla overnight. officers moving in as tensions continue to rise coast-to-coast. school officials struggling with how to respond. we're live with the latest. also ahead, major development, inside the new
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study finding hormone replacement therapy is safe for treating menopause. how the treatment, once thought to be high-risk, may bring relief to many. then, shining bright. you're not only sharing your story, but helping people, one by one. >> i hope so. >> our important conversation with selena gomez on her push to help the next generation cope with mental health. >> a little bit about what we talk about in the mental health space is connection and how important it is to be connected to people, even if it's in a brief moment. all that, plus the swifties overtake a british pub. >> why did you guys come here? >> for taylor swift. >> "super nintendo world" sneak peek. and hello hanna. >> i spoke to the owner. >> you spoke to god? >> no. the newspaper. >> "ted lasso" star hanna waddingham is here live ahead of her new role on the screen. >> you're a stunt man, for god's
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sake. no one's going to notice whether you're here or not. no offense. >> i mean, some taken. >> it's all coming up today, thursday, may 2nd, 2024. ♪♪ >> celebrating 40 years together -- >> on the "today" show! >> from virginia beach. >> hi to my best friend, katie, in caledonia, illinois. >> girls trip from the quad cities -- >> for my 50th. >> hey to our three kids, watching in burnsville, minnesota. >> shout-out to harrison, arkansas. >> mississippi! >> charleston, south carolina. >> covington, indiana. >> and shreveport, louisiana! ♪♪ >> from illinois, here to celebrate donna. >> born in 1952. >> mom is turning the same age as the "today" show --
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>> 72 years young! >> welcome back, happy birthday, happy everything. it's a thursday. we're so happy you're with us. what a beautiful crowd outside. we got a beautiful man inside, craig melvin joins the table. >> craig, you are a beautiful man, if we haven't told you lately. >> you're a vision of spring. there was a terrible accident that shut down the highway both ways. >> happy you're here. >> i hope everyone is okay, by the way. guys, coming up tomorrow on "today," beloved actress kate hudson is going to join us and show off one of her many, many -- some might say too many talents. she'll be right here and will treat us to a special performance in celebration of her brand-new album. >> she's been singing a long time. >> who knew she could sing. >> putting out an album. >> a whole album, yes. let's get to our news at 8. police and protesters facing off at ucla overnight and this morning, classes there now cancelled. this morning, officers in full riot gear moved in to remove barriers, surrounding the student encampment. nbc's liz kreutz is there for us. seems a lot calmer at this hour, liz. >> hey, hoda.
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yeah, in fact, this was the area that law enforcement first breached, when hundreds of them descended here and decided to make their attempt to get into the encampment. they stormed this area and one by juan they started breaking down the barricades that these protesters created to lock themselves in essentially, when they got wind that police were going to come, they started enforcing their barricade. and police in riot gear came and started throwing the plywood, throwing these tents. throwing the buckets, tables, all of the things that these protesters gathered over the past week to create their mini community, they started completely dismantling to make their way in and eventually once the police got n then it became a standoff between the line of police and a line of the protesters who linked arms and basically created a human shield here. now one thing i will say compared to other images we have seen on other universities is that even though there were some
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violent confrontations and very tense here, flashbangs, pepper spray being used, when we saw many of these protesters being detained, especially towards the end of this, it was much more orderly. eventually these protesters did allow themselves to be detained and peacefully taken away. so that is a very different scene than we have seen at other campuses. hoda? >> liz kreutz there for us at ucla. liz, thank you. out of reagan national, a flight was diverted. it was leaving d.c. on the way to key west when the crew reported a bird strike. that aircraft landed safely at bwi around 2:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon. there were 73 passengers and crew members on board. fortunately no reported injuries. but the faa is investigating. new information this morning on what has been a somewhat confusing topic, hormone replacement therapy for women
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going through menopause. it had been thought that hrt could increase the risk of breast cancer among other things. but new data being released now shows that is not the case. here to explain is nbc news medical contributor dr. tara narula. good morning. >> good morning. >> doctors have known hrt is fine unless you're in this other risk group. a lot of people are still not sure if it's safe. so this study kind of backs that up, that it is? >> well, there's a lot of fear, there's a lot of confusion. and this is the result of the original study that came out almost 20 years ago. and at that time, it was widely publicized there was a lot of risk a lot of women stopped taking hormone replacement therapy. here we are now, 20 years late e the data has been reanalyzed and doctors have been practicing a more modern approach that's different from the results from 20 years ago which is to say there is a group of women who could potentially benefit from hormone replacement therapy, who are those women? their women who are under 60, who are within 10 years of menopause and low risk. for these women, the benefits of taking hrt may outweigh the risks. there are risks. we know they are low, but they
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do include things like stroke and blood clots and in some cases breast cancer for certain est row general. this is a conversation with your doctor. >> the idea is to take hrt before all those menopause symptoms hit, before the night sweats and all the rest of it? >> the idea is to take it if you have vaso motor symptoms. >> what is that? >> help us. >> it's the night sweats, right? it's the trouble feeling hot flashes. it's those types of symptoms that hrt really does seem to help, not as much the other symptoms like sleep disturbance and other things. there are other nonhormonal medication this is an nbc news special report. here's joe fryer.
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>> good morning, we are coming on the air with breaking news. at any moment president biden is expected to make remarks to the nation about the ongoing protests on college campuses across the country. they've been happening for weeks now, pro-palestinian protesters angry about the israel/hamas war and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in gaza. and they've come to a head in recent days, especially today in ucla -- let's listen to president biden. >> i want to speak for a few minutes about what's going on on our college campuses here. we've all seen the images here. they put to the test two fundamental principles. the first is the right to free speech and people to assemble and make their voices heard. the second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not an authoritarian
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nation where we silence people or squash decent. the american people are heard. peaceful protests are in the best tradition of how american people respond to consequential issues. but neither are we a lawless country. we are a civil society and order must prevail. throughout our history we faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free thinking and freedom loving nation. for moments like this there are those who rush to score political points. this isn't a moment for politics. it's a moment for clarity. let me be clear, peaceful protest in america. violence protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. it's against the law when violence occurs. destroying property is not a peaceful protest, it's against the law. vandalism, trespassing, shutting down campuses, forcing the
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cancellations of classes and graduations, none of this is a peaceful protest. threatening people, intimidating people is not a peaceful process. it's against the law. dissent is essential to democracy but it may not reduce law and order so others can finish their college education. it's a matter of fairness, what's right. there's the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree. the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. but let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place in any campus, no place in american for anti-semitism orb threats of violence again jewish students. there's no room for any room for
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hate speech of any kind. it's simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america. it's all wrong, it's un-american. i understand people have strong feeling and deep convictions. in america we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. but it doesn't mean anything goes. it needs to be done without violence, without destruction. without hate. and within the law. make no mistake, as president i will always defend free speech and i will always be just as strong standing up for the rule of law. that's my responsibility to you, the american people, my obligation to the constitution. thank you very much. >> mr. president have the protests forced you to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region. >> no, thank you. >> mr. president, do you think the national guard should intervene. >> no. >> mr. president --
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>> president biden giving brief remarks about the situation unfolding on college campuses across the country in recent days, talking about the balance between freedom of speech and the rule of law. saying there is a right to protest did you not the right to cause chaos. and when questioned there at the end of his remarks, saying that nothing he's seen over the last days has changed his belief or made him reconsider any policies. let's get right to senior white house correspondent gabe gutierrez. did it seem like this was a breaking point the president needed to come out and say something about what we've seen across the country? >> reporter: yes. and i'm sure the president has been watching those images the last several days. until now the president had taken a largely hands off approach to the issue leaving his aids to weigh in. that had been the position of the white house that there is a right to protest but not the right to break the law. this is the first time we've heard the president say so so forcefully over the last several several weeks. he answered a question about the
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protests last week but this is the first time he spoke directly. this comes amid the backdrop of the 2024 campaign and the last several days former president trump and republicans have tried to blast democrats as a party of campaign and dysfunction. the biden campaign saying it was the trump campaign that sowed chaos. and there are more on the minds of young voters such as abortion rights and the economy. and with that in mind the president is set to head to south carolina later today to tout his economic agenda and the white house said he will deliver remarks denouncing anti-semitism next week. liz croix croix has been on the campus of ucla for a while
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now. what's the latest? >> the tensions the president was talking about, the freedom of speech while not infringing on someone else's right those are the issues here at ucla when police overnight stormed into an encampment to break it up. we're here with the aftermath of this. this is where the police stormed into the encampment and they went and broke down the barricades that the pro-palestinian protesters had created to lock themselves in the encampment and broke down the tents and the plywood and the tables and this whole community they had created for themselves. we talk about issues like free speech versus vandalism, graffiti, we've had a chance to walk around the encampment now that the protesters have left, many detained, and we have seen images on the famous royce haul
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-- royce hall here. it's vandalized with words like free gaza, spray paint all over so it's a lot of cleanup for the university and questions as well for why it took how they handled it. it took this to happen for them to come in and create this violence between the police and the confrontations with the police and the protesters. we know that more than 100 protesters were detained this morning. >> we don't have an idea of those more than 100 people detained this morning how many were students versus not students, right? >> we really don't. and when we try to engage and talk with a lot of these protesters they don't want to engage with the media and speak. they have a rigid organized system they go through their media reps designated to speak. we were trying to ask some of those questions for some of the people detained as we saw them one by one getting taken out by police this morning and they
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sort f do not answer that. that said we do know from talking to them some are students and some are not. some are students at nearby universities that have come here to join this encampment or what was this encampment on campus. >> what is the mood on campus this morning in the wake of everything that's happened. there are several weeks of classes left, finals and commencements. how are the people feeling in the ucla community right now? >> reporter: it's a very tense time like it is on all college campuses right now and not everybody feels the same way about this. you have people supporting the protesters that do feel their rights are being infringed upon they should be allowed to protest here they have been doing so peacefully and argue the reason they created the barriers around the encampments is to keep themselves safe to not lead to any violence and confrontations then you have others that i talked to here at ucla, jewish students, that feel their rights are infringed on,
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they don't feel safe walking on campus, feel limited on where they can walk because of the restrictions because of the encampment president and nearby southern california university their commencement is canceled. >> thank you so much. that concludes the nbc news special report. we'll havenbc news now, online and more tonight >> you have 428 million followers on instagram. that's a lot coming in. how do you navigate that complicated world? >> i disabled all my comments on my photos on instagram, for only
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my friends. so i think i've created boundaries to help me. it was obviously people fussed about it, because they fuss about everything. but i felt empowered by doing that. by saying, this is just for me. >> watching your documentary again showed me the word "connection." i watched as you had like a meet and greet before your moment on stage, for 90 minutes. and i watched you look people in the eye, one after the next, one after the next. and i was thinking to myself, as someone who pours that much of herself into this person and that person, how does she have enough inside to carry with her? so how do you? >> well, i guess it starts with the fact that i did take the step to get help. >> in 2022, selena released "my mind and me." >> i am grateful to be alive. >> reporter: a documentary that followed her through six years
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of struggles -- >> when i was able to try to talk to people and work things out, it became so important to me, that i now make it a part of my life. it's all about, at the end of the day, for me, owning my power, and i am who i surround myself with. >> i have to tell you, just before i came over here, i had the privilege of meeting a really cute, nice guy. >> i heard. >> his name is benny blanco. when you said, you're the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely, you're choosing wisely. i felt that right away. >> he's wonderful. >> and when it comes to her own mental health journey, selena is proud of being a work in progress. >> i will always be working on my mental health and i will always evolve. i'm not better or worse than anyone. i'm simply just a person living
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and surviving every day. >> surviving. that's a big word. >> yeah. it's having to take steps to make yourself healthy takes a lot of work. >> there is something about speaking something out loud, even if it's a whisper, quietly, inside yourself, even if it's in the bathroom mirror, by the way. >> that's true. >> when you are looking in the bathroom mirror, what do you see? >> someone who's waking up every day and trying her best. and that's all i could ask for at the end of the day. >> she is. we should mention, advocating for mental health is a core pillar of selena's makeup brand called rare beauty and we were there during the rare beauty impacts funds mental health summit. they raised more than $100 million to expand access to mental health services and education for young people. and get this. they reach an average of a million young people every single year. so she really -- this is a calling. she went from a profession, which she loved, which is singing, which she's still doing, to a calling. and you can feel it. >> it's huge, too. she has this $487 billion followers or whatever it is. for her to say, yeah, i have bipolar, yeah, i've struggled, i
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didn't understand myself. just to put words to that and let others hear that. was huge. >> she was telling me about people who told her, like, you saved my life. that watching you saved me. so, anyway, she's walking the walk. >> good for her using her platform that way. >> she's a really nice person, too. mr. roker, how about another check of the forecast, sir. >> all right, guys. we're looking at record highs here in the east. flood risk down through the lower gulf and the mid-section of the country, we have a severe storm risk. we'll be watching that. plenty of sunshine through the southwest and the rockies. a little wet weather making its way into oregon and parts of the cascades, as well. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck o
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that's the latest weather heading out the door, sirius xm channel 108, but right now, best time of the morning! >> hello! i love being part of the best time of the morning! okay, let's start this morning with the peabody awards! we have an exclusive announcement this morning. two a-list comedians are getting a special honor at next month's ceremony. here's a hint at one of them. g these -- >> the lord has given unto you these 15 -- 10, 10 commandments! >> i was immediately laughing. comedy icon mel brooks is set to receive the peabody's career achievement award for his legendary work in media and his mark on american culture. plus, abbott elementary creator and star quinta brunson is being honored with peabody's
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trailblazer award for her impact on culture and affecting social change through story telling. brooks and brunson will accept the awards on june 9th in los angeles, with the 84th annual peabody award winners being announced on may 9th. next up, jason and travis kelce on the latest episode of their new heights podcast. the boys revealed they spotted someone special. on our show this week. >> our final bit of new news, mom was on "today" show to share mother's day gift ideas and asked if the two of us are good at gifts, are we good gift givers? >> i can't be good at dancing and gift giver giving. >> because that's your gift -- >> my gift is to dance and watch people -- >> to show people what true expression is. is it really dancing? >> we're loving it. mama kelce loves it too. >> we should just send mom gifts
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of us dancing for mother's day. >> is that really dancing? is it really dancing. >> we're loving it. mama kelce loves it too. not sure that's what she wants for mother's day. >> can't put a bow on that. >> yes, you can't. but if the boys do need some inspiration, she did drop all the hints on monday's show. just go to to get inspired. >> she wants that and a waffle knit robe. >> because that's what moms get. yes, no matter what. next up, we have a big announcement from our friends at universal orlando resort. so excited for this. this morning, they just revealed details for the new super nintendo world inside the new epic universe theme park. guests will enter the through the immersive iconic green pipes. it's an immersive traction. attraction. it includes spin to real life. >> you can drive mario cartes. >> we should go there. >> i've been to the one in los angeles. it literally, you're in a video game. you're in nintendo world. >> let's go. >> can we take the show? >> when will it be ready? >> mas? >> it's in the works! >> who wouldn't want to do that? >> you've got yoshi, you can travel around mushroom kingdom. >> what about toad?
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>> yes, there's a toad cafe. >> what about character meet and greets? >> of course, mario, luigi, you know it. you can collect coins. the park is expected to open some time next year and of course, universal resorts is part of our parent company, comcast universal. are you busy next year? >> we'll be here. >> best theme park ever. finally, we are looking at you, hoda. there's a new episode of "making space" coming out. you can find it by scanning the qr code at the bottom of your screen. and this week, hoda is chatting with best-selling author, pastor, and speaker sarah jakes roberts who opens up about meeting people's high expectations. >> that's it for every woman. >> that's it. >> you're trying to live up to somebody else's expectations. your kids, your husband, your job, whatever it is, and they have to define it. your job, whatever it is, and they have to define it. >> they set the bar so high, so none of us are hitting it all the time. and to be able to give ourselves permission to say, i can't hit that bar today. to give ourselves permission to say, you know what, this is
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actually where the bar needs to be. i can't cook and clean, i ne >> they set the bar so high, so none of us are hitting it all the time. >> no, no. >> and to be able to give ourselves permission to say, i can't hit that bar today. to give ourselves permission to say, you know what, this is actually where the bar needs to be. i can't cook and clean, i need help. i can't build the business and take care of my trauma. i need to take a break. let's give and say, i got to lower the bar, even if it's just for a season to lower this bar so i can become better, it's healthy. >> that's a good one. >> i love her so much. she's tv jakes' daughter but a million more than that. please listen to her on the podcast. it's so good. it's a 10. >> i love her.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much
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-or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. i was just working on your impression of you. ♪ if you want to run away with me, we can play hide and seek, just count to five ♪ >> that's perfect. can you fill in for me tonight. i've got a show at msg. >> what? >> you'll be great. thanks. ♪ 8:30 now. it's a thursday morning. just took a selfie! hey, little one! beautiful morning out here on our plaza.
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it's a thursday. going to get real warm up here in the northeast today. we've got a great crowd. now, listen, in london, there's a little pub, and so you may not have heard of it until taylor swift's record came out, and now everyone's heard of it and the swifties are taking over in london. we'll take you right there at the black dog. also ahead, our friend, hanna waddingham is stopping by. don't you love her?! oh, my god! don't you think she's a boss?! she's a boss! we'll talk to her about doing her own stunts in the few movie, "the fall guy," and of course, we'll talk a little "ted lasso." >> all right. and we'll help you get you ready for the kentucky derby with who else? martha stewart is here. yes! don't you love her? don't you think she's the boss? >> she is the boss. >> she'll whip up some festive drinks and snacks to help get us in the spirit, even if you're just going to be watching from home this weekend.
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>> oh, yeah, i love a devilled egg. you don't see that everyday. >> it's been a white. >> yum, nice crudites plate. and coming up in the third hour, kate the chemist. last time she was on the plaza, quite the mess. she'll show us experiments that are not as messy that you can actually do at home. >> i think i might have been pregnant. i look a little pregnant in that shot right there. coming up tomorrow on "today," one of the most entertaining couples out there, john legend and chrissy teigen are joining us to talk about teaming up on a new project for pet parents. that's inspired by their own furbabies. >> okay. let's get a check of the weather, al. >> let's look ahead to the weekend. start off with friday, fri-yay, looking nice here in the east and along the coast. showers and storms from the great lakes into the lower gulf, warm out west. saturday, a lot of wet weather, great lakes, heavy rain down through texas. showers in the ohio river valley, pacific storm moves in bringing some snow and rain. sunday, sunday, cool and wet in the northeast, more storms in the central plains, mountain snows out west.
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ththat's what's go and that is your latest weather. >> all right! mr. roker, thank you. coming up, we are going to take you inside the pub that's suddenly become one of the ly be hottest spots in london, thanks to one taylor swift. but first, this is "today" on nbc!
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is it possible to be more capable and more practical? be able to perform here and here? make a statement while barely making a sound and command the world as well as what lies ahead. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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we are back, 8:35 with a previously unknown spot in london, that is now having quite the huge moment in the spotlight, thanks to who else, taylor swift. >> the black dog pub. we just heard it, it's become a landmark for swifties, who believe it's the inspiration for taylor's new song of the same name. kelly cobiella is investigating. >> this used to be a quiet friendly neighborhood pub in london, but today the black dog is an international tourist destination. ♪ how you don't miss me, in the black dog ♪ >> the black dog, a traditional pub in leafy london, now a hot spot, with hundreds of taylor swift fans turning it into the latest swifties landmark, searching for clues about the superstar's love life. >> why did you guys come here?
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>> for taylor swift. >> the unassuming pub believed to be the location name checked in taylor swift's song, released april 19th, referencing "a black dog bar." the pub getting a massive boost. >> i got reports that a few leaked songs had come out about her album and some of these saw, the black dog, the black dog being mentioned. and obviously, it's just 1 to 100. >> creating a buzz on site -- >> the black dog in london is getting swarmed after the taylor swift mention. >> and online, with more than 2 million tags. ♪ you don't miss me in the black dog ♪ >> the actual black dog song, a bonus track, part of the anthology edition of "the tortured poet's department," taylor swift's latest blockbuster 11th studio album. some of the song's lyrics now bringing fame to the pub's walls. >> and so i watch as you walk into some bar called the black
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dog. >> reporter: the song describing a breakup, but it is fact or fiction? a song abou >> do you have a theory on whether it was matty or joe? >> the black dog? >> yeah? >> we think it's joe. >> it's got to be about joe. matty didn't come to london. it's got to be joe. >> the pub managers even jump into the debate, posting this video showing them rushing to check the pub's security cameras. >> we've had reports of a certain blond regular, but wouldn't want to give too much away. >> swift's lyric-driven album, also touching on her heartbreak, saying good-bye to london. ♪ london ♪ she spent so much time here, she's inspired swifty walking tours. >> is this a new spot on the tour? >> it certainly is. people are making the pilgrimage to here and it's part of the trail we've now got in london. >> here in the black dog, they quickly renamed their signature beer? >> can i have a swift pint, please? >> absolutely.
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>> thank you! >> reporter: and burger. >> and we've also got this as well, as a request from a lot of fans. >> reporter: the british swift effect already taking hold. ♪ miss me in the black dog ♪ >> reporter: the pub says they are completely booked for taylor's tour dates in the summer. even now it's hard to get a table here and a swift burger and a swift pint. take a look at these glasses, because the pub says they're actually being taken away as souvenirs. they've lost more than a hundred of these since the song came out. cheers, guys. >> they're taking the glasses? >> wow! >> i like it! >> i've stolen a couple of pub glasses in my day.hose little demitasse spoons -- i don't steal them. >> you just said -- don't try. >> re-rack the tape.
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>> i'm going to throw brian under the bus for that one. >> okay, we are privileged. we caught up with our co-stars ryan gosling and emily i think that's
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all right, folks. break out your bowler, your fascinator and pour a cold mint julep, because it's time for a special kentucky derby edition of "today" food. we'll all be watching the fastest two minutes in sports on nbc and peacock. and who better to help us get ready than martha stewart. the one and only. she's here with an entire menu of easy recipes so you can sit back and enjoy the big event. are you going down? >> i am, i am.
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i love it down there. and they're the most beautiful creatures on earth. you should come. you look perfect. >> my wife will be there. >> making the mint julep is the most important thing. because i had young gravy over two years ago. he drank so many mint juleps and had no idea. but they are strong and delicious. and you must have lemon syrup. this is lemon syrup. you cook equal amounts of lemon juice and syrup and a little bit of water and the rinds of the lemon and cook it until it is a thick, beautiful syrup. that's the lemon syrup. rim your glasses. rub this around. that one's done already. >> sorry, >> raw sugar. look how pretty. little bit of sugar. it's a sweet drink -- >> a little tart, a little sweet.
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have you tried? >> you should try. a little bit here. a little bit of syrup. >> a little syrup in there. >> and a little bit of ice. >> a little ice. >> actually, half a cup. >> half a cup of ice. >> do you muddle? >> you muddle the mint here. and every time you get a sip of you can do the mint here. muddle the mint in the syrup. >> oh, oh! you get all the flavor of the fresh mint. and then you add your best bourbon, woodford reserve if you have it. >> someone likes woodford over there. it's a woodford crowd. >> wow! and fill it with ice, and you will have the best -- oh, that's a lot! no, ice, ice! ice to the top. >> to the top. and a little bit of -- all the way to the top -- >> more ice, okay. >> yeah, yeah. >> okay, that's good. >> all right, more ice. >> okay, good! what's that garnish? >> and you have to garnish with mint! >> do you actually use the mint
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as a centerpiece as well? >> i do, indeed! like that! beautiful fascinators, ladies. >> aren't they great? come, come. to go with the mint, what do you think. >> oh, that's good. >> isn't that delicious? >> that's good. >> now, deviled eggs -- >> i love a deviled egg. >> have you ever made one? >> i've never made one. >> these are deviled eggs right here, take the yolks out of a perfectly boiled egg, put the yolks in a strainer. i remember doing this for babies, you know, when you want to serve them egg -- you can cut those in half, and push the yolk through the stranger. it should be done this way, no other way. no other way. and you get all of that -- allow the yolks in there, in here. and then this -- >> what do you add to the yolk?? then you use a cup of -- a quarter of a >> this is the filling, okay? then you use a cup of -- a quarter of a cup of mayo to 12
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egg yolks, and 2 tablespoons of dijon mustard, and 2 tablespoons of melted butter. >> did these eggs come to your farm? >> they certainly did. look at the bright color of the yolks. some salt and pepper, mix that together. and then, look at this, put it in a piping bag for the star tip. and you go like that. look how pretty. >> you always make it look so easy. >> it's so easy. try that. don't press too hard. >> gentle, gentle. >> gentle, gentle. >> that's actually kind of fun. >> top with a piece of tarragon or a piece of smoked salmon or some radish or capers. oh, or caviar. i love caviar on it. >> caviar. top it with caviar. as one does. >> and there was this lady in louisville. louisville. her name was -- i forgot her first name, but benedict. >> oh, that's the name -- >> jenny benedict. this is in the 1890s.
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and jenny benedict made this delicious dip with grated cucumber. you have to grate cucumber, put that in a cloth and squeeze out all of the excess moisture. you don't want a wet dip. you want a nice firm dip. you don't want wet. and this goes into your -- >> food processor. >> food processor. with one tablespoon of mayo. >> more mayo. >> yes, more mayo. all of these dips. oh, a tablespoon of hot green sauce. >> hot green sauce? >> yeah, this is like tabasco, but it's green. have you seen that? >> no. >> the wind keeps blowing my hair in my face. one shallot, finely chopped and a quarter of a cup of sour cream. this is one of the best dips. you will love it. and remember, jenny benedict. >> and you have --
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>> don't forget, this is a nice cream cheese. and that is 8 ounces. >> is this perfect for? >> what do you think? >> i do like that. >> that's good, right? >> i have never had that. >> had you had this before? >> no. i don't know jenny benedict. >> and put that in your beautiful -- i love it with celery or cucumber or carrot. >> martha, thank you. enjoy the race. is there a horse that you're pulling for? do you have a horse that you like? >> not yet. i'm going to go look at them in person. >> do you gamble when you're down there? >> of course. >> of course, you do. thaup, martha. grab the recipes. and of course, folks, be sure to catch the kentucky derby, saturday, here on nbc, streaming on peacock. coverage starts at 2:30 eastern. dylan dreyer is going down. we'll be back in a momentum with the one, the only, hannah waddingham. but first, this is "today" on nbc!
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so i spoke to the owner of the sun. >> you spoke to god? >> no, the newspaper. >> oh,. >> he has agreed to not run the photo of you and keely. >> mvp! mvp! mvp! >> who else would that be, it's actress hannah waddingham, one of our favorites, and now the broadway and west end veteran is hitting the big screen in the highly anticipated movie, "the fall guy." >> everybody is talking about this movie, hannah. hannah calls is a producer who calls on a stuntman. >> the studio will know that i am way over budget. they will pull the plug on this. you know that. please go and find him. >> why me? >> you're a stunt man, for god's sake. no one's going to notice where
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you're here or not. no offense. >> i mean, some taken. >> okay, we're already in. >> we're so in. >> it's amazing already. >> this is going to be like the greatest go to the movies, the theater, popcorn. >> hello, gorgeous. >> hello, hannah. >> by the way, hello,. >> we love you. >> likewise. likewise! >> so let's just get right to it. this movie is about stuntmen. you did your own stunts, and you got to p i must shout out my fabulous stunt double, who is a boss herself. but, no, it was incredible, because we got to the point where we're in this, kind of the third act of the movie, and i just said to our fabulous director, if anyone's going to direct a movie about stunts, it had to be him. it's like meta up the wazzu, this movie. i just said, if she is who she is in the movie, i feel like she should fling a punch, you know? >> that was your suggestion? >> that was my suggestion --
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>> and? >> but, you're facing that way and the action is going that way. and i was like, i can be versatile. >> how was that punch with ryan? >> you know what? he is such -- you know, he's executive producer on the movie as well. and i said why i thought it should happen, and just as he is on screen, he's the same off. he was such a gentlemen. he's like, i'm down with it. >> by the way, you came off of "ted lasso," which, of course, is iconic. i just thought like this is the first place to land. >> isn't it? >> tell us about that process? >> i'm so blessed, because you know, you come off something like "ted lasso" that is so exquiz italy written, that you have a load of ridiculous ninja from and hope that it might be the same standard, but what happened was, you know, you have david leetch and ryan, myself,
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katty mccormack, emily and drew pierce, the writer, all of us kind of brainstorming. and in a great that you're perfect for the role! and she's so different than your "ted lasso" character. >> thank you for that. >> yes. i mean, she's revolting. she's revolting -- >> she doesn't eat biscuits. >> no, she doesn't. she doesn't. i think she's like in the gym every morning. she's a very kind of self serving. her needle on her moral compass is somewhere else. >> maybe she doesn't even have a moral compass. >> how did you find the humanity in this woman? >> because she's trying to get the job done, you know? soy love leaning into why revolting characters are how they are and loving them for it, you know? >> is she fun to play? did you enjoy -- >> so much fun to play! >> i could picture that. especially the robot on my head. >> we loved the look. >> i learned to love it.
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>> it's a little creature. i'm just so curious about ryan gosling. i don't know if i've ever met him. it's like one of those thing, have we met him, oh, yeah, we interviewed him. >> i feel like you would remember him. >> that's the thing. he did "snl ""a couple of weeks ago and the whole cast was busting up. like he has something where everyone just kind of like loses their composure around him. >> yes, they do, but he is so gentlemanly with it. and the thing i loved being on set with both him and emily, they are the most enormous movie stars, i think, you know, of their generation, but you never feel like they are losing the fact that they're actors first. and that's a hard thing to maintain. but they both do in spades. so that's why it was so lovely to go and play together, you know? that's why "snl" was so great, because she just flips into all of these ridiculous characters without worrying about looking dolly. >> well, we love you. we're excited about this movie. and we're happy that you came to
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see us! >> oh, my gosh, of course. >> and when is "mission: impossible" 800? >> 800! >> i mean, i am fired up -- talk about, from ted lasso to "the fall guy." tom cruise. >> and garfield in between. >> girl, you're hitting it. i call this flow. you're in flow. everything is working. >> all right. >> hannah, thank you so much. "the fall guy" from our sister company universal pictures is in theaters everywhere tomorrow. >> thank you for all your lovely support. >> we love you. we have alicia keys on the fourth hour, coming up after this.
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in san francisco, responding to a structure fire on jackson near leavenworth and nob hill. crews say that cable cars are being delayed in both directions. we do have a crew there heading to the scene to gather more information. and happening now. violent clashes involving police and protesters on uc la's campus are resonating for students right here in the bay area protesting at midday. we'll have the latest on the situation down in southern california and where law enforcement officers early this morning arrested hundreds. also at midday, new hope for struggling downtown san francisco businesses. that's where at first of its kind event is happening tonight. it is called downtown first thursdays. our ginger conejero saab is speaking with organizers. she'll have a live report at 11, and families across the bay area today are facing an important deadline. this is the last day for income incoming college students to file for their fafsa application tied to state financial aid. we'll see you at midday
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this morning on the third hour of "today," trashy behavior. >> i just couldn't believe it. >> the search for the boaters caught on camera dumping trash into the ocean. plus, heart smart. new research showing anger can increase the risk of heart attack. then later, entertainment season is heating up. >> how delightful to see you


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