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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 3, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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in the line of duty overnight. we are live at the scene with the new information about the investigation, and we have an update on the officer's conditions, plus new revelations about the suspect. all of this that we've gotten overnight. this is today in the bay thanks
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for joining us on this friday morning. i'm kris sanchez, i'm in for laura garcia, and i'm marcus washington. let's get right to that. breaking news for you this morning. as we told you, both of those officers now in the hospital this morning, i want to give you a live look. this is outside of san jose's valley medical. this is where we believe one of the two officers is being treated. now this all happened as officers were responding to a disturbance on san ignacio avenue just last night. today today in the bay bob redell live for us at the scene of that shooting. okay, so, bob, what were you able to learn about what happened overnight? yeah. good morning tim, marcus and chris. well, as far as the condition of the two officers, we do not have an update. we do know that one is at valley med, the other at san jose regional. as you you mentioned, we are across the street from an extended stay. america. this is a hotel here on santa ignacio avenue here in south san jose, where we believe
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the two officers were shot. and as you can see, and you, which you can't see outside the camera view, is that there is a large police presence here. the access to the area extremely limited. the area is shut down roughly a block in every direction at the at the minimum. here's what we know so far. so pd tweeted out that around 1030 last night, officers were investigating some sort of disturbance. they made contact with a man who they say shot two officers. officers returned fire and took the suspect into custody. again. both officers are in the hospital, as is the suspect. it's not clear if the suspect was shot or hurt in another manner. so again, this appears to have taken place at this extended stay. america hotel and san ignacio avenue here in south san jose. again a large police presence here. two officers shot suspect taken into custody. they did return fire. not clear again if that suspect was shot as well or hurt in another manner.
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reporting live here in san jose, bob redell today in the bay. all right bob, thank you. now we will continue to monitor this breaking story. we will have team coverage for you coming up at 530. and don't forget, you can always stay on top of what's happening by downloading our free nbc bay area app. you can download it right now through the app store 502 now, and let's take a look at our forecast at meteorologist kari hall. you're tracking a change for saturday, but today looks good. today looks great. and we are starting out with a few clouds here and there. but it will be sunny and mild day. the changes arrive late tonight with more clouds and then eventually some rain, gusty winds and cool temperatures. on sunday it's going to dry out and gradually warm up as we head into next week. right now we're seeing temperatures in the low 50s as you head out with a light wind and our highs today will reach into the mid to upper 70s. still pretty nice out there. we'll talk about the timeline of that rain right now. mike, you're tracking a crash near the golden gate bridge. yeah. and i was
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watching a brightly lit up just north of the golden gate bridge. we had a lot of lights, and now there's just not a lot of light. it looks like the camera dimmed a bit, maybe because of the bright spots there, but everything's moving smoothly once again. look at that though. looking at the southbound side, it looks like traffic. maybe just getting over a break. and that's typical timing of their across the span as well. and now a cluster of lights in the northbound side. i'm going to double check the speed sensors on the golden gate bridge are moving smoothly. there was a crash coming down toward vista point from the north side, but we'll check and make sure nothing else has happened in the last couple of minutes. meanwhile, the rest of the bay shows a nice, easy friday drive, a late start expected for some of the builds. nothing going on really major right now. there is some slowing on the sensors on 680, but i did double check another source and it looks like everything's clear, but we'll check again. coming up back to you. thank you mike. despite new clashes on campuses across the country, pro-palestinian supporters at uc berkeley appear to be steadfast in their tent protest. this is video from just last night showing demonstrators holding hands, dancing and chanting, a far cry from one
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incident just two days ago that is when police say three people were injured when one person grabbed a flag held by a pro-israel supporter, and that led to a scuffle at sproul plaza . palestinian supporters on campus now tell nbc bay area that the incident involves someone outside their core. protest group. uc leaders at this time still have no plans to involve police there on their campus, unless the safety of students is under threat. now, as for protests elsewhere, there have been thousands of people arrested this week in new york. police there now confirm one officer accidentally discharged his gun while clearing protesters on the campus of columbia university on tuesday. no one was injured. president biden, though, has weighed in on the unrest today in the bay brea jackson live in washington and brea. we heard from the president and he answered just one question that was, do the protests persuade your your opinion about this? and he said, no, simple no. that's right.
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good morning. chris. so when asked if these demonstrations have forced him to reconsider any u.s. policy in the middle east, president biden, he simply said no. from attacks on protesters. at ucla to a building being occupied at columbia university, we've seen tensions escalate. according to a tally by nbc news, law enforcement arrested more than 2100 people at pro-palestinian protest across the country in the past two weeks. good morning, president biden praised peaceful demonstrations while condemning acts of violence. peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but but neither are we a lawless country. we are a civil society, and order must prevail. students are calling for universities to divest from israel and for the
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war in gaza to end. the biden administration is urging hamas to agree to the current cease fire deal on the table. i will say every day that goes by without a cease fire right now is on hamas because they're the ones that are holding up and answer to this proposal, and they are the ones that are holding up, reaching an immediate cease fire that would help alleviate the suffering of the palestinian people in gaza. at this pro-jewish rally, students are calling for the release of hostages and for anti-semitic activity to end. shout from the top of your lungs that the 133 hostages must be brought home. now we are strong and together, and this is exactly what we are here for. the president also speaking out against hate speech. it's all wrong. it's un-american. president biden breaking his silence on the nationwide protest. students are making their voices heard, and house republicans are using their oversight power to look into these demonstrations. at least
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four committee chairs are looking into these protests. house speaker mike johnson says these will all be part of an investigation into anti-semitism in america. chris, right. thank you so much, brie. well, just into our newsroom, a prestigious honor for longtime bay area lawmaker nancy pelosi. she is one of the latest recipients of the presidential medal of freedom. now, that medal is considered america's highest civilian honor. among the other 18 names to make that list, former vice president al gore and actress michelle yeoh, who recently became the first asian american to win an oscar for best actress. also, two stanford connections, olympic swimmer katie ledecky and civil rights activist and scholar clarence b jones. those recipients will receive their awards at the white house later today. phil donahue was on there, too. yeah, i saw that. remember that? all right. well, san francisco leaders this morning are probably celebrating what seems to have been a very successful party. this was the city's first
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ever first thursday event that ginger told us about yesterday. now, thousands of people showed up last night downtown san francisco. they had music, dance, lots of different kinds of food, and even mayor london breed stopped by the owner of the popular manny's in the mission was one of the organizers for me, the most important thing about tonight is to make sure that the small businesses make money. because right now, the people who are hurting the most in our city are the small businesses. now, the city certainly needs the boost. new reports suggest that about half of the businesses surrounding union square either left or went out of business. since the start of the pandemic. first thursday's happens on second street between market and howard through at least next april. so if you missed this one, put first thursday on your calendar. yeah, there you have it. and taking a live look on this first friday of the golden gate bridge for you this morning. hey, meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring what we can expect weather wise today. and, another day to enjoy while
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you can, right? yes, absolutely. on this first friday of may or first weekend, we are going to see a lot of changes coming in. as you're heading out. this is a look at palo alto in your commute through the peninsula is looking nice and cool to start. a temperature of about 50 degrees at 9:00, it's 58 and will be in the mid 60s at lunchtime and then eventually our high temperature there will be in the mid 70s, low 70s for. dublin, 71 for hayward as well as oakland and 73 in novato. so we're still feeling some nice and comfortable weather. but look at what happens tomorrow. it's going to be much cooler. or a lot of us stay in the 50s. throughout the day. we'll talk about the timeline of the rain and how much we're expecting here. coming up in a few minutes . mike's tracking lower gas prices. yeah, and for the second straight week, we fly low with fliers in fremont, 4.34 a gallon at their shop on osgood road. i don't know how they've been able to keep that outstanding number. it's but though other prices in the state are starting to come
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down, a san jose has the number same number 45 and a number of spots. we're going to call out modes, stop on mckee road. mckee seems to have all this low prices right now in san jose. san francisco has one report under five bucks. it's 4.99 at exxon on california street. and these are all shared by you or retrieved by you on . on the roadways, we are looking at the area. i saw the red sort of stopped traffic as far as those sensors went. it looks like everything's clear. there was a project overnight that has cleared from north 680 coming into fremont out of milpitas. so no more issues there and a smooth drive restored. once again, the live look at the golden gate bridge. we did have traffic stops for a crash as well as a crew. they're both gone back to you. all right, well, if you know me at all, you know that i'm a big reader. and now we have book recommendations specifically for your liking. next, on today in the bay, the new feature from one popular app that should enhance our reading experience. we'll be the judge of that. and we want to know a secret. yeah,
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well, this is a special day for star wars fans out there. this out of this world celebration happening in san francisco that may just force you to attend. oh, i wish i dupixent helps you du more with less asthma.
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and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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and what to expect. this morning. we're in the upper 40s and it's all clear. we're still going to have a lot of sunshine
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and a nice warming trend throughout the late morning into the afternoon, and it will be a nice day. we're taking it in and enjoying it because tomorrow looks much different. we'll have a look at that forecast coming up in a few minutes. and here's a nice look at the smooth flow across the bay bridge. it looks a little different because of a red light over on the left side near the camera. don't worry, i'll let you know if there is a problem. watching for the red. the green. let's check the world of business with pippa. good morning, wall street is set to open higher ahead of the big economic report of the week, the april jobs report. it's forecast to show hiring was still solid last month as the labor market holds up in the face of the highest interest rates in decades. now, forecasts call for the economy to have added 233,000 jobs, down from more than 300,000 in march. unemployment is seen holding at 3.8, the 27th straight month, with a rate below 4% stocks rising yesterday. but are still on track to end the week in the
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red. meantime, shares of apple are jumping today after the company's quarterly results beat forecasts as sales of iphones fell less than expected, especially in china. apple also unveiling a massive stock buyback program of $110 billion. that's the biggest in both company and u.s. history. a lack of innovative new devices has hurt apple sales, but it is expected to launch new ipads next week and audible is testing book recommendations based on your viewing habits. on prime video, audible is owned by amazon. you could see recommendations as straightforward as the book, a movie you watched is based on, or authors that users with similar preferences have enjoyed. audible says there's a natural synergy between tv, movies, and books, and it's seen that in how its customers engage with content. marcus and chris, i'd like to thank. my reading is a little more high brow than my watching, so i'm not sure about this one. i like to say that too, but it's not always true because you need some junk sometimes. yeah, this seems like
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it could create like a feedback loop, right? like i like big little lies. so you tell me to watch big little lies, but then you tell me to read big little lies, and then we go back and forth. back and forth? all right, we'll try it. i'm willing to try it. thanks, pippa. send me your high brow recommendations, by the way. i'd love to have them. yeah no finance stuff, though. all right. so, turning 40 this morning, we have the ultimate star wars marathon for you. so the alamo draft house cinema in san francisco. get this. they are offering a 21 hour marathon. this is going to honor may the 4th. did it. yeah. skywalker marathon is going to feature all nine of those films. that event kicks off at 8:00 tonight and it's going to end tomorrow on the fourth at 5 p.m. this is one of only ten theaters in america. yes, one of ten in america. you're going to get that screening of the complete skywalker saga. we are a destination. yes are you going? yeah, yeah, i danville's having an event tomorrow, too. that's cool. yeah, but not all nine of
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the movies. no it's not. no, but that's cool, though. absolutely. there's a lot going on this weekend. i'm going to be watching the kentucky derby. that's going to be some rain. we have some events going on for may the 4th, so we are also going to have some very changeable weather over the next few days. so we're waking up to a few clouds, but it is still mostly clear as we take a live look outside in san jose. and here's a look at our high temperature that's still going to be very nice and mild for this time of year. in the upper 70s for san jose and los gatos, and 78 for gilroy. for the east bay, we're only seeing a few 80s there, up to 80 in antioch, but mostly mid to upper 70s in danville today, 77 and 71 in oakland, the 7-day forecast is already up at the bottom of the screen. as you're taking a look at how much cooler it's going to be tomorrow. with a high of only 62 in half moon bay, we'll see some mid 70s for palo alto and san francisco will see a high of
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68 in the mission district and 59 in the marina district, while mill valley will see a high of 71 there, 77 in santa rosa. so we are going to see a very strong cold front for this time of year moving in, and it's also picking up a lot of moisture out there. so by the time it gets to the north bay tomorrow morning and this is early in the morning, we are going to see it continuing to pick up in intensity and spread across the bay area. most of us getting some rain by 11:00 and then continuing into the early afternoon and then tapering off for tomorrow night and sunday looks all clear. so just during those few hours that we're going to see rain throughout tomorrow, we could pick up an inch for some of the coastline and parts of the north bay. up to about three quarters of an inch of rain for the tri-valley and closer to an inch of rain for oakland. that is very significant for this time of year. not only that, but we could see a foot to possibly closer to two feet of snow in kingvale. some of those upper elevations will have those highest amounts of snow, but we could see snow levels coming all
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the way down to 4000ft with this very cold storm that's coming in, and also going to bring in some gusty winds. beyond that, we're going to be clearing out and warming up temperatures in the upper 60s on sunday and then into the upper 70s by wednesday, making it into the mid 80s by the end of next week. so this is such a roller coaster going from 50 to 80. and then we'll only see that one day of rain. but the rest of the forecast is looking dry and a lot of sunshine. mike how's it looking for this friday? you know looking very calm right now, i should say not to jinx anything. here's oakland 880 moves. find headlights heading south. of course northbound from the coliseum past the high street. high rise. good spacing here. the nimitz freeway on schedule. same for the rest of the bay. oh, look at that. highway 37 just shows a little bit of slowing. what i was focusing on is that eastbound 24, as sometimes happens in the morning, does show some slower sensors. there may be a crew or it may just be those sensors. i
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think they reset about now in that specific area. vasco road no resetting necessary. easy drive from contra costa county down to 580 and 580 itself just a mild build out of the altamont pass. remember, friday tends to see a later build for any slowing for the commute, and we have a lighter overall volume. but we'll check that the south bay does have no more slowing from the earlier section, where we were seeing a little bit of a delay coming through that portion, though the san mateo bridge camera. i chose the wrong source, but there's a nice view of downtown san jose. look, even the local streets very quiet. we'll send it right back to you. okay, mike. baby sleeping. don't wake up for now. but if you're up next here on today in the bay nbc bay area response. a couple's travel insurance isn't paying a pretty obvious claim. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura, nbc, bay area responds to them. plus, we have some advice for you that could save you money
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about some make making some extra money for that summer getaway. i want you to listen to this. so san francisco based insta work. it's an app for job seekers and one spokesperson tells us that baseball stadiums and concert venues, they really can be a great side hustle. she says things really heat up during the summer months, and it doesn't hurt if you're a fan. as demand at the stadiums increases
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, there are some fans that have gotten really creative with how they can cheer on their favorite team. they can relish in the energy of the stadium, and they can actually make money while doing it. and if you can pick up shifts one at a time, you can do a week at a time, or you can do several weeks at a time, depending on how committed you want to be and still work, says stadium workers typically make between 18 and $23 per hour, and if it's temp work, you're looking for, they actually recommend finding something you have experience in, and then leveraging those skills. also, set a financial goal to keep in mind for yourself, just to keep you motivated. yeah you know, i need a side hustle. i got a kid going to college in the fall. well that's true. peanuts. get your peanuts. okay, well, speaking of customers and all that, well, you know, when customers aren't happy with the customer service that they're getting, they actually turn to our consumer teams. and that is good for our consumer investigator chris kamara, because he likes solving those problems. he has a few of the
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stories that viewers that have sent to him that he's helped out with. happy friday. our team's work is coming up roses this season, saving viewers $60,893 so far this spring. we categorize each complaint you send us to find broader trends. here's our latest top five cellular problems at five. government issues at four. banking trouble at three, home repair runarounds at two, and then at the very top. travel complications. yeah the travel hasn't even started for the summer. and yet, travel messes are the most common complaint you're sending us. case in point, julie and daniel o'shea. they booked a vacation rental for a group. they also paid the booking company extra for insurance. well, a fellow traveler died, so they canceled the booking company, though refused to refund them until we stepped in and read the policy, which clearly covered a traveler's death. though she's got back more than $2,000. speaking of travel insurance,
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some advice here. vacation rental companies, airlines and such make buying their insurance very, very easy while booking just one click. but that's not necessarily the best coverage or the best price. we recommend you shop around. in fact, if you travel often, some policies might cover you for a full year. share your battles with us. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend! you too! whole year. that's a good idea. yeah, yeah, there you have it. all right. 527 right now, next year, the top stories we're following today, including that breaking news out of san jose. this is where two officers were shot in the line of duty overnight. we have live team coverage from the scene and hospital about the unfolding investigation underway at thihour. want yous
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shot while responding to a call in san jose. we have live team coverage for the latest on those officers condition and new details on the chaos ahead of the gunfire. this is today in the bay good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. and i'm kris sanchez. i'm in for laura garcia. we have one crew at san jose's valley medical center where we know that one officer is being treated as we speak today in the bay's ginger conejero is live at regional medical center, where the other
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officer was taken. first, we want to start with bob redell. he is live there at the scene. this is where those shots were fired. so bob, talk to us about what you've been able to learn this morning. good morning to you, marcus and chris. we're on san ignacio avenue here in south san jose, across from an extended stay america, a hotel where this we believe this shooting took place. we are expecting a news conference at some point today from san jose police, but they have tweeted out some information and we can tie what we know so far. they said that around 1030 last night, officers were investigating some sort of disturbance here. they made contact with the man who they say this man shot two police officers. officers returned fire and they took the suspect into custody. both officers are in the hospital. we know one has been since been released. thank goodness ginger will have an update on that. and we also know that the suspect also taken to the hospital. and we received
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new information that suspect was also shot when the police officers returned fire. i don't know if you can see in the dark behind me, but there's an extremely large police presence out here, as you can imagine, and parts of the area are shut down for at least a block away in either direction. but san ignacio avenue at least looks like maybe one direction is open. it's just hard to tell in the dark here. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell today in the bay we'll hope that they are okay. and for more on that, we'll go to ginger. yeah. ginger, you're out there i know. so talk to us about the officer's condition. what do we know? well, marcus, chris, we are at san jose regional medical, where we believe at least one of the officers and possibly the suspect was brought this morning. you're taking a look at the emergency room there at a distance. now, we did receive an update. as bob mentioned, from san jose police,
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within the last half hour, they are confirming that one officer was transported to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. that officer has since stabilized but does remain in critical condition now, according to those posts on x, another officer was brought to a local hospital with moderate injuries. he was treated and fortunately has been released since from the hospital, say sapd is also confirming that the suspect was brought to the hospital with also life threatening injuries. he has stabilized but remains in critical condition now. there has been, some sort of speculation that one of the officers was shot in the chest. that peace has not been confirmed by police. we are working to confirm that. now, all of this started last night. it continues to develop. this morning. we will bring you the latest as we learn both on air and online. for now, that is what we know and i'll send it back to you guys. all right.
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thank you. ginger good that they were able to stabilize both of those officers. and that one of them got to go home. so we're going to continue to monitor this breaking news throughout the morning. make sure you stay up to date by downloading our free nbc bay area app. it is available for free in your local app store. and now let's take a look at our forecast with meteorologist kari hall kerry. we know that it's going to be a busy weather weekend for you. yes we have so many changes coming our way. it's been so warm and sunny throughout the week and that does continue today. breezy winds along the coastline, but tomorrow we'll have rain, wind and also much cooler temperatures. but a dry and sunny sunday. now for the sierra. it's going to return back to winter there. snow showers and up to 1 to 2ft of snow accumulation possible. and looking at antioch and what to expect today, we're going to see a lot of sunny skies and temperatures warming up and feeling more like late spring with highs in the upper 70s. there and we'll see for the south bay also upper 70s, while
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san francisco will be in the mid 60s, north bay temperatures in the mid 70s. so we'll talk about those changes and some events going on this weekend. mike, you were checking in on the on the bay bridge. yeah, i mean for the volume. and there's nothing surprising for the westbound commute. that's the headlights over here actually starting at the bay bridge toll plaza over there. it's the lower deck eastbound where i was watching. there's been a report in the system for a few hours, but they just started updating it once again. eastbound lower deck near treasure island. no slowing, no lights. so i'm going to keep following this. you may encounter some flashing lights through the tunnel, heading over from san francisco to oakland, but both directions move smoothly across that span. we are looking at a little build for highway 37. nothing dramatic . and over here our new crash 680 at highway four. we'll check on that one. chp gives us a little more detail, but no sensor slowing, no sensor slowing for san jose either. a nice easy light drive through the south bay. back to you. all right, mike, thank you. well, new overnight, a fire ripping through a home in san leandro. it happened shortly after ten last night on 167th avenue in
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los banos street. the firefighters were able to contain that fire within about 45 minutes. no one was hurt, but two people are now displaced. the red cross is helping the family. the cause of that fire is still under investigation. livermore police are searching for a man. they say is responsible for the city's first two homicides of the year. a man and a woman were shot and killed saturday inside a room at la quinta inn on south front road. neither of them have been identified yet. now police say they are looking for this man from oakland, johnstone. vasquez. vasquez police say he knew one of the victims, but they haven't released any other details. vasquez is considered armed and dangerous. if you see him, you are urged to call 911. well bay area postal workers, they are voicing increasing concern. this is about an alarming surge in violent robberies targeting mail carriers. now, the latest incident happened just yesterday in oakland on euclid avenue. video showing there the mail carrier exiting an apartment complex when at least two of
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those thieves approached her. a local us postal inspector says robbers are often looking for mailbox keys, and he also says that recent crimes like this, well, they're growing, leaving carriers fearing for their lives . unfortunately, it's at least a weekly occurrence here in the bay area. we're hearing the same thing across the country. letter carriers are just waiting for that moment when they're going to be robbed. so, so far, there have been no arrests made in this oakland case. a $150,000 reward is now being offered for information leading to an arrest . advocates for sex abuse and sex trafficking victims say time is critical to preserve much needed funding. the fear is that the white house will soon cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the crime victims fund, first established by victims of crime act. in a recent op ed published in the san jose spotlight, one santa clara county victims right group says that it could lead to $2 million in cuts locally starting october 1st. they are now urging governor gavin newsom and state
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lawmakers to cover the shortfall. we talked with community solutions out of the south bay. the nonprofit expects to lose nearly 20% of its funding, barring a rescue plan, because we don't want to turn anybody away, particularly when they're in need, when they're fleeing an abusive situation, we're going to have to reduce the breadth and depth of services. and again, going back to band-aid solutions, that is not going to be supportive to any maybe in the immediate crisis. it might help, but it's not going to support any long term impact or change or help survivors get to a place of healing and security. a one bill, now working its way through the legislature will indeed bridge that gap, but it is still in the committee stages. 538 for you this morning, let's take a live look out in downtown san jose, which should be a lot busier than normal this weekend with not one, but two cinco de mayo parades and festivals happening essentially at the same time. now, the city faced some criticism last year. you may remember this is when police
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chose to close several streets and off ramps. businesses say it really hurt sales. the rate organizers promise things are going to be a lot different this year. for one thing, police are now part of those festivities. also leaders are promising more police patrols and greater outreach. we are communicating more than ever, doing, you know, partnering with members of the community with the small business owners and for the first time, doing a city sponsored parade and cruising event. now, councilman domingo candelas was among those who criticized the police plan last year. he says that you can actually expect more road closures this weekend, but this time the decisions were made with community feedback. the downtown festivals take place sunday at city hall and cesar chavez park, both start at 9 a.m. and nbc. bay area is a sponsor, so look for our parade float out there on the back. it's already ready. all right. also on sunday in san jose, the east side cinco de mayo parade and festival, which includes
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lowriders and live music. that parade route runs from king and alum rock to story road and emma pierce park. it's going to start at 10 a.m. nbc. bay area's damian trujillo will take part in that parade, so if you see him out there, make sure you say hello. and to learn more about this weekend's events, all you have to do head over to our website. just go to you're going to find a link there on the front page, right on the trending bar. all right, well, speaking of the weekend, a lot of folks are going to be out. meteorologist kari hall has been talking about what we can expect weather wise. how is it looking? it looks great for a sunday, and thankfully cinco de mayo is on sunday where we're going to see some clearing skies and it's still going to be cool, but at least we won't have to worry about rain and looking at the trend throughout the day in san jose at 10:00 it is 53 degrees and we're headed up to about 63. so maybe keeping the jackets on. let's kick off the weekend today with a look at the a's game in the forecast. that starts out with some low 60s all sunny. and
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then we gradually start to see more clouds coming in late tonight as temperatures drop to the upper 50s. and we talked about this, the star wars day celebration in danville at the community center. it's going to be raining off and on throughout the morning. and also temperatures dropping as we go throughout the day. kind of a weird trend as we get this cold front coming through breezy winds and that rain continues. and it may also linger into san jose for the afternoon, into the evening for the san jose earthquakes. and we're also going to see those temperatures cooling down, going from upper 50s. but then as the rain tapers off, it's going to stay mostly cloudy and only lower 50s. and then a wrap up the weekend we have the bay bridge half marathon happening in oakland. starts at 8:00 in the morning, and we're going to see those temperatures in the low 50s and then clearing throughout the day as our afternoon highs reach into the low 60s. if you plan to go to the sierra, heads up that there is a winter weather advisory in effect from 11 a.m. until 8 a.m. on sunday, and we could see some very heavy snow
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coming through. so in palisades we are going to see chilly temperatures and most of that snow coming down for tomorrow. mike, you also have a look at the road ahead of you. yeah. you mentioned that sunday cinco de mayo over here. alum rock and king 680 will have the on and off ramp at king road closed there for that purpose. you want to make sure everybody stays clear of that particular on and off ramp. so just note that again, done with the community consultation. we're looking at a smooth drive throughout all these communities though at speed this friday. and easy drive around most of the bay. call your attention to what is not happening this weekend. we will not have the closure of eastbound highway 37 that was scheduled like the last two weekends for the westbound direction, but because of this rain, they saw the forecast as well. no closure for her 37. that means in the future we will have some more closures, but right now it's just the commute westbound, which shows a little bit of slowing this crash. 680 at highway four. it is near the ramp there, but not a problem. and there's not even any real slowing coming in to concord out
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of pittsburg and bay point. let me look at these numbers here. vasco road, still under 20 minutes for your drive off marsh creek, down out of contra costa county to 580 where things move smoothly just a little slowing out of the altamont. back to you. thanks, mike. 542 for you this morning and expanding research on menopause ahead for you here on today in the bay. the star power behind a new push on capitol hill to boost federal funding. are you ready? fashion mavens everywhere counting down to the first monday in may as we preview some of the a-listers now descending on new york city for the met gala. why the bay area will definitely b represented. youe'r
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we are going to have a nice, cool and clear start to the day and the sunshine continues for most of the day as our temperatures warm up slightly above. what's normal for early may. we are going to have a major change for the weekend going from spring to winter, and we'll talk about that and all of the rain we're expecting coming up in a few minutes, and we are expecting more traffic here in san jose. that's what we see with these headlights heading northbound and checking out right there. see that little set of lights on the shoulder? it's going to make sure there's nothing big developing. the chp reporter, other reports. i do know there is something going on for the nimitz. we'll check that
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camera coming up. i want to get back to our breaking news this morning out of san jose. this is where two police officers have been shot while responding to a call. now, this happened late last night. here is a live look at two hospitals where we believe the officers were taken along with the shooting, along with the shooting suspect. now we do know one of the officers now has been treated and released. the other is in is critically injured. now police are saying that incident started at around 1030 last night on saint nicasio avenue. this is where officers were responding to a disturbance call. those officers did manage to shoot the suspect, who is also said to be in critical condition. we'll bring you live coverage for you at the top of the hour. 547 now an academy award winner, halle berry is working to raise awareness on an issue she is passionate about. i'm in my pause. okay berry went to capitol hill this week to push for a new menopause bill. senators are introducing a $267
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million bill to boost federal research and improve women's health. midlife lawmakers say it would be the most expansive effort to put a spotlight on menopause research. berry is recognized for sharing her personal experiences and challenging the stigma about it. we do. we need to take the destigmatize this. it's not. we shouldn't feel ashamed to acknowledge that we're at this time of our life. we should feel grateful that we've arrived to this point. you know, some women don't make it this far, right? so we should be and feel empowered. we should feel like our best selves. we just need the medical community to catch up. it is estimated that half of the american population will eventually experience menopause, which comes with symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue and anxiety, though there are other health consequences as well. the bill calls for expanding federally funded clinical trials and also specialized training for doctors. it is 548 for you this morning. i want you to get
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your mint juleps, your fancy hats, fascinators and horse picks ready because tomorrow marks the 150th running of the kentucky derby and the north bay for the fourth year in a row, kendall jackson wine estate and gardens is bringing the excitement of churchill downs to sonoma county. it is hosting the west coast largest kentucky derby watch party right now. tickets are sold out for that event tomorrow, but it does start at 11 if you're headed there, guess who attend will enjoy large screen viewing of the races throughout the day on these giant 16 by nine led screens, then we'll also have derby inspired cuisine, from local restaurants, paired with our award winning wines, of course. and then musical entertainment between the races throughout the day. now, if you're headed to that event, don't worry, you can watch the 150th kentucky derby tomorrow right here on nbc bay area. our coverage starts at 1130 in the morning. should be a lot of fun.
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all right. trending this morning. the hearts of fashion fans everywhere are just going to be beating through their chests as haute couture. i know it's going to be all right. so that is because we are just days away from the first monday in may. you know what that means? also known as the famed met gala, it's in new york city. oakland native zendaya, j.lo, bad bunny, chris hemsworth and others are among this year's event co-chairs. this year, the theme is the garden of time. oh yeah, fashion insiders predict nature will take center stage with a lot of florals, even snake skins. they also advise attendees now. now is not the time to wear something predictable. you're at the met gala to stand out. maybe not ridiculous for the sake of eyeballs standout, but a lot of brands will. they're going to show off their best self to make that photo op on, the next day, right? you don't want to see people playing it safe. do not play it safe. this is the time to take the risk. and that's what we want to see. this is not
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a regular carpet. it's fashion. yeah. the event is also an annual fundraiser for the metropolitan museum in new york city and is hosted by vogue editor in chief anna wintour. so you know, go big, but make sure you can still make it through the doorway. well sometimes you don't have to. i mean, that's got to be on the steps. that's all, you know? pardon me? i had a chance to go to the met. in fact, my whole family, because we visited new york recently. yeah, for spring break. but we couldn't because we had we wanted to go to the moma. so, i mean, i just, you know, so. oh, oh, the met. but you will be there. there was no but not at the met gala. no, no, but i mean, still i mean, you're going this weekend though. could have said anna called me and she says, you missed. oh, good. i'm glad i was checking my text. i know, i hope you got your outfit and, you know, are on the first name basis. that's right. yes oh. they back. is it different, anna? well, you're not waiting until monday to be fabulous. you're going to be fabulous on saturday because you do the kentucky derby. yes i love doing the derby thing. you know, we make our mint juleps. we do the
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hats, all of that stuff. i wish i could go to kendall jackson for the weekend. it'd be so nice. oh, that would be nice. next year. next year. all right, i'll watch the kids. okay. absolutely. all right, so we have some not so nice weather for the derby this year, but it looks great for cinco de mayo. so we have kind of a split weekend here with our weather. so we're looking at a clear start this morning as you're heading out and we're going to see sunny and mild weather continue today. those clouds start to roll in tonight. and by tomorrow we're going to see rain, wind and cool temperatures. but then drying out sunday and next week there will be a pretty gradual warm up and you can see the changes right there at the bottom of the screen. check out your microclimate today in the south bay we're in the mid to upper 70s oakland today 71 and low to mid 70s for the north bay. san francisco will be in the mid 60s. so once again all clear, dry, sunny today. but tomorrow as that rain comes in we're going to see those temperatures only in the 50s for a lot of microclimates and just slightly warmer for sunday as we get the
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sunshine coming back this is a pretty strong storm system for this time of year, and as it moves in, it's going to have a big drop in temperatures for us, along with some widespread rain. the heaviest rain in the north bay and along the coastline. and it really starts to ramp up late morning into the afternoon and continues throughout most of the day. so not clearing until tomorrow evening. and just during that short time, we're looking at a half inch to one inch of rainfall, much cooler temperatures, breezy winds in the sierra could see 1 to 2ft of snow. once that cold front moves out. here's a look at our sunday morning temperatures. are you ready for 30s and low 40s? i know it's going to be a big slap in the face with the winter temperatures, and then it starts to warm up because after a few days after that will be in the 80s for those high temperatures. so you can see the changes we're about to go through and how strong this cold front is for early may. and not only could it possibly bring all of our
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monthly rainfall in one day, but we'll have that cold blast of temperatures behind it. but then by next thursday, we're up to 84 degrees and nice and sunny. i know there's a lot going on there. yeah. wow you have a crash now. my goodness. in hayward. yeah, we are. we're looking at this crash carrie. and now the word in chp said that there was a car that may be involved. couldn't get it into gear, but i hope that means better, easier clearing. because when you can't get it out of gears, when it's hard to push and clear, hopefully they can remove these vehicles with no major injuries. the slowing mild right now heading south past 92 where we typically see slowing for the nimitz anyway, the south bay shows a little bit of northbound slowing. typical for that first blip. friday, of course, kicks in a little lighter and it should be clearing up for the second blip. the slowing should start about 630. highway 37 started slowing right on schedule, but lighter, just like a typical friday. and this crash over near the 680 highway four interchange hasn't been a problem as far as those speed sensors are concerned, the bay bridge toll plaza is still very light. it's friday folks
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here at the bay bridge two, back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well, happening now, rank and file nurses at fremont washington hospital voting today to ratify their recent contract agreement. union leaders are calling this a historic deal. may remember talks were tense at times and led to numerous protests and rallies. now we continue that to follow that breaking news out of san jose, where two officers were shot overnight while responding to a call. we're live at the scene with the new details about how this played out, what happened plus, we have a live update on the condition of the officers and the suspect. and don't forget we are streaming 24 seven. you can watch nbc bay area whenever you want on roku and other streaming platforms ght w you
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor.
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ask your specialist about dupixent. onto our consumer teams. yeah. consumer investigator chris kamara lives for that. he joins us now with some of the stories from viewers. he's helped around the bay area. happy friday. our teams work is coming up roses this season. saving viewers
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$60,893. so far this spring. we categorize each complaint you send us to find broader trends. here's our latest top five cellular problems at five. government issues at four. banking trouble at three. home repair runarounds at two, and then at the very top. travel complications. yeah, travel hasn't even started for the summer. and yet travel messes are the most common complaint you're sending us. case in point, julie and daniel o'shea. they booked a vacation rental for a group. they also paid the booking company extra for insurance while a fellow traveler died. so they canceled the booking company, though refused to refund them until we stepped in and read the policy, which clearly covered a traveler's death. though she's got back more than $2,000. speaking of travel insurance, some advice here. vacation rental companies, airlines and such make buying their insurance very easy while booking just one click. but that's not necessarily the best coverage or
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the best price. we recommend you shop around. in fact, if you travel often, some policies might cover you for a full year. share your battles with us. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend! you too chris. quick reminder you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we are streaming 24/7 on roku and all of these platforms here on your screen, you can watch live newscasts breaking news updates, and more local content. well, breaking news right now at six two san jose police officers shot in the line of duty overnight. we're live on the scene with all new information on the officer's conditions and revelations about that suspect. this is today in the bay area. a good morning to you. on this friday. i'm marcus washington and i'm kris sanchez. let's get right to that breaking news. this is a shooting that happened as officers were respond


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