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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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the best price. we recommend you shop around. in fact, if you travel often, some policies might cover you for a full year. share your battles with us. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend! you too chris. quick reminder you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we are streaming 24/7 on roku and all of these platforms here on your screen, you can watch live newscasts breaking news updates, and more local content. well, breaking news right now at six two san jose police officers shot in the line of duty overnight. we're live on the scene with all new information on the officer's conditions and revelations about that suspect. this is today in the bay area. a good morning to you. on this friday. i'm marcus washington and i'm kris sanchez. let's get right to that breaking news. this is a shooting that happened as officers were responding to a
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disturbance on san ignacio street avenue last night. today in the bay ginger conejero saab is live from san jose regional medical center, where we believe one of the officers is being treated. but first, let's get to bob redell. he's live there at the scene of that shooting. so bob, what are police saying this morning? good morning marcus and chris. as you can see behind me, there's a very large san jose police presence here at an extended stay america hotel on san ignacio avenue. the crime scene unit is right there in front of you, where you can see there's a lot of officers behind there who have been doing their investigation. now, according to san jose police, that first of all, they said they are going to have a news conference later today. but the information we're getting from right now is from their post on x, also known as twitter. they say that around 1030 last night, officers were responding to a disturbance here and as they were investigating this disturbance, they made contact with a man. now,
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according to police, that man shot two police officers. officers returned fire. they hit that suspect and took that person into custody. that suspect, as ginger will update you, min is taken to the hospital. same with the officers and we do have an update on those officers as well. but that is what is going on right here. there's a large police presence here again, two, two officers shot while investigating a disturbance. we believe it took place at this extended stay. america here in south san jose reporting live. bob redell today in the bay. all right, bob, thank you for that update there. now we want to go to today in the bay. ginger conejero saab. she has more on the officer's conditions this morning. ginger, what do we know? well, marcus, we are at san jose's regional medical. it's quite a different scene from what bob just showed us. if you take a look in the distance, that's the emergency room there, actually, we see an ambulance with its lights on. not do not know if this has anything to do with the story, of course, that we're reporting on, but we do see that there are
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still several cop cars here at regional medical as well as a sheriff's van. this is where we believe at least one of the officers and the suspect were transported. now, san jose police confirming about an hour ago that one officer was brought to a hospital with life threatening injuries. that officer has since stabilized but remains in critical condition. we'll give you a live look now at valley medical, also here in san jose, police confirming that earlier this morning, another officer was transported to a local hospital as well with moderate injuries. he was treated and has since been released from the hospital. now the suspect was brought to the hospital as well. this is video from earlier this morning. san jose police has a suspect has stabilized. he had life threatening injuries but does remain in critical condition despite having stabilized later this morning. police say they will have a presser today as bob mentioned, we are looking to get updates on the conditions of the officer that is still at the
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hospital as well as a suspect, and learn more about this as soon as we have that, we'll bring that to you guys. yeah. hoping for a full recovery from the both. all right, ginger, thank you for that. now we are going to continue to monitor this breaking story. we're going to bring you team coverage at 630 this morning. and don't forget you can always stay up to date by downloading our nbc bay area app. it is free to download on all smart devices. it is 603 right now, and one of our other big stories is the weather. as we look outside over san francisco. looks beautiful now, but we know the rain is set to return maybe in the next 24 hours or so. carrie. yeah, we're going to see the north bay getting that rain first. so we are enjoying the last few hours of warm and sunny weather. but right now we're starting out with some low 50s as you head out the door and there will be a nice little warming trend for us with some of our inland valleys and spots like walnut creek going from upper 50s to mid 70s for today, and also enjoying a light wind with that sunshine in dublin, expect a high of 73
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there and 73 in fremont, san jose up to 77 and oakland 71 degrees. san francisco 64 and low 70s for novato. take a look at how cool it's going to be for tomorrow afternoon. only in the upper 50s for a lot of spots. we'll talk about the timeline of that rain, the gusty winds and the rebound in temperatures afterwards. coming up in a few minutes. back to you. thank you. carrie. despite new clashes on campuses across the country, pro-palestinian supporters at uc berkeley appear to be steadfast in their tent protest, which has been largely peaceful. video shot last night shows demonstrators holding hands and dancing and chanting a far cry from one incident two days ago. that is when police say that three people were injured when someone grabbed a flag held by a pro-israel supporter, leading to a scuffle at sproul plaza. palestinian supporters on campus now tell nbc bay area that the incident involved someone from outside their core protest group. uc leaders at this point
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still have no plans to involve police unless they say the safety of students is under threat. now, as for those protests elsewhere, thousands of people have been arrested this week in new york city, police there confirmed that one officer accidentally discharged his gun while clearing protesters from columbia on tuesday. no one was injured, but according to a tally that nbc news has been keeping, law enforcement has arrested 200 people at pro-palestinian protests across the country in the last two weeks. that includes more than 200 people arrested by the california highway patrol about 24 hours ago. we showed you that as it was happening at ucla, students are calling for universities to divest from israel and to end the war in gaza. president joe biden says he supports freedom of speech, but not the right to cause chaos. a peaceful protest is in
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the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues, but, but, but neither are we a lawless country. we are a civil society, and order must prevail. now, when he was asked if these demonstrations have forced him to reconsider any u.s. policy in the middle east, president biden simply said no. period. the biden administration now urging hamas to agree to that current cease fire deal that is on the table. well, just into our newsroom, a prestigious honor for longtime bay area lawmaker nancy pelosi. she's one of the latest recipients of the presidential medal of freedom. now, the medal is considered america's highest civilian honor. and among the 18 names to make the list, former vice president al gore. actress michelle yeoh, who recently became the first asian american woman to win an oscar for best actress. also, two stanford connections olympic swimmer katie ledecky and civil rights activist scholar clarence b jones. those recipients will
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receive their awards at the white house later today. that is quite the class. all right, san francisco leaders this morning are probably celebrating what seems to have been a pretty successful party. it was the city's first ever first thursday event, and thousands of people were ready to party last night in downtown san francisco. that event had music and dance, lots of food and performances. mayor london breed also stopped by the owner of the popular manny's in the mission, is one of those organizers says. for me, the most important thing about tonight is to make sure that the small businesses make money, because right now, the people who are hurting the most in our city are the small businesses, and the city can certainly use that boost. as manny says, new reports suggest that about half of the businesses around union square either left or went out of business since the start of the pandemic. first thursday's happens on second street between market and howard through at least next april, so mark your calendar if you didn't get a
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chance to head out last night, there are. two other markets in san francisco you might want to know about a week from today, may 10th. bhangra and beats returns to the mission district at battery and clay, and it kicks off with a special aapi celebration. also, a little further into the summer. the dog days of summer events begins on august 31st. that's at the crossing in the east cut celebration focuses on man's best friend and brunch boy. cold is going to be really hounded with that. and talk about last night. i mean, the weather was perfect. i saw people post stuff online. i'm like, i want to be there, but i was in the bed. well, yeah, me too, you know? and it was we're kind of missing out on some beautiful weather throughout the week now as we're getting to the weekend, if we don't get out there today to enjoy, we are going to have big changes for the weekend. so we're still sunny and warm today. breezy at the coast, and then tomorrow the rain and the wind comes back and it's going to feel more like winter now. sunday. it's also going to be drying out, but it won't be nearly as warm as what we'll see. this afternoon. if you're
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going to the sierra, there will be some snow showers with 1 to 2ft of snow possible, so the winter weather advisory in effect throughout the entire sierra starting at 11:00 tomorrow morning. but it is beautiful there as we take a live look at palisades tahoe. all of the rain and snow coming down tomorrow, but then clearing out on sunday. and once again we are looking at some significant snowfall totals, anywhere from ten inches in south lake to all the way up to possibly closer to two feet for kingvale. we'll be watching for that. we'll talk about how much rain the bay area will see coming up. mike's been tracking those gas prices and are they coming down a little bit a little bit, a little bit. but for the second straight week, fliers is the low in fremont 434 a gallon at their shop on osgood road. i don't know how large those reserve tanks are, so get there before they have to change your price for the next delivery, perhaps in san jose, the number is the same number 45 at a number of places along mckee. we're talking about moe's stop today, though, on mckee for this price. and in san francisco, we're
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going to look at one report, the single report under five bucks at 4.99. it's the exxon on california street. check it's right here on the sign behind me. and it's on your website so you can check those prices. let's get out to the roadways where we're looking at a smooth drive, except for one section of the nimitz. southbound 880 should start to improve, as just minutes ago they got the vehicle over to the side of the road here, the shoulder at industrial parkway hesperian is an alternate for you, but it's a surface street. lots of signals. i say stick it out to the nimitz freeway. light traffic around the bay. here's the bay bridge toll plaza. even with the metering lights on, we really don't have a wait until you pass through the toll plaza back to you. thanks, mike. who has the most money in the world? spoiler. it's not us, but we do know who it is. up next on today in the bay, forbes richest people and the ones on top coming from the bay area and a chance to make your mark on one of san jose's most popular hangout spots. how you can actually help with the revamping of san pedro square. keep it right he
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clouds here and there. kind of a hazy start, but it will be clearing out as our temperatures warm up and head for the low 70s for today. really nice and enjoy it tomorrow. nothing like today. we'll talk about the big changes coming in in just a few minutes. not a not a big change, but a
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change here. westbound 580 out of richmond. we're seeing more traffic heading out of contra costa county into the north bay. now we do have some slower spots, actually. highway four checking out a slower blip that just showed up. and we're going to talk about that crash that did clear to the shoulder but still 880 does have an issue. as you travel through hayward. we'll show you what that might impact coming up. well scott is off this morning. so we're covering your breaking financial news futures higher up ahead of the opening bell after a surprising new monthly jobs report, the economy added 175,000 jobs in april, which is far below the forecast of about a quarter million. the employment rate holds steady at 3.8. a wall street may be encouraged to see the labor market start to cool somewhat, and wage growth slow down. apple stocks are jumping this morning. the company's quarterly results beat forecasts as sales of iphones fell less than expected, especially in china. apple also
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unveiled a massive stock buyback program of $110 billion, the biggest in both the company's history and us history. the lack of innovative new devices has hurt apple sales, but it's expected to launch new ipads next week. well, i think bruno mars said it best i want to be a billionaire. he sang it better. that's why i did so bad. so so forbes releasing its list of richest people in the world. and you know what? four of the top five run companies from the bay area with bay area ties, bernard arnault and his family from france ranked first. but after that, pretty much all bay area tesla elon musk second, followed by amazon, jeff bezos, that's third. mark zuckerberg, another bay area tied from meta and fourth, and oracle's larry ellison rounding out the top five. would be nice to see some women up there. yeah, you know, the walmart family, they're probably not far off that list. not far off. but you know, you
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make what, $0.78 on the dollar whatever. yeah. on the billion. how much is that. too much math. all right. it's 616. you're probably like what are we looking at. so look all new this morning. this look at this okay. this is over alcatraz island, the famed prison is playing host to a new community there. this time trading inmates for these adorable falcon family here. right. look, the dove chick. the chick dubbed larry, hatched in 2018. the bird eventually flew across the bay, made her next on alcatraz. this is where the national park service says she's been since at least 2020. the pair actually welcomed four chicks last year. local park officials. they actually just installed a new public webcams. that's what we're looking at now so that we all can have a look at this beautiful little family here. i told you that we had a little dove eggs. yeah. oh, no. something ate them. oh, yeah. the circle of life. i know nobody likes to talk about the
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circle of life in that way, though. it's sad. i'm over it, though. i'm working through it. all right, let's work through this right here, because. 617 right now, a south bay artist. well, they're looking for volunteers to help really create this long lasting piece of san jose history. this is exciting. council members recently voted to close san pedro street to cars and convert it into a promenade. we've reported on that, but now the new centerpiece will be a large mural. local color is putting out the call for volunteers to help bring that design to life. volunteers can sign up for two hour time slots. the painting is going to happen over four days starting may 27th. i think that is super cool because we love our murals in san jose, and if you just look up and be like, mike painted that part, gary painted that part, marcus painted that part, and this time they gave it. and this time they gave us all permission. but we have so many talented people in the bay area, it'll be really cool to see their art displayed somewhere really prominent little pieces of bay area, you
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know, this, this, that maybe a mural of today in the bay team. i'm just saying, let's throw it out there. i'm just saying, look, wink, wink. all right? don't ask me to do it because i'm not good at art. so finger painting, you're good at so many other things, especially the weather. i can do the turkey with the hand. yeah you gotta start somewhere. but summer. all right, so let's get started this morning, we're waking up to a beautiful painting of our bay area skylines. it's a nice sunrise, and we can see that as we are looking across four of our microclimates and temperatures in the low 50s, we are at 52 degrees and we're headed for the upper 70s again today for some of our inland valleys, with los gatos, san jose, cupertino all looking at a high of 77 degrees and will be in the upper 70s for much of the east bay concord today, 7874, in pleasanton and fremont, 73 degrees. the 7-day forecast is coming up at the bottom of the
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screen. so many changes over the next few days. we're up to 63 in daly city today and upper 60s for san francisco in the downtown area and north bay. temperatures in the upper 70s from santa rosa to sonoma over toward napa will be in the mid 70s. we have a big cold front coming in, and this is fairly significant for this time of year. could bring our monthly amount of rainfall all in one day. now, we don't typically get a lot of rain in may, but this one is going to have a big boost with that moisture that starts in with the rain for the north bay early in the morning. this is before sunrise and continuing to move across the bay area before noon. and it just kind of rains off and on through at least early in the afternoon, and then eventually tapers off. so during that short time that all of that moves through our models are putting down about three quarters of an inch of rain for the south bay, closer to an inch of rain for oakland and san francisco, and above an inch of rain for the north bay. and then once that front moves on out, it's going to be cold on
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sunday morning. we're going to see our lows in the low 40s for much of the east bay, the south bay, the peninsula, and the san francisco will be in the upper 40s. but look at the north bay. we're going to start out sunday morning in the 30s. are you ready for that? and then look at the rebound in temperatures throughout much of next week. we're going from upper 50s on saturday to mid 80s on thursday. so we're going to need all of the wardrobe through the next several days, going from heavier coats and jackets and umbrellas to shorts and short sleeves and sunglasses, and also warming up in san francisco as well. mike, you now see the backup at the bay bridge. yeah, but i also see the importance of keeping up with our forecast here for the meteorology team over there. the backup is in indeed gently building, slowly, gradually building on a friday. we have a lighter flow of traffic coming in. the metering lights are on, but there's enough slowing on the approach to san francisco that they probably needed to slow those metering lights a bit. we're looking at highway 37
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with a little build out of vallejo, and now coming in for westbound highway four, we do finally see a little bit of slowing in bay point and in toward concord, but this cropped up first eastbound highway four. we do have the couple lanes affected by crews that have been there for the last couple of weeks, off and on. so keep that in mind. heading over toward bailey and kirker pass still slow, but the crash on the shoulder now makes things much more smoothly. traveling past 80 and 92 that interchange on 92, the little build for the san mateo bridge. but it's friday light overall. back to you. thanks, mike. 621 and one man just returned from a grueling ultramarathon across the world, and during those tough times in the race, his nephew's fight to survive kept him running. we'll introduceou to him y
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whoa. dua lipa, double trouble, double d dua, double d, lipa and double responsibilities there. music sensation you saw right there. dua lipa will host and musical guest as well, with saturday night live tomorrow night. it's just in time for her third album release, radical optimism, which comes out today. you can actually watch snl tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m. right here on nbc. i've seen her perform twice. really? yeah. i just perform her music. okay sure you do. well. well, for marathon runners, there is a lot
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they have to do to succeed. there's the training for their body, the training for their mind. and also finding motivation to keep going when things get tough. yeah. today in the bay's garvin thomas shows us what motivates one north bay athlete just to follow his dreams. and this morning's bay area proud. good morning everyone. there's a man in the north bay who just completed an amazing act of physical endurance. and he's giving credit to inspiration. he got from a ten year old boy when john virden from mill valley signed up for the marathon des sables, he knew he'd have to be ready. physically, it's a six day, 160 mile ultra marathon across the sahara desert. but he also knew he'd have to be ready mentally and have something to push him through the difficult times. well john said he just had to think of his nephew buddy battling a cancer called osteosarcoma. john not only finished, but ended up raising thousands of dollars to help research pediatric cancers like buddy's. you can experience the
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whole story at slash bay area proud, as well as hundreds of other stories of people being good to each other in the bay area i like that. all right, look, stay with us. we've got so much more ahead for you at 630, including that breaking news we've been telling you about this morning out of the south bay. this is where two officers were shot overnight. we're going to take you live to the scene with more insight on that investigation. and we're going to have an update live from the hospital as one of those officers fights for his life. plus, caught on camera, thieves once again target a mail carrier, this time in the east bay. what they were after, and the six figure reward being offered for information and an arrest this morning, and preparing for cinco de mayo this weekend. after some controversial road closures last year, the way one city and is planning to change their strategy
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going.
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again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much
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-or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. shot while responding to a call in san jose. we have live team coverage with the latest on the officer's conditions and new details on the chaos that happened ahead of that gunfire. this is today in the bay thanks for starting your friday morning with us. i'm kris sanchez, and i'm marcus washington. let's get right to that breaking news today in the bay's ginger conejero saab. she's live for us
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at regency regional medical center. this is where one of those officers is fighting for their life. now. bob redell is live at the scene where the shots were fired. bob, have you learned anything about what happened before this? we know that san jose police were responding to a disturbance here at the extended stay america. behind me, here on san ignacio avenue. this was around 1030 last night. this is something that the police department has put out on social media, and we are expecting to hopefully get more information from them during our news conference later today. but as they were responding to this disturbance, there was a man they made contact with. and according to police, this man shot two police officers. officers returned fire and they hit that man. the two officers were taken to the hospital. fortunately, one has been released. ginger will have an update on that. the suspect also taken to the hospital and we're going to hear from ginger on his condition as well. but as you can see behind me, there's a large police presence here at the extended stay. america was actually two hotel guests who
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were just escorted off property. i was trying to get some information from them, but it doesn't sound like they know much about what happened, except that they did hear some noise reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, today in the bay. all right, bob, thank you. all right. let's go to today in the bay. ginger conejero saab. as bob mentioned, ginger, you have some information about the officers conditions this morning. you're live at regional medical center. that's right. chris, you can see the emergency room behind me at a distance. we've actually seen several cop cars come in and out as we've been here this morning. we don't know if that you know, in and out has anything to do with the story that we are reported on. but there are several cop cars that have been here as we have been here as well. now, this is where we believe one officer and the suspect were transported. san jose police confirming that one officer was brought to the hospital with life threatening injuries. that officer has since stabilized but does remain in critical condition. we're going to give you a live look at
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valley medical, also here in san jose, police confirming that earlier this morning, another officer was transported to a local hospital with moderate injuries. as bob mentioned, that officer has been released from the hospital. he was treated and was able to be released. now the suspect, as i mentioned, we believe brought here to regional medical. this is video from earlier this morning. and san jose police say the suspect has stabilized as well, but does remain in critical condition. i know bob mentioned later that the police will have or san jose police will have an update. we'll have a presser. that is really when we expect to learn more about how these people got injured. we will bring you those updates as soon as we get them. but for now, i'll send it back to you guys. all right. it's good to know that doctors were able to stabilize them. thank you. ginger we'll continue to monitor this breaking news throughout the morning. you can
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stay up to date by downloading our free nbc bay area app. you can find it for free on the local app store. it is 6.33 right now and time to get a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall been tracking what we can expect. i mean, a beautiful start to the day. yes, it is so nice again and we've made it throughout the week with a lot of sunshine and warmer than normal temperatures. and that does continue today. but there will be changes tomorrow with rain, wind and cooler temperatures moving in and dry on sunday, but next week a gradual warm up in the forecast taking a look at our highs for today, we'll see it reaching up to 73 in dublin and fremont, 75 in mountain view, san mateo. today, 70 or 66 degrees there and mid 60s for san francisco. in napa, this afternoon, a perfect 75. we'll talk about a much colder and rainy weekend in our forecast coming up in a few minutes. thank you carrie. well, new overnight a fire ripping through a home in san leandro. this happened shortly after ten last night on 167th avenue and
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los banos street. firefighters were able to contain that fire within about 45 minutes. no one was hurt, but two people are displaced. red cross helping that family. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. well bay area postal workers, they are voicing increased concern. this is after an alarming surge in violent robberies targeting mail carriers. now, the latest incident happening just yesterday in oakland on euclid avenue. now this video right here shows that mail carrier exiting the apartment complex. and you see right here, this is when at least two of those thieves approach her. a local u.s. postal inspector says robberies are happening more often, and typically they're looking for those mailbox keys. he also says that recent crimes like this one are growing, leaving those carriers really fearing for their lives. unfortunately, it's at least a weekly occurrence here in the bay area. we're hearing the same thing across the country. letter carriers are just waiting for that moment when they're going to be robbed. now, so far, no
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arrests have been made in that oakland case. a $150,000 reward is now being offered for information leading to an arrest. it is 635 now. and let's take a live look over downtown san jose, where the sun is starting to peek over one of the buildings there. it could be a lot busier than normal in san jose because there is not one, but two cinco de mayo parades and festivals happening essentially at the same time. the city did face criticism last year when police chose to close several streets and off ramps. businesses say that really hurt their sales. parade organizers promised this year that things are going to be different. for one thing, police are part of the festivities. also, leaders are promising more patrols and greater outreach. we are communicating more than ever, doing, you know, partnering with members of the community, with the small business owners and for the first time, doing a city sponsored parade and cruising event. councilman domingo candelas, who you just heard was among those who criticized the
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police plan last year. and now he says you can expect more road closures this weekend. but this time, those closures were made with community feedback. the downtown festivals happen on sunday at city hall and cesar chavez park. both start at nine in the morning. nbc bay area is a sponsor, so look out for our parade float market in the parking lot. it's all jazzed up. also on sunday in san jose, east side cinco de mayo parade and festival, which includes lowriders and live music. that parade route runs from king and alum rock to story road and emma prusch park. it starts at ten in the morning. damian trujillo is going to be part of that parade. if you see him, say hello to learn more about the rest of the weekend events for cinco de mayo, you can head to you can find the link on our front page right on the trending bar. and you know what? the weekend. some rain. but for those events, it's going to be a nice. yeah. so it's so great that cinco de mayo is on sunday. yes. because tomorrow is
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looking like a completely different story. yeah. we're going to have the sunshine returning on sunday after a major cooldown, so it's still going to be chilly on sunday. we're starting out in the morning with some low 50s, but look at the sunshine. we'll see. and our high temperatures headed for the low 60s. so a light jacket and also some sunscreen as we kick off our weekend. today it's going to be for the a's game in the low 60s. a light wind. and eventually we'll start to see some more clouds coming in those clouds out ahead of a storm system that's going to give us a rainy saturday. so the star wars celebration in danville, you'll want to make sure that you're quickly heading inside. we're going to see temperatures in the mid 50s to start and then actually cooling down as we go throughout the day. so we'll be in the low 50s as that rain will be ongoing there. and in san jose at levi stadium for the earthquakes game. it's going to be in the upper 50s and still raining off and on. on fortunately, it's going to be kind of a soggy and cool evening even after the rain
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clears out. it's going to be very chilly with some low 50s. and then on sunday in time for the bay bridge half marathon in oakland, we're starting out sunday morning at 815. in the low 50s, and we are once again going to see the drier weather returning. but it will be cool with highs in the low 60s. and speaking of cool for the sierra, it's going to be very chilly winter coming back. so there is a winter weather advisory that starts at 11:00 tomorrow morning, and even though it looks beautiful and sunny there now, we've got a little bit of snow left. there's going to be some more snow coming down tomorrow, and it will be very heavy at times. it's best to travel today, come back sunday. should be clearing up. saturday will not be a good travel day because of all of the heavy snow , and we're looking at anywhere from ten inches of snow in south lake tahoe to up to 23in of snow, once again all coming down in one day. so we'll be watching that. we'll talk about bay area rain coming up. and mike, you're
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starting out with a couple of closures. yeah. we talked about those cinco de mayo parades sunday. we have the east side parade. damian is going to be in it. lots of crowds obviously to go see damian. but watch out. you can't use the king street on or off ramp from 680 because they got to close it. it's very well. it's actually part of the parade route over here though. right now we're talking about slowing north 101 kicking in. finally, for this friday, a little late start and a lighter volume overall. but you'll see that bill continue. now, we do have a smooth drive for most of the bay. we are looking over here toward the san mateo bridge where there is a crash there cleared to the shoulder for south 880. this is not happening. actually, what was going to happen was they were going to close eastbound highway 37 all weekend, just as they had closed the westbound direction for the previous two weekends. but because of that rain, they saw that forecast. kerry is talking about the rain coming in eastbound will not be closed this weekend. that's great. that means they'll be pushing back those closures in the next couple of weekends. we'll keep track of that. we'll let you know, of course. but meanwhile, westbound is your commute
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direction and that is showing a pretty typical build of circle, the crash that was causing a lot of slowing for a couple of minutes. it looks like it cleared in oakland. there's a disabled vehicle reported on the bay bridge in the commute direction. doesn't look like a problem, but they slowed the metering lights down. it looks like because the build happened pretty quickly now, filling in the toll plaza. back to you. thanks, mike. we are working to get more details for you on that. breaking news out of san jose. still ahead, an update on the two police officers who were shot overnight, and also new developments in a fire that destroyed a popular east bay barbecue joint, the evidence now changing the investigation's direction and why go to churchill downs to celebrate tomorrow's 150th anniversary? the kentucky derby, one place right here in the bay area where you n beca
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the time is 643 and we're starting out with sunshine, and the sunny weather continues throughout today as our temperatures warm up into the low to mid 70s. another really nice one before a significant cool down with rain comes in. tomorrow we'll talk about all of the changes coming up in a few minutes, and we are taking a live look at the san mateo bridge. obviously the right side is the commute direction that's westbound. we just picked up the volume quite a bit. there was actually some almost full stop there, but things sorted themselves out, so that's a pretty typical pattern. but even on a friday, san mateo bridge is not really a lot lighter. we'll
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check the rest of your drive coming up. well, back to that breaking news this morning out of san jose. this is where two police officers have been shot while responding to a call. it happened late last night, and here's a live look at the two hospitals where we believe those officers were taken along with the shooting scene. we do know one of the officers has been treated and released. the other is in critical and is in critical condition, critically injured with that shooting that police say that the incident started at around 1030 last night on saint ignacio avenue. this is where officers were responding to a disturbance call. those officers did manage to shoot the suspect who is also said to be in critical condition. of course, we'll bring you live team coverage and during our 8:00 streaming newscast as well. this morning, 645 and six months after fire destroyed a popular east bay barbecue restaurant, firefighters now reportedly confirming that this case is being investigated as arson. the fire happened at horne barbecue in oakland last november. just
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last week, the restaurant reopened in a new oakland location, and investigators always said that this fire appeared to be suspicious. but new evidence found at the scene now indicates someone set it on purpose. but so far, there are no suspects. all right, so the hearts of fashion fans everywhere will be beating hard this weekend. yeah, that is because we are just days away from the first monday in may, otherwise known as the fame met gala in new york city. oakland native zendaya, j.lo, bad bunny, chris hemsworth are all among this year's event co-chairs. this year, the theme is the garden of time, and fashion insiders predict that nature will be the center stage here, with a lot of florals and even snakeskin. they also say that those attendees, they actually say now and then this is definitely not the time to be predictable. are they ever? you're at the met gala to stand out. maybe not ridiculous for the sake of eyeballs stand out, but a lot of brands will.
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they're going to show off their best self to make that photo op on on the next day. right? we don't want to see people playing it safe. do not play it safe. this is the time to take the risk and that's what we want to see. this is not a regular carpet, not at all. so that event, if you didn't know it, is an annual fundraiser for the metropolitan museum in new york city. and it is hosted by vogue editor in chief anna wintour. i mean, they can't even move in those dresses. all right, get your mint juleps and your fancy hats and horse picks ready, because tomorrow marks the 150th running of the kentucky derby. yeah. so in the north bay, the fourth year in a row, kendall jackson wine estate and gardens is going to bring you the excitement of the churchill downs and to sonoma county. it is actually hosting the west coast's largest kentucky derby watch party right now. those tickets, well, they are sold out for the event, but it does start at 11:00. if you do have those tickets, you're like, what time do i have to get there? get there at 11. guess who attend
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will enjoy large screen viewing of the races throughout the day. on these giant 16 by nine led screens, then we'll also have derby inspired cuisine, from local restaurants, paired with our award winning wines, of course. and then musical entertainment between the races throughout the day. now, if you weren't lucky enough to get those tickets, don't you worry, nbc bay area always has your back. you can watch the kentucky derby, the 150th to be exact, right here on nbc bay area. it's going to start at 1130, and the hottest ticket in town, at least in this little town, is kerry. you always have a great party. yeah, i'm from louisville, kentucky. i grew up watching the derby. i really wish i could go to kendall jackson for the big party. and i'm like, oh, tickets sold out. i'm going to make it rain. bringing the car. so wow. she's not vindictive. excellent storm. the real storm took it out of bad side. it's going to be such a big switch tomorrow. you're going to be like, what
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happened? we've had beautiful weather all throughout the weekend. it does continue today. a live look at walnut creek. we're starting out with another beautiful sunrise and we're taking a look at our high temperatures for today, where we're still headed for the upper 70s, which is a little bit warmer than normal for early may, but we'll take it because this is what we've seen over the past few days in gilroy, 78 degrees, and will be in the upper 70s for walnut creek, 75 for livermore today, 73 for fremont and 62 and half moon bay. take a look at the 7-day forecast at the bottom of the screen, and all of the major changes we have coming our way in san francisco. it will be in the upper 60s, sunny with a light wind, and for the north bay, it's going to be in the low 70s for novato. santa rosa looking at a high today of 77. so this is the cold front that's coming in. and it's going to drastically change some of those outdoor plans for tomorrow. we start out early in the morning with rain first in the north bay before sunrise, and then it
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continues to spread across the bay area by late morning into the afternoon. and then it gradually tapers off for tomorrow evening. during that short time, we're expecting some really heavy rainfall that may be about what we typically see for the entire month of may. now, we don't typically get a lot of rain, so that's not saying a lot, but seeing about a half inch of rain up to an inch all in one day is going to definitely catch us up to what we typically see. temperatures in the 50s and 60s and gusty winds with the sierra snow at 1 to 2ft and some of those higher rainfall totals will be in the north bay and along the coastline. some of our inland valleys still looking at about three quarters of an inch of rain. and typically in san jose for the month of may, we get about 3/10 of an inch of rain. so that just shows you how significant this is. and then we go from highs in the upper 50s and our mornings in the 30s. and 40s on sunday, to then seeing highs in the mid 80s by the middle to end of next week. so we're going to have a big change
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here over the next few days. so spring roller coaster continues. mike. now we're seeing some slowing for the south bay. yeah just gradual build. pretty typical pattern 101 first north of the two 8680 interchange, which is starting to slow a little bit here too. and the build over by capital expressway. so a gradual slowing. we i checked it out in san martin 101 mild slowing coming up in toward morgan hill. so again lighter friday. we do have a build though across the san mateo bridge. a lot of rushing traffic over toward and onto highway 92. so that does mean slowing approaching the high rise. but a gradual build for 880 down to and past the dumbarton bridge as you head down union city to fremont. a little slowing through berkeley, but no surprises for the east or north bay. back to you. thank you mike 651 now and happening now. rank and file nurses at fremont's washington hospital are voting today to ratify their recent contract agreement. union leaders are calling it an historic deal. you might remember, the talks were very
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tense at times and led to several protests and rallies. and ahead this morning, one last look at the breaking news we have for you, where those two police officers are shot in san jose. we're going to take you out live to the hospital where one of the officers is said to be fighting for their life. this morning, we also have an update
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poor for you this morning. want to welcome you back. we are moving you forward. we look at our top stories here on today in the bay. sadly, one of those top stories is out of san jose, where two officers were shot overnight. we have live team coverage starting with today in the bay's bob redell, who is live at the scene? bob, what happened? this happened around 1030 last night. this extended stay. america. that's a hotel here on san ignacio avenue here in south san jose. according to san jose police, they said they were responding to some sort of disturbance here at around 1030 last night. the officers who responded made contact with a man and according to police, that man shot both officers. officers returned fire. they hit the man. they took him into custody and he is now in the
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hospital, as is one of the other officers back out here live. you can see there's an enormous police presence here. one direction of san ignacio avenue is shut down as the investigation again is focused here at the extended stay america hotel. i did speak to a husband and wife who were here overnight night who came out to get a cup of coffee. they said they didn't hear anything last night in spite of the gunfire that did take place, and has now sent it over to ginger conejero saab. my colleague who is at san jose regional medical center with the update on the officer's conditions, ginger. well, bob, as you mentioned, we know those two officers were shot responding to that disturbance call. behind me is a regional valley here in san jose. you can see it's different from where bob has been this morning. a quieter scene, although there are several police cars here. this is where we believe one officer and the suspect were brought. san jose police confirms one officer had life threatening injuries. that officer has since stabilized but
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does remain in critical condition. the other injured officer was treated at another hospital. we're giving you a live look at valley medical. that officer is said to have moderate injuries and has since been released back out here to regional, regional medical. this is where the suspect was was brought. we believe he sustained life threatening injuries as well. he has stabilized and also remains in critical condition. we do expect to hear from san jose police at some point today, hopefully later this morning. on why or how this all came to be. as soon as we hear from that press conference, we'll bring that to you. but for now, we'll send it back to you guys in the studio. all right. thank you. ginger, we're going to continue monitoring this. obviously throughout the morning. you can keep up to date when we're not on the air through our nbc bay area app. it is free for download in your app store. all right. well, you don't have to go to the app for that forecast. we all just kari hall is right here with that for us. yeah. but
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you'll want to keep checking it because things are going to change so much throughout the weekend. and we're also going to have some rain coming in tomorrow. now we're still enjoying sunshine today. highs in the upper 70s in the inland areas, and tomorrow only a high of about 59 degrees. and then on sunday it's starting to warm up. we're back to the sunshine and the clear weather that we'll see throughout next. much of next week will be warming us up. will be in the mid 80s by next thursday. san francisco though only 56 for a high tomorrow, but it is looking better for sunday and those low 60s continue into the start of next week. but looking all clear after the winter weather that we'll see tomorrow. we're also looking at about a half of an inch of rain to an inch, and the sierra about a foot, possibly two feet, this weekend. jeez, louise. yeah, people don't see what goes on behind the scenes, folks, but carrie and cynthia were comparing numbers are like, is it going to get cooler throughout the day on saturday? indeed they triple checked it. all right, let's get a look out on the roadways, folks. we're taking a look at the traffic flow approaching the richmond departure. this is the bridge
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towards san rafael. sunlight in your eyes. if you're coming over from san rafael. but this is the build going on. even on a friday. we have some slowing. of course, at this time, the bay bridge toll plaza has had this backup for quite some time, but we're looking at the hov lanes. they are moving. clearly that means there are no problems on the span. traffic flows smoothly. it's just those metering lights and the loss of about half the lanes as you hit the span. we're over here toward the san mateo bridge. also slowing, of course. westbound, the big build kicked in pretty strong and then it simmered down. now it's a smooth, slower drive across the span from the east bay, and the build continues there as well. the south bay, nothing dramatic. we'll see some more slowing on 101 and 87 now kicking in. and the reminder king street on and off ramps are closed for that. east side cinco de mayo parade as well on sunday. all right. you know we like to keep it pretty positive here today in the bay. so we're considering this carry one more opportunity to wear your favorite sweater and cook your favorite. i like that today's show is coming up next. however we are continuing today in the bay on roku and our other platforms live at eight. we have breaking news, the fraud
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charges just coming down for the auditing firm for trump media. plus, we're talking with keith morrison live about a california case being featured on dateline tonight. but of course, you know, whatever he has to say you want to listen to or is it or is it or will we? yeah, that. so yeah, i'm going to i'm going to curl up on the couch on saturday and just relax and enjoy the winter. yeah. that visits for one day. yeah that's all we need. and then i'll be fanning myself on monday. greatve


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