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tv   Today  NBC  May 3, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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auditing firm for trump media. plus, we're talking with keith morrison live about a california case being featured on dateline tonight. but of course, you know, whatever he has to say you want to listen to or is it or is it or will we? yeah, that. so yeah, i'm going to i'm going to curl up on the couch on saturday and just relax and enjoy the winter. yeah. that visits for one day. yeah that's all we need. and then i'll be fanning myself on monday. greatve
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good friday morning. we are tracking a new severe weather outbreak. >> more tornadoes, more heavy rain and more to come. good morning, everybody. it's may 3rd. this is "today." relentless. >> the thing is just sitting there. >> yet another round of powerful storms slamming the south and midwest, a string of tornadoes commuter chaos. a nightmare for hundreds of thousands of drivers after a fuel truck crash sparked a massive inferno in connecticut. >> i can feel the heat from here. >> an overpass melting. part of the road closed for days to come. we're there live. cracking down. >> you're under arrest! we'll use force! >> overnight, new confrontations between police and protesters. thousands now arrested from coast to coast. just ahead, the growing questions over the behavior of those demonstrators and the response from schools and law enforcement. courtroom tensions.
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lawyers for the man accused of killing four idaho college students, blasting prosecutors, accusing them of withholding key information. while frustrated families hammer both sides for delays and beg the judge to set a trial date. all that, plus fantastic finish. >> hart. he connects. huge three! >> the new york knicks close out philly to end their throws series. >> it's off. and it's over! >> and the pacers wrap up their upset of milwaukee. >> mcconnell, the spin. unreal! >> as basketball fans gear up for more playoff action and caitlin clark's first game in the wnba. >> i'm just excited to play. >> as hoops excitement reaches a fever pitch, today, friday, may 3rd, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller
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plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to friday. we got there. nice to have you along with us. got sheinelle in for hoda this morning. part of i95 still closed after a major accident. incredibly no one was hurt, but traffic, as you can imagine, was a nightmare. and it is going to last through the weekend, if not longer. we will have details on the cleanup and when that stretch can reopen coming up. >> but we begin with that severe weather overnight. here it is, the scene in east texas yesterday. storms there spawning several damaging tornadoes. heavy rain, too, and it has caused widespread flooding. >> as we said, there is more rough weather on the way. a new threat that could bring more tornadoes and hail. >> we have dylan with the full forecast in a moment. she's at the kentucky derby this morning. but let's start with kathy park. >> reporter: good morning to you.
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yeah. the creeks and rivers here are so swollen right now. the water is so overflowing and flooding these businesses and homes. a concern over the rising river. this morning, up to a million people impacted by severe storms, dumping heavy rain and catastrophic flooding across texas. residents were told to leave or be stuck for days. >> the intense storms bringing wind and torrential rain battering the area. cars stranded on washed-out roads. in livingston, johnathan brown yelling to his neighbors for help, desperate to get out. brown says his friend and girlfriend and his 5-year-old stepdaughter had to swim their way to safety with only the clothes on their back.
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>> it was very stressful. we're five weeks away from having a newborn. we're glad we made it out. materialistic is always replaceable, but our life isn't. >> mandatory evacuations near houston. along with those heavy rains, reports of 10 tornadoes in texas, louisiana and florida. 8 in texas alone. hardest hit pauly. >> look at that, yeah. wow. >> reporter: across the south, residents cleaning up and bracing for more. and back here in harris county, officials say the immediate focus right now is response. once the immediate threat is over, then it will be recovery. flash flood warning throughout the houston metro area is in effect until 7:00 tonight. >> kathy park leading us off in houston. thank you. for more on severe weather overnight and what's to come, let's get to dylan's forecast. she's in louisville, kentucky this morning. >> good morning, guys. we do have to watch that same area for severe storms today. the biggest threat is for large
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hail. perhaps 2 inches or more in diameter. although, we do still have a 5% chance of seeing tornadoes develop in that he has yellow areas. through houston, heavy rain approaching western louisiana. and this is an area that has been hard hit with rain, with several inches, nearly a foot of rain in some areas, livingston nearly 10 inches of rain. we could see through sunday an additional 4 to 5 inches of rain, especially just north of houston, so flooding could certainly be an issue. then you get those storms occurring today across western and central texas and heavy rain is likely with those storms, too. flooding is going to be something we're watching as well, guys. >> thank you. move now to that commuter crisis. a stretch of i95 in connecticut is shut down and it should be
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closed until monday after a fiery multi-vehicle accident involving a tanker truck. emilie ikeda is near the crash site this morning. repairs are just getting underway today. emily, good morning. >> hi there, savannah. good morning to you. we're already seeing the impact from that terrible crash. schools across the area are closed today. a shutdown of this major artery. >> you can feel the heat from here. >> reporter: this morning the, the race is on to restore one of the nation's most crucial interstates after fireballs and thick black smoke were sent into the sky. >> be advised. it looked like it's fully engulfed over an overpass. >> reporter: a tanker, passenger car and tractor trailer collided, forcing a shutdown in both directions on i95, the east
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coast main highway stretching from florida to maine. this section of the interstate, just north of new york city sees more than 160,000 vehicles a day. now leading to snaking lines of traffic. >> have you ever seen anything like this? >> not really? stop, start, stop, start, having to reroute. >> reporter: incredibly, they say, there were no serious injuries. >> they have overpasses engulfed. >> reporter: but the intensity from the fire caused irreparable damage to steel beams. >> the heat from the fuel compromised some of the bridge. so that bridge is going to have to come down. >> reporter: last summer, a similar gas teen-fueled fire was so intense it actually caused a
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section of i95 near philadelphia to collapse. connecticut's governor declaring a state of emergency as the repairs ramp up. >> my recommendation is if you can't stay home, take the train. stay away from the cars. >> reporter: so after the bridge, which is less than 10 years old, is completely demolished, officials need to repave this section of i95. it is expected to open at the earliest on monday morning. until then, officials are warning people to brace for horrendous traffic. trips that take 10 minutes have taken some people an hour and a half. no up packets to air quality. and again, remarkably so, no major injuries. >> don't sugar coat it, emily. okay. thank you very much. appreciate it. meantime, dozens of college campuses remain ongoing in ongoing protests and war clashes
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between police and those demonstrators. we're seeing dramatic up imagines of arrests at columbia university and ucla. liz kreutz is at ucla where things are much calmer than they were just 24 hours ago. liz, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. that's right. it is a much different scene here than it was yesterday morning. just to show how volatile things are, moments ago, we have live pictures, nypd began moving in to nyu where you guys are to remove the encampment there. the university apparently requesting this response from nypd. and it just highlights the intensity right now on college campuses as more crackdowns begin. outside ucla's landmark royce hall this morning, little remains. police making 200 arrests thursday morning after moving in
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with overwhelming force. demonstrators, many of them in hard hats and gas masks appearing to resist. >> i have never felt more proud of myself or any community. >> reporter: yesterday, a scary scene at portland state university. video showing a car driving toward a pro palestinian protest. the driver then appearing to spray pepper spray toward a crowd. meanwhile, there have been 30 arrests of protesters at portland state. police clearing its graffiti-filled library. the nypd and nyu were asked to help clear protesters this morning. and demonstrators gathering outside the home of columbia university's president just days after the raid on the school's campus documented on newly release police body cam footage.
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>> flash bang over. >> showing police breaking into the occupied hamilton hall, and going through the protesters' setup including a board with the slogan, political power comes from the barrel of a gun. student activists say the nypd's response was excessive. >> these people were nothing but peaceful. >> the nypd chief of patrol defending the police writing, the actions of the protesters were an abject failure of how civilized people are expected to behave in society while continually acting like a perpetual victim, and officials said outside agitators were among the demonstrators. of the 282 people arrested at columbia and the city college of new york, the nypd and mayor's office say nearly half were not affiliated with those schools. by nbc news' count, more than 120 arrests have been made nationwide. now the big question is who right now should be paying for all of this. both the law enforcement response and the cleanup, new york's mayor adam is that he
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believes columbia university along with other private institutions potentially should be paying for at least some of this. here at ucla, a public university, there are estimates that the cost of the law enforcement presence alone just over the past two days could potentially be in the multimillions. sheinelle? >> thank you. president biden is weighing in on the ongoing campus chaos and urging demonstrators to follow the law. peter alexander joins us with that part of the story. >> savannah, good morning. these are the first substantive comments from president biden since these confrontations on campus exploded. the president defending students' right to protest but condemning the violence, trying to draw a clear line between dissent and disorder. with the chaos on campus dominating the political debate, president biden is now trying to diffuse the ongoing violence. >> destroying property is not a peaceful protest.
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it is a matter of what's right. there is the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. >> reporter: the president responding to growing political pressure, walking a fine line between the right to free speech and his desire for law and order. >> people have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without the fear of being attacked. >> reporter: later saying he will not call in the national guard and rejecting changes to his middle east policy. >> has the protest forced you to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region? >> no. >> reporter: among democrats' concerns, fears of support from younger voters that would be key to the president this fall. the collegiate branch of the dny warning their votes are not to be taken for granted by the democratic party, adding we reserve the right to criticize our party when it fails to listen to us. a day after praising the nypd
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for its crackdown at columbia university, former president trump accused president biden of being absent on the issue. other republicans also attacked the president for not responding sooner. >> what we really need, though, is moral clarity and leadership on campus and now the white house. we have laws on the books that just need to be enforced. >> reporter: in denouncing the violence, president biden says anti-semitism has no place in america and is set to deliver a speech on that topic during a holocaust memorial ceremony next week. multiple people tell nbc news that after days after silence, president biden's choice to speak really is an acknowledgment that it was simply unavoidable to stay quiet for much longer. the bottom line here, ending the war in gaza is the best solution, aggressively pushing for a cease-fire that includes release of the hostages including americans. of course, it is unclear how soon that will happen. >> peter alexander at the white house for us. thank you.
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nbc news will have the latest on the protests throughout the weekend and sunday morning on "meet the press." much more to get to this morning. president trump's hush money trial, week three wraps up today. the jury heard from keith davidson, the lawyer who negotiated payoffs for two women that claim they had affairs with trump. the defense is trying to paint him as a serial extortionist on cross-examination. the prosecution also played a secret recording of trump made by his then attorney michael cohen as he was briefed on a plan for one of those payments. in the meantime, the judge is also being urged to hold the former president in contempt again for more violations of his gag order in the case. so much to unpack with danny cevallos. so keith davidson was the intermediary, this lawyer that negotiated the hush money deals with michael cohen. what did the prosecution get out of this witness? >> this is an area of legal
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practice they didn't tell us about in law school. but apparently there is an industry where you negotiate hush money payments. that's what keith davidson did. he gave us a look into the seedy underbelly of this kind of practice of law, this kind of contract negotiation. but don't be distracted by all of the celebrity gossip. this was really about the prosecution establishing that michael cohen made a payoff to stormy daniels and the nature of that transaction because that's just one of the elements that the prosecution has to prove. >> they're trying to prove this was all done, this business record falsification, which is the actual charge in the case was done to influence the election. that's where they get keith davidson in. but then he comes up for cross-examination. did the defense score any points there? >> they scored some. they scored some in the sense they pointed out this is a very shady practice. but that doesn't do much to undermine the fact that davidson paid off stormy daniels.
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that's what the prosecution will say in their closing. >> did they connect trump to it, though? >> no one witness can give you anything you need. davidson is just one piece. he establishes the transaction. he cannot establish that donald trump's hands were all over it. the people know this. the prosecution know this. they know they need other witnesses to shore this up. other witnesses and other documents. so we can assume those are on the way, whether it is michael cohen, hope hicks, or somebody else. >> danny cevallos, thank you very much. let's talk about the nba playoffs. it went down to the wire in a thrilling series between the knicks and 76ers with just 6 seconds left, philly down three. >> throwing it up. it's off. clark rebounds and it's over! >> with that miss, the sixers are out. new york wins 115-118 moving on to the eastern conference
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semifinals where they will meet the pacers. indiana finishing their series with the bucks. it's the pacers' first time making it to the playoffs in ten years. okay. a moment of silence for the sixers. we hear you. >> we're not saying a thing, yeah. >> let's get back to the weather. that's a safe topic. lauren is in louisville this morning. churchill downs specifically for tomorrow's kentucky derby. >> reporter: good morning, guys. it has been raining all morning long. today scattered storms tomorrow, too. flooding will be an issue down around eastern texas. severe storms around western texas. the 80s are gone. we're looking at highs in the 50s and 60s. out west, we have a pacific northwest storm that will bring some rain. temperatures should be in the upper 60s. that's a look across the country. country. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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secondings. hear the news? it was judy, wasn't it? she told you! actually his name was howard! from chicago! get the fastest delivery to your door, and more, with target circle 360. and that is your latest forecast.
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back to you guys in new york. >> all right. thank you, dylan. coming up, new drama in the idaho killers case. the accused killer's legal team battling over evidence while the victims' families fight for justice and a trial date. we'll have the latest. get ready for a new round of caitlin clark fever. the basketball star now just hours away from her wnba debut with the fever. we'll take you live to texas where tensions are running high for tonight's already sold-out game. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. just ahead, something special here in studio 1a. >> our friend kate hudson stopping by. she's not talking about a new role, but a new album and she will treat us to a sneak peek of that album. a live performance, actually two live performances coming up after your local news.
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and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. six i'm kris sanchez. we continue to follow breaking news in san jose, where two police officers were shot late last night. today in the bay's bob redell is live at the scene where it happened. bob what do we know? well, this happened at this extended stay. america here
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on san ignacio avenue is around 1030. last night, san jose police were responding to a disturbance. they made contact with a man at this hotel here in south san jose. that man shot two officers. the officers did return fire to one of the officers, was treated and released from the hospital. but the suspect and another, the other officer, they are both still in the hospital, both in critical but stable condition. and back out here live where you can see the crime scene. technicians are working the scene out here. they were just running around, moments ago. not clear why, but the scene is secure and this road out here is shut down as again, they investigate. two officers shot. we are expecting a news conference from san jose police sometime later today. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell. nbc, bay area news. our other top story is the change in the weather. meteorologist kari hall tracking that. yeah. still going to be nice today as our temperatures in the inland areas will be in the upper 70s. but a significant drop in about 20
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degrees cooler tomorrow, all thanks to some clouds, rain, and a cold front coming in that's going to give us a significant amount of rainfall for tomorrow. and then we're clearing out on sunday and warming up as we go through the middle of next week. as that sunshine continues, we'll see some mid 50s on saturday, but then back to the low 60s in san francisco. chris. all right. thank you, carrie. our today in the bay live streaming newscast is coming up at 8:00 this morning. we will have an update on the officer's shot. we'll also talk with keith morrison from dateline abo a california criutmi
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe.
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get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪♪ ♪ we are back at 7:30. i remember that dance scene from
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"la la land." ahead on "popstart," what ryan gosling is saying he hates about that oscar-nominated movie. i know. what's up to hate? >> sheinelle and jacob holding it down this morning. >> and we have a lot to get to in this half hour including a pair of legal stories unfolding this morning. >> let's start with the development in the idaho college murders case. part of the video places the suspect's car at that crime scene. >> erin mclaughlin is covering the case for us. good morning. >> guys, good morning. suspect bryan kohberger was back in court yesterday. the state denied the defense te claims they're withholding information. the judge admonished both sides and decided to close a future discovery hearing. all this as the clock keeps ticking with no trial date set. >> the court should ask itself
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here? >> blasting the state of idaho, claiming prosecutors are withholding information, including key pieces of a video described in the charging affidavit that allegedly what is the state trying to try here? >> blasting the state of idaho, claiming prosecutors are withholding information, including key pieces of a video described in the charging affidavit that allegedly shows a car matching kohberger's at the scene of the murders. >> we have received little, tiny pieces of that. >> kohberger's lawyers arguing a hearing to compel that discovery and more should be open to the public. prosecutors insist it should be closed and deny it is keeping materials from the defense. >> the characterization that we are consciously withholding information to frustrate the defense is utter nonsense. i can tell you many of the things that the defense or the defendant is trying to itemize when we talk to our people they say that doesn't exist. >> kohberger is charged with the murder of four students in their off campus home, kaylee goncalves, ethan chapin, xana kernodle and madison mogen.
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a judge entered a not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf. a trail date has yet to be set. as tensions mount, the judge urged both sides to lower the temperature. >> i don't want this pointing the fingers back and forth. you can argue all you want, but when it starts to be personal, it's disruptive. >> the family of kaylee goncalves demanding justice saying in a statement this banter has been going on for 17 months and the case is turning into a hamster wheel of motions, hearings and delayed decisions. the judge set the next hearing for may 14th to discuss the surveillance video and other discovery. sided with the prosecution ruling the hearing will be closed to the public. >> and the families have been waiting and waiting for the judge to set the trial date even if it moves or has to be delayed. >> no trial date set just yet. we know the judge has been talking about the possibility of march of next year. and, remember, he's having to balance a lot. the gravity of what is a death
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penalty case with the family's need for justice. they are also penalty case with the family's need for justice. they are also talking about potentially speeding things up. now to a popular vacation destination that's in the spotlight today. several american tourists have recently been arrested and now face potential jail time for bringing live ammunition to turks and caicos, which has very strict gun laws. one of them preparing to receive his fate today. nbc's sam brock joins us this morning. sam, good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning. it is not just bryan hagerich and his family who will be paying close attention to what happens in court today, but his sentence will shed some light on what will happen with several other detained americans who have very similar stories about accidentally carrying ammunition into the country and facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years behind bars. for months, american bryan hagerich has waited to find his fate after he accidentally
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brought 20 rounds of ammunition to turks and caicos. >> i would never, ever knowingly come to any country with any type of ammunition, but i did recognize that it was ammunition that i had used for deer hunting back in pennsylvania. >> reporter: that mistake could cost him and his family dearly as the former professional baseball player hopes the judge will be swayed by circumstance and his character. >> i have been nothing but cooperative throughout the whole time here. honesty, integrity. that's me as a father, as a participant. >> reporter: turks and caicos already adjudicated two cases for violating the law. finding exceptional circumstances in all five cases, imposing fines. and in one eight months behind bars. but four men are still awaiting judgment, including ryan watson
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pondering the weight of today. >> it is the day for all of u also a dad, who has been sharing a room with hagerich and pondering the weight of today. >> it is the day for all of us stuck on the island. my fate is likely the fate of others as well. >> you know, we had no idea that that ammunition was in our bags. >> reporter: legal experts say it's possible they could avoid jail time, but it might be tough. >> first-time offenders, was it a small amount of ammunition? are those taken into consideration? absolutely. at the end of the day, failing to know what was contained in one's luggage is not acceptable. >> reporter: now they're at the mercy of the court meeting in a number of hours. >> sam, what is the government saying about this law and potentially the punishment here? >> reporter: sure. so the government, sheinelle, has said that you are looking at a situation where you have on the record right now those traveling to the country have said they have a constitutional right to carry a firearm. having weapons and ammunition is not allowed unless they have
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explicit permission. good character and standing and firearms training and for those on trial, they are hoping it also means family members that serve a critical role for their children and for their lives. >> see what happens soon. sam, thank you. coming up, check this out. jerry seinfeld just revealed 30 years after one of the sitcom's most quoted episodes ever. we will have that and so much more in "popstart". first, basketball's biggest star is ready to make her debut tonight, and let's just say there is a lot of excitement for caitlin clark's first time on a wnba court. priscilla thompson is there. she's got the basketball. she is on the court. priscilla, you better be ready to shoot, my friend, after this. >> money! ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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the hit from three. and caitlin clark says good-bye to college basketball. >> we're back with the final three-pointer and final game of caitlin clark's historic college career at last month's national championship. >> of course, there is more basketball ahead for the superstar who takes her talents to the wnba. tonight weeks after being held in the draft, she is about to make her three-season debut with the indiana fever. >> and making her debut is priscilla thompson at the arena in arlington, texas. the game is sold out, priscilla. there is so much excitement here. >> reporter: that's right. in just a short while, these fans will be packed as caitlin clark steps on to the court for her wnba debut. having to move their games to larger arenas to accommodate for all of the fans and number 22's
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next chapter begins. a generational rookie ready to take the court. for her very first game in the pros. >> i have been playing my best basketball in my life and hopefully just being able to replicate that in this league. >> with the first pick. >> the overall number one draft pick, caitlin clark making her wnba debut tonight with the indiana fever in one of the league's most anticipated preseason games ever. >> i feel like she's done amazing for the game of basketball. >> after an iconic record-setting college career at iowa. >> a new career high. >> clark acknowledging the leap to the big stage may not be easy. >> the people i'm playing in this league are full grown, very strong women. getting used to the physicality of the game will be one of the biggest things for myself to overcome. >> like one of the long-range threes, number 22 will let it fly. >> i will see what works and refine that and add things that will make me better. things
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that are going to make me better. >> reporter: the fever are feeling the clark effect at practice. >> i think the great thing about her is that she makes everybody better on th >> the fever are feeling the clark effect. >> i think the great thing about her is that she makes everybody better on the court. >> and at the box office. >> how many tickets were you looking for? >> according to stubhub, 9 of the biggest on demand games this season feature the fever, with some tickets going for more than $600. >> she just made it explode, and it's fun to watch. >> friday's marquee matchup the latest milestone in a whirlwind month for the 22-year-old. in the weeks coming up short against south carolina, clark was drafted by the fever. made the media rounds. >> hi, i'm caitlin clark, guard for the indiana fever. >> hit the court for training boyfriend connor mccaffrey, writing on instagram, you nak every day better, and i can't
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wa camp, shared laughs with her new teammates at a photo shoot and celebrated her one-year anniversary with boyfriend connor mccaffrey, writing, you make every day better and i can't wait for more adventures together. >> now with her next adventure hours away, a player who has already revolutionized the game, ready to sink her next big shot. >> there are going to be challenges along the way. that's what i signed up for, and that's what will make this really fun. >> in case there was any doubt about caitlin clark's star power, check this out. this is her signing a fan's autograph. yes, you are seeing that right. she is signing an ultrasound. so it appears that already future generations are just as excited about caitlin clark as we are. guys? >> are they naming her caitlin? >> they should! >> priscilla, thank you so much. all right. let's get another check of the weather. dylan is at churchill downs. >> i thought priscilla was going to take a shot. >> she did earlier. >> she made it before. lightening doesn't strike twice.
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>> go ahead. >> put me on the spot. >> you know it. >> okay. go ahead. >> put me on the spot. oh! dylan! i'm sorry! >> it's been the running trend. don't worry. i'm not going to get on a horse. no one needs to see that. i'll just stick to the weather. we have quite the forecast for so many across the country where temperatures are feeling nice. may warmth with highs up to 85 in pittsburgh and down into raleigh highs in the lower 90s. it will be cooler in new england, typical for this time of year. as we look to tomorrow, that cooler air settles farther to the west. back to pennsylvania where temperatures will be in the 50s and 60s, but it still looks beautiful back into chicago into the upper 70s. early next week highs above average in the 70s and 80s, too. so warm stuff f is on th
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and look who's also not riding a horse this morning. we've got the one, the only mike tirico. >> i'm just practicing in case i have to shoot. i don't know what she's going to do with me. >> throw you under the bus, right? >> exactly. >> we will talk about the derby with mike in a few minutes, guys. >> looking forward to it, guys. thank you so much. we will be back with that and your morning boost right after this.
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7:51 am
zeize the day with zyrtec. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio. doctors have been prescribing entyvio for nearly 10 years. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ we are back. >> this one shows how the friendship of a bestie is just priceless. kaitlyn king visited her family to celebrate her birthday. but her best friend knew she was bummed out having to fly home on boston on her actual b-day. so nicole snuck up to her in th
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>> what are you doing here right now? >> can i airport in the waiting area. >> what are you doing here right now? >> can i sit here? >> what are you doing? >> we're coming with you. i'm coming with you for the th week! >> does week! >> does evan know? >> everyone knew. >> surprise! she even booked a seat on that same flight so besties could continue the celebration in boston. did you notice, kaitlyn may have received the album out there right now for her birthday. >> she had to listen immediately. >> "popstart" is on the way. then we have a real treat this morning. some people have too many talents. kate hudson is one of them. not only is she an incredible access, she can really sing. she will give us a sneak preview, two live performances right here. but, first, your local news and weather.
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and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) [crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪♪ ♪♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin
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and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. i'm kris sanchez and i'm marcus washington. breaking now two police officers injured, one of them critically. this is after being shot late last night in san jose, today in the bay. ginger conejero saab live at regional medical center. and ginger, what have you been able to learn about those officers? well, marcus, chris, we know that those two officers were shot while they were responding to a disturbance call on san
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ignacio avenue and bernal here in san jose. they made contact with a male suspect who shot at them. those officers returned fire, and the suspect was taken into custody shortly after. here at regional, we believe that one of those officers and the suspect were brought here to be treated. they are in critical condition as of this morning. the other officer was brought to a different hospital but has since been released. we expect to hear more from police with an update later in the day. guys all right. thank you ginger. let's get a look at that forecast for you today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. we're still enjoying some nice weather and it's going to be mostly sunny today. our temperatures in the inland valleys and spots like morgan hill, as well as livermore up to santa rosa, will be in the upper 70s. but then a significant drop in temperatures tomorrow as a cold front comes in, we're going to see gusty winds and some times of rain throughout the day, and then we're back to the sunshine on sunday into next week, we're going to see temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s. while in san francisco we'll see upper 60s
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today and only 56 tomorrow with a wet weather moving in back to you. thanks, carrie. our today in the bay streaming newscast starts in just a few minutes. we continue our coverage of the officers shot in san jose. and we're also talking live with dateline's keith morrison about a criminal case here in california that's hitting the airwaves tonight. you can watch on roku, amazon fire tv, and our other streaming platforms
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♪ ♪ ♪ it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, wild weather. >> the thing is just sitting there. >> severe storms tear through the south and midwest spawning several tornadoes and causing major flooding. another round on the way today. we've got your full forecast. plus, commuter chaos.
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>> be advised, it looks like it's fully involved under an overpass. >> a fiery crash under one of the nation's busiest highways. crews are racing to rebuild in the traffic nightmare facing hundreds of thousands of drivers. we're at the scene with the latest. then giddy up. we're live at churchill downs at the 150th running of the kentucky derby. it all kicks off this weekend, and we've got the inside scoop. all that, plus parlez-vous beyoncé? seinfeld opens up about a last-minute ad. >> the sea was angry that day, my friends. >> we haven't connected them. we saw no connection. and kate hudson live in studio 1a like you have never heard her before. ♪ >> with a musical performance t.
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>> at "the today show." >> on a trip. >> in new york city. >> from high kick the weekend off right, today, friday, may 3rd, 2024. >> celebrating my birthday. >> at "the today show". >> on a trip to new york city from high school in michigan! >> best friends for 60 years. >> candice is turning the big 5-0. >> happy friday. >> from baton rouge, louisiana. >> eagle river, wisconsin. >> beaver creek, ohio. >> austin, texas. >> and minnesota. ♪ >> celebrating our 12th anniversary. >> hey savannah and sheinelle! we brought our mom from sacramento, california. >> because i'm turning 90. >> hi, everybody. welcome back to "today." nice friday morning. big, big smiles out there on our plaza. sun is coming out. sheinelle and jacob are here. hoda getting a jump on the weekend. >> i love how people are so excited they jump.
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>> i know. >> i think hoda went to the rolling stones last night. >> oh, that's right. >> all right. guys, there is a lot to look forward to next week, including fashion's big night, monday's met gala. this year's theme, sleeping beauties, reawakening fashion. what would you wear for that theme? >> i don't know. you're doing. do you have your outfit planned? >> i'm working on it. >> jenna talks with the madam herself. sheinelle is headed to the red carpet. >> i'm excited. it is fun to see what the people are wearing and lean into the microphone. >> with my bedazzled "today show" microphone. we'll start with powerful storms tearing through the south and midwest, causing major flooding, more tornadoes, too and more rain and thunderstorms on the way. kathy park is in hard-hit houston. kathy, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah.
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good morning to you. yeah. roughly a million people have been impacted by severe storms and flooding all across texas. here where we are, the water is flooding out these businesses and homes. all eyes are on the river right now with rain back in the forecast. and officials last night told residents here to evacuate or be prepared to be stuck for days. meanwhile, in livingston, texas, some dramatic pictures there. one man actually saw his refrigerator floating away because of the flooding, and he knew he had to get out. but it is not just the flooding we are tracking but tornadoes as well. reportedly, 10 tornadoes in texas, missouri and louisiana, 8 of those tornadoes being in texas alone. holly being the hardest hit. meanwhile, it could be a very active day across the south today. flash flood warnings in effect until 7:00 tonight for the greater houston area. so a lot to be watching out for. savannah?
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>> all right. kathy park for us in houston, thank you. now to a nightmare for the many drivers that rely on a portion of one of the nation's busiest highways. a stretch of i-95 is likely closed until monday after a fiery accident involving a tanker truck. emilie ikeda is there. good morning. >> reporter: hey there, sheinelle. good morning to you. connecticut's governor declaring a state of emergency as crews race to restore one of the most critical thoroughfares in the country, sending billowing smoke into the sky. officials say a tanker carrying 8,500 gallons of gasoline, a passenger car and another truck collided yesterday morning. investigators are still looking into what caused that crash, but remarkably saying no one sustained serious injuries. crews now have to demolish the bridge behind me.d it
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unusefu unusable because of the fire it faced. once that comes down they will have to repave the flames so hot that it rendered it unusable because of the fire it faced. they will have to repave the section of i95 below. this section will be closed for several days to come. remember, this is already a congested area just north of new york city. this section sees some 160,000 drivers a day now being forced on to local roadways and highways and people are feeling the effects. there are schools in the area that are closed and officials are urging people to work from home to help ease some of the traffic. you can see the work playing out on the other. at the earliest, officials say this stretch of i95 will be brought back online on monday. sheinelle? >> all right. thank you, emily. dozens of college campuses remain on edge this morning while outside ucla's landmark royce hall, little remains after police moved in on protesters yesterday. more than 200 people were arrested. there was a scary scene at
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portland state, university. this video shows a car driving toward protesters. and then the driver appears to pepper spray the crowd. he was later detained. in all, more than 2,100 protesters have been arrested across the country. >> a boat captain was sentenced to four years in prison for the fiery death of 34 people aboard his scuba boat. a federal judge in los angeles found the captain guilty. he was the first to abandon ship and jump overboard. officials say he never properly trained his crew in maritime fires. this morning, the dual foundation announced that former senator elizabeth doyle is being awarded for the presidential medal of freedom for her lifetime of service. it is the nation's highest sen doyle is being civilian honor. and senator doyle is one of 19 honorees. former vice president al gore, nancy pelosi, and olympic swimmer katie ledecky. >> quite a group. al gore
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ahead on "popstart," ryan gosling revealing the chance he'd want to do over again. >> but, first, grab your mint juleps, everybody. mike tirico, where is yours? tomorrow's kentucky derby, 150th running of the kentucky derby. dylan and mick t r-- micke. it's real and it's spectacular. including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis.
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♪ far-xi-ga ♪ every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours, and watch it all on the new galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren,
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8:11 am
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[mind blown explosion noise] all right. the trumpets ready, get your hats and mint juleps because the road to horse racing begins tomorrow with the 150th kentucky derby. >> lots of drama to look forward to at churchill downs, which is where we find dylan and mike tirico. guys, good morning. >> good morning. it is a good combination. mike, as you know, we do drink on "the today show". >> you said it is real, and it is real. it's only 8:15. >> we don't hold out. mike, this is my 11th kentucky derby, and i thought that was a big deal, but it is so much bigger than that. celebrating 150 years of the kentucky derby. we're standing in a spot that never existed before. so what are they doing to go all out this year? >> this is a total home improvement behind belief. the whole work around the
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beautiful new paddock, which is behind us, you saw there on the screen, it is where you walk in. that's where the horses parade around before the races. they go through the tunnel to the other side. i've got to tell you, i have been coming here now for about a decade. when i walked in, i felt like i was in a brand-new place. the remake is spectacular and appropriate for the 150th derby. >> i agree. it is not just the glow-up that the derby received, the purse money, the prize is bigger than ever. >> it is. $5 million is the purse. $3 million and change for the winner. that's a bump up of $2 million. in sports, if you want to be the biggest, you have to pay the most these days. this is a $5 million purse for the race on saturday. >> let's meet the field of horses. 2 and 16 are two of the front runners. sierra leone and fierceness. i like that name. >> the fierceness name is great.
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if you are a new yorker, i was born in queens, but the real mike from queens at the races is the owner. he's one of the more flamboyant, stylish coach in the sport. he had the favorite last year, scratched the morning of the race. he has the derby favorite now. he's a talented horse. the two-year-old old looked good. horse. the and sierra leone, that's the first-round pick. over $2 million, the highest purchase price for any horse. those two are getting the most attention. >> mike is on the horses. what about the weather, dylan. >> thank you. >> it's been splashy. and not talking about your drinks. >> no, it has not been great so pour. it's been pouring most of the morning. but the problem here is if we get a little sunshine tomorrow,
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billowing up and you are like, is it going to rain? is it not going which i do think we will get, then the problem is it triggers more thunderstorms. so around 4:00, 5:00 is when you start to see the clouds billowing up and you are like, is it going to rain? is it not going to rain? it will rain somewhere around here. just whether or not it will rain right over churchill downs. >> don't do this to me. first year you were on our show, we had the rainiest kentucky derby ever since. >> and it's been raining ever since. >> talk about the muddy conditions. >> yes. that's always a concern with the horses as well. you want to go back and look at the past performances, see the horses that performed well. a couple of the favorites have performed well on sloppy tracks. so has forever young, which is a horse from japan, which is one i think will garner a lot of attention as you go through. what i love about the derby is if it's a name or a number, it doesn't number. my wife came here a few years ago and bet on a long shot and won. that's the joy of the derby. people who know nothing about the sport, people who watch one race a year, this is the one. >> mike, i have $20 in my pocket. so i kind of want to place a bet on just a touch. well, i know it's justify's
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horse. he was the sire to that horse and he won the triple down in 2018. i don't know. that and the name sounded good. it's 10-1 odds. >> sounds like a good decision to me. >> i think just for the clever name. mystic dan seems intriguing. >> mystic dan. >> that sounds like a profile or whatever. >> that's the joy of the derby. anybody can do this. it was good. >> we don't even have the juleps, guys. we're on a natural high over here. mike we will be watching you. you too, dyly dyly. beginning tomorrow 2:30 eastern on nbc. we stream it on peacock as well. dylan, don't go anywhere.
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put down that drink. we need a check of the weather, my friend. >> i put down the drink but mike took my $20. >> that's how much a mint julep is. put down that drink. we need a check of the weather, my friend. >> i put down the drink but mike took my $20. >> that's how much a mint julep is. >> it's not even mine. it's greenie's, my producer. let's take a look at what's going on for the derby. i did mention we will see showers and thunderstorms possible during the afternoon. most of the day, we could squeeze out sunshine. temperatures in the low 80s. overall, it should be okay. we just have to watch what happens later on in the evening. today a lot of rain up into ohio and to michigan. more flooding rain down along eastern texas. that could be really heavy at times. severe storms will pop up. cooler in the northeast and unsettled in the northwest. that's a look at the weather across t country. now hehere
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and that's your latest forecast. back to you guys. >> thank you, dylan. i can't wait to see your next hat. she has a bunch. >> they ship them first. >> it's so cute. maybe that's what's causing all the weather disturbances. >> time for a little "popstart," ladies and gentlemen. first up, jerry seinfeld. he just revealed a little peek behind the curtain at this iconic george costanza scene. >> the sea was angry that day, my friends. like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli. >> so that moment he was a ist,
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wasn't. this week jerry stopped b marine biologist, but he almost wasn't. this week jerry stopped by "the rich eisen show," great show, great podcast, and explained that dinner scene was actually a last-minute add to the episode. in the original script they did not make the connection between kramer's golfing and george's beach day. >> hitting golf balls on the beach. george is walking on the beach with the girl. we haven't connected them. we saw no connection. the night before we write that speech, the night before at 2:00 in the morning. you walk up to a tv actor like jason and you hand him two and a half pages and i go, we got to shoot this in a half hour. memorize it. he goes, no problem. that's tv. >> that's impressive. >> amazing. legend. legends everywhere. it's nice to see jerry. >> he's got the new movie out. >> exactly. guys, next up, beyoncé. turn up the volume for this one
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♪ it's coming ♪ >> so hot off her chart-topping cowboy carter release, queen bee is going dow is going down in history in the latest edition of the french encyclopedia dictionary. it defines her as a singer of american r&b pop. there are 40 people added to the issue including lebron james, american r&b pop. there are 40 people added to the issu christopher nolan. merci, beyoncé. we can all speak a little -- [ speaking in a global language ] . >> do you speak french? there is no way you could have done that without. >> it's all good. >> rhymes with rose. >> next up, ryan gosling. the actor is looking back on this moment in "la la land." la"
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♪ >> in a very surprising interview "the wall street called that dance in i journal" magazine, gosling called that dance in i think one of the greatest movies ever one scene in his entire career that he would want to do over again. listen. >> there is a moment that haunts me where we're dancing, emma and i. i didn't know this would become the poster for the movie. but i thought we were supposed to have our hands up, and i thought it would be cool to put my hand like that, even though everyone told me it wasn't cool, i was sure that that was cooler than that. now that i look at it and i have to see it all the time, do you know what would have cooler than this? that. >> it's bothering you, too? >> now that he says it, he's right. why don't they just photoshop it? because he's doing the walk like
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an egyptian. >> right? doesn't it? i think he's right. >> fair enough. if savannah says it, fair enough. >> no, he said it. it announced the movie was being adapted for broadway. we will keep our eyes peeled for that poster reveal. stay tuned for that one. >> ryan has one flaw. >> if that's it, there it was. >> he's a very handsome man. next up, matthew mcconaughey and his wife making pickleball a thing. but in honor of no pants day which we confirmed is actually on the calendar today, they dropped this fun recipe demo video. >> start with a half cup of ice and three jalapenos. >> then one ounce of pantalones
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>> and add a half ounce of lime juice and agave. >> then serve. >> best serve of the day. tequila. >> and add a half ounce of lime juice and agave. >> then serve. >> best serve of the day. >> all right. i'm down. i'm down. >> was no pants day a thing? >> i didn't know. >> we didn't know. >> don't tell my kids. >> exactly. next up, kevin hart, kenan thompson teaming up on a new project for the paris summer games. they will be cohosting olympic highlights with kevin hart and kenan thompson. it will be 8 episodes. they will recap the olympic's best and most unexpected moments. it is a series set to premier july the 26th on peacock. that's going to be good. all right. next up chris pine, occasional "today show" producer chatted with our buddy willie geist. chris on what it was like wearing so many different hats on his latest project. >> i'm curious for you what it feels like maybe different than other movies to be sitting out here a few days out from the
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world meeting your baby. by that i mean you wrote it, produced it, directed and starred it. >> it is absolutely terrifying. there is something satisfied after a career of 20 years where you are a hired hand saying, no, this is my work. it's deeply vulnerable and it's been terrifying a lot of time. but it's been deeply gratifying. >> it is willie's birthday, by the way. you can catch more this weekend on "sunday today". and finally, the citi concert series. it is that time of year again. remember how we kicked things off with the jonas brothers last year? ♪ >> we got some exciting news to share. our beloved citi concert series is officially back. this morning we are unveiling a new logo.look.
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it gets me excited. get ready. those kind of things excite me. it is so fun to be out there. the full lineup is coming soon. we have incredible musicians take a look. it gets me excited. get ready. those kind of things excite me. it is so fun to be out there. the full lineup is coming soon. we have incredible musicians ready to take over the plaza all summer long. make sure you check out "the today show" next week for the announcement. >> until then you have that. >> i thought maybe you were going to give it to us today. >> speaking of music, look who it is. like the most beautiful people, right? like y'all are just stunning. >> and like perfect pets, of
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is it possible to be more capable and more practical?
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be able to perform here and here? make a statement while barely making a sound and command the world as well as what lies ahead. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪ icon of racing and luxury. the first saturday in may, the world turns its attention here ♪ i'm gonna shine my way ♪
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>> the 150th kentucky derby on nbc and peacock. ♪ hi, everybody. good morning. it's 8:30. we got a beautiful crowd. just a couple sleeping babies out here. it is a beautiful friday morning, and we are so excited to have you all with us. and very, very happy because kate hudson is here. she's so sweet to come out and say hi to our crowd. she's about to show off yet another talent. she is a beautiful singer and song writer and kate is just about ready to release her debut album. we're super honored she will do it right there and perform this morning for us. >> i love it. we heard her performing. she has a beautiful voice. >> you have to see the video, too. also ahead, john legend and chrissy teigen, teaming up with a project important to their family, pets included. looking ahead to our 3rd hour, we are looking at the return of a broadcast classic. sheinelle, you went and saw >> claire was in it.
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>> stay tuned for that. it was a good time. >> oh, that's going to be good. le >> i did. i had a ball. i had them teach me "ease on down the road." >> claire was in it. >> stay tuned for that. it was a good time. >> oh, that's going to be good. let's get a check of the weather. dylan remains at her post at the derby. >> yes. this is my post here at the derby where it is pouring rain right now. hopefully we can lose some of that as we go into tomorrow. as we look across the rest of the country, it does look like heavy rain is pushing east ward. the coast could salvage the day. it should stay mostly dry along the east coast. more severe storms are possible. back across oklahoma into texas. and then the smaller pacific storm out west today will turn into a bigger storm tomorrow. heavy rain from washington to oregon into california. sunday the showers move into the east coast, still stormy back through the southern plains. even some mountain snow, very gusty winds back across nevada into las vegas. we are going to see that mountain snow accumulate in that
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>> y no sé si pueden oírlo, could hear it, guys. the music has just started here, so the party is ready to go. back to you guys. >> it's on. thank you, dylan. >> she wears it so well. >> doesn't she? all right. one of our favorite power couples here along with to of their beloved pets. beautiful family. they'll explain in a moment. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ nice to meet you. all right. back now at 8:35 with a couple who needs no introduction. john legend and chrissy teigen. together they are proud parents, as you can see here, four kids and four dogs. these are two of the four. they just launched their joint business venture, a pet food, a lifestyle brand. welcome. >> thank you. >> i feel like i'm in your family photo. >> i know.
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this beautiful white couch we brought our dogs on. >> my white suit. we're tempting fate. >> here's the thing. i want to give the viewers at home some perspective career. you have a gazillion projects, four kids, four dogs and a bearded dragon, which, can i be honest with you, i didn't know what that was. i googled it this morning and i looked and i was like, oh, no. >> he's the easiest one. >> and then now you have this other project here, a food brand. what inspired you guys to do this? >> well, we love our dogs, of course, as you can tell. they're such a big part of our family. >> this is petey. he loves the camera. this is his first trip to new york, so he's really excited. >> he looks like he's ready for the dog show. >> this is our old pearl. she's 10 years old. she's seen everybody and seen all the babies be born, seen the first animals, yeah. >> did you feel like, you know what, we love pets. let's do it. >> we love food. we love pets.
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we wanted to make sure all the pets without there could have great food. the nutrition tests. ste tests, >> did they get the taste tests? >> oh, gosh, yes. >> and that's fun. >> they love it. >> it's getting rave reviews. everybody that's feeding the nutrition tests. >> did they get the taste tests? >> oh, gosh, yes. >> and that's fun. >> they love it. >> it's getting rave reviews. everybody that's feeding it to their dogs loves it. >> a lot of people are saying their dogs are picky eaters, but they love it. we know a picky eater well. >> john, you said it recently, that your home life inspires your work rife and vice versa. you are not separating it or siloing it. >> yeah. everything we do is such an extension of who we are as a family, and this just felt so natural for us to do. we love our pets so much and we know a lot of other pet parents love their pets so much. we want to share some ideas with them. we have a great veterinary chief officer, dr. kwan, who is going to help advise us on everything we do and give great advice to everyone that joins our
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community. >> you guys are zen right now. but how is the energy at home with four kids, four pets, a bearded dragon. >> organized chaos. >> i was going to say. >> the older ones are in school now all day, so we have the babies at home with us all day. >> what are their ages again? >> 8. miles will be -- >> she takes a deep breath. >> because i usually have to go to my arm to figure it out. i have it written down on my arm all the birthdays. >> she has all the birthdays on her arm. >> luna is 8. miles will be 6 in a week and a half. then the little ones, we had -- >> 15 months and 10 months. we had our baby with the surrogate, so they're five months apart. >> look at this picture. >> yeah. that feels so long ago now. >> she's so much bigger now. >> so how does luna and miles, are they a good big brother and sister? >> they love doing it. they love being big brother and big sister. they're competitive with each
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other. >> right. close siblings, and they have sibling rivalry for our love and attention, but when it comes to the younger ones, they're so good with them. >> and they like to cook in the kitchen with you. >> always in the kitchen, always in my counter. we made dad a cobbler the other day. >> it was good. >> she's just getting really goo cooking and wanting to do things by herself, which is really cool. i let her do it. >> you guys are so open and so many of us relate to your family, see your family. has it changed, having kids, how much you decided to be open? >> i think we're still really honest about our lives. we don't share everything, but i think, you know, people have been on this journey with us, and we feel like we've gotten to know our audience and the people that connect with us and they've gotten to know us. and i think we're comfortable with that. >> yeah. >> before you leave us, you have a graduation speech coming up. >> yeah.
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he's going to stay here. >> comfy. >> you have a graduation speech, john, coming up. >> tomorrow. >> oh, wait. tomorrow. >> it's tomorrow. so we're flying back to l.a. tonight. and i'm going to speak at lmu tomorrow. >> do you want to give us a little -- i don't know. tell us everything. what is your message? >> obviously a lot is going on especially on college campuses right now. i just want to make sure that our college kids are feeling like we care about them, we love them and we want them to go out into the world and do great things. >> i know you will inspire. >> we try. >> do you sing a little, too? >> sometimes i do at the end of my speech. i'm still working on it. >> i have yet to be asked to speak at any universities. i'm just going to throw that out there. i did do a month at orange coast community college, if that -- >> you guys are such a delight. seriously just stunning. >> thank you. thanks for having us. >> congrats on this new venture. >> thank you so much. >> should we hear singing now? >> we heard kate last night at
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jimmy fallon. she was amazing. >> i told her, it's like you fell into the acting thing but you are such a good singer. >> how good is that, savannah? >> look at this, john. i'm holding the vinyl in my hands. >> and the music is great! >> i was like, kate, are you nervous? it's just john legend about to watch you and your singing. >> i know. i know. you know, i'm just -- i'm so excited about this whole experience. so every time i overthink it, i just get like -- i'm like, no, no. i just love to sing and i'm excited to share my songs. >> you love to sing. we're back right after this with a live performance. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ that makes it all real. this is a really special morning for our friend, kate hudson. she posted this video. she's unboxing her new album. we have it in our hot, little hands and we are so happy because kate is right here in our studio. good morning, my friend. >> good morning. >> we were talking about your music for so long. ever since i heard you were a singer, i feel like i have been asking and asking. just wait. it's coming. and now it's here. how do you feel? >> i'm so excited to share it, you know? it's been fun because i have had these songs come out. but i really can't wait for the album. there is so much on this album. it is so personal to me and -- >> you wrote it. >> i wrote it, yeah, yeah. i wrote these songs. i had also a great team, you know, writing the songs. but every lyric, every melody, yeah. it was overdue and i'm just
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happy to be here sharing it now. >> i think it is amazing because as much as we have talked about it, to me, this seems like the scariest thing to do. >> oh, my god. this seems like scariest thing to do. >> oh, my god. so so scary. >> it is scary. >> you are handling it so well. like you are not like, oh, what will people think. you seem joyous. >> there is always that. i want people to love it, obviously, you know. but i think part of why i wasn't so afraid to do it is because i was concerned about that. and then, you know, i just -- after covid i was like, if i don't do it, then i'm missing a huge part of my creative life experience. and what a shame that would be for me personally. so i was just like, i have to do it. and -- and so here i am. so instead of -- you know, i think when you are younger, it is more about how others see you. i think as you get older, it is more about what fulfills you.
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and that's this for me. so to share it and all the warmth i'm receiving, too, feels great. and i just -- i'm just so happy that i decided to do it. >> absolutely. i mean, by the way, you are hiding this beautiful singing voice all these years. i always say some people have it is not fair to the rest of us. >> thank you. >> do you think if you hadn't had that early success with acting that singing might have been your thing? >> i thought music was going to be a part of my path. but i got very famous very young. especially at that time, that dream kind of just went to the side a little, you know. well, for years. for many years. but it's also the writing part of it for me. it's always been mine. i always had it. so i was sort of fulfilled. but this idea that i was too afraid to share my music sort of was like, you know, it was like scratching at me to say like, why do i have this fear?
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i need to put my music out in the world, whether people like it or not. this is one of those go over the holidays. like you get out a guitar and sing. you are like the family singer. >> no, i know. >> yeah. this is one of those things you go over the holidays. like you get out a guitar and sing. you are like the family singer. >> no, i know. i'm like, stop singing. >> no, not really. i really did -- i mean, there is a handful of people, yeah, who have heard songs of mine forever. but i really kept it really close, you know. but there is an entire, i mean, wellspring of songs in my -- in my home of things that i recorded over the years. yeah. i just never had the guts to share it, yeah. >> what does your mom think? >> oh, they're so excited. you know, they know that this is from when i was a little girl, you know, singing was just everything to me. so -- so, you know, they're just -- they're just having so much fun with it, as much as i'm
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having fun with it, i think. >> we will take a break and you will sing a song. i'll ask you about it now because you might cry if i ask you before the song. >> it took me a long time to be able to sing this song. >> it's about your little boy and how you kind of grew up together. >> yeah. i was really young when i had him and what it is like to be a young mom and only know your adult life with your child, being a mother. and then they leave and you still feel young and you're like, what just happened? how is this even possible that he's leaving me? but it's also just like a celebration of what it is to like let your children fly and go. >> okay. now i'm going to cry. >> you're going to start crying. you can't talk about it without it. of course now it's been two years and he hasn't gone anywhere. he's still here. he's still at the house. >> he still brings his laundry home. you are crying for a different reason.
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>> can't you get out of the house? >> okay. are you ready? >> yeah, i'm ready. >> okay. we will take a break and have a special live performance here. if you have not heard kate hudson sing, you want to hear it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much
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-or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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♪ the citi music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> well, we have been chatting with kate hudson. now it is time to hear her song. her album glorious is out in two weeks, but we get an early listen today. fun to sing at 8:00 in the morning, right? performing the song "live forever" from her record, "glorious," ladies and gentlemen, the glorious kate gentlemen, the glorious kate hudson. ♪♪ ♪
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♪ it was you and me forever ♪ ♪ can you share a little time ♪ ♪ if you can't, i'll give you mine ♪ ♪ the story of my life and lover ♪ ♪ he was everything to me ♪ ♪ and then soon, there would be three ♪ ♪ and you came and changed my life ♪ ♪ oh, i was just a little girl ♪ ♪ gone deep into the world ♪ ♪ thought i could take it on ♪ ♪ and you showed up right by my side ♪ ♪ my witness and my light ♪ ♪ now we've grown up in stride ♪
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♪ you and i will be forever ♪ ♪ you will walk off on your own ♪ ♪♪ and i watch with wonder ♪♪ as you reach your destiny ♪♪ i know you'll be free ♪♪ take it on and take your time ♪ down the streets ♪ ♪ oh, i was just a little girl gone deep into the world ♪ ♪ thought i could take it on ♪ ♪ and you showed up right by my side ♪ ♪ my witness and my light ♪ ♪ now we've grown up in stride ♪ ♪ well, this world is forcing you to ride ♪ ♪ ups and downs i know you'll survive ♪
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♪ but if you need me, well, i got you ♪ ♪ and they'll try to cut you down to size ♪ ♪ broken hearts will heal, they just take time ♪ ♪ but if you need me, well, i got you ♪ ♪ you, you ♪ ♪ i've got you ♪ ♪ oh, i was just a little girl gone deep into the world ♪ ♪ thought i could take it on ♪ ♪ and you showed up right by my side ♪ ♪ my witness and my light ♪ lif ♪♪ ♪ now we've grown up in stride ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> kate hudson, how does that
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feel? >> good! >> it's early. you are so beautiful. love. >> yeah. >> all right. >> let's do it. >> well, it's beautiful. you have the record. it comes out in two weeks. >> two weeks, may 7th. i can't believe you have another song in our next half hour. >> yeah, talk about love. >> talk about love. >> yeah. >> all right. >> let's do it. >> well, it's beautiful. you have the record. it comes out in two weeks. >> two weeks, may 7th. i can't believe it. >> if you can, play the vinyl. play it all the way through. >> for me, that was the whole experience, was what is the story and what are we talking about and how does it feel when you're listening to it one sitting. it's the best. there's nothing like it. >> set a vibe. kate, we're so happy for you and proud of you. going for it. love it. and you had a birthday. happy birthday. >> i did. it's my birthday. >> we're back after your local news, your weather and these messages.
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it is. 856 a marcus washington well, we are following some breaking news out of the south bay. that's where two san jose police officers are injured after being shot last night. one officer is now in critical condition. the other has already been released from the hospital. well, just into our newsroom, we are learning that one of those officers is a rookie. last night those officers responded to some kind of disturbance at an extended stay america on san ignacio avenue. officers did manage to shoot the suspect, who is now also believed to be in critical condition. so far, police are not revealing any details about who that suspect is or what may have led up to the gunfire happening now. san jose police are promising to update us with the injured officers and the ongoing investigation. within the last hour, they announced a news conference that is set to begin
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at 1:00. nbc bay area does have reporters covering this story from all angles, from the hospital to the shooting scene. we will have the latest for you during our midday newscast. well, san jose is also getting ready for sunday cinco de mayo celebrations. we have a link on our website including where the celebration will happen and the road closures expected to take place
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," giddy up. the kentucky derby is this weekend. dylan, mick tier


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