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tv   Today  NBC  May 4, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. texas residents on edge with more rain on the way. >> the storm damage there is already catastrophic and it could get worse in the hours ahead, with rivers expected to
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crest. it is may 4th, and this is "today." under water. >> oh, my god, he's going in the water. >> terrifying scenes throughout texas, with up to a foot of pounding rain causing rivers to overflow banks and leaving neighborhoods flooded. >> when i see it in the refrigerator, i told her it's time to go. >> with more heavy showers expected today, the danger is growing. we are live in the storm zone. hope and humiliation? one of former president trump's closest former aides, hope hicks, on the stand in his hush money fraud trial. hicks testifying how the campaign viewed it as a crisis when the "access hollywood" tape became public, as mr. trump meets this weekend with a parade of vice presidential picks in south florida. two florida teenagers turn themselves in after they were caught on camera gleefully dumping garbage into the ocean. the parents of one of them
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apologizing. this morning, the criminal charges they're facing. where is wally? the desperate search for an emotional support alligator, with a huge social media following. >> lay down. >> good boy. >> the gator how missing after his owner says he was stolen. all of that, plus dazzling debut. caitlin clark kicks off her wnba career with the indiana fever, picking up where she left off in college, drilling three-pointers from everywhere, knocking home 21 points in her first ever game as a pro and proving she's the woman to watch at the next level. today, saturday, may 4th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." we thank you for joining us on this saturday morning.
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laura is deserving a weekend off with her family. we're thrilled to have vicky nguyen with us. nice to see you. we're going to talk about the emotional support alligator in a moment. first, how about caitlin clark? no rest for the weary. she's crushing it at the next level. >> 21 points in 28 minutes, three-pointers. clearly no jitters. >> she said she was proud of her performance. we'll have the latest on her performance last evening coming up. we want to get to the dangerous situation that is unfolding in the south where punishing rain has left texas neighborhoods in and around houston in ruins, turning roads into rivers, and seriously damaging homes there. the situation, sadly, is expected to get worse. >> some parts of texas have gotten nearly two feet of rain in just the past week, and more is on the way. >> we're going to get to angie's forecast in a moment. we want to begin with kathy parks in texas.
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good morning. >> reporter: hey, peter, good morning to you. fortunately, we're getting a little bit of a break from the rain, but the bad news is flooding is still a big issue. as you can see behind me, roads are still impassable and some rivers in the area are expected to crest this weekend. so it could get a lot worse before it gets better. millions in texas in the cross hairs of catastrophic flooding and dangerous tornadoes. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: in just the past two days, dramatic lightning strikes like this one caught on camera. >> oh, my god, he's going in the water. >> reporter: and nearly a foot of rain in the houston area, stranding drivers. even washing away roads and part of this nursery. >> it's hard to tell exactly how much we've lost, but it will be estimated hundreds of thousands of dollars of product washed away. >> reporter: in harris county officials declaring a disaster and urging residents to evacuate thursday night or prepare to
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stay for days. >> this threat is ongoing and it's going to get worse. it is not your typical river flood. >> reporter: dozens have been rescued so far, and one family escaped by swimming to safety as the rushing waters filled their home. >> when i seen it lift the refrigerator up and it's floating around my house, that's when i told her it's time to go. >> reporter: 14 rivers are at major flood stage. >> so if you open your front door, i mean, the river is right there. >> it is. >> reporter: evelyn is still repairing damage from 2017 brought on by hurricane harvey. >> how tough is it to see this type of damage again? >> i'm crestfallen. i don't know if i can get back up again. >> reporter: she and so many others are reliving the nightmare as they brace for more severe weather expected to last through the weekend. and over the last week, some portions of southeast texas
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received over 15 inches of rain, so as you can imagine, the ground is already so saturated, and with more rain headed this way, it could lead to another round of problems and even more flooding. guys, back to you. >> kathy park on the ground for us in texas this morning. angie, as we heard, this is not over yet. >> we had incredible amounts of rain over the past couple of days, some spots more than 20 inches of rain. yes, the ground is saturated. we've got 10 to 15 inches of rain across a lot of spots. and notice all of the moderate and major flooding that's going on for those rivers in this area. we've got the river flood warnings in effect for this entire region, and on top of that, the flood alerts for 10 million people stretching into parts of oklahoma, arkansas and that region of texas. this is going to be something that we watch. we have a little break for the daytime hours as far as rain is concerned today, but we're going to ramp up into the afternoon and evening hours and see a threat of severe weather. let's talk about the severe
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weather. it does include parts of specifically texas that have seen a repeated performance of the strong storms. we've got fort stockton, parts of texas stretching down to the border included in this. we could see ef-2 or higher tornadoes. that's what we'll be watching in the afternoon and evening hours. on top of that, more rain, another 1 to 2 inches. this is going to be something we'll watch, more high rainfall rates and flooding we're concerned about in this region. >> thank you very much. police and anti-war protesters clashed against on college campuses overnight. some of the most intense scenes at the university of michigan and ann arbor with graduation season under way this weekend. nbc's george solis is at the university of pennsylvania in philadelphia. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. here at upenn, an encampment now entering its tenth day. things so far peaceful. police are on standby, the university saying no arrests
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have been made. there were clashes overnight, pro-palestinian demonstrators clashing with those demonstrators at the university of michigan in new york city at nyu. police also called there for some demonstrations, more than 50 or so were arrested. all of this comes as graduation season is already in full swing. columbia and usc making big announcements overnight. columbia said to be rethinking commencement ceremonies after the unrest. usc, after canceling commencement, now say they plan on holding the ceremonies at the los angeles coliseum. these decisions are huge when you consider this is the same graduating class that missed out on graduation for high school because of the pandemic. and, of course, under the backdrop of all of this comes questions about who participated in some of these demonstrations, and the use of force. many of those questions raised during raids at ucla where police were involved heavily,
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and police say an officer accidently discharged their weapon at the raids at columbia. of course back here at upenn, as i mentioned, things do remain peaceful. police on standby. the students, like much of the messaging we've seen across campuses, are asking their universities to divest from university. >> trying to walk that fine line. george solis at upenn with the latest, thank you. to the criminal trial against former president trump. on friday his former top aide took the stand in an emotional appearance. nbc's vaughn hillyard was there. he is here with us this morning with more on what hope hicks had to say. >> reporter: this was a crucial witness for the prosecution. hope hicks was a long-time confidant who worked as part of a close-knit small team in the early days of the trump campaign in 2015 and 2016, before ascending to the post of communications director inside of his white house.
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she was one of former president trump's most trusted advisers. >> hope, we want hope! >> reporter: but friday, hope hicks walked into the court as a prosecution witness in her old boss' hush money trial. mr. trump without smiling stared on, first directly at her, before turning his attention toward a monitor and papers in front of him. hicks admitting she was nervous. at one point becoming emotional, tearing up and needing a break. hicks telling prosecutors the release of the "access hollywood" tape weeks before the 2016 election was a crisis. i was concerned, very concerned, she said. everyone was just absorbing the shock of it. hicks testified, adding its impact on women voters was a major concern. prosecutors say the release of the tape helped propel the hush money scheme. mr. trump friday arguing none of it is related to the charges he's facing, that he allegedly disguised reimbursements to michael cohen for hush money
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payments as legal expenses in his internal books. mr. trump slamming a corrupt, ancient and highly political attack that he says has nothing to do with this fake case. >> i'm not allowed to comment on any of that, as you know, i'm under a gag order. i was very interested in what took place today. >> reporter: on cross-examination, hicks was asked about a "wall street journal" report days before the 2016 election on payments allegedly made to karen mcdougal. she said mr. trump did not want the paper delivered to his home that day. she said he really values mrs. trump's opinion and saying of michael cohen, he likes to call himself a fixer. it's only because he first broke it that he would fix it. notably, hicks testified she was not engaged in negotiations nor was aware of the hush money payments before they were made, and saying she had nothing to do with the trump organization business records. >> the former president is back in florida this weekend for a
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donor's conference where he is expected to meet with a number of potential vice presidential candidates. >> reporter: it's quite the cast. there's major republican retreat this weekend in palm beach bringing these potential running mates. we're looking at a meeting with the likes of senators marco rubio and d.j. vance, also folks like members of congress, elise stefanik. we are two months away from his likely selection of his vp running mate and the gop's summer convention. >> thank you so much. and our friend, kristen welker, will have much more tomorrow morning on "meet the press" when she's joined by republican senator tim scott, democratic senator mark kelly of arizona, and cindy mccain, the executive director for the world food programme. to the economy, there are new signs the job market may be cooling, which could be good
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news. the government reported that 175,000 new jobs were added last month in april, below expectations. the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9%. wall street was thrilled. the dow, nasdaq, s&p 500 all rising sharply, so what does it all mean for the economy? what's in your wallet? we want to bring in business correspondent christine romans with the latest. nice to see you. you're our resident expert on these topics. it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to folks that the job market would be cooling, unemployment ticks up, and yet this could be good news. why? >> the job market might have been overheating a little bit, too red hot for too long and that could be contributing to the inflation problem in the country. what you want to see is not too hot, not too cold, just right. the goldilocks job market that's still strong. these numbers are quite strong. 3.9% is a very good unemployment rate and you're seeing broad-based job creation in
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health care and social assistance, retail. so there are good signs in the labor market and it's cooling a little bit, and that's exactly what the federal reserve wanted to see. >> here we are, we have this perhaps goldilocks situation economically. when can we expect to see the fed start to lower rates this year? >> so the conventional wisdom and that sometime later this year the fed will start cutting interest rates a little bit. you want to see more than one month of a cooling job market. you want to see a trend here. but if you have the fed starting to cut interest rates later this year, that will be relief for borrowing costs. borrowing costs right now are quite high. anybody borrowing money is paying a lot to carry any debt. but people who are savers, you can get higher interest on your savings, so this is a moment right now to remember to keep your borrowing down, and if you have money, maybe you're saving up for a home down payment in this housing market, make sure you're getting 4%, 5% on those savings. it's really important. >> high yield savings.
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christine romans, thank you so much. we're going to see you back in the next half hour to talk about car buying tips. angie is here with a quick look at the rest of the country's forecast. >> it is spring, and you can tell. we've got cool spots, warm spots. 80s in chicago today, mid-70s in detroit. cincinnati, you're going to head to the upper 70s. along the east coast, a bit of a different story. cooler than normal. washington, d.c. topping out at 59 degrees, 10 to 15 degrees below normal. we keep warmth across the great lakes and midwest. next week we really see the te
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>> and that is a look at your forecast, my friends. >> thank you very much. up next, who has got the fever? in this case it's the indiana fever. caitlin clark making her highly anticipated wnba debut, and priscilla thompson had a ticket. >> this game was a buzzer-beater and the energy inside the arena was insane. i will havell of a t
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we are back on a saturday morning. our friend joe has joined the table. caitlin clark now a pro, wasting
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no time getting right back after it. >> definitely not. good morning. yeah, caitlin clark has been waiting for this moment, after she was picked first in the wnba draft. clark and the indiana fever took to the hardwood for their first preseason game last night. >> priscilla thompson was there. she brought the heat. >> the caitlin clark effect was on full display inside this arena last night as the severe took on dallas. fans young and old packed the house for a chance to see the basketball phenom suit up for her first wnba game, and number 22 did not disappoint. she was the top scorer on the indiana fever, with 21 points. she played for 28 minutes in all, sinking five of those iconic three-pointers. and this game was a nail-biter, a fight to the finish. with three seconds left, dallas scored with the game tied. caitlin clark was able to get her hands on the ball one more
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time and she shot for one more of those three-pointers, but unfortunately she was not able to pull it off. dallas ultimately won the game 79-76. certainly not quite the outcome the indiana fever and clark were hoping for, but i asked her after the game what she'll remember most about her big night, and here's what she had to say. >> i think just the atmosphere and getting to put on your jersey for the first time for a real game is something that's super special. it's a big milestone for somebody that's always dreamed of playing in the wnba. >> reporter: and her star power is still reverberating throughout the league, with stubhub reporting a 93% increase in ticket sales this season compared to last, with the indiana fever leading the way with the highest rate of increase. and clark is reportedly set to ink a $28 million deal with nike that will include a signature shoe. i've got to tell you, based on the energy and excitement that i saw in this arena last night, i
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don't think she's going to have any problem selling those, guys. >> we can't wait. she's going to continue to thrill through the season. thank you so much. still to come, the case of still to come, the case of the since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight.
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the run for the roses will get under way and she's all dialed in. >> reporter: i have so many hats planned for this weekend, the outfit to watch. we also, of course, are going to tell you who you should place tell you who you should place your bets o and tn i'm youral overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. times may change, but somethings remain timeless. feel how much softer and smoother dove leaves your skin. dove is 1/4 moisturizing cream. i've been using dove beauty bar more than 25 years. after seven days, i feel like a brand new woman!
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wayday ends soon. shop wayfair's biggest sale now through may 6th. ♪ wayfair. every style, every home. ♪ from this saturday, may 4th, i'm kira klapper. it has been nearly two weeks since pro-palestinian demonstrators set up tents on uc
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berkeley's campus, and they say they have no plans to leave until the university meets their demands. among those demands, divestment from any company that does business with israel and the administration's support of a cease fire. the camp has more than 150 tents filled with supporters and organizers expect that number to grow as the pro-palestinian demonstration gains ground and incidents increase. some jewish students worry about their safety on campus. uc berkeley has beefed up security and is providing an escort service for concerned students. in san francisco, a major bus breaks up an illegal gambling den. narcotics officers served a search warrant on ellis street in the tenderloin district. it happened thursday night. they arrested the person suspected of running the operation, a 45 year old woman from oakland. officers also seized more than a dozen illegal gambling machines, a loaded firearm, $3,000 in cash and drugs. sfpd says the bust is
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part of its efforts to address the drug crisis in the city. we're going to turn now to the weekend forecast in. cinthia pimentel has a quick look. a little rainy out there. yeah. and we're going to have some major changes ahead mainly for today. tomorrow looks a little bit clear, but we're seeing that rain already here in the bay area. if we zoom in a little bit closer. it's in the north bay right now creeping onto san francisco and eventually it should sweep through the rest of the bay area, becoming heavy at times. so those impacts could be quite significant. the rain estimates have also gone up, and our temperatures right now we're waking up in the 50s. this might be as warm as we get. the sweeping cold front is going to drop those temperatures. so all those details i'll have for you coming up at 7 a.m. kira back to you. all right. we'll see you at seven. cynthia. thanks also coming up at seven this morning on today in the bay, two san jose police officers recovering after getting into a gun battle with a man accused of domestic violence. we have the very latest in the case and the man's
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background. we will have that. plus all your top stories and cynthia's full forecast coming up at seven. we hope you join us. in the meantime, we'll may the force be with you. >> may the force be with you. >> and also with you. >> may the force -- >> -- be with you.
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>> we are back on a saturday morning. if that star wars compilation doesn't give it away, it is may the 4th, officially known as star wars day. let us be the first to say, may the fourth be with you. >> it's going to be a national holiday. >> there's a job for somebody to watch all the movies in order. >> luke, i am your father. no, i am your father. great lines throughout all of those movies. >> don't ask me. i've never seen them. >> what? >> i always just see the part where the letters scroll and that's kind of it. >> there is more to it. we're going to switch gears now. we want to begin this half hour with a check of the headlines. multiple bodies have been discovered in mexico in the same region where one american and two australians were reported missing, jack carter and callum and jake robinson were on a
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surfing trip in the mexican state of baja, california. they did not show up to their airbnb. in all, four bodies were found in the remote and rugged area. mexican authorities have questioned three people in connection with the incident. two florida teens have turned themselves in after they were caught on camera happily dumping trash into the atlantic ocean. the 15 and 16-year-olds went to police on friday. video of the pair dumping cans of trash into the ocean and then brazenly clapping at the camera went viral earlier this week. the florida fish and wildlife conservation commission says this is a teaching moment. parents of one of the teens involved agreed, releasing a statement saying, quote, this is not a representation of who we are. the teens face third-degree felony charges. the dallas mavericks have advance and kyrie irving scoring 30 points, 28 in the second
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half, leading the team to victory over the los angeles clippers. up next for the mavs, the top seeded oklahoma city thunder. the orlando magic didn't need to pull a rabbit from their hats to keep the playoff dreams alive. instead, they just leaned on 21-year-old forward forward bonchero. the decisive game seven will be on sunday. also this morning, an unusual tale unfolding in georgia where an emotional support alligator -- yeah, we've been talking about it all morning, he's gone missing. wally gator hasn't been seen in a week and now his owner is making an emotional plea on social media, hoping someone can help bring that beloved gator home. marissa parra is joining us now with more. you've got to explain this one to us. >> reporter: good morning. over the years, especially in this business, we've seen a lot of, shall we call it surprising emotional support animals.
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we've seen the emotional support raccoons and peacocks. so i'll admit i was a little bit shocked when i saw that there was an emotional support alligator. but you have got to see this. the bond the owner joe has with him is undeniable. so his owner joe says he's been searching for him daily. he's asking for prayers and support to find his best friend. this morning, this unbelievable emotional roller coaster is no tall tale. >> we need all the help we can get. >> reporter: joe is begging for help to find his beloved friend, wally the alligator. >> someone came in and stole wally. >> reporter: now missing for a week after he claims he was stolen from an enclosure in georgia. ever since he got the approval from his doctor to put wally into service as his emotional support animal, the two have been inseparable. >> one thing i would like to tell everybody, when they meet
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wally, do not do that with any other alligator. >> reporter: delighting and surprising children and adults alive. here he is living his best life, lounging by the pool, hanging with friends, and even proving you can teach an old gator new tricks. >> lay down. good boy. >> reporter: last year the duo skyrocketed to social media stardom after they were denied entry to a phillies game in philadelphia. wally the gator now has nearly 150,000 followers on tiktok alone. he's even credited with inspiring the low key alligator in the hit disney+ series. but now gone without a trace. he says he was stolen by someone who likes to drop alligators in people's lives to terrorize them. a trapper responded to a
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nuisance call and georgia officials adding they cannot confirm the gator is wally. his dad holding on to hope. and those same wildlife officials say the chances of finding wally are slim to none. his owner saying in a facebook post, we need a miracle. i hope they find it. >> marissa parra, thank you so much. i just keep thinking free wally. is that wrong? >> hopefully they find him. >> that's a sad story. the idea that wally would be lounging around the pool. we're having a pool party. do you want to hang out? >> bring the babies and give hugs. >> we hope wally comes back home safely. angie, what do you know about the forecast? >> i need a wally hug. i love it. what do i know about the forecast? there's some big thing happening, maybe, in kentucky today. let's talk about the forecast there. a lot of excitement around, of course, the derby. we've got a pretty good forecast. partly sunny. notice our temperatures into the low 80s.
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it's these passing thunderstorms that we'll have to watch as this gets under way. you can watch that on nbc. as we roll into next week, big concern for another week, the sixth consecutive week where we could see a severe outbreak as far as the midsection of the country is concerned and this is going to be ramping up monday, tuesday and wednesday. here is a look at monday. this is different from what we dealt with last week. yes, the central plains are included. 13 million people with hail, damaging winds, of course, and a few strong tornadoes. by the time we get into tuesday this shifts to the east, the great lakes, ohio valley, portions of the south. this sticks with us wednesday. we'll watch for the severe risk then, too.
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>> that's a look at your forecast, guys. >> thank you so much. still thinking about wally. just ahead, the high cost of not only owning, but m (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both.
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and learn how abbvie can help you save. we are back on this saturday morning with today's consumer and the high cost associated with owning a brand new car. >> it's not just the initial sticker price. it's the maintenance, insurance and more that all really add up. >> christine romans has our report. >> reporter: at s&s automotive in new jersey, the owner is working hard to keep prices low for loyal customers, and it hasn't been easy. >> to do something like this, a few years ago would it have cost the same or less? >> no, it's definitely costing more. now, it's probably at least 10% more than it was two years ago. >> reporter: keith used to adjust prices once a year. now it's every three to six
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months because the total annual cost of simply owning and maintaining a new car climbed to more than $12,000 last year, up from $11,000 the year before. and that doesn't include monthly car payments, which spiked along with rising interest rates. heather is a mother of six in atlanta who sold her suv. >> you loved your suv. why did you sell it? >> the cost got out of control, the maintenance, day to day, week to week, month to month. it was heartbreaking. >> reporter: her insurance rose more than $100 a month. car insurance up more than 20% nationwide as insurers pay out for pricier claims. >> you have a high number of claims for all kinds of reasons, including that people aren't driving very well broadly. the data bears that out. and you have climate events that are essentially totaling cars. >> reporter: back in keith's repair shop, this business is more than just a job. keith's uncle started it in 1969 and it has been serving the
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community ever since. but a lot has changed. these are not your grandparents' cars. now they're full of pricey sensors and cameras. >> this truck probably has at least 60 computers in it. >> reporter: and those parts, more expensive to repair. but long-time customers say they'll keep coming back. >> the price goes up, labor costs have gone up. you pay the price. >> christine is back with us this morning. first of all, thanks for coming to do double-duty. >> sure. >> let's talk about prices. if you're looking to buy right now, what is the best way to try to save some coin? >> things got crazy during covid but prices are coming down. there are going to be dealer incentives this season. you can shop around, holidays, always big car sales around memorial day and labor day and the fourth of july. look for those times. shop around for financing. find the best deal, the best rate, and then go to the dealer and say can you match or beat
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this. >> what about electric cars? is it better to buy used? >> the electric car game is so new. there are electric cars that have really lost a lot of value because of price cuts over the past couple of years. in fact, the depreciation of an electric car is ten times what it is for a regular gas guzzler. >> wow. >> right. so there are some cheap models on the used car lots right now. you can shop around. so you get the best and newest technology in a new car but the best competitive prices with the used car. there's a real shift happening in that used car ev market right now. >> the depreciation for an electric vehicle almost ten times. wow. >> elon musk was cutting tesla prices and you started to see the new car prices fall and that made the used car evs cheaper. >> always good when we have christine here. appreciate it. >> what's up next in "pop start"? dua lipa reporting for double duty at "saturday night live" tonight after these messages.
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since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. ♪(clapping)♪ ♪(percussion)♪ ♪cause you're free♪ ♪to do what you want to do♪
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♪do what you want♪ ♪do what you want♪ pure leaf crafts real brewed iced tea using the highest quality tea leaves. no artificial flavors. nothing that doesn't make our tea better. ♪♪ pure leaf iced tea. real variety, real brewed. ♪♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. with non-habit forming zzzquil. sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss?
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well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. "pop start." hey, joe. >> a lot to cover. first up, tiffany haddish, for the sake of this story, sarah is the name she used when she created a fake instagram profile to track down online trolls. in an interview with the "l.a. times," she said she faces a lot of internet bullying, the majority from bots. but some are human. the comedian says, quote, i've learned how to find people's information, like i pull up the credit report records, you can do that for $1.99.
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sometimes i get so mad, i'll get the phone number and i'll just call them. when that happens, she says the trolls are often shocked. her new book is called "i curse you with joy" and it comes out tuesday when she'll be live height other in studio 1a on today. honey, tiffany haddish is on the phone for you. >> a lot of times they change their tune when you're nice to them. we've had our trolls, i'm sure. >>ignore, ignore, ignore. >> sometimes i can't. i'm a real person over here. >> i agree. you and tiffany are on the same page. next up, "emily in paris" is looking like a paris summer, the olympics kicked off on july 26th, and days after those games end, the love games begin with season 4 of the hit netflix show returning.f the new season drops
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on august 15th, part two on september 12th. each is there will be five episodes, or in paris, [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> finally, dua lipa, the houdini singer is not disappearing this weekend. she is everywhere. her new album "radical optimism" dropped yesterday, and tonight she is on snl as both host and musical guest. her first time pulling double duty. >> i'm beyond excited. it's been the most insane week and i just told myself, just go through it hour-by-hour and just take it as it comes. it's been such a wild ride and i can't wait for thebig night. >> epic tonight starts at 11:30 p.m. eastern on nbc. that's your "pop start." >> you get double credit when you can sing and host the show and act. that's impressive. we're going to check in with dylan at the kentucky derby. we are back after this
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love that sound right there, the call of the post, and that means one thing. it is derby day, the 150th running of the kentucky derby. >> between the horses, hats and mint julips, there's plenty to get excited about. >> dylan, you're looking fabulous. set the scene. how are things looking today? >> it's looking really good. everybody is excited to celebrate 150 years of running of the kentucky derby, and it is exciting here, because where i'm standing didn't even exist last year. they just completed a $200 million renovation, and that includes the whole paddock area. it is stunning here. another thing they also increased was the purse. now it is a $5 million purse. that's up $2 million from last
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year. the winner walks away with $3.1 million, even the runner-up walks away with a million. if you want to beat on horses, the favorites are fierceness and sierra leon, who everybody is talking about here. but if it rains, that could change things up a little bit. so is it going to rain? that's the big question. it's cloudy right now, but once these clouds and this fog burns off, i think we'll see some sunshine, which could trigger thunderstorms. scattered thunderstorms, that if we occur over churchill downs, changes the conditions of the track. something we'll be keeping a close eye on later on this afternoon. >> watch where you step in those heels today. dylan, i know there's all sorts of weather concern, horses to talk about. how about the pomp and pageantry? you're looking gilded age right now. >> thank you. i was kind of going with an elizabethan look. i've got my hats laid out. so many folks come for the fashion, to wear the hats and
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dress up. christine moore does my hats every year. i'll be wearing some of these later on today. we also, of course, have to talk about woodford reserve. they have some of the best bourbon and in these juleps, we've got the $5,000 mint julep. this bottle right here is $15,000. this is a triple oak. one of the oak barrels this bourbon sat in was in the winner's circle at the kentucky derby. there's only 150 of these made. that's why they are so expensive. the money does go to charity. this looks like a hot mess, but it is a tradition here at the kentucky derby. it's got like melted cheese and parmesan cheese, just loaded over bread from wagner's pharmacy, which has been around for over 100 years. there's a lot of tradition. even if you're not into horse racing, there's so much more to
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watch. we've got you covered with the celebrities and i'm talking with jimmy fallon later today. >> fun day ahead. thank you so much. i would drink that mint julep very slowly. >> did you say that's from a pharmacy? >> it is a pharmacy, but they sell food. >> there you go. good to know. coverage of the 150th running of the kentucky derby begins in just a few hours, 2:30 p.m. eastern on nbc and peacock. >> a couple too many of those oaks. you'll be back in the pharmacy for a different reason. >> that is going to do it for us on a saturday morning. on a saturday morning. >> enjoy your weekend. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes
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ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ on this saturday, may 4th. i'm kira klapper this morning we are learning that the suspect in a freeway shooting and a police standoff is alive in custody in
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the hospital after suffering a self-inflicted gunshot wound. you may have been impacted by this hours long ordeal yesterday. it started yesterday morning on highway 101 in santa rosa. the man, believed to have shot into a woman's suv. fortunately, she wasn't hurt and was able to give police a description of his car. police found it in a shopping center, but he took off, initiating a chase through marin county and then east to i-80 into fairfield. the chase ended after that driver hit a spike strip at the 680 interchange, but he refused to get out of his car, initiating a standoff that caused a ten mile backup. during the already busy friday afternoon commute, the traffic getting so bad some had to pull over, police eventually removing that man from the car. the case is now under investigation by the solano county district attorney's office. well, you've made it to the weekend. let's check in on our forecast with cinthia pimentel. hey, cynthia. yeah, we've been looking forward
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to this all week. the weekend, of course, but we're actually going to feel like we're going back in time to winter here. and everyone, we're seeing the storm dropping into the bay area already from the north. so it is a cold system. you're going to feel those changes as we go throughout the day. the rain is already here, mainly light through the north bay. a couple of heavier spots through santa rosa right now, and it will sweep through through just about everyone as we go through the next 2 to 3 hours. so heavy at times. it's also pushing on through through parts of richmond, oakland, san francisco and approaching san bruno and san mateo within the next couple of minutes. it's going to be a really windy day. so all of these changes that we're tracking going into this afternoon will mainly be for today. it clears out for tomorrow and the rest of the week. so i'll have all those details coming up at 7:00. back to you all right cynthia, thanks. also coming up at seven this morning on today in the bay, we introduce you to a family treating martial arts not just as a hobby, but a tradition. we celebrate asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month. we hope you join us for that and
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all your top stories coming up at 7:00. in the meantime, enjoy wild child followed by harlem globetrotters. playt forward. we i'l . narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. sheinelle: today on "wild child", we're taking a trip through the prairies and plains to meet the creatures who grow up on grass, like these insect architects that create a


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