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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  May 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm ellison barber. >> and i'm kate snow. zinhle essamuah is off today. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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today monday, may 6th, 2024, breaking news. hamas accepts a cease-fire. a potential breakthrough in the israel-hamas war. hamas says it accepts a cease-fire proposal after talks with egyptian and qatari officials. the question now, will israel sign on? what we're learning. trump on notice. the judge overseeing the former president's criminal trial issuing his sternest warning yet. stick to the gag order or face possible jail time. wove all of today's developments coming up from court. church shooting scare. a man pulls a gun on a pastor in the middle of his sunday sermon. we'll hear from the man who sprang into action to save the pastor. and it's called mommy brain. 8 in 10 women say they've experienced that phenomenon during pregnancy. we'll talk about why it happens and what you can do about it. we do begin this hour, though, with that breaking news out of the middle east. hamas says it has accepted a cease-fire proposal to pause the seven-month war with israel. >> the deal was mediated by negotiators from qatar and
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egypt. however, it is not a done deal. israel says it is currently examining the proposal. the hamas announcement came just hours after israel began dropping leaflets over parts of rafah in southern gaza, telling people there to evacuate in advance of a potential ground invasion. >> let's get right to nbc news international correspondent raf sanchez, who joins us as usual from tel aviv. so raf, what do we know about the cease-fire proposal that hamas is saying it has accepted, and what do we know about whether israel might decide? >> reporter: so kate, an israeli official telling me in just the last couple of minutes that israel's war cabinet will meet tonight. it is 10:00 here local time. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his most senior ministers will huddle late in this israeli evening to potentially give a response to this hamas proposal. now, we basically have here, kate and ellison, two different
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agreements, one that israel has signed off on, one that hamas has signed off on. we do not know at this point the scale of the discrepancy between the two, if they are small differences then maybe there are quick fixes here and the documents can be reconciled. if there are major differences then potentially there is a lot more negotiating to go. in terms of our understanding of what hamas has signed off to, this is a three-phase deal according to sources, each phase lasting around 42 days each. we expect hamas in that first phase to release 33 hostages from the so-called humanitarian category. so that is women, it's children, it's the elderly, it's people with serious medical conditions. in return we're expecting israel to release 33 palestinian prisoners for every israeli hostage. so that gets you to over 1,000 palestinians in exchange for
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those 33 hostages. we do not know whether israel has signed off to all of those terms, to some of those terms. we don't know if there are other discrepancies. one of the big sticking points has been whether this is a negotiation leading to a temporary pause in the fighting, which is what israel wants, or a permanent end to the war, which is what hamas wants. but these are critical hours ahead to see if these two documents can be reconciled and if a deal can be reached. guys? >> raf, earlier today i was seeing there were some reports in israeli media of families who believe their loved ones are still being held hostage inside of gaza protesting, shutting down part of a highway in tel aviv, saying the israeli government needs to do more to get their loved ones out right now. over 30,000 people inside of gaza have reportedly been killed since this war began, and there's all this talk about what happens next in rafah. looking at the situation right now, do we know if the israeli defense forces plan to continue
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with a ground invasion in rafah? >> reporter: so ellison, early this morning the idf started dropping leaflets over eastern rafah with a stark message to the palestinian civilians there. get out. israel is preparing to attack this area. the israeli military says that the area has about 100,000 palestinian civilians in it, so it's not all of rafah, where there are more than a million palestinian civilians. these people were told to flee to a so-called humanitarian zone. israel saying that zone would be safer but that israel would still reserve the right to bomb in that area if hamas operates out of that. at this point israeli forces have not crossed over, they have not started moving into rafah. israeli officials tell us the timing of an israeli ground offensive would be determined one, by when israel's government actually gives the order to go in, but two, how long it takes to evacuate those palestinian civilians.
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and prime minister netanyahu, the israeli government has said that if a deal is reached they are prepared to at least delay an attack on rafah, although not call it off altogether. guys? >> raf sanchez, amazing reporting. thank you as always. well, as that news develops in the middle east, pro-palestinian protests continue on college campuses nationwide just as graduation season ramps up. >> dozens of people were arrested after the university of california san diego called in law enforcement this morning to dismantle an encampment. the university says that that encampment had grown larger than what was agreed upon with protesters, raising security concerns. nbc news correspondent ellen lopez joins us now. where do things stand on the campus of uc san diego? has that encampment been cleared? >> reporter: yeah, ellison, between uc san diego and ucla this morning alone more than 100 arrests. the uc san diego chancellor said that encampment grew to about
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2,000 people and that is why he decided to call in law enforcement and clear that out for safety and security reasons. i want to read a statement that eric mendoza, our producer here, was able to obtain from uc san 64 arrests.e. of those 40 were students, 24 were unaffiliated or their status is unknown at this time. the arrested students, it says, have been or will be placed under immediate interim suspension. so major consequences for those students as we continue to see these disruptions across campuses across the nation really. >> and elwyn, ucla says that it moved classes at one building on campus to remote learning today because of what they called ongoing disruptions. what's going on there? >> reporter: yeah, kate, so those students were actually supposed to go back to in-person classes today. that has now been moved to remote learning because of what occurred earlier this morning. so a campus officer there said that there were several people inside a garage, dozens of people. they were not providing those officers with their i.d.s.
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and that is why they were detained for allegedly delaying a police investigation. now, remember that this is taking place after what we saw over the weekend at usc, another encampment there. it was cleared out. thankfully no major incidents there, no arrests. but remember that this comes after usc already canceled their main graduation ceremony. so we do expect some of this to continue to happen not just here in california but across the country. guys? >> elwyn lopez, thank you. former president donald trump was given a major ultimatum today by the judge in his hush money trial. >> he was told he must stop making public comments about the jury and witnesses and if he doesn't he could face jail time. today judge juan merchan found trump in contempt of court for the second time for violating a gag order. trump was fined $1,000, but he was also warned that jail time is on the table if he violates the gag order again. >> the judge said, "it appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent," adding "the last thing i want to do is
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put you in jail. i will if necessary." joining us now, nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard outside the courthouse down in lower manhattan. also with us, nbc news legal analyst kristen gibbons fedden. vaughn, let's start with you. walk us through what else happened in court today. there's been testimony. >> reporter: right. this testimony here today has come from two people so far. both trump organization employees. one who worked there for 35 years as the controller overseeing the accounting department. jeffrey mcconney, who had a long-time close relationship with donald trump, was the one individual who's kind of working as the middle man when it came to the invoices from michael cohen, who was seeking repayment for the money that he paid to stormy daniels before the 2016 election and then ultimately what turned into checks personally signed by donald trump. and is sort of that middle man overseeing the accounting department. mcconney testified today that he was under the impression and was
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told that these were in fact reimbursement checks, not legal expenses as were suggested in the filings. of course this is important because donald trump has been charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records on how they explained away the money that was being sent from donald trump to michael cohen after the 2016 election. but also notably today was that gag order, which was a big deal to hear the words from the judge fining donald trump for the tenth time to have violated the gag order. this one specifically as it pertained to concerns about the jury and donald trump's potential harming and injury to the jury. the judge making it clear that potential jail time could be a potential consequence, saying "the magnitude of such a decision is not lost on me. you are the former president of the united states and possibly the next president as well. as much as i do not want to impose a jail sanction, i will if necessary and appropriate." those words of judge merchan to donald trump there inside of that courtroom today.
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>> kristen, let's bring you in here. tell us what you made of those comments vaughn was just saying, reading from judge merchan, and also big picture when we look at this is there any chance there's some sort of legal strategy trump's team is trying to play here? we talk about in georgia and other states saying their tactic has been to delay the trial. is there any chance that the 10th, 11th, 12th violation if it keeps going is actually something they think could benefit them? >> yeah. i mean, look, beginning with your first question, ellison, the prospect of jail time really does convey a resolute message. further defiance will not be tolerated. and i think judge merchan is unwavering in his commitment to really safeguarding the integrity and the fairness of the trial. that is the court's judge, to be a gatekeeper, to make sure that the jury remains safe. and when trump, you know, based on the court's finding, when trump makes that disparaging remark about the jury, talking about them being mostly democrats, it could really be threatening to their safety.
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and so with the judge's making sure, making sure that the threat to the integrity of the trial, making sure it's fair, and most importantly, most paramount, making sure the jurors are safe, that is a paramount responsibility for the judge. and him threatening jail time shows that he knows this and is willing to enforce it by any means. now, with regard to the narrative, i think you're absolutely right. if he is put in jail, it will feed into his narrative that this is a witch hunt, that there's no evidence against him, and it will probably most likely allow him to gain more fund-raising dollars for his campaign. >> kristen gibbons feden, vaughn hillyard, thank you both. appreciate it. it's time for today's cnbc money minute. route 21 is set to close all of its stores. >> and youtube is pressing play on a new ai feature. steve kovacs joins us now. >> teen apparel retailer route 21 has filed for bankruptcy for the third time. and it's going to close all 540 of its stores in the next four to six weeks. the company had been struggling financially even though it filed for bankruptcy in 2017 in an
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effort to turn it around. rue 21 said in filings that it was impacted by the covid pandemic and changing tastes of shoppers. also, two varieties of planters peanut products have been recalled over concerns of a possible listeria contamination. the products were produced at a single facility in april and were sold at publix and dollar tree stores in five states. so far no reports of illnesses related to the products. and youtube is testing out ai to help you skip to the good parts. 9 to 5 google reports youtube premium subscribers can now jump to the most watched parts of the video but only in the youtube app. they can now double tap the right side of the screen, which normally skips ahead ten seconds, then tap a jump ahead button that aerrs pa. youtube premium, though, costs $13.99 a month. >> skip to the best part. that is ai for good. i love it. >> steve, thank you. >> thanks, steve. coming up, boeing's starliner gets ready for its first crewed mission to space
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after years of setbacks. we're on the ground with hours to go till lift-off. plus out for blood. how los angeles is waging a war on mosquitos b on mosquitos b whyen my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪
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sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ after years of delays boeing is set to carry nasa astronauts to the international space station for the very first time. boeing's starliner spacecraft set to launch just after 10:30
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p.m. eastern tonight from the cape canaveral space force station in florida. let's bring in nbc news correspondent marissa parra, who's watching it all from kennedy space center. marissa, boeing's been in the headlines so much recently after those scares on the company's airplanes. so i wonder how high are the stakes for boeing with tonight's space launch? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of eyes on today, kate, for a lot of reasons. this is a historic day. this is a big day for boeing, a first for them, the first astronaut mission for boeing's starliner here. but it's important to note a lot of what we've heard and reporting on when it comes to boeing, when it comes to their commercial aircraft, is completely separate from the space program. but there are separate delays we have seen with the space program. last summer they had concerns about the capsule and the parachute strap. but in terms of the confidence, we heard from the astronauts, butch wilmore, who's one of those astronauts said, "we've had our fingerprints on every single procedure that exists for this spacecraft." they said there's a sense of pride to be a part of history
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and an important test flight. and nasa administrator bill nelson called this a clean spaceship and said that those delays are a testament to how seriously they are taking safety. kate, a couple of other historic things to mention. this is the first time we are going to be seeing a launch from cape canaveral space force, the first time since apollo vii in 1968. a lot to watch out for tonight. all of it slated for just after 10:30, kate, and we'll be right here. >> i know you will. marissa parra, thank you. and everybody, don't miss the live coverage of this starliner launch. it is scheduled as we said for 10:34 -- >> you are just a magical combo -- >> tonight on nbc news now. people in texas are returning home for the first time today after a weekend of catastrophic flooding. some parts of the state got hit with nearly two feet of rain. more than 500 people had to be rescued in the houston area alone. in the fort worth area video shows emergency crews searching in the dark for a 4-year-old boy
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who was swept away from his family. they recovered his body hours later. nbc news correspondent priscilla thompson is following some of the recovery efforts in kingwood, texas. priscilla, you've been out there all weekend talking to people who had to be rescued, who had to be evacuated, who were trying to pick up the pieces of their lives now. what are you seeing and hearing from people today? >> reporter: yeah, ellison, i'll start with where the water is right now. it has receded dramatically. right now we're at the edge of where the water is in this kingwood neighborhood, and it's only about 50 yards from the river at this point. so it has gone back dramatically. but we just spoke with a homeowner who days ago his house had three feet of water in it, much of it coming from this river, and he has since been able to pull out the floorboards, pull out couches. that's the work that they've been doing all day as they work to recover. i want to play a little bit of what he shared with us about his experience. >> and it looks like it hit about here? >> right here. here's the water line on the
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window. you can see the water line right there. >> that's about -- >> it's 18 inches inside. >> wow. >> so we got 18 inches of water in the house. it's not fun. but -- and it's a big inconvenience. but when you have memories and you've lived here your whole life, it's just kind of part of it. >> thankfully the roads are back open. officials say the water is continuing to go down quickly, so people are able to get into their homes and work on those relief efforts. and everyone we've spoken to so far does have some kind of insurance, which is very good news for folks as they work to rebuild. ellison and kate? >> priscilla thompson, thank you. you. coming up, if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away
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caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at good monday. this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. you've been hearing breaking news out of the middle east. hamas has accepted a cease fire proposal but no details have been revealed and it's not clear whether israel has agreed to the terms. meantime, secretary of state blinken is in the bay area. bob is in menlo park with more on his visit. >> unfortunately, u.s. secretary of state blinken would not comment on the latest news coming out of the middle east. we did ask his press person if he would. he said no, but maybe he would make a comment before he leaves the area. he just finished touring behind me. this is a biotech lab here in
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menlo park that created key pharmaceutical ingredients like those used in the production of narcan. normally, it takes fields an fields of plants and two years to create. althea is able to create the same ingredient in two weeks using engineered yeast. the secretary chose to highlight this company because he believes this technology can help overcome supply chain issues that have led to medicine shortages nationwide. now, the secretary has left already for a ride up the peninsula. again, he would not address the developing news out of the middle east or any other issues. he is headed up to san francisco where he will deliver the keynote at the rsa security conference later this afternoon to announce the rollout of the administration's new international cyber space and digital policy strategy. according to politico, the country's new cyber space strategy will include the
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announcement of a few fund to help our allies. secretary blinken is in town for just part of today. he will also be meeting with quantum technology experts in san francisco before delivering the keynote at the rsa mid afternoon then he'll head to guatemala. >> thanks, bob. plus, news of the cease fire trickling in, college demonstrations are still continuing. in less than an hour, the president of sf state plans to meet with protestors. protestors first set up an encampment on the school campus a week ago. th they're calling on the school to disclose and withdraw all companies doing business with israel. an oakland police officer killed in the line of duty last year is among those being honored at a special ceremony.
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last year, the officer was shot and killed while responding to a burglary in progress in oakland. the ceremony happened earlier today in sacramento. in attendance, governor newsom, attorney general and chief justice of california. we are leaving the rain and chilly weather behind and it's going to feel like summer this week. here's kari hall with what we can expect. >> it will be a cooler than normal start to the week with sunny and breezy weather but warming up midweek into the weekend and summer like temperatures for the end of the week where we'll see highs in the 70s and 80s. mid-60s today and much of the east bay, oakland, 66 degrees. 66 in 1novato. tomorrow, we start to see the warming trend with low 70s in hayward and mountain view. also, 71 in oakland as well as novato and then looking at wednesday, expect it to feel more like the end of spring with
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low 80s in martinez as well as 82 in santa rosa. we'll take a look at our seven-day forecast in about 30 minutes. >> thanks, kari. a new california bill could force self-checkout lanes to check out. the proposed bill would not allow stores to offer self-check outunless certain conditions were met including making sure they're limited to ten items or less and having employees available to monitor. the hope is the bill would reduce grocery store theft. lawmakers say the change is needed. >> we have to be smart about this. this is not about increasing prison time for retail theft. it's about everyone. not just poor and working communities bearing the brunt of this crisis, but everyone including retailers. >> california lawmakers are expected to discuss the bill today and ian cole will have
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more on the 4:30 newscast. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back in 30 minutes with more local news and weather. ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro!
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it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. we know that potty training can move to its own rhythm. and pull-ups has refastenable sides for changing that's easy as it gets, so they don't miss a note. ♪ i'm a big kid now. ♪ ♪♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur.
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tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. bottom of the hour now. here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." >> a 10-month-old baby has been found alive after her mother and another woman were found dead. an amber alert has been issued on friday for little eleia maria
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torres. the 5-year-old who was with them and appears to be eleia's sibling was found injured in a new mexico part. eleia has been taken to the hospital as a precaution. a suspect in the death of the women is in custody. investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened. in southern california scientists are fighting mosquito season using an unconventional method. more mosquitos. the plan is to release thousands of mosquitos that have been sterilized in a lab. if those mosquitos mate with typical mosquitos, they will actually decrease the population. mosquito control agencies are trying to fight an invasive species of mosquito that has rapidly spread across southern california in recent years. there were two dramatic photo finishes this weekend in the world of racing. mystik dan won the 2024 kentucky derby in a thrilling upset saturday. the wind brought a triple crown title to his trainer. nascar, they also had a close race on sunday. kyle larson won the kansas cup by, listen to this, a thousandth
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of a second. this was his second victory of the season. we have new details this hour in what mexican authorities say was an apparent carjacking that turned deadly. three bodies were found near the city of ensenada in baja california. they have been identified as three tourists who vanished just days ago while they were on a surfing trip. nbc news correspondent guad venegas has been following this story for us. guad, what more do we know about who these men were and how all this happened? >> reporter: kate, mexican authorities believe that the aggressors arrived at a campsite where the surfers had been staying and were trying to steal the tires of their pickup truck and at some point one of the surfers may have noticed and resisted the aggressors. they then pulled out a gun and shot one of the surfers. they believe that the two others came to help him and they were also shot. the authorities were able to find their bodies in a well that's about six to seven kilometers away from that campsite, and the pickup truck was found in a different
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location burned down. now, all of these details were learned by mexican authorities through interviews. they haven't shared a lot of details as to how they were able to find the first person of interest from whom they learned the details and they were then able to find the bodies, the pickup truck and the campsite because all of these, as you can see in the images, are in remote locations near the ocean. this in the area of ensenada, mexico which is an area that's frequented by a lot of american tourists that go to this part of baja. we also know that authorities have now arrested three individuals. of those three individuals one has been charged with the disappearance of the three surfers. but because that was done before they found the bodies the investigation is still continuing and they're still trying to figure out exactly what charges they would bring forward. >> all right. guad venegas for us. guad, thank you. a terrifying close call caught on camera at a church in pennsylvania. a gunman approached a pastor
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during his sunday sermon and attempted to shoot him. >> the gun did not go off but the moment was captured on the church's livestream video. we are about to show you that video. but a warning, some may find it distressing. nbc news correspondent emilie ikeda has been following this story and joins us now. emilie, it's just jarring to see that video. what more do we know about how this all went down? >> it really is good to be with you both. you're watching the livestream of the moment. you can hear before the pastor describing walking the congregants through the book of first peter when all of a sudden authorities say at some point the gunman had come into the church, sat in the pews before walking to the front of the church, approaching the pastor and pulling the gun as you're seeing on your screen. the pastor describing hearing clicking sounds, in other words, that the gun had jammed. that gave the chance for a church member to go up, tackle him, and then the pastor also
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helping in wrangling that weapon away. take a listen here. >> the man had his back turned towards me, and i could see he would never see me coming. god had his hands on the pastor. he wasn't letting him go nowhere. >> reporter: the suspect has been identified as bernard polite, 26 years old, who lived within a mile of the church. he's facing numerous charges including attempted homicide, reckless endangerment, and aggravated assault. guys? >> emilie, do we know if he said anything to police? >> reporter: one of the things he apparently had told police is he believed that god had made him do this. as i mentioned before, he lived within a mile of the church. so the pastor says he's never seen him at the church before. later that day an alarming development. family had discovered the place where bernard polite lived. they discovered a person shot dead inside of that home. it was his cousin. so an investigation is ongoing into that as well. they have not drawn any connection to bernard polite.
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but it's something we will certainly follow up on. i spoke with some family members who described their shock and sorrow regarding sunday's violence. i should also note that we attempted to reach or identify legal representation for bernard polite but had not been able to at this point. >> okay. emilie ikeda, thank you. well, we have been talking about it for weeks and it is finally here. the great cicada invasion has begun. over the next month about a trillion of the insects will descend on parts of the southeast and midwest with two broods emerging at the same time. that hasn't happened in over 200 years. we asked nbc news correspondent kathy park to show us how to cope without bugging out. >> reporter: cicadageddon has finally arrived, and these pesky critters are not flying quietly under the radar. >> there are thousands. >> reporter: instead, they're causing a stir. everywhere they land. >> don't get too creeped out by them. she did get creeped out by them. >> reporter: from georgia.
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>> the 13-year cicadas are in. >> reporter: to south carolina. >> is anybody else's house -- >> reporter: whether taking over back yards -- >> they're everywhere. and they seem to really like our gazebo. i'm not sure why. >> reporter: it might seem bad now. but just wait. two cicada broods will be spotted in more than a dozen states this spring, swarming the midwest to the south. one group crawls out from the ground every 13 years, the other 17 years. this month we're expecting a rare double emergence, something we haven't seen since the days of thomas jefferson. experts predict more than a trillion bugs to emerge. lined end to end, that's enough cicadas to reach the moon and back 33 times. roughly 75 miles outside of nashville, mcminville is known as the nursery capital of the world. >> here we've got really a target-rich environment for them to try to lay their eggs.
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>> reporter: and these young trees are vulnerable to damage from nesting cicadas. jerry blankenship grows 200,000 trees at his nursery, and these bugs keep him up at night. >> they really like something about this size right here. most of the time they go for something that's relatively soft. but they're looking for a certain size twig or branch to lay their eggs on. >> reporter: homeowners may want to consider netting as a way to protect the branches. >> you can get cheesecloth or tobacco cloth. you can actually have a sheet and lay it over it. >> reporter: but as they stick around for the next four to six weeks don't expect the cicadas to turn down the volume, as the males use their siren song to find a mate. >> the males are making a noise and it's a little bitty buzz. you can hear them. it's like a kid's toy almost. >> reporter: but their collective chorus can be as loud as a lawnmower. or passing jet.
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>> the noise level could potentially be harmful. it can exceed levels that osha would consider safe in some areas. >> reporter: it's already getting so loud in newbury county, south carolina residents are reporting a noise to the sheriff. >> we had a leap year. we had an eclipse. now we've got cicadas everywhere. >> reporter: they might be a nuisance. but they're harmless to humans and pets. >> they're crawling all over. does that scare you? >> a little. and it tickles. >> reporter: soon many states will be blanketed with bugs. so get ready for the free concert from your new neighbors. kathy park, nbc news. some hungry and loud visitors are making a splash in the bay area. >> a record number of sea lions are taking over san francisco's pier 39. and while they're causing quite the ruckus they're also bringing something welcome. tourists. nbc news correspondent liz kreutz takes us there. >> reporter: hey there.
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yeah, it is quite the party here at pier 39. you can definitely hear them, definitely smell them well before you can even see them. that loud barking that you hear, that is from some 1,200 of these sea lions that have descended here onto the pier in search of their favorite snack and have gotten so popular they're being dubbed sealebrities. they're big, they're blubbery, and undeniably stinky. and near san francisco's fisherman's wharf they're taking over. >> have you ever seen this many sea lions? >> no, honestly, i have not. >> reporter: hundreds of sea lions have descended on the city's famous pier 39, the most seen in 15 years. >> there's probably right now 1,100-plus sea lions that have shown up here. >> reporter: pier 39 harbormaster sheila chandor says the sea lion invasion is due to not aunusually high number of
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anchovies in the bay. >> when they're all together like this they're much more energized. people describe it as a giant frat party right now. >> reporter: for years sea lions at pier 39 have been one of the city's most popular tourist attractions. the barking mammals first showed up after the loma prieta earthquake in 1989 and while their numbers fluctuate overt seasons it's rare to see anything quite like this. the current surge even testing the limits of the pier. >> okay, we're up close now and you can see the hundreds of sea lions here taking over every inch of these barges. and they're no small creatures. each one can weigh up to half a ton. >> reporter: and it's not just san francisco. in southern california sea lions have taken over a beach in la jolla. the city closing the beach to the public to prevent harassment by tourists eager to get up close and personal. in san francisco experts say the sea lion surge is not only a sign of a healthy ecosystem but a welcome sight for local businesses. >> i love the sea lions. and people are here because of
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the sea lions. >> reporter: now, unfortunately, these guys are not going to stick around forever. they're in the process of migrating south to the channel islands where they will mate. so this is really just a pit stop for them to fuel up. but they will be here for a few more weeks. you can come by and check them out. but a psa if you do, there is a little bit of a pungent smell here to put it mildly. so be prepared. but they're just so cute that they can kind of get away with it. back to you. >> i've been there before. it is a pungent smell. coming up, have you ever heard of mom brain? mommy brain? we'll explain what it is. it really is a thing. and why it happens and how women can tackle it. but first, it is time for today's daily snapshot. spring definitely in full bloom. just take a look at this tulip field in british columbia. this farm is home to the annual harrison tulip festival, which showcases 10 million tulips. >> wow. >> the event has grown from a few hundred visitors every spring to tens of thousands. absolutely gorgeous. >> i love how her dress blends right in with the tulips.
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>> that is the best photo anyone has ever t
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the simplest task can become just absolutely dumfoundingly difficult. you might lose your keys or misplace your coffee or just lose your train of thought mid-sentence. many of us refer to this as mom brain. this is something that moms
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across the world can relate to. >> in today's modern parenting, have you ever heard of the term mom brain? surely. i've heard it so many times. and i'm not even a mom. but it's commonly used to describe forgetfulness and trouble focusing. >> cording to the journal of the american medical association 80% of women have report aid degree of subjective memory loss. so this is a real thing. the publication says more research is needed to fully understand the changes that happen to a woman's brain during pregnancy. joining us now is parenting expert and certified life coach hannah keely. hannah, thanks for being with us. i know you're a mom. we were talking in the commercial. to seven kids, which i applaud you for. as a mom of two i can barely handle. but how do you define mom brain? >> well, actually, the brain changes for a woman before and after she has a child. you can actually see it on an mri. there's lots of gray matter. i've been researching this for decades because i didn't know what was wrong with me. i feel like okay, i could do everything before but now it's just everything feels overwhelming.
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>> what are some hacks to try and deal with mom brain? i think of my sister and she'll probably kill me for saying this but when she was prepping nant with her first child the police came because she left her keys in the door and the alarm went offer and she forgot to turn it off. she said i'm so embarrassed but it's the mom brain thing. how do you deal with it? >> i've created some mom brain hacks. things like using your imagination. so a mom's imagination goes overdrive but it's usually negative so we try to turn it positive. so little things like i have one called the beyonce. so beyonce actually puts on this alter ego called sasha fierce, right? when she's in concert. so what if a mom could use your imagination in a positive way and create this alter ego and just be able to assume this alter ego of like i'm a really powerful woman? even if you don't feel like it, you kind of have to work beyond your feelings. there's several of these -- >> we had them up. can we put them back up again?
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the first of alline maria? >> it's actually based on "sound of music" is based on a true story. here's this nun that manages to take eight kids and escape. this helps with a mom's perception. how am i going to clean the whole kitschen? how am i going to return these calls? get this perspective. if this nun can take eight kids, scale the mountains, i can do this one task. we just kind of shrink it or expand it. >> and what about kind of those other two in the middle? the bowtie and -- is that something that family members can jump in and help? >> absolutely. perfect example. the bowtie. most moms will do a task at 85% where they don't have pain any longer but they won't complete it. imagine you have to tie a bow on it. get all the kids involved. let's do it till your oour done. then your brain gets this dopamine hit. also the carpe mane. just let me do one routine in the morning.
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that way the whole day goes smoother. >> it can be stressful, especially being a new mom or pregnant mom. it really can amp things up. you can be anxious. what's your best advice to manage those emotions? >> the thing is with the mom brain it's like a telephone with all the apps. like your cell phone, all the apps are open. everything feels overstimulated. but what if you can just say okay, right now this key question, am i okay? right now. bring it down, center yourself. and then you're going to be able to do that next task, whatever it is in front of you. but just it's the overwhelm, it's the overstimulation because your mom brain's taking in so many cues from your environment. >> what is -- as somebody who spent 20 years as a life coach to mothers in all stages, what is your like key short piece of advice for mothers-to-be and new moms? >> oh, my gosh. the one belief i see happening over and over in moms is i'm not enough. all the time. everything feels overwhelming. you go through at night all the things you didn't do. what if we could just reinforce
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ourselves and say what is something i'm doing right? you know? >> i'm showing up. >> one of my mantras is sloppy success beats perfect failure. you're just showing up. >> i remember my mom saying to me when i was on maternity with my first-born saying you just have to be a mom right now, that's all you have to do. don't worry about anything else but taking care of that little life. >> what a great example too with your mom of how we can say those things to our friends or loved ones or partners dealing with this. >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. >> hannah, thank you for being here. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> there is much more news ahead. you're watching "nbc news daily." we'll be right back. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds)
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if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection.
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may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. welcome back to the fast forward on nbc news daily. a new chapter for women's basketball here in the bay area. a new announcement about who will lead golden state's wnba franchise. the team has named ohema naima as the general manager. she was the assistant gm with new york liberty. before the announcement became official, she spent some time with the warriors staff and expressed gratitude and excitement leading this new team forward. >> to my parents -- which means i'm grateful, i'm thankful to god for putting me in their
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hands. i'm grateful for their sacrifice. and their wisdom that they've shared with me. >> she says the next step is building the rest of the staff and scouting players and the team will play its first season next year. the sun is back and it's here to stay this week. get outside and enjoy this weather. here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast. >> today, it's going to be nice and cool but also sunny with our temperatures in the upper 60s. if you're looking forward to the warmer temperatures, we'll start to see that for the middle of the week and even making it into the upper 80s by friday. if you have outdoor plans, plan on it being warm. we're going to see temperatures up to the mid-80s for saturday and in san francisco, expect a high of 62 degrees today but also seeing those numbers going up each and every day and then we'll be in the mid-70s by thursday. that will be the peak of the temperatures here but the weekend is still looking comfortable with low 70s on saturday and mid-60s on sunday. we are not expecting any chances
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of rain here through at least the next week and temperatures moderating as we go toward the weekend. >> thanks so much, kari. we'll be back in one minute with more news.
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welcome back. in an emergency, you can call 911 and now in some places, you can text 911, too, but our investigative unit exposed some big limitations if you want to do that. chris shows us the right way to text 911 and why you might need to call for help anyway. >> texting 911 is simple but for most of us, it shouldn't be our primary way of seeking help. the fcc says always contact 911 by making a voice call if you can. here's why. texting 911 doesn't work everywhere and even where it does work, there's often a gap. >> text to 911 doesn't always know where you are. >> recently, my investigative
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unit made national news exposing text to 911's location limitations. if you have to text 911, let's look at how to properly do it. so first responders can actually find you and help you. first, start a new text. type 911 in the to field. no dashes, no spaces. just 911. and don't start a group text. now say whether you need police or paramedics and why. give your full address and cross street or building location. plus your location in the building. >> say 30 rock. 30 rock is a big building. what about the floor number? what about the room? >> same if you're home. text specifics like i'm in the kitchen. don't use text speak like afaik or brb. the operator might not know what you mean. we also hope you never have to use it. >> very critical and good to know tips. thank you so much, chris.
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that does it for this edition of the fast forward. you can get all the day's news on our website. have a great afternoon. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio. doctors have been prescribing entyvio for nearly 10 years. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups,
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1:00 pm
i'm andrea canning, and this is, very attractive girl. andrea canning: inside a gated community, a harrowing discovery. jason newland: i studied the crime scene, looking just for, does anything stand out. andrea canning: the first focus-- her sandal. tony geraldi: it seemed very obvious this was staged.


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