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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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bond the biden administration has been pressing for a cease fire deal that would free hamas held hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners and get more aid into gaza. there has been a significant offer on the table. the ball has been in hamas's court. we have made clear that they should accept that offer. israel's war cabinet that is meeting today says it's going to send negotiators back to talking to get a final deal. meantime, the prime minister's office says that the cabinet unanimously decided to continue the military operation in rafah, which israel considers the last hamas stronghold, while pursuing a cease fire. so how are campuses across the bay area receiving today's news on a possible cease fire in gaza? we've shown you the tents students have set up on a handful of campuses out here in
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the bay area in protest of the united states involvement in the war. our marianne favro is live at san francisco state for us today. marianne, what are students out there telling you? well, students are obviously encouraged by the word of a possible cease fire. that is something that they have been fighting for, but they say they are fighting for so much more. they also want to see the university divest from companies that may be providing military aid to israel. so they will continue to be here camping out and fighting for that. marianne, i know that the university met with protesters out there today. did anything come of that? yeah, this meeting was one of the first of its kind in the nation. there were eight student delegates who met with the university president, lynn mahoney. today. they met here in the quad in front of hundreds of other students. now the big request is that the university divest from companies that may be providing aid to israel. the
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university president did say that the university, first of all, can do a better job of being transparent about the investments. and she vowed that they will work to make that information known on the university's website. she also said that the university can take a second look at which investments it makes. okay, so talks are happening now, marianne, i know other universities across the country have had to change commencement and graduation plans because of all of this. anything similar for our local universities? well, we do know that columbia and usc have both canceled their main commencements because of the protests so far in the bay area. we're not hearing of any commencements that are being postponed or canceled because of protests. but i did talk to the protests here who were set up in the tents. and they say they realize that is a possible risk that they take, but they are vowing to make this a very peaceful protest. and they say
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that there is no reason to cancel the commencements, but they understand that's a risk that they are taking. all right. marianne favro live for us at sf state today. thank you for that preview. we'll see you later on this evening. in the meantime, at uc berkeley, hundreds of protesters are still camped out. it's been nearly two weeks since they set up tents on campus. they say the news of a possible cease fire is encouraging. now it seems like we're just at the brink of finally an agreement where the terms might coincide between the two parties. we're trying to find room for hope. some silver lining somewhere. the pro-palestinian, an encampment on the front lawn of sproul hall, has grown to about 140 tents. demonstrators there have been peaceful and so far have not disrupted operations. we do have new information this afternoon on the shootings of two san jose police officers last thursday night, the police union says officer joseph desroches was treated and released from the hospital, and
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rookie officer jaime arredondo remains in critical but stable condition. they were responding to a guests call for help at the extended stay hotel on san ignacio avenue in south san jose. she had reported that a man who she thought she had a restraining order against was knocking on her room door, and when officers arrived, they confronted kevin bruins and say he opened fire. the police report shows that the suspect fired eight rounds, while officer rojas fired 11. both injured officers are still recovering, both in great spirits. right now, i've talked to both of them as recently as this morning, so they're so appreciative of all the support and the care and the prayers that people give them. bruins has a long criminal history, had two warrants for his arrest at the time of the shooting. the police union says one involved domestic violence for allegedly committing sex crimes on that same hotel guest. bruins is also in critical but stable condition. if and when he recovers, he will be booked into
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county jail on two counts of attempted murder of an officer. a new state bill is designed to drastically change how stores operate their self-checkout stations throughout our state. throughout california, nbc bay area's ian cull spoke to supporters and opponents about this today. ian, i guess let's go ahead and start with what this would actually do. yeah and audrey, well, you know, you know, when you go to the grocery store, a cvs or walgreens, sometimes there's one person looking after multiple self-checkout lines. senate bill 1446 would change that. stores could only have self-checkout if all these conditions are met. customers are limited to ten items or less. at least one staff checkout lane is available. customers are also prohibited from purchasing items that require an id, like alcohol and tobacco, but also items behind locked cabinets, and one employee can only monitor up to two self-service stations. supporters say it would reduce retail theft and make working conditions safer. leticia costa manages multiple self-checkouts
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at a lucky's in pinole, and joins state leaders in a virtual press conference to talk about what she has seen. i have also observed customers who just walk through the self-checkout area when there's no workers, and they walk out with their items. ian not everyone is in favor of this. what are they saying about this? yeah, we also spoke to the california retailers association. they represent stores in sacramento, and their ceo says it doesn't go far enough. while this would likely force big box stores to hire more workers to monitor self-checkout, the ceo says it doesn't do enough to protect employees and customers. and when it comes to stopping retail theft, she says the bill is misguided. instead, we're supporting a package of bills that really is a comprehensive approach to address the issue of retail theft. it includes going after and providing consequences to serial shoplift. it goes after boosters who are selling stolen goods. sb 1446 is now in
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the appropriations committee in sacramento before it can head to the senate floor, and you'll hear more about how customers are feeling about it coming up tonight at six. all right, ian, thanks for that preview. we'll see you at six. see you then. home insurance is about to be more expensive for some homeowners in california. one of the largest home insurance companies in our state called travelers insurance, is raising its rates. on average, rates will go up about 15% for its program, called quantum home 2.0. in addition to that rate change, the company says it will drop thousands of customers due to wildfire risk. it said after the wildfire losses in recent years, it's trying to reduce exposure to fires, so it is telling some high risk homeowners that they're no longer eligible. disgraced theranos founder elizabeth holmes is going to be released sooner than expected. holmes sentence has been trimmed by four months. her current release date is august 16th, 2032. last july, it was listed as december 29th. the reduction in sentencing for good behavior
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isn't uncommon. in 2022. you'll remember holmes was convicted of fraud linked to her palo alto based blood testing company theranos falsely promised to perform blood tests with a single drop of blood. she was sentenced to roughly 11 years in prison last year. her sentence was reduced by two years. all right, i am here now with meteorologist vianey arana vianey. yesterday was just so beautiful. after that rainy saturday, a one day storm? yeah. we were able to handle it and today is pretty nice as well. it is. and i wanted to start with this great shot in tahoe, because you can still see some mountain snow. they got some snow up there this late in the game. but now we're going to see the temperatures warm up. and that's going to change things as well for us here locally. so let's get right to that forecast. let's take a closer look at current conditions throughout. in san jose it's about 68 degrees oakland 62 walnut creek 67. you'll notice the wind speeds. we do have a light breeze coming in from the west at about 14mph in some
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spots, 21 plus, but we're already starting to notice a slight, gradual warm up that's going to intensify in towards the later portion of the week. we're about six degrees warmer in livermore, five degrees warmer in san jose. and i want to show you satellite radar because aside from a couple areas of high clouds, we do have clearing conditions ahead. so i think you guys are going to enjoy what we've got in store now. it is only monday, but i do want to tap into some of these wind speeds. so you'll notice we're going to keep the breezy winds in from not just the coastline, but also in through portions of the interior as well, down to, you know, the next couple of hours, you'll see that stretch moving through there as far as your temperature forecast heading into tuesday morning. we had some chilly overnight lows over the weekend. we remain fairly mild overall. we've got 40s and 50s to start your day on tuesday, and then by the afternoon you'll notice daytime highs. once again. we're going to see these begin to climb into the upper 70s. but that's just the beginning long range outlook right now. just to give you a sneak peek ahead, we do warm up and things are going to heat up as well because in addition to the clearing of the
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skies, we are expected to see much warmer weather. so now and next we're going to see sunny and breezy early week, warmer midweek into the weekend. and when do those summer like temperatures arrive? yes, that does say 80. make sure to join us once again at 5:00. chief meteorologist jeff renee is going to talk more about that warm up, plus of a closer look at the sierra snowpack and where reservoirs are coming up in just a bit. audrey. all right. we'll see you in a little bit. deanna. thank you. state just released a new report. that's what vinnie was talking about, about california's groundwater conditions. she's going to be joining us once again with the good news. and the work still needed to be done to fight our climate in crisis. also, bay area's newest pro team makes a major announcement. today, we're going to introduce you to the woman in charge of the wnba team coming to san francisco next year. but before we head to break, we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on in this newscast? have a poll up right now on my instagram. still have a little bit more time to vote for one of these stories you see right here. chips ahoy goes gluten free, $40,000 per year gym membership, or mickey d's
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beefing up burgers. we'll tell you all abo ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs.
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♪ bmo ♪
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that's our in for april. and the city of san francisco says there are 41% fewer tents than there were last july. the average tent count for this year is 373. last july, it was 573. the downward trend started after the pandemic, when the tent count peaked at 806. we've now hit the lowest rate of any year since 2018, when the city started keeping track, mayor london breed said. efforts to bring people into shelters and to clean up encampments are making all that difference. all right, turning now to our climate and crisis. california remains drought free and another important piece of our water supply puzzle also got a big boost today. according to the california department of water sources, 2023 proved historic
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for our groundwater supply. and here to give us more insight is meteorologist vianey arana and vna water year doesn't start in january, right? it's a little different. yeah, it's a setup. and according to usgs it defines the 12 month period from october 1st for any given year through september 30th, and it's designated by the calendar year, which it ends. so just to give you an idea, the sierra snowpack right now is at 99. this is a portion of where our water supply comes from. and that latest data shows that california achieved 4.1 million acre feet of managed groundwater recharge during the 2023 water year. now, for perspective, that's nearly the storage capacity of lake shasta, which is 4.5 million acre feet. data also showed a decrease in la brea in land subsidence, which means sinking of the land. they instead saw an actual rebound or uplift in elevation thanks to reduced pumping in those aquifers and vienna. i know the snowpack and our reservoirs are also key in our water supply. so
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what are the current levels and how does this all tie together? a large part of our freshwater comes from groundwater. but did you know that only around 3% of the earth's water is fresh? compare that to 97, which can be found in the oceans. now, it's a big reason why scientists look to understand just how quickly our surface water replenishes. or you might hear groundwater recharge, but measuring it can be difficult. oftentimes it gets depleted quicker than it can be restored. so what is groundwater? think of this. it is water that exists underground in saturated areas beneath the surface. now that helps sustain not only our environment but our agriculture. and it provides hundreds of millions of people with drinking water. groundwater is stored in aquifers and soil and it can resurface through wells and springs. now another important aspect in our water supply, of course, is our
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reservoirs. and california has over a thousand. let's take a look at 12 of the major reservoirs and where the levels currently stand. most are at or near capacity. lake oroville is at 100, shasta is at 97. some get lowered for seismic activity throughout the year, but as of today, four of our largest reservoirs are at 92. now, despite the great numbers in a world of weather extremes, from major storms to drought years, preparation and adaptation will be key for more insight like this, make sure to check out our climate and crisis tab at deanna thanks you may know boeing for its aircraft, but did you know it also makes spacecraft in a couple of hours? the boeing starliner will blast into space from an island in florida. and for the first time, humans will be on board. two nasa astronauts will fly to the international space station. if the flight is successful, boeing will challenge the dominance of space x. spacex and elon musk company
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has been taking nasa astronauts to space for four years now. astronauts will stay in space for a week and then return to earth. it is a new chapter for women's basketball here in the bay area a big announcement was made this morning about who will lead golden state's wnba franchise. the team has named ojai narayanan as the general manager. she was formerly the assistant gm for the new york liberty. in her five years with that team, they went to the playoffs three times before the announcement became official. nai anand spent some time with the golden state warriors staff and expressed gratitude and excitement, leading this new team forward and to my parents, my said with dimensions which in three means, i'm grateful. i'm thankful to god, for putting me in their hands. i'm grateful for their sacrifice, and their wisdom that they've shared with me. narayanan says the next step
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is building the rest of the staff and then scouting for players. team will play in its first season next year. baseball fans around the world are wishing willie mays a happy 93rd birthday. the san francisco giants posted this picture of the former giants outfielder on their social media website. major league baseball also honored the say hey kid on x by showing this rare footage of him playing stickball in new york city in the 50s. mays is known as the greatest center fielder of all time. during his 22 year major league baseball career, he was named most valuable player twice, first as a new york giant and then later as a san francisco giant at the anchor desk. now with our janelle wang working on the 5:00 news. hi, i'm audrey, happy monday. we want to talk about a south bay museum, its future is actually in jeopardy. the museum that many may not know about has been around for nearly 50 years. it houses some historic treasures and has received national
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recognition. we'll tell you why. it's at risk of closing forever. and horse lovers along the san mateo county coastline are worried about a new proposal from the national park service. they say one plan might cut down the number of horses in this town by 75. people who ride and board their horses there are heartbroken that a change could be coming, and the ripple effect it would have to businesses in that area. all those stories and more coming up at five. all right. we'll see you at five. janelle. thank you. still to come top trending story is voted by you on my instagram poll. also nothing says mother's day of course like a good brunch. so where can you find a good one in the bay area? yelp has an idea. we'll tell you when we c
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the 2024 met gala and you are taking a live look right now at kim kardashian there. i am not
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quite sure what she is wearing, but she looks quite lovely. this is the area where a lot of people a lot of the celebrities, are going to be walking through with some outfits that designers have been working on for quite some time, in hopes of having a celebrity walk down there and showcase their work. the theme garden of time oakland native and met gala chairwoman zendaya arrived just a little over an hour ago, and you can see what she's wearing here. blue and green gown that was created by john galliano and styled by her longtime collaborator la roche. gown features a blue and green bird on her shoulder, along with accents of fruits along the side . okay, here it is. top trending stories voted by you on my instagram poll. mcdonald's is looking to beef up its offerings with a bigger burger. yeah, fast food chains, cfo revealed in a recent call with investors that a mcdonald's has created a larger, more satiating burger. donald says it will be testing the beefed up burger in select
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markets later this year, before rolling it out globally. wasn't clear how much bigger that new burger will be, but a mcdonald's hamburger patty currently weighs 1.6oz. if you're curious, as always, i'll be posting links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram. and as always, thank you for voting! okay, still looking for a brunch spot this sunday for mother's day? yelp is out with this year's top 100 brunch spots across the country, and you could find three of them in san francisco. that includes mr. east kitchen, which is a tie fusion spot, and lacma featuring turkish cuisine. mr. east kitchen made the top ten. it's located on fifth street, south of market and it's known for breakfasts with a vietnamese and thai twist. popular dishes there include a thai tea, french toast and crunchy chicken and waffles. how do you like to spend your summer , maybe you want to do it. maybe cuddling cows. well, one company
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is actually looking for an intern to do just that. job description includes training, emotional support, cows at local farms and making them comfortable for cuddling with visitors. previous experience with animal care or farm work is preferred, and interested applicants can send in resumes at harvest you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you want. we're streaming our newscasts all the time on roku and other streaming platforms. there you can watch live newscasts breaking updates, and more of our content. thank you so much for joining us at 430. janelle is working on the 5:00 newscast next. we're back in just two minutes.
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proposal that hamas has already agreed to the obstacles ahead and how it could impact college student protesting across the country. also, we're learning more about the shooting of two san jose police officers. we've
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uncovered new details about the suspect's past and why the police union believes he should have already been in jail and a museum that has been part of the south bay's fabric for nearly 50 years faces a very uncertain future. why it may be closed for good. good monday everyone. the news at five starts right now. thanks so much for joining me. i'm janelle wang, hopeful news today on a long sought ceasefire deal between israel and hamas. hamas says it has tentatively accepted this proposal, but israel says it's not the agreed upon framework negotiated with mediators, as the biden administration says the terms are under review. nbc's alice barr is tracking this rapidly developing situation from washington, d.c. a whiplash of hope and fear in gaza today, after the political wing of hamas said it had tentatively accepted a cease fire deal brokered by egypt and qatar, an
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israeli official tells nbc news that proposal is not the framework that was agreed upon with mediators. the prime minister's office saying israel will send a delegation back to the negotiating table. the white house, also reviewing the proposal, and we're discussing it with our partners in the region, director burns, as you know, is there and he's working this in real time on the ground. the biden administration has been pressing for a cease fire deal that would free hamas held hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners, and get more aid into gaza. there has been a significant offer on the table. the ball has been in hamas's court. we have made clear that they should accept that offer. president biden spoke today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who the president reiterated u.s. opposition to an israeli ground assault on gaza's southernmost city of rafah, where more than a million civilians are sheltering palestinians and eastern


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