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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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danger on our roads. we're following two significant crashes, including a 14 year old girl hit near her middle school. also, have you noticed fewer homeless people in san francisco? there are a lot of people who are out talking about what they can do better, but the fact is, we've done an amazing
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job being as aggressive as possible. we're joined by mayor breed, who explains why the homeless population is declining. plus an oakland deli hit by burglars 11 times in about two years. what can be done to help small business owners down? and a lot of cheers for sharks fans. we'll show you what happened tonight that could resurrect the franchise. good evening. this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm raj mathai, mayor breed, in just a few minutes, but we want to start tonight with that police chase across san francisco. a driver is accused of hitting two pedestrians, including a student outside of her middle school. this all started this morning. it got pretty wild in the tenderloin at jones and market. someone reported to police that a person had been hit by a car. witnesses tell us the skid marks you see right there on the
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pavement or the spot where it happened. the man who was hit was taken to the hospital, but he is expected to survive. officers then spotted the car swerving through the tenderloin and then followed that driver into north beach. that's where the driver hit a 14 year old girl outside of francisco middl. side view mirror here. i looked in there and saw the girl in the crosswalk, and when i saw that, i was like, oh my god, yeah. the student was rushed to a hospital but is expected to make a full recovery. so that's the good news. sfpd broke off the chase at that middle school because of safety concerns. a short time later, the same car you see it here crashed on the embarcadero near the exploratorium, and you can see the officers surrounding that suspect there. they arrested the driver. we're also following a deadly crash in san
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jose. a cyclist was hit this morning at the intersection of capital expressway and center road. police say the driver of that truck ran a red light, then struck a man on the bike. the driver then hit another truck, jumped out and tried to run away. police arrested him, though in the area a short time later, with the help of a good samaritan, they have not yet released the identity of the driver or the man, the cyclist who was killed. another headline that we're watching, the alameda county district attorney continues to fight for her job. pamela price is facing a recall election, as critics say she's simply too soft on crime today. she fought back since becoming the district attorney, price says her office has taken action on nearly 12,000 cases. she also says her office is working on a public database that will break down how many of those cases ended in convictions. the da says her other accomplishments include actions to improve public safety and creating a civil rights bureau focused on
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restorative justice. her critics say those accomplishments are hollow and lack specifics. we have done much to restore the office in order to be able to move forward on our mission to protect public safety by advancing justice, the office we found was literally running on fumes with broken lines of accountability and communication. we want to know how many people have been charged, how many people have been convicted, how many gun related crimes have there been? those are details that the public really, really needs to know. now when it comes to the recall, the board of supervisors will vote next week as to when to hold that recall election. also this evening. new hope when it comes to reducing the homeless population in san francisco, city officials say they're making progress on clearing out the encampments. mayor breed, releasing these numbers. te a look showing the numb of homeless tents and other structures in the streets dropped to a five year low at
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the end of april. the city counted 360 last july that number was 609/10. homeless advocates say that the drop in number of tents doesn't necessarily mean a drop in homelessness. joining us now is san francisco mayor london breed. mayor breed, nice to have you back on the program. let's talk homeless. that is such a big topic. it has been for years and moving forward it will be also. your office says the amount of tents on the streets right now is at a five year low, down about 40. that's a huge number. my question to you where did all those homeless people go? are they in housing or do they just kind of leave the city? well, raj, you know, what's great about this is after the ninth circuit court of appeal provided clarity, we've been able to move aggressively to get people off the streets about 60% of those people are refusing services, 30% are accepting services, and 10% are already housed. so we are being very aggressive. the more people we're able to get off the
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streets, the more opportunity we have to go back to those same locations and be more aggressive, make people less comfortable about being on the streets of san francisco, because ultimately we want to get them indoors and we want to get them the help they need. first mayoral debate just a couple of weeks from now. i know your opponent's mark farrell, daniel lurie among them are going to come at you with the homeless, saying that they can clear them out faster. is that accurate when they tell that to people so, i would just say, just to be clear, raj, i'm in city hall, so i can't necessarily talk about campaign related issues, but i will say that there are a lot of people who are out talking about what they can do better, but the fact is, we done an amazing job being as aggressive as possible despite a global pandemic, despite an uprising in crime and other challenges with limited capacity in order to execute on some of these issues, it has led to not only over 15,000 people
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that we've helped off the streets and into housing and other places to be housed, but it also has led to over 3000 arrests of both drug dealers and users. and because of our district attorney, brooke jenkins, people are being held accountable. so we've done an incredible job despite the circumstances. people can always look from the outside in and think that they can do it better. and a lot of the comments, for example, bringing in the national guard, no mayor in the state of california has the ability to bring in the national guard. that's the governor of the state of california who has the ability to bring in the cal guard and has made it clear that that is not what he plans to do. so there's a lot of grandstanding. there's a lot of people who are out there saying what they're going to do, but they have no idea, and they definitely can't do it better than me. yeah. we are. we're used to this in an election year. final question for you. we talked so much about tech and the biomedical stuff in san francisco, but tourism is number one. recent reports showed that tourism spending hit
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record breaking numbers in california. but that same report said san francisco has been much slower to recover than other parts of the state. why is that? well, i think it has a lot to do with china and the us china relationship. in fact, san francisco has rebounded from international flights and in particular, pretty much all the other countries have exceeded our expectations and exceeded pre-pandemic levels, except for china, where where we've had last year about $632 million in economic impact. that's down from 1.2 billion before the pandemic. we know that flights have not rebounded and that has nothing to do directly with san francisco. but it's the government and their decision around the number of flights. we know that we are working very hard to provide incentives, but some of this stuff requires our work with the federal government in order to get some movement with china. that is where we are definitely struggling around tourism. but the good news is, even this week we have the rsa
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conference. it's a cybersecurity conference. it's the second biggest conference in san francisco after dreamforce. we have over 40,000 people all over the downtown of san francisco. we've had the secretary of homeland security, secretary of state, and so many people visiting from all around. they have a lot of great things to say about san francisco, and we are definitely rebounding when it comes to conventions. when it comes to tourism. but we need a we need additional support from our federal government to open the doors for business opportunities and tourism with china, because that will put us over the top. speaking of china, as we wrap it up here, can you break some news here on nbc? one of those pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. oh my goodness. well, we're working on finalizing the agreement. their food, their care, their local asian. we're having conversations with the zoological society. we're really excited about it. and we have some really wonderful options. we have a more temporary option
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so that we can get the pandas here sooner rather than later. and a more long term option. so this is going to be a process in every step of the way. as soon as we're able to make information available to the public that we will. but we do hopefully anticipate sometime in 2025, to welcome pandas to san francisco zoo and i can't be more excited to do so. spring 2025 sounds pretty good to me. mayor brie, thanks for your time. have a good evening. all right. you too. thanks, raj. we also have a notable update on a potentially life changing move for san francisco firefighters. last night we reported about san francisco's push to get rid of firefighter uniforms because of cancer concerns. today, the board of supervisors voted unanimously to ban those uniforms. it's the first city in the united states to make such a move. the issue is with the jacket and pants. our investigative unit found that they contain chemicals known as pfas. those chemicals are supposed to help the clothing
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repel flammable liquids and resist extreme heat. but research has shown that absorbing those compounds, those pfas, through your skin, can be dangerous. what is it like knowing that the very thing that's supposed to protect you may actually have been part of the reason you got cancer? you know, we can't stop the job from being dangerous. we can't not run into fires, but we can change the future. we can make it so that someone else doesn't have to go through this. senior investigative reporter bigad shaban talked to firefighters about this issue. he also took a look at the dangers of the new uniforms. you can watch this full report. we posted it at and on our nbc bay area app. up next at 7:00. targeted again and again a deli in oakland hit by burglars nearly a dozen times. we're joined by the deli's ceo, who says the same thing is not happening at his locations in san francisco. also a monumental
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night for the sharks and sharks fans. finally, a reason to celebrate. you're watching nbc ba
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our neighborhood says the deli has been broken into 11 times in about two years. 11 times these crimes are happening at thse
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sons deli on franklin and 17th. three of those break ins have happened in the past two weeks. wise sons has several locations in oakland and san francisco, but the uptown location right there is the big problem. we should note. the owners don't feel it's linked to any type of anti-semitism. take a look now. photos of the most recent break in, which happened last night at around 11:00. the burglars pried the door open and made off with some tablets. now, wise sons deli isn't the only business in the area being hit. look at this crime map here. oakland's crime map over the past two weeks shows a total of 58 reports of burglaries, thefts and robberies within a half mile of wise sons. joining us now, the ceo of wise sons deli, jeff weinstein. jeff, nice to have you on the program. i got to ask you just bluntly, why is this happening? any indication, do they like what you have in your store, the bagels, or is there something else you got in there? i don't think it has anything
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specifically to do with with us or what we have in our stores. i, you know, i talked to dozens of other small business owners in the area. the same thing is happening to all of them. i think there are folks who, unfortunately, are desperate and they'll break in and cost, you know, cause thousands of dollars of damage in order to walk away with, let's say, a tablet that they can sell for, you know, 20 or $30. jeff, i can see the frustration in your face. i can hear it in your voice. what's happened? i'm sure you've gone to your local supervisor. i'm sure you've gone to city hall. what's the response you're getting from opd or whoever you're complaining to? look i have an enormous amount of respect for the oakland police department. i've been living in oakland for decades, and they've always been very helpful, but in my conversations with them, with my council member and with the mayor's office, i'm getting a lot of kind words. but i'm not getting any solutions, and i just don't believe that there's any reason to think that the situation is going to turn around until there's an increased level of accountability in the neighborhood, that we can actually identify and stop some
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of these folks who are doing this. and also when we have leadership that's taking ownership for, you know, creating a vision of the future and solving some of these problems is it a staffing issue by opd or a leadership issue? what do you think, well, again, i don't want to pretend to be the expert, but in my conversations with them, i think that they are stretched very thin, they they have plenty of evidence. they have video, but they don't have resources to follow up on that video and actually do something with it. how long can you handle this? obviously, you have a great passion for the city of oakland. i can see it and feel it. how long do you want to stay in business at that location at uptown? well, we're not going anywhere right now, i've been through a lot of ups and downs in oakland, it was only five years ago that this neighborhood was really, i think, one of the most exciting neighborhoods on the entire west coast. and i think we can get back to that again, but we cannot sustain operating losses from having to
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do the repairs and shutting down our business like this, for a lot longer. have you kind of collaborated with some of your neighbors there, the other business owners, and how to react kind of as a bloc of people and groups. we are meeting both formally and informally as small business owners, along with property owners, along with representatives from, you know, people who are interested in taking leadership positions in the city, we're doing it in a very grassroots way, and yes, we are trying to do some things on our own, but there's only so much that we can control there, i can take great care of my employees. i can deliver great service for my guests. but we really require the city to take responsibility for creating a safe, a safe and secure environment for people to shop. you're a valuable part of the community, and we can see how much you love oakland. we appreciate it. jeff weinstein of wise sons, good luck. hopefully things improve. we'll be checking back with you in the weeks and months to come. thank you so much for having me. let's
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move on now. one of the oldest organizations in america is getting a new name. the boy scouts of america says it's changing its name to scouting america. the organization's president says the goal is to make the scouts more inclusive and welcoming. the local chapter in the south bay is cheering the decision. it's the latest in a series of changes for the scouts, including allowing girls to join five years ago. it reflects our inclusive mission. we want everybody all children, regardless of their gender, to be part of our program and we want them to join us, not everyone, though, is not everyone is cheering. many people believe the name change is an attempt to hide decades of turmoil and scandal, including accusations of widespread sexual abuse. the scouts $2.4 billion bankruptcy reorg plan took effect last year. the move allowed the group to keep operating while compensating more than 80,000 men who say they were sexually abused during
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their time as scouts. all right, on to something a lot more positive. mark it down. this could be the night that transforms ummed. the sharks and the fans are thrilled. the first overall selection in the 2024 nhl draft belongs to the san jose sharks. yeah wow. how about that? we haven't heard cheers like that in a few years now, since the sharks finished with the worst record in the entire nhl, they had the best chance to get the first overall pick. and that's exactly what happened late today. it's going to be the first time in sharks history that they will get the number one overall draft pick. the sharks are expected to select macklin celebrini. here he is. the kid's only 17. he won the hobey baker award, given to the best player in college hockey. he was actually a junior shark back in 2019. he has roots in the bay area because his dad,
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rick celebrini, is vice president of player health for the warriors. he's coming back home. the nhl draft begins june 28th in las vegas. let's take you outside now. live. look at sfo. jeff is going to join us next. talk about this warm weather and what to expect. ye
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ipad models in nearly two years. they're being billed as apple's thinnest device ever. the tablets also use a new kind of display called the oled. the same tech apple uses on its phones. they'll be driven by apple's new computer chip, called the m4. these new ipads go on sale next week. the cheapest version, about 600 bucks. jeff ranieri joins us now with the a very important forecast as we head into mother's day weekend, jeff. and we're going to be heating up. it's really going to be one of the warmest trends we've seen here all year long coming our way. we have high pressure offshore, so that's going to allow that heat to begin to build here through tomorrow. but we're also tracking some wind from this system just off to the east. let me show you more on this in your microclimate forecast. and as we roll through tomorrow, i really see the wind and the highest risk here of some gusts kicking up throughout marin, napa, sonoma counties in the mountains 20 to about 45mph. lower elevations. we got 31 in
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napa, 22 in santa rosa. that's through the morning. we'll see these on and off gusts right through thursday morning with that focus through the north bay. and then we'll start to see any kind of wind coming on down through thursday night. and right into this upcoming weekend. so a little bit bumpy here. thankfully we had some rain this past weekend, so that will overall help us out with that immediate fire danger as we head into tomorrow morning's forecast. we'll start it off mostly clear temperatures in the 50s, then through the afternoon we're going up another 4 to 8 degrees hotter. so we are back in it, back up into the 80s. 83 here in santa rosa. 81, martinez low, 80 san jose, morgan hill, santa cruz. best beach spot there at 74 and san francisco also heating it up to 76. now you don't have to feel guilty about this sunshine because look at these reservoir cars. we are now 99% of capacity marin water 96 at lexington east bay mud 90. so good to see that on the 7-day forecast 88 here on saturday,
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sunday for mother's day 83. and we'll hold on to this nice trend in early next week. so make those plans for mom right now. brunch and some mimosas looks good. that's a mimosa forecast right there. yes yes yes. thank you jeff. as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started with access hollywood. all right. well tonight we've got a gown made out of sand, another one resembling a wet t shirt. and zendaya wearing a bouquet of flowers on her head. you know, the only place all that could happen is at fashion's biggest night. new york's met gala. and traditionally, it's often where many new couples make their big red carpet debut. but this year, only one new pair embraced the moment for their big reveal. we're going to have that for you. we're also getting ready with the always exciting rita ora for the big night, where she was definitely on trend with this nearly naked gown, and we usually see giselle at the met, but not this year. her ex tom brady got roasted on a new special sunday night, and it seems giselle is not too thrilled with some of the jokes
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that came at her expense. we got that in so much more just moments away on access hollywood. back to you, mario. thank you. and here's what's coming up on nbc in prime time. an all new episode of the voice at 8:00, then at 9:00, the weakest link and password and at ten. and here's what we're working on for our 11:00 news. more action at uc berkeley. right now, hundreds of people have gathered on campus for another protest as israeli forces target hamas in rafah. the message that they want you to hear we're live on campus at 11. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00, for everyone here at nbc bay area. thanks for joining us. we hope
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tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> zendaya! >> zendaya, zendaya, zendaya! she serves a trio of met gala stunners on a night of style like no other. and let's not forget the gem that is j. lo.


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