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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  May 8, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests, joel edgerton, lily gladstone, cole escola! [ cheers and applause ] i want to thank jay weinberg and the 8g band. thanks for watching. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ right now at 11:00. who's behind it and when will it stop? a san francisco neighborhood is on edge, following racist attacks against a black man. vile and hateful messages at his home near alamo square and neighbors are rallying to catch the person responsible. nbc's terry mcsweeney has the story that's new. at 11. not far from famous alamo square, a park that shows off some of the best in san francisco, is a reminder that darkness can be found here, too. the first package was found right here. terry williams showed us where he found the first batch of racist images and words right there on his doorstep. they're so offensive we can't show you what was lobbed over williams front gate.
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they put it up. something about black people or something they said to us in slavery days. the first racist messages arrived april 26th. the second came sunday night, and williams says it was worse than the first. williams says during his lifetime in san francisco, he has occasionally experienced a racial slur. but nothing ever like this ever in my life, ever. and i asked my friends, having went through nothing like this, i heard the stuff in the 80s was like 70s. but nothing, nothing, nothing of this nature. williams has been a professional dog walker for decades, very visible around alamo square, perhaps he was spotted and followed home. he'd been racking his brain trying to think of who might have done this. police were told they're investigating, and there is surveillance video from the neighborhood, but it appears the suspect hid their identity behind a mask. i was absolutely in complete disbelief. i'm known terry for many, many years and he's just such a kind individual . reporter neighbors are stunned that such a hateful act could occur in this area of this progressive city. it's horrendous, i think it's been
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very scary to hear that somebody has that much hate instilled in them and is going to such lengths to make somebody feel so isolated. these racist messages have united the neighborhood. we're told that there's going to be a rally here in honor of terry williams. 1030 saturday morning. and neighbors are asking that everyone write letters to the chief of police, bill scott and supervisor dean preston, to keep the pressure on until this case is resolved. in san francisco, terry mcsweeney nbc bay area news terry, thank you. also tonight. hands off rafa. that is the rally cry at uc berkeley and stanford. the encampments serving as a backdrop for these new rallies as israel takes control of the rafah border. and that's the key entry point for humanity, an aid into that region. this evening, another show of solidarity with the people of gaza. nbc's pete serratos joins us from the cal campus. pete, what's the latest? yeah, uc berkeley serving as
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this rallying point for pro-palestinian protesters and some believe that this ongoing war in gaza could escalate in the coming days. thiruda thiruda hot enough. hundreds of students and community members rallying near the steps of sproul plaza in solidarity with palestinians following the latest news of israel seizing control of the gaza side of the rafah border, which serves as a key entry point for humanitarian aid. i think the mood is rageful. the mood is fed up, and the mood is determined to stop this from happening. this comes as tensions continue to escalate in gaza, as both sides try to reach an agreement on a cease fire deal. israel, calling a hamas counteroffer a nonstarter. and all day today, the israel military conducted targeted strikes in the southern city of rafah, saying hamas is using it
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for terrorist purposes. the white house says the operation is limited, not israel's major offensive, which president biden opposes since the city is packed with more than a million civilians ordered by israel to come to the area for their safety. my faith remains strong because of all of you, because of the bravery, the determination, the strength of the campers here at berkeley and uc berkeley. as one of the many bay area campuses with student encampments asking universities to divest from any financial interests connected to the war hands off now! back off for now. but today, the encampments providing a place to protest what's taking place along the rafah border with stanford university also showing solidarity with palestinians at its all out for rafa rally. uc berkeley law student mariam al-hakim has been at the berkeley encampment for the past two weeks, and she believes the encampments will continue to be a place for pro-palestinian supporters to make their voices heard. as the situation gets
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more imperative. it is more of a collective duty upon all of us to keep on raising our voices louder and louder and louder. now this uc berkeley encampment is expanding, adding sections for both alumni and union workers. but no word at this time if any more rallies are going to take place here in the coming days in berkeley. pete serratos nbc bay area news. pete, thank you. also new at 11. two suspects are wanted for holding up a postal carrier at gunpoint in dublin. this is the latest in a string of attacks targeting postal workers. it happened yesterday near a bespoke court. dublin police say the postal carrier was approached by two men in black masks. they threatened her with a gun for her mailbox key and cell phone and then ran off. another postal worker was robbed at gunpoint in april april 25th in san carlos. investigators released these pictures of the stolen car. they believe is involved, and $150,000 reward is
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being offered in oakland to solve this postal robbery. last week on euclid avenue, a carrier walked through a gate when she was robbed of her master keys by at least two suspects. another worker was robbed on that same street in march after a police chase across san francisco. and tonight, two pedestrians, including a student, are recovering after they were hit by the fleeing vehicle. it all started this morning in the tenderloin at jones and markets. someone reported to police that a person had been hit by a car. witnesses tell us that the skid marks you see right there in the pavement marked the spot where it happened, and the man who was hit was taken to the hospital but is expected to survive. officers then spotted the car swerving through the tenderloin, followed that driver to north beach, and that is where the driver hit a 14 year old girl outside of francisco middle school, and he kept going. he okay? you know, it's still speeding and some told me, say, look in your, side view mirror
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here. i looked in there and saw the girl in the crosswalk. and when i saw that, i was like, oh my god. the student was taken to the hospital. is expected to make a full recovery. sfpd broke off the chase at that middle school because of safety concerns. a short time later, the same car crashed on the embarcadere near the exploratorium, and that is where police arrested the driver. only on nbc tonight, a man is fighting for his life after his family says he was stabbed multiple times in east san jose on sunday. his mom wants justice. nbc's jocelyn moran joins us in our newsroom with the latest. jocelyn, what do we know now? well, raj, police says they are still investigating. so far, they haven't released information on a motive. the family of the 30 year old victim says the injuries he suffered were extensive, and they're praying he makes it through. well, he hurt me seeing him on the floor. a lot of stuff came in my mind. tonight, the family
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of a 30 year old man stabbed in east san jose near cinco de mayo celebrations on sunday is speaking out. they want those responsible to be held accountable out of fear. they asked to hide their identities. the victim's sister tells us she rushed to her brother after being told he had been hurt. he saw cuts on his left arm and when they were picking him up, i seen that they had put something in his stomach and that's where they walked into the ambulance. his family tells us he sustained extensive injuries. san jose police said they were investigating a double stabbing in the area of south king road and lido way today. they gave further details sometime after ford. i can't, i don't have the exact timing on that. we were notified and we were flagged down about a person that had been stabbed. as they were working on that person, we identified another victim who had been stabbed. one was an adult male, the other one was a juvenile male. the younger victim had minor injuries, but the older victim is still in the hospital. i want to act strong,
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but i can't, says the victim's mother. she says her son is in a coma. he has a five year old daughter who is asking about him . my brother is a real good dad. he's always there for his daughter. he's there for us to where we need favors. he's there . and he's a really good person. it was a busy weekend for police. they were trying to ensure everything went smoothly during the cinco de mayo celebrations, but they were also responding to calls throughout san jose. they made 17 felony arrests, impounded eight cars, seized six guns and issued 156 traffic tickets at one time to get those people that did this to my brother, because it's not fair. jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. the alameda county district attorney continues to fight for her job. tonight. pamela price is facing a recall, as critics say, she's too soft on crime. and today she showcased her accomplishments since becoming the d.a. price
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says that her office has taken action on nearly 12,000 cases. she also says her office is working on a public database that will break down how many of those cases ended in convictions. d.a. says her other accomplishments include actions to improve public safety and creating a civil rights bureau focused on restorative justice. her critics say those accomplishments are hollow and lack specifics. we have done much to restore the office in order to be able to move forward on our mission to protect public safety by advancing justice, the office we found was literally running on fumes with broken lines of accountability and communication. we want to know how many people have been charged, how many people have been convicted, how many gun related crimes have there been? those are details that the public really, really needs to know. now when it comes to the recall, the board of supervisors will vote next week as to when
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to hold the recall election. also tonight, a plan of action was laid out to tackle the big money mess the san francisco unified school district is in right now. california department of education is temporarily taking control of district spending. and tonight, that team made a full presentation to the school board. overall, declining enrollment and millions lost in state and federal funding are to blame. and now a corrective plan needs to be in place by the end of next month. the school district says it's eliminated a significant number of open positions and is trying to identify schools for closure to help save money. a vote on that could happen in december. an update tonight on a potentially life saving change for some bay area firefighters. san francisco supervisor powers voted today unanimously to ban pay pfas, or forever forever chemicals. pfas i should say, from being used in firefighters protective gear. it still needs to pass a second
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vote next tuesday. if it clears that hurdle, the ban will be the first of its kind in the united states. current uniforms would be phased out over the next two years. studies have shown the jackets and pants firefighters wear are made with materials proven to cause cancer. researchers say the compounds can be harmful when absorbed through skin. it would cost san francisco about $10 million to replace all of its gear, senior investigative reporter bigad shaban talked to firefighters about this issue. he also reports the potential problems with new uniforms. you can watch his full report. we've posted it at and on our nbc bay area app. we're back in 60s just ahead, a mystery along our coast. the second injured pelicans that have wildlife experts puzzled working around the clock. also, it's hard to miss the story behind this laser beam that's lighting up the night sky in san francisco. i'm
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chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. what a big difference in temperatures today. check this out. concorde went from 57 on saturday up to 75, and the warming temperatures will continue to. we are on track for 80s to begin tomorrow and 80s right through this upcoming weekend in san jose. we'll have your specific city forecast. and i'm tracking
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michigan tonight. this video you're looking at from the city of portage, about 140 miles west of detroit, one of the tornadoes ripped off the side of a big fedex facility there, trapping about 50 workers. at one point, rescuers raced to clear power lines that had blocked their safe exit and a mobile home park was also left in ruins. you see right there several homes destroyed. miraculously, there have been no reports of any injuries or deaths. meanwhile, back in our area, big fallout tonight connected to the antioch police department's racist text messaging scandal. four men on trial for a 2021 drive by shooting that killed one person and wounded another have now taken a plea deal, pleading no contest to manslaughter instead of murder charges. that deal came after the court learned that the antioch police officers investigating that case exchanged dozens of racist text messages about the suspects.
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that discovery, prompting the judge to rule the officers, violated the racial justice act. prosecutors say it is the first major test of the state's racial justice law. they also say this won't be the last case impacted by the racist texting scandal. we are involved on the daily with looking at and discussing those cases, the complexities of where the threshold crosses between a case which the disposition needs to be augmented to, an outright dismissal of that case, or the opportunity for a new trial. the suspects, who had originally faced the possibility of life in prison, will now serve sentences ranging from 13 years, eight months to 20 years in prison. two of the four will be sentenced tomorrow, the other two on friday. new hope, when it comes to reducing the homeless population in san francisco city officials say they're making progress on clearing out all
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those encampments. mayor breed, releasing these figures showing the number of homeless tents and other structures in the streets, dropping to a five year low at the end of april, the city counted 360. last july, that number was 609. the mayor attributes this decrease to the city's efforts in aggressively clearing out encampments. we've helped over 15,000 people exit homelessness. we've gotten them off the streets. we've gotten them into shelter beds, into permanent supportive housing, into options that help them to live and to thrive, and reconnected them with family all over the united states. the mayor appearing on our 7 p.m. newscast, homeless advocates say that a drop in the number of tents doesn't necessarily mean a drop in the number of homeless people. they say the decrease is from the destruction of property by the city. experts are trying to figure out why hundreds of brown pelicans are showing up
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sick or hurt on california shores. since mid-april, wildlife centers have taken in an estimated 300 pelicans events like this have happened before, but usually in southern california. this time it's happening in monterey and santa cruz. some of the birds are sick, some of them are starving. others have injuries from fishing hooks and lines. the sick birds have been tested for bird flu. none have tested positive for that, and the sardine population seems to be robust, which is what the pelicans feed on. rescue centers are overwhelmed and they need help. we even need volunteers. we need funding. we need bandaging supplies. we need fish money. you know, we need we need a lot of things to help care for these animals, and we are happy to do it. but we do need some help. so the saturday the bird rescue in fairfield is going to be holding an open house. it will give people a chance to see firsthand how it cares for thousands of water birds. that event is free, but donations
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will be accepted. all right, san francisco's full of surprises this week. it's that mysterious laser beam shooting into the night sky. the blue green beam is the brainchild of barrett lyon. he's the ceo of mega laser and the cto of tasl, which is a data security company. lyon is putting on laser demonstrations for san francisco's big rsa cybersecurity conference, which is happening this week at moscone center. you can check out the display tomorrow, beginning at sunset. it's based at telegraph hill, but you can see the laser from quite a ways away. what is that? what's going on here? what is happening here? and that's wild clear for us to see. we are on a path for the clear skies and yes, some hotter temperatures. some of the hottest weather of the year is coming our way right through mother's day weekend. we have high pressure out here in the pacific allowing that warm air to build in. but this low pressure also going to create a little bit of wind for us. let me show you more details on
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everything that's moving in in your microclimate forecast and i want to start right off with the wind to let you know if you're in the north bay, especially in the mountains, hills at 1000ft and above. we will start it off tomorrow morning with some strong gusts coming out of the north, 20 to about 45mph. lower elevations 31 in napa, 22 in santa rosa. and really, the north bay would be the focus here of these on and off gusts. all the way from tomorrow morning through thursday morning. then we should start to see any kind of wind beginning to calm down as we head through thursday evening. besides that, temperatures with that dry northerly wind won't be nearly as cold this past weekend. remember that we had 30s in low 40s tomorrow morning. a lot better look at this. a 54in the peninsula, south bay 53. and those 50 continue for the east bay, san francisco and the north bay. okay. let's take you through those afternoon highs. and we are warming up another 4 to 8 degrees. we're back at it. look at this 80 down here in the south bay. 82 in milpitas over to concord 83 danville 81. even
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a warm day for you in hayward at 80, half moon bay, 68. then you go out to redwood city. we're at 80. check it out. san francisco in the 70s tomorrow for downtown and the mission. that is a nice day for you. and up to the north bay 79, in clear lake, 81 in sonoma. we got sunshine. we have dry weather next several days, but there is some severe weather. we're tracking quite a bit throughout the nation past couple of days, and tomorrow it's going to be around saint louis, louisville and nashville for the highest threat of tornadoes, strong winds, and of course, even the chance of some large hail. so be careful for traveling that way or have any connecting flights on our forecast here. let's move it into that weekend. saturday and sunday dry in san francisco 74 on saturday, 69 on sunday. and for the inland valleys, we're in the 80s from tomorrow all the way through the next seven days. we haven't been able to say that in months. i haven't seen eight's on your screen in a long time. i know it's quite the
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gift. it's just glorious. jeff. yeah. very grateful for it. well, i'm grateful to pass it on to all of you. thank you. jeff. up next, something we haven't said in a long while. good news for the sharks. look at that. the fans on their feet. we'll
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charged lemonade amid lawsuits alleging it caused two deaths. lawsuits were filed after two adults died after drinking the lemonade. a third lawsuit alleges a woman sustained permanent cardiac injuries. as the amount of caffeine in this lemonade is more than the amount in a large cup of panera's dark roast coffee, one of the oldest organizations in america, is getting a new name. the boy scouts of america says it's changing its name to scouting america. the organization's
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president says the goal is to make the scouts more inclusive and welcoming. it's the latest in a series of changes for the scouts, including allowing girls to join five years ago. okay, up next, a huge night for the giants and the
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the last place rockies, and it was a good night in denver. yeah, the guy who saved the day, the giants young pitcher who grew up in the east bay. let's take you out to colorado giants and rockies. nice hairdo. love it. look at that blown dry in there. one of those blow bars there. top of the fourth heading. the giants explode for four runs, including this two run single by lamonte wade jr. giants had a four zip lead. how about kyle harrison? the de la salle alum went seven shutout innings, the longest outing of his young career. the giants snapped their four game losing streak and beat the rockies five to nothing. a beautiful day for
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baseball at the coliseum. sadly, we probably won't be seeing that in the months and years to come. a's and rangers after a six game winning streak, the a's have now lost three in a row. former a and calvert marcus simeon with the home run here, he had a big day as he leads the rangers to a 15 to 8 win. all right, mark it down. this could be the night that transformed the san jose sharks. and the fans are thrilled. the first overall selection in the 2024 nhl draft belongs to the san jose sharks. yeah you got to smile when you see this. since the sharks finished with the worst record in the nhl, they had the best chance to get the first overall pick and they got it. it will be the first time in team history they'll draft first. overall. the sharks are expected to select this young man, maclean celebrini. he was named the best player in college hockey and his father, rick celebrini, is the
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vice president of player health for the warriors. wow. so really, he's just coming home to be with dad. the nhl draft begins june 28th. fun matchup tonight at paypal park. a battle of the bay. the earthquakes hosting the oakland roots. this is part of the us open cup. different leagues playing each other. san jose and the blue jerseys. that's osana budda with the second half goal. quakes win it one to nil. they advan to


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