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tv   Today  NBC  May 8, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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highway four heading toward the antioch bridge westbound is distracted as well. so watch the area around hillcrest and a little bit warmer today and continuing to heat up as we go into the weekend. all right. thank you so much. the today show is moments away, but today in the bay continues on roku and our streaming platforms ahead of eight. age before beauty. the all new push to ban sales of anti-aging cosmetic products to kids in california. please join us then. and that's what's happening today in the bay. the today show is starting right now, live from rockefeller plaza in new york city. have a great wednesday. that outbreak of good wednesday morning. that outbreak of severe weather just won't end. >> more states rocked by tornadoes. more storms on the way. it's may 8th. this is "today." state of emergency. tornadoes rip through michigan. >> that's a tornado, large
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tornado right here in view. >> dozens of workers rescued after being trapped for hours inside a badly damaged fedex facility. 20 twisters reported across 5 states. 60 million people at risk today. al is tracking it all. face-to-face. the adult film star at donald trump's hush-money trial takes the stand. straight ahead, the defense' demand for a mistrial, the scolding from the judge and the decision now delaying another key trump case indefinitely. on hold. the u.s. pausing a key shipment of bombs to israel as tensions grow over the war in gaza. here at home, more protests and clashes on college campuses. and this morning president biden's message to demonstrators. >> there is no place in any toe
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campus in america, anyplace in america, for anti-semitism or hate speech for threats of any kind. >> and his call to tone down the dangerous rhetoric. royal return. prince harry back in london this morning. why he won't be visiting his father, king charles, and the reason behind his trip. need to latest form of impulse shopping that could have you spending more whe we're there live. those stories, plus spaving the way. what you need to know about the latest form of impulse shopping and spending more when you think you're saving. and sensational starts. oklahoma city dominates dallas. boston is cruising over cleveland. >> contested three. my goodness! >> the road to the nba finals intensifying. today, wednesday, may 8th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie
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and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today". did you hear that thud? it was my phone falling into the trash. i was talking about thunder, tornadoes. >> you wanted to add a sound effect. >> a little closer to home. yeah, good morning. hoda is on assignment in bermuda. >> yes. >> severe weather impacting multiple states. >> this is the scene right now in portage, michigan. take a look here. drone video showing a trail of destruction. homes knocked off their foundations. others just destroyed. >> there were at least 20 tornadoes reported across five states in this latest round of storms, and the threat is far from over. nearly 60 million at risk again today. >> meanwhile, tomorrow that number is only going to increase as that brutal weather moves up
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the east coast in what's already been a dangerous and deadly week. >> al is standing by with the full forecast. first, let's get to maggie vespa. maggie, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning. we have covered a lot of tornad is damage, especially recently as you are pointing out. this behind me is intense, but i have never seen anything like this. look at this house. it's completely upsidedown. like it was ripped entirely off its foundation and flipped. we're still waiting on information as to whether anyone was inside when this happened. local officials tell us close to a dozen people were treated for injuries at area hospitals in what's just this latest round of violent spring weather. it was mayhem in the midwest after yet another round of disruptive storms tore through the region. >> that's a tornado, large
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tornado right here in view. >> reporter: sending terrified residents fleeing for cover. >> we need to go to the basement. grab the dogs! >> reporter: a fast-moving funnel ripping award this fedex shipping center trapping 50 inside for hours. the company telling nbc news no one was seriously hurt. >> the city's been decimated by the tornado. >> reporter: nearby in another part of the city, mobile homes obliterated. >> anybody in here? >> reporter: one house completely flipped off its foundation. neighbors rushing to help neighbors. >> you okay? >> yeah, i'm okay. >> reporter: as rescue crews assess the damage here, more nighttime storms spawned across the midwest. all of it less than 24 hours after more than two dozen tornadoes pounded the plains on monday. this massive twister now rated an ef-4 taking a fatal turn in barnsdall, oklahoma. >> everywhere around me it's a war zone. it is all gone. >> reporter: the intense system completely flattening houses and toppling trucks in the small
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community. in nearby bartelsville, visitors forced to hunker down in hotel rooms. >> we all went running and the windows popped out of the hallways. >> reporter: now the devastating storms are barrelling east with millions more in their path. and back here in michigan with incredible damage like this. no surprise. downed power and gas lines remain a concern the morning. authorities are asking everyone not in immediate danger to stay inside their homes and let crews and first responders help those in need. >> rough scene there, maggie. thank you very much. mr. roker is back in studio 1a this morning keeping his eyes on the storm threat. of course we saw the tornadoes there and it has led to flooding. >> exactly, we have to watch out for that. right now we have flood watches for 13 million people from illinois all the way into and in parts of missouri all the way into the appalachians. we're looking at heavy rain. these are storms that will keep repeating over and over.
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today and tonight severe significant weather events likely. we have all this tropical moisture coming up. this unstable humid air. plus, a strong upper-level jet stream that will support violent storms. so for today and tonight, 56 million people from dallas, nashville, tennessee, we have the potential for grapefruit-sized hail. being more deadly. tomorrow showers and storms move into the mideast. showers and storms from austin in texas to dallas. and rainfall amounts anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of rain down to the south. guys, we're going to be watching this carefully ove nighttime tornadoes.
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>> thank you, al. now for a legal split screen for former president trump. his federal trial in florida related to classified documents found in his mar-a-lago estate. that trial is on hold indefinitely. here in new york he is on trial when he came face to face with stormy daniels during a day of graphic testimony at his criminal hush money trial. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarett watching it for us. laura, good morning. >> reporter: the courtroom was captivated from the moment the people called stormy daniels. her testimony at times graphic, uncomfortable, combative. the judge repeatedly reminding her to keep her answers short, but the details kept coming. former president donald trump finally coming face to face with the woman at the center of his criminal trial, stormy daniels. the adult film actress
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recounting in explicit detail, her story of an alleged encounter with mr. trump in 2006, a story he vehemently denies, but would have been catastrophic had it come before the 2016 election, hiding his records to how she was paid off. >> mr. trump, how is it going in there? >> did stormy pay you? >> reporter: daniels speaking quickly, testifying she was invited to a massive hotel suite in lake day hoe, recalling everything from the giant flower arrangement to the pert plus she said was in mr. trump's toiletry kit. he said, you remind me of my daughter because she's smart, beautiful, and people underestimate her as well, and it's there, he said, they had sex after a celebrity golf tournament when she was 27 years old, telling the jury, i blacked out, adding there was an imbalance of power for sure, but i was not threatened. daniels recounting other intimate details, testifying mr.
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trump told her that he and his wife, melania, slept in separate beds. the judge agreed some parts of daniels' testimony was probably better off left unsaid. saying, quote, i understand your client is upset but he is cursing audibly and shaking his head visually. i won't tolerate that. the defense request for a mistrial denied on the spot, leading to a heated cross examination as mr. trump's lawyer tried to cast doubt on a story daniels told previously, about an unknown man threatening her in 2011. >> a guy came up to me and said, leave trump alone and looked at my daughter and said, a beautiful little girl. it would be a shame if something happened to her mom. >> mr. trump's attorney questioning her motives now, asking, now, am i correct you hate president trump, to which
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daniels quickly replied, yes. >> reporter: new york city's mayor eric adams told reporters yesterday that city officials discussed the eventual possibility of the former president being jailed for violations of his gag order saying the department of corrections is prepared for whatever comes on rikers island, guys. >> let's talk about stormy daniels. how is she coming across to the jury. >> when she starts initially, the jury is directly engaged. they're taking notes. they're following the evidence. but as the testimony sort of went on and as she continued to talk and the judge is interjecting saying please just answer the question, you can see their attention start to wane a bit by the end of the day. >> i see some coverage saying now it is a credibility contest between stormy daniels and donald trump about whether this affair happened. it isn't.charge, but the defense is so much it's totally irrelevant to the charge, isn't it? >> it is totally irrelevant to the legal charge, but the defense did so much with it with cross, i think that's why it has gotten so much attention. they're hammering her about whether she's motivated to lie and about whether she's motivated to make all this up
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for money. none of that matters towards the falsification of business records, which is what -- >> it doesn't matter whether she was lying or telling the truth then or yesterday because the case is falsifying business records for a cover-up. >> the alleged cover-up. >> let's talk about the florida case for a bit. it's been delayed. there are many, many rulings pending before this judge. what is the significance of this? >> the significance is he will not go to trial in florida before election day. she's made that all but certain. she's come under scrutiny for sitting on the motions, but she's now citing the number of motions for the reason that the trial cannot happen now. >> all right. laura jarett, thank you. also this morning, new developments tied to the israel-hamas war both in the middle east and here at home, including the pentagon now confirming that it did, in fact, pause a shipment of bombs to israel amid concerns of their potential use in gaza. we have two reports for you this morning, and we start with nbc's raf sanchez.
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raf, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good morning. we're in one of the communities that was over run by hamas on october 7th. and today it is one of the places praying hardest for a cease-fire deal. there are 36 hostages still being held in gaza. while cease-fire negotiations are continuing in cairo, there are new tensions between the u.s. and israel. this morning president biden sending a message as israel's military continues its operation in rafah, a senior administration official saying the u.s. stepped in to pause a shipment of arms to israel out of concern of a possible invasion. the shipment which was delayed last week included heavy weaponry like 2,000-pound pounds. the u.s. worried they will be used in rafah, where over 1 million civilians are sheltering. the officials saying israel has still not addressed its concerns about a military operation there. >> we will continue to make clear we oppose a major military
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operation in rafah, and making that clear to them privately as well as publicly. >> reporter: the rafah crossing from egypt, a vital lifeline for humanitarian aid remains shut and israeli strikes in the area continue. residents sifting through rubble. they said this was a safe area, this man says. there is no safe place in gaza. where to go? throw ourselves in the sea? israel says hamas is hiding among civilians in the area but it's continuing negotiations for the release of hostages. as pressure grows inside israel, the cia director involved in the talks. the latest proposal agreed to by hamas, which would be a full withdrawal from gaza doesn't meet its security needs. but still considering a deal as tensions build over rafah. israel says it is re-opening another crossing into gaza.
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at this point no aid trucks have gone through, but the un says it is absolutely critical to get the rafah crossing open to aid once again. at this point, israel has given no timeline for when that might happen. >> raf, thank you. meanwhile, the president used a speech at a holocaust remembrance ceremony to condemn what he calls a ferocious surge of anti-semitism in the country. he weighed in on protests at college campuses nationwide that intensified overnight. liz kreutz joins us from usc, one of many campuses on edge this morning. liz, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah. that's right. good morning to you. here at usc, starting today is starting its scaled-back graduation ceremonies and commencements after the major schedule was canceled because of these demonstrations. the university one of so many nationwide dealing with these anti-war protests as administrators try to diffuse tensions with president biden now weighing in. this morning after a major
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speech from president biden in washington on the chaos consuming college campuses, clashes at one of those schools less than two miles away. d.c. police moving in to clear a pro palestinian encampment at george washington university. the crowd resisting as police say this morning there's been an escalation in volatility in the protest, using pepper spray while pushing back the demonstration around campus. it comes after president biden's address about the rising tensions nationwide at the u.s. holocaust museum day of remembrance ceremony yesterday. the president defending student's rights to protest the war in gaza. >> and america will respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech. >> reporter: but seven months
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after the october 7th attacks in israel, the president drawing a hard line at what he says is a ferocious surge in anti-semitism, including in some campuses. >> but there is no place on any campus in america, any place in america for anti-semitism or hate speech or threats of any kind. the jewish community, i want you to know, i see your fear, your hurt, your pain. let me reassure you as your president you're not alone. >> reporter: the campus chaos reaching beyond washington, protesters and police facing off at the university of chicago and overnight at umass. meanwhile at arizona state university -- >> you are disrespecting my religious boundaries. >> what does this have to do with religion? you're spewing hate. >> reporter: they are investigating this minute-long video of faculty member appearing to harass a woman wearing a head scarf sunday. it is unclear what happened immediately before or after that recording was made. asu saying he's been placed on leave pending the outcome of that investigation.
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now, the u.s. education secretary is also now weighing in saying yesterday that students that break the law should be held to account. the campus is on lockdown. students have to scan their id badges and at times even have their bags checked just to get on campus. savannah? >> all right. liz, sitting at the university of southern california. sitting next to you, i feel carolina vibes. >> gamecock nation was like, wait a minute. in your defense, that wasn't the original usc. >> that train is never late, as you would say. lots more to get to on this wednesday, including the nba playoffs. the boston celtics starting to make it look easy. this time a blowout win over the cleveland cavaliers. >> jaylen brown stops on a dime, and he buries another triple. >> another one. jaylen brown led the way with 32 points as the celtics go on to
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win game one of the eastern conference semis, 120-95. game two is tomorrow night. all right. and then in the western conference oklahoma city thunder off to an impressive start. their second round series with the dallas mavericks. final there 117-95. game two of that series also tomorrow night. hopefully it gets a little more competitive. >> yes, that would be nice. let's check in with mr. roker over there. >> all right. as we mentioned, we have severe storms to the south. along the gulf, sunny and warm. showers in the northeast and new england. a fire risk out through the southwest. windy conditions along the west coast. look for snow in the northern rockies. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. inside prince harry's trip to the uk overnight. kelly cobiella at the palace for us.
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>> reporter: savannah, good morning. yeah, he's here to promote one of his signature charities, but not meeting up with his father, king charles. a sussex spokesperson explaining why. i will have details for you coming up. all right. okay. this morning we will pull the curtain up on something called spaving. this morning how some stores are getting you to spend more even though they think you are spending less. how you can spot and avoid it. first, this "day" on nbc. less. ho
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coming up, the return of our popular series "today's five things." experts share their top don'ts. >> with some on the way, what not to do when it comes to your garden, when it comes to the home improvement projects and when it comes to upcoming vacations, as well. >> don't spav. never spav. >> never spav! >> after your local news and
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weather. ous allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. it is not a great start to the morning in one richmond neighborhood, where an early morning water main break left a big mess for nearby residents.
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this is at 47th street near carlson boulevard. the main ruptured sometime around five this morning and then the flooding led to the closure of carlson boulevard. it also sent mud and water onto surrounding streets. right now, there is no estimated time frame for that cleanup to be done. and i'm tom jensen in martinez this morning where two of four men arrested in a 2021 contra costa county drive by shooting will be in court today after pleading no contest to manslaughter charges instead of murder charges, all connected to the antioch racist police texting scandal. and prosecutors say there will likely be more cases affected. we'll have more on what happened in court today coming up in our midday report and meteorologist kari hall says hot for the weekend, but we're already ramping up today. yeah, we're going to start to feel it by this afternoon. even though it's starting out cool. this morning, some of our inland valleys will hit a high of about 80 degrees,
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and we're back down to the low 50s tonight. still pretty windy. and then our temperatures ramping up to the upper 80s for the end of the week into the first part of the weekend. it will be just a touch lower for mother's day, and we'll see some low 80s in the valleys early next week, while san francisco will reach the peak of those temperatures tomorrow. kris. thank you carrie, and don't forget you can watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast at eight this morning. you can watch on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including and our nbc bay area app. we'll have more local
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♪ we're back at 7:30. a new milestone in the countdown to paris. look at this. the torch arriving in france a short time ago. there it is.
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pulling into marseilles on a majestic ship. a large crowd there to greet it ahead of a big welcome celebration. >> good morning. looks like a beautiful day. >> it will be amazing. it starts tomorrow. >> have you been practicing your french? >> i have been practicing my rose. >> let us turn from france to the uc. prince harry returning to britain for several events this morning. >> this trip also making headlines for who he will not see at his visit. kelly cobiella is at buckingham palace with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. prince harry has a packed schedule on this short trip. but his father, king charles, is busy, too. so busy, according to a sussex spokesperson, that there is
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simply no time to meet up. this morning, prince harry back in the uk on his own mission, touching down solo tuesday afternoon to celebrate a decade of the invictus games he helped to create. it's our birthday at the invictus foundation, and we're excited and thrilled. >> but not reuniting with his father, king charles. saying unfortunately a meeting won't be possible because of the king's busy schedule. a statement adding, the duke is understanding of his father's diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon. the father and son at separate events just over three miles apart tuesday. buckingham palace isn't visit commenting on harry's visit. but hours before he arrived, announced the king will make prince william colonel and chief after his old regiment. >> that will cement in many people's minds that while some relationships within the royal family are still very difficult,
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the main relationship between the heir and monarch between williams and charles is stronger than ever. gun salutes marked a year since the coronation of king charles and queen camilla monday. >> back then, harry attended alone. and the duke of sussex briefly visiting his father after the king's cancer diagnosis was made public. harry and meghan wishing health and healing to princess kate. but no outwardly sign of a brotherly reconciliation. but harry always focused on the mission of the games, speaking with hoda in 2022. >> every single games that i go to, it feels amazing that we managed to play a part in that recovery. >> the sussexes continue to follow their own path in california, the family celebrating their son's 5th
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birthday privately on monday as there are new pictures of the young royals. >> so, kelly, are there any upcoming events where prince harry and king charles might reunite? >> reporter: well, the next big prince harry and meghan were both here with their children. they didn't appear on the balcony because that was rese event is really the big birthday parade for the monarch in early june, but we don't know who will appear. two years ago, prince harry and meghan markle were here, you will remember. they brought their children here. we didn't see them on the balcony because that appearance was reserved for working royals only. but they weren't here last year for king charles' first official birthday parade as monarch. harry's signatur right now the couple is focusing
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on the trip to nigeria, which they will drum up support for the invictus games. still ahead, tiktok versus the u.s. the new move by the social media giant to fight back against a potential nationwide ban of the app. first, we have christine romans here talking about a shopping trend that has americans spending more to save money. please tell me there is a catchy name. >> it's called spaving, when you spend money to save money. is that possible? the tricks that retailers have to make you open up your wallet. that's right after the break. whoa. i don't want my child being raised by a robot! other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so much to all 50 of my subscribers. nope, definitely not you. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis.
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doing. i want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them, but no one sells eight hot dog buns. they only sell 12 hot dog buns, and i end up paying for buns i don't need, so i am removing the superfluous buns. >> i'm sorry, sir. you have to pay for all buns. >> you know why? because some big shot over at the weiner company got together with some big shot at the bun company got together and decided to rip off the american public -- >> steve martin from "father of the bride". he's frustrated overpaying for something he doesn't need. >> more people are doing that these days buying items they don't need just because those items are sale. now there's a term for the trend.
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it's called spaving, which means spending more to save more. >> how it works and how to manage it, christine romans. it's as old as "father of the bride" if not more. >> it's the american past time where we justify to ourselves that i can spend more money and somehow saving money. you're not. here are some examples. free shipping for spending a certain amount. the website tells you, oh, but if you buy another thing, you are going to be -- you are going to save $10 in shipping. >> i fall for that all the time. >> yep. buy one, get one. think about that. you only need the first one. you don't need the second one. it has enticed you to spend more money. enticing language and flash sales and emails that say, we saw you browsing for this and there's only six left, get it now. those are all things designed by very smart people to separate you from your money and buy things on impulse. >> well, forgive me, christine, for i have spaved. for years i have spaved. but i think there is probably
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something to the algorithms now on different social media sites that really tap into that. but here's the thing. people are doing it now, and they're doing it with the interest rates sky high. >> so this is really dangerous. this is always bad behavior. we should spend money when we need to buy something and save more money than we're spending, right? but when you have interest rates like this, you put it on a credit card, you are talking about 20, 22, 23, 24% interest. these impulse purchases can be dangerous. look at this trend. in 2020, people said they had their impulse purchase was about $183 per month. >> geez. >> by 2022, that jumped to $314. >> it's the algorithms. >> the most recent numbers are down from 2022 because of the interest rates. we're aware if you put it on the credit card, it can be dangerous. >> that's what can get you, they say you can save $100 if you get this credit card, and you are tempted to do it. a lot of people do. let's talk about ways to guard against this. >> sure. okay. so first of all, the algorithms, they're coming after you.
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you have to outsmart them. what i like to do is a digital detox for a whole week. 53% of americans bought something online while drinking, so don't drink and browse. >> forgive me, christine. i have spaved while inebriated. >> yeah, also create hurdles. say, i'm going to purchase something on the list or i'm going to only spend this much this week. you used to be able to go and make sure your credit card information wasn't on these websites. but now they're everywhere. you know, it is in your apple pay and google shop. it's already there. just remember, you have got to keep your burn rate less than your earn rate. it is the oldest piece of financial advice there is. you cannot spend more money than you are bringing in. >> that's good advice. >> outsmart them. you have the power! >> yes. thank you, christine. i'll tell you who probably doesn't spav at all, al roker. >> i'm just as guilty. we all are, come on.
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have you been to costco. of course i need a 60-gallon drum of mustard. come on! who doesn't? anyway, we're looking at near record highs here in the east. on the other side of that jet stream, temperatures way below average. here in the eastern half of the country, cincinnati, 85 degrees. new york is going to be in the lower 80s with 15 degrees above average. nashville 94 degrees. unfortunately, they have severe weather today. from corpus christi tomorrow to raleigh and tampa, temperatures in the upper 90s to low to mid-90s. then as we get into the weekend, we will see temperatures still stay relatively mild. mid-60s in w
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that's your latest weather. i cannot. your hair is a fantastic. >> truth. the met gala braid, i didn't we just turned it into something. >> great look. >> you spaved. >> good morning. thank you, al. we have big news coming up for the kelce family. surprising new roles for travis and his mom. >> but, first, an unusual birthday party to get to. it is our boost right after this. unsuspecting friends...
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check. epic water displacement... big check. a work of art that's only possible because greg is already meeting all these same people at aarp volunteer and community events. they'll keep greg active, involved and mischievous. and help make sure his happiness lives as long as he does. that's why the younger you are, the more you need aarp. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time.
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you stole my sock and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love. ♪ more dog ♪ (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪operatic music♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. welcome back with hoda on assignment. >> in bermuda. >> you got boost duty. >> a tennessee man named clint is a costco super fan. his wife thought it would be the
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perfect place to throw him a surprise birthday party, yes. so she arranged for all his family and friends to wander around different parts of the store. he kept running into them. how cute is this? he thought it was an amazing coincidence that so many people he loved and knew were at costco on the same day. finally he figured it out when he bumps into grandma. she does not shop at costco. it would not be a birthday party without a cake. where else but at the food court? ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ happy birthday, dear clint ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> oh, my god. >> everything you need for a party is at costco. come on. >> well, and more, you know. even a clown came to make balloon animals because clint loves costco, goes at least once a week, which is a lot because
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ma mayonnaise jar? >> man, he is how much do you need to go for that mayonnaise jar? >> man, he is spaving. >> the show comes full circle. all right. coming up, we all love the minions. prepare yourself for the mega minions. check out the trailer for "despicable me 4". >> trends for making the transition from spring into summer. gardens, vacations and more. we'll do it right after your local news and weather. ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden
7:53 am
worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. ♪ ahhhh.
7:54 am
we're no one hit wonder. ♪ ♪ i don't give a med bout' my reputation! ♪ allow us to reintroduce ourselves... folgers. ♪ no, no, no, no, no, not me. ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ t—mobile's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.
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♪♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... ...choose stelara® from the start... ...and move toward relief after the first dose... ...with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've had an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions
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and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. johnson & johnson can help you explore cost support options. more and i'm kris sanchez. happening now. here's what we're working on for 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, where a plan is now laid out for the school district to fix its spending. no big surprises at last night's school board meeting. still bad news for the district from the state, which
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downgraded the district from qualified to negative certification for one of their reports. sfusd has also been assigned a fiscal advisor with veto power. the school district is considering which schools to close that vote could happen in december. all right, the heat is on. let's check with carrie. in your forecast. we'll start to feel that for the afternoon. our temperatures ramping up yesterday day was nice and mild and a very seasonable. but today it will jump up another 5 or 7 degrees above. yesterday high temperatures. so in san jose look for a high of 81 and upper 70s for oakland and novato. but then tomorrow will be in the upper 80s for the inland east bay as well as the north bay. and we continue to heat up by the end of the week. so we'll be tracking that as we lead into our mother's day weekend. back to you, carrie. thanks again. make sure to watch our today in the bay live streaming newscast, starting in just minutes ahead at eight and all new push to ban some sales of anti-aging
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cosmetic products here in california. watch us on roku
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up, devastation. overnight, a new round of storms tears through the midwest. >> that's a tornado, large
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tornado right here in view. >> leveling homes and trapping warehouse workers. the wild weather now moving east, and al has your full forecast. >> then emergency landing. the amazing scene caught on camera. a cargo plane landing on its nose at an airport. an investigation now underway. we've got the details straight ahead. then, heating up. spring has sprung, and we're bringing in the experts for today's five things, gardening, travel and home renovations. what you should and should never do to get ready for summer. all that, plus inside the new cyndi lauper documentary. >> you view everybody else the problem. travis kelce takes on a new role. and the minions are back in a big way. >> a new secret weapon, the mega minion. >> it's all coming up on "popstart," may 8th, 2024. >> on a girls' trip from saint
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paul, minnesota. >> shout-out across the country. happy nurses' week! >> visiting from ohio. illinoi. >> hi >> and chicago, illinois. >> hi to my team at nbc news 10 in lancing, michigan. >> on a road trip from rochester, minnesota. >> besties for 40 years. >> from tampa. >> we want to host "the today show". >> you're hired! good morning, everybody. welcome back to "today." little rainy out there, but a lot of smiles and waives out there on the plaza. hoda is in bermuda with jenna working hard. >> or hardly working. coming up on "today," a
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special conversation ahead of mother's day. >> maria shriver sat down to talk about the relationship with moms and daughters and how it evolves when grandchildren come into the picture. it's an honest conversation and it will strike a cord with a lot of families, and we will share it with you tomorrow only on "today". >> looking forward to that. let's get to the news at 8:00. we will begin with that severe weather impacting millions nationwide. take a look. this is live images from portage, michigan this morning. you can see the destruction there. a home was ripped off of its foundation and flipped over entirely. a short distance away from there, a fast-moving tornado ripped apart a fedex shipping center. and trapped 50 people inside. this is just one of several violent storms across the midwest last night, less than 24 hours, after more than two dozen tornadoes swept through the plains on monday. guess what? this threat is not over.
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al is back with a closer look. >> we're not only worried about tornados but also flooding. we're specifically concerned about southern kentucky on into central, tennessee. that includes nashville. we do have the risk, though, for severe weather for 56 million people, damaging hail, wind gusts of over 75 miles an hour. these straight line winds can do a lot of damage. of and we've got this hatched area from st. louis, bowling green, lexington, a risk of ef-2 or stronger tornadoes, twice as deadly. then for tomorrow, we've got 60 million people at risk from the mid-atlantic all the way into texas, including waco, where we could see some damaging hail, tornadoes possible, more wind gusts. and here's the big problem. heavy rain on top of saturated soil from paduca to knoxville, nashville included. we are really worried about flash flooding. some areas may pick up 5 to 7 inches of rain.
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guys? >> all right, al. we'll come back to you in just a moment. meanwhile, the body of a sixth person missing after the baltimore bridge collapse has now been recovered. investigators identified the victim as 37-year-old jose lopez. on march 26th, a container ship lost power and crashed into one of bridge's supporting columns. crews are now working to clear the wreckage so they can reopen the port by the end of the month. now to a dramatic emergency landing. it happened at an airport in istanbul. watch as this fedex plane touches down without its landing gear. landing on its nose and sparks and smoke fly there. thankfully no one was injured and the crew safely evacuated the aircraft. an investigation into why the landing gear failed to open is now underway. tiktok is suing the u.s. government over its efforts to ban the social media app if it does not sell the company in the next year. tiktok's lawyers say that is a violation of the first amendment. this fight may just be getting started. savannah sellers is here with
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more. good morning. >> good morning. this is the latest war between tiktok and the u.s. government. not only did tiktok's lawyers call the potential ban unconstitutional. they said it was nearly impossible to separate tiktok a all of us, thank you. >> the social media giant suing to block a nationwide from its chinese company. this morning tiktok taking on the u.s. government. >> can i just say on behalf of all of us, thank you. >> the social media giant suing to block a nationwide ban it called obviously unconstitutional. >> the bill has passed. >> legislation signed into law last month would force chinese parent company bytedance to sell tiktok within a year or see it banned in the u.s. the company's ceo vowed to fight back. >> we aren't going anywhere. we are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. >> tiktok and bytedance are
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looking at the law, saying the law regarded less extreme alternatives and it is simply not possible. going on to say, the chinese government has made it clear it would not permit a divestment. lawyers also arguing that tiktok is protected under the first amendment's guarantee of freedom of expression. do you think there is a chance here that tiktok successfully challenges this? >> i think tiktok has a chance, and if they can articulate that their first amendment rights are being denied, then the government may have to show that the legislation was necessary to achieve a compelling interest. that's a really difficult test to satisfy. >> but lawmakers have argued the app is a threat to national security, causing concern over the safety of american data. democratic congressman co-sponsored the bill in the house. >> there is no first amendment right to espionage. there is no first amendment right to harm our national security. the united states government's efforts to work with them over a period of years to mitigate those threats did not work.
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>> with a long legal battle still ahead, users making their voices heard. >> leave tiktok alone. that's just my two cents. >> this whole process could take months. the next step is a motion. let's say it moves forward, which there is a good chance whoever loses is expected to ys >> savannah, thank you. the boy scouts of america is changing its name. appeal, which would head to the supreme court, guys. >> savannah, thank you. the boy scouts of america is changing its name. the organization announcing yesterday after 114 years it is soon going to go by scouting america. it's part of an effort to emphasize inclusion as it works to move passed the turmoil of bankruptcy and the flood of sexual abuse claims. the change will officially take effect next friday. okay. ahead on "popstart," something for country and pop music fans. who is set to take the stage at this year's awards. all right. standing by and ready to share their advice, five things they
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would never do as we get you ready for summer. but, first, these messages. girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels. ♪♪ ♪♪ bring color to life with the very best paint, only at sherwin williams. ♪♪ (speaker 1) louie... stop... (speaker 2) blue does have pretty ongood ingredients.liams. (speaker 1) like what? (speaker 2) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie!
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we'll switch to blue! feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. makeup meets skincare expertise. true match serum concealer by l'oreal paris. with hyaluronic acid corrects like a concealer, hydrates like an eye serum. an iron shaped applicator to conceal and re plump, with a radiant finish. true match concealer. we're worth it. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. you know folgers as a homebrew... but let's hear it for our hometown. one, two, ready, play. ♪ no, no, no, no, no, no, not me! ♪ allow us to reintroduce ourselves, folgers.
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ah, bookstores. i've read that one, i've read that one, —i've read that one! —i didn't read that one, —i didn't read that one. —hey,can you get this? because i left my wallet way in my back pocket. my pleasure because i earn unlimited 2% cash back. wow, this is fascinating: did you know whales and barnacles have a parasitic relationship? oh, i know about parasitic relationships— let's go barnacle. off you go. unlimited 2% cash back, the wells fargo active cash credit card.
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we are back with our very beloved series "today's 5 things." it is all about making your life easier. what experts would never do in f their areas of expertise. we will help with the transition from spring to summer. they are ready to share their tips. kicking things off, we have a garden consultant who spreads joy on social media with her blog, plots and pans, cute. >> good morning! >> i love to see the garden's bloom. let's do the first tip. never water your plants without a watering schedule. >> absolutely. you want to water your plants first thing in the morning. like us, your plants need
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hydration first thing. so i wake up really, really early during the garden season and make sure i get them watered soon so the sun doesn't have the water evacuate. >> next you say never skip out on pruning. >> never. >> why is that? >> so, so often people think, you know, i want to see the plant grow. i want to see it big. but, really, you are taking away the growth. you are taking away the energy by not pruning. so you want to take away the bottom leaves that aren't really serving a purpose and you will see things get bushy and full. >> how do you know what to prune? like if it looks like it's dying? >> no. they're still alive and green. something like basil. sometimes you see the tall and leggy basil. take the top part of the basil off. >> okay. >> yep. >> this is an interesting one. never throw away seeds. >> no. i love seed saving. so it is my favorite part of gardening. some people don't actually get to taste some of the fruits and vegetables from my garden. so i like to make sure to save my seeds so they can get a piece of my garden later on on their own. okra and peppers, yeah. >> that's a very cute gift. you say never forget to inspect
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your plants for bugs. i feel like they're there, but i don't want to deal with them. >> there are good bugs and bad bugs. we love to see bees and earthworms. but then there is aphids we don't want to see. check the bottom of your leaves, the root of the plant just to make sure those bad things aren't there. >> if you see them, take them away. >> absolutely. trash them for whatever. >> you say never grow plants you don't enjoy. what do you mean by that? >> i love cilantro, but i don't love growing it. i'm growing watermelons, hot peppers, things like that. but things i can buy from the store cheaper, i go ahead and buy those. >> okay. so garden what you love. dominique, thank you so much. craig, over to you. >> okay. we got you covered with gardens. now i am here with a travel expert mark ellwood. can't be summer without a
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vacation or two. you maintain that you would never travel without travel insurance. that's regardless of where you are going. >> wherever you are going. i think of travel insurance a bit like a parent where you can turn to when things are going wrong. if you have booked your summer trip, don't worry. check whether the credit card includes insurance. it's going to cost you about the same as a fancy coffee per day. go to marketplaces where you can pick what's right for you. >> you say never overlook considering all airports. what do you mean by that? >> think about it. new york has jfk, new york, laguardia. but it also has westchester, stewart. there are nearby airports wherever you are going, so make sure to broaden your search because secondary airports can often have great deals from different carriers. >> so they're not always more expensive? >> nope, not at all. in fact, we will talk about different carriers. >> you say you would never exclude a lessor-known carrier.
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>> for example, we have all heard of southwest, delta, whatever. new upstart airlines do interesting routes. there's an airline called breeze calls its the nice -- >> yeah, yeah. >> the nice low cost carrier started by the guy that startedr example. you might find jet blue. it services a lot of the southeast in secondary airports. it has a base in fort myers, for example. you might find you get a great deal on an airline that doesn't spring to mind. >> so you got to do homework. >> yeah. >> all right. never negligent to geotag your luggage. >> think of it like a digital leash. you are putting your luggage on a leash when you let it go. i like the cheaper version, which means you always know where it is. >> this one i find interesting because i always thought there was a best time to book a flight. you say never think there is a magic time to book a flight. >> this is a zombie travel myth that will never day.
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there is not a secret day. tuesday is not the best time. otherwise, the sites would crash. get a monitoring service to help you. things like dollar flight club or go to google flights. pick where you are going, when you are going. set an alert. >> folks, you heard it there. mark says no magic time to book that flight, sheinelle. >> i learned something today. let's close out today's five things with home repairs and renovations. we have kevin o'connor of "this old house" and "ask this old house." you say you should never go on the roof. people go on the roofs all the time. >> yeah, i know, and it's a dangerous place to be. roofs can take a beating in the winter from snow and ice dams. so you understand the instinct to want to go up there and look out for a hole. stay off the roof. even on "this old house," we don't go up there without harnesses or scaffolding.
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go up to the gutters. the gutters might reveal some damaged shingles and tell you there is more to look at. or step back from the house as far as you can get with binoculars. that might get you a good look at the roof. do you have a drone? i do. leave the chimney flu open. >> it has to be open for fires. now that it is my kids do. you can use that as well. >> there are probably so many injuries we don't have to talk about. next when he says never leave the chimney open. >> it has to be open for fires. now that it is springtime and you don't have the fires going, leaving it open invites pests. get in there, look at it, close it if it's open. >> all right. never paint over -- this is interesting. paint over rot. i think sometimes people don't want to do the work to chip it off. >> it will make it look good,
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but it won't solve the problem. rot is like an infection. if you don't stop it, it will spread. dig it out, go back to clean, solid wood. if you have to, fill it with a good outdoor filler. then you can paint and it will stop the problem. >> are you saying never negligent your washing machine hose. i never thought about my washing machine hose. >> no one does. the number one cause of water damage in the house is those hoses breaking. connects your washer to the water supply. their life span is about five years. the insurance companies tell us the average claim for water damage from these is in excess of $10,000. inspect them and just change them out every five years. it is a cheap fix for a lot of piece of mind. >> every five years, okay. last but not least, never wait to line up a contractor. >> never. we are in hot demand. >> it's true. >> nobody wants contractors there during the holidays. if you are thinking of a
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renovation, you want to be done by thanksgiving, it could take seven months. it could take you a couple months to find a contractor and then pull plans. >> book them farther out then you need it. >> if you are thinking about getting it done before the end of the year, you're already behind the eight ball. >> thank you to all of our experts today. if you want a full list of spring to summer tips, head to our website. now over to al for the weather. >> i learned that washing machine hose thing a little -- yeah, it was the hard way. make sure you check it out. for today, check out the severe storms we have in the mid-mississippi river valley, ohio river valley. sunny and warm through the gulf. showers here in the north through new england. some rocky snow in the northern rockies. a fire risk west texas into the south and southwest. windconditions but sunny ay lo
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>> that's your latest weather. best time of the morning. >> okay. we will start today with cyndi lauper. paramount plus revealed a first look at "let the canary sing." it will highlight your impactful work as an advocate and an activist. >> cyndi just knew what to do. >> she had something to say, and she's going to fight the fight. >> you don't know where you came from. you don't know where you're going. but if you do know what you love, magic. >> okay. >> all right. it starts streams on june 4th on paramount plus.
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i think we all know who might be tuned in for this one. any hints? >> i think i know. there she is. there she is. >> i forgot about this one. >> i forgot about it, too. pro >> that was a good one. next up, the acm awards. >> and is that pete brine there, too? >> yes, it is. >> our producer. >> that was a good one. next up, the acm awards. country music added a-list performers to the roster today. first up, gwen stenai and blake shelton. they are set to take the texas stage. noah kahn with kelsea ballerini. new male artist of the year nominee, nate smith will team up with pop punk star, avril lavigne. and then a must-see performance from post malone who recently
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performed an all-country set and has been teasing a country album is in the works. it goes down on may 16th when the awards hosted by reba mcentire streams live on prime video. >> it will be good. next up, "despicable me 4." a new chapter is out. if you can believe it, it is the first "despicable me" movie in 7 years. this time around we find gru and his family facing off a new nemesis voiced by the one and only will farrell. and they're going to need extra help from their banana-loving friends. >> all right, gentlemen. i called you out of retirement to take down maxine. >> it's always something. look, i can never focus on just being evil. >> you will be the first to test our super serum, designed to transform you into cutting edge agents. or you might just explode. ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, our new
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secret weapons, the mega minions! >> this is going to be huge. just the way you guys leaned in to watch that trailer. >> mega minions. >> in fact, we have a minion right here, our stage manager zach. >> i love that. telling you. >> you were just minding your own business. >> you cannot get any more >> you color him yellow, i'm telling you. >> you were just minding your own business. >> you cannot get any more cues for the rest of the day. >> i normally don't. >> from illumination and our sister company, universal pictures. it's theaters july 3rd. we'll chat with the cast right here in studio 1a. >> we will chat with the minions? >> oh, yeah. will be fun. >> a lot of that over the next couple months. next up, travis kelce, the
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nfl star is ready to tackle his next thing. emmy winner nece gnash posted this. >> get who i'm working with? >> coming into new territory with nece. >> travis writing in the caption, stepping into a new world of one of the legends. the details are being kept under wraps, but this is what we can tell you this morning. it is being developed by ryan murphy. i don't know. maybe travis will swap his lombardi trophy for an emmy. >> i don't know when he's sleeping now. kentucky derby, everywhere. she's dating somebody, too. i heard. >> somebody. >> careful! >> yeah, i know. >> i'm on the edge of my seat for what's coming next. >> travis isn't the only family member putting their story-telling skills to the test. next up we have donna kelce narrating a bedtime story for calm. she is breaking down the ins and
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outs of something she knows best, football. you want a peek? >> yes. >> i have spent as much time on the field, in the stands and on the sidelines as some professional players. well, i can confidently say at tell you all this point i really know my stuff. so whether you're already a fan or you have developed a recent interest in the sport, i want to tell you all there is to know about american football. >> all right. it is called "the rules of football." it is available now on the calm app. >> okay. still ahead, christy turlington burns shining a light on ms and
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on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit chicago pd, new tonight on nbc and peacock.
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♪ we are back at 8:30. it's a hump day, a wednesday. it was a little rainy. the rain has subsided. our plaza friends are all smiles. >> nice out now. >> gold stars to all of you for sticking through the rain. thank you. thank you. >> there she is. 94 years old. >> look at her. >> happy birthday. >> now it's actually nice out here. thanks for sticking it out, everybody. we have a great conversation coming up. they are cohosting podcasts, talking to stars like bono and jennifer garner. it is a new series all about relationships with their moms. it is fitting with mother's day this weekend. jill martin brooks has a new round of steals and deals to help you pack and stay organized during your summer getaways. >> also ahead, we will honor
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jewish american heritage. we are going to cook. we will cook. there's the chef, and trust us, folks, you will want his recipe for ribeye and row day toe gratin with a mediterranean flair. >> and jill will be back with her latest "she made it." speci beauty brand where korean culture and friendship are part of the recipe. and we are looking forward the story behind a special beauty brand where korean culture and friendship are part of the recipe. and we are looking forward to tomorrow because john krasinski is stopping by. john will be here to tell us all about it. >> i think he directed it. >> directed it. i think he might have written it. >> all right. let's check your weather. looking ahead to the weekend. friday we expect to see rainy and cool weather in the east and into the gulf. mid-section of the country looking good as well. start, we look for more wet weather around the great lakes. northwestern winter all the way down the coast.
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sunday, sunday we're looking at a dreary weekend with a lot of wet weather in the northeast. we're also expecting showers and that's your latest weather. also happens to be one of our audio guy's birthday. isn't this your second birthday this year? >> yes. >> joey is my lorna dune
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suppliers. you know it's cold when joey puts on pants. in fact, in july sometimes joey doesn't even wear pants. coming up next, no segue to this, we're talking motherhood . but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! we are back wit we are back with mom, model and activist christy turlington burns and host kelly corrigan. they are sharing candid and poignant conversations with some friends. it's all in support of the organization that christy founded back in 2010, every mother counts.
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good morning. >> good morning. >> i love this collab. we have christy turlington burns who needs no introduction. how did this come together? >> we did a learning tour, something that we do to educate people about the work we do and get them closer to the work itself and the people providing care for moms. kelly came along with a girlfriend of hers, and we hit it off. >> yeah. three nights in, i was like i have an idea. i have this podcast called "kelly corrigan wonders." what if we outline the ways every mother counts, the ways we are essential and the roles we play in every kids' life and maybe together we could save some money for every mother counts. >> here and around the world for maternal health and reproductive
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rights. these conversations are with very well-known people about their relationship with their moms. i love how deep it goes. bono, who is a dear friend of yours and you know well. so eara formative time in our lives is a heartbreak. his story was incredible. i knew some of it as a friend, but having kelly b >> his mom passed when he was only 13 years old and quite suddenly. all of us that still have a mom in our lives, i think the idea of losing her so early at such a formative time in our lives is a heartbreak. his story was incredible. i knew some of it as a friend, but having kelly be able to interview him and ask the questions i might never ask, it was beautiful to see him share in that way. >> and it was cool. spike lee's mom was also -- died when he was a sophomore at morhouse. two of our five guests had lost their mothers. that opens up a different thread in the conversation. then we had amy schumer, whose
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relationship with her mother has been challenging, but she's grown a lot through therapy. >> she talked about it, too, and opened up about how complex that relationship is. >> so generous, i thought. >> and how our relationships change as we become mothers ourselves going through the process of parenting. it is like what you need out of your remember and what you remember your mother taught you out of her mothering, it takes you on this beautiful journey. >> i was reading about it because a couple guests noted and liked their moms are practical, which made me laugh because i'm like, you know, that's something we appreciate now. but you know my kids sitting at home are like, i'm so glad mom is practical. but it is really cute that people -- that's what they remember.
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>> totally. i went to war with my mother over a pair of guess jeans as a 16-year-old. >> oh, yeah, me too. i'm not paying $80. >> $52 is what i remember. now i look back and i think she's so impressive the way she could hold the line and the way she insisted on teaching us money sense. we also had cindy crawford whose mom was 17 when she started having children, four children, and her youngest died when she was 3 of childhood leukemia. >> she grew up with a mom who was being a mom but also a mom living with grief. >> she had to make sure her kids were fed and go to school and all the things mom do regardless of how she managed that loss. >> you are so close to being an empty nester. ben is at college. grace is almost gone.
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>> she's leaving high school going to college across the country. >> i know! so what are you going to do? >> probably work more. >> make more podcasts. >> or i just have to say, and you are so funny because i have known you a long time. yes, you are this incredible fashion legend. it is like her least favorite thing about herself. she doesn't want to talk about it, but i do. and you are on the cover of "harper's bizarre". >> the age issue. >> listen, bring it on. you look absolutely beautiful. is it fun to do that still, to dip in? >> a day here and there i can tolerate. i worked for the magazine for a it is kind of fun to go back at 55 and throw on a fancy outfit and a body suit. >> i saw that. >> yeah. >> the interesting thing is when we were in tanzania what i kept observing is you are a total expert in the field. the way people looked at you is at a level of expert to expert. that's where i felt like people should know this. people should know this is your 24/7 job. >> and it has been for a long time. that's where your heart is. >> exactly. >> but we can still marvel at your beauty from time to time. such an interesting podcast. great conversations and they're really going deep. i think that's what's really special about it.
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thank you. i like this duo. the first episode of the podcast is available today, and then a new one will premier every day until mother's day. sheinelle, over to you. >> i love it. all right. up next, we're hitting the road with our friend jill with a special travel edition of "sals and deals." tebu
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jill's "steals and deals" is sponsored by wells fargo credit cards. credit cards made for the way you live. that's real life ready. >> welcome back. this morning on "steals and deals," we are gearing up for the summer travel season with great items to help you stay organized on the go. joining us is jill martin brooks. and be sure to scan our qr code if you want to shop along right with us this morning. good morning to you. >> nothing i want to talk about
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more. >> going on a trip. shopping. >> i'm summer ready, so i will get you summer ready. i just want to call out wells fargo credit cardholders get special 24-hour early access to a lot of these are already popular. let's start with nicole miller wireless ear buds. you know the quality and fashion. let's talk about the functionality of it. $59.99. the deal price $19. that's 68% off. why i like this, i lose ear buds all the time. >> tell me about it. >> to pay expensive prices and then lose them, i'm like, ugh! this is great $19. fun patterns. >> and they're compatible with? >> compatible with apple and android. and you can the tap feature to skip tracks and to take calls. it makes them very easy to use. again, the deal price, $19, 68% off.
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a nicole miller brand. >> isn't that cute! lemonade. >> okay. the charging station is a three-in-one charger. the deal price is $35. that's 77% off. it is time to eliminate cords. we're constantly doing this. i love to cleanse and declutter. look at this one right here. it charges three items at once.. it's phones, ear buds, wash. it's compatible with the usb-c. you don't have to put additional cords on it. you leave it like this. >> just charge the whole thing once. >> together, altogether. so you don't have cords all over the place. obviously great for travel. the deal price is $35. that's 77% off. >> that's a triumph, as you say. >> also a triumph, packing cubes. >> we believe it them now. >> if you have not tried them, this is a trust me. it is a great way to travel. it has you pair down but also pack in style. this is the six-piece packing cube set.
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the deal price is $29. 64% off. a lot of packing cubes out there. here is the video of why they are great. all of that fits in here. what you called out is an important feature to this. >> the mesh on the top? >> yes. >> i like this to see what i have been putting in. if you are not a believer yet, when you are packing, it makes everything so much more organized so when you get to where you are going and it opens things up, there is a system to it. >> and each person from the family can pick a different color. >> yes, yes. >> these are amazing. the retail, $88 to $298. this is the one i use for all my toiletries. i love this. there is organization on the side. it's lined. they are huge bags. this is an amazing brand, an amazing fabrication. you can wipe it off. they have huge ones. >> look at this one. >> just so great for travel. stay organized. they have every iteration, cross body. $35 to $119. >> it's a win. >> love this.
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>> next up, this is a great gift for travel and also a great father's day gift as well. retail $50 to $125. up to 60% off and free shipping. look at the notebooks. it comes in a beautiful box. it's actually handcrafted american leather. the wallets have rfid protection in it. i love that you can monogram up to three initials, a in it. i love that you can monogram up to three initials, and it is included in the price. free shipping, up to 65% off. it comes in the box with a bow. fabulous. last up, the upf 50 towel wrap. it has sun block in it so you can protect yourself if you are laying on the beach. deal price $19, that's 50% off. it is 56 by 33, so it's big. this is great. it is an essential sun towel to protect you during the warmer season. and it is also sand resistance. when i say that, when the sand
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gets on it, it sort of comes off of it. so this is great. >> i have never used one of these. >> you can do it as a serang. >> i'm like what else. >> we have the nicole miller wireless ear buds. the charging station, the six-piece packing cube set, the leather accessories and the salt and ray's upf 50 towel/wrap. and i wish you beautiful adventures this summer. we all deserve it. >> you are fabulous and you bring us fabulous things, just so you know. >> i appreciate that. >> again, for these deals scan to the qr code or head to and it is not too late to grab our shop today staycation box, too. we should mention "today" makes a commission for purchases made through our links. oh, craig? >> now that you have shopped, let's eat, folks. just ahead, our chef is cooking
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up a mediterranean twist on
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back now at 8:51 with "today food." and may is jewish-american heritage month. with a celebratory feast. the executive chef this morning we will honor jewish culture with a celebratory feast. the executive chef at mesibots. it's a tel aviv-inspired restaurant in brooklyn. i found this out this morning. it means party in hebrew. it is all about bringing people together. thanks for being here. >> good morning. >> thank you for being here this morning. first of all, the name, how did you land on that for the restaurant? >> so, as you mentioned, we wanted to create an environment that feels like party. people coming, drinking, sharing everything. that's how we came with the name.
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>> i know the past almost year now it's been especially difficult for people of jewish faith. how has this restaurant helped -- helped heal, if you will? >> yes, it was a difficult heal. but our role in all this situation was to bring the community together. >> good. >> to have them thinking just about the food and enjoy and keep moving. >> let's do it. let's do it. let's cook. let's eat. this rib-eye looks fantastic. how do we create that? >> we start by searing it. season it with a lot of salt and black pepper. >> that's a lot of salt and black pepper. does it matter what kind? >> i prefer to use always kosher salt. >> of course. >> i like the texture of it. >> yes, yes, yes. >> great question. >> yes.
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always kosher. >> always kosher. that's what we use in my house, too, always kosher. >> i don't want to make mistake. >> of course. >> we always starting with the fat side. we want to sear the steak. we don't want to add any other oil. >> that is a pro tip. >> yes. sear on both sides and put it in the oven for another -- depending on the thickness of the steak, for another 7 minutes. >> okay. >> i like my rib-eye to be medium. i know a lot of people say, rib-eye medium, but i like it like that. >> chef, how far ahead do you salt it and let it sit? >> i want to salt it right before i'm putting it on the pan. i don't want to have the blood coming out from the steak. i want to keep it in. >> roughly how long on each side in terms of the grill? >> about four to five minutes. >> okay. and then you let it rest. >> we let it rest. we want to keep the blood in.
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we want our steak to be tender and nice, and that's why we're looking at that. >> all right. i want to make sure we get to these potatoes here, scalloped potatoes. >> we're slicing it. do you want to slice it? >> no. we'll pretend we sliced it. i want to get to these potatoes, which are beautiful. >> today we will have our steak with salad and potato gratin. slice it thinly. >> be careful. >> my tip on this one would be do it always with gloves on you to prevent you from cutting. so we're slicing it very thin. we start to layer it with clarified butter. >> why clarified butter? >> the smoke point is more high, and we don't want to have bone flavors on it, and we don't want the meal to get burned. we're putting it in layers, baking it in the oven and that's
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what we're getting. >> when you bake it, chef, you use something. >> we want the potatoes to be together and be one piece as you see here. >> that is beautiful. that is beautiful. >> that's why we're using the press on it.oil. we have this potatoes. we will take them, put them on the oil, fry okay. so we have hot oil. we have this potatoes. we will take them, put them on the oil, fry it from both sides. >> beautiful. chef, well done. >> this is one of the best. this is delicious. >> delicious. what is this? this is an eggplant. >> this is our version of baba ghanoush. i'm from israel. when i came here, i was trying all the versions the city has to offer. i said, i must do my own. >> chef, thank you. don't forget, you can save your favorite recipes. sign up using the qr code or we are back with the 3rd a
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good morning. it's 856. i'm kris kimura. new fallout in the racist text scandal. shaking up antioch police for murder suspects who pleaded guilty to manslaughter might get reduced sentences when they appear in court. that deal, after the court learned the defendants were included in racist text messages that officers exchanged. the judge then ruled the officers violated the state's racial justice act. the defendants might have faced life sentences well. now, experts predict 14 to 20 years. happening now. two defendants are expected to be sentenced today. the other two on friday. our tom jensen is at the courthouse. he'll have a live report inur midday newscast. o
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," harry's homecoming. the prince back in london, but not seeing his father, king charles. his special mission and why there will be no royal reunion. plus, in "she made it," talk about glow-u


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