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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 9, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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relief now. right now, at six. all eyes on your power, bill. it might shoot even higher today. a key vote will propel the price you pay as you're just trying to make it in the bay. plus, is bart nearing the end of the line, stunning new numbers foreshadowing a deep financial crisis for the already
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struggling transit agency. and it's already feeling a lot like summer. meteorologist kari hall is tracking just how much warmer heading into the weekend. spoiler alert 91 in fairfield this is today in the bay good morning. we are shaking up the wake up i'm chris camera sitting in and i'm ginger conejero saab joining kris camera and kerry and mike here at the desk. we're filling in for marcus who's off and laura who's in our newsroom. she is still recovering from laryngitis, as we have have seen this week. she'll join us in a bit with the story she's working on. but her voice is getting better. it's getting is getting better. progress, progress progress, right? yeah, baby steps. but you were saying a spoiler alert there. kris 91, in fairfield. how hot is it already out there? it's starting out warm in parts of the bay area where we're seeing some gusty winds. there's still a wind advisory in effect for sonoma, napa and solano counties until 8:00. and then once that expires, temperatures will be
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heating up as the wind calms down. some of our highs near 90 degrees for the inland areas, the coast and the bays will see temperatures in the low 80s. and if you're making mother's day weekend plans, it's going to be mild for the inland areas. and some cooling for the coastline. let's get a live look at walnut creek this morning as you're heading out. will be in the low 60s at 8:00 and headed for the low to mid 80s for this afternoon. we'll get a look at all of our microclimates coming up. but mike, you were warning about east bay commuters. that's right. folks have to watch this castro valley. why? if this is part of your commute, it's a bad part of your commute. westbound 580 jams up, and then it is your alternate, actually to northbound 238. because this big rig blocks two lanes, it continues to be an issue. chp said it was going to take a while. it's been a while and there's still doesn't sound like they're going to move this rig. so we have big rigs allowed on westbound 580. that changes the volume and the traffic flow a bit. now, fortunately, aside from that slight stretch of 580 and north 238, we haven't seen a ripple back in toward the tri
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valley. 680 walnut creek. everything's fine as your alternate to 24 and the caldecott toward the bay bridge, where the backup is there. the rest of the bay is operating normally. back to you. thanks a lot, mike. well, we've been talking about hotter temperatures today, possibly turning up that ac, but many of us are already dealing with skyrocketing power bills. now a key vote is set to happen today, impacting what you are paying today in the bay's bob redell joins us live from the east bay. and bob, some of us could see our bills go up, while some may catch a break. right. some could see them go down. so what's going to happen ginger good morning to you. later today, the cpuc, the california public utilities commission, will vote on a proposal that could save people who, let's say, charge their electric vehicles at home or who are low income, save money on how much they pay per month to pg and e, while, as you mentioned, some could see their bills go up under the plan, that is, if this is approved, it is aimed at reducing or reducing
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costs for people impacted by extreme weather, like heat waves and those who charge their electrical vehicles at home. the proposal has two parts. it would lower the usage rate by 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour, with rates dropping nearly 10% during peak hours. under the flat rate, customers would pay about $24 a month, with discounts of up to $12 for those with lower incomes . here in the east bay, the richmond city council has voted to ask the state to replace pg and e, which has doubled its rate since 2019 with golden state energy. that's a nonprofit utility, the council says pg and e is, quote, unsafe, unaffordable and unreliable. pg and e responded with a statement that reads in part, quote, this type of ownership framework would not benefit customers. taxpayers and local communities, the state or california's economy. mark tony, he's the executive director of turn or the utility reform network, says a statewide switch away from pg
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and e could take many years and cost billions of dollars. he would like to see some state lawmakers step up. instead, we need to hold shareholders responsible for paying 50% of all cost overruns instead of ratepayers paying 100% to put limits on pg and e spending ratepayer money for television commercials for self promotion. tony would also like to see a cap on rate increases. now keep in mind san francisco attempted to cut ties with pg and e back in 2019 and offered a pg ea2 to $2 billion buyout. the utility turned down that offer. reporting live here in the east bay. bob redell today in the bay. thank you bob i'm sure many people will be watching for that . ginger happening today. president joe biden and first lady jill biden will be visiting the bay area. mr. biden is set
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to land in the bay area tonight for fundraising events in portola valley and palo alto through tomorrow. meanwhile the first lady will touch down at sfo. she's going to speak tonight in marin county. ahead, in our next half hour, kris sanchez will have a live report on criticism the biden administration is facing at college campuses around the country ahead of his west coast trip, the president is vowing that the u.s. will stop sending weapons to israel if prime minister benjamin netanyahu moves ahead with a planned ground offensive in rafah, it's estimated more than 1 million people are currently sheltering there today in the bay's brie jackson is live in washington. brie how major a move would this be amid this ongoing war? good morning chris. so the potential move would mark a shift in u.s. policy toward the war. although president biden said the u.s. will continue to make sure israel is secure in its ability to respond to attacks. as israel's military prepares to launch an expected ground
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offensive in rafah, president biden is drawing a red line. if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem, an israeli official says. there is deep frustration in the government over the president's decision. it's drawing mixed reaction on capitol hill. i continue to express my concern to the administration that the delay of shipment of weapons to israel is just another way of trying to tell an ally how to conduct the war. this is obviously an extremely challenging situation. i believe that israel and america have an ironclad relationship, and i have faith in what the biden administration is doing. the biden administration continues to press for a cease fire and for hostages to be released. prime minister netanyahu has said
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israeli forces would enter rafah with or without a deal with hamas. the people have all the power back here in the u.s. pro-palestinian protesters are standing firm despite police clearing their encampment. i stand here today to reiterate the student movement will not rest. no matter what we are faced with until total divestment from the genocide and until the liberation of the palestinian people. with more than a million palestinians sheltering in rafah, a major attack there could be devastating. and the white house has already halted a shipment of weapons last week because of concerns that they would be used in rafah, a senior administration official said. that shipment included heavy bombs. back to you, chris brie jackson live in washington, brie. thanks. new reports suggest bart's budget may soon be headed off the rails and happening today. bart directors are scheduled to debate the agency's fiscal future, according to the chronicle, bart expects to face a deficit once
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current pandemic related assistance runs out in 2026. now, by 2027, barring a change, the deficit may be approaching $400 million the agency is pinning its hopes on voters approving a new tax measure in 2026. kris well, overnight, another round of severe weather hitting several states. we are seeing damage from the south to the plains. at least three people died. meteorologist kari hall is joining us now. you've been watching the video coming in. carrie, what are you seeing? yeah we saw that there were some tornadoes that touched down in alabama and this video that we're seeing here, and they're cleaning up this morning. this is video from athens, alabama and the huntsville area. we can see the tornado that moved through last night. and there were multiple tornado warnings issued in alabama. and the last 24 hours. and then we also have video of a storm that left a path of destruction in this new video, a car crushed by a tree. and that was just one example of the all the damage that we're
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seeing. utility crews are working to restore the services to the thousands of people who lost power in those areas, and officials are warning residents to take necessary precautions when planning to drive or walk through those affected areas. and then over in oklahoma, there were days of relentless severe weather. it's taking its toll. this tornado swept across miami, a small city in the northeastern corner of oklahoma, and you can see the funnel cloud there as someone actually actually captured that on video. and then i guess it touched down because then we saw multiple homes and toppled trees, and there's no word on any injuries there. so most likely as we get daylight, we'll find out more information. and in tennessee, there was at least one person killed there. the tornado touched down near nashville and in maury county. there were at least four people in the hospital due to that weather and the cleanup is underway as many people are using chainsaws to cut down those trees that came down. and
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there were several homes and businesses that were also destroyed. here's a look at the current storms that are moving through the south. and we see the outline of these areas of this tornado watch from mississippi to alabama to georgia. this will be the areas we'll be watching today as all of this severe weather continues to push off towards the south and east. now here at home, we are seeing some clear, quiet conditions. and we're also seeing the storm track well to the north of us all blocked by high pressure. that's going to heat up our temperatures today, but also give us some gusty winds. we do still have a wind advisory in effect for these areas shaded in brown and parts of the north bay, we could see some gusts up to 45mph. but i do expect as we go throughout the morning into the afternoon, the wind will be calming down and temperatures will be heating up. we'll talk about where we may see some low 90s in our forecast coming up. mike is hopefully looking at much lower numbers there. well, you know, prices are coming down around the state a little bit enough to knock
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some of our prices off of that top ten list. we're checking contra costa county though. concord's best is for 75 valero on willow street. willow pass road i'm sorry, the top of the list here. san jose's lowest is for 79 at arco. the one on north capitol avenue is what we're talking about. and in the north bay in fairfield, same price for 79 at bond fair on walters road. thank you for sharing those prices and the changes. is our source. today. we're looking at the roadways where our source would be the speed sensors mostly green but not green here in the east bay where we're looking at north 238 we still have that crash. one detail i just learned this backup continues off of five 8580 is allowed for big rigs. a big rig is reportedly blocking two lanes with this crash. but it's just the cab, not the big trailer. so they have less to clear, but they still have to clear it. guys, back to you. all right, mike, thanks very much for watching it. well, a marathon winner suddenly disqualified. and it was all because of his dad. ahead on the today on the bay,
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the seemingly simple slip up involving both father and son that sent things sideways. plus, our airline credit cards like this one. i got out of chris's wallet. worth it. we'll take a look. coming up. let's go out to the future and see what's happening on wall street. we've had six wins in a row. looks like a mixed day today. go ahead, use it. go for it, go for it. my wife's anyway, later at 625. a creepy crawly warning before you head on vacation this summer. bedbugs. sorry to talk about it so early. they're traveling to. we're going to help. one east bay family get their money back for a detour trip. we're going to help you spot them and get rid of them. do they have credit cards? probably everybody has them. anybody can g an airline credetit
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six straight days of wins on the broader markets. the bank of england. their version of our fed just announced it will keep interest rates steady for now, but that an interest rate cut was coming as inflation comes under control. you recall last friday we got a weak jobs report which we wanted, another sign the economy is slowing, at least from an interest rate perspective. that's good news. just into our newsroom, tiktok says it will automatically label content created by ai like dahle or midjourney. a number of companies are working together to add metadata to ai content, so it's easily recognizable. shares in tesla continue to fall after reuters reported the u.s.
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government was investigating the company from a new angle wire fraud. it all started with an investigation. we already knew about accusations that tesla claimed its cars could drive themselves auto pilot. tesla has since backed away from those claims, calling it supervised self-driving. but tesla has not responded to any of the report, which nbc, by the way, is not confirmed. but reuters says the us prosecutors are examining whether tesla misled both customers and investors about fsd. meantime, elon musk this week tweeted the latest version of self-driving will blow your mind. now, he said that before a lot of times before he said it in 2018, he said it in 2021 with version 9.0. he said it again with version ten. blow your mind. the department of transportation and consumer financial protection bureau will hold a hearing today. meantime, over airline frequent flier programs, particularly over
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their points in credit cards. a lot of americans have airline credit cards that let a friend fly free or earn points on discounts for tickets. the government's concern that between the hundreds of dollars in annual fees and the extremely high interest rates on those cards, you're not getting much, if anything, for free. they'll talk about it coming up on the today show, do the cfpb and the dot see credit cards and airline reward programs as a good deal for consumers? well, not always. we see that for many of these airline rewards programs, credit card companies are charging huge interest rates, sometimes 30% or more. and many consumers actually bailey lose out on these deals. they may be paying way more than the value of the awards that they accrue. now it's chris chmura will constantly remind you if you're not paying off your credit card every month, then none of the benefits on a credit card are worth it. and the other part of
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it, which my wife coined this phrase, she says frequent flier miles. she's part of the club too, right? she says they are not like fine wine. they do not age well. they expire. you use them or you literally lose them. they get worthless over time. you got to use them. but if you play the game right, it's actually and you're really good at it, you try. yeah you got to know the rules and you got to watch kris stories to make sure that you're hitting those boxes. ideally. thank you for the promotion. i appreciate that. yeah. thanks, scott. you bet. appreciate it. all right. well, listen to this. a surprise ending for a man who won a weekend marathon down in southern california. he suddenly had his win taken away. orange county marathon race officials disqualified esteban prado for receiving water from his dad, while his dad stood along the marathon route. now receiving water from a spectator, no matter who it is, violates the rules requiring water to be received only from official hydration stations. he says he spent months training, but
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because he's still new to running marathons, he didn't realize he did anything wrong because i was first place, a lot of the volunteers were just like , scrambling, like, oh, there's first place. and i mean, by the time i got there, like, they were barely like grabbing the water. so a lot of the time, the water stations, i mean, they really had nothing for me. he also says he still believes he won the race and that's something they can never take away from him. the second place runner was then declared the winner. that's the right attitude. yeah, he won it in his mind. here we go. all right. so we're going to need plenty of hydration this weekend, aren't we? yeah. we don't even have to be running because you got you got you got you got hot air. it feels like a given out there wind and heat at the same time. yeah. it feels like the hairdryer. right. step out the shower, go outside. you can just let mother nature dry your hair out today. it's still pretty windy in some spots, and that's keeping those temperatures up a little bit higher. but the wind advisory is expected to expire
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at 8:00 this morning for parts of the north bay from napa, sonoma and solano counties. and then for today into tomorrow, our valley highs will hit the low 90s and we'll see some 80s for the coast and the bay. if you're making mother's day weekend plans, it's going to be a little bit milder for the inland area as well. the coastline will catch a bit of a break from the warmer temperatures. taking a live look outside and the sun shining through the spider web on the camera lens. there in san jose, our friend techie the spider has been busy overnight looking at our temperatures. we're in the mid 50s, the start and look at the warming trend. it heats up pretty fast here. we're already at 74 degrees at 11:00 and 80 degrees at 1:00. today. we'll continue to heat up until we reach 87 for this afternoon. also 87 in martinez, 85 in napa and in santa rosa, 88 degrees, even san francisco up to 81 for today. and as we look at tomorrow, it does get slightly cooler for the coastline, while still pretty hot for the inland valleys. up to 91 in fairfield.
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and a look at our 7-day forecast shows more heat on saturday. a little bit better on mother's day for the afternoon, and we continue with the warmer than normal temperatures through at least the middle of next week. while san francisco will have this one day with highs in the low 80s. but then we'll bring it back to the 60s by sunday. and, mike, you've been tracking several issues out there for the commute. yeah, but one the big one that continues is over in the east bay. everything else pops up and then clears pretty quickly. we're looking at north 238 still have that big rig cab smashed into the side of the roadway. and so we have two lanes blocked. and that is a big problem for folks coming through castro valley off the dublin grade. but your alternate is 580 westbound instead of northbound 880. the nimitz will be lighter through oakland because folks have to take this, including the big rigs. they have been allowed by chp. fortunately, it looks like lighter traffic throughout contra costa county and alameda county, so it's not a major problem as far as our travel times go. so 580 and 880 are fine. just the connector from
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582 eight 8238. avoid that in the northbound direction. back to you. traffic's bugging mike and this is bugging me. bedbugs and east bay family learned a hard lesson on vacation ahead this morning. we're going to help them get their money back from a detour trip, and we're going to help you avoid this six legged nuisance. sorry for all the scratching, but first a reminder, giants fans, nbc bay area is the place to be tomorrow. that's when the team starts a three game series hosting the cincinnati reds. our coverage begins at 7 p.m. here on nbc. bay area
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took a gross turn when they found bedbugs and they asked our team for help getting their money back. this was on the very first night of their vacation. nathan gaither's family discovered that bedbugs had infested their vacation rental, and all it took was pulling back the covers and looking just at the line of the mattress, and they were kind of all over the place. they did not stay there. the gaither's left and booked a nearby hotel that put him back another 1200 bucks or more, and they were getting nowhere, getting reimbursed. so they contacted us and we helped them get their money back. we learned a lot checking out the gaither's case, and you can too. you can watch our full story online right now on our website,
6:27 am slash response. in it, a bug expert explains why the bed bug population is growing. he shares a list of the top 50 cities in the u.s. where exterminators are finding bedbugs. spoiler alert new york is number one, and we're going to lay out easy ways that you can find and kill these pests so they don't hitchhike into your home after. your next trip. yeah, and that's the problem. they hitchhike. thanks a lot, chris. well, we've got a lot more ahead at 630, including an embattled east bay school superintendent who learns her fate. this all stems from an nbc bay area investigation on bullying claims made by employees. we're going to tell you the decision made after a heated school board meeting. i'm kris sanchez on the stanford campus, where the pro-palestinian protest continues just miles away from where president biden and the first lady will attend a fundraiser. what some of the students have to say about that, and an instance of hate speech
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today in a matter of hours. how bay area campuses are reacting to the visit with middle east tensions on the rise. plus, oakland airport on the verge of changing its name. even with san francisco threatening legal action. we'll tell you about the
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last ditch effort now underway to stop the change and summer-like heat in the spring. the bay area is in for multiple days of hot weather. we'll tell you all about it. this is today in the bay and a hot morning. and today in the bay. it is. good morning. i'm ginger conejero. hi, ginger. i'm chris kamara. we're filling in while marcus takes some time off. and while laura is still on assignment resting her voice. but it is getting better. that's right. and hopefully the weather you know any any allergies that are in the air will also help laura kind of recover her voice. but the weather at least is a bright spot. yeah, it's going to be at least feeling nice and comfortable for the morning hours, but it is going to warm up quickly as we go throughout the day. all clear and sunny as we take a look at our four cameras and our microclimates. and we're right now at 63, in san rafael and in oakland, 64 in san francisco. this will be the best time to get outside and get in some of the more active
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things you have to do in saratoga. we're going from 60 degrees to 75 at lunchtime and into the low 80s for the afternoon. we'll see upper 80s for the south bay and up to 88 in concord, as well as santa rosa. even san francisco today will hit the low 80s. we'll be tracking that as well as a slight cool down for the weekend. back to you, carrie. thanks. just into our newsroom, the power is out for around 5500 pg and e customers in oakland. this is a look at the live outage map. it is not yet clear what's causing the outage. we have reached out to pg and e to get an update on when power will be restored. today president joe biden and first lady jill biden will be in the bay area to attend several fundraisers. one of them will happen just miles from the pro-palestinian encampment on the stanford campus. well, today in the bay's kris sanchez joins us now from stanford and kris, a university president at another university, is also decrying hate speech directed at palestinian students . right. so that did not happen
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here on the stanford campus. here, the tent encampment remains largely peaceful on campus, though we do know that they are frustrated at the lack of attention from the president as he and the first lady make their way to the bay area. we know that they are going to be here in the bay area just a couple of miles from here, attending a fund raisers both in portola valley and in palo alto. today and tomorrow. they will arrive later at moffett field. now, first lady jill biden will also speak in san francisco. and while the president continues to call for a cease fire in the middle east, this administration, his administration did stop a shipment of 2,000 pound bombs to pressure israel to stay out of rafah. we talked with one stanford protester who says, this is not enough. i think, quite frankly, that it's immensely disrespectful that in a in that in an election year, he is coming not to our campus
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to meet the popular body of his constituents, macy, but rather going to a private donor event three blocks off of stanford. now on the cal state east bay campus, this sculpture was defaced with hate speech toward palestine. the writing was scrawled in chalk, so it was readily removed. in a statement, the cal state east bay president said hate speech has no place on any campus, but especially here at cal state east bay, where our diversity is our strength. this incident personally makes me angry and frustrated to our muslim and palestinian students and colleagues. please know we stand committed against hate. now, something to note. cal state east bay will host the first of five graduations. we know that some of the commencement ceremonies on campuses across the country have been canceled because of protests like these, but the first of the five at cal state east bay will go forward at 5:00 tonight at stanford. kris sanchez today in the bay. chris,
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thanks very much. happening today. what is expected to be a final vote to change the name of oakland airport. but will the battle be over or is it just taking off now among those objecting the most, sfo and san francisco leaders calling this a trademark battle. our regular today in the bay anchor, laura garcia, is in our newsroom this morning. she's still healing from that laryngitis, but laura has the details on this. what are the chances, laura, that this is going to end up in court? you know, ginger, there is a very good chance that this plan has quickly snowballed. it is just snowballed into a legal fight, really. it started last month when port commissioners approved the plan to rename the oakland international airport the san francisco bay, oakland international airport. even before the vote, san francisco city attorney david chu threatened to sue. he followed through on the lawsuit once the vote took place, citing an infringement on sfsu's trademark. now, yesterday, he gave port commissioners a final
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warning requesting the city's work together to try to come up with an alternative to avoid the looming legal battle. oakland leaders say the name change is critical. they say flights are actually being lost with travelers from elsewhere not realizing oakland and its proximity to san francisco port commissioners last month gave their initial approval to the plan, and today will mark that final vote. oakland airport leaders also argue the new name would not be a trademark infringement. that's because it's an actual geographical description of the airport's location. san francisco is certainly not alone in its opposition. san mateo county leaders also approved a resolution against the idea as well. a public meeting is planned for this afternoon. of course, we will continue to follow kris. the voice is starting to sound better. laura a little by little. thanks very much. a follow up this morning, an embattled east bay school superintendent will keep her job after a late night vote in her
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favor, narrowly. what do we want? when do we want it? now. a heated meeting last night. antioch school members school board members voted three two against removing superintendent stephanie anello. this is the latest twist in a saga first brought to light by nbc bay area's investigative unit. current and former school workers claim district maintenance director kenneth turnage bullied and harassed them, and at one point moved an employee's desk to a rooftop right there on your screen as some form of punishment. he is now on administrative leave, but workers also cite what they call his cozy relationship with the superintendent and her husband. antioch's former police chief. the board president explains his reason for voting to remove anello. one board trustee explains why he still supports her. i think our board needs to understand that the community is angry, that we need to rebuild trust, that this district is not moving the right direction. she's helped me become a better board member and also as a
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teacher, and she was the principal way back when i first met her. she, i think is a professional. one board member confirms turnage was only placed on administrative leave three days after our initial report. anello did not attend last night's meeting, neither she nor the district responded to our requests for comment. to watch our investigative unit stories, head to the special section on our website let's take a live look outside at san jose. i believe there's a 100% chance of warm weather, and a also 100% chance of antihistamine use over here at the anchor desk. how about you, carrie? yeah, it's been pretty bad. i've been doubling up on the allergy medication before heading out and we'll need to do that again this weekend. it's going to be a warm one. if you're going to the giants game tomorrow evening, it will be right at about 69 degrees with a light wind, mostly sunny, really nice. great friday evening weather, staying comfortable as well with some low 60s into tomorrow evening. or if you want to, you can just watch from the comfort of your couch on tv. all
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right, we've got the hawaiian may day festival happening on saturday in downtown hayward. it will be in the low 80s for the afternoon, but nice and warm as well, giving you the hawaiian feel. now we're going to go to mill valley with the music festival, where we're going to see temperatures in the low 70s here on saturday. i do think it will be a little bit cooler on sunday. if you're looking for some cooler temperatures. and in san rafael, there will be the classic car parade downtown on saturday, and we're headed for the low 80s for the middle of the day there. mike, do you have some better news for the east bay? i do carry, but i lost my hobby. i've been tracking this crash since the 4:00 hour and now it's gone. it's been cleared north. 238 actually quickly recovered back from 580 out of castro valley. 580 no longer allowed are the big rigs. and so you're back to your normal traffic flow. traffic flows nicely and flow quickly to southbound 880. you just saw those sensors change from yellow to orange on our real time traffic sensors. more traffic heading south and toward union city. it kind of rippled out,
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but a lighter traffic flow, really. we just see the bigger change for the nimitz and across 92 toward the peninsula, for the san mateo bridge. and that's pretty predictable. we also have, predictably, have the backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. i do want to note, of course, in the north bay. just remind folks that over the weekend there will be that closure for eastbound highway 37 from sears point over to mare island. i'll show you on the maps later, and i'll also remind you again, back to you planning ahead. thanks, mike. appreciate it. all right. i does a lot. well, how about using it to protect our environment next in our climate in crisis coverage. see how one bay area company is using new tech to make recycling easier. and here's a bonus. scott and i both like this cash back in our pockets to invest in the market. maybe. i don't know exactly. plus, in politics, the us withholding weapons from israel will have the very latest from washington. plus oh my god. okay, it's happening. everybody stay calm. everybody stay calm. you want well, you heard it from
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michael scott himself. it is happening. the office is getting a reboot. the new details on the popular show getting a new twist , and the reason why there might not be any bears beats and battlestar galactica. this time around. i'll take some of that cash, too, that you guys were talking about. okay, we can share
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our bombs might be used to kill civilians. exactly right. good morning. and they no doubt already have, says the president. biden has two concerns this morning. what is real is doing now and its future plans to invade the southern gazan city of rafah. the defense department has confirmed the us is holding back on some weapons, particularly large air drop bombs. there are more than a million people in rafah, and israel's prime minister says israel will enter rafah. whether there is a ceasefire with hamas or not. now withholding weapons is a major shift in american policy. president biden spoke about it last night on cnn. now he refers to prime minister benjamin netanyahu by his nickname, bibi. i've made it clear to bibi in the war cabinet, they're not going to get our support. if in fact, they go in these population centers, we're not walking away from israel's security. we're walking away. israel's ability
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to wage war in those areas. so it's not over your red line yet? not yet, but it's we've we've held up the weapons. now, you may recall then, president trump held up weapons to ukraine and got impeached for it. but there are differences. trump, according to a phone call transcript he published, wanted to trade those weapons for an investigation into biden. biden is withholding is under the auspices of the best interest of u.s. security, which is written into the supplemental passed by congress. nonetheless, speaker johnson and minority leader mcconnell have written a letter to the white house asking for more information about the weapons and when the hold on those weapons is expected to end. speaking of johnson, he easily overcame an attempt to throw him out of office by what can only be called his archenemy, fellow republican marjorie taylor greene. her motion to vacate was struck down with both republicans and democrats teamed up to protect johnson. first time in u.s.
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history. here she is making that motion. declaring the office of speaker of the house represents to be vacant. this is the uni party for the american people watching. gentlelady will suspend in this moment. the country desperately needs a functioning congress, and that's what the overwhelming majority of the members in this body demonstrated today. donald trump's first criminal trial continues today. adult film actress stormy daniels will be back on the stand today for the defense cross examination, a reminder a judge in the case has warned trump any further contempt of court will be met with jail time. we're also watching new border restrictions that are going to come out of the white house, a crackdown on who can and cannot apply for asylum, and a faster deportation for those who do not qualify. we expect that announcement shortly. also, president biden will fly into the bay area
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tonight for fundraisers on the peninsula. our kris sanchez will have details on that. carrie, coming up throughout the day. all right. thank you, scott. now let's turn to our climate in crisis. one bay area company is using artificial intelligence to help people recycle and get money back on the spot. i'm excited about this one. so you may have seen those cubes outside of safeway's gas stations and other places. they're called olen cubes. it can take 2500 items a day, and it uses ai to identify and sort through those containers. plastic pollution, as we all know, is a huge global issue. but did you know this? less than 9% of the plastic is actually recycled in california and in the u.s. so that puts our climate at risk and our health too, because that climate, the plastic breaks down into microplastics. and that has been found in some of the things that we eat and drink. well, one of the big problems with recycling, particularly recycling of plastic containers and crv
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material, is that there's really no funding or economic model to support the collection at sortation at the front end, once it gets contaminated with other material, it becomes uneconomical to actually sort and process into new containers. so this app tells you information such as how much plastic pollution you kept out of our oceans and how you helped reduce emissions. there will be about 200 cubes around the bay area within the next year, and more popping up across the u.s. to help out where recycling is low. so check out more on this on our website. and click on the climate in crisis tab. that's crv adds up. i got to say, i just did the recycling. the other day. it was 12 bucks. hey, that's real money. yes. yeah a couple gallons of gas fees on you and happening later today. national recognition for a bay area teenager fighting big tobacco. the campaign for tobacco free kids will honor pleasanton 17 year-old conor lamb as its youth advocate of the year. his work
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first led to change on the local level, where in 2020, he organized a push to ban flavored tobacco in pleasanton and new boundaries for tobacco sales near their schools. now that ripple that made to similar changes at the state level, an effort that he also led, lamb says his passion evolved out of health issues. his grandfather suffered from smoking tobacco since childhood. it's just fascinating to see how the tobacco industry is able to use exploitative marketing to, you know, hook these younger generations. it's not just fascinating, it's disgusting as well. and i think there's another part that when he made that decision, he was very young and having it out last until his 80s. it just shows how dangerous this whole thing is. it's not it's not a game. it's not taking a hit and you're going to feel better after a test or something. it's quite literally life altering. well, lamb says he is interested in pursuing politics, and he plans to use a
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scholarship money from his award to cover his college costs. attending duke university. a bright future ahead. congratulations, connor. yeah well, joining this morning a new show. i know chris is excited about. it's making its way to peacock and it's in the same universe as the office. the office? yes. a lot of people love the fake mockumentary. i know it's getting old, but people are streaming it like crazy and reruns, it's a classic. yeah. okay, so it follows the quirky crew at dunder mifflin, that paper company in scranton, pennsylvania. take a look. lieu the okay, i'm in. eminem and eminem and eminem alive. stayin alive. yeah. so the new show is going to center around the eclectic employees of a dying midwest newspaper, and the publisher's only shot at reviving the paper's recruiting volunteer reporters. i hope that's going to be funny. well, it's not really funny for us, is it? production is expected to start in july. using the same look and feel of the office. and we should note peacock is part of nbc universal, which owns nbc bay area. the whole deal about
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michael scott being this kind of quirky, eclectic boss. it works. it worked. we love our boss here . not quite as eclectic or quirky. that was those dance moves are like yours. yeah yeah, those dance moves were real. those are my dancers. i was going to say. i don't see any problem with that. yeah, i guess the thing about the office is they have so many of those iconic lines that people use and repeat, and everybody gets it. so as long as that continues, then it will most likely be successful. exactly. and there's humor not just for that, but there's also john krasinski. he's going to be on the today show later. so we're giving you them some dose of laughter on your thursday morning, as well as what you have is not funny. not not as funny. whatever. hey, a beach weekend. that's pretty fun. too hot. yeah, it's not a good never be too hot. make the best out of it because it will be hot as we go into the next few days in the inland valleys. take a look at our live view of san francisco waking up to sunshine and it is going to be a
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toasty thursday. temperatures in the 70s and 80s, even upper 80s. and tomorrow we'll see a few spots peeking up to the low 90s. now for mother's day weekend. it's still going to be dry with some mild temperatures and we're still dealing with the gusty winds in parts of the north bay, where a wind advisory will be in effect until 8:00. i do think that the wind will continue to calm down, but we've seen those gusts up to 45mph and the forecast into the afternoon, as well as the evening, shows it coming down to about 10 to 15mph. so it does look much better, but our temperatures will be going up. and look at concord today, a high of 88 degrees 85, in hayward in oakland, even san francisco will see some low 80s today, probably for the first time in months that we've had weather this warm. so we are going to continue to see the heat into our weekend tomorrow. really not seeing much of a change except for the coastline where it will be slightly cooler, and then look at the valleys that get slightly hotter. so we're up to
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91 in fairfield tomorrow afternoon, and then on saturday, still 90. while much of the rest of the bay area will be in the mid 80s. so take a look at morgan hill. we're going to see temperatures continue to be well above what we typically see for early may all the way through the end of next week, and then we may get some relief, but we're in for a stretch of some warm weather for the next several days, including our mother's day, where we see it coming down about five degrees, but still during the middle of the day, you're going to feel that warmth, and we'll see more of that next week. san francisco catches a break a lot sooner. we'll see a high of 81 for today, but then by mother's day we'll bring it back to the 60s as that ocean breeze returns there. mike, are we seeing more of a backup at the bay bridge now? yeah, and some folks might think that's a silly question. unless they were watching for a while here where we had the big backup in castro valley, and now it's possibly coming over, we had the potential for a big build up at the bay bridge. all lanes are filled in, but it's not as bad as it could have been because the traffic is lighter
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overall. we're just now seeing some slowing through richmond and continuing out of the walnut creek area, but 24 is fine, so 580 and 880 getting toward the bay bridge backup you just saw. we're looking at a smooth drive and great recovery north. 230 almost completely clear. this is better than your typical thursday right now. back to you. thanks a lot mike. and happening now police in the east bay are looking for more victims possibly connected to a man who was arrested for sexual assault. kevin osborne of walnut creek, was arrested last tuesday and is charged with two counts of sexual assault of a child younger than ten and 13 pounds of lewd acts upon a child. the crimes happened 15 to 20 years ago. if you have any information , you are asked to contact walnut creek police. up next, a last look at stories making headlines this morning, including the possibility of a more expensive power bill, a key vote happening today, which might impact the price you pay as you're just trying tmake it ino
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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top stories today, including a visit from president biden and the first lady. well, both are making stops in the bay area, but they're arriving separately. doctor jill biden will touch down first at sfo. she'll speak tonight in marin county, while the president is set to land in the bay area later tonight, he'll be attending a fundraising event or fundraising events in portola valley, as well as palo alto. tomorrow today, the california public utilities commission will vote on a proposal which could save some people, like low income earners and electric car owners, money on their monthly pg and e bills. but under the plan, other customers could end up paying even more. the new system, if approved, is aimed at reducing costs for people impacted by extreme weather like heat waves
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and those who charge their electric cars at home. it would lower the usage rate by 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour, with rates dropping nearly 10% during peak hours. under the flat rate, customers would pay about $24 a month, with discounts of up to 12 bucks for those who are on lower incomes. also today, the final vote to change the name of oakland airport. last month, the port of oakland board of commissioners approved a plan to rename oakland international as the san francisco bay international oakland international airport. san francisco then filed a lawsuit to stop infringement on sfo's trademark. city attorney david chu sent a letter to oakland giving them a final warning, saying if the vote moves forward with the name change, san francisco will continue to take legal action. i believe the one word forecast today is hairdryer. yes absolutely. hot, windy, all of that stuff. we're in the upper 80s for today and it will be about the same tomorrow. and looking at the weekend, just a touch cooler in
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time for mother's day. i know one word traffic report. we just have many cars here. richmond bridge is looking slower. a lot of sunshine here getting across. remember north of there we have that closure over the weekend for eastbound 37. i'll nag you about it tomorrow. alisa can enjoy the view with the beautiful weather. the today show is moments away. enjoy the view. also today. now however, we are continuing today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms live at 8:00. the new threat governor gavin newsom is issuing over farmworker housing in half moon bay. and that's it. that's what's happening today in the bay. next live from new york. it's the today show. have a great thursday good thursday morning. even more americans are waking up to storm damage. >> the threat of more severe weather now expanding. good morning, it's may 9th. this is "today."


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