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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  May 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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today is friday, may 10th, 2024. on the stand, a third week of testimony wraps up in former president trump's hush-money trial. the evidence jurors saw today and the major witness that is slated to take the stand next week. outrage over the deadly florida deputy shooting of an air force airman in his own apartment. what is revealed about why the sheriff's office is called and how quickly the deputy began firing. isorry. apple issues a rare apology after backlash over its new ad. happy friday. we're so glad you're with us. we're going to begin this hour with what could be days of explosive testimony in the
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former president donald trump. multiple sources tell nbc news that michael cohen, trump's former attorney and fixer, will testify in the trial on monday. he's expected to be on the stand for several days. earlier today, madeline wester wrapped up her testimony. remember, she is a former aide in the trump white house. some called her the, quote unquote, gate keeper to the oval office during trump's presidency. she revealed new details about a 2017 meeting between trump and cohen where prosecutors say the two men discussed the hush money payments that were made to stormy daniels. leading us off this hour is nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard and nbc news legal analyst danny cevallos both in lower manhattan outside the courthouse. vaughn, court ended earlier than it usually does or at least has in recent days. walk us through what happened on the stand today and what you are expecting come monday. >> reporter: right. the prosecution did not call another witness because of their
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marquee witness to expect this upcoming monday. madeline was the executive assistant inside of the white house for donald trump first two and a half years. she was the gate keeper. she testified meeting between michael choen and donald trump and the pecker and donald trump in 2017. to make an account that there were phone calls placed at certain times between different individuals like michael cohen, keith davidson.
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>> danny what do you expect michael cohen will testify about? what do you think the jury will focus trying to hear from him and just walk us through what stood out to you today as an attorney physically inside of the courtroom? >> reporter: if you're the jury, for weeks now, you've been getting little bits of shrapnel hitting michael cohen from the mouths of other witnesses testifying. michael cohen has been introduced and it hasn't been flattering. when he takes the stand. what the prosecution is hoping, they introduced enough corroborating evidence in forms of people and documents so that when the defense calls michael cohen a liar, they can point to the corroborating documents, evidence, lessen the blow. that's why we see michael cohen coming near the end of the case. what we saw today, in materials of having stormy daniels
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yesterday, and michael cohen next week today was comparatively less dramatic. testimony from madeline ended up in my view being kind of a wash. good for trump. good for the prosecution both. points for each. you talk about summaries, cell phone data. yes, it can be dry. it's necessary in these heavy documents cases. >> vaughn, what should we expect next week? seems like based on what prosecutors said this trial could end soon or at least the first part.
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early on in this trial, he retoed multiple times that he would be keen to testify. he wavered on that more. it would be quite the fireworks because of what we heard over the first three weeks of testimony if he were to go on and take the stand. he would have to face a litany of questions under cross-examination. >> danny, quickly before we go, do you think trump will take the stand? >> i'm probably in the minority of thinking there's a chance. i'm just playing the odds and candid, in all likelihood he's not going to take the stand. only trump knows what goes on in the mind of trump. it will be a last-minute ultimately decision. nobody knows including trump himself. >> thank you both. we appreciate it. newly-released body camera video shows the final moments before a florida sheriff's
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deputy shot and killed a member of the air force. the family of airman roger fortson says he was home when the sheriff's county department was called when they were called about a disturbance at his apartment complex. the video showed unidentified woman directing the deputy to fortson's apartment where she says she believed the disturbance was taking place. the deputy banged on the door and announced himself before fortson answered holding a gunpointing it down. we do want to warn you, this video may be disturbing. [ knocking ] >> sheriff's office. open the door. step out. [ gunfire ] drop the gun! drop the gun! >> it's over there. >> drop the gun! >> i don't have it. >> 312 shots fired. suspect down. >> fortson later died at the hospital.
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his family insists the deputy had the wrong apartment. the sheriff's department says they were at the right place but are investigating. nbc news correspondent guad venegas is following this story for us. my apologies, guad. i thought we had a sound bite to get to. better to have you break this down for us. a lot in this video. a lot of accusations coming from the family. what more have we learned from this body camera video, and what do we not know right now? >> reporter: ellison, so the video we saw is only a partial video of the entire body cam video that was recorded, right? so we did find out a few things from the video that contradict what we initially heard from the family's attorney. from the video we now know the officer arrived and spoke to someone at the apartment complex. we can hear the conversation. there's a person that tells the officer to go to apartment 1401. we can see in the video that the officer arrives at apartment 1401. now the key thing here is that the person the officer speaks to makes reference to someone that possibly made the disturbance call. there's a lot of questions there. we can also see from the video that the officer knocked on the
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door and did identify himself as someone from the sheriff's department. and another thing is we don't see the officer cover the peephole, things that had been argued in the beginning. the family was questioning whether the officer had covered the peephole, whether he had identified himself. and there was also the question of the officer bursting through the door or if fortson had opened the door. in the video it appears that fortson opens the door before the officer opens fire. the initial press conference where the family and the attorney spoke, they shared information that came from fortson's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him when this happened. now, according to her account, she believed that the officer burst through the door. so that's something that changed a lot after we saw this video. however, there are a lot of questions as to what happened after the officer opened fire. also, there's questions to the protocol, whether the officer should have asked them to drop the gun. these are all the things that are now being asked as we have now seen this body cam video. >> all right, guad venegas in miami.
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thank you. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is remaining defiant in his intention to target rafah with or without american weapons. after president biden threatened to suspend further arms shipments if israel launched a full-scale attack of the city, netanyahu said israel would, quote, fight with our fingernails to destroy hamas. nbc news white house correspondent aaron gilchrist joins us with more from outside the white house. netanyahu speaking out about his relationship with president biden in light of their difference over full-scale invasion of rafah. have they reacted? >> reporter: ellison, the white house has not directly responded to the prime minister's comments today. but what netanyahu said really does line up with the presidents -- with what his spokespeople said in the past and the president himself said in the past. these two men have known each other a very long time and
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disagreed over the years. but the u.s. still stands by israel. what's apparent, though, is i think president biden is increasingly concerned about how israel is executing this war, in terms of the impact on civilians. president biden reiterated his support for israel's efforts to dismantle hamas. but in that cnn interview this week, he said he can't send major weaponry to israel if it would be used in a massive assault on the very area where so many civilians have been forced to hunker down at this point. now we don't know how long the pause in weapons shipments will last, but the administration has some logistical concerns, operational concerns, ellison, that israel has still not addressed in a way that the administration is satisfied with. ellison? >> aaron gilchrist at the white house. thank you. it's time for today's cnn mup minute. target is cutting back on their pride month collection and planet fitness is raising its membership fee. bertha coombs joins us now. let's start off with
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t-mobile and verizon. they're reportedly in talks to carve up u.s. cellular, one of the company's last regional wireless"wall street journal" w give both access air waves. t-mobile could close as soon as later this month. verizon's deal might not result in an agreement at all or might take longer. target is planning to cut lgbt pride month products from some of its stores next month in response to last year's backlash. bloomberg first reporting that about half of its 2000 stores will sell select items but target will offer the full line of products online. and planet fitness is hiking its price for new customers for the first time in over 25 years. starting this summer, new members will have to pay $15 a month for the classic card membership. current members will continue to
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pay $10 per month for the duration of their membership. i guess their grandfathered in. back to you. >> bertha coombs, thank you. we appreciate it. coming up, the link between chemicals in hair relaxers and cancer. what women say happened to them after using the products. you're watching "nbc news daily." ♪♪ before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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a growing number of black women are suing the makers of hair relaxers claiming they developed cancers after years of use. it comes as the fda has been working to ban some of the chemicals found in these products. nbc news anchor zinhle essamuah explains. >> reporter: what made you say i want to get a chemical hair relaxer, a straightener? >> i wanted a job. >> she wanted a job. [ laughter ]. >> i just graduated from college, going to an employee with an afro back in those days would not have cut it. >> yep. >> reporter: these five women used chemical hair straighteners for decades. >> when i started to comb my hair, i would get pieces of scalp. pieces of scalp would come out of my hair. >> your skin. >> yes, skin. >> your skin. >> reporter: the women say over time they noticed changes to their hair and health. >> if it was left on long enough, it would burn. >> you would sweat you could probably smell it.
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you could sometimes smell like you didn't know what chemical it was. >> reporter: now, some chemicals in air straightening products like formaldehyde linked to increased risk of cancer, according to multiple studies. if you all had known the risks associated with the chemicals found in hair straighteners, relaxers, would you have still used them? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> definitely no. >> reporter: at 37 years old, marty received a diagnosis that she says crushed her dreams of having a family. >> i have irregular menstruals. i was passing clots. i went to the attention of a doctor and learned my situation. that it was cancer. >> how did that feel? >> it made me feel like my womanhood was taken away. because i don't have children and i couldn't have children. so, you know, to hear that at a
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young age, knowing i have family. i come from a family tree where kids -- you bare kids. no issue of rough pregnancies or any -- not in my immediate family. so, it felt like a part of my womanhood gone. >> reporter: a study from the international journal of cancer shows chemical hair straighteners can increase the risk of hormone-related cancers in women, including breast, ovarian, uterine and endoemetrial. all of these women have had one of those cancers. of all of you here, who has had a hysterectomy? now carol, frances, marty, michelle, and nina are filing individual lawsuits against various hair relaxer manufacturers. they're all represented by beasley allen law firm, alleging they developed cancers after
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using hair straightening products. several companies being sued say the allegations have no legal or scientific merit. in 2022, the nih released a decades long study about chemical relaxers and uterine cancer. shortly after, the fda looked into a ban on formaldehyde in hair straightening products. the agency planned to propose a ban by april 30th of this year, but that deadline was missed. the u.s. is behind others. canada, china and the european union have issued bans or restrictions on the use of formaldehyde in products. on thursday the fda telling nbc news it's still working on a proposed ban, saying it continues to be a high priority, but the rule-making process takes time. adding the fda's new estimated deadline for the proposed ban is now july. >> if there's anything else in there, then they need to look at that as well. >> in the straighteners? >> yes, yes. >> yes. >> if there had been an awareness, we would have had the opportunity to make a better decision.
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and i think some of our stories may be different. >> reporter: a temporary hair style with what these women say are permanent consequences. zinhle essamuah, atlanta, georgia, nbc news. coming up, total pandemonium. they may be black, white and furry. these as cute as they are, they're not pandas. the controversy at one zoo ahead on "nbc news daily." we're also streaming free 24/7 on nbc news now. watch us wherever you stream live news now, fire tv, android, xfinity, roku, all the places. the news continues after this. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders
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dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. bart is back up and running after a major shut down for hours this morning, an equipment problem started around five this morning. it led to interruptions impacting the red and orange lines, and that affected train service between bart's richmond station and oakland's macarthur station. take a look at video from the ashby bart station in berkeley. people showed up this morning to fight closed gates with no way to get on board, and we caught up with some commuters at the macarthur station there saying they were frustrated by that situation. i got to jump on a bus now to get home, i hope this doesn't happen tomorrow. i don't know if it's just a one day thing, but yeah, it's definitely an inconvenience.
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and, they should have had shuttles for the people getting off the train to take them to their destination at least. but that wasn't the case. bart has not said what equipment caused the problem. a warm weekend is on tap, but we surely will see people flock to the beaches. sky ranger was over crissy field in san francisco yesterday, where people were enjoying the sun and not just humans. man's best friend cooling off in the water. we hope you can get outside. enjoy the sunshine. let's hear more about our weather from meteorologist kari hall. hi kari , we will have a warm day for the inland valleys. much of santa clara valley will be in the upper 80s today. a mostly sunny sky and a light wind. gilroy. today we can look for a high of 87 degrees and also upper 80s for the east bay, antioch and concord hitting 90 degrees this afternoon. this will be the peak of the temperatures here. vallejo 85. and in oakland as well as hayward. expect 83 and low 70s for half moon bay. really nice. they're warming up in redwood city to 83 degrees in san
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francisco. is going to be in the mid to upper 70s in the mission district. expect a high of about 78 degrees. we'll see temperatures in the upper 80s and low 90s for the north bay. we'll take a look at our 7-day forecast coming up in about 30 minutes. thank you carrie. president biden and first lady doctor joe biden are in the bay area right now. the president arrived last night for some fundraisers. today. he's arriving soon in portola valley to the home of venture capitalist vinod khosla. protesters are lined up along the president's route to portola valley. the president is fundraising for the general election, which is just six months away. protesters say they want the president to focus on what's happening now, but we really just want this message to get to him that the people do not support a genocide in palestine. we want him to be funding other things like schools and health care and just building our communities, but not a genocide. while the president has said that the pro-palestinian protests on college campuses have not changed, his position, it has changed a bit. the president
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this week is warning that he will cut off weapons deliveries if israel fully invades rafah. after portola valley, the president will go to the palo alto home of former google and yahoo executive marissa mayer. then he will head up to seattle. the first lady will head to southern california for more campaign events. it was a disruptive graduation for uc berkeley law students. check this out. pro-israel protesters organized this mobile billboard to go around campus, and the billboard names nine student organizations that signed a petition. and that petition bans speakers who support the state of israel from participating in campus events. the protesters are calling the act anti-semitic. the billboard will move around the campus throughout the day. meanwhile, some pro-palestinian protesters were at the commencement. they watched as guests were chanting and you could see they held posters that read hands off rafah and divest. tomorrow begins a new chapter for oakland as its new police chief, floyd mitchell, takes the reins. chief mitchell joins opd after serving
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as police chief in lubbock, texas. it will mark the end of a 15 month period without a permanent police chief. oakland mayor shane tao says even though it's been about six weeks since she made the announcement, there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes. he's working closely with interim chief allison and also assistant chief chief tony jones. we're really bringing him up to the different strategies that we are working on. but the first order, of course, when he gets in is always about bringing down crime rates. the mayor does say mitchell is coming into an improved situation. she says oakland's overall crime rates for the first part of this year are down more than 30% compared to the same time last year. it didn't end pretty for the san francisco giants. they ended an ugly road trip by getting blown out yesterday in denver. the rockies won the game 9 to 1 to avoid a sweep. the giants have now lost seven of their last ten games, but they can turn things around. back here at home
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tonight, they will start a three game series at oracle park against the cincinnati reds. and you can watch tonight's game right here on nbc bay area. that type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk.
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olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. ♪♪ bottom of the hour now. here are some o of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." take a look at this video going viral out of southern brazil. a horse rescued after being trapped on a tin roof for more than a day because of those
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devastating floods. firefighters and veterinarians had to sedate the animal, lay him on inflatable boats then float him off of that roof. the horse named carmelo is recovering now. flooding in the region has killed more than 100 people. clean-up is under way in texas after baseball-sized hail rained down in parts of the state. look at that. video from johnson city verified by nbc news shows hailstones at least five inches in diameter. more than 200,000 people lost power from these intense storms. severe weather that wreaked havoc across the southwest and southeast has moved out but there are flooding concerns for early next week olivia and liam reign supreme yet again. the name duo are america's most popular baby names for the fifth year in a row. you can see the top five for both boys and girls on the screen. noah and emma also finished second for five-straight years. the social security administration celebrates
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mother's day every year by announcing the 1,000 most popular baby names. a virginia school board has voted to restore the names of confederate leaders on two of its schools despite community pushback. the names were stripped back in 2020 amid the nationwide protests following the death of george floyd, but a conservative group protested the move saying the names are a part of the local history. nbc news correspondent rahima ellis is following the latest for us. there were hours of public comments before the vote from people both in favor of this and against it. >> they did and made their voices heard. in the end, as you pointed out, they made their voices heard. let's listen to both sides. >> i'm a black student and if the names are restored, i would have to represent a man that fought for my ancestors to be slaves. that makes me feel i'm disrespecting my ancestors and going against what my family and i believe which is that we should all be treated equally and slavery was a crucial and awful thing.
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>> this board has a moral and ethical obligation to the citizens you represent to undo the dirtiest, most underhanded political stunt in the history of county politics. >> the thing you'll remember that robert e. lee was a virginian and head of the confederacy. there are a lot of people who feel close to what he represented. >> do you think this is something that will take place in other communities where they did make a change after the death of george floyd, they could undo that? >> well, politics can happen anywhere. this is a political decision, after all, most school boards in this country, they are elected. so people often think that school boards, we don't have to vote for that. vote for the governor or senator or something like that. this is an important lesson for people to remember that every board is that is in elected position, it's worthy of you paying attention to. they usually get very low numbers voting for school board members. this may send a signal, if it matters to you, pay attention to
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it. certainly it matters to people who paid attention and the school board was changed. several members changed as a result of the election from 2020 and now we are here at 2024. different members. >> uh-huh. thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> you bet. we might be months away from the presidential election, but many people are already thinking hard about their choices at the ballot box. young latinos could be a critical group come november. we sat down with five mexican-americans preparing to cast their ballots but say they're not all that enthusiastic about the options. ♪♪ >> reporter: from campus and rest over the war in gaza, to abortion rights to immigration and the border, every major election issue is converging here in the battleground state of arizona. and one group could decide it all, young latino voters. here in the western u.s., four out of every ten new voters are young latinos.
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that makes them a hugely powerful voting block, but only if they actually turn out to vote. >> we can still keep progressing for sure. >> reporter: to take the temperature of this critical demographic in arizona, we met with young mexican-americans from across the political spectrum, some voting biden, some voting trump, others undecided. do you know at this point in time whether or not you're going to vote for? >> i would say with like the nominees i would vote democrat. >> are you excited to vote for biden. >> i'm super excited to vote in general, maybe not biden. he's boring. i want to see more excitement with representing me. >> reporter: in nearly two dozen interviews with young latinos, in three swing states, nbc news heard over and over they were uninspired by the candidates and disillusioned with the system. you find that either of the political -- the major political parties has been doing a good job of reaching people like you and persuading you of things? >> it hasn't. it's a lot of you versus me.
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it's a lot of -- it's them. they're the ones thinking like this. we're the normal ones. >> it's hard because it is a very two-party system. it's republican or democrat. and when you only have really one choice and it's the choice you don't really like, what can you do really? >> have you considered just not voting for either biden or trump? >> yeah. i have definitely considered that. and i have been heavily thinking about just not voting at all. >> have you decided? >> i haven't decided yet, no. >> reporter: this could spell trouble for biden and the democrats who have historically counted on young and latino voters. in the 2022 midterms two thirds of latinos under 30 voted for house democrats. in 2020 young voters backed biden over trump, 59 to 33%. if young latinos don't turn out for biden in large enough numbers in enough swing states, that alone could swing the race to trump. i'm part of the --
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>> reporter: trump like biden has a popularity problem, even with young conservatives, even with a first-time voter whose immigrant mother raised him in both mexico and the u.s. are you excited to vote? >> i mean, not so much excited. it really is what it is because we haven't had the best candidates in a good while. trump has been in court right now because of his cases. if it was my pick between a bad candidate and a worse candidate. you have to go for the one that's least worse. >> you think trump is the less worse of the two options? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: beyond november, young people's dissatisfaction with the system is something that both parties and america at large will have to reckon with. apple is apologizing today after sparking an uproar with this advertisement for its brand new ipads. it shows a hydrolic press crushing various pieces of technology to illustrate all of the different things you can do with their tablets. nbc news business and data
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correspondent brian cheung joins me with more. the internet is on fire. what's at the heart of the uproar? >> there was an emoji that got squished. the theme of the ad is that you can squeeze all these different types of art and things and activities into one small, slim ipad pro. but the problem is that the artists that were watching this ad interpreted as, well, this is big tech trying to destroy, literally exploding which did happen in this ad all of these industries. now, again, apple at first released this ad in conjunction with the announcement of the ipad pro. tim cook seeming excited about it. then you have apple issues a statement to ad-age, quote, we missed the mark with this video and we're sorry. they told ad age they would be pulling the ad from tv airings. this is a big u-turn for a company that has a storied history with advertising. the hammer through the screen. this is a very unusual u-turn for apple.
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>> very odd to hear them apologize, too, right? is this a first? >> it's very odd. people were all other the fence. some people that just love the hydrolic press videos. maybe that's what this is all about. >> i find them soothing. never put it in a commercial. lesson learned. >> yeah. maybe that's a good idea. >> thank you, brian cheung. it is mother's day weekend. and so many moms have two full time jobs, right? being a parent and also working. a new list is ranking the top companies for parents. cnbc's brandon gomez joins me now. so brandon, give us the dirty details. who made the top five? and what was it that led them to the top? >> you said it, it's like two full-time jobs when you're a working parent. people are looking for companies that will give them the right benefits. we worked with our partners at just capital. on the list you have goldman sachs, american express, you have more retail names like deckers outdoors they own uggs and as well as the hoka running shoes.
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software company splunk as well. what are they providing? what does it mean to provide for parents who are working? they all provides at least 20 weeks of paternal or maternal leave for both parents. primary and secondary care is how they word it. they also offer subsidized care for parents who need more financial support in order to find those resources. so these are all things parents are asking for and these companies are providing it. >> okay. let's talk a little bit about pay because gender inequality is still a problem in the work force. not going to be anything new to particularly any women out there. but on average, women earn 84 cents for every dollar a man makes according to stats from the department of labor. what are companies doing to bridge that gap? >> even less when you look at women of color as well, right? companies what they're doing, the keyword, transparency and disclosure. companies are looking inward. conducting pay gap analysis internally to see where the pay gap kbiss between men and women at the company. they do it by gender, by race as
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well. they want to disclose the results that come out of those surveys. unfortunately the companies disclosing are closer to reaching pay parody. you're seeing the needle move forward. year over year the gap is closing. >> all right. brandon gomez, cnbc, we appreciate it. thank you so much. a zoo in china is drawing worldwide attention for the wrong reason. it dyed a pair of chow chow dogs black and white to resemble pandas. we did nothing wrong. nbc's stephanie gosk says some visitors say they were bamboozled. >> if people go to the zoo and have a great time seeing the pandas, does it really matter if those pandas are actually dogs with some hair dye? officials at the zoo in eastern china apparently don't think so. the latest exhibit at this zoo in eastern china had visitors
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doing a double take. these pandas are really chow chow puppies, advertised as panda dogs. and social media can't get enough of them. look quickly with eyes half closed and there is a resemblance to the rare giant panda. sort of. but some zoo goers in china aren't happy what they call a deception. according to chinese state media the zoo said it dye-d the dogs black and white because they didn't have any pandas. a worker insisted visitors are not being misled and that the fuzzy chow chows are accurately described as dogs. a spokesperson for the zoo tells media outlet jam press, people also dye their hair. natural dye can be used on dogs if they have long fur. but how do the dogs feel about it? >> this is something that's kind of being forced on the animal for the sake of human entertainment. >> reporter: it isn't the first time a chinese zoo is mixed up in an animal controversy. last year a sun bear went viral after it was caught on camera
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walking on its hind legs. social media exploded with some claiming it was a person dressed up as a bear. which was later debunked. actual pandas are an incredible sight, lovable and playful. helping to boost zoo tourism around the globe. the san diego zoo shared pictures of two giant pandas expected to arrive this summer. a highly-anticipated import after three giant pandas departed from the smithsonian zoo in d.c. last year. >> i love them. they're so cute. >> reporter: now that panda-size void felt across the world with dogs being used as unlikely stand-ins. >> zoos are there to educate and inspire and promote conversation. they're not there to promote painting domestic colors with made up colors to represent.
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>> the crowds are what they normally expect. back to you. >> yeah. i mean, a lot to process there. i will say cute animals on a friday, there's that. they are cute. whether they're pandas or ds, i guess. stay with us because there is much more news ahead. you are watc
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♪♪ in today's mental health
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check, we're focussing on how to deal and how to heal from family trauma. like all types of trauma, family trauma can affect how we see ourselves and how we treat other people. experts say unresolved trauma can also lead to negative impacts on your mental health and also impact your physical health. joining me now is dr. frank anderson, a psychiatrist and trauma specialist. his new book "to be loved, a story of truth, trauma and transformation" is out now. dr. anderson, thank you so much for being here. we were talking a little in the commercial, and i would just say -- a lot of different people have reasons they go into trauma therapy. i started trauma therapy. i do it every thursday at 11:00. it has truly been transformative for me. i thought i needed it because i come back from reporting on wars. then there were so many other aspects that helped me in my life. talk to me about your experience with it both as a doctor and also how it helped you navigate
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your childhood. >> totally. i didn't realize that this drive to be helping other people was really rooted in my own childhood trauma. i was in therapy really early on, kind of learning to be anything but who i was. and so i grew up with this suppression. every time i would be what somebody who struggled, something deep hit me inside. i didn't really know what it was. i wasn't until i got into my residency in psychiatry, wait a minute, this is not just about everybody else that i am so emp pathically connected to it, it's rooted in my own history. like you, i've been in therapy a long time healing from this stuff and really releasing the stuff that doesn't belong to us and doesn't serve us well. >> what are some of the impacts when we're talking about trauma, particularly this idea of generational trauma. i think we have a tendency to compare trauma and be like, well, it wasn't that bad. so is it really trauma? what should people be looking for to know whether or not they need this? when we're talking about family
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trauma, what do we mean? >> that's a great question. and i don't think people were aware of the impact of family trauma before. we call it trance generational trauma. we know what's passed down in genetic material now, too. but i think about what happened to you and how you respond to it. because most people's responses are extreme, overwhelming, reactive or shut down. those responses give you a clue as to what may be going on beyond the behavior. i'm always looking at what's underneath the behavior. people focus on stopping the behavior. let's get to the root of the problem. >> healing, closure, they're all concepts that sound nice. what is the advice you give patients for their healing journey? >> i love that. healing is never permanent. it's an on going process. i'll say that first. first, shift your focus inside. be with your experience. we do everything we can to get away from our trauma. go inside.
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be compassionate towards the parts of you that have experienced the pain. when we're with ourselves compassionately, it opens the door to be able to heal. i think that's the first thing. and what i like to say is truth, love and connection ultimately heals trauma. >> very quickly, any last -- ten seconds, final words on advice for people helping other people navigate their trauma. >> look beyond the behavior. be compassionate. the way they're acting is not really what's going on. hold compassion for their responses and then you'll be able to make a connection in a very different way that is ultimately healing. >>r. frank d [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that's why we protect all your vehicles here. but hey...nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you're...the... aren't you the..? huh...we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don't we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto
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with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ] it's funny because i'm not boss material! ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back! depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever.
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yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis.
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call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. the bay area. openai is headquartered in san francisco, and it plans to unveil its artificial intelligence powered search product on monday. that will raise the stakes in its competition with google. google and bing have incorporated ai into their search engines, but openai will be the first ai powered search product. the sunny weather will continue for another week. here's meteorologist kari hall with our 7-day forecast we've had some hot temperatures in the inland areas and it continues today. in fact, this will be the hottest day and then eventually we'll gradually cool down as we go toward the end of the weekend
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into early next week as the sunshine continues. if you have outdoor plans or mother's day, it's going to be a little bit toasty during the middle of the afternoon, but at least we do have a cool start. and looking at san francisco, we're going to get some relief from the warmer temperatures here. a little bit sooner. will be in the upper 70s with sunshine today, mid 70s for saturday and the ocean breeze as well as the fog returns. so that brings those temperatures back to the upper 60s and more seasonable weather through at least the middle to end of next week. thank you. kari
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be in your plants, and quite a few of you have turned to our consumer team for help with your travel gripes. consumer investigator chris kamara joins us now with a couple of those recent wins. happy friday. our consumer team on a daily basis hears from viewers with customer service baggage to unpack in both english and in spanish.
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well, erika in solano county wrote in to nbc bay area response after she flew with her daughter. but an airline left behind her kids $183 car seat. now, the carrier said it would send it back, but erika says that never happened. so she reached out to us. we contacted the airline. no word on the car seat, but the airline did send erika a $183 check. alicia in watsonville is next. she contacted telemundo 48 respond. and our teammates there, well, she bought her mom a $460 flight, but before the trip. alicia's mom passed away. alicia says she asked the airline for a refund, even shared her mom's death certificate. the airline declined, so alicia tapped consumer investigator arlen fernandez for help. she got alicia a $460 credit instead, but arlen says alicia is so thankful for that. now an invitation. please join us tomorrow night at 630 for our
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nbc bay area response special. it's a full half hour of consumer battles, plus lessons to save you time, money, or both. see you tomorrow night and have a great weekend! thanks, chris. we'll be tuning in. you can celebrate asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month with a polynesian party this weekend. the kumu hula association has deep roots in hayward, and that's because many native hawaiians left the islands to make their home here in the 70s, they are hosting the hawaiian may day festival this saturday with music, dance, arts and crafts, and of course, native food and treats. the organizer says that while all aanhpi people are special, you can recognize native hawaiians by their big hearts. whether or not you were hawaiian or whatever nationality you are. you know, hawaiian people are really gracious to everybody, and they love one another, and they'll give you the shirt off their back. the hawaiian may day festival is tomorrow from noon
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to six in the evening at b street and main in downtown hayward. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. get edition of the fast forward. get all the day's news a “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects.
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in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at camilla tried the new scent of gain relax flings and it changed everything. (♪♪) hey dave, don't knock it 'til you smell it. new gain relax flings. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. it's a beautiful... flonase all good. to fly. wooooo!
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i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. a oxley: horrible, knowing the person that you love is dead and then you're being looked at for it. craig melvin: imagine you're shaken in the dead of night. my ears were ringing. i thought i was dreaming.


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