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tv   Today  NBC  May 11, 2024 5:30am-7:00am PDT

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50. don't miss it. lessons of the past can guide us. moving forward. so all month long, nbc bay area is highlighting the rich history of our asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander communities. we'll explore their vibrant cultures and spotlight some extraordinary people making a positive impact on others. join us as we amplify ana p heritage, because knowing each other's stories brings us together, and that moves the bay area forward. microclimate weather certified most accurate by weatherate. good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. the israeli military is ordering new evacuations in rafah, where more than a million gazans are sheltering. the situation there only further escalating the tension between israel and the u.s. it's may 11th. this is
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today. get out israel overnight, telling hundreds of palestinians living in rafah to evacuate as the israeli military prepares to take out hamas in its last stronghold. the evacuation order coming in the midst of a growing humanitarian crisis as the biden administration reports, israel may have violated international law using weapons supplied by the u.s. commencements and clashes. colleges and universities nationwide. bracing this weekend for more protests over gaza as graduation season gets into full swing. star witness michael cohen, donald trump's former fixer turned foe, now set to take the witness stand on monday, their face off expected to be the most critical moment yet in former president trump's hush money cover-up trial. we'll have a preview. oprah's about face. i have been a steadfast participant in this diet culture. the talk show host now saying she regrets how much
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focus she's put on diets and weight loss over the last few decades, and why she says she still regrets this memorable moment from the oprah winfrey show. this is what 67 pounds of fat looks like. all that, plus turning the tide. step back his three pointer nine. the indiana pacers pull off a dramatic game three victory against the new york knicks with a three pointer nearly from the stands, while in the west, the defending champ denver nuggets, an nba mvp, nikola jokic, easily handled the minnesota timberwolves, the knicks and the t-wolves still holding 2 to 1 game leads with more nba playoff action on tap today, saturday, may 11th, 2024. from nbc news. this is today with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio one a
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in rockefeller plaza. welcome to today and thanks so much for joining us on this saturday morning. nice to be back with you. it's nice to have you here. your yellow is sort of like the dancing green and purples in the skies above so much of the planet these days. the amazing thing is you think you'd have to go to like, finland or, i don't know, the arctic to see this, but actually people across the country are getting to see these gorgeous lights the first time in something like 20 years we've had views like it's pretty cool. so were you lucky enough to see it? that incredible show in the sky last night. look at that. the northern lights are as peter said, not something we really ever get to see here in the united states. but boy did mother nature put on a show last night and we could actually see more tonight. good news. we're going to explain why this rare sight is happening now in a few minutes. also ahead, this morning, prince harry and meghan markle. they are being welcomed like royals in nigeria this weekend. they're there to promote mental health awareness and the invictus games that helps celebrate wounded soldiers . but let's begin this morning with our top story. as israel appears to be getting closer to
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an invasion of the city of rafah in southern gaza. we have full team coverage this morning. let's begin with nbc's hala gorani in cairo. cairo, where just a few days ago, talks over a potential cease fire fell apart. paula, good morning to you. good morning laura. well, the israeli military has ordered hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate overnight in anticipation of that strike on rafah. the israeli prime minister openly defying, therefore, the u.s, after the biden administration publicly came out against that assault on southern gaza. now, this latest evacuation order affects up to 400,000 people, many of whom are now crowded into al-mawasi. a small plot of land of basically consisting of sand dunes on the coast. there's no sewage, no water, no electricity. there the israeli military is calling it an expanded humanitarian zone, but humanitarian organizations say it fails to meet even the most basic needs of residents
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fleeing for safety the idf, it has to be noted as also several times bombed safe zones that it told civilians to flee to, and there have been increased airstrikes overnight. tanks operating in eastern rafah, where residents say they don't know where to go as much of gaza has now been leveled. laura hala, the humanitarian crisis as you laid out has been just growing for months. so where does it go? yeah, only a few trucks carrying fuel have made it into the gaza strip yesterday , but it has to be said that no aid has gone in since the rafah crossing with egypt was closed. that's in the southern part of the strip. and the world food program said this week that northern gaza is now experiencing full blown famine. so therefore, there's real concern, laura, that the same could happen in the south. back to you, hala gorani. thank you so much for your reporting. israel's threatened full scale assault on rafah has caused new strains in its relationship with
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the us, and in a just released report to congress, the biden administration is highly critical of israel and how it is used. u.s. arms in this war. nbc's aaron gilchrist is at the white house with the latest. aaron, good morning peter. good morning to you. the us will continue to provide weapons to israel. that's one of the top lines from that highly anticipated state department assessment of how israel is using american weapons in gaza. now, the report says it's reasonable to assess that israel may have violated international law, but that the country has not broken the terms of the us weapons agreement. now, this report calling the assurances israel provided credible enough to continue the flow of weapons, that news coming just days after president biden acknowledged that us weapons had killed innocent palestinians. he also acknowledged that he paused a new shipment of 3500 bombs to israel last week, and he warned that he would suspend further weapons shipments if israel carries out a large scale assault on hamas in rafah, where we know more than a million civilians are holed up now. the
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president's warning during an interview earlier this week drew praise and criticism from republicans and democrats. progressives calling it a positive step in holding israel accountable. conservatives blasted biden, though, calling the pause a reward to hamas. pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman called that decision deeply disappointing. and even as the us questions how effective israel has been at limiting civilian harm in gaza, the administration has sent other defensive weapons and small arms to israel. peter aaron gilchrist with the very latest this morning at the white house. aaron, thank you. meantime, tens of thousands of college students are putting on their caps and gowns this weekend ready to graduate and head out into the real world. but the real world has already come to their front door on the campuses, with some schools forced to move or cancel their commencement ceremonies. amid all the protests over the war in gaza, nbc's jesse kirsch is in chicago with more on this part of the story. jesse. good morning. laura good morning. this is a graduation season of contrasts. we've seen plenty of pomp and pomp and circumstance,
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but we're also seeing pivots, schools making changes to ceremonial plans because of campus tensions tied to the israel-hamas war near los angeles, pomona college is moving its commencement off campus because demonstrators are camping out on the stage in protest of israel's actions. other groups have been removed by force. police in riot gear physically clearing out demonstrators at the university of pennsylvania this week, according to the school. out of more than 30 arrests, only nine were students. officials say they found chains that could be used as weapons. and even with that encampment taken down, protests continued. you can see this time marchers making their way to the outside of the interim university president's residence that happened overnight and at the university of arizona, authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets on a group that rebuilt an encampment which had previously been cleared out. police say officers were hit by rocks and water bottles. there meanwhile, the university of wisconsin-madison
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reached a deal with demonstrators there on friday, the school promising to address their concerns and in exchange, protesters must not cause any, quote, organized disruption of graduation ceremonies this weekend. and that encampment had to be dismantled. laura. all right. jesse kirsch in chicago, thank you. now to the criminal trial against former president trump. with the most crucial days beginning monday, the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen, expected to take the stand. and nbc's dasha burns is following this one for us this morning. dasha good morning peter. good morning to you. we'll finally hear from trump's former fixer turned critic michael cohen next week. this comes after the salacious testimony from stormy daniels, the woman at the center of the alleged hush money scheme. cohen could be the linchpin in the case, but he comes with baggage. whether or not the jury finds him credible could be make or break for michael. this morning, multiple sources telling nbc news prosecutors will call their star witness, michael cohen, on monday, donald trump's former fixer turned vocal critic
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unleashing on his old boss in his book and on social media, cohen spotted online this week wearing a t shirt depicting mr. trump behind bars. the judge on friday directing prosecutors to inform cohen that the judge is asking him to refrain from making any statements about the case or mr. trump, but not placing a gag order on cohen. while mr. trump's remains in place, barring him from attacking witnesses and the jury. it's a disgrace. it's not a case. there's no crime there is no crime and they fail to show a crime. cohen a highly anticipated witness for the prosecution as the jury has now read his text messages, heard his voice and seen evidence that he paid stormy daniels $130,000 just days before the 2016 election to protect the campaign. the defense says her story of sex with mr. trump was false. a shakedown for money brokered by cohen, making his testimony and credibility on the stand essential. mr. trump has
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pleaded not guilty to the charges of illegally disguising his reimbursement checks to cohen, his former attorney, as legal expenses to cover his tracks. the face off between the presumptive gop nominee and cohen, likely to be one of the most dramatic of the trial with a grueling cross-examination, cohen comes with baggage, including previous convictions for campaign finance violations and lying under oath. meanwhile, friday, the jury hearing from former trump aide madeleine westerhout, who sat outside the oval office and confirmed mr. trump met with cohen at the white house in 2017, where prosecutors say they devised their reimbursement scheme. but she testified the former president signed checks without reviewing them first, contradicting what mr. trump said in his book and other witnesses set at trial. well, natasha, there's also a little bit of new reporting this morning about who the former president may be considering as a vice presidential pick right now. what more are we hearing? yeah peter. that's right. well, you know, with veepstakes take everything with a grain of salt.
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given one man will make this decision and he loves a competition show. but axios is reporting this morning that nikki haley is under consideration for vice president. according to two sources. now, the relationship has been icy since their rivalry in the primaries. but even after dropping out of the race, she's still pulling somewhere between 15 and 20% of the votes away from mr. trump. the only remaining republican candidate bringing her into the fold could benefit him. peter. yeah, no, it's a real interesting thing, right? just this last week in indiana, the primary there, she got nearly 22, 1 in 5 republican voters still voting for haley. donald trump knows he needs to do something about that figure. dasha. exactly. thank you. appreciate it. all right. thanks, dasha. also this morning, controversy in virginia after a school board voted friday to restore the names of two schools that were changed only a few years ago to remove their confederate leaders during nationwide protests over racism. nbc's yamiche alcindor has that story. today, people in shenandoah county are divided after virginia school district
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voted 5 to 1 to restore the names of confederate military leaders to two public schools. the reason why they changed the name, i kind of understand that. but we need to put it back to our heritage. this is where we're from. this is what we do. i don't like it at all. and just thinking about it makes my heart race. stonewall jackson, it's a part of our heritage process, was wrongfully done thursday night. parents, teachers and students sounded off in front of the school board. people don't take the time to think about students like me who would not be proud to graduate from a school with the name stonewall jackson. he fought for slavery to be a constitutional right. the contentious hours long board meeting lasted into early friday morning. please do what's right for your county. restore our heritage, our history in our school names. my heart breaks for the children that are going to have to walk into schools named after people that wanted them and their families enslaved by the white man. after the killing of george floyd in 2020,
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there were nationwide efforts to reckon with racism and get rid of confederate symbols. statues were removed from public squares, schools and military bases across the country were renamed here. stonewall jackson high school and ashby lee elementary became mountain view high and honey run elementary. but in the years since, some conservative leaders here have been trying to reverse those efforts, which is what happened here. you cannot ignore the heritage and feelings of your black and brown students just because we are the minority. they honor men who believe that i have less value and worth because i am black. this reversal is a sign that the debate over how america deals with its painful past is far from over. peter, laura, thank you so much. now to that unusual event that's been happening this weekend, a severe solar storm. it is causing some stunning light shows the northern lights here in the u.s. you can see them from the deep south to california. folks being treated to these sites overnight having an impact on technology as well.
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elon musk said his starlink company's satellites are being hit as well. and as nbc news tom costello reports, it could really have that impact on the tech that we all depend on its 93 million miles away. but the violent eruptions on the sun are out. a spectacular night show to a lot of earthlings as a fierce magnetic storm brings the northern lights to regions that rarely see them. this could actually be seen, perhaps from northern alabama, along the horizon all the way out to northern california for solar. experts have issued the first severe geomagnetic storm warning since 2005. those solar explosions, called coronal mass ejections, or cmes, are racing towards the earth at 500 miles per second, while humans are not in danger, it could disrupt power grids, navigation and satellite communications. scientists call it a rare g4 event. a g4 is really big, and we might absolutely see some
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effects down here on earth. some your, you know, cell phone might not work, but definitely have radio blackouts. those have already started to happen. astronauts on the space station and airline passengers should be safe. in 1989, a solar storm knocked out power in quebec for nine hours. you have the initial hit, the shock wave, as we call it, that arrives and then the magnetic cloud. the storm could possibly last all weekend. if you still have your eclipse glasses, you can see the massive solar spot 16 times the diameter of earth. it's huge. at night, your cell phone might actually detect the northern lights better than your naked eye. peter and laura, back to you guys. there have been so many. tom, thank you for that. there have been so many amazing pictures. you just flipped through instagram or facebook. i know today and everybody from like oklahoma to who knows where else capturing these awesome shots. as long as my alarm still goes off, i'm fine with it affecting my tech, that's all. you live in new york city too much night around here. hard to see this in space. all right, it's time for a first check of the forecast. and for the first
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time in days, most of the country is finally getting a break from all the severe weather. but this was the scene in tallahassee on friday where a possible tornado may have touched down. bringing down trees and power lines and killing at least one person. let's check in with angie lassman. hey, angie. hey there guys, you said it. we've. we're getting a break across, especially the midsection of the country, which was so hard hit over the past. really? honestly, six weeks we've had consecutive severe weather outbreaks for six weeks now. a little bit of a break as we roll through our saturday. but notice we've got some rain across parts of the great lakes not expecting anything too impactful. there maybe a thunderstorm or two, but across parts of texas it's quiet right now. but we're going to start to see this kind of little disturbance happen out over parts of the southern rockies that emerges here later today and pushes out over the plains. and then we start that kind of isolated risk for severe storms. and that ramps up as we get into our sunday. so here's a look at your sunday. remember all that flooding we had just a couple of weeks ago in texas? yeah, the grounds are still likely still sensitive to saturation, so any additional rainfall with some potential for intense rainfall over this region, that's going to be problematic when it comes
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to additional flooding. as we get into sunday and monday, we look to see this still being impactful across parts of the gulf coast, too, as we get into monday. so we'll head into our next workweek with some some kind of unsettled weather across that region. the flash flood risk will be there, especially across texas over the next two days. that's a look at the weather across the country. let's see what's happening in your neighborhood. good saturday morning. the time is 547. we're waking up to some dense fog, especially along the coast from san francisco down into half moon bay. even santa cruz, and into the monterey bay. that visibility is limited to about a quarter of a mile or less. so be careful out on the roadways. temperatures not too bad though. most of us waking up in the 50s mid 50s for san francisco and near 60 degrees in san jose. we're going to be in for another warm day in the 80s, possibly even some 90s. i'll show you the map coming up. and that's a look at your forecast, my friends. angie. thank you very much. and still to come right here, adrian latest on prince harry and meghan's overseas trip. good
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morning. coming up, the significance of prince harry and meghan markle's first high profile visit since stepping back from royal duties saturday. today we'll be back right after this. nice to have you along with us. whether you're at home or on our plaza, we're just glad you're with us this morning. what does it take to take on alzheimer's awareness? that memory loss and confusion that disrupt daily life could be signs of alzheimer's knowledge that among those 65 and older, 1 in 6 will develop alzheimer's. and the courage to have important conversations with family, friends and your health care provider. you have what it takes to take on alzheimer's. learn more about signs, screening and early detection at take on als. com brought to you by the california department of public health s and g's mobile showroom means s and g comes to you. s and g comes to me s and g comes to you to my house. just one call to s and g carpet and they'll bring the area's largest showroom home to you. and during
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you like and trust. this is an important personal relationship, and you want to get it right. walk a personal injury law. visit us at walkup or call us at 866. walkup law. we are back on this saturday morning with the weekly. download our look at the week's other big stories. and for that we turn to our friend joe. hey there. good to see you. good morning. among the major headlines, as we mentioned a little earlier, it was yet another week of catastrophic and deadly weather. my health is gone. this is gone. dangerous tornadoes tore across the midwest in the south, day after day. this week, leaving a trail of destruction. declaring the office of speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant.
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congresswoman marjorie taylor greene failed in her attempt to remove speaker mike johnson from his post. an overwhelming majority of republicans and even democrats voted to block her efforts. hopefully, this is the end of the personality politics and the frivolous character assassination that has defined the 118th congress. we aren't going anywhere. we are confident , and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. tiktok is suing the us federal government over a law that could lead to a nationwide ban of the app, unless its chinese owners sell the company. the company's lawyers argue that tiktok is protected under the first amendment, but many members of congress disagree, say there's no first amendment right to espionage. there's no first amendment right to harm our national security. tiktok's lawsuit pushes back on these claims, stating the app does not pose security risks. this fedex
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boeing 767 plane made an emergency landing without its front nose gear and istanbul coming down on its nose and sending sparks flying. no one was injured. miss teen usa. miss teen usa resigned from her title, saying her personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization. this comes days after miss usa resigned, citing mental health issues. the ceo of the miss usa organization wrote in part, the well-being of all individuals associated with miss usa is my top priority. una apple is apologizing for this commercial. the ad, titled crush, shows symbols of the arts and creativity getting crushed in a press, then producing the new ipad pro. critics say this is a metaphor for how tech companies destroy the arts. apple said we missed the mark with this video and we're sorry.
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finally, a sweet reaction as this young boy saw his mom and her cap and gown at her college graduation. what's wrong? i love football, it's happy tears, dad. oh my goodness. congratulations to you, mom. oh what a sweetheart. that is so sweet. and then 15 years from now, the roles will be reversed and mom will be crying happy tears. i like that he was able to express though. it was happy tears. that was so nice. congratulations to that whole family. that's awesome. i love that one. oh, still to come here on today a surprising apology from oprah. why is she saying she regrets all the focus on diet and weight loss over the decades? plus some big new announcements this week about those streaming tv bundles. how you may be able to save some money. we'll try to get some answers, but first, these messages. tonight, the state of emergency here in baltimore. how is it that
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traffic was stopped in time? state law enforcement officers, they undoubtedly saved lives. should people be concerned about the safety of flying today closer to the gaza border, established. tomorrow, kristen welker sits down with secretary of state antony blinken to talk about the rising tension between the us and israel after president biden's threats to halt arms supplies, plus senator bernie sanders and senator lindsey graham tomorrow only on meet the press. so this year, you've got ten years of the tonight show, the onesie, willie geist behind the desk, the tonight show, my aunt. wow. yeah oh that's nice, jimmy fallon tomorrow on sunday today with willie geist. next week on today. our best of broadway week. the hottest shows
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performing on our plaza. the outsiders, subs, the notebook, the wiz, plus alicia keys live to spotlight her smash hit hell's kitchen. starting monday. on today. kira saariaho's innocence proclaimed a masterpiece by the new york times, makes its american premiere this june at san francisco opera, a joyous wedding celebration takes a shocking turn when the darkest of secrets is revealed and a young bride faces an impossible decision experience a gripping story of emotional shock and surprise in which our understanding of innocence and guilt is continually upended. learn more and buy tickets at good morning. thank you for joining us on this saturday, may 11th. i'm kira klapper. today begins a new chapter for oakland as its new police chief, floyd mitchell, takes the reigns. mitchell joins
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opd after serving as chief of police in lubbock, texas. this will mark the end of a 15 month period without a permanent chief. oakland mayor shang tao says even though it's been about six weeks since she made the announcement, there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes. he's working closely with interim chief allison and also assistant chief chief tony jones. we're really bringing him up to the different strategies that we are working on. but the first order, of course, when he gets in is always about bringing down crime rates. the mayor says chief mitchell is coming into an improved situation. tao says oakland's overall crime rates for the first part of this year are down more than 30% compared to last year, more officers will soon be protecting the streets of oakland, as well. opd has welcomed a dozen new officers. three women and nine men are joining the department. this means oakland is now fully staffed for the first time in years, as the new rookies say.
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in addition to fighting crime, they hope they can make an impact. as an example for oakland's youth and help bridge relationships with what's become a very frustrated community. we're going to turn now to the weekend forecast. and cinthia pimentel, it's nice out right now. it is nice. but for our inland valleys away from the coast, you've probably already started to feel and notice those changes. waking up this morning, we have a dense fog advisory and it's really for the coast and parts of our valleys up into santa rosa as well, so we can see the visibility just coming down over there around two miles and then to about nothing in half moon bay. so you just have to be careful navigating the roads early this morning. but again, it is nice. most of most of the temperatures are starting in the upper 50s san jose. we're already at nearly 60 degrees, and it's not even 6:00 yet. and we'll wake up in the 50s through oakland and walnut creek. beautiful skies after a pretty active overnight hours with the northern lights just kind of stretching down into parts of north america, it could continue for today. and we'll talk about
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that at seven. but as far as our temperatures, we have another warm day. look at antioch by 2 p.m, nearing those 90 degree temperatures. so we'll talk about the warm mother's day weekend coming up at seven. kira, back to you. all right, cynthia, see you at seven. thanks. also coming up at seven this morning on today in the bay it is graduation weekend for uc berkeley. will protests disrupt the celebrations? we check in with students ahead of today's ceremonies. we'll have that. plus all your top stories and what sounds like a beautiful mother's day weekend forecast coming up at seven. we hope you join us right now. back to the today show. a new trend could save you hundreds on your home internet, cell phone plan and streaming entertainment. it's called super bundling. a new report from techsponential says people bundling these services with one provider are getting bigger discounts, and verizon stood out for best overall value with the most content options to choose from, like disney plus, hulu, netflix and max. unparalleled flexibility and
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offering internet for as low as $35 per month. find your savings at bundle if you haven't visited san francisco, his very own national park site, you're invited to discover the presidio and bring your own. bring your own imagination. bring your own curiosity. bring your own love. the presidio has miles of trails, great food, community events, rich history, and more. all for you. plan your visit at presidio i was defeated, you won the war. we are back on a saturday morning. may the 11th, 2024. listening to waterloo from abba. why you ask? well, the signature sound of that unique song 50 years ago
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today helped abba win the eurovision song contest, catapulting them to the world stage and decades of success. so we thought we'd break out a little casey kasem and turn back the clock. there's always a reason to play abba now. tonight is the grand final of this year's eurovision contest. we're going to tell you more about what to expect coming up in pop star. we do want to begin this half an hour with a check of the headlines. right now we start with federal prosecutors who are seeking 40 years in prison for the man convicted of attacking the former house speaker nancy pelosi's husband, paul pelosi, with a hammer in their san francisco home back in 2022. government attorneys say. david depape has shown no remorse and that his case should serve as a warning to others willing to commit political violence. paul pelosi suffered a fractured skull from that attack. nancy pelosi was in washington at the time. also this morning, beach boys founder brian wilson is now under a court conservatorship due to his mental decline. a california judge ruled that the 81 year old is unable to manage
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his personal and medical decisions because of what his doctor calls a major neurocognitive disorder. the family of the rock and roll hall of famer filed the petition after wilson's wife died in january, the judge appointed wilson's longtime publicist and manager to handle his affairs in the nba playoffs. the indiana pacers rallied from a nine point deficit in their matchup against the new york knicks. late in the game, indiana scrambled to beat the shot clock halliburton double team shot clock at four. neymar has got to put it up. step back his three pointer nine. that very long three pointer from andrew neymar sealed the 111 to 106 win for the pacers. new york leads the eastern conference semifinal series two games to one. and in the western conference semis, the outcome of the denver nuggets game against the minnesota timberwolves was never in doubt. denver blowing out minnesota 117 to 90. the timberwolves still hold a 2 to 1
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series lead over the defending champs. celtics and cavs among those back in action tonight. also this morning, prince harry and meghan markle are in the middle of a three day visit to nigeria, where they're promoting mental health and the prince's invictus games. it is the couple's first ever trip to the african nation. nbc's adrien broaddus is here with more on their high profile visit. adrienne. good morning. hey there. good morning peter and for all of you watching and listening. harry and meghan live here in california, but they're in nigeria for the first time together. and even though they aren't working royals, this has the fanfare and hallmarks of a royal trip. this morning, prince harry and meghan markle back in the global spotlight. it is fantastic to be here. the duke and duchess of sussex on a three day trip to nigeria promoting harry's signature sporting event, the invictus games, which supports wounded servicemen and women. it's the most high profile foreign visit that this
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couple have made really, since they left the royal family at a school in the capital friday. a welcome fitting for royalty, even though they are no longer working royals. i see myself in all of you as well. the couple raising awareness about mental health. both have been open about their own struggles with mental health, affects every single person in the entire world. prince harry was in london earlier this week celebrating a milestone. it's a birthday at invictus games foundation and we're all very excited and thrilled. but he didn't see his father, the king, who is returning to duties after a cancer diagnosis. a sussex spokesperson saying, quote, unfortunately, a meeting won't be possible due to the king's busy schedule. the royal rift escalated after the release of harry's memoir spare, where he exposed family secrets. i think charles and those around him feel that harry is not trustworthy anymore. prince william and harry are still
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estranged, all while the future king supporting princess kate, who announced preventative cancer treatment in march. william, sharing an update on her health back in nigeria, harry's personal work continues. despite losing his royal title, it is clear that he's embarking on something of a next phase of his career. harry and meghan will visit three cities in three days, leaving the west african country on sunday. today, harry will visit wounded veterans and later meghan is co-hosting a women's leadership event. guys adrienne broaddus with the very latest on their travels. adrienne, thank you so much. time to get a check on the weather. a lot of folks wondering what it's going to be like this weekend with the mothers being celebrated. yes very important day. i'll get to that mother's day forecast here in a moment. we do have some good news, mostly across the country. we're waking up this morning to quiet conditions for most, but we do have a quick moving system that's working across parts of the great lakes. so if you're waking up in detroit, maybe even cleveland,
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the next hour or so, you'll see some wet weather that's going to work across the great lakes and eventually into the mid-atlantic and northeast here, as the day goes on. so you'll have a little more rain to contend with and maybe some brief kind of gusty winds and some downpours. by the time we get into tomorrow, that kind of zips offshore and we're left with quieter conditions and we'll start to gradually clear out. for all those mother's day plans across that region between now and then, though, maybe half an inch of rain and some of the highest spots, i think more likely about a quarter of an inch. so nothing too impressive. not expecting, you know, widespread flooding or anything like that, but could be some soggy conditions if you're looking for the sunshine today out west middle of the country for the most part. but we start to see these storms develop late into the day in parts of the rockies that's going to eventually work a little farther to the east and leave us with a washout of a day across parts of the south. unfortunately, these are some of the spots that, as you heard me say earlier, we've already had a whole lot of rain in the past couple of weeks, so the flooding concern will be there. but nice and sunny for our moms across the southeast and the west for tomorrow. that's a look at the weather across the country. let's see what's happening in your
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neighborhood. good saturday morning. the time is 606, and you might be feeling those cooler conditions, especially out near the coast. and we also have the dense fog to kind of be aware of out on the roadways until at least 10:00, when we start to mix out temperatures kind of mild for this time in the morning. 54 in san francisco, 55 out towards concord and 59 degrees already down here in san jose. as we go and plan our day in oakland is going to be a beautiful day, just a touch cooler. and we'll talk about the rest of the mother's day weekend coming up. and that is a look at your forecast, guys. mother's day a little rainy here for laura. of course, but it has to. it's the weekend indoor okay indoor plans as long as the kids are out of the house right. truth comes out. thank you. angie, just ahead. can you really get more for less? we're going to tell you about the tv streaming wars heating up this week, what it means for you right after this. well, my doctor gave me breast tree for my copd. things changed for me. breast tree gave me
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prescribed entyvio offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection, cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu like symptoms, sores or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio relief remission for real severe kristen welker, hosts meet the press every sunday on. nbc. we are back with today's consumer and some big news just out this week. disney and warner brothers announcing they're joining forces. and that means new streaming bundle options coming your way. could this be good news for your wallet? nbc's business correspondent brian chung is here to sort it all out for us. brian, good morning guys. always nice to have you on a saturday. okay. presumably competitors don't team up for no reason. no, no, not at all. but you look, if
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you like game of thrones with your lion king or maybe sopranos as well. that's what's going to be part of this new announcement from a disney, as well as hbo max, their product, just known as max, going to have some sort of summer debut where you'll have disney plus, hulu in addition to max. there's no espn, so that's important to know for those sports fans there. we don't know the pricing of this, and we don't know the exact time that this will be released. but again, this is a pretty big deal with those two companies teaming up on this. and the streamers are loading up on ads too. yeah. well, there was an announcement earlier this week from amazon prime announcing that their prime video product will have these incorporated ads into their ads that are already pre preprogramed. so when you see an ad, you might get some sort of pop up that says, hey, do you want to buy this t shirt that you saw in the middle of this show? and then they're also going to have this thing where if you pause the show to get up, to go grab some popcorn from the microwave, well, it'll also maybe try to sell you something on amazon prime for, you know, the table that is in that shot or what have you. so again, this is going to kind of increase the interactivity. try to also juice the revenue for these streaming popcorn. we got popcorn. exactly. yeah i mean no easy with popcorn. then i'd be worried about that. there's so many options. i think folks are
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overwhelmed right now. do we know what's like best for your wallet at this point? yeah well, with all these like super bundles now it's kind of confusing on pricing, right? because you also buy these streaming services independently. so if you look at disney plus, hulu and max, it can get pretty expensive if you buy all of them independently, it's going to be about $52 a month. that adds up to over $600 a year. now. again, if they bundle them together, presumably it would be cheaper together. but again, we don't know the pricing yet. but broadly speaking, the idea is that. all right, well, netflix about $23 a month, a peacock, the ad free version, about $12 a month, by the way, nbc universal product this adds up very quickly. so try to subscribe to the products that you actually watch the shows on. and remember, it's not a commitment. it's not a contract, right? sign up for a month. if you don't like it, just cancel it. yes, sign up for a month. watch all the shows you need to hold off and then cancel it. yeah, i've done that that you need. so this is a conversation a lot of families are having at the kitchen table right now. right. like the deal was you cut the cord, you went to streaming. now is there more value and maybe reattaching that cord. how does this compare to cable okay. well let's just say what we're already thinking, right? when we talk about disney
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and max teaming up. like, doesn't that kind of sound like just a cable package? and that's kind of where things are going here. so you have to start to do the math. now again, as a business correspondent, i hate to make you do the math, but if you look at basic cable plus internet, it's about $144 a month. according to cnet premium cable. it's going to go up to $217 a month. now if you look at the bundle that i was just showing you, disney plus, hulu in addition to max, i mean, that's going to cost you about $52 a month. you add netflix at $23 a month. that gets to about 75 bucks a month. that means that if you're paying for cable, or rather, if you're paying for internet, that's about $75 a month that washes out to that basic cable to internet package. so it depends on how much you're paying for internet, but it also depends on what you want. are you getting the live sports that you need? do you have the catalog that you want? it depends on what you watch and how much you're paying for internet. they said there would be no math in this class. i'm sorry, i don't do math. you need a flow chart. i'll get a whiteboard for next time. information brian, i appreciate you. always good to have you, brian. thanks so much. what's coming up on pop star? still to come, we are excited to talk about the greatest pop star on the planet, laura jarrett. her new children's book. we're also going to take you to eurovision.
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that was laura right there singing. we're going to take you to sweden, where the next eurovision song champion is also about to be crowned. that is, after these messages. i was like, what? yeah. type two diabetes. discover the ozempic tri-zone 0000. then i got the power of three. i lowered my a1c cv risk and lost some weight. in studies. the majority of people reached an a1c under seven and maintained it. i'm under seven. ozempic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or death in adults. also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic isn't for people with type one diabetes. don't share needles or pens or reuse needles. don't take ozempic. if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type two, or if allergic to it, stop ozempic and get medical help right away. if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis . gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about
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time joe is here with pop star. what's poppin a lot to cover this morning? up first, the eurovision song contest. there is nothing quite like it with outrageous costumes, over-the-top performances, and of course, those catchy songs. this year, though, politics are also getting in on the act. with the war between hamas and israel still raging, protesters took to the streets thursday outside the performance venue, criticizing israel's participation in the contest and inside. earlier this week, israel's eden golan was booed during the performance of her song hurricane. producers mandated she changed the title of the song, which was originally called october sky, seemingly a reference to the attacks on october 7th. the contest has a strict no politics rule. now, as we mentioned earlier in the show, it has been 50 years since swedish sensation abba took home the win for their song waterloo. this year, the contest returned to sweden and the foursome teased a return to
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the stage that made them famous, posting this video to tiktok. okay guys, we're back! did you miss us because we missed you so who will win and give abba and will abba give me, give me, give me a performance. well, chiquititas, the winner takes it all this afternoon. and you can watch all the eurovision song contest final performances this afternoon, starting at 3 p.m. eastern on peacock. we got a full production of mamma mia's worth of song titles in there. all right. next up, maya rudolph, the saturday night live alum is back in studio eight h tonight, this time as host of the show she starred in for seven seasons. hi, i'm maya rudolph and i'm hosting snl this week with vampire weekend. we can't wait to hear your music. yes, we love your music. play black, play knuckle. guys, i'm so sorry. vampire weekend. so will she bring back the sweater
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weather sketch sweater weather, sweater weather, or her hilarious oprah impression? or perhaps we will see beyonce. you have to watch tonight 1130 to find out. let's go. beyonce and blowing in the wind. all right. and finally, laura, you are a pop start item. you finally i've arrived. you could color us happy to announce that laura's new book, the color of love, is out on tuesday. laura wrote the book with her friend and former cnn anchor poppy harlow. we have some copies here to hum through. how are you? how are you feeling now? just a few days out from its release? i'm feeling good. i'm feeling excited. you know, so much of what we do as journalists and reporters every day is tough and serious, and this is just joy and fun. and about family and love. and i just hope people read it with their kids and like it. yeah, this will be fun. james and june, they're going to love it. having moms. we put all of our kids names in the books. and of course, my son james felt the need to pick out all the things that he thinks aren't quite like
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him. mom, that doesn't look like my hair. mom, i'm not shy because this kid. yes, yes, always a critic. the book is beautiful. we are thrilled. the illustrations are incredible. yes, lisa is a very talented. thanks guys. by the way, we're not done yet. you know, we also want to brag on our friend joe for a moment. you were just inducted in the medill school of journalism hall of achievement at our alma mater, northwestern. this week. it was on thursday night. what an amazing group that was honored. the chief of naval operations, the us admiral lisa franchetti, as well. this was like a star studded cast. one of the people who was inducted won the pulitzer prize this week. no pressure this week , i know. and so it was just incredible. you know, peter and i are both from northwestern. we are always proud to say we are from northwestern and medill. so when the school says they're proud of you, that is something special. and to have my whole family there, my sister, my partner there, it was really a lovely occasion. it's it is very well deserved. we got the honor a couple of years ago. well, it was a special one alongside our friend sheinelle jones. we're wrapping the wildcats over today show rapid heart. nice article in the advocate this week. yes.
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yeah, very grateful to the folks at the advocate for that. yes, definitely. check that out. congratulations still to come our saturday morning boost and the best kind of slumber party we have ever seen. we're back after this. as more americans turn to nbc news than any other news organization, sag's mobile showroom means sag comes to you. sag comes to me, sag comes to you to my house. just one call to sag carpet and they'll bring the area's largest showroom home to you. and during sag's mother's day sale, they'll pay your sales tax and give you up to 15% off. select carpet, waterproof core hardwood or laminate up to 15% off and sag pays the sales tax and sanji more than carpet. go to sag carpet com for the showroom nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you. this is what it takes to take on alzheimer's. awareness of the fact that nearly two thirds of people diagnosed are women. courage to accept that memory loss that disrupts daily life could be a sign of alzheimer's.
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savvy shoppers are cutting their food bills in half. if transportation to class is a problem, here's a possible solution. resort fees. let's look at five ways you can beat them. you have so many tips and tricks. how to videos i love it. nbc bay area responds. solutions that move the bay area forward. still to come on today. why oprah is speaking out about america's weight loss culture and the role she says she has played in shaping it over the last few decades. plus, we'll introduce you to the women of the rollettes who are encouraging other women to follow their dreams and passions. but first, these messages. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapy work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr
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neighborhood. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing darling shiny gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. oh, didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? oh, this. yeah wow. do you have any ottomans without legs? sean you'll flip for the food cart in the neighborhood. there's a place for all of us. wayfair. every style, every home. you're the one that i want. next car combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo the monthly one and done. you want feeling sluggish or weighed down could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best, but a little metamucil every day can help. metamucil. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down, and also helps lower cholesterol and slow sugar absorption to promote healthy
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know what it's like to love somebody. to love somebody the way i love you. good morning. thank you for joining us on this saturday, may 11th, i'm kira klapper, three people are in the hospital this morning after a head on crash in contra costa county. seven people in two separate cars were hurt. it happened around 740 last night on marsh creek road. it is unclear what led to that crash. it is now under investigation and another investigation underway following this fire at a church in oakland . this is at saint andrew missionary baptist near 27th and west avenues. the fire broke out around eight last night. firefighters say flames jumped to the building next to the church, which is a vacant home.
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no injuries have been reported. more than 100 people had to find a new place to sleep after a fire tore through their apartment complex in san francisco's japantown. it ignited yesterday afternoon at the jones senior homes on fillmore street. the building was quickly evacuated. only two people were taken to the hospital, and they are expected to be okay. the cause is under investigation. we're going to turn now to a gorgeous forecast in cinthia pimentel with a quick look. hey, cynthia. good morning kiara. good morning everyone. yes, it is gorgeous, but we do have to be careful with those changes in visibility ahead of what will be a very nice day, not only today, but also continuing for the mother's day weekend. santa rosa we can see limited visibility out there as you make your way around 101 temperatures. not too bad. 53 degrees and another beautiful shot over san francisco where we see karl, the fog creeping on in right there through the distance. but as we start to head away from the coastline,
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away from those valleys up there in the north bay, we go into walnut creek, clear blue skies, beautiful out there. and also looking down here in san jose, clear skies and also a very mild start, nearly that 60 degree mark as we head towards 630 and as we go on and plan the rest of our day, maybe mom wants to take it out to wine country. we're going to start with the changes in visibility there this morning, and then slowly start to warm up here. after that 8:00 hour, we creep on in into the 60s, upper 60s. by ten, 11:00. we're already in the 70s. so aside from mom, i also want you to get those early walks in or get those walks in early before it really starts to ramp up later on. this afternoon, i'll have a check of the rest of the microclimate forecast coming up at 7:00. here, back to you. all right. we'll see you at seven. thanks, cynthia. also coming up at seven this morning on today in the bay. we have an exclusive look under ground. we'll show you a massive billion dollar retrofit project happening in the south bay. and how this tunnel could keep you safe if the big one hits, we'll have that. plus all your top stories
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coming up at seven. we hope you join us right now. back to. today. honey, why are my shirts so wrinkled and smell like mildew? don't let your broken dryer turn into broken promises. shop at airport. home appliance today during their memorial day savings event, and get up to 45% off hundreds of in-stock appliances like this lg front load washer and dryer pair plus. get exclusive rebates, next day delivery and 0% apr for up to 24 months only at airport home appliance. it's an all new monday with whoopi goldberg. good morning. evacuation orders hundreds of thousands of palestinians living in rafah as the israeli military prepares to target hamas in its last stronghold, despite warnings from the us, it appears israel is now poised to invade at any
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time we're live freak accident tennis superstar novak djokovic, now recovering after he was hit in the head with a water bottle, the world number one collapsing, staying down for nearly 30s. how it reportedly happened and oprah's regret that oprah winfrey, one of the most outspoken proponents of diet and weight loss, now saying she should not have promoted diet culture. i have been a steadfast participant in this diet culture. what led to those new comments and why? the talk show icon says she wishes she never did. that famous episode from her show. this is what 67 pounds of fat looks like today. saturday, may 11th, 2024. good morning. welcome back to today on a saturday morning about oprah. you think about the impact she has had on american culture right now. this is a pretty remarkable turnaround. well, i think a lot of people are looking to her to see sort of how she reconciles this. and
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obviously now on weight loss drugs herself, it'll be interesting to see whether this impacts sort of the narrative and discussion right now in the country. something she's talked about for years and talking about it again. yeah, that story coming up in just a moment, we do want to get right to today's news. and we start with israel ordering new evacuations overnight, telling palestinians living in rafah, that's in southern gaza to get out with an expected invasion coming any day now. nbc's hala gorani is in cairo, egypt, where peace talks broke down just a few days ago between israel and hamas. hala, good morning. good morning peter. well, there is real panic among residents of southern gaza after the israeli military ordered hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate in anticipation of that strike on rafah. now, this is means, essentially, that the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, is continuing to openly defy the u.s. after the biden administration publicly came out against an assault on southern gaza and suspended a weapons shipment. now, this
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latest evacuation order is huge. it affects up to 400,000 people, many of whom are now crowded into al-marwazi, a small plot of land consisting of sand dunes on the coast. there's no sewage, no water, no electricity, and even though it's called a humanitarian zone organization, saying that it fails to meet the basic needs of residents fleeing . and it has to be noted, the idf has also several times bombed safe zones, and there have only been a few trucks carrying fuel that have made it in. there are fears of full blown famine, and this is coming after the state department concluded in a report that it was, quote, reasonable to assess that israel has violated international law in gaza using weapons provided by the u.s. but that it hasn't violated terms of u.s. weapons in fact, peter, the u.s. is still sending smaller weapons to israel despite suspending a shipment of 2,500 pound bombs. peter. yeah, just
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escalating the tensions between president biden and bibi netanyahu. hala gorani on the ground in cairo. hala, thank you. this weekend is, of course, a busy one for universities across the country struggling with how to hold commencement ceremonies amid all these ongoing protests on college campuses over the war in gaza. nbc's jesse kirsch is in chicago with more on all that. jesse. good morning. laura. good morning. this is a graduation season of contrasts near los angeles. pomona college is moving its commencement off campus because demonstrators are camping out on the stage in protest of israel's actions. other groups have been removed by force. police in riot gear physically clearing out demonstrators at the university of pennsylvania this week, according to the school, out of more than 30 arrests, only nine were students, but protests there still continued overnight, and at the university of arizona , authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets on a group that had rebuilt an encampment previously cleared out. police
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say officers were hit by rocks and water bottles. as all of this is playing out at the university of wisconsin-madison, administrators there reached a deal with demonstrators on friday, the school promising to address their concerns. in exchange, protesters must not cause any organized disruption of graduation ceremonies this weekend and that encampment also had to be dismantled as part of that deal. laura. all right. jesse kirsch in chicago. thanks, jesse. former new york city mayor and donald trump's close confidant, rudy giuliani, was suspended friday from wabc radio. his daily show was also canceled. the station said giuliani had repeatedly violated a ban on discussing discredited claims about the 2020 presidential election. as mr. trump's personal attorney, giuliani was a key figure in the former president's attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. giuliani called the ban a clear violation of free speech . tennis superstar novak djokovic says he is fine after
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he was accidentally hit on the head by a metal water bottle. this happened at the italian open in rome on friday. djokovic was signing autographs. watch this after his second round win, when that bottle fell from above the world's number one player you see there, curling up on the ground in pain. the bottle apparently slipped out of a fan's backpack, who was leaning over a rail just trying to get his autograph. a tournament spokesperson said that djokovic did not, fortunately, need stitches and it sounds like he's doing okay. check it out. he this morning just posted on a video on x a short time ago wearing a bike helmet as he arrived at the italian open today, writing i came prepared. glad he's okay. that was the news. how about a boost? yeah, here is a perfect boost, of course, for mother's day weekend. the adult children of 80 year old lieu dean andrew recently made her biggest wish come true. that wish having all seven kids home at the same time. the siblings range in age from 40 to 57. they showed up,
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pillows and blankets in tow for a sleepover. they had a great time eating chinese food, styling mom's hair, and then piling onto mattresses in the living room, her son cody said. it is the first time in 30 years the siblings have all slept under the same roof with their parents. what a lovely moment. of course, laura, you mentioned earlier you want the kids out of the house this weekend, but when they're when they're 50, you want them back, right? i didn't mean forgotten forever. i do love them. just. i need some time. an hour. i just need a nap . just one nap in silence would be okay. that family should have gone back to their childhood beds, right? with their legs. like way off the end of the twin sized mattresses. that's fun. still to come here for you, marissa parra explains why oprah now says she regrets her role in diet and weight loss culture. marissa, this is a big moment for her. this is a major moment, especially for the millions of americans who watched, maybe even followed oprah's weight loss journey over the decades. so she's now saying she regrets exactly that. that's coming up on saturday. today the darkness
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macy's. the fragrance destination. oh uber eats groceries. now i gotta remember that. you know the best way to remember something is just forget something. what'd you forget? hard to say. i know what you forgot. discover customer service. this is maya. oh, hi, maya. you robots are sounding more human. every day i discover everyone can talk to a human representative. all right, prove it. wait. are you a robot? 24/7 us based customer service. how would i prove that? i'm not. we are back this saturday morning with today's talker. and this is a really interesting one. something oprah said recently. that's raising a lot of eyebrows. the talk show host is expressing remorse for the way she took on and discussed the diet and weight loss industry on her shows and her magazines, and more. nbc's marissa parra joins us now with more on what oprah is saying. marissa, good morning . hey, guys. good morning. i
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mean, there was a time when oprah was the face of weight loss. who could forget that moment, the wagon moment. and if you don't know what i'm talking about, maybe you're too young. and we will show you just exactly why it is such a stunning about face for her to now decades later, say she thinks she was part of the problem. i am done with it. oprah winfrey sharing her regrets i. i have been a steadfast participant in this diet culture. the tv icon appearing in a weight watchers live event on thursday, acknowledging what she says was her role in perpetuating a harmful diet culture. i cannot tell you how many weight loss shows and makeovers i have done. at the height of her fame, when her size was under intense scrutiny. so how did you gain the weight? i ate a lot because oprah spoke to millions of americans struggling with the ups and downs of dieting. my very public yo yo diet moment became a national joke. this is
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what 67 pounds of fat looks like now, calling this iconic moment one of her biggest regrets. it is amazing to me that i can't lift it, but i used to carry it around every day. it sent a message that starving yourself with a liquid diet set a standard for people watching that i, nor anybody else could uphold. the next day i began to gain the weight back. her candid reflections this week follow her shocking admission. earlier this year, i'm on a mission to help convene and help us to keep talking about it all. regardless of what side you're on. oprah became one of the first big name celebrities to come clean about using weight loss drugs. 000 and ozempic we govee, manjaro and zeppelinos all part of a new wave of drugs flying off the shelves because they suppress appetite. but using the drugs for weight loss doesn't come without criticism. the long term side effects are uncertain, and in some cases, needed by medical
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patients who can no longer afford them. weight health is a very complex issue for everybody . it is not one size fits all. tv's former queen of talk now sharing a new message. but one thing that will release the shame, no matter your path, is to be as informed, i think, as possible about your own health. now, there has been some sharp criticism towards those advocating for these drugs being used as a weight loss method. oprah herself said not everyone will or even should choose them, saying she didn't want this to sound like a commercial, but because of how these drugs have been shown to treat obesity and bring results to people who have been spending years trying to get those results, she just said she wanted to break down the shame surrounding the conversation. conversation really try to move towards transparency. so guys really trying to break what she had said was a cycle of setting unrealistic standards here. marissa parra, thank you so much. you know, as she said, it's a complicated one. it's
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messy. it's not easy to talk about, but i think people are going to resonate are going to going to understand her, her struggle with it and see themselves in it. and so many people do want to talk about it and connect with other people over, but hopefully in a positive way. it's just been so a part of her sort of story for so long. it's striking to hear those words from her today. let's check in with angie again right now, keeping an eye on the forecast for us this mother's day weekend. yes, a very important sunday coming up. don't forget to get your mom something. there's your warning and how about we. if only we could give them some warm springtime weather because i don't know about you, but waking up across the northeast, the midwest today, it is chilly for this time of year. we've got temperatures just topping out into the low 60s in detroit this afternoon. new york, mid 60s. the warmth is kind of centered across parts of the northern tier of the plains. so 80s for omaha through the day today we look ahead to tomorrow 83 degrees in saint louis. that's an improvement. milwaukee will head to the upper 70s, but as far south as places like wichita falls, running 10 to 15 degrees below normal for this time of year, we will still make it into
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the 80s in austin for your sunday plans and then finally next week we'll get back into the more typical kind of may pattern with some 80s and 70s on tap. and that mother's day forecast a little soggy for folks across the northeast and the south. but sunshine out west and for the southeast, that's a look at the weather across the country. let's see what's happening in your neighborhood. good saturday morning. the time is 6.45. and if you're headed out the door early to try to maybe beat the heat and you're heading to the coast, we do have that dense fog advisory until at least 10:00. once it starts mixing out. so just some caution there on the roadways as we plan our day inland. however, look at these temperature trends from the 60s this morning to 80s by lunchtime and continuing with that warm heat inland for today, some places could reach 90 degrees. i'll show you the map coming up at 7 a.m. and that's a look at your mother's day forecast, guys. all right, angie, thank you for that. still ahead, the inspirational group of women helping other girls and women with disabilities. we're right back after this. dear
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guilt is continually upended. learn more and buy tickets at we are back on a saturday morning with a remarkable group of women who are nothing short of inspiring to others. they're all part of a dance team known as the rollettes, and they're helping to prove that nothing is impossible. when lopez has more. moving with your favorite song can look a lot like this. i want to be a little wet when i grow up. one, two hands and arms from one side to another. it's sometimes the rhythm that's hard to get. but these girls have it. they made me feel amazing, powerful and beautiful. but dancing is something they worried they would never be able to do. i was told i'd never dance again. i should stop and that i wasn't going to be taken seriously. that i wouldn't even
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be seen in the room. kaylie baez was 12 years old when she first struggled with ella's danlos syndrome. that meant early on, even walking would be difficult. i wasn't allowed to dance in the recital because i was using a wheelchair. i took the costumes and my mom put them on a shelf and i didn't touch them, thinking i would never dance again. and it was painful. you could have done it, but they had no idea how to put it together. nobody knew at that time just because again, there was no representation for people like me in mainstream media. and that's what you want to change? yes, absolutely. cue music. and that's exactly what she did. kaylie just became the first contestant to use a wheelchair on so you think you can dance? it's a yes for me. she's also one of the newest performers in the rollettes, a wheelchair dance team empowering women with disabilities. snap one josie scott is the youngest of the group, finding it after she was injured five years ago. i found
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these women who are like, if we walk again, great, but if we don't, we have amazing lives anyway. and that was really like a mindset and perspective shift for me. hi everyone. how are you ? chelsea hill is the one behind the launch of the roulettes, reuniting women with disabilities, creating what she calls a sisterhood after she survived a drunk driving accident. there's a level of understanding and a level of commitment to the friendship that, like, is so indescribable. you know, like, i'd do anything for these girls. a bond that goes beyond dancing on wheels, proving that pain can not only transform you, but lead you into a life beyond your wildest dreams. looking back at that 17 year old girl who was paralyzed in a hospital bed, what would you tell her? i would tell her, you're going to get married. you're going to find the love of
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your life, you're gonna have babies and you're gonna dance for today. elwyn lopez, nbc news, los angeles. i just love that story. and you think about all those young girls and boys who were in the audience, who were seeing themselves in those women as they're performing. yeah. and forging. forging a path for everyone that came behind them, showing them what's possible is just ellen did such a nice job with that. yeah, it was a beautiful story and so inspiring to all the young people out there who see that and go, i can do that too. we'll be right back. it started. it's the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age nine. hpv vaccination a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv related cancers, can start then to. for most, hpv clears on its own, but for others it can cause certain cancers later in life. welcome now, as the dad cab, it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help
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unlimited talk and text for as low as 19.99 a month. that gums dull. a fancy cube cooling flavor crystals fancier too fancy are just the right amount of fancy icebreakers. ooh, fancy . that is going to do it for us on a saturday morning. and before we go, of course, we do want to say a very happy mother's day to all those out there. to my wife, allison, i love you very much. and to someone else that we love very much. thank you all. oh, happy mother's day. thanks, guys. it was like, what's this? i thought we had a special guest coming out. what is this? these are the special guys. oh. thanks, guys. i'm really looking forward to a very long nap for mother's day. that's my gift from my husband. she said i'm going to get my nails done and write my today show script. now he's telling all my secrets. have a great weekend. all of the moms out there happy mother's day tomorrow. kristen welker sits
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down with secretary of state antony blinken to talk about the rising tension between the us and israel after president biden's threats to halt arms supplies, plus, senator bernie sanders and senator lindsey graham tomorrow only on meet the press. what does it take to take on alzheimer's awareness? that memory loss and confusion that disrupt daily life could be signs of alzheimer's? knowledge that among those 65 and older, 1 in 6 will develop alzheimer's and the courage to have important conversations with family, friends and your health care provider. you have what it takes to take on alzheimer's. learn more about signs screening and early detection at take on als. com brought to you by the california department of public health. good morning. i'm kira klapper. coming up next on today in the bay. it is graduation weekend at uc berkeley and the pro-palestinian encampment continues to grow. will demonstrations interrupt today's commencement ceremony? plus, an
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