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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 13, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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attacks were live this morning with a new blueprint meant to strengthen our country and the state, plus a race to escape rafa israel urgently warning palestinians to leave as new
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reports raise questions about israel's military operations. the latest response from washington. also, a new era begins in oakland, with the arrival of a new police chief. details on his plan to keep oakland safe. this is today in the bay and i don't want to jinx it, but the whole team is actually back together this morning. good monday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. we're going to get started with a look at that forecast for you mike going to have a look at that commute coming up. but let's talk about that forecast for us today gary how's it looking. it looks a little bit cooler today. all thanks to some fog that we're seeing developing in parts of the south county, along the coastline and into parts of the north bay. so that fog is going to keep those temperatures from warming up as quickly as we've seen recently. and we're going to see temperatures in the low 50s to start. it's 56 in san jose, 50 in sonoma, and it's 50 in napa. as we get a look at our forecast for today, we're going
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to see highs headed for the upper 70s and low 80s in a few spots. but definitely not as warm as it has been with novato headed for a high of 75 and 66 degrees in san mateo. so i'll have a look at the rest of the forecast for the week coming up in a few minutes. laura marcus sounds good. we'll check back with you. will developing now the israeli military is intensifying its attacks on northern gaza. this is new video of a huge explosion that occurred in gaza over the weekend. the death toll has now reached at least 35,000 palestinians. that's according to gaza's health ministry. israel sent tanks into the northern gaza strip on sunday after a night of heavy aerial and ground bombardments. the area is the largest of gaza's eight historic refugee camps and home to more than 100,000 people. now, all of this comes just days after the us report concluded it is likely israel violated international law in gaza. lawmakers are defending and attacking that report today
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in the bates brie jackson joins us live from washington this morning. brie what do we know about this report? good morning, laura marcus. so the report to congress said it was reasonable to assess that israel has violated international law in gaza using weapons provided by the u.s. however, that same report also noted that israel has not violated terms of u.s. weapons agreements. israel issuing new evacuation orders over the weekend for parts of rafah, even after a new report is further raising concerns about its military operations and civilian deaths, it's reasonable to conclude that there are instances where israel has acted in ways that are not consistent with international humanitarian law, but the state department says it has not verified specific instances that would justify withholding military aid to israel. that's something some lawmakers urge the white house to do. i think any objective observer knows,
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israel has broken international law. it has broken american law. and in my view, israel should not be receiving another nickel in u.s. military aid. other members of congress are pushing back. americans should be all in and helping israel against an existential threat. the one thing israel and america has in common hamas would attack us if they could. secretary of state blinken declined to identify the administration's red line with israel, but did double down on its stance on rafah and the more than 1 million people sheltering there. absent a credible plan to get them out of harm's way and to support them. president's been clear for some time that we couldn't and would not support a major military operation in rafah as cease fire talks continue, so do nationwide protests on college campuses. duke university students walking out on their commencement
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speaker. comedian jerry seinfeld, a vocal supporter of israel, and the report to congress, did not find that the that israel was blocking or the transport or delivery of humanitarian aid. back to you. all right. so much to closely watch. thank you. brie. well closer to home, thousands made their voices heard at dueling rallies at stanford university's campus over the weekend, both expressing different perspectives when it comes to the war in the middle east. stanford's jewish group held an interfaith rally just steps away from the pro-palestinian encampment on white plaza. more than an hour into that event, the group says that they were forced to abruptly relocate after campus security pressured them to do so. in an unexplained safety concern. now pro-palestinian protesters, they held their own rally on sunday. survivors of the music festival, where hostages were taken captive by hamas, was among those participating in the interfaith event. i think that
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we see so many times, the back that we get as an israelis, but to see the hindus and the chinese are coming all together, and the iranians ummah is also safety marshaling. so i was reminding our own protesters and our own community members to not get physically involved with anyone, not get close to anyone, and just sort of keep the peace. while tensions were high throughout the dueling rallies, ultimately things remained peaceful. well, new this morning. some fear whenever the next pandemic hits, it may be worse than covid, leaving california and the u.s. poorly prepared, unorganized and underfunded, especially if lawmakers follow through on planned budget cuts. today in the bay's bob redell joins us live outside lawrence livermore lab this morning. and bob, there is a growing call to action. yes. good morning to you, lauren. this criticism coming from the bipartisan commission on biodefense, which just released a list of recommendations on what this country should do right away, not only to prepare us for the
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next pandemic, but to also protect us from a big bioterror attack. one of the suggestions is replace biowatch. that's the national biological detection detection system that was created after the anthrax attacks of 2001 using aerosol detection technology developed here at the lawrence livermore lab behind me, the commission says the biowatch technology is ineffectual, and the program itself a waste of money. the commission's national blueprint for bio defense, that's the report, found that there are over 25 federal entities that are only part engaged, with little coordination to provide some sort of response to another pandemic or biological attack. the report lists 36 recommendations and 185 action items to better prepare our country. suggestions include making the president's national security adviser the official
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leader of national biodefense. we learned during covid that the country better needs to stop the transmission of pathogens inside buildings and other indoor spaces, and to stop the panic and neglect cycle of funding in which this country panics, provides emergency funding, then doesn't continue funding after the crisis has passed. we're going to have another biological incident of some kind, either natural or man made, and we're not ready. and that's pretty scary. you know, we told the public when we put our first report out in 2015 and we told the congress and we told the public, it's not a question of if there's going to be a pandemic. it's just a question of when we're not ready. and now you would think after losing a million people plus that we would be would have learned a lot of lessons and we've learned some. but there are more lessons that have to be learned and more work that has to be done. as i mentioned, the commission has released a number of
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recommendations and action items. you can read about it in their full report online at the biodefense commission. org website. later this morning, county public health directors and frontline workers here in the state of california, they're going to hold a news conference call on the state legislature to reject governor newsom's proposed $300 million in cuts to public health, which they argue would turn back the clock on california's ability to fight disease and would repeat the same mistakes that killed people during covid. governor newsom says the state has a budget shortfall and that, according to the sacramento bee quote, we have to be sober about the reality of what our priorities are. reporting live here in livermore, bob redell, today in the bay all right, bob, thank you. 509 right now, today marks day one officially for oakland's new police chief, who takes over a department which hasn't had a permanent leader in a year. today in the bay's kris sanchez joining us now. and chris, actually he's getting ready.
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well actually he already started on saturday. he started this is the first official day. it's kind of like when we show up for air to get our badges and sign our paperwork and whatnot, but oakland police chief floyd mitchell will begin today officially day one, by making a public statement at 1030 this morning. chief mitchell has been working behind the scenes, with interim chief getting familiar with the oakland police department and the city of oakland. the are these are two very different cities where he is going to be working in oakland and where he came from. he came from the lubbock police department, which mitchell led until september of last year. lubbock, just for comparison, has 270 fewer police officers. and in 2023, 118 people were murdered in oakland. in lubbock, the department where the chief came from, they investigated just 16 murders. but both departments did have major problems with their 911 system, so they have that in common. now, mayor tao introduced chief mitchell in late march, and as i mentioned, he was last the lubbock police chief. he also
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spent 25 years with the kansas city police department and is a veteran of the us air force, now opd has not had a permanent chief since mayor tao fired former chief leronne armstrong, 15 months ago. before that, the opd had 12 chiefs in 20 years and continues to operate under a federal monitor. because of the writers scandal more than two decades ago. chief mitchell has said that his first 100 days will be focused on getting to know the people and the players, not just within the department, but within the city, making some, you know, community connections, but also addressing that federal oversight and attacking violent crimes. how he put it right. and i think already they've been kind of trying to initiate him and get him up to speed of right. how it is. it's a lot to take. i mean, i think for the people of oakland, it would be nice to have somebody who's going to stay for a while. i mean, i agree at the very least, as a taxpayer member of oakland, yes. yes, sir. thanks, kris. you know
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what he's gotta love here? the weather. all right, a little cooler, you can tell. probably in san francisco. look at the fog hanging on this morning. kary's got a look at our forecast. boy what a lovely mother's day it was. yeah, it was really nice. it was a little warm during the afternoon. so we're going to bring down those temperatures as we go into today. we're starting out at 56 in san jose, 52 in oakland and santa rosa right now at 50 degrees 52 in san francisco. after our morning start in the low 50s, we check out our day planner and martinez. we're going to see those temperatures in the mid 50s at 9:00 and headed for the mid 60s for today. so you can tell it's not going to be warming up as quickly. with a high of 77 in martinez, oakland, 69 and 79 in san jose. there will be a wide range in temperatures thanks to where the cooler coastal temperatures will see today. and mike, you're starting with some old news. old news. if you were listening to the radio or reports last night, or maybe following me on social media, highway 37 eastbound was closed
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much of the weekend. but it's supposed to be open about now. it was actually open about ten hours ago, perhaps earlier. so we're looking at a smooth drive as we're driving eastbound or westbound on highway 37 to and from vallejo. we're looking at the rest of the bay, and there's a new crash that popped up over the last few seconds, 580 in oakland. i'll check on the details, but no slowing has shown up on our sensors. same thing for the rest of contra costa county. and in fact, the rest of the bay on these maps shows a smooth, easy drive. we have no major problems. there may be some fog drifting around. we'll talk about that coming up back to you. all right. thanks so much, mike. 512 for you this morning. and mcdonald's appears ready to go back to the good old days. well, not so much, but you know what? we're going to talk about the mouthwatering meal deal that's taking some for bang for their buck. you know, we're going to talk about that new plan now being cooked up as a way to win back some of those customers. and a new study, marcus, shs that forcing emowpl
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foggy, some mist and drizzle this morning. you may need the windshield wipers as you're coming through, and we'll see it linger for at least the next hour or so, and then visibility improving as the clouds lift and our temperatures head for the upper 50s. it's going to be a cool day there. we'll talk about our inland valleys and a slight cool down coming up in a few minutes. yeah, look at that.
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hey, kerry is talking about a little fog. there's some low clouds right here just above the bay bridge. you can see the lights, though, moving smoothly across the span of the tail lights into san francisco, where you can't really make out those city lights. well we'll talk about the traffic and where else we can see some. not seeing coming up. well good morning. very happy monday to you. stocks had their best week all year last week. this week we get new data on inflation a very small company with a very small stock price called polar power will get some chips bill money today a santa clara power company called oklo went public on friday through one of those spacs, and the stock fell hard. spacs have fallen out of fashion . the bay area's chargepoint went public the same way back in 2021. that stock has lost most of its value. spac is special purpose acquisition company, basically a publicly traded shell company buys a privately held company. like i said, out
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of favor. oklo is a company created by sam altman, who also did openai, openai has new updates to talk about today, though. sam tweeted. it's not a search engine like we all thought. ginger conejero saab will tell us more about that coming up. we expect apple to announce new improvements to siri when it meets with developers early next month. with all the talk of open ai and all the cool things it does, siri is looking pretty primitive. updates should allow you to have a more natural conversation with her employees at an apple store in maryland have voted in favor of a strike. they're concerned about pay and unpredictable schedules. they haven't walked off the job yet. they're hoping the threat will get apple's attention. the store was the very first store to unionize, by the way. speaking of employees, a new study out of the university of michigan shows companies that insisted that their employees return to work saw a lot of those employees
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quit. the study examined, among others, microsoft, apple and spacex. they all had very similar return to work mandates. microsoft saw 5% of its employees quit over the mandate. apple 4. spacex, which said work had to be fully in-person no days at home, lost 15. there are just so many companies out there that will, if you're an engineer, will pay you the same and let you stay at home with your, you know, your wife and kids, your dogs, your husband, all those great things. so a lot of people are just like, okay, i'm out. right. exactly. especially if they were able to move from the area, which is so expensive. exactly. still get and essentially can't come back. yeah. oh, okay. all right. always looking for a deal. those of us that came back well, speaking of deals, laura, how about this. so mcdonald's cooking up a new deal. this is trying to win back some of those customers feeling the impact of inflation. well the chain introducing a limited $5 value. menu okay. get this. it comes with four piece chicken along
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with mcnuggets. those are the chicken mcnuggets you get. but then you also get a choice of the mcchicken sandwich or the mcdouble, along with fries and a drink. that deal comes at a time when eating out is more than 4% more expensive than it was just last year. you know, some states a big mac will cost you $18. those hash browns, $6. that's just too much. well, the customers say that they're really trying to cut back on eating out. that seems too good to be true. i'm excited for it. if that's the case, because everything is expensive. that is so true. so ahead this morning on the today show, you can hear from more customers who are weary about the new rollout. it begins at 7:00 right here on nbc bay area, right after us here on today. they don't trust it or something or i don't know, but i guess you get hooked to it and you're like, ooh, i want my mcnuggets and my sandwich and my fries and my drink. and then they're like, total is $36.22. you're like, what happened to $5? right? exactly. all right.
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add ons, always the add ons about a ticket to a concert. yeah. all right. it is now 520. this forecast costing you nothing. i'll take a double. it does look great for the week. i mean, really nice weather. it continues over the next few days. just a modest warm up toward the end of the week. but we are starting out with clouds and this is what will keep those temperatures from warming up too quickly. our marine layer is back, and once again that helps to moderate where we go for our afternoon highs. we're starting out in the mid 50s and eventually it will be clearing between 7 to 8:00 for the south bay. the rest of the day is sunny and we are going to see those high temperatures brought down just a little bit. we'll be in the upper 70s for today, 75 for fremont as well as in dublin, will be in the mid 70s for napa and looking at some upper 70s for santa rosa, while san francisco will see a high there of about 64 degrees. looking at what's to expect tomorrow, we're bringing it back
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up a couple of degrees. so in san jose will be in the low 80s, upper 70s for the tri valley into martinez, 77 there and in oakland 73 degrees and then into the middle of the week. we're looking at more of the same. so we're not going to see any drastic changes over the next few days. the jet stream, well, to the north of us, that's the flow of those upper level winds. and it also carries those storm systems. so it's keeping that away from us. high pressure remains in control. and so we're going to continue with some above normal temperatures and a warm spot like brentwood. we're going to see temperatures in the mid to upper 80s all throughout the week. and if you're looking forward to some cooler temperatures, we do have to wait a while all the way up to sunday into the beginning of next week. so in the near term, it's going to be warm for a lot of our inland areas, with some mid to upper 80s at times and the weekend looking pretty nice. while san francisco is going to keep it cool here. highs reaching into the mid 60s. and mike now you have an update for
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that crash in oakland. yeah the one over here on 580. notice all the green sensors but highway 37 westbound starting to slow a little bit already. so more folks hitting the roadway. we're looking at eastbound 580 right around park. reports are for chp car rubbed up against that center divider. and so there will be activity there and likely a traffic break, or at least some slowing to get that vehicle to the right shoulder. but not just yet. we'll track that. we'll watch that and you let me know if you see any problems. the rest of the bay shows a smooth drive right now until we come down to the southland. we're looking at gilroy to hollister. that whole area over to watsonville may have some fog, so just the note folks there kind of prepared for that. back to you. thanks mike. coming up next on today in the bay, nbc bay area response. what does your bank know about you? turns out quite a bit. and they'll show you if you ask to see i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll show
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banking bio. here's a sample report. no i'm not going to show you my real one. sorry. this report has years of bits and pieces banks have collected about you and quietly stored. the federal government requires them to give you free access to it. if you ask if something's wrong on your report, a bank might deny transactions, put limits on your account, or even
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close it. so let's get your report. go to early several banks own early warning. it's most well known for operating zelle anyway, to see what early warning knows about you, start on the home page in the upper right corner. click the button that says your consumer report. you'll see a flow chart. we chose the option in the middle that says, we just like to see the report. from there, you can either call on the right or fill out a form on the left. my call took just 6.5 minutes. no waiting. a rep collected basic information, including my social security number. then she sent a text message and i replied with a copy of my driver's license. that was it. a few days later, early warning emailed me my report. it looked just like the sample we showed you in the beginning with detailed banking data down to the month. if this sample report were mine, i'd be concerned about the account that said it was closed for cause. if there's an error, early warning says you can contact them to understand the report and take action to fix it. putting
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artificial intelligence on pause and much of it centered right here in the bay area up ahead, we'll have more on a plan of protests outside openai ai's headquarters here in san francisco. will it be enough to pass ai?
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i a new push to slow down the explosion of artificial
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intelligence. a live report on the action being taken today by opponents ahead of a major announcement. and today's a big day in donald trump's first criminal trial. as his former attorney testifies against him. also spotlighting aa and nhpi community, we preview a new film aiming to transform japanese american history. this s this today of. the bay. when monday morning hits, we are here for you. and tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. that's good morning to you. i'm marcus washington and i'm laura garcia. it's worth getting up early for you. let's start out with a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. more of the same. yes more of the same. a little bit cooler today. all thanks to some fog and clouds that we're seeing around the coastline and some of the valleys. but we are all clear as you're heading out in walnut creek. a beautiful start to our monday morning with
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some mild temperatures as we go throughout the day. the few clouds that we are going to see is going to be clearing out. we're back to the sunshine today, and you'll notice that it won't be nearly as warm as it has been these past few days. we're going to bring it down a few degrees with spots like morgan hill in the low 80s, but mostly 70s for the inner bay, the east bay into the north bay today in napa, 75 degrees, while san francisco will hit a high of 64. so we'll talk about the rest of the week in a few minutes. mike, you are seeing those low clouds around the bay bridge. yeah, but not enough to cause a problem. not low enough to cause a problem for drivers. we it's hard to. it's kind of dark. honey, let me get you the full picture. there you go. now you can see that it's well lit for the folks driving across the span. those clouds are at the top of the screen and not really a problem for drivers unless you are trying to see the drive from your fancy rooftop apartment. we're looking over here toward the bay. nice drive, green sensors around the bay. a little start for highway 37 and highway four. already starting to see
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some backup or some slowing. i should say that. crash still working in oakland. eastbound at park on 580 and in the south bay. san jose does show the blip right above where it says san jose. the first little bit of slowing back over to you. thanks, mike. well, today is a big day in donald trump's first criminal trial. his former lawyer is expected to testify against him and scott mcgrew it is. it was actually michael cohen's first spill when those beans on the secret payments to stormy daniels. yeah. it was it was it was him who we first learned it from. he was the center of it. he was the one who took the home equity loan to get the cash to buy stormy daniels silence. the trump organization then paid cohen back about double and called it legal fees. cohen has been a thorn in trump's side for years now, going from fixer to someone who told many of trump's secrets. he told congress that trump faked the value of his new york properties in order to get bigger loans or avoid paying higher taxes. he's also been
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goading trump, baiting him online. michael cohen here with another michael cohen, reacts. well, it's been a while because, you know, for a week i've been suspended on tiktok, but i'm back and i will be on for my 10:00 pm show tonight and every night until, of course, tiktok suspends me again. now that's cohen. on tiktok, cohen has also called trump a potty humor name on social media. trump's been punching back, even though trump is barred by a gag order from talking about potential witnesses. even the judge in the case who issued the gag order has had enough of cohen asking prosecutors to please convince their witness to refrain from commenting. cohen is certainly one of the bigger witnesses in the trump trial. stormy daniels was the other, but we actually don't expect anything. all that new prosecutors really have already spelled out the alleged crime. cohen laura is just going to confirm it. it is still interesting to watch for sure.
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scott. well, the man who brutally attacked nancy pelosis husband is scheduled to be sentenced this friday. the chronicle recently reported. prosecutors are asking for a 40 year sentence for david depape, claiming he shows no remorse. a state trial for depape is still on the docket and may start as soon as this month. well, today, a global call to paul's artificial intelligence protests around the world, including one right here in the bay area planned just as i open i that is set to make major announcements today in the bay's ginger conejero saab live for us in san francisco and ginger, i want you to walk us through all of this. what's expected to happen today? well, good morning, marcus. quite a bit is happening today, including some anticipated big announcements from open ai that's happening at a live stream event later this morning at ten. now, last week, it was speculated that the company would announce its artificial intelligence powered search product, but a social media post
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has debunked that. open ai says today's announcement will demo some chat. gpt and gpt four updates now. the company ceo also later posted specifically saying it is not gpt five and is not a search engine, but new stuff he thinks people will love. not everyone is thrilled about artificial intelligence and progress in that field. global protests are scheduled in a number of major cities worldwide like new york, london, berlin, paris and here in san francisco. protesters demanding action ahead of an artificial intelligence summit in korea that's happening later this month. it is the second ever ai summit, following one in the united kingdom last year. now, the group leading today's demonstrations is called pause ai. they say they want an international treaty on artificial intelligence and to call attention to leaders both attending the summit and those who are not safety. they say, is their utmost concern, and they want it highlighted specifically
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at this year's may 20th summit, also coinciding with those planned protests in the city this morning, san francisco supervisor dean preston is taking up ai at city hall. he'll lead a hearing about rising ai generated disinformation nationally and what this means ahead of the local election here in the city that takes place. that hearing takes place at 1030. now, the protest is at ten, as mentioned on the other side of the city. we'll be there and we will bring you updates later on in the morning. something i know a lot of people are closely watching out for marcus, including those in the industry as well as parents and families as well. look, ai is everywhere. i know i saw an instagram, it says, you know, use ai and i'm like, what? what are you talking about? so look, whether you want to or not, it's there. all right. thanks ginger. well, also today, jurors are expected to announce a verdict in the case of a man accused of murdering and dismembering his girlfriend. authorities first announced the disturbing discovery last july. that's in
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the remains of 27 year old rachel buckner. were found in a bag along the alameda shoreline. police and u.s. marshals later arrested 43 year old joseph roberts, who shared an apartment in pleasanton with buckner. if convicted, he is facing a maximum 15 year prison sentence. 537 right now and a lively and emotional farewell for a san francisco icon. you see right there a celebration indeed celebration of life for reverend cecil williams. it was indeed a celebration that service taking place over at glide memorial, the church in the tenderloin and he first joined more than 60 years ago. now, over the decades , he transformed the congregation into a place of civil rights activism, lgbtq inclusiveness and neighborhood service. many in the tenderloin are forever grateful. i came from the tenderloin, you know,
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and it's hard out here. but mr. williams made things better just a little bit better. and ever since he told me that i was a child of god, i always believed that i'm. i'm clean and sober 12 years today, and i give thanks to glide memorial. that's great. absolutely. 12 years today. well, reverend cecil williams died three weeks ago at the age of 94. yesterday his daughter told the congregation williams was full of light and joy the day he died. what an amazing legacy that he leaves that it is for all of us. that's great to see. all right. taking a live look outside in the south bay now, sun coming up, cakes on the griddle. i don't know. no rocky mountain high here. but we love the bay area. yeah, absolutely. and we're starting out with some hot coffee, most likely because we are going to have some cool
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temperatures and some dense fog in parts of the south county. we're watching out for that. where our temperatures are now in the low 50s, it is 51. in fremont as you're heading out. we're in the low 50s in the north bay to then as we take a look at our highs here, it will be in the mid to upper 70s. you'll notice that it will be just a little bit cooler than it was yesterday. all some of that thanks to the marine layer, the fog and the clouds that we're seeing this morning. and then as we go throughout the day, as that clears, temperatures won't rise as quickly. so we'll see some upper 70s. it's still warm for this time of year for the south bay as well as the tri valley. so we'll get a look at what's ahead for the rest of the week. mike, you are seeing some slowing at the bay bridge toll plaza kicked in pretty quickly. kerry. i mean, we expect the metering lights to be on, but. three 3540 now. 339 540 is the time, folks. we're looking at the backup already forming. it's already messing me up. look at that. the middle lanes. and of course they'll start to fill outward, but a little bit early to see that much visible at the bay bridge. we see more slowing for highway 37. and highway four
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actually pretty mild. so we'll track this. distributions pretty normal, but the slowing amount is a little extra. this is because i believe they had a traffic break eastbound 580. getting away from park. everything should be cleared to the right shoulder. but we'll track that right now. now looking ahead we do have a game tonight for the giants over there at oracle park. so note 280 the extension king. and across the bridge from the parking lots there'll be more traffic and foot traffic especially use caution tonight tomorrow and wednesday i believe three the games are all at 645. the rest of the bay moves very smoothly, but i did just hear about a disabled vehicle as you're traveling west. so out of fremont and newark pass those radio towers. there may be a disabled vehicle in one of your right lanes. we'll track that and i'll let you know if there's any slowing on the span itself. but it looks like it's just shy of the toll plaza. back to you. all right. thanks so much, mike. all right. inching closer and closer to summer. and you know what that means. holiday travel is kicking up, set to reach new heights. so next year on today in the bay we're going to tell you about the record number of travelers expected this memorial day. plus it is not your average
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birthday party. ahead, we introduce you to a south bay mom who went viral after mistakenly inviting everyone in her contact list to her daughter's birthday. you won't want to miss this one. keep it here. party ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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be some clouds through about 8 to 9:00. and then as we go
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through the day, it's warming up. it's going to be a really nice one. we'll have a breeze and sunshine and cooler temperatures, and we'll talk about the rest of the week coming up in a few minutes. and we've already seen slowing in parts of contra costa county. san jose does show some sensors slowing right here. north 101, just about the six 8280 interchange. not a surprise and not really a problem from what we see. but of course, those sensors do tell you a little more about how things are going to feel. so we'll keep tracking those as they change from green to other colors. well, this morning we continue to amplify the ana api community, and a new documentary is looking to shine light on japanese-americans who are placed in internment camps by the us government. mike inouye joining us this morning with more on that. mike. hey. good morning. yeah, a picture is worth a thousand words. we've heard that phrase especially well, in this case when it comes to the film about japanese americans during world war two. it's called snapshots of confinement, and it gives us a clearer image. they are not prisoners. they are not internees. they are merely
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dislocated people. now, prisoners. japanese americans were forbidden from bringing cameras, in fact, into these internment camps. most of the pictures we've seen have been us government propaganda. but this documentary transforms how history is understood. despite the ban, some were able to document everyday life behind the barbed wires with photos, we are able to follow some survivors and their descendants through these snapshots. they now share south bay native diana tsuchida directed the film project after hearing stories from her dad, who was incarcerated as a child, along with 120,000 other japanese americans. the director shares these sometimes agonizing stories. she talks about her sister, her older sister being pregnant with twins in camp, and , unfortunately, she dies in childbirth because the doctor refuses to go and get a specialist. it was just an
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unnecessary loss that i believe was directly tied to the incarceration. now, the documentary is on pbs. we have a link on our website. i did want to show you guys two of the very few photos that we have of my parents during their incarceration as well. these are many of our stories. and you know what? sometimes we don't realize how close this history is. so we have more stories that amplify asian american, native hawaiian, pacific islander stories online at nbc. bay, slash aa and hp. wow. that's thank you for sharing those photos. mike. absolutely makes it so personal. it is. all right. thanks, mike. good. glad those stories are being heard. so important. 547 right now let's talk about president biden. he's expected to announce massive new tariffs on electric cars made in china. and scott mcgrew. let's talk about this because a lot of people in washington, those leaders, they're worried that those cars may be spying on us a lot. like they think when it comes to tick
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tock tick tock. yeah. same essentially the same issue. washington leaders worry that they're going to spy on us. that's indeed true. at 547 this morning, let's go ahead and move on to the story. the chinese worry about our cars. tesla drivers not allowed to drive their cars into chinese military compounds. here's a be wide. so this car costs about $30,000. if president biden were to put a 100% tariff on a byd, it would cost $60,000. now you can see how expensive that would get. now, the whole point of these tariffs is to keep these out of the us market. right now, there's about a 25% tariff on byd. now a reminder americans pay american tariffs. former president trump says he wants to put a 60% tariff on everything made in china, which would mean
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most things at costco or walmart would see huge price increases. when he was president, trump told his followers the chinese pay american tariffs. that's simply not how it works. americans pay american tariffs. at a rally in new jersey over the weekend, trump spoke about his trial. al capone and hannibal lecter. they rigged the whole thing with the department of justice, and every time they indicted. i've been indicted more than the great alfonse capone, scarface. al capone was so mean that if you went to dinner with him, he didn't like you. you'd be dead the next morning. and i got indicted more than him. now, mr. trump spoke also at great length about the fictional hannibal lecter, suggesting many of the migrants who enter america are coming from mental hospitals. the state department released a human rights report, critical of israel late friday afternoon. the state department says it's deeply concerned about american weapons hurting and killing
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palestinian civilians, particularly children. the report stops just short of accusing israel of violating international human humanitarian law. just short. listen to our secretary of state walk right up to that line. but what the report concludes is that based on the totality of the harm, that's been done to children, to women, to men who are caught in this crossfire, if hamas is making its reasonable to conclude that there are instances where israel has acted in ways that are not consistent with international humanitarian law. the menendez trial begins today. senator bob menendez, a democrat, his wife accused of taking bribes from the egyptian government to push egypt's agenda in congress. the fbi found gold bars in the senator's home on top of jackets with the senator's name on it and a google history that asked, how much is a gold bar worth? laura wow. interesting. thank you. scott 550 right now new this
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morning, memorial day could be a very busy one on the roads and at airports. triple a predicts nearly 44 million people will travel 50 miles or more during the holiday weekend. that is not only a 4% increase over last year, it also exceeds pre pandemic levels for the first time, more than 38 million people are expected to drive to their destination. on. that would be the highest number for memorial day holiday since triple a started keeping track 24 years ago. everyone wants to get out and about that they do while getting out and about to go to a party. maybe, maybe, maybe you've heard the story. it's trending for you this morning. it's that south bay mom behind the major evite mishap. well, she gets invited to be on the kelly clarkson show. it imported all 487 of my contacts and invited them to this birthday party. san jose's emily king accidentally invited hundreds to her child's first birthday, and she lived to tell about it, explaining what happened on tiktok. the clip has now been viewed more than 15
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million times, and we recently talked to her as well. she says. she only meant to invite about 35 people. okay, but wait, there's actually more here. a lot more really. here's a small part of what happened once that evite went out. so everyone got invited as they're sort of my phone with the emojis. i had derek with the eye roll emoji, who was invited, i had this girl, jess, who i hit her car in a parking lot one time, so it said jess hit her car in parking lot. she was invited. isn't that hilarious? okay so not to mention, you know who else got invited? most of her ex-boyfriends and her former coworker. oh, you got to check out the entire story. including her now expanded list of rsvp. yes, that's what i want to know on the kelly clarkson show. it's today on nbc bay area at 3:00. so this story actually made us in the newsroom start to think of like, how do you label people in your phone? yeah, you know, i
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have a few, yeah, we started going doing that though, so i feel bad though all those people and i didn't get it in, but sometimes you maybe need a reminder of who somebody is. it's true. yeah it's kind of funny. so check it out this afternoon i'm listening to a short mc that's. i had a boss here one time. didn't realize that he used to put, you know, you could see them, shorty. yeah, exactly. wow. yeah, he was talking about me, but i am. yeah. so it's okay. all right. meteorologist hey. that's you all right, well, here i am, don't need to rsvp for this one. it's going to be a nice day, and we're starting out with some clouds. a little bit of fog in parts of the bay area, but we're right now, for the most part in the low 50s. as you're stepping out and around the bay, we're going to see our temperatures warming up in san jose. as it clears, we'll see our high temperature in the upper 70s 70, in foster city, a little bit cooler there and comfortable for martinez with some upper 70s. so we're seeing the changes here as
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high pressure continues to build. and it's not going to give us the extreme heat that we had late last week. and the jet stream once again, the flow of those upper level winds will keep the storm track to the north, but as it nudges its way a little bit closer, it's going to bring down those temperatures just a bit bit toward the end of next week in palo alto. we're not seeing a lot of changes here. our high temperatures will continue to reach into the low to mid 70s and then low 70s for early next week. so eventually there will be some moderating temperatures here, but we are still a little warm for this time of year. in the middle of the week, we see those temperatures going up a few more degrees, peaking on thursday and into the weekend. we'll see it coming back down, with upper 70s expected for a lot of our inland areas on sunday and throughout the weekend. san francisco. we'll keep it in the 60s, but it will get slightly warmer on thursday. and mike, you're seeing that backup forming quickly today. that's kind of the only unusual part of this morning's commute. is the backup forming quickly at the bay
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bridge, almost to the end of the parking lot. and building there, we're looking at some highway four slowing and highway 37. that started a little early, but kind of calming down there. and there's richmond. so things are in their typical distribution again. but we see more backup than is typical at the bay bridge everywhere south of there looks pretty standard. this one incident, this disabled vehicle around the dumbarton bridge toll plaza doesn't appear to be causing slowing, but i'll track that as they have to clear it at some point. back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well, happening now. a five year old child pulled from an east bay waters over the weekend is dead. it happened saturday afternoon at bethel island. the child reportedly falling into that water. this is near a back of a home. rescue crews managed to pull them from the water. about 15 minutes later. they performed cpr. they're rushed to the five year old to the hospital, the child later dying there. we still are working to learn what led up to that tragic incident. very sad. well, preparing for biological attacks ahead at 6:00. we're live outside lawrence livermore laboratory with the new blueprint meant to
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strengthen our country and the state. keep it here. you're wahing today in thetc
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feeling the impact of inflation. so get this. so the chain introducing a limited $5 value meal. it comes with four piece chicken mcnuggets. then you get your choice of the mcchicken or mcdouble along with fries and a drink. talk about a deal there. so that deal coming of course, in a time where eating out is actually 4% more expensive than it was just a year ago, you know, some states a big mac can cost you $18. those hash browns, $6. that's just where a hash brown customers say that they're really trying to cut back on eating out. that seems too good to be true. i'm excited for it. if that's the case, because everything is expensive, that it is so ahead for you. this morning on the today show, you can hear from more customers who are actually weary about this new rollout. you can watch that at 7:00 right here on nbc bay area, right after us. you know, i'm not a big fast food person, but i could feed a lot of people with all that $5. you know, i've
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heard that some of the, you know, eat in restaurants are bringing their prices down to match the fast food prices. so they're trying to draw in some of the people who are saying, okay, it costs too much to, well, right. go through the drive through, i might as well be sitting down somewhere. right? exactly. i remember back in college i could eat a lot, $5 here, $5 there. that worked out. you wonder what college students do now because, you know, go home. yeah noodles. noodles instead. get creative with ramen. anything in a cup? yeah okay. hey, a quick reminder for you. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you'd like. we stream 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch live newscasts, breaking news updates, and much more. local content. we're always here for you. well, right now at six, the race to escape a new fighting as it erupts across gaza. israel urgently warning palestinians to leave rafah while a new report raises questions about israel's military operation. we're following those new developments overnight as protests began to disrupt ti


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