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tv   Today  NBC  May 13, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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south to 680. the south bay shows a build pretty typical pattern, but not as bad as we might see. all right, today's show is just ahead, but you can get more local news as we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms. live at 8:00. a day without child care. the rally is set to be held to call attention to a growing crisis and the demand is set to be made over the growing costs of child care. it is expensive. i mean, i don't have kids to know, but it is expensive. all right. thanks for joining us this morning. have a great one. you keep charging us well you can keep babies any you like. it good monday morning. new chaos on college campuses nationwide. >> protests now interrupting graduation ceremonies. good morning. it's may 13th. this is "today". ♪ walk-out.
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dozens of students take part in a demonstration during jerry seinfeld's commencement speech at duke. in california, protests blocking the entry to a graduation ceremony there. families and police voicing their frustrations with more demonstrations expected this week. and in the middle east, new fighting erupts across gaza. israel once again warning citizens to evacuate the city of rafah. we'll have the very latest. the fixer is in, former trump attorney michael cohen ready to take the stand at the president's criminal hush money trial. the testimony that could be a make-or-break for the case as trump steps up his offense on the campaign trail. a day without child care. centers and schools closing. rallies set to be held from coast to coast. providers and parents coming together to bring attention to a growing crisis. what they're demanding to make the cost of child care more
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affordable. bad blood. the royal family rift potentially deepening after king charles awards prince william, a new honorary role. why that move is said to be so painful to prince harry. we're live in london. ment. all that plus fast food fight, mcdonald's considering a big change to its menu. inside its plan to win customers upset by soaring drive-through prices. and count-down to kick off. the nfl getting set to unveil the long awaited schedule for the 2024 season this week. but first, we're revealing the opening game exclusively today, monday, may 13th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning, welcome to "today," monday morning. somebody looks tan, rested and ready.
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how was bermuda? >> it was a lot of fun. how was your mother's day? >> it was wonderful. >> it was good. all last week we passive aggressively said hoda was on assignment in air quotes. >> we did have a good time. thank you. we will begin with college campus protests, interrupting commencement ceremonies from coast to coast. a number of graduations impacted over the weekend. >> anti-war demonstrators walked out of graduation at duke university as the school's high-profile keynote speaker jerry seinfeld took the stage. >> this all comes at a time of escalating tensions in gaza. tens of thousands of palestinians fleeing the city of rafah over fears of an imminent israel invasion. talks are once again on pause. we have it covered both here and overseas. let's start with stephanie gosk at nyu, a school holding its commencement this week. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it will be a week of graduation
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ceremonies. nktd including here at nyu's business school. they kick off events today, and we are likely going to see more protests like the ones we saw over the weekend. as you mentioned, dozens of students walked out on jerry seinfeld's commencement speech at duke. they held their own ceremony outside the stadium. it is just one of many places where students used their own graduations to protest over the war in gaza. tensions reaching a breaking point at college campuses nationwide. with graduation ceremonies becoming the latest flash point for ongoing anti-war protests. over the weekend, dozens of duke university students staging a walkout as comedian jerry seinfeld began his commencement speech. >> i grew a jewish boy from new york. that is a privilege if you want to be a comedian. >> reporter: after hamas attacked israel on october 7th, seinfeld posted on instagram, i will always stand with israel and the jewish people and visited the country back in december to show his
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support. duke university releasing a statement writing in part, we respect the right of everyone at duke to express their views peacefully without preventing graduates and their families from celebrating their achievement. this walkout just one of many nationwide impacting end-of-year campus events. pro palestinian demonstrators blocked entryways ahead of a ceremony for pomona college. the school had moved the event after protesters set up an encampment on the stage. at uc berkeley, home of the free speech movement, dozens of students interrupted graduation waving propalestinian flags and banners. the demonstration later moving behind the main stage where hundreds of others joined in. dozens of vcu graduates silently walked out during virginia
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governor glenn youngkin's speech. this comes after police in riot gear arrested 25 protesters at the university of virginia last week. according to an nbc news tally, nearly 3,000 arrests have been made on campuses nationwide in weeks of protests. u.s. news and world report is out with a new survey today that says 60% of students say anti-semitism is a problem on campus. 38% say they feel unsafe. as for duke, jerry seinfeld, his daughter graduated from the school, his son goes to the school. we reached out to his team for comment. they have not returned our request for comment. guys, back to you. >> stephanie, thank you very much. as for the war itself, there is breaking news overnight. fighting has erupted again in northern gaza while israeli forces push deeper into the southern city of rafah. this comes in the wake of some
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of the biden administration's harshest public criticism yet against israel's month-long operation. nbc correspondent richard engel joins us now. he's in jerusalem. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. the geography here is important and revealing. since this war began about seven months ago, israel has been fighting from the north to the south, clearing cities like gaza city, which is in the north and then moving on to other cities, fighting hamas as it goes. ultimately ending up in rafah, which is in the deep south. but now fighting has once again returned to the north, to gaza city. and in many ways, it is akin to what u.s. troops found themselves facing many years ago in iraq. back then they described it as whack a mole, fighting an enemy one place, only to see them turn up somewhere else. israel is fighting hamas once again this morning in northern gaza, where the militants have regrouped.
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secretary blinken this weekend offering increasingly public american criticism, suggesting israel has no exit strategy from gaza. >> israel is on the trajectory potentially to inherit an insurgency with many armed hamas left or if it leaves anarchy probably refueled by hamas. >> reporter: israel's main focus is still on rafah in southern gaza. israel is ordering civilians to leave the city, packed with 1.4 million people, most of them displaced from other parts of gaza. israeli troops have not moved into the center of rafah, but appear to be laying the ground work for a major assault, bombing heavily and destroying infrastructure. amal harazadine tells us she can't move again with her five children. they walked to rafah from the north and live in this tent. my kids will die.
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they will be victims, she says. in israel, many families of the 132 hostages still in gaza are increasingly despondent, too. on mother's day, i spoke to rachel goldberg-polin. her son, an american, was kidnapped and lost his hand during the massacre. a hamas video this month showed he's still alive, or at least was recently. hostage negotiations have stalled. >> are you -- are you on this emotional roller coaster every day? >> i am commanding myself every day to stay hopeful. so i don't go plummeting, and i don't go super high falsely. so the same way you don't count your chickens before they hatch, we don't count our hostages until we're hugging them. >> reporter: today is memorial day in israel, when the country commemorates its fallen troops. and prime minister netanyahu
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said israel is now in a war for its survival, that it's israel's existence or hamas. hoda. >> richard engel in jerusalem, richard, thank you. today marks a pivotal point in former president trump's hush money trial here. his former fixer and attorney michael cohen set to take the stand, offering an insider view at the payments at the center of the prosecution's case. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett is here with details. laura, good morning. >> good morning to you. for years, michael cohen had been mr. trump's attack dog. in front of the camera and of course behind the scenes. but that all fell apart once cohen came under federal investigation. this jury has already read his text messages, heard his voice on tape. but now they will be the ultimate judge of his credibility on the witness stand. he once said he would take a bullet for the former president, but this morning michael cohen takes the stand as a key witness for the state in donald trump's criminal trial. the dramatic face-off between mr. trump and his former fixer a pivotal moment as prosecutors
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wind down their case. the jury has seen evidence it was cohen who bought the silence of stormy daniels days before the 2016 election as cohen admitted years later in a stunning moment before congress. >> mr. trump directed me to use my own personal funds to avoid any money being traced back to him that could negatively impact his campaign. >> reporter: and jurors have seen the invoices and checks documenting how mr. trump paid cohen back, calling his repayments legal expenses, a disguise according to prosecutors and cohen's lawyers to cover up the hush money scheme, which mr. trump denies. >> i know that the corroboration and the detail backing up michael is what people don't recognize. it wasn't legal fees. mr. trump knew there were no legal services. >> reporter: but cohen's baggage is well documented. his prior convictions for campaign finance violations and lying to congress likely just one part of what will
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undoubtedly be a grueling cross examination as the defense team argues he's a scorned man that makes a living off tearing down his old boss. even the judge directing prosecutors to warn cohen to stop talking about mr. trump from now on. the presumptive gop nominee moving from the trial to the trail over the weekend. >> i've come here from new york. >> reporter: drawing huge crowds in neighboring new jersey, which overwhelming ly went for biden in 2020. >> i have been indicted more than the great al capone. i got indicted more than him. on [ bleep ] . >> reporter: mr. trump pivoting to his favorite campaign topics, including immigration, invoking another famous criminal. >> "silence of the lamb." has anyone seen it? the late great hannibal lecter is a wonderful man. he oftentimes would have a friend for dinner.
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>> the former president went on to levy his usual attacks against the district attorney, but made no mention here of michael cohen. mr. trump is still under a gag order that bars him from attacking witnesses and has paid $10,000 for his violations so far. >> the case may rise and fall on this witness, laura. let's talk about another case, senator menendez. the trial starting today. >> near blocks away from where trump is. this is the second time the senator has faced bribery allegations. he has pled not guilty and denies all wrongdoing, but this will be different from the last go-around because this time prosecutors have not only a cooperator, but they also charged his wife, which amps up the pressure to point fingers. his defense team is suggesting he didn't know anything about it and sort of laying the blame at the feet of his wife. jury selection begins today. we'll see where that one goes. >> the former president on trial, a senator on trial. laura, you're busy. let's go to a day without child care.
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day cares and schools are preschools all across the country are closing their doors today as providers and parents join agent to demand for affordable child care for all families. senior business correspondent christine romans is here with that story. hey, christine. good morning. >> good morning to you. many parents feel like they're being priced out of day care. at the same time providers are struggling with low pay, high turnover, high costs there. it adds up to a crisis brewing in child care. >> what do we want? >> child care! >> when do we want it? >> now! >> reporter: this morning across the country thousands of parents and child care providers are calling out of work or closing their doors for national day without child care. pressing lawmakers for affordable child care, including an expanded child tax credit and better pay for educators. the cost of care has skyrocketed. according to bank of america, child care payments have soared 32% since 2019. child care the second biggest expense for working families
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after rent or mortgage. says the typical family spends nearly a quarter of its income on child care. last year 20% of parents reported shelling out at least $3,000 a month or $36,000 a year. that's much more than the average in state college tuition which runs just over $24,000 a year. kora is a single mother who is only able to afford care through a subsidized scholarship. >> there are a lot of people that are in worse spots than i am. they might be forced to put their child in hands that are not qualified. >> today, she is taking a day off from her job to support to support the walkout at t.j.'s school, part of a national day without child care, organized by the group, change action in 15 statings. >> our teachers make anywhere from minimum wage to $20 an hour. >> reporter: christine is an enrollment coordinator at an early learning center in mount
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sinai new york where tuition can run up to $2,000 a month. christine says parents are strapped by rising tuition and educators face low pay and high turnover. >> parents need care for their children, but if they band with us, it will help them and their teachers as well. >> unlike the k through 12 school system, for most families, day care is largely left up to parents and child care in your local communities. teacher turnover is high. there are long wait lists at many centers and emergency covid funding used to boost wages is starting to run out. instant child care can run up to $15,000 a year in some places. paper is a strong economy? this is one of the number one things t which is impossible math for some families. i have been traveling to swing states and asking people, what concerns you? what's happening in your world? why don't you feel what's on paper is a strong economy. this is one of the number one things they tell me about. >> it's a huge part of someone's salary. >> absolutely. it affects their ability to
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work. you can't work if you don't have quality child care. it takes up so much of the paycheck. >> thank you, christine. >> we have craig here this morning. >> savannah, hoda, good morning. good morning to you as well, folks. the unofficial start of summer just around the corner, and travel for memorial day, memorial day travel could break records. aaa predicting 44 million americans will be driving or flying over the holiday weekend with the airports bracing for a big spike in travelers. nbc's brian cheung is at reagan national airport for us this morning. brian, first of all, good morning to you. walk us through how busy those airports are expected to be this memorial day weekend. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, guys. again that $43.8 million figure by the way, that could be the largest that aaa as seen in over 20 years. at airports just like this one, washington national, the expectation is for 3.51 million americans to hit the skies for that weekend. that would be a 4% increase, nearly 5% increase from last year.
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headed to popular destinations like orlando, florida, seattle as well as new york, new york. now, what's interesting is despite the cutbacks and the roots due in part to those production related issues, we haven't seen prices for tickets go up that much, which should be welcome news for those trying to plan a get-away for the unofficial start of summer. >> yeah, so, you know, we have covered the flying there. for those driving, hitting the road, what can they expect, brian? >> reporter: yeah. well, a lot of people expected to hit the roads. 38.4 million according to aaa in that new report this morning. that would be a 4% increase from expect -- last year. what's really interesting about all that is that as people try to hit the roads, gas prices are about the same as they were last year, about $3.61 per gallon as of right now. also worth noting, though, is that if you are trying to drive, don't get stuck in traffic. the guidance from aaa is if you are trying to leave, try to leave before 11:00 a.m. on
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thursday or friday. if you want to come back and not hit traffic on the way back home, try to hit the roads before 1:00 p.m. on sunday. plan ahead, guys. >> all right. good tips, brian cheung, reagan national airport. brian, thank you. 7:18. mr. roker at his post, got a check of the weather. hey, al. >> i can feel the glow coming off of you right now. wowsers! >> she brought the sun from bermuda. >> yes, she did. wow. >> look at that tan. >> any way, where are my sunglasses? we've got some strong storms again making their way across the coast. flood watches from texas all the way into florida. parts of southwestern georgia. we've got a risk of severe weather from austin, houston, new orleans all the way to panama city as these storms fire across 23 million people at risk. can't rule out tornadoes. biggest problem going to be hail from san antonio to new orleans. we could see two to four inch in diameter hail with this. and with heavy rain, a moderate risk of flooding from panama city to
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new orleans. a slight risk all the way up to chicago. why? well, we're looking for 1 to 2 inches of rain up through the mississippi river valley. as you get down to the gulf, we could be looking at rain fall rates up to 2 inches per hour. rain fall amounts 5 to 8 inches in some spots. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. to sell this mom van. this is the greatest day of my life! i mean — gablah! this is... (dramatic sigh) ...the saddest day of my life! mmm-hmmm... it's so hard to walk away... really, really hard. but i'm gonna stay strong! instant online offers. carmax.
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and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you so much. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you so much. a decision by king charles tied to his sons that's created new drama inside the royal family. we have kelly cobiella joining us from buckingham palace. >> reporter: that's right, good morning. prince william becomes a ceremonial head of a military unit that prince harry once served with. we'll have all the details for you coming up. and a today exclusive that every football fan wants to see. with queued up music. the full 2024 nfl schedule will be unveiled this week. do you know what's happening
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today? >>? what? >> we are going to reveal -- actually, mike tirico will reveal the highly anticipated kick-off game, who plays who and
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it's a big morning because still ahead, one of the biggest and busiest stars on the planet. >> the one and only ryan reynolds here live. we will talk about movies, family, soccer and so much more after your local news. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at breathing claritin clear is like... [♪♪] feeling the breeze instead of feeling congested.
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and i'm doin' the whole “dunkin' cold” thing. this is not how this is supposed to go. the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. day, marking the official first day for oakland's new police chief. floyd mitchell is the former police chief of lubbock,
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texas. he spent 25 years with the kansas city police department, as well. his first day on the job was saturday, but he worked behind the scenes over the weekend. at 1030 this morning, he plans to make a public statement. opd last had a permanent chief 15 months ago. that's when mayor shengtao fired leronne armstrong. i'm bob redell here in livermore. the next pandemic could be worse than covid, and the united states is poorly prepared, unorganized, and not well funded . that, according to the bipartisan commission on biodefense, which just released a list of recommendations on what the country should do right away, not only to prepare us for the next pandemic, but to protect us from a bioterror attack. one of the recommendations replace bio watch. that's the national biological detection system that was created after the anthrax attacks of 2001 using aerosol detection technology developed right behind me here at the lawrence livermore lab. let's
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get a look at our forecast for this monday morning with meteorologist kari hall. and we will have slightly cooler temperatures today with some of our inland valley highs in the upper 70s and warming up a few more degrees as we go through the week. it will be in the mid 80s by wednesday into thursday and the weekend is looking nice. laura. all right, don't forget to join us for today in the bay live streaming newscast at 8 a.m, including a day without childcare. rallies are set to be held, calling attention to the growing crisis of child care costs. watch on roku, amazon fire tv, zoom and streaming platforms including
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, my gosh. look at this, you guys. 7:30. a spectacular show in the skies across america. the northern lights visible to millions of people over the weekend in places you would
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never, ever expect. even as far south as florida. al, what was going on here? >> you know, it's funny. we talked about this. it was going to be a category four or five geomagnetic storm. normally with the northern lights you see greenish. there were thues of purple and green. >> where could you see it? >> some places, if you were away from artificial light as far south as florida. >> people were seeing them in new york state. >> we slept through it. >> so did i. >> i didn't even know about it. >> you know how they say there is fomo, fear of missing out. this is like como, certainty that you missed out. >> you can see it again tonight, though, right? >> yes. although, it's weaker. it's weaker. a lot of folks saw it last night as well. >> so, what, 20 more years? >> this is more really about the magnetic storm. >> will you let us know? >> a solar forecast for you. it is that coronal mass ejection. >> we talked about that last
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week. we do have a lot more to get to during this half hour. we are going to start with the royal family once again. this time, some more reported drama over a new title for prince william. it comes as his brother prince harry and meghan markle are wrapping up their trip to nigeria. king charles is handing over a military title to >> nbc's kelly cobiella watching it all from buckingham palace. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. king charles is handing over a military title to prince william today. not just any military title, but one with a special connection to his brother, prince harry, who flew helicopters while serving in afghanistan. this morning, king charles is officially bestowing another title on his oldest son, making prince williams colonel and chief of the army air corps, a title that would hold a special significance to his brother harry. william now the ceremonial leader of the unit harry served with in afghanistan. >> i think if harry had still been a working member of the
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royal family, this is a military honor that would have certainly gone to him. he would have been the most appropriate recipient. >> the palace announced it last week. when harry was in london, where he did not meet his father or brother. "the sunday times" reporting unnamed friends of the king dispute that charles refused to find time to meet harry. harry and his wife meghan on their own royal style tour in nigeria over the weekend, playing seated volleyball, attending fundraisers, standing for the british national anthem "god save the king" during a reception for military families. but no protocol to follow. this visit part of the couple's own mission, not one on behalf of the king. meghan said she learned of her nigerian heritage through a dna test. >> i thank you very much for just how gracious you have all been in welcoming my husband and i to this country, my country.
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>> reporter: the couple also opening up about their son and daughter, prince archie and princess lilibeth, telling school children archie loves construction, and lily loves to sing and dance. still unclear whether or not she and her brother prince archie will be here later in june for the king's officially birthday parade, the trooping of the color. they were last year two years ago when they were able to meet then prince charles. but we'll see if they get another reunion with their grandfather, the king. guys? >> all righty, kelly, thank you. coming up, guys, olivia munn sharing details on her ongoing battle with breast cancer. an interview that all women need to hear. first up, we all love talking about tirico, especially when mike tir rico is in studio 1a, face to face, to reveal the nfl kickoff game for the 2024 season.
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happened? of course, the drought between the big game and the next season, oftentimes that seems endless for football fans, but there is light at the end of the football tunnel. >> here it is, the 2024 nfl schedule comes out later this week. however, we will kick things off right here, right now. we have an exclusive reveal of the kickoff game. >> we do. >> and the man with the on, mi >> this is a big way to start it of information is at the table. hey, mike. >> come on, mike. >> this is a big way to start it off. >> that's why i came to new york. i needed to do this in person with you guys. do you want the game? okay. so we always know it will be the defending champs, so we know we will be in kansas city. it is a parlor game inside football who will be the opponent. the opponent is the baltimore ravens. so we will see baltimore in kansas city to start the season, kickoff 2024 on nbc as you see right there, thursday, september 5th. >> there is a real rivalry because, of course, that was the end of the raven's road. >> exactly. lamar jackson, their
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quarterback, mvp of the league. this was their year. kansas city had to go on the road for the playoffs. kansas city we want to baltimore, beat them. got to the super bowl and won. so it will be a bit of a way to start for baltimore to clean last year's slate next year. >> tell us about kansas city. andy reid re-signed. mahomes restructured his deal. to make some room for some pickups. i know how difficult it is to repeat, but three-peat possible. >> they threw it out there at the parade. >> do you think it's feasible? why not? their best defensive player chris jones, travis kelce is we know about travis, right, he's coming back, too. and mahomes, you kicked in some of your salary to make sure he stays in kansas city. it's all good, right. so they've got the big pieces to work around. this is a team that has a chance to win four super bowls in six years. we haven't seen that since pittsburgh of the '70s, so we're talking some record stuff that
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they're on the precipice of. >> well, let's look at the rest of the season. this is an awesome team, but what else are you look ing for, the big story lines? >> these young quarterbacks that come in. patrick mahomes, lamar jackson, if you have a quarterback you have a chance. look at these guys here in big cities, chicago, d.c. and the boston area. first, second, third overall picks in the draft. caleb williams has already been named the starter for the bears. jayden daniels likely. to be the guy eventually in washington, same with drake may for the patriots. those teams, will they have their mahomes? their guy they can build around for the next three to five years. that's what we will be watching as this season gets going. >> we talk about thursday night football. there is a friday night game already been announced. eagles versus another team. >> it doesn't matter. as long as it's the eagles, you will point it out. >> who is it, by the way? >> you're teeing me up, i'm sorry. the packers, green bay packers. >> i just couldn't remember. eagles/packers in brazil. >> a great game thursday night with the ravens taking on the chiefs. friday in brazil, exclusive on peacock.
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saturday college football. we're requesting -- going to have a huge college football slate, big prime time, big big 10 game. >> so we will have three nfl games in four days? >> exactly right. >> thank you so much. i will start making the case -- queso right now. >> that's a lot of travel for tirico, too. >> that's easy. all we have is the olympics. we'll all be rested and ready to go. it will be great here. >> thank you. >> happy mother's day. >> thank you. >> by the way, mike is coming back in the 3rd hour as well. >> i am? >> yes. mike is coming back in the 3rd hour, we hope. by the way, you can get ready for the season with the 2024 nfl schedule release presented by verizon. every game revealed, wednesday night 8:00 eastern on nfl network, nfl plus. peacock. the nfl has now eventized the schedule release, wow! >> i was thinking that.
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like even that -- >> you think we like football in this country? >> yes we do. >> chiefs hosting the ravens thursday, september 5th here on nbc and peacock. now over to mr. roker. >> if the schedule gets too tough, mike, i can stunt double you. >> glad to have you. let's go. chris will be happy to see you too. >> we'll tag team each other. all right. we're looking at warm weather out west. could see some records. bakersfield 92. same in saint george, cheyenne, miles city montana 92 degrees. rapid city, you are in the 70s. sacramento again, the warmth the merrier. vegas 94, grand junction 82. it is warm and dry up into canada where we're looking at some wild fires that's bringing smoke. this first round of canadian wild fire smoke for 2024, making for air quality problems for 8 million people from minnesota and d parts of w
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and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up next, welcome news. if you have been frustrated by rise ing fast food prices. what mcdonald's is planning to add to add more value to its menu. we have that story, and hoda has her boost right after this. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment
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7:47 am
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the multigrain flakes? oh wait i see, it's the real fruit. oh wait wait, can you go back to the berries? mmhmm. special k. special for a reason. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) no problem! (man) thanks (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon (vo) dan made progress with his mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor
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if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪ we are back. sheinelle joins the table. >> good morning. welcome back. >> happy mother's day, sheinelle. news fast food lovers will enjoy hearing. >> here's the deal, we have been talking for months about the sky high price of fast food. it appears mcdonald's has heard your concerns, now said to be exploring a $5 meal deal. yeah. marissa parra has more. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning.
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we have all seen those viral videos of the fast food items running upwards of $20 in some places. so now mcdonald's is looking into a combo meal that would leave their customers full and their wallets lean. >> for an eight count mini and a lemonade, $14? are you kidding me. >> with fast food frustration frying customers -- >> what happened to the dollar menu? bring that back. >> reporter: -- this morning some relief may be on the horizon of the golden arches. mcdonald's may soon roll out a $5 value meal nationwide. two people familiar tell cnbc the offer may include four piece chicken nuggets, mcchicken or a mcdouble, fries and a drink. the rumor hot off the press has consumers loving it. >> because that seems too good to be true. >> i'm excited for it, if that's the case, because everything is expensive now. >> reporter: the fast food giant would be just the latest to offer a 5 dollar
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meal deal, igniting a battle in the burger king dom as more inflation-cautious consumers are fed up with rising fast food costs. >> $4 for one sandwich? how are we supposed to survive? >> when did mcdonald's get so expensive? >> reporter: analysis from finance buzz found the price of a quarter pounder has doubled in the past 10 years, while popeye's, taco bell and jimmy johns raised prices by more than 60%. mcdonald's says the report is not an accurate representation and the pricing is set by each franchisee. but overall, dining out is 4.2 more expensive now than this time of year. with states hiking up minimum wage, california now paying fast food workers $20 an hour. mcdonald's saw profits decline for the first time in years. >> mcdonald's is losing a lot of customers, but a value offer keeps revenue flowing. >> reporter: now restaurants need to stay creative to lure hungry customers back with deals that appeal to both their
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stomachs and their wallets. now, guys, the timing on this is unclear. the franchises have to approve it first. i want to show you something. we talked about what the combo meal would include. these are all the items the meal would have. if you were to buy this in miami, this would run you $15. guys, with this new deal, if it does roll out, it would save you about $10, less expensive than what i paid for it. >> that's substantial. >> that's significant, 10 dollars. >> we take it. we say yes. >> thank you, marissa. >> we say yes again. >> that's the only reason we do these stories. >> all right, guys. coming up, two huge stars. ryan reynolds will join us to talk about his new movie and everything else keeping us busy. >> and angelina jolie here with the cast of the outsiders to kick it off.
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7:55 am
outdoor time is me time. the #1 pharmacist recommended sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. fine lines? make an appointment with this. hyaluronic plumping water cream by l'oreal. with micro hyaluronic acid. hydrates better than the #1 hyaluronic gel moisturizer. in 2 weeks, lines are visibly reduced. plumping water cream by l'oreal. we're worth it.
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756 i'm marcus washington and i'm laura garcia. happening now. this is what we're working on for our 8 a.m. streaming newscast. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, one of the global cities that will see protests today against artificial intelligence. the one happening here in san francisco is scheduled outside open ai headquarters at 10 a.m. that's also happening at the same time
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that the company is announcing chatgpt and gpt four updates via live streaming. the protests are happening a week before an ai summit in korea. protesters are demanding an international treaty on artificial intelligence. we'll have more on our midday news. all right. let's get a look at that forecast for us. meteorologist carrie hall is tracking those temps. how's it looking out there? it's starting out cloudy. we've had some issues with some fog in the south county, but once that clears out, we are going to go back to sunshine and it will be slightly cooler today with a high of 80 and san martin and 75 in dublin. upper 70s for martinez as well as santa rosa and san francisco in the mid 60s. but we will gradually warm up a few more degrees by the end of the week. overall looks good though, with sunshine and nice cool mornings. marcus and laura. all right, thank you carrie. make sure to join us for our today in the bay live streaming newscast. it starts in minutes, including we'll talk about a day without child care at 8 a.m, rallies meant to call attention to the growing crisis over costs
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. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, and streaming p
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now
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and cache in at cache creek casino resort. ♪♪ it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, walking out, college protests now taking place at graduations, including jerry seinfeld's commencement speech at duke.
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as antiwar demonstrations ramp up on campuses across the country. we're live with the latest. and on alert, massive wildfires burning in canada once again impacting air quality in parts of the u.s. will it be as bad as last summer. then sharing her journey, olivia munn opens up about her ongoing battle with breast cancer, the major surgery she underwent and her hopes to grow her family, a powerful story coming up. plus, stars on "today," two hollywood a-listers in studio 1a this morning, ryan reynolds here live to talk about his new movie "if," and angelina jolie stepping into a new role, producer of "the outsiders" on broadway. we'll have a special performance from the cast, today, monday, may 13th, 2024.
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>> here for conley's 13th birthday. >> besties for 20 years. >> picking up from columbus, ohio. >> topeka, kansas. >> tampa bay, wisconsin. >> today' mom's 85th birthday. >> good morning to our kids. >> back in california. >> on our 50th anniversary trip. >> from cleveland, ohio. >> good morning, everybody, welcome back to "today." nice to have you on with us on a monday morning. i felt a sneeze coming on. >> then what happened. >> craig said look at the light, it will stop at it. i find if you look at the light or sun it will make you sneeze. >> i sneeze when i change temperatures. >> what do you say "today" show viewers. >> i look at the light and it stops the sneeze. >> but you didn't sneeze. >> look at craig, and you won't sneeze. let's get right to your news as 8:00. we're going to begin with the ongoing protests over the israel-hamas war on college campuses nationwide. those demonstrations spilling
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into graduation ceremonies over the weekend including one at duke that interrupted jerry seinfeld's commencement speech. nbc's stephanie gosk is at nyu, the school holding commencement this week. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, you know, jerry seinfeld's daughter graduated from duke, his son goes to duke. he got up to give his commencement address, there were boos, followed by dozens of students living the ceremonies, and there were what sounded like cheers for seinfeld, he was able to get through his address. as for the school, they released a statement that said in part, we respect the right of everyone at duke to express their views peacefully without preventing graduates and their families from celebrating their achievement. it was one of many protests around the country. you had pro-palestinian supporters among the study body in california. pomona blocked a commencement address. at uc berkeley, a number held up banners and flags. the class president said it
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wouldn't be a graduation at berkeley if there weren't protests. there were also protests in virginia at vcu, the governor of virginia, glenn youngkin gave the address which was also disrupted. this kicks off a week of graduation ceremonies, here at nyu, the stern business school will start its events today, and we are likely to see more protests. savannah. >> stephanie, thank you. air quality alerts are in effect this morning for parts of minnesota and wisconsin because of those massive wildfires that are burning in canada. the fires in british columbia than 24,000 acres now, thousands in the northern rockies were forced to evacuate over the weekend after the blaze doubled in size. all of this comes one year after a record number of wildfires in canada that blanketed parts of the united states with smoke and forced tens of thousands of evacuations ac
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evacuations across british columbia. olivia munn is sharing an emotional message on the future of her family and why she's refusing to give up hope of having another child. >> olivia munn shared she has been fighting an aggressive form of breast cancer for over a year. and in an interview with "vogue" she's revealing she had a major surgery in attempt to save her life in the hope that she and john mulaney many save their family. >> actress olivia munn opening up to vogue about her ongoing battle with breast cancer, including her desire to have another child with her partner, comedian john mulaney. munn revealing she has undergone a fifth surgery since the diagnosis, telling vogue, i took out my uterus, tubes and ovaries. the star who has had a double mastectomy explains her
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2-year-old son malcolm was one of the reasons she wanted the hysterectomy, that left her exhausted. it was the best decision for me because i needed to be present with my family, adding, it's his childhood, but it's my mother hood, and i don't want to miss munn saying she hopes to grow any of the parts if i don't have to. munn also saying she hopes to grow her family with mulaney who shared a touching mother's day tribute on instagram sunday writing my son has the most incredible mommy and he knows it. munn telling vogue she froze her eggs, and after learning we had two healthy emg bryos, john and started crying. she credits her doctor for doing the risk assessment test that led to early detection. >> when it comes to breast cancer, we have really good treatments but the key is to diagnose it early. >> for munn she's grateful for this time of healing.
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>> i'm proud of myself for what i went through. >> munn also telling vogue that a friend and fellow cancer survivor told her a year ago you won't believe me now, but you're going to be happy you went through this one day. when the magazine asked munn if the friend was right, she candidly admitted, i'm not there yet but i'm on my way. >> wish her the best. let's get a morning boost, we have missed you. >> i missed you too. the olympic games in paris, 74 days away, and the roster for team usa slowly taking shape, so watch this, as beach volleyball star sarah hughes tells her family, her dreams have come true, as she qualified for the olympic games. >> there you go, what a great moment. reuniting with her beach volleyball partner from college,
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the pair produced 103 straight wins. and last year they took home the title at the world championships in mexico. we will see them by the eiffel tower. >> right at the base of the eiffel tower. >> it's going to be cool. "popstart" is on the way, folks, including 50 years of unforgettable laughs. an inside look at snl's huge plans to celebrate that show's milestone anniversary. but first, security, security, we've got an interloper here. ryan reynolds in our studio. he's got a new movie, very very busy. very busy and important but we're going to catch up with him right after this. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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c'mon, c'mon, it's wish time, baby. i'm kinda in the middle of somethin'. but i did the whole “rub the lamp” thing- and i'm doin' the whole “dunkin' cold” thing. this is not how this is supposed to go. the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at what if — you could wash and dry in one machine? your fridge could recognize your groceries? your range could suggest what to cook? do less. live more. welcome to bespoke ai.
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samsung. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. oh man... do you stick with plump, juicy raisins? or try something deliciously frosted? best to reallyyyy chew on this one. [chewing] but maybe not so loudly. more delicious ways to bran. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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we've got the one, the only, ryan reynolds from leading movies to leading companies. co-owning a welsh football team. ryan does it all. >> he's >> he's a real multitasker. his latest movie is called "if." and she teams up with ryan's character to make sure those friends don't disappear forever. take a look. >> he's about 8 or 9. so i think we prioritize by hobby. >> great. >> see if anybody has a new experience in magic or fantasy. s sgr. >> fantasy is a bit of a pandora's box. >> maybe that person likes superheroes. >> yeah, or arts. >> yeah, art. >> or tv. >> i will not ask you again. put some pants on. you're freaking everyone out. >> that was my little boy's favorite scene. the pantsless banana. all right. he's 7. tell us about this movie. it's your buddy, john krasinski. he says that you were like the person he had in mind, said you had this gene wilder quality. >> well, that's high praise, my goodness gracious.
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>> he also said you are a diva. >> well, that is also accurate and weirdly, hay high praise as well. yeah, it was just -- it felt like a live action pixar movie. i wanted to do something where nobody was being stabbed in the face. you know, there was almost no blood at all. i got a paper cut on the movie. that was about it. and something my kids can catch. punched right in the heart as well. >> yeah. but just as a parent, you know, too, the parents need to get punched right in the heart as well. >> yeah. >> so that was what really attracted us. john wrote a script that was so stunning, and he's just -- he's got a vision for things that sometimes i wouldn't quite understand what it was that he was doing. and then you see the movie and you're like, ah, there you go. beautiful. >> so you had your imaginary friend pookie. >> pookie was my brother jeff's. i had one, too. weirdly it was gumbie. it was gumbie and pookie. >> was it actually gumbie?
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>> no, no, no. it looked totally different. my guy looked like a vampire and my brother's looked like a teddy bear. >> of course. >> how about your kids? do they have imaginary friends? >> they're the children of celebrities. they have a wild array of maladaptive coping mechanisms at their disposal at any moment. no, my daughter betty has a vivid imagination, so there is always somebody standing behind me and i turn around quick like a horror movie and realize, no, it's just harvey from the good old movie harvey, a six-foot rabbit. >> at least it's not deadpool. that's nsfk, not safe for kids. >> i ruined with them. i have the original suit with like a mold of my body downstairs in the basement. >> starting to understand those issues you are talking about now. >> exactly. it was just silhouetted one night, and one of my kids went down there, screamed bloody murder. i ran there because i forgot it was down there. i screamed bloody murder. so everyone is pretty well damaged, just enough. >> john was here last weekend.
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i was surprised to learn all these different ifs. the imaginary friends, they're so cute, they're all so different. you have the toasted marshmallow. you have the pantless banana. he came up with all of them. >> yeah. >> but when you had to fight one, you did it on a green screen, right? but we heard john volunteered to punch you. what a friend. >> well, there was a line of people, but john got there fast. nimble for a tall guy. >> there is a video of it. >> yes. >> how does it work? >> no, no. there is a different one. he's always hitting me. look. do you see that? >> what is that about? >> my hr complaints are enough. yeah. oim i'm going to do a live reading of it. he beat me, beat me about the buttocks. yeah, there he goes. >> about the buttocks. >> yeah. >> you have a great cast, by the way. >> amazing cast. >> including your lovely bride. >> yes, blake is in the movie as well. >> tell us about her role. >> she plays a kitty. i think one of the --
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>> you don't know? >> it is actually an octopus. >> a pussikitty. >> octopussy. yeah, scene sean connery also. >> i might you might have. >> yes, i know what you mean. >> octopus, on octopus. >> oh, my god. >> by the way, we're all canceled this morning. good job, everybody. >> like i don't know who i am right now. >> may i be excused. >> we'll be canceled together for sure. ryan, last week -- was it last week? i don't remember. no, it was a while ago. your wife posted this. last week i left my kids for the first time ever. >> yeah. >> look, she looks very happy. >> yeah, she does. >> so did you -- were you with the four kids? >> i was with the four kids. >> how was that? >> you know, single dad. a reba mcentire song, single dad just doing it for them, right?
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took them all to the park. told them mommy left when they were young. surprisingly, you get a lot of action that way. no, yeah. we had a good time. no one died. >> that's nice. >> and four kids it is just a zoo. you just surrender, right? 24/7 you surrender. when we had our fourth, i was so happy because we wanted to make sure we always had someone on hand to give me strep throat. now we're covered. >> it's rolling sickness. >> there is just never a healthy, full, clean slate health ever. >> listen, the only way this is going to make more news than me being completely humiliated by myself a minute, is if you tell us the name of your fourth child, which i know you won't do, but taylor swift keeps dropping it into lyrics. it's the fourth child's name, the baby's name anywhere on the new record? >> we always wait for taylor to tell us what the child's name will be. and we'll say this, we're still waiting. so taylor, let's maybe start, you know.
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she's a prolific writer. i mean, what are we doing here? lazy is not a word i attach to taylor. >> no, not indeed. >> by the way, how is the football team? soccer team? >> they're great. thank you for saying football, by the way. >> they call it football here, but no one touches it with their foot. the kicker, that's it. he's not even part of the team. this? oh, sorry. i thought it was an alternate at a dance competition or something. yeah. let's see those guys tackle a 6'8", 300-pound man. just got promoted again, which is amazing because everyone freaks out. it is like if you don't even root for rob and i, you have to -- that town is impossible to not root for. wrexham is the most wonderful city. it is the way this club transformed that town. it is the most inspiring, beautiful thing i have ever been lucky enough to be apart of. when they got promoted, it was amazing. now we're in league one, which is serious business. and, you know, everyone is celebrating.
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i had my head in my hands because it turns into 800 e-mails about here's what we have to do to be in the league, all this infrastructure, all these different things. >> congrats on everything. >> and congrats on "dead pool" and "wolverine" coming out. >> i will be back. >> you better be. >> i will bring an upcoming hugh jackman with me. >> i've heard of him. >> he's one of our all star guests. as are you. >> he's dreamy. i can see why. >> thank you, ryan. >> appreciate it. >> al, over to you. >> wow. if you put out the odds of who was going to take us down, you would have been the last person i would have thought. >> yeah, i know. >> i don't know what happened. >> i just volunteered as tribute because in the middle of that and we're all done. >> i thought i read it in the research note. >> so it was on brand. i read the note. >> she's also on brand. come on. >> oh, that was great. nice day today in the northeast. we could have a few showers interior new york. strong storms down through the gulf. wet weather into the mississippi river valley.
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plenty of sunshine from texas. few showers out to the western plains and staying warm into the pacific northwest. that's what's goinon around the cog un it was octopus. >> it was just confirmed. >> stop repeating. stop repeating. >> i don't think i've said that word in my entire life. in any form or fashion. >> i sat next to you for many years, and i have never heard of it. >> i'm dying.
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>> best time of the morning. >> you know what, a palate cleanser, taylor swift. the grammy winning chart topper wrapped up one of the eras tour in europe, chapter one, with her final paris show. it marked her 87th stop. so you know number 87 was in the crowd. travis kelce spotted jamming out right alongside gigi hadid and bradley cooper. check out those moves there. meanwhile, down on stage, the singer appeared to pay homage to her boyfriend, sporting the chief's colors during this performance. ♪ ♪ they'll tell you i'm insane ♪ you know i love the players ♪ and you love the game. >> okay. >> i mean, that's a major commitment. there is probably like five versions of that. all right. we'll keep our eyes peeled for more abroad.
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>> next up, taylor is headed to stockholm, sweden. next up, "downton abbey." a third movie is in the works. check out this video from lady mary herself. >> it feels amazing. it's a tad emotional. it's wonderful to be back together again. we have come back together, and it is like no time has passed at all. we're so happy to announce that we're in production for the third "downton abbey" movie. we can't wait to see you. >> look at that. and they are back. jim carter, allen leech and many more back for the third film. plus, paul is reprising his role from the christmas special, and dominic west is back after his appearance in the last film. focus features is part of our parent company, nbc universal. if you want more information, head over to next up, "saturday night live." let's turn back the clock for this one.
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who remembers 2015's star-studded snl 40 special? >> i am here to tell you that being a weekend update anchor will not bring to you or you jack squat! but we are going to rip it up at that party, and i'm going to dance with you, and you're going to dance with her and i am definitely dancing with you. >> of course, amy poehler paying homage to chris farley and the van down by the river skechl. get ready, next year the show celebrates another decade. which means snl 50 is in the works. over the weekend, nbc announced new details about the milestone anniversary with a three-hour prime time special scheduled for february 16th. that's going to be big. all right. speaking of snl, next up maya rudolph returned to the studio, bringing back her best impressions and
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debuting some new hilarious characters. in honor of the show airing into mother's day, she did an amazing musical monologue, leaning all the way into her title, mother ♪ i'm your mother ♪ i'm your mother ♪ oops, i made you dance ♪ remember in that movie when i pool pooped my pants ♪ i did. you get a car made of leather i did ♪ ♪ i also said clean your room i'm your mother ♪ >> she is taking off. all right. let's take a peek at how hollywood celebrated on sunday. nick jonas honored his wife. priyanka chopra, showing how strong she is literally. look at this a little squat session. do we have that one there? look at that. all right. may whitman made a big announcement, debuting her baby bump parenthood co-stars lauren
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graham and miles heizer. jamie lee curtis celebrated her favorite moments as an on screen mom. featuring green screen grabs from freaky friday, halloween and the bear. plus, mandy moore shared the love for her big three kids from "this is us." and her cute baby alert, her real-life little guy gus and ozzie. happy mother's day to all of yot out there. >> nice. straight ahead, kids, we are kicking out our best of broadway week with angelina jolie and the cast of the musical "the outsiders." but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> i want this, i'm here to win. >> beautiful.
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♪ happy graduation. hey, everybody. welcome in. it's 8:30. it's a monday morning, may 13th, 2024. look at these happy faces on the plaza. it's good to see everybody here. look at al, making his moves. you guys, one of the reasons that this place is bumping today is because we are here with the 12-time tony-nominated cast of the new broadway hit "the outsiders." in just a moment, they will perform live for us. yes, we will also talk to the show's producer, oscar winner angelina jolie. she'll join us as well. >> i just saw her walk in. exciting. also, we have laura jarett here talking about something special with our dear friend poppy harlow. they have written together a heartwarming children's book. we can't wait to talk about it's beautiful message for all families. stick around for the 3rd hour, folks, because we will
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focus on improving our mental health. everything from sleep, to handling stress, to settle goals. we will cover all of it. but mr. roker, before we do anything else, this weather is chamber of commerce quality. >> lovely day, going to get even nicer. let's look at our week ahead and show you what you've got. nice and warm for monday. gulf storms down through the gulf. sunshine in the northeast. by the midweek, a lot of wet weather along the east coast. more rain down through the planes. staying warm and dry out west, and then the latter part of the week, we're looking for strong storms again down through the lower mississippi river valleys. snow in the northern rockies, sunshine continues in the west, with temperatures more seasonal. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. we're going to see temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s. as we go through the middle of the week, it will be warming up for the inland areas and the peak of those temperatures on thursday. cooling down a few degrees by the weekend and taking a look at san francisco will be in the low
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60s for today. and starting out with clouds, but it will be clearing out as we go into the afternoon and by the middle of the week here, graduates. who graduated here? >> well, my son christopher is graduating tomorrow in nyu. >> and you just graduated? >> yes. i'm claire campos, and i graduated from drury university. >> what is your major? >> music. i'm a singer. >> all right. a couple of great graduates. >> pretty awesome. all right. >> okay, wait. hold on. >> just ahead, they're used to being in front of the camera. >> now laura jarett and poppy harlow telling a different kind of story through a new children's book. >> they're writing it! we'll sit down with them. right after this. right after this. bu first, this is "todayt," golden 1 credit union agrees,
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we are back with two remarkable women and super moms, laura jarett and poppy harlow, who you probably know and certainly love them from television. now they're combining forces and taking their talents to the page. they have a new children's book called "the color of love." it is right here. it is gorgeous and colorful. good morning, ladies. >> hi! >> this is a dream interview.ri. it is two of my favorite people right. >> right on the couch. >> it's funny because i know laura separately. i know poppy separately. then i find out you guys are dear, dear friends and made a book together. how did this come out? >> in the middle of covid. >> it is our covid baby. no more real babies for us. >> oh, gosh no. >> so covid baby. we were in the office every day during covid doing the show, and it was pretty much just the anchors and the producers. we decided to collaborate on this together. it was at a tough moment for the country. so much of what we cover on the news is not positive. we thought, how can we come together and share this message
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of love and inclusion? and i didn't want to do it alone. i wanted to do this with laura. >> and we were friends before.t >> we will either be best friends for life or -- >> yeah. it brought us so much closer in a way. i'm so lucky to have done this with a friend. it just made the whole experience so much better. >> and the message is beautiful. it is called "the color of love." for little kids, that could but i say it's like if little k could be red, pink, purple, blue, green, and it's all about this. and the hearts, the patch work of love. there we see it right there how it all comes together again. >> there are so many books celebrating diversity and inclusion. i think part of what we wanted to do was to have the children narrate what they were seeing and narrate the reasons why you can find "the color of love" into all different ways instead of having adults talk to them about it. >> one of the things i loved
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seeing were the cameos by sienna, luca, james and june. they are all in the book. >> those are your four kids. >> june, who is the new baby, got in under the wire. she wasn't in the original draft. you didn't even have her yet. >> she was not even a glimmer in my eye. >> at the end you will see photos of us with the hearts. the hearts in the book our children cut out ourselves in laura's living room. we made a mess on the floor. june was born, so we had to re-take the photos at the end of the book. i will just say working together with someone is such a gift. also in the middle of this, both you and laura were helping consult me on whether to go to law school or not. as laura and i are writing between pages, i'm like, so how hard is it? just tell me. should i go? but we really learned to jump in when the other was really busy or stressed out. if i was in exams, laura was like, i got this. i'll get it to the publisher. now she's like trial, trial, trial all the time. i'm like, i got this. i'll get it to the publisher. >> it is wonderful to do a project like that together. you did. you went to law school while an
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anchor at cnn. you, of course, are a lawyer. so did we both tell poppy, yes, we should do it? >> i may have tried to talk her out of it. anybody who knows her knows you can't talk to her out of everything. she is so determined and dedicated and brilliant, and i'm so glad you did it. >> i'm glad that i did it too. thank you, guys, both for the encouragement. but it's been a gift to do this and take this journey together and learn from one another. if you are thinking about writing a kids book, think about doing it with someone. >> it is fun to bounce off those ideas. the reviews are in from your kids, at least. >> james has a lot of thoughts. mostly because there is a child named james, he has to point out how he's different from that one. there it is. we were reading it last night. he has notes. this is why i didn't let james read it because i knew he would have a lot of feedback. >> when the books arrived at our house a couple weeks ago, luca
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you get this big box of books to give your friends, and luca opens it and he's so disappointed. mom, he's like, they're all the same. why didn't you write 24 different books. >> sorry, luca. >> that is so classic. >> they're identical. please, you'll impress me when you come with 24 different looks. >> sorry, luca. >> that is classic. they're identical. please, you will impress me when you come with 24 different books. i'm so happy for both of you. i'm so happy that two of my favorite people are each other's favorite people, this is amazing. "the color of love" is out tomorrow. if you can pick out a copy and meet laura and poppy, there is a special book shining here. when is that, today? >> tomorrow. >> tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. come and join us. hoda, over to you. >> sg, thank you. i am here with the woman that needs no introduction, angelina jolie, the producer of one of broadway's hottest shows. it's called "the outsiders," the cast is abou
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the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> let's go! we're back. we're kicking off our best of broadway week. it is an annual tradition around here, and we love it. and it is a chance to showcase new musicals. here we're starting with "the outsiders." of course the iconic model and a film and it is now being reimagined as a ground-breaking broadway show. can i just repeat this a couple of times? it received 12 tony nominations. yes! all right. [ applause ] >> yes! the story is set back in the '60s in tulsa, oklahoma where pony boy curtis and his brothers and friends are trying to navigate their place in the world. we're going to hear the performance from the cast in just a minute, but first, let's catch up with three of the show's tony nominees. we have brody grant. we've got sky, lakoda lynch. we have joshua boone.
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>> let's go! let's go! >> along with this -- along with the lovely woman in the middle here, their producer, oscar winner angelina jolie. >> yeah! >> okay. first of all, this is wild. the energy is electric. when you first heard the news, angelina, about the 12 tony nominations, what went through you? >> it was my -- i woke up. my daughter was sitting on my bed, and she told me. and i was -- you know what, i love this group so much, and i'm so proud of the work they have done. i'm in awe of all of them. just when -- awarding don't always say. when something is not nominated, it can be the most wonderful piece. but when people do get recognized, it means a great deal. >> when you walked out here to see this cast, you were surrounded by hugs. it showed me immediately this isn't a project. it is a passion project.
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you mentioned your daughter vivienne, she's who is here today, too she's working along with the cast. but she turned you on to this. tell us how this came to be. >> she did. but i think that's safe to say for anybody watching and anybody that will say this and what they brought forward, this is about family. the same reason it responded to her, the same reason she wanted me next to her when she watched it, and the same reason we all hugged when i came out here is because this is about family and it is about community, and it -- and i think when anybody comes to see this, it doesn't stay away from the darker sides of life and a lot we have to discuss and a lot we're feeling. in the end, it's what gets us through, and that is family. so, yeah. she was the first. >> this is a family, by the way, without question. i want to talk to you guys. first of all, let me point out. brody, sky and joshua, all nominated for tonys. can you tell me what it felt like when you heard this? >> my mom woke me up face-time call. i was asleep. she's a 1st grade teacher in
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georgia. she was with her platoon of 1st grade teachers in her hallway. she was like, did you watch the thing? i was like, no. i thought it aired later. she was like, well, you got nominated. i would not trade that for the world. the news with family. >> what's your mom's name? >> cindy. >> all right, cindy. you did good. let's move on. sky, what did it feel like when you got the news? >> it was surreal. i couldn't believe it. i re-read the list six times. i was like, wait, is that the right sky? it is the right sky. >> let's hear it for the right sky! [ applause ] >> all right. joshua, this had to have been an incredible moment for you. >> definitely. i slept in. i had my phone off, cut it on in the afternoon, got my day started and when i cut it on, it literally exploded. it is a blessing showing up. >> well, there is a reason this show is getting all this tony love, because it is an incredible show. what are you guys going to be
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performing for us today? >> we got a little bit of, what, great expectations. >> we got great expectations coming your way. >> and throwing in the towel. my favorite, baby! >> all right. >> are you ready? >> let's get it. yeah, we ready. >> take it away! ♪ pony boy i think it's time to learn ♪ ♪ that grease isn't given it's something you earn ♪ ♪ some of us are smooth like james dean ♪ ♪ ain't no way a boy can make it out on the street ♪ ♪ unless you're mean as a fire and sharp as a blade ♪ ♪ play it cool little brother and you'll have it made ♪
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♪ no we ain't got money but we got something to prove ♪ ♪ you're a greaser now and you ain't going back ♪ ♪ you're an eastbound train always brings the crowd ♪ ♪ let it be known that the grease got a hold on you ♪ ♪ g is for getting a licker, r is for your reputation if you lose it you'll never win ♪ ♪ e is for evening the score ♪ ♪ it's not about getting your licks ♪ ♪ it's about licking your gets chicks love a licked up face ♪ ♪ you got a resistible charm ♪ ♪ time ♪ r is for reeling them ♪ the effortless swagger ♪ ♪ it ain't just about busting heads and chasing tail ♪ nope ♪ i
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sometimes you got to stop may not be the sharpest tack in the box ♪ i think it changes a i ain't no sweet talking romeo ♪ ♪ but i do fine ♪ ♪ greasers playing your hand you can win this no way you can win ♪ ♪ decided the winner before you begin it's about overcoming and beating the odds ♪ ♪ there will always be haves you better make sure the haves make sure you have is not ♪ ♪ i think it's time you learn. >> what. >> snoend you want to be james dean you got to set your sights ♪ ♪ you want to be a fighter we know just what you're fighting for ♪ ♪ you want to be tough you better listen to me ♪ ♪ i seen it all with the lights on the street ♪ ♪ i give you everything you need
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to know how to survive ♪ ♪ so play it mean as a fighter and sharp as a blade ♪ ♪ play it cool little brother and you'll have it made ♪ ♪ no we ain't got money but we ♪♪ and you ain't going back ♪ got something prove ♪ ♪ you're a greaser now and you ain't coming back ♪ ♪ you're an eastbound train on a greased up track ♪ ♪ let it be known that the grease got ahold on you ♪ ♪ little brother now you're on your way ♪ ♪ let it be known that the grease got a hold on you ♪ ♪ little brother now it's there's to stay ♪ ♪ let it be known that the you grease got a hold on you ♪
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[ cheering and applause ] let's go! >> that was awesome. that was awesome. >> okay. i get it. 12 tonys, of course. you guys, again, the talented folks that will stick around all morning. you can check out "the outsiders, "a new musil at tca
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8:53 am
dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪ welcome back. welcome back on this monday. mr. roker, this feels like a good time to spin some jars. >> i'm all worked up after that. spin those smucker's jars. 100th birthday to mary thorsby from westport, connecticut.
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wow, look at that, west port. her secret to longevity, red wine, chocolate ice cream, which is craig's nickname. happy 100th birthday to jakie lawson. she was a schoolteacher for many years, known for her generosity. alice roher from north manchester, she's 100. in true smucker's form, she loves canning her own homemade jams and jellies. happy 100th birthday to asa davidson of fairmont, west virginia. this world war ii vet spends his free time sharing war stories at schools and churches, educating the next generation. thank you for your service, sir. patricia morris from myrtle beach, south carolina. 100, she stays active mentally and physically, which is easy since he has 8 kids, 19 grandkids and 27 great grandkids. happy 100th birthday to lydia leone. torrington, connecticut.
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a boston red sox fan known for her famous tomato sauce and lasagna. >> we have another birthday, turning 13. what's your name >> conley. where are you from? >> hillsboro, missouri. >> happy birthday. >> sg, look, real quick. >> ellen. ellen is 85 today! >> hey! >> happy birthday, beautiful. >> i love you guys. >> oh, we love you. >> we're happy to hear it. thank you, guys. happy birthday. where are you from? >> sweet. >> massachusetts. >> well, you're beautiful, ellen. thank you. >> happy birthday. we love you. >> so sweet. >> that's why we love the plaza. thank you all for coming by. you as well. don't go too far. the 3rd hour is coming up. including new start today workout that you can do at home.
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good morning. it is 856 a marcus washington san francisco's openai poised to make an announcement later this morning during a live streaming event tied to its chatgpt software. now, some believe that it may be the unveiling of an ai related search product. this is to compete with the likes of google . this all comes as opponents of artificial intelligence are organizing a day of protest around the globe, including one right here in san francisco. organizers are calling for an international treaty on ai, fearing that it's come too far and too fast and it needs to be reined in. happening now the open ai announcement planned to happen at 10 a.m. our ginger conejero saab is following that storyspeaking with those,
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," travel plans. memorial day just two weeks away. this year could be a record breaker. what we need to know for hitting the road and catching a flight to kick off our summer vacation seas


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