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tv   Today  NBC  May 14, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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looking at a smooth drive. here's the backup at the richmond side of the bridge heading towards san rafael. 580 slows a bit coming out of richmond, but then no problem across the bay and there across the bay, palo alto moves smoothly. well the today show just moments away. however, we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms live at 8:00. we talk live with a local infectious disease specialist about an all new covid variant and the possibility of a summer surge, plus, all new findings showing the impact wildfires are having on our soil. always a lot to talk about on that show. all right. look, thanks for joining us this morning. hope you have a great day. today's show is coming up good tuesday morning. that make-or-break witness taking the stand at donald trump's trial. >> yeah. and michael cohen back in the hot seat this morning. it is may the 14th.
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this is "today." courtroom showdown. donald trump comes face-to-face with his own fixer. michael cohen telling the jury he bought the silence of the adult film star days before the 2016 election. the former president brushing it off. >> there is no crime here. this is four weeks of keeping me from not campaigning. >> the question, whose story will the jurors buy with a tense cross-examination still to come? we'll have the very latest. wild weather. a new round of storms tearing across the country and spawning even more tornadoes. >> get inside. get in! let's go! >> the threat now moving east. al has got the full forecast. trapped. a group of american doctors now stranded in gaza amid an outbreak of intense new fighting and israeli forces closing in on the city of rafah. a live report from the region just ahead.
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baltimore blast. explosives used to remove debris still trapping that cargo ship that brought down the key bridge two months ago. straight ahead, what's next in the mission to fully reopen one of the nation's busiest ports. those stories, plus kelly gets candid. kelly clarkson opening up for the first time about her dramatic weight loss and her use of weight loss drugs. >> my doctor chased me for two years and i was like, no, i'm afraid of it. >> what she's revealing just ahead. and storming back. >> williams picks up the dribble and slams! >> the thunder defeats dallas to even up the series. boston takes a commanding lead in its playoff battle with cleveland. while basketball fever grows for caitlin clark. her official debut in the wnba just hours away. and it's already making history. we'll take you there live,
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today, tuesday, may 14th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. good to see you. glad you are with us on this tuesday morning, a big day for caitlin clark, right? >> i know. and the indiana fever on the road against the connecticut sun. but this is it. we had preseason games. this is the official debut. yes. and we'll have a closer look at that just ahead. also, take a look at this video. it is a possible tornado. this is branson, missouri. one of several storms reported yesterday across the midwest and south. >> yeah. those same areas are expecting more severe weather today. millions of people on alert. tens of thousands coping without power this morning. al, of course, tracking all of that. >> we will start with the latest on former president trump's hush money trial. michael cohen, once a member of
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his inner circle, his so-called fixer, back on the stand today after the start of his highly anticipated testimony. he testified that trump urged him to buy the silence of stormy daniels and approved that prepayment plan. >> after more questions from the prosecution, the defense will take its turn. expected to zero in on cohen's credibility. nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarett was in the courtroom. she's with us now. hey, laura. good morning. >> hey, hoda. good morning to you. michael cohen on the witness stand yesterday, i got to tell you, far different from the version we have seen from him in the past. he was calm, measured and damaged to his old boss, connecting donald trump in a way no other witness has in this trial. the only question now, does the jury believe him. >> reporter: this morning, michael cohen back on the stand. the state's star witness expected to face a grilling by the defense team as soon as today. on monday, cohen telling jurors donald trump instructed him to pay off a porn star on the eve
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of the 2016 election and then approved a plan to pay him back. cohen said mr. trump told him, quote, just take care of it, describing a campaign in damage control after the "access hollywood" tape leaked. mr. trump's long-time fixer, detailing how his former boss was dead set on keeping stormy daniels quiet once they got word she planned to go public with a story mr. trump has long denied about a one-night stand. cohen recalling mr. trump in despair saying this is a disaster, a total disaster. women are going to hate me. guys may think it's cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign. cohen testifying that mr. trump wasn't concerned about his wife melania's reaction, only his election chances.
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saying mr. trump joked about finding another wife. quote, he goes, how long do you think i will be on the market for? not long. mr. trump, cohen says, also told him to hold off paying daniels as long as possible, saying if i win, it has no relevance. if i lose, i don't even care. and later reassuring him, don't worry about it. you will get the money back. the former president's reimbursement of cohen for paying daniels off and how prosecutors allege it was hidden on mr. trump's internal books as legal expenses at the heart of 34 felony counts the former president has pled not guilty to in this trial. >> there is no crime here. this is four weeks of keeping me from not campaigning. >> reporter: cohen, walking the jury through a critical meeting he says he had at trump tower before the then president-elect left for washington, where the men hashed out how cohen would be repaid, in monthly installments. the only witness to testify about mr. trump's advanced knowledge of the reimbursement plan. >> so michael cohen will be cross examined, if not okay, today then in the coming days. look, to say he has massive credibility problems is an understatement. he lied under oath before.
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he wrote a book called "revenge" against the former president. so the key for the prosecutors has always been finding corroborating evidence so they can tell the jury, you don't have to rely 100% on him. we have corroboration. >> yeah. >> have we seen that corroboration? >> no. we have seen call logs laying we saw for the first time yesterday sort of laying out what cohen is saying were all his calls to the former president. but we don't see the context of text messages. we don't see e-mails between them. we don't see any documents. he says because trump knew how to cover his tracks. he said the former president didn't use email because he said, oh, that's how prosecutors get their hands on it. that's how they take you down. he said it was on purpose. but the jury is now only left to rely on michael cohen's words. >> was there only testimony during the course of the trial that corroborates aspects of michael cohen's testimony? >> it is circumstantial evidence. it is sort of dancing around the issue. it says here are the checks,
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here are the invoices, but it doesn't say here is what the former president intended and it certainly doesn't tie him directly to the alleged crime which is how he documented. we don't have a single witness saying mr. trump directed someone to say something false on his business records. >> so does the case rise and fall on this single witness, michael cohen? >> the prosecution would like us to believe not because they don't want it to rely on someone with credibility issues. but so far we haven't seen it. they only have one other witness after michael cohen. >> okay. laura jarett, head back to the courtroom. lots to see. thank you very much. all right. meantime, there is no break from the severe weather sweeping across parts of the midwest and south in recent days. golfers near bransons, missouri, were sent running for cover when a tornado tore through the area yesterday afternoon. thankfully nobody was hurt there. there was no major damage reported. further south, this was the scene in lake charles, louisiana. a hailstorm, intense winds made for dangerous conditions. nearby, in sufficient fer, a tornado flipped over cars, damaged several buildings, including a gas station. we're going to get more on these storms and today's forecast. al, you got your eye on it. >> yeah, guys. good morning and good morning to you. more severe weather.
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no rest for the weary. in fact, we have tornado watches up right now southern georgia into central florida until 9:00 a.m. we've got severe thunderstorm watches as well as this severe weather starts moving in from the gulf into florida. in fact, we have a risk today. severe weather from tallahassee, jacksonville down to tampa. we're talking wind gusts of up to 60 miles per hour. can't rule out a tornado or two with there system. as it pushes in, rain showers will start rotating into the mid atlantic. we have that severe risk for parts of the southeast. tomorrow, wet weather makes its way into the northeast and new england. mid-atlantic as well with isolated strong storms near the carolina coast. we're looking for heavier rain along the carolina coast into interior parts of carolinas and on into florida. we also have a flood risk that's going to be developing back again for texas. we will take a look at that coming up in the next half hour. guys? >> all right, al. we'll check back.
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the humanitarian crisis in gaza is worsening as new fighting rages and israel presses its operation in the city of gaza. rafah. we're also hearing from a team of american doctors who are now stranded in gaza. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel joins us from jerusalem. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. two u.s. officials say that israeli troop movement suggest that a major assault against the city of rafah could be imminent and that israel has now amassed enough soldiers around the city to carry it out. the exodus from rafah is gathering steam this morning. the un says more than 450,000 palestinians have already left. president biden has warned israel not to invade because of the risk of civilian casualties. >> america said they are pressuring, but you see the pressure. nothing is happening. >> reporter: israel says hamas has four battalions of fighters
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in rafah and insists going into the city is the only way to clear them out. but will it work? hamas' tactics are evolving. its fighters have regrouped in northern gaza, which the israeli military claimed to have already cleared. it's a sign hamas is becoming an insurgency, digging in for a long, gorilla war. the biden administration says israel needs a long-term plan for gaza and that the goals expressed by israeli leaders may not be realistic. >> total victory. i don't think we believe that is likely or possible. and this look a lot like situations we found ourselves in after 9/11. >> reporter: hamas used to run the services in gaza, but now it is nowhere to be found. it started the war with israel and then went underground to fight it. what little aid gazans received comes from humanitarian workers. the state department says it is
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aware of reports that some american medical volunteers are now trapped after israel seized control of rafah's border crossing with egypt. we spoke to this doctor from michigan. >> we have been trying to help, but the need is above what you can imagine. >> reporter: israel controls the flow of everything in and out of gaza, and some israelis want to stop the flow of aid completely. extremists have begun attacking trucks, believing food and medicine should not be allowed in as long as hamas holds hostages. support in israel for destroying hamas is nearly universal, but there are deep divisions here about prime minister's handling of the war. at an event commemorating fallen israeli soldiers, prime minister netanyahu was heckled. savannah? >> richard engel, thank you very much. breaking overnight, secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kyiv to reassure ukraine that it does
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have america's support. the visit comes less than a month after congress approved a long delayed foreign assistance package that sets aside $60 billion in aid for ukraine. much of it would go toward replenishing badly needed weapons and resources. resources will be on the way now. we're following new progress clearing the wreckage of baltimore's key bridge nearly two months after it collapsed. crews have now detonated explosives to break apart the remnants of a 600 ton beam that fell on the container ship. they knocked that down. nbc's ryan nobles is near the scene for us. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, savannah. good morning. this is an important step in getting this port back up and running. when it is open, $200 million worth of cargo travels through .
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signs of this port every single day. the span they exploded was 500 feet long, and it should open the door to crews to move this massive ship right away. signs of progress in baltimore. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: a controlled demolition of a massive span of steel, still stubbornly on top of the container ship dolly. the operation prepped beforehand with precision cuts in the steel to allow the heavy metal to be removed off the ship much easier, opening the door from the vessel to finally be removed from the middle of the river. >> this was a very big milestone for our progression forward. it was a tremendous span sitting on top of the vessel, pinning it in place. >> reporter: the 21-crew member of the ship still onboard since the crash were removed to a secure location on deck as the explosives went off. the ship has been in a vital shipping channel for close to two months after it slammed into the francis scott key bridge, toppling the almost 50-year-old structure and taking with it a major traffic artery for the metropolitan baltimore region
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and shutting down one of the busiest ports in america. six construction workers died as a result of the accident. the last body recovered just this week. >> dude, this is [ bleep ] bad. >> reporter: the aftermath of the collapse caught on newly released body cam footage from police officers responding to the scene. those first responders struggling to comprehend the scale of the incident. >> something is missing near the skyline. the whole center span is gone completely, it's in the water. >> reporter: the national transportation safety board and the fbi are both conducting investigations into the accident. baltimore and maryland leaders have promised a full rebuild of the bridge. a complex and expensive project that could take up to four years and cost more than $1.5 billion. but while that remains the long-term goal, in the short-term, the priority is to get the port reopened, a proces
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moving the ship as soon as today. they are waiting for high tide. that will get much easier once that massive ship is out of the way. and they will begin the process of moving the ship as soon as today. they're waiting for high tide. they're going to use a group of tugboats to float the massive ship into a nearby terminal. once they do that, they're hoping to have the port opened in the next couple of weeks. savannah. >> all right. ryan nobles in baltimore for us. thanks, ryan. here in new york, police are trying to track down the man behind an alarming attack in broad daylight. the victim, acclaimed hollywood star steve buscemi. nbc's emilie ikeda is here with that story. hey, em. >> hey, good morning. fortunately the beloved actor is said to be okay and was seen back in public this weekend. but the random, brazen nature on the attack is raising concern as assaults in the city trend upward this year. >> reporter: this morning, a first look at critically acclaimed actor steve buscemi appearing bruised and battered, just days after police say he was punched in the face in broad daylight in new york city. the nypd releasing a photo of
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this individual in connection with the brazen attack that led to the 66-year-old's hospitalization with bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye. >> you know, if we band together, i really believe that we could do anything. >> reporter: bu semi, a beloved new yorker, born in brooklyn and serving as a firefighter before winning over america on hit shows like "sopranos" and "boardwalk empire." his publicist saying he is okay and appreciates everyone's well wishes, though incredibly sad for everyone that this has happened to while also walking the streets of new york. the attack comes amid a string of incidents involving residents and celebrities. >> the city has changed. i think it's frightening. >> reporter: in march, authorities say fellow board o. >> reporter: a stream of women in city have taken to social
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media to describ walk cast member was assaulted in central park by a homeless man. and in recent months -- >> i just got punched in the face walking home. >> reporter: a stream of women in the city have taken to social media to describe being punched in the face seemingly out of nowhere. >> i was literally just walking and a man came up and punched me in the face. oh, my god. it hurts so bad. >> reporter: several people have been charged with some of those recent attacks. in new york, felony and misdemeanor assault and robbery are trending up so far this year, but overall crime is slightly down. in recent months the nypd adding thousands of uniformed police officers across the subway system and city streets in an effort to deal with the violence. and police sources say buscemi had been leaning up against the wall texting on his phone when he was struck. this morning police are asking any witnesses with information to come forward as the search for his attacker continues. >> that's so horrible, these stories. >> terrible. >> yeah. >> unbelievable. >> thank you. we turn now to the nba playoffs. the boston celtics just one win
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away now from punching their tickets to the eastern conference finals. they beat the cavs last night in cleveland. sorry, al. final score 109-102. the celtics now lead that series three games to one. they can close it out tomorrow night. back at the garden in boston. all right. and in the western conference, it was oklahoma city thunder coming up with a huge win over the mavericks. the final there 100-96. that series all tied up two games a piece. game five tomorrow night in oklahoma city. >> all right. mr. roker, what you got? >> well, the rest of the country is talking about strong storms and heavy rain in the mid-mississippi river valley. back behind that system, beautiful weather. lots of sunshine through the southwest. it will be nice and warm. some showers and some snow in the upper elevations on the western plains. sunny skies basically along the west coast. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. your wings.
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light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. coming up, kelly clarkson
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opening up about her health journey, revealing for the first time her use of popular weight loss drugs. chloe melas has that story. >> good morning, hoda. kelly clarkson is talking about her years' long journey with weight loss and how a drug helped her keep her blood sugar down. more for you on that coming up next. plus, basketball superstar caitlin clark just hours away from her official wnba debut, already making history. we will go live inside the arena where she will take the court before a sold-out crowd. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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coming up, something real special for our best of broadway week. >> you hear it there, the life story of grammy-winning alicia keys. inspired in her musical "hell's kitchen." ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold
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including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. 726. right now i'm laura garcia. here's today's top stories. google holding its flagship i o developers conference today a
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shoreline amphitheater in mountain view. the event spotlights the company's most anticipated projects, but pro-palestine activists organizing a protest today outside of that event, you'll recall google recently fired dozens of workers who protested inside google offices. the conference starts at 9 a.m. we have a crew headed there for our midday newscast, and i'm kris sanchez in san jose, where valley water could vote on a proposed rate increase that could add a couple of bucks to your water bill. a 12.9% increase would add about $9 a month for residents of northern santa clara county, south county residents would see a spike between $1 and about 320 a month. valley water says this would help fund seismic retrofits of anderson dam and morgan hill, which has ballooned in cost to $2.3 billion. let's get a look at that forecast for this tuesday morning with meteorologist kerry hall. we're starting out with some clouds and a lot of spots, but our temperatures are still headed back to the upper 70s, even up to about 80 degrees. and we'll
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do it all over again tomorrow with a slight increase in those afternoon highs. and a little bit more sunshine will also be nice and sunny on thursday. friday the clouds return for the morning and that will help bring down those temperatures. even going into the weekend with upper 70s in the inland areas, san francisco will see highs in the mid 60s throughout the week and very slow to clear with the low clouds and fog. laura looks so nice. thanks carrie. don't forget to join us for our today in the bay live stream newscast. at 8 a.m. we'll assess the latest covid variant with a bay area infectious disease expert. join us on roku, amazon fire tv, xumo, and streaming platforms including, and of cour, our appse
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to my buddy who said that i would never be the host of "the tonight show," and you know who you are, you owe me $100, buddy.
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>> oh! >> that's funny. >> they all came out. oh, wait. that's >> oh, my gosh. >> we're back at 7:30. well, i guess there were a lot of nay sayers. stephen colbert? this is jimmy fallon's first ever "tonight show." that was the star-studded lineup of came owes, all the people who said it would never happen. guess what? 10 years later, he's still here. just ahead, we have a hook at how jimmy is celebrating that mayor milestone. >> not only is he here, he's a delight. but, first, in this half hour, another talk show host in the spotlight today, music star, kelly clarkson. >> kelly revealed she's been taking weight loss medicine to . during yesterday's episode of
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"the kelly clarkson help with her journey. nbc's chloe melas is here with more. >> good morning, you guys. during yesterday's episode of "the kelly clarkson show," they had an exchange about weight loss. clarkson now ending the speculation that's been swirling around her for months, clarifying that she did use a weight loss medication, but that it was not ozempic. this morning kelly clarkson setting the record straight. the grammy-award winning singer revealing for the first time that she uses medication for weight loss. during a conversation with whoopi goldberg. on "the kelly clarkson show." >> first of all, it's all the weight i lost because i lost two people. >> i lost a lot as well. >> reporter: clarkson emphasizing she does not use ozempic, it's something else. but it's something that aids in breaking down the sugar. obviously my body doesn't do it right. my doctor chased me for two years. i was like, no, i'm afraid of it. i already have thyroid problems. i was afraid. >> reporter: the singer credited
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diet and exercise, telling people she had a more active lifestyle and eats healthier after moving to new york. now revealing that medication has also helped that process and reflecting on her journey. >> i was like, my heaviest i was like 203. and i'm 5'3" and a half. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. but it's funny, though, because people assume, she must have been miserable. depressed, whatever. and i was like, no, i was not. i was not. >> reporter: but the superstar says she needed a change. ♪ drugs like ozempic and mounjaro have become famous for weight loss. oprah last week reflected on her public discussion of weight loss in the past. >> i have been a steadfast participant in this diet culture. >> reporter: other celebrities over 60 pounds taking
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discussed taking the drugs, including nba legend charles barkley who says he lost over 60 pounds taking mounjaro. >> i started this drug called mounjaro about six months ago. it's been amazing. >> reporter: now after a long journey, kelly clarkson is speaking out, hitting the high notes of a healthy lifestyle and feeling great. ♪ >> so, kelly mentioned that she had spoken to her doctor because she was trying to figure out the right path to go to lose weight. what made her decide this route? >> she said back in january that she was pre-diabetic and that her doctors had been chasing her for about two years to do something about it. you heard her say at her highest she was right over 200 pounds, but she has a small frame. she's 5'3". it didn't really bother her but it got to the point where she finally saw her blood work and knew she had to do something about it. now, we don't know what weight loss drug, she didn't specify what she's on. she said she feels great and she finally regulated her issues that were going on in her body and finally had to do something about it. but she also says it's walking,
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eating healthy, moving to new york and just having an all around better lifestyle, too. and we reached out to kelly clarkson but haven't yet heard back. >> she's right over there. she'll tell us. girl, i'll tell you the story. >> i'll take the elevator up. >> chloe, thank you. now to a big announcement from melinda gates. she says she is stepping down from the well known foundation that bears her name. nbc's joe fryer joins us with more and what's next for her. good morning. >> hay hey, there, good morning. the organization's full name has been the bill and melinda gates foundation. now it will simply be the gates foundation. as part of her agreement to resign as co-chair, melinda is getting a hefty chunk of money for her own philanthropy work. three years after her divorce from microsoft founder bill gates, a different kind of separation.ration. me linda french gates is leaving
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the foundation they created. melinda french gates is leaving the foundation they created. this is not a decision i came to lightly, she says. i'm immensely proud of the foundation bill and i built together and the extraordinary work it is doing to address inequities around the world. in response, bill gates says, i am sorry to see melinda leave, but i'm sure she will have a huge impact in her future philanthropic work. the foundation's ceo also offering praise. >> her vision and influence will leave a profound and lasting legacy that we will build on going forward. >> reporter: melinda says she's getting $12.5 billion to commit to my work on behalf of families, work she highlights often on "today," including last year with sheinelle. >> society will be completely different than we know it today if women have equal power, really equal power, where they're making decisions, they're controlling resources, they're setting public policy. >> reporter: even though bill
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and melinda divorced 2021, something bill discussed a year later. >> she says you guys are friendly, not necessarily friends but friendly. how do you see the relationship moving forward? >> well, one of the things we built together is the gates' foundation. melinda and i love doing that work together, so i feel very lucky that i still have that with her, as well as, you know, we've got these three incredible kids. >> reporter: in 2019, another billionaire, amazon founder jeff bezos divorced mackenzie scott who pledged to give away more then pledged to give away more than half of her wealth. so far she has donated over $17 billion. now melinda french gates will move forward with what she calls the next chapter of her philanthropy. melinda french gates last day at the foundation is june 7th. as for what she plans to do with that $12.5 billion, she says she'll share more about that in she creatd pivotal ventures for
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advancing opportunities for women and minorities here in the the near future. she did create a initiative in 2015 called pivotal ventures which focuses on advancing opportunities for women and minorities here in the u.s. we'll have to see if that has something to do with this new money. >> certainly wish her the best. thank you, joe. coming up u, a very personal announcement from our friend kristen welker and her husband john. they'll be here with some news that will be sure to bring some happy tears. plus, it's an exciting day for basketball fans. caitlin clark set to make her season debut in the wnba. nbc's stephanie gosk is right there. hey, steph. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. one of the best ways to gauge excitement is ticket sales. this arena in connecticut holds about 8,500 seats. how many tickets did they sell? all of them. they're all gone. i'll have all the excitement coming up after the break. ♪ do you believe in ghosts? [whistling kettle sound] no? good! mother is buried in the yard. meanwhile, at a vrbo...
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flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. back now at 7:42 on a big day for basketball superstar caitlin clark and hoops fans everywhere. >> yeah. she's just hours away from an exciting new chapter in her career. it is her official debut with the wnba's indiana fever. >> nbc's stephanie gosk has caught the fever. she's in the arena where it will all happen later tonight. hi, stephanie. >> reporter: hey, guys, good morning. caitlin clark is no stranger to setting records. she set another one before her wnba career starts officially. the indiana fever and the connecticut sun will be playing against a sold-out crowd. it is the first time the connecticut sun has sold out their home opener in more than caitlin clark.
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this time in the big league. tonight the 22-year-old basketball phenom will suit up two decades. >> a three! >> reporter: it's game time once again for caitlin clark. this time in the big league. tonight the 22-year-old basketball phenom will suit up for her first regular season wnba game, playing for the indiana fever. >> this is a dream. this is something i wrote down on a piece of paper when i was in like second grade, like get a basketball scholarship, play in the wnba. >> reporter: the weight of the moment not lost on clark. >> this is what you worked for. dreamed of now you get to put the jersey on for the first time. >> reporter: while she will be sporting a new uniform, her number will stay the same. >> looks pretty awesome. i love it. >> reporter: her new jersey already one of the top-selling for a draft pick in any sport. the excitement from her record-shattering run in the ncaa tournament has only gained momentum. >> the indiana fever select caitlin clark, university of iowa. >> reporter: clark and the fever now enjoying one of the high-profile new changes at the wnba, private flights for teams. with sold-out games and record merch sales, the caitlin clark effect shows no signs of letting
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up. >> wnba pre-season games, right, guys? >> yeah, right. >> have we ever seen national television talk about this? >> reporter: and her popularity has been translating to dollars. according to stub hub, indiana fever ticket sales are up 13 times from last season. as for her own earnings, clark will take home a base salary of just over $76,000 this year. but a deal with nike will reportedly pay her $28 million over eight years. this weekend, the fever celebrating clark after she missed her graduation from iowa, due to her new gig. >> all right! >> reporter: clark's impact now reaching new heights she says she's ready for. >> i think it will be a good challenge for me. i think it's one of the reasons i decided to leave college, just something new. >> reporter: we have news out of clark's alma mater. her coach for 24 years is
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retiring. she is the winningest coach in big 10 history, guys. back to you. >> well, why not? drop the mic, right? cool. stephanie, thank you so much. all right. 7:45. mr. roker, what you got? >> unfortunately, we got more wet weather for our friends in texas. on thursday, this next system quickly develops. we are looking at storms across central texas, and it will bring a lot of rain through the gulf coast. we're looking flash flooding likely on friday. texas and louisiana. saturday it starts a wet weekend in the southeast again with some severe storms possible. we've got a moderate risk of flooding from just north of houston, alexandria, lake charles. this could be upgraded to a high risk over the next 24 hours. the reason for that, we're talking anywhere 2 to 3 inches of rain. could be upwards of 5 inches or more over already saturated ground.
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and that is your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up, big news about the music stars set to join the fun as coaches on "the voice" later this year. we have that and hoda has our morning boost right after this.
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and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. all right. we got enough time for our morning boost, guys. so a brother drove 17 hours from florida all the way to indiana
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so he could surprise his big sister at her nurse pinning ceremony. she didn't think he was going to be able to make it because it was his finals week. check him out in the back. instant tears. it turns out her brother managed to get his finals rescheduled. he jumped in the car, and he drove, made that long journey. the pinning ceremony comes at the end of a student's nursing program and signifies the initiation into the profession. what a sweet brother. >> that's the love you want for your kids, for their siblings. >> not visible currently, but maybe one day. goals. >> we're going to get there. that's what i hope for. coming up, george clooney heading to broadway. what we're learning about the star's debut. and turn it up. music star, alicia keys, broadway. foul!
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(woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours, and watch it all on the new galaxy s24+, also on us. only on verizon. 756 right now. good morning. i'm laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. happening now here is what we're working on for our 8:00 streaming newscast. i'm bob redell. we are learning more about two prominent political figures here in the east bay who were killed, sadly, in a car crash this past weekend down in
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san diego county, friends say hope wood and peggy moore were political and social justice warriors who lived to make sure that those who did not have a seat at the table at least had a voice. here in alameda county, the couple ran their own political consulting firm called hope action, change. moore ran the 2014 election campaign for former oakland mayor libby schaaf was political director for hillary clinton's presidential primary campaign here in california. she met her wife while both campaigned for barack obama back in 2008. let's get a look at the forecast for this tuesday morning with meteorologist kari hall and we are seeing the low clouds and the fog in san francisco and parts of the bay area that's keeping our temperatures down along the coastline, with highs expected in the low to mid 60s. as you make your way inland, it's going to clear up a lot more quickly, and we are going to see those high temperatures in the upper 70s with a few more low 80s in our forecast for
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tomorrow. we're up to 82 in livermore, as well as san jose and going throughout the 7-day forecast. we are going to see highs in the mid
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, make-or-break witness. michael cohen back on the stand coming up, make-or-break witness. michael cohen back on the stand today after telling the jury he was directed by trump to buy the
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silence of an adult film star days before the 2016 election. we're live with the latest. and next steps. the children's book author accused of fatally poisoning her own husband. >> so my husband passed away unexpectedly last year. >> back in court ahead of her trial. the details coming up. then all in the family. after sharing their journey to becoming parents -- >> it didn't feel real when we were finally sharing the news that margot was coming. >> kristen welker and her husband john are back. >> hearing from so many people after that, many of whom we don't know and we may never meet, but we received the support, the love. many of them shared with us that this was something that they had experienced, too. >> with some joyful news you do not want to miss. and lights, camera, action! celebrating 10 years of "the
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>> clooney headed to broadway? >> point the camera my direction and we will fi tonight show." >> jimmy fallon! clooney heading to broadway? >> you know the drill. >> point the camera in my direction, we'll figure it out tonight. and behind the scenes of "wicked." >> it's been a long journey that i'm really grateful for. >> all that and more ahead in "popstart," may 14th, 2024. ♪ visiting from fresno, california. >> bloomington, north carolina! >> murdoch, nebraska. >> and spokane, washington. >> today i turn 30. >> columbia, south carolina. >> from waterloo, iowa. >> on a girls' trip. ♪ >> sending love to our grandchildren. >> in lexington, kentucky. >> on a trip. >> we just got married! >> congratulations! oh, wow. what a lovely crowd. we will go out and visit, say happy tuesday. craig is off this morning. we have sheinelle jones joining us. we have a big treat coming up, too, with alicia keys
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broadway musical. it will be good. good story tomorrow on "today." what is being called innation relocation. the growing number of states luring people who can work remotely by paying them thousands of dollars to move to small towns. we will take a closer look and meet one family who is taking advantage of the considerable perks. >> cool. all right. 8:02. let's get to our news at 8:00. michael cohen back on the witness stand this morning as donald trump comes face-to-face with his former fixer. cohen telling the jury he was directed by trump to buy the silence of stormy daniels before the 2016 election. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett was in the courtroom. she joins us now. hey, laura. good morning. >> hey, guys. good morning. michael cohen is the lynch pin of the state's case. and his testimony monday drove home the risks to prosecutors here. he now directly tied donald trump to the hush money payment that cohen made to silence
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him to do it, not to save his family embarrassment, to protect the trump campaign from, quote, a disaster. co stormy daniels on the eve of the 2016 election. cohen says mr. trump directed him to do it, not to safe his family embarrassment, to protect the trump campaign from, quote, a disaster. cohen says mr. trump approved of how cohen would be reimbursed, including that it would be improperly classified as legal expenses. that's the crux of the alleged crime. the issue now is that nearly all of this is riding on cohen's word. his lawyers have promised there would be concrete evidence to back up his testimony, something likely to come up during what's expected to be a grueling cross examination, guys. >> all right. laura, thank you. the biden administration announcing today it is raising tariffs on $18 billion of chinese exports. this comes as the white house tries to fight what it says are unfair trade practices by china. in particular, the tariff rate for electric vehicles will quadruple, rising from 25% to 100% this year. the u.s. and its european allies fear a wave of low-priced chinese exports will overwhelm domestic manufacturing. now to an update on a case that made worldwide headlines. a utah mother and children's book author accused of killing her own husband.
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she was in court yesterday. ahead of a key hearing in the case. nbc's liz kreutz joins us with the details. liz, good morning. >> hey, sheinelle, good morning to you. she has been behind bars now for over a year, charged with a slew of crimes including aggravated murder for allegedly poisoning her husband with fentanyl. but prosecutors still have to present evidence in order for her case to go to trial. she was back in court for two separate hearings. although she has not yet entered a plea, she continues to maintain her innocence. >> reporter: the mom accused of fatally poisoning her husband with fentanyl and later writing a book about grief, appearing back in court one last time monday before a critical preliminary hearing. wearing a red turtle neck and black blazer, remaining silent as the murder case against her enters its next phase, with prosecutors now laying out what
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to kill her husband, eric. that she owed more than $3 million they say is the evidence against her. in new filings, investigators saying the 34-year-old mom of three was financially motivated to kill her husband, eric. that she owed more than $3 million the day he died and she was having an extramarital affair and wanted a divorce. the prosecution says a witness says kori told them it would be better if eric richens was dead. the real estate was arrested last year after first appearing on local television to promote a children's book she wrote inspired by her husband's death in 2022. >> so my husband passed away unexpectedly last year. >> reporter: but a month after that interview, investigators charged her with murder. according to court documents, the night her husband died, corey told police she had made eric a moscow mule he drank in their bed. autopsy results finding he had five times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. >> five times the lethal dose is not accidental, your honor. that is someone who wants eric dead. >> reporter: his family later telling investigators eric believed corey may have tried to poison him more than once. >> he felt like corey was trying to kill him and that if he did die that she should be
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investigated for that. >> reporter: corey has not yet entered a formal plea, but she and her family say she is innocent. >> she loved eric. she loved her family more than anything. >> reporter: corey back in court for two hearings this week. a judge ruling the divorce attorney she met with can't be forced to testify about what they discussed. meanwhile, corey sentenced to time served in a separate misdemeanor assault charge, stemming from a confrontation she had with her husband's sister shortly after his death. now, sheinelle, prosecutors have laid out nearly 40 pages of evidence against her, including a witness who says she tried to buy fentanyl from them. as for tomorrow, a judge will look at all the evidence and hear from witnesses to determine whether there is enough to go to trial. if that happens at that point, corey will enter a plea. sheinelle. >> liz, thank you. let's move to a frightening close call to an air show in florida. check this out.rcrafts.
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it happened sunday in fort lauderdale. both of the jets were able to land safely. two of the planes flying in formation tap wings. the pilots break formation, then they regain control of their aircrafts. it happened sunday in fort lauderdale. both of the jets were able to land safely. the pilots involved unharmed. the show was paused after the incident, just as a precaution. >> good. still ahead, 10 years of unforgettable late night fun. on "popstart," how jimmy fallon is celebrating a big tonight show anniversary. but first, a special announcement from our dear friend kristin welker and her remarkable husband john. you don't want to miss their joyful news coming up after this. wer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year.
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her husband john hughes. >> you are probably still crying from three years ago. we're smiling alre kristin welker, moderator of "meet the press," of course and her husband john hughes. >> you are probably still crying from three years ago. when they joined us and shared the news that they were welcoming a baby girl from the help from a surrogate. they're here this morning. we're smiling already. we have another exciting life update. kristen, i'll let you do the honors. >> good morning. thanks, you guys. john and i are thrilled to announce we are welcoming a second baby into our family with the help of another amazing surrogate. >> oh, congratulations. >> thank you. thank you! we're so excited. >> that's some great news. you have been keeping that one secret. >> i know. a bit of a secret this time. but sharing our story about our struggles with infertility and our journey to becoming parents has just been so rewarding, and we hope that our news offers hope to others who are trying to build their own families. >> i love you. >> if you had told me five years ago that i would be the mother of a beautiful little girl and that we would be about to welcome a second baby, i would not have believed you because it
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has been such a long journey. after having consulted with four different doctors, they all agreed that i wasn't going to be able to carry a child. and it was probably the lowest moment and realization that i have ever had. >> it didn't feel real when we were finally sharing the news that margot was coming. >> we're so excited to be able to announce that we, with the help of a surrogate, are expecting a baby girl. [ applause ] >> in june. >> hearing from so many people after that, you know, many of whom we don't know and we may never meet, but to receive the support, the love and many of them shared with us that this was something that they had experienced, too. >> i think that it's so re struggling with infertility. >> margot lane welker
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emotional because there is so much loss involved when you are struggling with infertility. >> margot lane welker hughes born early saturday morning via surrogate. >> meeting margot was the greatest moment of our entire lives. >> good job, that's right. >> as an only child, i have always wanted to have two kids. we did wind up working with a new surrogate. and what is incredible is that this angel on earth is a first-time surrogate and she's actually been in contact with the person who carrying margot who has given her a lot of support and great advice along the way. and so, we're like a little family altogether. >> what a profound gift it is that they've given not just us as a family but the world itself. >> we found out we were expecting soon after i had been named moderator of "meet the press." we had tried for over a year to have a second baby, a sibling for margot. and we had setbacks.
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we've had more heart break. and, yet, we kept pushing forward. i feel really proud of us for supporting each other through some of the toughest times. >> there are many moments in infertility where it is just you. it is just you and your partner. it's very hard. so i'm very proud. >> i'm proud, too, that we didn't give up. love you, sweetie. >> love you, too. >> and, again -- >> we love you, too, by the way. >> thank you, guys. we continue to talk about this in part to remind families who are struggling with infertility that they are not alone. i was honored to be here recently with erin andrews to share our efforts to make fertility treatments which are expensive more accessible to those who need them. i know you guys were excited about that as well. >> absolutely is. okay. so you know the first question, right? you are the moderator of "meet the press."
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>> are you going to ask a tough question? >> do we have a boy or do we have a girl? >> are we ready? >> i'm ready. >> it's a boy! [ applause ] >> okay. wait. so let's talk a little bit about the news, how margot received the news when you told her she was going to have a brother. >> we gave her a book that she was going to be a big sister, and she's so excited, you guys. she's been telling all of her classmates she's getting a baby brother for her birthday because her birthday is in june. he's due just a few weeks earlier. she is so excited. she even has a nickname for him. john? >> lolo. >> lolo. >> i love that. >> we'll see if she likes it. >> do you guys have names in mind? >> we have some top contenders, but so far, margot is the only one who has decided on a name. >> you have to meet him and see what he looks like and decide if the name is right. it is so exciting. i know you talked to margot all along about the special way she came to be. and now she'll have a little brother who shares that with her.
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>> exactly. >> it is a place of connection. >> exactly, savannah. that's one of the things that's been such a blessing about this process. this has allowed me to share with margot and to start explaining to her her remarkable journey to this earth. i say mama had a boo-boo so i couldn't carry margo and i couldn't carry your brother. but here is our angel on earth that is carrying your little brother. and she looks at her. we facetime with her. and we are like a little family. >> john, you were so touching in that piece. it was so beautiful to see because often we see the heartbreak of the mom. it is not often we get to see it from your perspective, too. >> well, thank you for that. you know, this is something that every couple might go through. you have to lean on your partner a lot to get through it. there is a lot sometimes as we have said it can feel isolating. >> yes. >> but that's partly why we want to share our story and hopefully it reaches others as well. so filled with excitement for
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what's to come. >> that's so fun. it is a whole new world of two and i think most of all, though, this go-around, i'm just so filled with excitement for what's to come. >> that's so cool. >> that's so fun. it is a whole new world of two babies instead of one. >> we need advice on being boy parents. >> i know. it is exciting. it is a lot. it's the best. it's truly the best. now you have it all. you really do. what a blessing. >> we are so excited. and just hoping everything goes smoothly until this little guy arrives. >> we will be praying, too. then you have a big election season, but that's not until november. so i think this baby knew when to come. june is actually a good time. >> right on time. as you guys always say, he was right on time. >> congratulations. >> kristen and john, thank you. can't wait to meet this baby boy. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. al over to you. if it's tuesday, it's "meet the boy." congratulations. we'll so happy for you both. that's wonderful. >> thank you, al. >> we are so happy for you both. that's wonderful. we've got strong storms firing up right now through florida where we do have a severe thunderstorm warnings and
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tornado watches from southern georgia all the way into central florida. so we will be watching that very closely. heavy rain in the mississippi river valley as well. beautiful weather through the southwest. if you are if you are heading out the door, check us out sirius radio xm channel 108. "off the rails live." but first --
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>> we have good stuff for you this morning. i feel like i say that every time i fill in for carson. george clooney is headed to "off the rails live." but first -- best time of the morning. >> come on. we have some good stuff for you this morning. i feel like i say that every time i fill in for carson. first up, george clooney, the hollywood icon is headed to the great white way. he is set to make his broadway debut next here as legendary reporter and tv news anchor edward r. murrow. it's the stage production of his 2005 film "good night and good luck."r joseph mccarthy. that is set to open some time next spring. look forward to that. next up, jimmy fallon. it is time to celebrate 10 years since his very first tonight show monologue. >> i remember being a kid and asking my parents, can i stay up to watch johnny carson. that was they would let me watch the monologue and i would try to pretend i wasn't there so i could go to the first guest or whatever before they were going to do before they tell me go to bed.
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i feel like there is a kid out there staying up to watch me. it means a lot to me, and i hope i do well. >> i love stories like that. dreaming about this since he was a little guy. >> yeah. >> well, a decade later, nbc is honoring the big anniversary with an epic prime time special promising games, surprises and a look back at some of jimmy's legendary show moments. "the tonight show" anniversary special airs tonight at 9:00/8:00 central right here on nbc. >> that is going to be good. >> rooting for him. next up, "the voice." while carson is on the west coast with his other tv family, the current group of semifinalists battling it out in the last few episodes of the season. we just learned who will be spinning in those big red chairs come this fall. are you ready? >> michael bublé and snoop dogg are set to make their coaching debut. nbc announcing yesterday they'll be joined by "voice" vets reba mcentire and gwen stefani. so there's your team.
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stefani. you can catch the race as for carson on instagram, he had three words to say, oh hell ya. >> i can hear carson saying that. >> it premieres this fall. you can catch the race for season 25 crown tonight at 8:00/7:00 central here on nbc. next up, "wicked." a new video is revealing exactly what it takes to become "popular." that's one of the songs. yesterday our sister company universal pictures dropped a behind the scenes video sharing a look at how they're turning the broadway hit into a big-screen production. and it includes a sneak peek at ariana grande and cynthia erivo's emotional audition process. >> i went in for my first audition and i remember buzzing. >> when she came in, she was an ari i had never seen before. >> and then i got the call to come in. >> cynthia is so raw and vulnerable, and i couldn't get her out of my head. >> the world needs to see more of you. and we would love for you to be our alphaba.
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>> it's been a really long journey. >> we want you to be our glenda the good. >> oh, my god. thank you. i love her so much. i'm going to take such good care of her. thank you so much. >> sweet. i'll take care of her. >> the two of them walked the red carpet together at the met gala. they have such a chemistry. i can't wait to see what they do on the big screen. >> there is a shot of ariana. she sees cynthia, the bond is real. >> hits theaters november 27th. and a new trailer is slated to drop tomorrow. next up, sydney sweeney, the hollywood a lister could be bringing new life to this iconic jane fonda character. >> i'm here on the orders of the president of republic of earth. i'm here to find duran duran. >> all right. "deadline" reporting she is in talks to remake "barbarella." for an upcoming remake of the 1960s sci fi cult classic. not much else is known about the project.
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lately sweeney has been busy, not shy, of jumping genres. in the last year, she starred in rom-com, horror and other movies. >> that's how duran duran got their name, from that movie. if you have any other duran duran trivia, see me. >> i had a poster of them on my wall but i didn't know who they were. >> what? >> next topic. >> i thought it was cool because it was in the "teen" magazine. >> it was cool. finally, ryan reynolds. yesterday the star stopped by our studio to chat about his latest big screen project. but there was one thing we had to get to the bottom of, if there was this taylor swift connection i heard you guys ask him that, to the name of his and blake lively's fourth child. >> if you tell us the name of your fourth child, which i know you won't be, but taylor swift keeps dropping it into lyrics. >> we have to wait for another song? >> is the fourth child's name, baby's name, anywhere on the new record?
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>> we always wait for taylor to tell us what the child's name will be. we'll say this. we're still waiting. >> when you guys asked that question, the internet went crazy. >> really? >> poking fun at the many names dropped on swift's tortured poet's album. that rules out chloe, sam, sofia, marcus, aimee, cassandra -- none of those. people say taylor, people say -- >> i know. >> all right, guys. guess what? >> what? >> i spy a grammy-winning tony-nominated star in studio 1a. we're talking about alicia keys. she's brought a very personal story to broadway. we cannot wait to talk about alicia, about hell's kitchen and the cast will perform for us after your local news.
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♪♪ ♪ it is a tuesday morning. it is a windy one right here in new york city. boy, are we getting to get a
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treat as our best of broadway week rolls on. >> yeah. well, this morning, guys, we are so excited. we are spotlighting hell's kitchen. it is the new musical inspired by the life and music of ms. alicia keys. talk about a hit, you guys. it leads the way. 13 tony nominations. we're going to talk to alicia about that and more and her talented cast is going to perform for us live. >> i love it. also, get ready to fill your online shopping cart because chassie post is standing by with a new batch of "today best-sellers," from fashion and accessories, all getting us ready for a summer-o fun. and ted danson and mindy kayling. we're going to catch up with them and talk about the cause that has them working and we will look ahead to the weekend, see what we got for
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teaming up together for the very first time. talk about the wind, it's lovely. >> little brisk. we will look ahead to the weekend, see what we got for you. never too early to do that. for friday, we're expecting to see rain and cooler conditions in the northeast, a stormy south down through the gulf. sunny and warm out west. then we move into saturday, look for showery weather, wet weather through the southeast with some storms. the northwest going to be gorgeous. and then sunday, sunday just a dreary weekend here in the northeast all along the eastern sea board. but the rest of the country for the most part looking pretty darn good. it's good. good. tuesday morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're going to see temperatures in the upper 70s for the south bay, as well as the east bay. all the way up to the north bay, while san francisco will be in the mid 60s for this afternoon and just slightly warmer for tomorrow, with more low 80s for the interior valleys. looking at our forecast heading into the rest of the week, as well as the weekend, only a slight cool down for saturday and sunday into early next week. but the sunshine continues while san
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and that is your latest weather. oh, hoda? >> oh, al! now to our week-long best of broadway series. and this morning we are so excited because we are joined by the one, the only alicia keys. >> just looking at her makes us happy. she's a 16-time grammy winner, an entrepreneur, a mom. it all started a few blocks away in the neighborhood affectionately known here in new york city as hell's kitchen. >> uh-huh. >> now she is bringing it to great white way broadway based on her experience growing up in hell's kitchen. >> yeah. hell's kitchen does tell the story of a 17-year-old discovering her dreams on the concrete jungle. well, hello, miss. >> oh my gosh. >> i mean, you step into broadway. you don't step into broadway. you jump in with both feet. >> well, obviously. >> 13 tony nominations for this show. what did that feel like to get that news? >> i have to say, you know, we
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have been working on hell's kitchen for 13 years. >> yes. >> so it's been quite the journey and put so much time, energy, love into it. and, so, to receive a call like that, as you can see me in my house, it was shocking because, you know, you prepare yourself for whatever has come. you know, you allow yourself to have -- >> do you know the greatness coming for you? do you feel that? >> i do feel like there is an energy around "hell's kitchen" that's very pal lit lat that's genuine and true and real. people come to the show and say, alicia, i'm this person. this is my story. this story belongs to everybody. >> it is your story and it is not your story. it is not autobiographical. it is not supposed to be the alicia keys' story. >> correct. >> but it borrows from and is inspired by your own childhood and in particular your relationship with your mom. >> absolutely. >> i love that story line. can you tell us more about that? >> ultimately, it is a mother-daughter love story. that's truly what it is. i have been grateful that this has been my best friend throughout my life. she was born in toledo, ohio and
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came to new york with dreams of becoming an actor. she did that and raised me in the city. so this story is really inspired by the experiences of growing up in new york city. it is set in manhattan plaza, which is this special building right here in hell's kitchen, subsidized housing for artists. so you meet all these people, this vibrant community, and you meet alli and her mother, a single mother raising alli, a 17-year-old. >> did your mom boohoo when she watched it? come on. >> everybody boohooed. i'm boohooing. you're boohooing. you can't help it. it is so genuine. you can't help it. >> well, the music is spectacular. a lot of original music. some reimagined music, which is super cool. and you have kind of a musical announcement to make for us. >> oh, my gosh. the music is so exciting. everybody comes to the show and says, when can we get the album? when can we get the album? 7th!
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>> the cast recording june 7th. >> very cool! >> it is so stunning. wait until y i'm here to announce the album is available on june 7th! >> the cast recording june 7th. >> very cool! >> it is so stunning. wait until you hear it. we purposefully put it together is so that you really get a sense of the entire arc of the show as you listen to it. the music is crazy. the vocals are crazy. >> we have to say there are new songs. we will hear one of them in a moment. >> yes. >> but even the songs we know and love have been reimagined by you. what was that process like? >> the process is incredible. is so many times i looked at my e efrl years, and said why don't we perform it like this on my show. they're meant to move the story forward. every time you hear the song and it is in a new way that you know the song and love it is so the story can -- it progresses the story. i think that's such a powerful part. people tell me all the time, i never heard the ler ricks in
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this way. they never meant this to me. in so many ways in so many ways i'm experiencing the songs in a whole new way. >> i feel like your life is so crazy. we did you at this art installation with your husband which is incredible. you now have a broadway show, 13 tony nominations. i feel like you hand select these projects in such a way because everything goes through the lens of you. you don't -- i don't feel like you farm things out. do you have a deliberate sort of professional plan going forward? >> you know, there's things that have been in development for quite some time, even giants at the brooklyn museum, which you're talking about which is just stunning. >> i love that. >> thank you so much. >> it's organic and it happens because it's -- there's a love there that's been developing over years and years and years. so i think when people see it, they know that it's pure. >> just like this show. >> like this show. a few thing. 13 tony >> just like you, girl.
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>> you made it -- there's a few things. all the grammys. okay you've made it. 13 tony nominations. okay you made it. here is another one for you, 1 billion streams of empire state of mind. you hit that mark yesterday. congratulations. >> congratulations. >> i mean, 1 billion. >> whoa. >> a lot of 0s. we're only responsible for 10 million of those. >> exactly. >> by the way, you cannot drive down the streets of new york without seeing one of those petty crabs cranking that song up. >> the brooklyn bridge, it's nothing but. >> it's my favorite part of coming out of hell's kitchen. come out of hell's kitchen, get in the car, hear that song, empire everywhere. don't go anywhere, we're going to head outside where the hell's kitchen cast will treat us to a live performance. >> oh my gosh. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪♪ the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi.
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>> welcome back. we just heard from alicia keys about the hit new musical "hell's kitchen". >> now we are joined by the stars of the show. she plays alli, a 17-year-old discovering her dreams in the big city. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is your broadway debut and you are tony nominated for your role. how has this experience been? >> ridiculous and surreal and intense and beautiful and the most magic way possible. i love the people that i share the show with, and it's a great, great experience doing it every night. >> and to know that alicia keys hand picked you for this role, what does that feel like? >> i mean, alicia has been a household name of mine since i can remember. so growing up listening to her music and getting to have this personal relationship with her has been beautiful. and i couldn't ask for a bettert for the show.
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>> "ka lie da scope, experience. >> well, could you set up the performance you guys are about to do? this is a song alicia wrote just for the show. >> "kaleidoscope," i'm so excited we got to debut it a couple weeks ago. the album comes out june 7th. i hope everybody is excited. it will be a moment. it will be a moment. >> are you going to do kaleidoscope now? >> yes w. >> we can't wait to hear it. take it away! ♪♪ the cast of "hell's kitchen." ♪ ♪ ♪ kaleidoscope ♪ ♪ tonight is shining bright, you know ♪ so light, light, light, light it up ♪ ♪ put it in the air and let it go ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ oh, no ♪
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♪ can you feel the love now ♪ i'm feeling a buzz now ♪ never want to come down ♪ piece it altogether ♪ nights like this, they belong in the guinness ♪ nights like this never want them to finish. ♪ start of the beginning ♪ ♪ let it be the light that we're living ♪ ♪ okay. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't wait for the endless ♪♪ oh, ohthe beginning ♪ ♪ ♪♪
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♪ oh ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you just open up your eyes ♪ ♪ don't let the colors fool you, baby ♪ ♪ what's been inside you all this time ♪ ♪ yeah, oh ♪ ♪ feels so good when it's all out ♪ ♪ the sun's out ♪ ♪ baby i'm ready for the fallout ♪ ♪ i don't know what to say ♪ ♪ kaleidoscope, i see your colors, baby ♪ ♪ kaleidoscope, i know your colors ♪ ♪ i don't know what to say ♪ ♪ kaleidoscope, i see your colors, baby ♪ ♪ they call you kaleidoscope, i see your colors ♪ ♪ baby ♪ ♪ kaleidoscope ♪
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♪ i see your colors baby ♪ ♪ ♪ i see your colors, baby ♪ ♪ kaleidoscope, let down your colors ♪ ♪ wait for the endless start of the beginning ♪ ♪ better to be alive than just to be living ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]. >> malia joy, cast of hell's kitchen on broadway right now at the shoe bert theater. stick around, the cast will come back next hour to perform one of alicia's biggest hits, like you never heard it before. >> so good. i wish we could sing, savannah. >> i wish we could dance, you can. >> we have a summer-style preview plus her hack for
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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estamos de vuelta, 8.47 hoy, we are back at 8:47 "today best-sellers." this morning we're gearing up for fun in the sun with the best fashions and accessories. to keep you looking and feeling cool all summer long. here to share her warm-weather must-haves shop all day contributor chassis post. you can find everything you are about to see simply by scanning the qr code below. hello! >> good morning. i love all these summery finds we have and a lightweight little shirt. >> yes. >> pink is the color, i guess. >> it is. you guys got the memo. this is such an easy, every day shirt. not only is it a best-seller, but this is one of our today viewers favorites. we showed it last year, it was so popular, we brought it back. here is what everybody loves about it, this fabric. can you feel that? it feels like a t-shirt, but then you have got that blouse silhouette. >> good for zooms. you know, it's like you just -- cute on top. >> exactly. feel super comfy.
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this means dress it up, dress it down and you still feel comfortable. and i also love that just -- you know, it's -- drapes very flattering way. >> a punch of colors and patterns. >> yeah. >> under $25. it's machine washable. >> it would be cute with shorts or jeans. these are cute pants. what are these? >> or cargo pants. cargo pants is all we're hearing about. >> they can be controversial. >> they can. they're back. but this is a double trend right here. this is the cargo pant combined with another summer trend, the capri. >> okay. >> so what's so great about these is of course you get all the bells and whistles of the cargo. the great pockets. but you get the shorter length of the capri. they have a great stretch fabric. reviewers rave about this waistband that feels like an elastic waistband. but doesn't look like it. >> it's all about comfort. >> so it's around $32. so great colors. >> oh, i like the white.colors. >> i'm into it. we have a two-in-one special
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here. >> i am obsessed with this. this is a two-in-one piece. those are cute. >> right? a little pop right there. lots of colors. >> i'm into it. we have a two-in-one special here. that's cute. >> i am obsessed with this. >> i am, too. this is cute. this is a two-in-one piece. it is around $39. i took a deep dive -- and i took a deep dive into amazon and found this. this, i actually have this fabulous print set. but we have two of our staff members here modeling two other fabulous prints. so here we have danielle and we also have alexa. pictures here. they come in 30 different colors and patterns. >> really? >> yes. so when i tried on this suit here, it has nice, full coverage, which is impossible to find now. >> i know. and it's structured like it sucks it all in. >> yes. this ruffled top. and then you pair it with the matching sarong. beach to brunch, anywhere. $39 for both pieces. >> i love it. check it out, all the different pats earns. this is so cute. this is a 100% cotton canvas
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embroidered initial tote for $16.99. it is not just printed. i love it because it's really roomy and they have this great structured sort of feel so you can load things in it really easily. and you can carry it, you know, on your shoulder. >> it's really cute. >> it is so cute, right? >> i like the black and white. is it just the black and white. >> i do, too. it also comes in a brown and white. you can also do your zodiac or cute sayings on these. but i think they make such a great gift because they're personalized for bridesmaids or graduation. >> travel, beach bag, anything. >> totally. pool, park, beach. so love these. last but not least, savannah, you will not believe what this is. >> what is it? >> it is a mega best-seller. it is a solution for summer that has over 86,000 reviews. >> i have seen these commercials. they make he laugh. >> yes. it looks like a lotion, but it is a full-body deodorant. >> it's dripping.
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what does it smell like? >> they have great fragrances, right? get this, the brand says, and it goes on clear, check that out, this helps reduce odor from head-to-toe, anywhere you might need it. >> tmi, chassis. >> i got to say. it's so useful for summer, right? >> yeah. >> and it's actually clinically proven to help reduce odor for up to 72 hours. >> i will try it on my 7-year-old's feet. >> it is really, really popular. >> there it is. it doesn't stain your clothes. and it is really, really popular. >> there it is. >> there you go, from lumi. >> thank you. cutie, you really covered all bases here. scan our qr code or head to
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all right. welcome back. it is time to celebrate
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birthdays. >> all right. let's get those smucker's jars ready to spin. first up, we want to wish a happy 100th birthday to louise hoffman. fun fact, she lived at the house on e street where the famed e street band got its name. how about that? all right. happy 100 rt birthday to elsie stewart. the secret to longevity, never think about your age. albert romney is 100. not only is he marking a milestone birthday. albert recently celebrated his 78th wedding anniversary to his young bride of 95 years. >> awe! >> happy 100th birthday to betty jane sweigart. she goes by the golden rule, live each day to the fullest. john swims every day and face-times his loved ones.
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that's amazing. happy 104th birthday to pauline firestone. the past three years she's made 150 blankets for up next on the 3rd hour, the best strategies to kick start your career. and then on hoda and jenna, much more with alicia keys. plus, ryan reynolds and john kri zin ski. >> we're very busy. >> ted danson and mindy kayling coming up. and alicia keys -- she isn't doing -- we have another song from -- >> all the things. stay with us. >> stay right here. don't move.
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good morning. it is 856 on marcus washington. well, minutes from now, google is supposed to start this year's. i o developers conference. it's going to take place at shoreline amphitheater in mountain view. well, that event spotlights the company's most anticipated projects. but pro-palestine activists are gathering outside. you may remember that google recently fired dozens of those workers who protested inside google's offices, as they opposed google doing business with israel. google called the protest a violation of company policies. well, happening now, our kris sanchez is in mountain view. she'll have a live report in our midday newscast. well, another alphabet company, waymo, is now being investigated by the national highway traffic safety administration. you can head over
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," kelly clarkson getting candid, speaking for the first time about her dramatic weight loss and using medication. >> my docto


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