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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  May 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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two tickets to the hawai'i food and wine festival saturday night event at the sheraton maui resort and spa, and a rental car. enter today. here's a high school hoops success story that almost didn't happen. my favorite move is an in and out and a crossover. camden's always love playing basketball. her feet? not so much. i would get a lot of like shin splints, cramps, my feet were like betraying me. so her mom took her in for a fitting at the good feet store. now she's got two rings and two clutch arch supports. they're my secret weapon. i use them every single day. stop hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, tuesday, may 14th,
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2024. crucial testimony. donald trump's former fixer michael cohen is back on the witness stand. how he connected the former president directly to the hush money payments at the center of this case. striking a deal. the former interpreter for dodgers superstar shohei ohtani appeared in court today. we'll break down the plea he negotiated with federal prosecutors. on the move. u.s. intelligence indicates that israeli forces could push deeper into the crowded city of rafah. and gut check. nauseous, heartburn indigestion, why what happens inside your belly is so important. >> i'm excited to get a little bit more informed about how to take care of ourselves in that arena. we'll start this hour with critical day of testimony in former president trump's hush
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money case. >> michael cohen is on the stand for the second day, prosecutors say he'll be their last witness now. when prosecutors asked why he lied repeatedly about what the payoffs were for, cohen said he did it in order to protect mr. trump. >> appeals court upheld the gag order on trump in this case. judge merchan has threatened jail time for any future violations. trump's lawyers are cross examining cohen after prosecutors finished they questions earlier today, what are some of the key points they hit on with cohen. >> reporter: the defense attorney, his first question, he
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said, mr. cohen, we have never met. then he says, you went on tiktok and called me a crying a little s-h-i -- an immediately objection that was sustained. the jurors are going back and forth looking at the defense and looking at cohen. and it says one has a slight grin, the rest of rather stoic about this. it seems as though the defense is trying to get under michael cohen's skin to show that michael cohen that we heard so much about it he's pitbull, a manic, someone who's very aggressive but he hasn't been able to do it yet and for the most part cohen has been giving yes or no or i think it sounds like me and in some ways that cohen is frustrated at the defense attorney and making this
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difficult for him. we'll see how long this lasts as this cross-examination is just getting under way. >> all right, rehema, thank you. danny, what are your thoughts so far from what we heard out of cohen. >> he's not sticking to the script. he's fighting back. he's not willing to commit to yes or no, for a cross examined witness the jury after a while will start his refusal to answer just yes or no, i don't recall, why not just yes, i think so far it's only been a few minutes literally but michael cohen is doing so-so on cross. >> danny, you said, only a few minutes but when do you think this trial could end or wrap. >> it could end as soon as michael cohen's testimony that's
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if defense calls zero witnesses. it could go to the jury relatively quickly depending on what the defense does next. i think cohen will be on the stand for at least another day. >> let's ask rehema, too, do we have any sense of timing just from the courthouse? >> reporter: well, the courthouse says that according to the prosecution, michael cohen is their last witness and so it's a question as danny said how long this cross-examination will go whether or not there will be a redirect on that. the defense has said they may call one other witness, that might be determined at some other point and donald trump might also testify, but that's less likely to happen. lady and all right, rehema ellis and danny, thank you both. the former translator for superstar baseball player ohtani was back in court today. >> he's accused of illegally moving $17 million out of
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ohtani's bank account without his knowledge to pay off gambling debts. david noriega is following the latest for us. walk us through what happened in court and what should we be expecting next. >> reporter: we're still waiting for updates. the hearing as far as we know is ongoing, we do know that this case has been assigned to a judge in santa ana, orange county. the base hearing is procedural. he's expected to plea not guilty even though we know from prosecutors that he has agreed to a guilty plea, he has to do that today in order to schedule a future hearing. it's thanks to his cooperation with the prosecutions that a lot of the facts aren't disputed. the fact that e was placing an average of 20 bets a day and he won and loss hundreds of
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millions of dollars here. there's really no expectation that we'll see any fireworks given that he's cooperating with prosecutors and from what we're told by prosecutors has agreed to plead guilty. guys. >> have we heard anything from ohtani himself recently? >> reporter: we actually haven't heard from ohtani in a while. ohtani is famously recollusionive, doesn't speak publicly very often. before this happened he would only speak publicly via his interpreter. he's focused on baseball. he's having a very strong season so far. the prosecutors have effectively cleared him in this. there's no indication to believe that he was aware of his interpreter's betting. all happened behind his back.
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so, ohtani, i suspect we'll probably hear from him again after mizuhara pleads guilty. >> david, thanks. in the middle east, israeli tanks are pushing deeper into the southern gazan city of rafah, a major assault could happen soon. >> more than 450,000 palestinians have already left according to united nation and throughout gaza the humanitarian situation is dire, but on monday, israeli activists in the west bank blocked an aid convoy setting two of the trucks on fire. raf sanchez joins us now from tel aviv. raf, we know prime minister netanyahu has insisted invading rafah is necessary to finally destroy hamas.
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walk us through the latest on the ground there. >> reporter: so, it's starting to feel like the israeli military is basically playing whack-a-mole with hamas in northern gaza, moved into the north of gaza, fought south, reached rafah, they've cleared these areas of northern gaza, the jabalia area, and yet they're saying hamas has regrouped and now they're having to go back into those areas once again and this is raising really serious questions about israel's military strategy and here we are, eight months into this war, israel hasn't really presented any detailed plan about how to win the peace, what kind of political settlement there might be in gaza when all of this fighting is done and what you heard from secretary of state blinken and other u.s. officials over the weekend, is, without the plan to win the peace israel is going to be running around
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and fighting helter skelter for a very long time to come. in rafah, a tactical, fairly small-scale operation near the egyptian border, seems to be getting bigger every day, there are fears in the white house that israel is elevating this into the all-out ground offensive that the white house has warned against. some 450,000 palestinian civilians have been told to evacuate from areas east of raian jh. >> so many american protesters have been worried about humanitarian aid getting in. we see those images of an attack on convoy, vandalizing things, what's getting into gaza? >> reporter: not a whole lot, kate. so the rafah crossing remains closed the main lifeline from egypt into gaza. it's dangerous and it's come
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political kated trying to get aid from there given the scale of fighting going on. on your screen, those are israeli extremists in the occupied west bank vandalizing an aid convoy coming from jordan heading to gaza. israeli police say they're investigating this incident. they've made several arrests but human rights groups said that israeli forces stood by. time now for today's money minute. president biden taking aim at chinese electric cars. >> another steaming bundle is hitting the market. the white house announcing stiff new tariffs on $18 billion worth of chinese imports, president bietden said the tariffs which include quadrupling tariffs are to protect the market. walmart is planning to lay
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off hundreds of corporate workers while asking others to relocate. the company's chief peoples officer said the move is meant to bring people back to the office. and yes, our parent company comcast will offer a streaming bundle that includes peacock, netflix and apple tv plus at an investor conference, it will be available for all comcast broadband tv and mobile customers later this month. no cost yet. but he said it would be a quote vastly reduced price. looking toward to it. >> out of curiosity what about employees do we get that. >> that's a great question. >> do we get the bundle? who knows? we know what we can watch, "nbc news daily". >> coming up, talk about a rough
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day, how this dog got herself stuck inside a wall. plus a utah mom and children's book author back in court accused of killing her husband the new evidence husband the new evidence prosecutors just laid out and my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ [♪♪]
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chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. the woman accused of killing her husband and then writing a book about grief face ascii court hearing this week, it
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could determine whether the case goes to trial. liz kreutz has the latest. >> reporter: the mom accused of fatally poisoning her husband with fentanyl and later writing a book about grief, appearing back in court one last time monday before a critical preliminary hearing. wearing a red turtle neck and black blazer, remaining silent as the murder case against her enters its next phase, with prosecutors now laying out what they say is the evidence against her. in new filings, investigators saying the 34-year-old mom of three was financially motivated to kill her husband, eric. that she owed more than $3 million the day he died and that she was having an extramarital affair and wanted a divorce. the prosecution says a witness says kori told them it would be better if eric richens was dead. the realtor was arrested last year after first appearing on local television to promote a children's book she wrote inspired by her husband's death in 2022. >> so my husband passed away unexpectedly last year.
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>> reporter: but a month after that interview, investigators charged her with murder. according to court documents, the night her husband died, she told police she had made eric a moscow mule that he drank in their bed. autopsy results finding he had five times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. >> five times the lethal dose is not accidental, your honor. that is someone who wants eric dead. >> reporter: his family later telling investigators eric believed she may have tried to poison him more than once. >> he felt like corey was trying to kill him and that if he did die that she should be investigated for that. >> reporter: she has not yet entered a formal plea, but she and her family say she is innocent. >> she loved eric. she loved her family more than anything. >> reporter: back in court for two hearings this week. a judge ruling the divorce attorney she met with can't be forced to testify about what they discussed. meanwhile, she's sentenced to time served in a separate misdemeanor assault charge,
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stemming from a confrontation she had with her husband's sister shortly after his death. liz kreutz, nbc news. today some of students at columbia university in new york participated in graduation ceremonies that looked different than previous years. >> after weeks of protests, the university decided to cancel its main commencement with all of its graduates instead individual columbia schools and colleges are holding smaller ceremonies to honor their graduates. antonia hylton, what was the energy like today at these ceremonies and how did it compare to years prior. >> the energy was overwhelming positive. it did look very different. 100 blocks north of columbia at their athletic field. complex the school felt was more secure and less opened to the possibility of protests and
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disruption. students still had their voices heard. showed solidarity with the palestinians. including the valedictorian made clear where she stood, elements of students still showing this connection to the protests that have now wrapped up, but overwhelming it was a really positive experience where there were no violence, nobody kicked out, the school was able to hold the ceremony but they were so nervous we heard from sources about this. >> since we have you, you spent so much time there, i think sometimes it gets lost in the shuffle what people were protesting for. what do they say to you. >> students tell me their central demand was dwesment. they wanted columbia to be transparent about it and cutting ties with israel, with those
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companies or organizations. . the school has cig naltd an openness to dialogue. we saw how the encampment came to an end with police force. students are concerned and even expecting that this fall some of these protests may begin anew. >> antonia hylton, thank you so much. coming up, caitlin clark is still hours away from her official wnba adieu, already making history, we'll tell you how. you're watching "nbc news daily." >> keep watching us streaming >> keep watching us streaming free 24/7 right here o(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. forward on nbc news daily. i'm audrey asistio google is hosting its developers conference today. right now, thousands of people are at shoreline amphitheater for it, and we can tell you that protesters are taking advantage of the visibility. today, nbc bay area's kris sanchez joins us from mountain view with a pro-palestinian protest. right here behind me. this is the main entrance gate to shoreline theater and the google developers conference. you can see all those folks standing around. and that's because the protesters were able to successfully shut down this main entry point. the attendees had to be rerouted to another entrance as the protesters
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shouted messages, including no tech for genocide. they say they object to the use of ai and cloud computing technology, and they object to the use or the contract that they had that google has with the israeli government and the israeli military with project nimbus. now, google photos for mass surveillance were also part of the issue. one of the protesters says there's a chance that all of that technology could be used back here at home, because google cannot get away with celebrating with bright colors and rainbow. and, you know, this sort of conference that's all about the positives that google is doing for society, when at the same time, google is engaging in extremely shady and violent business by fueling a military that is committing a genocide that has already killed over 40,000. why would they not use this technology that's being used on the palestinian people, against people back here in the united states, against our black and brown communities who are being pushed out because of google, because of the tech bubble, because of gentrification. they will use
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this technology right back here from this view from sky ranger, you can see the reroute of those attendees hundreds of them lining the roadway had to turn around and go in through another gate. there were some real infrastructure issues because all of the big screening equipment is over here toward the end where we are. so it was quite a scramble for organizers. i tried to talk to some of the folks who were waiting in line, who came here from all across the country. we only found one person who was willing to share his opinion. this is nothing new . i've been working for technology for the last 20 years and all companies, big companies in the united states, have a partnerships somehow with israel. i can't really say that that is causing anything new. that or triggering what's happening right now. now, in the last month, google has fired about 50 employees for protesting the war in gaza and the contract with the israeli government and the israeli military and several of them worked on project nimbus. that project in question. now,
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meanwhile, a bay area family wants answers about doctor hal sheikholeslami, a sutter health doctor who was on a medical mission in gaza and now is finding it difficult to return home. the protesters eventually unchained themselves about two hours after they put those chains on and blocked this entrance. they are also holding a public rally just a few blocks from here at a public park in mountain view. kris sanchez nbc, bay area news chris, thank you. meanwhile you may have seen these self-driving cars around san francisco. they're called waymo's and they're made by google. now, the national highway traffic safety administration is opening an investigation into waymo. it's looking into 22 incidents in which the cars were involved in collisions or traffic violations. 17 crashes are part of the investigation. in waymo, cars have hit stationary objects such as gates or other parked cars. no injuries have been reported, though this comes as leaders have been expressing concerns over waymo's expansion of testing in peninsula cities.
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and we are following a developing story out of san jose, a shooting that shut down a freeway off ramp last week has turned deadly. this happened thursday at 280, and mclaughlin avenue, near the two 8101 interchange. investigators led to a shutdown of the area for several hours. police now confirm that one man was taken to the hospital. investigators say they learned that the man died on sunday. anyone with information is asked to call police. this is san jose's 13th homicide of the year. well, it is another sunny day out. so here's meteorologist kari hall with our forecast today. we're going to see highs in san francisco in the mid 60s along with low clouds. and eventually clearing out for the afternoon. but with the clouds slow to clear it's giving us a wide range in temperatures where we are going to see a lot more sunshine. we're looking at highs in the upper 70s and even up to 83 in fairfield. as we take it into the day tomorrow, we'll be in the mid 80s there, while much of the rest of the bay area from the tri-valley to the south bay, will be in the low 80s and the
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north bay will see temperatures in the upper 70s and on thursday, it's not much of a change, but there still will be some warm valleys. while our coastal temperatures will be nice and cool, we'll be tracking nice and cool, we'll be tracking some slight[tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? ...and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection
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with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the united nations says approximately 300 people are dead after severe flash flooding
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hit afghanistan. the country has been getting unprecedented rainfall since last friday, damaging or destroying thousands of homes. afghanistan's taliban government relies on international humanitarian aid to deal with natural disasters, but it's unclear whether many neighboring countries are providing assistance. qatar's foreign ministry said it's ready to cooperate with afghan authorities. the charity founded by prince harry and meghan markle has been declared delinquent, that means it can't raise or spend money. according to california attorney general, the foundation has either not paid its annual registration fees or failed to submit an annual report. a source close to that foundation said that everything was submitted on time but it appears a check got lost in the mail. they expect the issue to be resolved in the next few days. and take a look at this video of firefighters rescuing a dog who got stuck in a wall, the dog whose name is fay had crawled through the wall in an
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access door. firefighters came to her rescue opened up the wall to let her escape. she's doing just fine now. secretary of state antony blinken made a surprise visit to ukraine today to reassure ukrainians the united states stands with them. blinken met with ukraine's president and heard from anti-corruption leaders. the visit comes as russian forces make gains on their ground assault in the north part of ukraine, attacking new areas around ukraine's second largest city. nbc news international correspondent josh lederman is following the latest developments for us. josh, what did we hear from secretary blinken so far today. >> reporter: a time when ukraine needed a pep talk from its ally is now. they're losing territory once again to russia after a long period of stalemate. they're trying to replenish the
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weapons that were running out due to the delay in congress passing that assistance to ukraine. they're facing a huge disadvantage when it comes to the number of troops available, they don't have the replenishments that russia in order to continue this fight. now it's dragging on into several years, secretary blinken during his surprise visit today tried to signal to ukraine that the u.s. is not going anywhere. >> the coming weeks and months will demand a great deal from the ukrainians who have already sacrificed so much. i have come to ukraine with a message -- you are not alone. >> reporter: secretary blinken actually acknowledged kate that the delay in the u.s. passing that assistance for ukraine left ukraine's defenses vulnerable, but he also came with announcement, he said that the u.s. is now working to take russian assets that had been
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seized during this war as a result of sanctions and actually make them available to ukraine in kind of robinhood approach in trying to provide for the redevelopment and reconstruction of ukraine which has suffered billions upon billions of damages in losses to its infrastructures, homes and businesses. he said the u.s. now with authority from congress is going to work with g7 partners to get that funding sent over to ukraine. kate. >> josh, thank you. we're following breaking nut of florida, at least eight people have been killed in a bus crash and many more hurt. you can see here where the bus went off the road and fell on its side after the florida highway patrol said it hit a tree. this happened in ocala, florida, north of orlando. guad is following the latest for us, this story is rapidly developing. but walk us through what we know here. >> reporter: the florida highway
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patrol believes that this bus was transporting about 50 farm workers early this morning, traveling on a road, this pickup truck was traveling in the opposite direction when they collided. the bus drove off the wall, they believe it went through a fence and hit a tree. the sheriff had about 30 ambulances arrive at the scene and about 40 individuals were transported to local hospitals. we know now that at least eight have died, eight were critically injured according to the last report and these are migrant workers from the area, this part of central florida is known because of its agricultural industry, where they farm tomato, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables. migrant workers come to the u.s. on visas, every morning they travel to different farms on these white school buses. this is not uncommon. now authorities are looking into
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what may have caused the accident. they were also looking into the weather, when they spoke to the media today they were under rain, they wanted to see if the weather may have influenced the accident. the mexican consulate in orlando has also made a phone number available, they're asking for information for any of the affected members of the mexican individuals, members of their families, anyone who would like to share information and or ask for information. >> more details to come. guad, thank you. artificial intelligence is poised to be a game-changer when it comes to how we learn, how we work, how we learn our lives. >> now, a look at how just dramatic that change could be. openai rolled out the newest version of the language model on monday, instead of time in your request now you can take to
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chatgpt. >> guides a user through solving a handwritten math problem. >> i see it now. you wrote down 3x plus 1 equals 4. >> yes, exactly. what's the first step i should take to solve this. >> the first step get the constants on the other side. what should we do with the plus 1. >> subtract 1 from both sides. >> great idea. >> wow. brian cheung joins us now. >> i was doing that in my head so much faster. >> you may have been doing that faster but i'm still processing what we just heard. that's kind of impressive. sounds very human like. how advanced is this new model.
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>> our phones will start to do these advanced math problems. in the unveil of what they call 4.0 only knee the technology to describe these new additions, realtime audio translations, while you're traveling could break down some of those language barriers. they included broadly speaking voice, siri, apple unveiled siri they're trying to incorporate a.i. take a listen to one example of how they added emotion to the a.i. model. >> once upon a time in a world not too different than ours there was a robot named byte. a curious robot. >> i want a little bit more emotion. >> got it, let's add some drama. once upon a time in a world not too different from ours there was a robot named --
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>> no, i really want max mall expressiveness. >> understood. let's amplify the drama. >> it got even more dramatic in that reading. you're starting to hear the emotion here, that the founder of openai he tweeted "her" in reference to that joaquin phoenix where scarlett johansson plays the a.i. >> i mean, it's kind of scary at least for people of my generation, this is really going to happen, how soon will this be available to all of us publicly. >> this is rolling out as we speak. so openai, this brand-new version of the model is going to gradually roll out in terms of features. you can type something in and then generate these images that
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don't exist in real life, they're rolling out today in chatgpt. access is based on your openai account. it's not necessarily free for everyone. it's kind of pay as you use. >> then, we mentioned openai, chatgpt, not only the company in this game. who else are we watching out for. >> again, there's many other players in this space when you talk about apple as well, they have siri, microsoft's co-pilot. but google today were unveiling new features as part of gemini pro. they were doing advanced math problems that you can bring your phone up. here's some code, what does this code do, how can i make it
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better? it can read 1500 pages of a document. it can be incorporated into the google drive suite, into g-mail, into youtube. this is happening very fast. >> still deal your math because 3x plus 1. >> brian breaking it down. >> briangpt. >> tonight marks the highly anticipated in wnba history. college superstar caitlin clark, set to play in her first regular-season game, her new team the indiana fever will take on the connecticut sun. wnba looks to draw in more fans this year. stephanie gosk gets ready for tipoff >> a three! >> reporter: it's game time once again for caitlin clark. this time in the big league. tonight, the 22-year-old basketball phenom will suit up for her first regular-season wnba game, playing for the indiana fever.
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>> this is a dream. this is something that i wrote down on a piece of paper when i was in like second grade, like get a basketball scholarship, play in the wnba. >> reporter: the weight of the moment not lost on clark. >> this is what you kind of worked for and dreamed of and now you get to put the jersey on for the first time. >> reporter: while she will be sporting a new uniform, her number will stay the same. >> looks pretty awesome. i love it. >> reporter: her new jersey already one of the top-selling for a draft pick in any sport. the excitement from her record-shattering run in the ncaa tournament has only gained momentum. >> the indiana fever select caitlin clark, university of iowa. >> reporter: clark and the fever now enjoying one of the high-profile new changes at the wnba, private flights for teams. with sold-out games and record merch sales, the caitlin clark effect shows no signs of letting up. >> wnba preseason games, right, guys? >> yeah, right. >> have we ever seen national television talk about this? >> reporter: and her popularity
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has been translating to dollars. according to stubhub, indiana fever ticket sales are up 13 times from last season. as for her own earnings, clark will take home a base salary of just over $76,000 this year. but a deal with nike will reportedly pay her $28 million over eight years. this weekend, the fever celebrating clark after she missed her graduation from iowa, due to her new gig. >> all right! >> reporter: clark's impact now reaching new heights she says she's ready for. >> i think it will definitely be a good challenge for me. i think that's one of the reasons i decided to leave college, just something new. >> reporter: we have news out of clark's alma mater. her 63-year-old coach lisa bluder who's coached for 24 years is retiring. she is the winningest coach in big 10 history, guys. back to you.
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from tummy aches to heart burn, how can you
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okay, in today's daily health let's talk apartment your gut. >> topic many people may shy away from, but it can affect everything from digestion to your immune system.
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joining us now is dr. kavita patel. why is gut health so important to our overall health. >> it's amazing. how much the gut is connected to everything. from our immune system to our mental health, it can start with a variety of common g.i. disorders that we heard about and some we haven't. >> let's talk about those common g.i. disorders. run through these and what causes some of these, like acid reflux and leaky gut. >> right, right. irritable bowl syndrome. you mentioned acid reflux, the acid normally made in your stomach is coming up into the esophagus. it's kind of reversing the direction that it's supposed to be in and creates a burning, chest kind of burning.
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leaky gut syndrome, it's seen alongside a lot of other diagnosis such as colitis and other disorders. the gut lining becomes more permable. things that should stay outside the gut can get in, causing havoc on your overall body. >> dr. patel you walked through some diagnosis. walk us through some signs that you may have an unhealthy gut. >> anything, we just mentioned it's connected to mental health. but common symptoms are common. even trouble digesting your food. you never got that meal in right. even bowel habits. i think everything that feels like you're off an instinct and listen to it. trust your gut for a reason, because it's connected to so much of our health. >> it said on that slide, poor
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gut microbe. >> there are very healthy bacteria, we can get this in form of probiotics. we need bacteria inside our gut to break down food and other particles and when that bacteria offsets it can result in disease and some symptoms. >> walk us through what pro biotics, prebiotics and how effective they are. >> absolutely, at the end of the day, you might need to talk to a dietitian and a health professional to help you figure out what you should be eating. pro biotics the healthy source of bacteria in the form of yogurt, it can be sauerkraut.
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kimchi, lot of kimchi that we can try in several places. and prebiotics the fertilizer for your healthy gut bacteria, that can come in very common foods, onion, food. a number of vegetables like leeks. give nourishment to the bacteria that we need. >> beauty from the inside-out. dr. patel, thank you so much. >> thank you. there's much more news ahead. >> don't go anywhere. you're watching "nbc news daily". uhhh. katie! i knew i'd find you here. i know, it's wild. i'm you from the future! anyway our doctor figured it out. all that constipation with belly pain that keeps coming back, it's ibs—c. she said linzess could help you get ahead of it.
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it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. on nbc news daily. i'm audrey asistio highly anticipated decision could be on deck for leaders in the peninsula today. many farm workers in half moon bay. live in poor conditions, so the city's planning commission may vote to move forward on affordable housing for those workers. meeting comes after governor gavin newsom issued a warning last week. he said there would be legal consequences if delays continue on the project. if approved, the city would construct 40 affordable housing units. san francisco leaders will vote on closing a mile long stretch of the great highway extension to cars. today, we are talking about the part between sloat and skyline boulevards.
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this is all part of a project aimed at protecting san francisco's shore from rising sea levels. if approved, the change would go into effect in about two years 2026. also in the city today, public health advocates are gathering they're calling for action to prevent drug overdoses. health experts will join community leaders. they'll address the more than 3000 lives lost in the city from opioids since 2020. they are calling for more prevention and treatment, as san francisco supervisors are going to be holding a second reading on their recent approved ordinance. it's to ban so-called forever chemicals in firefighters gear. they're called forever chemicals because they don't easily break down once the skin absorbs it. as our investigative unit reports, studies have shown that the gear firefighters wear is made with materials called pfas. it's proven to raise cancer risks. san francisco firefighters are already testing alternative pfa free fabrics
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they believe are just as effective. well, it is set to be sunny for the rest of the week. here's meteorologist kari hall with the 7-day forecast as we take a look at our 7-day forecast. a slight warm up over the next few days, but we're looking pretty good here with a mostly sunny sky for the afternoons and headed for the mid 80s with the peak of those highs on thursday. if you're making weekend outdoor plans, it looks really comfortable, but it will get a touch warmer for the afternoon with upper 70s and we'll see that trend continue into early next week. and for san francisco, our morning started out around 50 degrees and our highs only head for the mid to upper 60s. there will be more clouds moving in at times, some mist and drizzle, and we'll also get some peeks of sunshine for the afternoon. for saturday and sunday, expect a high of about 65 degrees and breezy. thanks carrie. we'
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a study by scientists at stanford and colorado state university. these changes impact air quality and plant growth. researchers also found that better techniques are needed to monitor changes in the soil. monitoring will be key to treat drinking water sourced from burned areas. support reforestation, and protect workers against toxins during cleanup. well, we are celebrating asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage here at nbc bay area, and we're shining a light on some of the people who make our area so unique. bay area bakery operation in hayward is turning out more than just baked goods. the sugar bowl bakery is turning out the american dream for the five lee brothers. they started the operation with a single coffee shop in san francisco. after fleeing the turmoil in vietnam, they turned the coffee shop into a chain. ultimately a line of baked goods distributed by the nation's biggest grocery chains. i believe that america has a is
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a great country that gives the opportunity for all of us, regardless of where you come from, who you are. really impressive. all right. well, impressive. all right. well, that does it for thiswhen my doe breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. [♪♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. "9 out of 10 people don't get enough fiber"
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i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. he says, there are these little falcons. and he goes, they watch over the dead, jimmy. he goes, they do.


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