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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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going on right now. a lot of people have a lot of different opinions to express. now, opponents of the da have gathered enough signatures to force a recall vote. now the board of supervisors must decide when that election should happen . they can call for a standalone special election or put the issue on the existing november election ballot. the da's opponents are pushing for a special election in august or september. they argue that any delay puts public safety at risk, but critics of the recall argue that the recall is illegal and undemocratic. they accuse the registrar of voters of not following the county charter, and price supporters say if a vote is going to happen at all, it should wait until november to avoid any extra cost to taxpayers. so this money will be taken from services and it would potentially increase our deficit further. a special election. special elections in general have a much lower voter turnout
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rate. usually the people who show up at special elections are the people who want to recall. we have families that are still yet suffering, and we want all of that to come to an end. we have businesses that are still yet suffering. we want that to come to an end, and the only way we can have that come to an end is to recall pamela price, which will happen. if the board votes to approve a special election, the registrar of voters is recommending the election be held in september. however, the registrar is also recommending supervisors wait until the general election in november due to timing, cost and staffing concerns. now, the county has an estimated $68 million budget deficit. a standalone special election is estimated to cost 15 to $20 million. price claims. the state is investigating recall organizers after accusing organizers of illegally securing signatures and questionable finances. recall organizers have denied those claims. now, if a recall is successful, a new da
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would be appointed by the board of supervisors. however, when that might happen, that date has not been determined. reporting live in oakland, velena jones, nbc, bay area news. lena, thank you. it is a big decision. we'll be following this throughout the evening and developing right now. pro-palestinian protesters are breaking down their encampment after more than three weeks camped out there at uc berkeley. our sky ranger was overhead as the protesters began packing up all those tents down below. we should note the semester is over at cal finals were last week. it's not clear if the students at berkeley have reached an agreement with the administration. they were calling on the university to divest all business interests with israel. we did reach out to the university for comment and we're waiting to hear back. meanwhile, pro-palestinian protesters blocked the entrance to google's annual developers conference in mountain view today. they held a sign saying stop fueling genocide. more than 100 people spoke out against google's ties to israeli projects. at one point, the
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protesters chained themselves together to block the public entrance to the conference at the shoreline amphitheater. among the protesters, some of former google's own employees. what google is innovating is genocide, mass killing, mass murder, mass surveillance. specifically, protesters say they're against google's work on something known as project nimbus. they say it provides facial recognition technology to the israeli government. during the protests, conference attendees were ushered to another entrance and were able to listen to the scheduled speakers. no reports of any arrests at this demonstration. a warning from the fbi isis could target pride events. this comes as communities across the country begin gearing up for the month long festivities, which is in june. san francisco's pride events are among the most attended in the country. the fbi advisory did not include any specific event or target. organizers of this year's san francisco pride say they're coordinating with law enforcement agencies. sfpd
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issuing a statement saying officers will be closely monitoring this event as they do every year. the fbi's warning comes after a series of arrests of suspected isis operatives across the world, including the united states. but even with that warning, bay area residents we spoke with today said they'll still be celebrating. it's changed. probably it hasn't been the same since the pulse nightclub shooting, but it's like, you know what? there's not a lot of opportunity for us to be gay and just be happy. and that's what i'm going to do. come hell or high water, i'm going to pride. the federal advisory calls for local law enforcement to specifically be on guard for people taking photos of security equipment, or repeatedly trying to get past security measures at certain buildings or events. while some uber and lyft drivers don't want them in their cars, so they're canceling their rides. we're talking about guide dogs for people who are legally blind, investigative reporter candace nguyen joins us now with the story that started with the local teacher who needed help.
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candace. yeah, that's right, a san jose special ed teacher who is legally blind relies on these rideshare apps to get to work monday through friday. but she says the drivers see their guide dog and cancel so often that they started recording these interactions. i think a dog with me, he's a service dog, that's meant for me. thank you. i don't want to mess up my car. it's just. why aren't you taking me? i don't want to mess up my car. it's a service, though. it's a lyft. you have to. so you're listening to annalisa dinardo. she gets these refusals on camera as proof to show to uber and lyft. de leonardo wants to hold the drivers and the companies accountable, refusing to accommodate service dogs is a violation of the americans with disabilities act, which prohibits discrimination based on disability, uber told us. discrimination on our platforms is unacceptable, and lyft said it requires all drivers to accommodate passengers traveling with service animals. now, they were sued years ago and say they
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took action to remind drivers that they can't discriminate. but as you'll see tonight in our full investigation, it is still a big issue, something that impacts the leonardo all the time. tonight at 11, we speak with another person in the south bay who says, surprisingly, a new service called uber pet is only making the problem worse for people with guide dogs with the investigative unit. i'm candice nguyen, nbc bay area news. candice, thank you. we'll see you at 11:00. well, san francisco is on the hook to spend about 10 million bucks for brand new uniforms for its firefighters. there are concerns that some of the materials used to make the protective gear could cause cancer. today, san francisco supervisors approved a ban on the protective clothing manufactured with what are known as pfas, or forever chemicals. those toxins can be absorbed in skin and don't easily break down . the ban gives the city two years to phase out the clothing those uniforms. earlier this month, our investigative unit exposed the safety risks. these forever chemicals are used to
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help the gear repel flammable liquids and resist extreme heat, and for years have been a standard material inside, the protective pants and jackets worn by more than a million firefighters, not just in san francisco but across the country. alternative options still aren't widely available, but san francisco lawmakers hope the bill hope the ban will push more companies to release new lines of gear. you can watch our full investigation on our website that's at slash investigations new details tonight about several tires slashed at tesla. i want to show you the spot where it happened. 230 this morning at the tesla factory in fremont. police say they learned vandals targeted several cars in the lot. when officers arrived, they saw parked cars with tires slashed. authorities say they're still trying to figure out who the slasher is. now, if you live in the south bay, the price you pay for water is about to go up. valley water approved a nearly 13% rate hike for much of santa clara county today. that means
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north county customers will pay nearly $9 more a month. people who live in the south county will see a smaller hike between 1 to $3 more. valley water says the rate hike is needed to fund its biggest infrastructure projects, including leading the retrofit of anderson dam in morgan hill. those new rates, by the way, begin july 1st. in tonight's making in the bay report, a milestone that's happening right now, the median price of a home in santa clara county is now 2 million bucks. yeah, not eye opening. i'm going to call it downright shocking. our business and tech reporter scott budman joins us now. people in other parts of the country, when you say $2 million, cannot believe it, right. and that's a median, which means there's a whole lot more that you can spend in santa clara county. and raj and jess, it's a combination of things. santa clara county is like the peninsula red hot when it comes to tech. it's home to apple, nvidia, amd, google, supermicro, intuit, just to name a few. it's also where home buyers are
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competing for a small number of homes, and that's driving up prices. yeah you are. it's a nice house, three bedroom, two bath. but what makes this santa clara county home average is its price $2 million. it's a milestone and inevitable at the same time. yep. that's realtor holly bar showing us around a $2 million home. now the median price if you want to buy in santa clara county. i think people are waiting to buy a house. and i think stocks have gone up for people so they have more money to spend. i'm seeing 50% down payments. i'm seeing 100, as always, all cash, but a $2 million middle i think $2 million for a house would be intimidating for most anyone. it's not a milestone, it is just the way the market is. and what's driving our market is the low inventory, low inventory, which is why realtors say they're still seeing multiple offers and higher prices for almost every sale. but according
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to the santa clara county association of realtors, home prices have also been volatile, which makes trying to time this market dangerous $2 million. i think that it'll probably change within the next 30 days. it also explains why in recent months we've talked to several would be home buyers who say until they see more inventory on the market to bring prices down, raj, they're going to rent for a while. what if i bid 1.9 million? would i get that? i don't think so. even the realtor there says it's likely to get over bid above the median of $2 million, making in the bay by scott budman. thank you. you bet. up next, a declaration across the state recognizing a group who call california home, how the state legislature plans to honor hmong americans with an official day on the calendar and an early reopening at big sur. the new date for the opening of highway one. after the slipped out there, that part of the road back in march. a chilly wind in
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san francisco, right now, 57 degrees, low clouds surging inland. but if you're in the inland valleys, you'll see less of that influence on your forecast moving forward. how wa
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the state legislature wants to designate today, may 14th as hmong american day. nbc bears jia vang has more on what this means for the hmong living here in the bay area this looks like a typical night at this milpitas house. it's become a sort of gathering space for some hmong americans who call the bay area home. i live in san jose. i've been living here since 1990. the state itself boasts the largest population of hmong people in the country, at more than 90,000, according to a state legislature resolution that recognizes may 14th as hmong american day. it's thanks to an effort by folks with hmong innovating politics who say they chose the day because of the
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group's tethered history. with the u.s. as fighters alongside americans during the secret war, a covert war that lives in the shadows of the vietnam war in may 14th, 1975 that marked, you know, the withdrawal of the united states, but also the last airlift evacuation of hmong soldier families. it was really at the point that marked the diaspora of the hmong community, but not just the hmong community. many other ethnic minority groups. the resolution acknowledges the group that originated from what is now southern china as part of the fabric of the state, and cowie hopes it will do much more. it becomes a platform, really, for other folks who's not even in the hmong community to that don't identify in the hmong community to also learn and be curious. bring me some back. at the milpitas house, many young and old have been waiting for this. it brings awareness to our community but also spotlights us and what we have done and gone through. not a lot of them know where they stem from, so to have
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your own day just means a lot. and when they say that, oh my god, there's going to be a hmong day. i was like, when? when we can when we get to celebrate this, they will soon enough at several planned gatherings where many will wear their traditional clothes. the hmong clothes make me like feel excited. i feel like powerful and confident. and of course, the delicious food. eat gia vang nbc bay area news. that is key. eat big part of our culture. we're celebrating asian american, native hawaiian, and pacific islander heritage all month here at nbc. for more of our stories, we posted it on our website, all right, new at six tonight, highway one in big sur is opening friday, eight days ahead of schedule. you remember this back in march, a portion of the southbound lane fell into the ocean after some heavy rain. crews have been working to make the repairs since then, with cars only allowed through in convoys twice a day. caltrans
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says the stretch of road will be controlled by temporary traffic signals for the foreseeable future. permanent repairs are expected to be completed by spring of next year. yeah, it's already a narrow roadway when it's missing half of it. look at that. that's scary. that's treacherous right there. yeah, very much so. all right, let's take you outside on this tuesday evening. wow. that's carl, the poor carl. the fog is having a field day. a live look of the fog. and i believe the golden gate bridge is somewhere down to the left lower side of your screen. yeah. rob here is talking about our weather tonight. it looks like june or july for the june swoon or june gloom. we got the low clouds about 1500 feet thick and you use that sutro tower camera sometimes to see how deep that marine air is. once it gets that deep, it kind of keeps our temperatures in check. in the 70s inland, that same cloud layer is going to compress over the next couple of days. that's what's going to lead to the warm up that we'll see in our inland valleys moving forward over the next couple of afternoons, right now, let's take a look at our high temperatures today. pretty
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close to where we should be for this time of year. low 60s in san francisco. but notice livermore did get up into the low 80s today. san jose, not quite 79 degrees 76, in santa rosa. and you can see concord also 80 degrees. look at that fog coming in right now. 57 in san francisco, jacket weather likely to have some drizzle with those low clouds. so we go from the 50s around san francisco down into san mateo, sfo airport, gusty winds northwest at 2061 degrees. not too bad in san jose at 71 degrees. and the warmest locations right now continue to be around concord and walnut creek. still very nice at 76. likely looking at more 80s this time tomorrow. so we've got the 5060s 70s and at times 80. today we'll add 90s to the map north of calistoga. tomorrow, as the north bay really begins to see those temperatures warm on up, but along the coast. different story. the fog is going to stick around. one change occurring in the last few hours. all these high clouds. if you're looking east to san jose or the tri-valley, that's upper level
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moisture associated with thunderstorms, which for the second day of the row have fired up south of lake tahoe and around yosemite. now, over the next couple of hours, as we reach sunset, the intensity of those showers start to fade. nothing but a few high clouds passing by around the bay area. and during the day tomorrow, we've got low clouds on our coast, and at least for one day, areas south of lake tahoe looks to get a bit of a break from those thunderstorms as we head into wednesday afternoon. so closer to home, you know the pattern we've been over the last few days. low clouds surging inland for the morning, retreating back to the coast as we head towards the afternoon. but one change will be how our inland valleys trend a little bit warmer over the next couple of afternoons. so the morning, nice and comfortable 50s by noon 70. and notice inland san jose out towards the tri-valley. and there those 90s around clear lake and ukiah. tomorrow we will see this trend thursday. and then by friday a little bit of cooling, not much change. you won't notice much between thursday and friday. the weekend though, you're going to notice some changes. we're going to get more wind as this area of low
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pressure drops in late saturday into sunday. with more thunderstorm opportunities for the sierra, we should stay dry here but trend a little bit cooler moving forward through the weekend. so there's a look at your rain chances, most likely staying up around the crest of the sierra for san francisco. we're going to stay in the 60s trend a bit cooler for the weekend, and then inland areas at least for a couple of days, warm up a little bit and then we cool down with a little more wind. but overall very comfortable weather in that 7-day forecast. and soon we're going to be talking about memorial day, which is kind of like the kickoff for summer here coming around the corner. thanks okay. coming up, who's going to be the next police chief in the bay area's largest city? an update out of san jose, where the search for a new
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accepting applications, and community leaders will interview candidates. in late june. the city council will make a final decision in early this fall. now, several city stakeholders have different opinions on what the priorities should be for the new chief. from crime fighting to community policing, staffing and the homelessness, san jose is also facing competition from other big cities. la and houston are also on the hunt for a new chief. so as a city, we're going to have to be really competitive . we're going to have to also incentivize and in order to attract a top notch police chief
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, there's a good chance it could be an internal hire. san jose hasn't appointed an outside police chief since 1976. tesla layoffs continue with 600 new job cuts in the bay area. tesla now entering its fifth consecutive week of layoffs. latest round will include 378 employees at tesla's fremont facility, 223 at its palo alto offices, part of a broader 10% workforce reduction across the company. this follows the previously announced layoffs of more than 2700 employees last week. tesla also removed thousands of vacant positions from its job listings board and canceled its summer internship program. well, the bay area's newest pro team officially has a name. tonight, say hello to the golden state. valkyries. valkyries. do you know what it is? i do not know. keep reading. here you go. the name and logo of the newest wnba franchise was splashed across the chase center today, where the valkyries will play their home games. according to the team, they chose the
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norse mythology term because, quote, valkyries are a host of warrior women who are fearless and unwavering. i will never forget that again, the team adding their own modern interpretation of valkyries strong, bold, fierce. today, the team shop was packed with new merchandise and no shortage of new fans. i found it to be really powerful and i'm like, yeah, i can rock with that. i got all the stuff, i work in diversity, equity and inclusion. so this is a huge, momentous moment, especially in the sports world for the city. i am born and raised in. yes, there is a lot of symbolism in the logo. the bay bridge is meant to symbolize the teams span across the bay. there are also 13 lines inside the v as the franchise becomes the 13th active team on the wnba. now golden state won't take the court next season, but you'll be able to celebrate them this weekend. they're going to host a block party with e-40, of course. kehlani, p-lo and others at thrive city from 2 to 6 this
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saturday. as we said at thrive city. so the party is saturday, but then they won't take the floor of the court until next year. exactly. so viva the valkyries. all right. the sports world is showing its excitement for today's big announcement. warriors coach steve kerr rocking his gear today. warriors forward kevin looney also showing some support for the women and the women's basketball hall of fame. robin roberts also getting in on the action. see how fun? very cool. and if you didn't know the mythical inspiration for the new team, you're definitely not alone. google searches for valkyrie spiked after the announcement, jumping 100% in california in norse mythology, the angelic spirits carried the souls of fallen heroes to paradise. they're very popular in fiction and the legend has been adopted in many franchises, including the thor marvel movies. no wonder i haven't seen those. there's a there's a lot of layers in that name. yes. it's fantastic. up next, pampering teachers. yep. celebrating our teachers in the south bay with some luxury bags. how coach stepped in in san jose. and
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here's a look at outside rockefeller center lester holt preparing for a nightly news. one of the top stories federal investigators revealing new details about the cause of that deadly ship collision in baltimore's francis scott key bridge, the result of the investigation ahead on nightly news a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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for the teachers in east san jose. yes. this afternoon the designer handbag company coach set up shop inside the renaissance academy. that's a school in the alum rock district . teachers got to go and pick out a few coach products. free all meant as a much deserved thank you to the teachers that spend so much time on their students, working with the kids that we work with and the demographic we work with. you know, we're very blessed to be able to help them. but i definitely think that we deserve to get things back once in a while as well. teachers went home with new purses, travel bags, wallets, more, all donated by the coach foundation, part of teacher appreciation week. big props for coach tonight at seven. we're live at uc berkeley, where the protesters are packing up and leaving that story and more coming up on our 7:00 news. up next on nightly news, it is caitlin clark fever, the wnba number one draft pick making her debut in a sold out arena. she's going to bring it. of course she is. lester holt joins us in new york right now.
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tonight, the combative cross-examination as donald trump's defense team gets its chance to grill his former fixer, michael cohen. the defense going after michael cohen's credibility, accusing him of being motivated by revenge, and confronting him about his own social media attacks on mr. trump. the tense questions coming after cohen detailed a 2017 white house meeting, where mr. trump allegedly agreed to reimburse him for the hush money payment to stormy daniels. the jury seeing the checks. also, the pressure cohen says he felt from the former president not to flip on him, and how cohen says his family finally convinced him to turn on his old boss. also tonight, the horrifying crash in florida. a bus carrying farm workers colliding with a pickup.


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