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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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me with the reason its fremont factory is under the microscope. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our ian cull is looking into that federal lawsuit accusing tesla of
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violating pollution laws. we're also tracking other stories on this wednesday, including how alameda county da pamela price is responding today to recall announced for november. also putting out these right here cones to save parking spots. it's been going on now for years in a san francisco neighborhood. but is it fair? our sergio quintana hits the streets for answers. and do you want a piece of red lobster restaurant for yourself? one of the bay area locations is auctioning off items, including the lobster tank. we're going to tell you how you can get in on it, but let's go ahead and begin with that lawsuit against tesla. and east bay nonprofit is now suing the tech giant, claiming that the electric car maker is violating federal air standards at its fremont factory. it is the latest of several pollution allegations leveled against the company. nbc bay area's ian cull joins us now after going through that lawsuit. and, ian, i understand you also got an exclusive conversation with the
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plaintiff. yes, that's right. the environmental democracy project filed this lawsuit in san francisco federal court this week. they are claiming that tesla has exposed residents and workers in the area surrounding the fremont factory to excess amounts of air pollution, including nitrogen oxides, arsenic and other harmful chemicals. natalia boyce runs the nonprofit that filed the suit. she claims the two areas of the factory where the cars are painted are the main sources of tesla's violations. for years now, tesla has been violating the clean air act with only getting small slaps on the wrist from the various regulators and as she mentioned, this isn't the first time tesla has had complaints of polluting. yeah that's right. just this month, the bay area air quality management district accused tesla of allowing unabated emissions in fremont. however, the agency is not involved in this new lawsuit, but it does say that tesla has received 112 violation notices in the past
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five years. it's now seeking an abatement order that would force the company to implement changes at the fremont plant. we visited the area today and talked with several people who live near the facility. they call the allegations concerning. as an automobile company, they should be really doing good to the environment. if something causing, you know, it's affecting the air, definitely they should take action. we reached out to tesla for comment on the suit and the violation notices today, but did not hear back. we'll hear more in our full story coming up tonight at six. all right. well, thank you for that preview. we'll see you at six. see you then. crews has reached a multi-million dollar settlement with a woman who was dragged by one of its self-driving cars in san francisco. you might remember back in october, the woman had been hit by another driver, was thrown in front of the robo taxi, and crew says its car failed to react safely. instead of staying in place, the car tried to pull over and dragged her 20ft, and bloomberg reports
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that the settlement ranges from 8 to $12 million. cruz's robo taxis haven't been allowed on the roads in california since that crash, and the company went through layoffs and restructuring in the aftermath. cruz plans to start testing again this year, but this time in phoenix, with safety drivers. well, we now know when alameda county voters will decide whether to recall county da pamela price, the county board of supervisors, decided last night to add the issue to the november 5th general ballot in a press conference this morning, da price and her supporters praised the board of supervisors for not approving a separate special election. price also shot back at critics, who claim that she is soft on crime. she claims that her office has actually prosecuted people at a higher rate than her predecessor . she also once again blasted recall organizers, saying that their efforts are being fueled by misinformation. in the meantime, recall organizers are calling the election date a
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significant milestone in their efforts to advocate for public safety and accountability. the recall election the process is totally democratic. okay, so people and especially the voters have the right to say you know, i vote for you or we will want to vote you out. our supporters will continue to engage our community. we will continue to speak to our family, our friends , our neighbors. we will tell the truth and banish the lie. we will counteract the lies and the misinformation campaign. if the recall is successful, the board of supervisors would need to appoint a new district attorney to carry out the remainder of price's term. meanwhile, antioch, antioch has now agreed to a multi-million dollar settlement in connection with the death of a man in police custody. the family of angelo quinto, civil rights attorney john burris and the mayor of
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antioch gathered today to discuss the $7.5 million settlement. according to the civil rights suit, 30 year old angelo quinto was suffering a mental health emergency when police showed up to his family's home on calls of a family dispute, while police were restraining him, quinto stopped breathing. he did die three days later, but the family says his death was caused by an officer kneeling on his neck. family says in the aftermath of the tragedy, they have advocated for change in the way police respond to certain calls. this this is the end of the civil suit, but it's only really just the beginning of a lifetime of positive social change, so we are really grateful to have been able to honor angelo in this way. the family's attorney says that there have also been numerous changes to the way antioch handles similar calls in the wake of quinto's death, including the use of body worn cameras, a mental health crisis
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team, a mobile crisis unit and a police review commission. now to an ongoing problem across the bay area. we're talking about homeless encampments, so we've told you about efforts to keep them away from schools. well, now there's a new push to keep them away from creeks in the south bay. and our marianne favro has been looking into this for us today. marianne, can you tell us about this new proposed law? yeah. well, valley water says that pollution in the waterways in the south bay is a big problem in fact, last year they collected 800 tons of debris out of the creeks and nearby land in that area. so they said now they are proposing an ordinance that would ban on homeless encampments along the creek. they're hoping that that would cut down on the amount of pollution because they have pulled out batteries, plastics, furniture, shopping carts, bio waste and other things from the
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creek sides. marianne, i would imagine that maybe homeless advocates aren't happy about this. what are they telling you? well, i went into this encampment, you see behind me here in willow glen, and i talked to one of the leaders, and she told me that she doesn't think that it's very fair because they're not offering a solution. so she said if they get kicked out, they won't have permanent housing to go to. and a lot of people don't like the idea of temporary housing. so she doesn't think it's very fair for them to do that. the other thing she said is, hey, we're stewards of the environment. we're constantly picking stuff out of the creeks, and our camp is actually pretty clean and we are not adding to the problem. we're actually making the creeks and the waterways cleaner because we're constant collecting stuff out of the creeks. yeah, i would imagine, you know, again, that a lot of people have mixed reactions about this proposal. some people
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may be watching, want to weigh in on this? what options do they have? well, this is definitely not a done deal. it's really in its infant stages. but on friday at 1:00 at valley water headquarters on almaden expressway, the public will get a chance to voice any concerns that they have about this proposed ordinance or just get more information about it, but it it is approved by the board. it could go into effect as early as this june. that's coming up. all right, marianne, thank you for that preview. i know we're going to be seeing your full story later on in our evening newscast. so we'll see you then. nurses at some of san francisco's major health facilities are holding a strike authorization vote. the nurses work at places including zuckerberg general laguna honda, the county jail and several city and county clinics, all tied to the department of public health. union represents more than 2000 workers, and leaders say contract talks are ongoing, but
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the current contract expires at the end of june, and the issue center around a number of things , including staffing. the department of public health has moved more and more towards hiring contracted registry staff, who come for short periods of time. they're paid a very large premium, and they take all of those wages directly out of the city and contribute them in other economies. so it's not fiscally responsible. it's also not clinically responsible. we know from the research that that that when you have a the more continuity you have on a care team, the better the patient outcomes, the department of public health promised us a response yesterday, but we never received one. they recently told the examiner that they are encouraged by recent progress in hiring new nurses, with 166 new hires since december and another 50 planned by the end of next month, well, nearly 100 red lobster restaurants are on the chopping block. we've talked about this, but for anyone
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willing to put up thousands of bucks, they can actually take the restaurant home. the rohnert park red lobster is auctioning off everything to the highest bidder from the furniture to the cooking equipment. some of the items up for grabs wide screen tvs, a beer dispenser, even the lobster tank that greets customers when they walk in and when we last checked, the highest bid was 3000 bucks. there's less than 24 hours left to bid with pick up set for friday, may. probably seen those cones around marking their spots. people in one san francisco neighborhood say parking is so bad they are using these cones to call dibs. but can they actually do that? arsenio quintana is figuring that out for us. also, what does sfo's new multi-billion dollar terminal look like? we're going to take you inside the revamped terminal one ahead of its reopening next month, but before we head to break, we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on in this
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newscast? i still have that poll up right now on my instagram, and you have some time to vote for one of these stories, right here. mona lisa mystery solved. uber rolling out new features or led zeppelin doc documentary in the works
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over the summer because i hear it's going to be a record summer when it comes to passengers. so kris kimura has a story that's going to be airing tonight that i think will really help you out when it comes to saving money. yeah, as an airline, ever lost your luggage? yes. yeah. and they deliver it later on. but in the interim you need stuff. of course you do. so you go buy it, right? yes. well, here's the thing. when that happens, you can get reimbursed, but you have to ask. and so tonight at 530 we're going to spend one minute and 26 seconds showing you to how get reimbursed in the unlikely event your luggage is delayed or lost. okay, that's a
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big deal because when we're on vacation, we want to have a good time. we don't want to worry about the lost luggage. and yeah, exactly. and it's paying twice for underwear. yeah, we're all right, chris. thank you so much. 530 yes. see you. 530. all right. thanks so much. safe travels. speaking of traveling and saving money, state officials want to ditch the gas tax, and they're willing to pay you to help find a replacement. the gas tax funds more than 80% of road repairs. but those funds could drop as more evs hit the road in california looks to ban gas vehicle sales in 2035, so the state is testing out alternatives, and it's looking for 800 drivers to see if it works. pilot program that's launching in august with tax drivers by the mile instead of by the gallon. drivers would earn up to $400 and they will be reimbursed for gas taxes or ev registration fees so that they're not paying double. and if you're interested, just go to ca road now to a
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story that has a lot of us talking today. whether you live in the city or you are just visiting, parking, as we all know, is always a problem. in one neighborhood, they've been marking their spot with cones for years now, but it had us wondering, is it even legal? so let's bring in our sergio quintana live in san francisco for us. you've spent your day in the excelsior today. what did you find out about this? well, audrey, the first thing that i found out was how many people are actually using these cones to mark a spot, their parking spot, presumably in front of their home, or at least very nearby. it was very easy to just go drive through the neighborhood, and we either spotted people with the cone out in the street, marking up spot, or we saw that there were lots of cones that were kind of on standby, either on a curb or close to a house, or even next to a car that's already parked, so that if the person drives away, they can very easily move that part, that marker back into the spot. now, what we've
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learned about the excelsior in particular is that this is a this is a neighborhood in the city where there are a lot of single family homes. and over the years, a lot of those homes have turned into either multigenerational homes or multi-family homes. and so there's a whole lot more people, we're told, that have vehicles in those particular buildings, sometimes three, four, five. even in some of those households. this is also a neighborhood in the city that does not have permitted parking zones or any kind of metered parking. and there are also some schools in the area. so there's a lot of people that are coming into this neighborhood, as opposed to a couple of the other neighborhoods in the city that are kind of in similar situations. as far as trying to kind of cordon off areas for residents to park. so there's a whole lot of things that are going on in the excelsior in particular. yeah, it sounds like it's a very busy area with many families there, the school, a lot of things happening. so i'm wondering, i think the question a lot of people have, what's the sfmta telling you about this? are those cones actually allowed
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? no, no, they are not legal. they are not legal. the sfmta says that there is no kind of special permit that a resident can get in order to allow them to have a special cone. of course, the only people that are allowed to use those special cones are construction crews if they're on assignment, but you know what? what we've also learned is that there is an opportunity for the neighborhood to actually turn it into a permitted parking area, but that was tried a few years ago, according to the supervisor that represents that that district. and he said that there were quite a few residents that did that just didn't go for it. and so it just did not happen. and of course, the pandemic hit and lots of people actually left the neighborhood. and now people are coming back, coming up on nbc bay area news at six. we'll give you a little bit more detail about some of the other things that are affecting parking in this particular neighborhood, and some possible solutions if they want to be exercised in
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this particular neighborhood. audrey. okay. well, i'm sure a lot of people are going to be waiting for your full story tonight. thank you for that preview. sérgio terminal one at sfo is getting a makeover, as you may know, and we are getting a sneak peek of the final product. take a look. the project has been in the works for eight years now. it's cost a whopping $2.5 billion. and what you're looking at is the fourth and final phase of construction, which is a new ticket counter area. alaska airlines will move into the new terminal, joining jetblue, southwest and others. there will also be two new gates, but maybe the most beneficial addition for travelers is a new walkway that's going to connect all the sfo terminals. what this means is, no matter what airlines you're connecting to and from, you can now do it all post-security without having to exit out. go through the security checkpoint again. so we're very excited to be finishing this project. there will also be new concessions,
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public art galleries, shopping, retail, additional baggage claim areas, five more automated screening lanes, and the final unveiling is actually just a few weeks away. if you cannot travel this week, i mean, you're so lucky because you get good weather. the weather has been fantastic, i love it. aside from marine layer action around the coast, which is pretty typical around this time of year, this is what it looks like right now in san jose temperature wise, right about 75. so not bad. some areas even seeing the 80s still. so let's get a look right now at your temperatures throughout the rest of the bay area and see what we have in store heading into tonight. and of course into your thursday. now currently we do have a couple of warmer spots. i'm talking about fairfield, livermore down through, of course, morgan hill. we've still got about 80 degrees. but if you notice san francisco, a cool 60 degrees in through san mateo, 65, oakland 63, and then of course down through san jose and the south bay, we're going to maintain those 70s. but here's what it looks like right now on
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satellite radar. so for the most part, this calm weather pattern is expected to linger through the remainder of your workweek, which is fantastic news. if i zoom this in a bit closer, you can still see some of that hanging out in the coastline. i'm talking about the cloud cover now. it's going to be a lot slower to clear for the coastline, but if you live in inland areas heading into tomorrow, that will eventually clear. let's talk about your forecast for your thursday. so temperatures will once again be comfortable in the 60s around the peninsula and the coast. 70s and 80s for inland areas, look at san jose 82 degrees, dublin 79, hayward 75, san francisco 64. and here's what it will look like around the coastline early in the morning. so overnight into tomorrow, expect to see the chance of some drizzle and once again, because of that marine layer, we're going to keep that fog and that cloud cover around the coastline pretty much for the majority of your day. for tomorrow. good news though, if you're looking to get away from that cloud cover, we will be seeing much better clearing in inland areas. also, it's going to warm up slightly as well in the inland areas, so we'll get a lot of sunshine in through parts of the east bay, the tri valley
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down through the south bay. but if you're going to be anywhere around san francisco, half moon bay, and of course stretching down through santa cruz, you're in store for some of that marine layer. and make sure to join me once again at 5:00. i'll have a closer look at your extended outlook and what we can expect as far as the winds go. coming up in just a bit. audrey. sounds good. diana. thank you. i'm at the anchor desk with our janelle wang working on the 5:00 news. hi, audrey. nice to see you. pro-palestinian protesters at sf state. they actually say they've won a partial victory after getting some concessions from the university. and that means their encampments will start going down. we are on campus with what happens next. and what it means for other college protests going on. and one of the three big american automakers is coming to silicon valley. general motors is opening an innovation hub here to attract bay area talent and help the company with its newest models, which are all about tech and going electric. our business and tech reporter scott budman checks it out. it's all coming up at 5:00. looking forward to it. janelle. thank you. we'll see you then. so to come top trending story as voted by you
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on my instagram poll. also headed overseas. storied bay area high school football team is getting ready to play in london. pretty cool. we're going to tell you
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loving geologists believe she has solved a major mona lisa mystery. historians have long debated the backdrop of the famous art piece leonardo da vinci painted over 500 years ago, and now geologists and italian renaissance specialist and pizzo russo thinks she has pinpointed it to lecco in northern italy. it's a small town on the shores of lake como and, according to the scholar, the arch bridge, as well as rock formations in the background, connects that painting to lecco. as always, i'll be posting links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram. okay, bay
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area's best high school football team has a chance to show their skills on a global stage. de la salle high school is sending its team to london in october. the norcal division champs will compete against the nfl academy at one of the biggest soccer stadiums in england, de la salle has dominated the ncs for 31 straight years and this fall they are going up against a team that is trained by nfl coaching staff, and the kids actually won't be paying a dime for this one. nike is footing the bill as part of its partnership with the school. good luck to them all the way down to the. thank you so much for joining us at 430. jess and janelle are working on the 5:00 newscast next. we're backn two i
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san francisco state declaring a partial victory. the terms of a deal and what this means for the
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csu campuses all across the state. alameda county voters have a new decision on the november ballot whether to recall district attorney pamela price, how the da is responding to the campaign, trying to take her out of office and working to innovate electric cars. general motors opening a new location in silicon valley. the reason the ceo is taking a different approach to building clean cars. the news at five starts right now. thanks for being with us on this wednesday. i'm jessica aguirre and i'm janelle wang. before we get to all that news, we are following some breaking news right now out of uc irvine. we want to take you there, give you a live look at the campus right now. police there, campus police reporting over 200 pro-palestinian protesters closed off a lecture hall on campus. there is a clash going on between protesters and police right now. as you can see, this is some video that just came into the newsroom a short time ago. police are asking the students and demonstrators to
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leave the area and avoid it. buildings near the lecture hall are on lockdown. no classes are in session right now. as you can see there, there's people marching. there's also a phalanx of police. we're going to keep a close eye on ■this and we'll bring you more information and take you back here as this story develops. some resolutions at sf state were pro-palestinian. protesters have been camped out for a couple of weeks. they say they've won a partial victory in their fight to get the school to divest from israel. and that means their encampments will start coming down, but not all at once. nbc bay area's robert honda joins us from that campus to tell us what happened and what's going to happen next. organizers of the protests here at san francisco state university, symbolized by the encampment called the concessions a partial victory because there are still issues to be resolved here and on other campuses. the tense atmosphere at san francisco state university that began two weeks ago, when pro-palestinian groups set up this encampment, broke out into more


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