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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 15, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. hundred since it opened in 1924. more than 68 million people have been on the ride. the boardwalk is going to be celebrating the historic coaster all summer long. visitors will be able to ride it for a dollar every wednesday through august. there's going to be fireworks marking the anniversary this saturday night. one of the most popular wooden roller coasters in the country cost $50,000 to make in 1920. wow. i love
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hearing the screaming and then the wood rattling. yea [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- will forte. s. epatha merkerson. miranda rae mayo. and jason beghe. a performance from "the great gatsby." and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 1974. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on. that's the love. right back at you. thank you very, very much. enjoy yourself. welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you're here. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. i'm happy. thank you for watching at home. well, guys, everybody's talking about this. today, president biden challenged former president trump to two debates, and trump accepted. [ audience oohs ] yeah. trump agreed to the debate. he said, "i'll be there, assuming it's okay with my parole officer." [ laughter ] the first debate will be next month, which is the earliest a a presidential debate has ever been. and if we're being honest, an early bird debate feels right for these guys. [ laughter ]
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yep, biden and trump will meet june 27th on cnn, and one of biden's debate conditions was not having an audience. so, that explains why it's on cnn. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] another condition from biden, is that he wants microphones that automatically cut off when a candidate hits their time limit. [ cheers and applause ] which -- which will work right up until trump walks over to biden's podium. "that's why, as i was saying over there, more wall." okay. thanks. yep, microphones that automatically cut off. biden got the idea after his last press conference when his staff was like, "we need a a microphone that automatically cuts off." [ laughter ] biden and trump also accepted an invitation from abc to debate on september 10th. and the winner will have the option of being the next president, or the next "golden bachelor." so that's -- [ laughter ] it's a tough call. [ cheers and applause ] tough call. well, get this.
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biden actually made the debate challenge to trump in a video that he posted. take a look at this video. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. since then, he hasn't showed up for a debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. well, make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: biden's talking smack. [ laughter ] usually an 81-year-old doesn't get this riled up unless you park in front of their house. [ laughter ] [ mumbles ] "get off my lawn. [ mumbles ] we're going to do it twice." [ mumbles ] thank goodness they had subtitles, right? [ mumbles ] "twice, twice." [ laughter ] meanwhile, yesterday during trump's trial, his lawyer grilled michael cohen on how he called trump a "cheeto-dusted cartoon villain." [ laughter ] it was pretty interesting. but that's not all he called him. michael cohen also called him a a shaved lorax, a rejected mascot for velveeta, thick nolte, a baby with a a toupee, and finally, an oompa-loser. [ laughter and applause ] a lot of nicknames. wow.
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well, switching gears, boeing announced that its first crewed space launch has been delayed again due to a helium leak in the spacecraft. [ light laughter ] a spokesman for boeing said, "come on, guys give us a couple of weeks to work out the kinks. we're human just like you are. we make mistakes. we try." a helium leak. it's not everyday party city gets a call from nasa. [ laughter ] "what?" did you guys see this? the paris olympics is providing athletes with twin size beds that have cardboard frames to keep them from having sex. [ laughter ] if they wanted a bed where sex was guaranteed to never happen, they could have just used the one from my college dorm. [ laughter ] that's right. they said, all athletes will have beds except for the badminton team, who they don't have to worry about. [ laughter ] actually, they do have these things, they're called anti-sex beds. we have a photo. this is real. look at this.
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yeah. the anti-sex part is that guy will always be there. [ laughter ] "what are you guys doing? what are you talking -- what are we going to talk about?" some entertainment news, abc just announced that joan vassos will be the first ever "golden bachelorette." yeah. [ cheers and applause ] there's a lot riding on this. based on last season, joan could be making a three-month commitment. [ laughter ] yeah, it's going to be awkward when gerry, "the golden bachelor" shows up like, "guess who's single again. hi." [ laughter ] well, listen to this. to promote their new dolly parton doughnut collection, krispy kreme is giving away free doughnuts to fans who sing one of her songs. [ cheers ] not to be outdone, dunkin' donuts will give you a bucket of stale munchkins if you say, "how do you like them apples?" [ cheers and applause ] "i got her number." well, this is interesting. new data shows that americans spend 10% of their tv viewing time on youtube. yeah. yeah. when they heard that, other platforms were like -- [ screams ]
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[ laughter ] because they're falling behind. i mean, the news really hit them out of nowhere kind of like -- [ screams ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ laughter ] but here's the thing. when asked why they're doing so well, youtube didn't really have a solid answer. kind of like -- >> jonathan just got an awesome face paint job. what do you think? >> i like turtles. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] they want to celebrate, but they also don't want anything to backfire, kind of like -- >> five, four, three, two, one. [ pop ] [ screams ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: meanwhile, netflix is looking at youtube as a major threat that must be stopped, kind of like -- >> let me see what you have. >> a knife. >> no! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but, hey, even if their numbers come crashing down, i'm sure they're going to be okay, kind of like -- [ crashing ]
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>> hey, ron. >> hey, billy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anyway. the media landscape is changing, but we shouldn't jump to any conclusions, kind of like -- ♪ ♪ sail ♪ [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: "i'm out! hey, guys, i read that the winner of the $1.35 billion mega millions jackpot is being sued by his family for breaking his promise to share the money. [ audience ohs ] when asked if he's still glad he won the jackpot after it destroyed his family, the man said, "hell yeah." [ laughter ] and finally, an iowa sheriff's department is being sued for allegedly spending county jail funds on a cotton candy machine, an ice cream machine, and laser tag. in the sheriff's defense, he just turned seven. [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show,
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everybody. give it up for the roots. come on. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey. thank you very much, everybody. i appreciate it. thank you for being here. we have a great show for you tonight. you can see him in the new series, "bodkin," which is streaming now on netflix. will forte is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] the best. >> steve: the best. >> jimmy: will forte is unbelievable. do you have any forte stories you remember from "saturday night live?" >> steve: oh, my god. none that i can tell on tv. >> jimmy: yeah. do you remember when he had a a neck beard? >> steve: yes. and he -- >> jimmy: he had a beard, and then he just shaved it from here to here and stopped here and had just a neck beard. [ laughter ] he gave -- do you remember once he gave me a jigsaw puzzle of his butt? [ laughter ] i'm not going to put this together. yeah. [ laughter ] also, guys, this is our big --
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this is our big "chicago" night here at nbc. this is a big deal. we love these shows. [ cheers and applause ] they are the stars of "chicago med," "fire," and "pd," which airs wednesday nights on nbc. s. epatha merkerson, miranda rae mayo, and jason beghe are joining us. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: come on. they're the best shows. we love them. and we've got a great performance tonight from the cast of "the great gatsby" from broadway. [ cheers and applause ] it's fun. it's great. guys, it is time for "tonight show hashtags," here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hashtags hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: now we do this thing every week where i send out a a hashtag and ask you guys to respond to that topic. and since college graduations are happening, i sent out the hashtag, gradvice. yeah, and i asked you to post some funny or weird advice to new graduates.
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within a few minutes, it was a a trending topic in the u.s. so, thank you for playing along. [ cheers and applause ] now, i thought i'd share some of my favorite gradvice posts from you guys. here we go. this first one is from @ryanbartholomee. i like him. he says, "love your body and metabolism now. you will look back and wish you could be as fat as you thought you were at this age." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's good advice. that was great. this one from @safetypuppy. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: she says, "no free t-shirt is worth the credit card you'll sign up for." [ laughter and applause ] "they're going to give me a a free bumper sticker." this one's from @johnnailsj57. he says, "open up your own business as fast as you can so you can claim bankruptcy six times. then you can run for president." [ cheers and applause ] this one's from @utjonesy. he says, "if you ever get caught sleeping on the job, slowly raise your head and say, 'in jesus' name, amen.'" [ laughter and applause ] "in jesus' name, amen."
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>> steve: what, why, what? >> jimmy: what's going -- why? i can't talk to you. [ laughter ] that's good advice. this one's from @scotsandlit. she says, "old textbooks make good firewood while you pay off those loans." [ cheers and applause ] "oof, it's cold tonight." this last one's from @trivworks. they say, "if you're ever stranded on a deserted island, don't worry, the student loan office will find you." [ laughter and applause ] there you have it. those are our "tonight show hashtags." to check out more of our favorites, go to we'll be right back with more "tonight show," everybody. will forte. come on back. it's going to be fun. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> as we just wanted to take a a moment to introduce ourselves, a little bit about me -- i am legally married to a body pillow shaped like the green m&m. >> a little bit about me -- "slim jim" is my nickname.
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[ cheers and applause ] [ beep ]
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>> jimmy: well, good afternoon passengers, this is captain wilson speaking. [ light laughter ] joined by first officer peters. >> hi there, folks. we've reached our cruising altitude. things should be smoothing out for an on-time arrival at our destination of chicago. [ light laughter ] >> and as we just wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves, a little bit about me -- [ light laughter ] i am legally married to a body pillow shaped like the green m&m. [ laughter and applause ] >> a little bit about me -- "slim jim" is my nickname. but my full name is slames james. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a little bit about me -- don't believe in straws. i never use one. i have a trick, i just curl my tongue into the shape of a a straw, then suck.
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[ slurping ] [ laughter ] >> a little bit about me -- i love opening a fresh jar of organic peanut butter, just so i can guzzle the oil on top. [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: little bit about me -- i called toes "foot fingers" until i was in my late 20s. [ laughter ] >> yeah, a little bit about me -- i ran away from home when i was eight. lost in the woods, i was adopted by a pack of wolves who taught me how to hunt, how to fight, and how to love. [ light laughter ] and i was only gone for six hours. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: little bit about me, i have a full face tattoo of a a human face. [ light laughter ] >> little bit about me, if i drop an ice cube on the floor, i wait till it melts and step in it with my sock. then i wring my sock back into the ice cube tray and refreeze the cube. [ audience ohs ] it's like it never happened. >> jimmy: little bit about me,
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i can't spell banana. don't believe me? watch this -- q -- damn it. [ laughter ] >> little bit about me, when i was a teenager, i got bit by a a radioactive spider. didn't get any spider powers, except that when i'm startled, i lay 1,000 eggs. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's weird. same thing happened to me. >> wait, on the count of three, say your mom's name and where you're from. one, two, three. >> together: sally bederman, grand rapids, michigan. we're brothers! yeah! [ cheers and applause ] [ screaming ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: being in chicago, have any of you ever done the polar plunge? >> oh, yes. >> no way. >> jimmy: do you know what i'm talking about? >> many times. >> jimmy: you've done it? >> why would you do that? >> yeah, exactly. >> listen. charity, ask me for some money. >> there you go.
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>> don't ask me to jump -- what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. can i have some mike's please?
11:55 pm
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11:56 pm
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i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a very funny man and the star of the new series, "bodkin," which is streaming now on netflix. please welcome will forte! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: looking good. will, looking sharp. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: thanks for coming back to the show.
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i'm so excited to talk to you. i have a lot to discuss with you. >> i am very excited to talk to you. but you know what, the last forte that you talked to before this -- was not me. >> jimmy: this is, kind of, what i wanted to talk to you about. >> yes. [ light laughter ] so, we have a family friend named tara -- >> jimmy: okay. >> and she was talking on the phone to my mom. she was in this post office in malibu, and then all of a a sudden you came into the post office. and she came up to you and said, "hey, i'm talking to patti forte." and you grabbed the phone and talked to my mom for a while. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i talked -- she goes, "i'm talking to patti forte." and so i go, "oh my god." so i grabbed the phone. yeah, we talked for like 20 minutes. [ light laughter ] >> she loved it. >> jimmy: i was like, "how are you doing? how's will doing? are you excited about grandkids." we talked about everything. talked about everything, it was the weirdest spot. i went to this weird post office in the middle of nowhere outside of malibu, because i needed a phone charger. [ light laughter ] and i went -- >> that's where you get your phone charger. >> jimmy: that's where you get your phone chargers, at the post office. you don't go there to -- who mails things anymore, right?
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so i -- no, but i went to -- there was like a store next door, but it was like a surf shop. and i thought they would have a a charger. but then i go, why? they're surfing. [ light laughter ] >> you never know where a a charger is going to be. >> jimmy: you never know. and they're like you gotta go to the post office. so then i went in to the post office. and i saw tara, who was very nice. >> this all makes sense. >> jimmy: thank you. [ light laughter ] i love your -- your mom is exactly what i want her to be. she's so funny. >> she is a magical woman. she is -- she's like kind of an adult version of "kids say the darnedest things." [ laughter ] like, she -- like, the most recent one, she said, "willy --" she called me up. "willy, are you going to that taylor swift thing?" [ light laughter ] and i said, "uh, what? what are you talking about?" she said, "the taylor swift thing. are you going to that?" i said, "mom, i don't have any idea what you're talking about." "you know, the -- the super bowl." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the taylor swift thing? >> all right. apparently in patti forte world. no, but she's the best.
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i do have one -- there's only one gripe that i have. >> jimmy: yeah. >> the woman cannot say the word "available." >> jimmy: she can't say it. >> she says avai-able. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: avai-able? avai-able. >> jimmy: avai-able >> and so each time i hear it, i go, like, "mom, there's a very noticeable 'l' right in the middle of there." >> jimmy: available. [ laughter ] >> you've got to work on hitting that "l." but still, it's just avai-able, avai-able. it's so nuts. she's -- magical. she's the best mom. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and she's very smart except for she's got a blind spot with -- >> jimmy: available. >> avai-able. >> jimmy: yeah, that's fine. [ laughter ] she can do that. is she great around the kids, the baby? how old are the girls? >> she's great. i have two. i'm a girl dad. got them both here on my socks. [ cheers and applause ] that's zoe. [ audience aws ] and i mismatched my socks so i can have one on each side. [ audience aws ] that's cecelia. [ audience aws ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh, buddy. how old? >> zoe is three and cecelia is
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about 19 months. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> it's the best. they, kind of, have that thing that my mom has, obviously, with kids -- >> jimmy: they can't say available? >> yes, exactly. [ laughter ] my daughter though, the best thing, the other day she came out -- i was taking a shower and she comes into the shower -- not in the shower. she comes right outside the shower. [ light laughter ] not -- right outside the shower. >> jimmy: yeah. >> there was glass separating us. and she's just kind of hanging for a second. and she delivered some very sage advice. >> jimmy: yeah. >> she said, "daddy, don't get soap in your vagina." [ laughter ] and i thought that was, like -- >> jimmy: actually, great advice. good, good, good advice. >> i had a good shower. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: does your -- does your mom have a special grandma name? >> no. mom -- my mom just goes by grandma.
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but my wife, olivia, her mom, denise, she was fighting grandma and memaw. >> jimmy: yeah, my mom didn't want grandma. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: she didn't want it. she goes, "it sounds too old. i want to be called, like, gigi." [ light laughter ] >> yeah. so, she was going for dennie. like, dennie was what she wanted. and we were, that's so close to your name. i think me and my wife were fighting it a little bit. and we finally just said, "okay, go to town. dennie it is." but the kids, they couldn't pronounce it, so what ended up coming out was doo-doo. [ laughter ] so, like -- >> jimmy: you win. >> and so, i had not pushed doo-doo, but then once it came out, i certainly pushed it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she is not grandma doo-doo. >> she is just doo-doo. there's is no grandma. >> jimmy: there's no grandma. okay, not grandma doo-doo. >> but the great thing is -- >> jimmy: but doo-doo. >> yeah. doo-doo. [ light laughter ] it's way easier to get her to come babysit. 'cause she feels it's a time she can come brainwash them away from doo-doo to dennie, and it's starting to work. >> jimmy: it is starting to work, yeah. you know, i wanted to ask you about this. i heard that you would always cut your own hair through
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your 20s. is this true? >> i cut my own hair into my 30s. [ light laughter ] like, i -- it was not a good idea. [ light laughter ] i did not do a good job. >> jimmy: but why? >> at some point -- well, just at some point i started cutting my hair in high school. and then every once in a while, my mom would make me get a a legitimate haircut. and then i would always come back and go, "not as good." [ light laughter ] and then -- but, i mean, i look at pictures, and it was way better than what i was doing. but i still -- i kept up with it. >> jimmy: even on "snl"? >> yeah. so, i go through college -- after college i was like, "oh, i'm going to save money by cutting my own hair." i get to "snl," and they take you down. it's like this -- the first day they're taking these pictures to put on the wall and i'm about to get these pictures taken. and the photographer said, "hang on one second," and then there was a huddle of all these people. and it seemed like a real emergency. [ laughter ]
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and i was, like, "oh, my god," something must have -- maybe there's a medical emergency somewhere. >> jimmy: or a lamp fell or something. >> yeah, a lot of, like, "what are we going to do?" and i then i realized that the emergency was my crappy haircut. [ laughter ] so, they took me back and they gave me a haircut, and-- >> jimmy: no way. >> and this -- this happened. >> jimmy: wow. and that's how this got invented. but i have a picture of you that you cut your hair right before picture day. >> yes. >> jimmy: i don't think it's that bad. here's young will forte. look at this. [ laughter ] ♪ [ applause ] he's pretty cute. >> you do a job like that and you're like, "yeah, i'm a a natural." >> jimmy: i'm a natural at this. i'm good. congrats on the new show, "bodkin," by the way. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's a big hit on netflix. man, it's so good. it's so charming. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i love any true crime thing and any stuff like that. you play a podcast -- somebody who runs a podcast about true crime, but you get involved in a real crime. >> yeah. there is, there is -- 25 years ago, three people go missing at
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this festival. i am a podcaster and i hook up with an irish investigative journalist and an english research assistant. and we try to -- we're just doing a fluff piece on this thing, like a -- and we end up starting to kind of unravel what actually happened. >> jimmy: and become like a a real detective. and it is set in ireland. it's beautiful. >> oh, ireland -- i love so much. >> jimmy: really? >> i feel such a connection. >> jimmy: bodkin is a fake, fictitious place. >> bodkin is a fake place, but it's set in west cork. so we film in this place called union hall. and we got to spend so much time. everything is beautiful. there was one exception to the beauty. i was -- we were filming for, like, a week stretch in west cork, and work was putting me up in this hotel. so, i pull into the parking lot, and the sun is setting. there's this beautiful bay right outside the front. i think we have a picture of --
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>> jimmy: oh, so this is -- looks gorgeous. >> yeah. so, that -- i'm, like, i'm going to check in. i'm thinking, oh, i'm going to get this -- you know, to get to see that for a week? >> jimmy: this is the hotel. >> that's the hotel. yeah. so, that's -- so, i go upstairs. i'm walking down to my room, and i realize, "oh, my room's on the other side. um, huh. well, you know, i'm one of the lead actors of the show." [ laughter ] "and i'm from america. they're probably trying to pull out all the stops. there's probably an amazing view on the other side." >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i open the door and go to the window, and it is a a haunted cemetery. [ laughter ] and it's, like, yeah. [ applause ] shows you your place in the scheme of things. >> jimmy: wow. was it haunted? >> i mean, all cemeteries are
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haunted. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i guess, yeah, yeah. i thought that your -- cemetery -- [ laughter ] it would only happen to you. well, i want to congratulate you on "bodkin," and i know the internet, everyone wants season two and all that stuff. so hopefully that happens to you. but you're just fantastic in it. and it's good. i want to show everyone a clip. here's will forte in "bodkin." take a look at this. >> there she is. bronagh mcardle. >> that's one of the terrifying mcardles? she's a little old lady. >> bronagh was married to john joe mcardle, an absolute psychopath. even he was scared of her. >> okay. wait, wait, wait. are you sure that charging in there with a gun is a good idea? >> yeah, you're right. you're right. you should go. >> okay, now -- >> you'll go in, you'll go in, keep her distracted. i'll go around the back and i'll get the jump on her. >> seamus, come on. do you hear yourself? >> it's only frightening if you
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think about it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> david wilmot, amazing actor. >> jimmy: he's great. i should also say, the show is produced by barack and michelle obama. >> yes. >> jimmy: wait, what? >> yes. i got a special call from president obama just saying, "congratulations on the show coming out." and it was so exciting. and, you know, i'm just trying to keep it together. so, we're talking for a while, and i'm like, oh, i haven't blown it yet. i sound like a normal person. and then he said something nice. and i said, "thank you -- really -- much." [ laughter ] and then the whole rest of the conversation, i was, like, do i -- do i -- do i tell him i know that "thank you really much" is not what you say? [ laughter ] i know it's "thank you very much."
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and i just -- the rest of the way through, i was just -- i couldn't stop thinking about it. even at the end, like, "remember a minute and a half ago" -- [ talking over each other ] president obama, if you're watching, i know it's "thank you very much." >> jimmy: but really, thank you really much. [ cheers and applause ] thank you really much for being here. let's make that a thing. >> yeah, thank you really much. >> jimmy: thank you really much, will forte! [ cheers and applause ] "bodkin" is streaming now on netflix. we'll be right back with more "tonight show." stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ to help protect from hiv, i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative, to receive apretude and get tested before each injection.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are the stars of nbc's "chicago med," "chicago fire," and "chicago p.d." "one chicago" wednesdays kick off at 8:00 p.m. on nbc and episodes stream the next day on peacock. everyone, please welcome, s. epatha merkerson, miranda rae mayo, and jason beghe! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome to the show. i'm so happy you guys are all here. welcome, and i just want to say thank you for all of your shows.
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'cause it's a giant hit on our network, and when the ratings are big before -- you're our lead-in. so, when you're a hit -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- our show's a hit. so, thank you, thank you, thank you for that. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, good job. welcome to new york, and thanks for being here. i know you're from here. >> i was born and raised here. >> yeah. but this is home. >> yeah, this is home. >> jimmy: you're home. >> new york is home. >> jimmy: all right, so i have to ask you guys, what is the best pizza? chicago or new york? >> both: new york. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you! thank you. we have one chicago person out there said no. >> that's, like, a no-brainer. >> really? >> jimmy: oh, it's a a no-brainer? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you don't like the deep dish? >> it's -- it's so much sauce. >> like, why? [ light laughter ] >> it's so much cheese. >> i don't understand why you need all that extra dough. >> thank you. >> like, what are they hiding? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "what are they hiding?"
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>> whatever, yeah. >> jimmy: being in chicago, have any of you ever done the polar plunge? >> oh, yes. >> no way. >> jimmy: do you know what i'm talking about? >> many times. >> jimmy: you've done it? >> yes, many times. >> jimmy: you're a trooper, i love -- you won't do it? >> i wouldn't do it, no. i don't understand it. >> why would you do that? >> yeah, exactly. [ light laughter ] >> listen. charity, ask me for some money. [ laughter ] >> there you go. >> don't ask me to jump -- >> jimmy: that's really funny, yeah. no, you gotta do it. i want you to do it, i think you should do it. i did it once. >> it's great. and you went in your suit, right? >> jimmy: i went in with my suit on. i went in, i got -- >> you had a wet suit under it. >> jimmy: no, i didn't. i just had -- well, it became a a frozen suit when i went in, but -- >> oh, my god! >> jimmy: i got dared by the mayor. and so, i said, "yeah, i'll do it." so, i went in, i jumped in, and this is the truth, it's freezing. i mean, they have to break out ice outta lake michigan -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- to go into this thing. and you go in, and -- and everything just freezes, everything. your eyes, everything, just frozen. and then you -- i got out, and i'm not kidding, and i heard bagpipes. [ laughter ] and i'm irish, so i think
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that's prob -- what you hear when you die. [ laughter ] i mean, i think that's what happens. so i go, "this is how i die. this is unbelievable." but then i looked over and i saw there were bagpipers there. it's like, "okay." >> oh, that's funny. >> jimmy: it was a great experience. >> the next time -- >> jimmy: i will do it with you guys. >> the next time, i will just ask you for some money. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ applause ] it was just announced that "chicago med," "fire," and "p.d." have been picked up for another season. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: really, you do great work. ♪ you're fantastic. you're in the same universe as each other, so you've all appeared on each other's shows. what do you think the difference is? how do you describe the difference? >> i think miranda has a great way of describing it. >> i do. i feel like when you go to "med's" set, it's like a a sophisticated dinner party. you know what i mean? it's like, people are reading books, everybody's talking, you know, softly. it's very -- it's very elegant and mature. you know, and it fits, it's like, you know, the way you would be in a hospital. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, and then you go -- then you go to "p.d." >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they're a little rougher, you know what i mean? [ light laughter ] it's like they're kind,
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everybody's amazing, they'll take care of you. but you know, they expect you to be on your ps and qs. you know. >> jimmy: okay. >> and then you go to "fire," and it's a circus. [ laughter ] i mean, like, truly, we're loud. we're laughing. very much like a firehouse, you know what i mean? it's -- it's very vibrant. >> jimmy: yeah. that's a good way to describe it. >> "sophisticated." >> jimmy: yeah, "sophisticated," yeah. >> and y'all are rough. >> i like it. >> it's good. >> jimmy: but, you know, i saw something recently that -- online that i thought was interesting. charles barkley is a big fan of your shows. >> yes. >> jimmy: and actually -- i think we actually have a clip. this is about what he watches on tv. >> no, no, tuesday and wednesday are my two most important days of the week. i watch "fbi" shows on tuesday, and tonight i'm watching "chicago fire," "med," and then i'm getting ready for "chicago p.d." >> okay. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] we love you, charles barkley. that's a good man. >> that's right. >> what i heard during the pandemic, was that somebody asked dr. fauci what he likes to do to relax. and he says, "i watch 'chicago p.d.' with my wife." >> jimmy: see? people hear that stuff.
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and it makes you feel good, right? >> it's cool. yeah. >> jimmy: anything you can tell us about the season finales? they're all coming up next week. >> well, you know, for a good one, it's always what's going on in the hospital, taking care of the hospital. we have a prisoner who's come in, a very -- a dangerous man, who's suffering from dementia. so, the question is, what to do with him? and then, you know, goodwin has a love interest, so -- [ cheers ] >> yes! >> jimmy: ahh, ooh la la. >> so, we have to figure out what's gonna happen next. >> jimmy: all right, so we'll find out there. >> on "fire," oh, "fire," it's called "never say goodbye." it is basically a love letter to our dear chief boden, who has -- he was the first. eamonn walker was the first character cast in "chicago fire," in any of the "chicago" universes. so, we get to see him in a a rescue in a way we never have. the new member on truck, we finally get to find out what his secret is. he's been hold -- yes! he's been holdin' a secret.
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he's been having secret conversations on the telephone, all right? thinking that he's -- thinking that he's keeping it low key. no, we find out. >> jimmy: yeah! [ applause ] all right. "p.d."? >> i've got to say, "p.d.," that -- if you're a fan of the show, i mean, you will have a a surprise in our finale that will blow your mind. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. it was one of the most -- i don't know, i don't want to give it away. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> it was one of the best episodes that i've ever enjoyed making. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. it touched me deeply. and it was -- i'd say the final product, which i've seen, i think it's, if not the best, one of our best episodes. >> jimmy: good for you, bud. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm so happy you're all here. i know you have to go back to chicago, but i figured maybe do a little slice of pizza -- [ cheers and applause ] -- from one of the best pizzerias in new york, joe's, which i love. so here you go. everyone grab a slice and cheers, pass it on down. [ cheers and applause ]
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cheers. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you so much. best of luck. cheers. great to see you. s. epatha merkerson, miranda rae mayo, jason beghe, everybody. "one chicago" wednesday kicks off at 8:00 p.m. on nbc. we'll be right back with more "tonight show." stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ growl ] ready for the road trip. everyone comfortable. yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: performing "my green light" from the new broadway musical, "the great gatsby," please welcome jeremy jordan and eva noblezada. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ can you see through the mist look out this way can you see ♪ ♪ the green light just across the bay sometimes it's winking sometimes it's warning ♪ ♪ blinking its message to me until morning it's a lighthouse it's a signal flare ♪ ♪ stay back come quick move on stay there ♪ ♪ only we know what we're going through if i save you will you save me too ♪
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♪ can you see through the mist look across the bay can you see ♪ ♪ the green light it's yours daisy fay ♪ ♪ i thought you disappeared thought you were gone buried you in my heart but as i moved on ♪ ♪ i had this feeling as i was falling the sound 'cross the bay was the sound ♪ ♪ of you calling like a foghorn like a siren's song retreat ♪ ♪ return be lost belong
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only heaven knows ♪ ♪ what i might do if i save you will you save me too save me too ♪ ♪ my green light blinking permission sending a code granting admission ♪ ♪ follow the road wrong or right my green light ♪ ♪ ♪ i had this feeling
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as i was falling the sound 'cross the bay was the sound ♪ ♪ of you calling you're a lighthouse ♪ ♪ you're a lighthouse you're a signal flare there's love and ♪ ♪ danger everywhere only we know what we've both been through if i save you ♪ ♪ will you save me too save me too save me save me too ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on, that's -- come on! oh, my goodness.
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come on. phenomenal. phenomenal. that's what i'm talking about, right there. standing ovation. not too shabby. "the great gatsby!" go see it at the broadway theatre. for tickets, go to we'll be right back, everybody. that -- come on. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo! ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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♪ ♪ that can escalate teen irrit♪ ♪lity. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to all my guests tonight and, of course,
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the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- quinta brunson, from "if," comedian bobby moynihan, music from les savy fav, featuring the 8g band with
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jon eo


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