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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  May 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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police gear up for bay to breakers. good afternoon everyone i'm janelle wang. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our christie smith is talking to race organizers and
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police. she's going to join us in just a bit. we are also tracking other stories on this friday, including the man who attacked the husband of congresswoman nancy pelosi in their san francisco home. he learns his fate and how long he'll spend in prison, and how the pelosi family is responding. also saying goodbye. after decades in downtown palo alto, a popular chinese restaurant shut down in two days. our ian cull heads out there to find out why and what's in store for our weekend. more warm temperatures or a cooling trend? meteorologist vianey arana is tracking it all for us. she'll let us know what to expect so we can make our weekend plans. but let's begin with one of the biggest events of the year in the city. bay to breakers returns to san francisco, and while plenty of it is fun and games, there are some security concerns. let's bring in our kristie smith live in san francisco. and kristie, what are police telling you about this weekend? do they have any concerns? well, we did have a
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chance to speak with san francisco police this afternoon, and they're telling us that they work closely with the bay to breakers event organizers to address any public safety concerns. but they also tell me at this time they don't have any information on any credible threats this weekend. they tell us that they typically work with local, state and federal law enforcement partners to gather that kind of information. but again, they're not receiving any information on any credible threats. but they do say with thousands of people expected to participate and to watch, they will certainly have a lot of additional officers out throughout the city. focused on bay to breakers and to make sure that people get any of the services that they need. yes, lots of people besides police officers also traffic control, lots of road closures, especially on sunday. but some begin as soon as today. i hear. yeah, we're hearing that in this
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area where we are, which is basically the beginning, that some of those early closures begin tomorrow night. and sfmta has been posting information about what people should know. and that was something that event organizers and police were putting out as well. just reminding people that these closures will begin again. some of the earlier ones tomorrow night. and it's something that people should keep in mind as they're making plans. there will also be some transit changes. but again, a lot of that information is being put out so that people are very much aware. okay, hopefully a very fun and safe weekend in san francisco. kristie smith live in san francisco, thank you so much. 30 years in prison. that is the sentence handed down today to david depape, the man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi's home and attacking her husband. he stood mostly motionless in court during his sentencing this morning. the u.s. district judge
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said she took into consideration the fact that depape had no prior criminal record, but said 30 years is appropriate because of the violent nature of his attack on paul pelosi, along with david depape intentions to harm then speaker nancy pelosi. if she had been home in court. christine pelosi read victim impact statements on behalf of her parents, saying the attack left a lasting impact on her family, and she continued to say the family's san francisco home still has visible signs of the crime, including blood stains. after the hearing, depape son commented on the 30 year sentence. i think that's quite sad, i think that's a really long time because if you think about it right, he's already nearly 50. he's he's basically it's just a death sentence. the judge ordered depape s federal sentence to run concurrently with any time he may be ordered to serve. if he's convicted on state charges. jury selection for that trial begins next week.
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the president of sonoma state university is retiring. this comes just days after president mike lee was put on administrative leave. earlier this week, president lee announced an agreement with student protesters on campus, which included a pledge to divest from israel. on wednesday , lee was placed on leave. the csu chancellor says lee offered concessions. cal state trustees never approved. and then late yesterday, the chancellor announced lee is retiring. she thanked him for his years of service. she says she will work with sonoma state's acting president and board of trustees during this transitional period. staying in the classroom, teachers and school administrators in contra costa county have reached a tentative deal to avoid a strike. members of the contra costa county school educators association rallied in pleasant hill yesterday. teachers say they don't make enough money to live in the district that they teach
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in. now, the contra costa county office of education has agreed to a two year deal. the agreement includes a 6% raise, retroactive to last summer, also a 1% raise in july. the raises can be renegotiated if the cost of living rises more than 2% before the end of next year. a staple oh, another round. by the way, i have to let you know of tesla layoffs in the bay area this time. the company is cutting 600 jobs from its offices in palo alto and fremont. tesla has been slashing jobs since january. the company is restructuring it as it faces a weakening demand for electric cars and increased competition. the cuts will affect workers from all areas of the company, from factory workers to engineers. okay, the weekend is here. it is friday, vienna. another beautiful day outside. and oh, i just saw a foggy picture. we still got some fog and low clouds by the coast, but
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inland it looks really nice. it's going to depend on where you are. that marine layer has absolutely been a factor. janelle and we're going to see that again into the early morning hours. but at least if you look at san jose i mean we're at 73 degrees. we're a little bit cooler than what we saw with the 80s, but still seasonably around this time. so let's get right to that microclimate forecast. now i also want to show you san francisco, because if you look, we do still have that cloud cover right there with the golden gate bridge. it's about 61 degrees right now. and temperature wise throughout the majority of the bay area, we've got a good stretch of microclimates. so notice we've got 60s for the city and around the peninsula, and then we've got some 70s into most of the interior. so the temperature difference compared to the past 24 hours is mainly, you know, down through parts, the south bay. not a huge change if you like today's weather, you're going to enjoy the weekend weather satellite radar right now you can see some of that cloud cover. now expect to see that marine layer once again mainly around the coast. notice overnight into early tomorrow morning around san francisco,
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stretching in through santa rosa, oakland, fremont, but also santa cruz and gilroy. that'll bring limited visibility at times as far as the fog goes. also a chance for some early morning drizzle, but if i move the timestamp forward to about 330, inland areas will be clear. if you had planned a beach day or anything involving the coastline, it will remain mostly cloudy. not really much of clearing in the way of that temperature wise though. for your saturday, here's a closer look. san francisco 64. los gatos 78. san jose also 78. dublin 75. hayward 71. and as we inch closer towards your sunday, we are going to be seeing similar conditions in the upper 70s. so really just a nice stretch of 60s and 70s for inland areas. the most noticeable thing heading into saturday and sunday you're likely going to notice a light breeze, no wind advisories or anything of that nature. but notice we do see some of the winds picking up, especially into sunday, with more of a moderate push. their heading into parts of the north bay. and of course, those higher elevations. i also want to tap this in for you if you're going
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to be heading to lake tahoe. this weekend. mostly nice, but there is an isolated chance for some thunderstorms heading into saturday, so check those travel conditions. aside from that, temperatures are going to be in the upper 60s, maybe some 70s, and then we cool off heading into monday, but join us again at 5:00. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is going to have a closer look at your bay to breakers forecast coming up. okay a beautiful weekend overall. thanks, vanna. a staple in downtown palo alto is shutting down. shutting down after nearly four decades in business, the owners of jing jing gourmet restaurant are citing inflation among the reasons they're closing their doors for good on sunday. nbc bay area's ian cull joins us now after speaking with the family and customers. okay, ian, they made it through the pandemic. why are they closing now? i know it's a tough story and a bittersweet day really. they were sad that it's closing, but a lot of people celebrating everything that they brought to the table figuratively and literally. and but they say that mostly it has to do with the rising cost of, of everything inflation. like you said, we're
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talking about food, labor, rent. the family that runs jing jing immigrated from taiwan in the late 1980s, and cooking has been the mother's passion. but her children say she's getting older and they want her to not have to work so hard. so the business on emerson street in downtown palo alto will close its doors for good sunday night. so you can see that we kind of grew up here and the restaurant is like a part of our life. yeah. so it's a really memorable place. and it's been really emotional to see the closure and a line out the door. ian. so many people go there and especially in downtown palo alto area, a lot of businesses will eat there on their lunch break. yeah. and while i was there today, you could hear that constant chatter of people coming in talking about the first time they were there. but definitely coming in for one more meal today. and you know, it's tough whenever your favorite place closes down. jing jing gourmet is known for its sichuan, hunan and taiwanese dishes and they've had some notable diners in the past like mark zuckerberg, jerry rice,
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even chelsea clinton. but for many people in there today, it was somewhere they'd host clients or take their families out to eat for celebrations. for years is just like a family. you come here, you are just not walking to the restaurant. you are walking to a mammoth place that she cooks something so special and that you cannot find anywhere in the bay area. there was a whole group of colleagues right there to around a long big round table there too. but the family says they hope to do some sort of maybe takeout or catering from a different location, but nothing is set in stone. you'll hear more from them coming up tonight at six. okay sad to see them go. thanks so much, ian. we've got a new outlook for the summer. vianey arana rejoins us with what we can expect over these next few months and what it means for our climate in crisis. also san francisco's plan to bring giant pandas to the zoo may have hit a snag. the committee putting up a new hurdle. but before we head
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to break, we want to know what trending story you would like to see later in this newscast. i have a poll up right now on my instagram stories, and you still have some time to vote for one of these stories. apple could owe you a lot of money. a napkin sells for almost $1 million, and miss rachel faces backlash. i was going to do her voice, but
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musk announced today. the url for the social media site has been changed from to musk bought the social media platform in 2022, and a year later, musk renamed the platform to x, but the transition has been slow. part of the app and website still saying twitter? the url change is one more step toward a full x takeover for the san francisco mayor's push to bring a pair of
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giant pandas to the san francisco zoo has taken a big hit. yesterday, a supervisor's committee shot down london breed's fundraising plans. it calls for $25 million to be raised to host these animals. that is one of china's stipulations. san francisco must first build a panda enclosure at the sf zoo. committee members voted to postpone the request. they reportedly calling it a distraction in light of more urgent funding issues. a san francisco neighborhood is getting a trader joe's. the store opened this morning in the hayes valley neighborhood. lots of excited people lined up to get into the store. this trader joe's was initially supposed to open a year ago, but delays pushed back the opening date. people in the area say they've been waiting for a more affordable grocery store that is within walking distance. it's tough to get to a grocery store. a lot of the time, and it's so nice. i live like a block away, so i'm excited that i can actually like, i don't have to plan as much. i can get groceries when i need it, it's a
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great community, so i think it will be a fun place. construction on the store took about seven months and cost about $3 million. some good news. highway one in big sur reopened today sooner than expected, with a temporary fix. the grand opening early this morning, less than two months after heavy storms caused part of the southbound lane to crumble into the ocean, caltrans quickly launched a round the clock repairs and now a temporary signal light has been set up that alternates one way traffic. at that point, all day and all night, caltrans says a sensor in the roadway and a mounted camera will keep wait times short. repair work continues on slide damage further south of this point, which has cut off southern california visitors for more than a year. owners of the big sur river inn say today's reopening and the surge of bay area visitors is helping them stay afloat. cash flow became a significant issue, and so we also immediately engaged with our bank, engaged with other folks, including myself, just looking for some emergency funds
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to back up the business just to help keep the lights on. caltrans says it plans to have a bridge built to replace the traffic light, and says they're making good progress. on the other slide repairs. so all of highway one could reopen later this year. let's turn now to our climate in crisis. it is official april marked 11 khanna of months of record. global temperatures, and it's already looking like may is also on track to set another record. let's bring in our meteorologist vianey arana vienna. what are they saying? if may breaks another record and what are forecasters saying about this summer. yeah, i mean that would set us into an official year since records were kept as far as temperatures and that goes back hundreds of years at this point. so, you know, i did speak with some forecasters, and i want to show you the noaa climate prediction outlook for the summer. we're talking about summer temperature outlook. we're talking about a three month period. so june, july and august. and if you look at the colors right here with the key
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well above average for a large portion of the u.s. and if you notice this area right here in green, that just means equal chances through there. now this does not mean that this is exactly how it's going to play out. it's more of a probable hetty that our temperatures are going to be warmer than average, leading into those summer months. and here's the thing in a changing climate, we've seen how those temperatures can impact everything from not just those storm extremes, but also the environment, our biodiversity. you know, we go from extreme conditions one year where we're flooding to extreme drought conditions, and it even extends into our allergy season as well, which i'm sure a lot of you have felt the impacts of the pollen over the past two weeks. now, as we head out of the el nino pattern that also played a big role in the warming of our ocean surface temperatures. and for that, we talked with brian garcia about not only the record heat, but also what we can expect as we transition out of that el nino pattern into the upcoming weeks. el nino is so strong, it impacted global air temperatures. if it doesn't
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happen, then it's like, all right, this is really pretty clearly tied to a changing climate. and that's kind of the big question mark right now. and if you look at the sea surface temperatures and the air temperatures globally for 2024, so far, we are at the top end of the record envelopes right now as we get out of summer, we are going to be going into la nina. and so la nina favors a cooler and wetter pattern off to the pacific northwest, and typically leaves the vast majority of california on more of the high end, dry side. now, it's important to note that during the el nino pattern, no two are the same. so we won't really know the transition period until we actually get to see the model runs during that time. but you know, when you look at the summer outlook like this, you start thinking about the danger surrounding extreme heat and what becomes attached to that. so i think informing the public
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of what we can expect in the upcoming months is going to be critical, and we'll always keep you updated on that. okay. thanks for giving us a preview today. thanks, vanessa. well, are you making some plans to see the famous redwoods? it might be easier this year. big basin redwoods state park in santa cruz county made some changes to bring in more visitors. the park built a new parking lot, and it's launching a new shuttle service to connect it to the park. you might remember the wildfires that burned big basin back in 2020. park rangers say the redwoods are growing back, and deer, foxes, birds and other wildlife have returned to the park and they're inviting you to come and see it for yourself. the shuttle service starts on memorial day weekend, and it will run on weekends and holidays. a major milestone when it comes to going green. california continues to lead the way when it comes to solar power. here's today in the bay's marcus washington with more solar energy, is helping move the bay area forward and the nation to the u.s. hit 5 million
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solar installations and we can take particular pride in that number. that's because california has the most solar capacity of any state. san francisco has the most solar jobs of anywhere because so many of those companies originated here. the bay area was open to the idea early on. now here's the head of the solar energy industries association. so we installed one, our first 1 in 1973, and then we took 40 years to get to a million, and we only took eight years to go from 1 million to 5 million. and so it's representative and indicative of just the rapid growth of solar in this country. she says. to keep moving forward, we need to pressure our leaders to update the grid to support renewable energy. and california needs to pair solar with storage. now, be sure to tune in to today in the bay on tuesday because meteorologist kari hall she is shining a light on the ups and downs property owners face with solar panels.
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and for more stories like this, you can go to our website and click on our climate in crisis page. i'm marcus washington. back to you. thanks, marcus. it's a big day for adrenaline junkies. 100 years ago today, a wooden roller coaster opened on the santa cruz beach boardwalk. you recognize it? it's the giant dipper. it is the fourth oldest roller coaster in the us and one of the top ten oldest in the world. tomorrow night, the boardwalk will host a 100th anniversary celebration. there will be fireworks, and the first 200 riders will get an anniversary pin. still to come, the top trending story as voted by you on my instagram poll. also returning to the stage, we'll tell you when and where alanis morissette will perform when we come back in two
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as voted by you on my instagram poll. did you ever own an iphone seven? if so, you could cash in. consumers can get a piece of apple's $35 million settlement over audio issues with that phone. iphone seven and iphone seven plus users who either reported an issue or paid for repairs are eligible. the deadline to submit a claim is june 3rd. payouts range from $50 to $350. as always, i'll post links to the other stories you voted for on my instagram stories. an artist? yes. do you recognize it? head over feet. you ought to know that is alanis morissette. she is coming to shoreline amphitheater this summer. the seven time grammy award winning singer and songwriter's biggest hits include isn't it ironic? jagged little pill and you oughta know. we asked her what it's like singing this song she wrote back then. now thankfully, these
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songs, there's some continuity for me so that when i'm singing them as an adult, a woman turning 50 any second, i can sing them with conviction because they were about my humanity, they were about feelings and those kinds of things don't really change, although they evolve as we get older. she looks exactly the same. morissette has actually called the bay area home for years. she's raising her three children here. she calls the bay area's intellect, directness and empowerment a welcome change from life in hollywood. you can catch morissette's triple moon tour at shoreline amphitheater in mountain view on august 7th. that's going to do it for us at 430. jessica aguirre is working on the 5:00 newscast. she'll be joining you in two minutes. stay with us
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son is calling it a death sentence. also, you can expect major delays if you're driving through parts of the east bay. this weekend where interstate 680 is going to be closed and how long that closure will last. and whether you're running in this bay area weekend's bay to breakers or have different plans , we've got your forecast for you. on the news at five starts right now. thanks for joining us i'm jessica aguirre. it has been a little more than 18 months since david bi-pap broke into speaker nancy pelosi's home and violently attacked her husband today, a judge sentenced depape to 30 years in prison. here's nbc bay area's, said quintana in san francisco. david depape is sentenced to 30 years in a federal prison with credit for time served for the 18 months. he's already been in jail throughout the trial process. after the hearing, a spokesman read a statement for u.s. attorney ishmael ramsey. the
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court's sentence will ensure that the public will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. in court, david depape stood mostly motionless during the entire hearing. u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley said she weighed the fact that depape had no prior arrests, but she also considered the violent attack on paul pelosi depapes intentions to do harm to then speaker of the house nancy pelosi, and the effects this attack has had on the u.s. political system. the judge said such an attack on an elected leader's family member is unprecedented in this country . we have to consider that we will have excellent leaders decide not to run for office because they don't want to risk danger to their family, judge corley said in court. christine pelosi read a victim impact statement on behalf of her mother and father. speaker emerita nancy pelosi's office also issued a short statement thanking people for their support of her husband after the attack. but because depape is still facing state charges, she declined to comment on today's fedent


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