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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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court's sentence will ensure that the public will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. in court, david depape stood mostly motionless during the entire hearing. u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley said she weighed the fact that depape had no prior arrests, but she also considered the violent attack on paul pelosi depapes intentions to do harm to then speaker of the house nancy pelosi, and the effects this attack has had on the u.s. political system. the judge said such an attack on an elected leader's family member is unprecedented in this country . we have to consider that we will have excellent leaders decide not to run for office because they don't want to risk danger to their family, judge corley said in court. christine pelosi read a victim impact statement on behalf of her mother and father. speaker emerita nancy pelosi's office also issued a short statement thanking people for their support of her husband after the attack. but because depape is still facing state charges, she declined to comment on today's federal sentence. depapes son
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was not allowed in court because he forgot his id, but reporters told him afterwards his father was given 30 years. he said i think that's quite sad, i think that's a really long time because if you think about it right, he's already nearly 50. he's he's basically it's just a death sentence. judge corley also sentenced depape to supervised probation, but said it likely won't be enforced because he'll be deported back to canada after serving his time . david depape is also facing state charges, which include attempted murder. jury selection in that trial begins next week at the us district courthouse in san fncisco. i'm sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. okay, thank you, sir. hill, we have covered this story fray one of the break in through the court proceedings and the trial and today's sentencing. you can see all of our reporting on okay. get ready drivers, beware. a section of six 80in the east bay is going to be closed. and it is going to be a huge mess. it's happening between san ramon and pleasanton, and it will likely
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mean some major weekend traffic. nbc bay area's velena jones is live in the 680 corridor for us, and we've had this just a couple of weeks ago, just in a different section of the east bay. that's right. you know, jessica, we already know that 680 is a busy freeway. add construction onto that and there is bound to be traffic. that construction starts at 9 p.m. tonight. and caltrans says the weekend inconvenience will be worth it in the long term. so this partial closure will stretch a little over two miles on 680 between al costa boulevard in san ramon to the interstate five 8680 connector in pleasanton, three southbound lanes will be closed so crews can repave the freeway. the left lane express lane on the northbound side will also be closed along the same stretch. now we've all seen the traffic delays that construction can bring with long lines of brake lights and warning signs. while this is only a partial closure, caltrans suggests drivers use detours to get around the work.
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this is an area that, even if there aren't any closures at all, it gets pretty congested, especially on the weekend. so so we are doing our best to accommodate folks by having those two lanes open. but if at all possible, we do ask the motoring public to avoid the area. if you can. if you're coming from vacaville, you can take westbound 80 to southbound 880 to avoid the closure from the concord area, you'll want to take westbound state route four to westbound 80. now, caltrans says this weekend's closure allows crews to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time. it's equivalent to 40 overnight closures. the freeway is set to reopen at 5 a.m. monday morning, ahead of the busy morning monday commute. reporting live in san ramon, velena jones nbc bay area news. the closures are necessary, but they are painful. all right, thank you. velena families forced to leave their north bay homes after a giant tree just
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fell on two condos happened this morning at 1140 in novato on cinnamon teal lane and puffin court. look at that. it's giant. and that oak tree just split in half and hit two condos. the buildings red tagged. we don't know when the families will be able to go back to their homes. the tree also broke a gas line. so pg and e evacuated at least eight surrounding homes for a few hours while they capped that leak. i mean, luckily no one was hurt when the tree hit the building. not clear though, what caused that tree to split up. it is going to be another weekend of sunshine for us. let's give you a live look. you can see it right there of san jose and san francisco. a lot of people have weekend plans, not on 680, hopefully including thousands headed to san francisco for the bay to breakers. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri joins us. okay. it is going to be sunshine city. yeah, we're going to have a lot of sunshine here as we head through your saturday and sunday, we will have to get over some fog. and that's going to have an impact on those temperatures too. so as we get you outside right now to those
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current temperatures heading out over the next couple of hours, it will begin to drop in pretty rapidly from some fog developing at the coastline. so just 68 in santa rosa, 72 in concord, 73 here in san jose. and here's the unusual thing we're tracking right now is two different systems in the pacific. one, off to the north, one to the south. and that's going to keep that cooler flow going at the coastline and also that fog. so let's take it into tomorrow morning. low clouds over the north bay. and right there at the coastline. we'll clear out to some afternoon sunshine. then as we head into sunday's forecast, does look like we'd see a little bit more fog forming near the coastline. so an early preview here. if you're headed to bay to breakers on sunday in san francisco. we started off with some fog temperatures here in the 50s. not too bad for race weather. and then as we head through 11 noon, one, two and 3:00, we should actually get in on some sunshine here in san francisco. so not a bad weekend. although on the cool side, we'll take a look at all your temperatures to get you through this weekend and into next week. i've got that
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for you coming up in about 15 minutes. okay. we'll see you then. thank you. okay, you can follow the weekend weather in your neighborhood yourself by downloading our free nbc barry app. point your camera smartphone camera at that qr code. it will lead you right to our app. governor newsom is teaming up with the president of a northern region of italy to work toward climate solutions. the governor is in italy this week for climate summit at the vatican. today though, he met with the president of the region, emilia-romagna, which is near florence. political leaders signed a three year partnership hoping to collaborate to advance clean energy, practice smart agriculture and protect air quality. california and northern italy share similar climates, and both have experienced climate extremes firsthand, including weather whiplash of extreme drought to then extreme flooding. the leaders will also share clean energy goals over the next few years. trucks carrying much needed aid moved to gaza today into a pier built by the u.s. just as that aid is flowing in for palestinians, weapons are flowing in for israel. that's leading to
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protests across the country ahead of president biden's commencement speech at morehouse college. nbc's tracie wilkins is tracking it from washington. garden grove and brown versus board of education today during a speech celebrating the anniversary of brown versus the board of education on sunday, i'm attending the commencement of morehouse college. president biden said he's looking forward to delivering the commencement address at one of the nation's most esteemed historically black colleges. i have more morehouse men in my administration. in morehouse, it's clear hbcus are vital to our nation's progress. as preparations are underway on the atlanta campus. president biden, we don't need you to come here. there are concerns about student protest over the president's handling of the war in gaza. stop sending weapons to a genocidal regime. respect international law, and don't try to use us for political clout. the commencement at the all male school comes at an important time for biden, as his support among black voters, particularly
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young men, is dwindling. former head of homeland security and morehouse graduate jeh johnson suggested the president make the most of this moment. there may be some noise. there may be some objections. but overall, i think the president will receive a very respectful reception. some commencement ceremonies across the country have been canceled, and student protesters arrested as they oppose the conditions of palestinians in gaza, where thousands are experiencing widespread famine after aid deliveries were blocked on land. now american aid is being delivered using the new massive pier anchored off gaza's coast. i see little kids running around that are basically skin and bones. the food becomes an issue where everyone is basically having a minimal meal a day, if any. no american troops will leave the ships with hopes of aid getting to the people who need it. now back to the commencement on sunday. the president of morehouse college told cnn yesterday that he will
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allow silent protest, but that if students disrupt the ceremony, he will abruptly stop it. he said he does not want to see morehouse students let out by zip ties or arrested for expressing dissent in washington. i'm tracee wilkins, nbc news. an attorney for former president trump and an arizona courtroom. today, john eastman pled not guilty to crimes related to alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election. eastman is the first of 18 defendants in that case to be arraigned in phoenix. other defendants include former trump chief of staff mark meadows and former trump lawyer rudy giuliani. their arraignments are scheduled for the coming weeks. all of the defendants and mr. trump are also being charged with similar crimes in georgia. well, a call tonight for supreme court justice samuel alito to recuse himself for some cases. this comes after a report that alito flew the american flag upside down at his house about ten days after the january six riot at the capitol. the upside down flag has become a symbol of
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the so-called stop the steal movement. but that was a rallying cry for mr. trump's supporters, who believe trump was the true winner of the election. today, key democrats, including the chairman of the senate judiciary committee, urged justice alito to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election. they believe he has shown bias on the topic. alito says his wife hung the flag upside down after a confrontation with a neighbor. well a big shakeup at openai, the artificial intelligence developer, dissolved its super alignment team that focuses on the risk of ai. earlier this week, two big names left the company, including the co-founder and chief scientist. they were also the leaders of the super alignment group. in a post on x, one of those men said the company's safety initiatives took a back seat to shiny new products. still ahead, san francisco's dogpatch neighborhood continues to thrive. the new high profile purchase that has the area buzzing, and hotel workers in the east bay claim they're owed
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hundreds of thousands of dollars in wages. what they're doing now in an effort to get paid, and our live ballpark camera showing the teams getting in some practice right now, we got the rockies and the giants right here on nbc bay area at 7:00 tonight. it's cool at the bar park with temperatures in the 60s. we'll have the latest on wh
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they were out demanding an end to what they say is wage theft. more than a dozen former radisson workers gathered for a news conference today at the oakland hotel. they say they've been fighting to get the money they're owed for more than four years. last year, an independent government agency looked into the claims of the workers and found that the owner of the radisson withheld more than $400,000 from 128 workers. now months later, employees say those former employees i should say, say nothing has been done. we gather here today and this time to bring light to the injustice that has been perpetrated upon our sisters and our brothers in the service
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industry. they're demanding the owner of the hotel pay what they're owed. they're also asking oakland city attorney to take decisive action to enforce compliance. we did reach out to the radisson hotel chain for a comment, but have yet to hear back. okay, is this going to be his off the court office? steph curry just snapped up a building in a san francisco neighborhood, and it happens to be a neighborhood he helped make more valuable. our business tech reporter scott budman joins me now with the real estate purchase and really everything steph touches turns to gold. he's like the midas of the basketball court. yeah, you're absolutely right. jessica curry just closed on an office building in the dogpatch area of san francisco for $8.5 million, bringing even more attention to an area that has lately gotten red hot. the office building on 20th and illinois sold for almost six times what it went for in 2021. that's a big jump in a short time. there's great
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energy. i can see why steph wanted to make that investment. steph as in steph curry, whose title winning career with the warriors recently moved to the nearby chase center at in pier 70. ucsf and a revamped embarcadero and sf chamber of commerce ceo rodney fong says you have the makings of a much desired part of town. i think it's mixed use. i think it's all of these things that are in proximity and walking distance and not necessarily jumping in your car and yet feeling the intimacy of a neighborhood. speaking of the neighborhood housing has been hot here, too. we know that it's an area that commands higher incomes relative to the rest of the country. a section of the city that's been on the rise may be soon to benefit from the steph effect. maybe we should do this call again when we finally see some, you know, maybe some network, some effects. right. coming from, you know, him coming in
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and other people wanting to move closer. he's got a point. the building by the way within walking distance to chase center will reportedly become the new headquarters for curry's company 30 inc. we reached out to that company for comment but did not hear back. jessica all right. well, i'm sure we're going to be hearing a lot more about that. thank you. scott today, millions across the already soaked south are dealing with yet another round of torrential downpours and some dangerous flooding, too . seven people are dead after severe storms moved through texas overnight. this is what it looked like in houston. it almost looks apocalyptic. hundreds of people gathered at a costco as the lights in the store flickered on and off. they were trying to seek shelter from tornadoes. the hurricane force winds blew windows out of cars and homes. let's show you some of that storm damage. nearly a million people across texas are in the dark. schools are closed across the state. all non-essential workers are being asked to stay home as crews begin to try to repair some of this damage downtown is a mess.
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it's dangerous due to the glass and the lack of traffic lights, so stay at home. i can't emphasize that and repeat that enough. stay at home tonight. stay at home tomorrow and let bad weather isn't over yet. the storm is moving east, impacting millions of people in places like alabama and mississippi and parts of the gulf coast. let's bring in our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri here. this is tornado season for that area. but this seems much more dramatic than a tornado with this with is this normal for them to have this level of rain at this time? i mean, they can get into these strong and severe straight line wind events , these supercell thunderstorms. and when you get these thunderstorms that last for so long, they're just able to continue the destruction. and, you know, the flash flooding there, it just happened so fast. you really it's hard to prepare for that. we've had weeks on end here of severe weather. and if you're doing any traveling really the southeast is going to be the biggest spot here. as we head through tomorrow to watch out for some strong storms back here across the bay area, we've had that fog returning at the
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coastline really comfortable weather outside today, so i wanted to show you if you're moving out tonight, anywhere across the bay, what things are looking like right here in san francisco for the downtown shot. we do have some sunny skies out near the coastline. golden gate bridge fog is starting to move back in. nonetheless. here, if you're going out, bring your jacket in sf, we're going to be down into the 50s here in no time with that fog making a pretty big comeback right across the bay. we're at 68 right now. we're still hanging on to sunshine throughout the cities right near the bay. but you're also dipping quickly here, 63 by 7:00, 50 later on tonight. and for the inland valleys, not a, you know, very warm day at all. we got the breeze that kicked up and temperatures really only stayed in the low to mid 70s for a lot of our inland valleys. so overall comfortable and a lot of cities really reading below average temperatures here. we're going to go down to 68 here at 7:00. also need your jacket if you're headed out here later on tonight we're going to be at 61 at 9 p.m. and by 10:00 59. so as
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we move through this weekend, forecast, i'm really tracking two different systems. that's what just kind of makes it unusual for this time of the year. we have one off to the north, one to the south. now there's no chance of any rainfall this weekend, so no need to cancel any plans over this. i just know that temperatures aren't going to be really all that hot with the way that wind flow is coming in and the fog of the coastline, it's going to keep those temperatures pretty steady here in the 70s and plenty of 60s. so for tomorrow morning, we'll start off with some fog. maybe that'll help you to kind of sleep in after a long week. you're just trying to get through here. so a lot of the bay area here is going to start off with that low cloud cover. marin, napa sonoma counties over to the east bay peninsula. maybe not as much right throughout parts of downtown san jose. then as we head through the afternoon, that clears back with sunshine for everyone except at the coastline . you're headed to our beaches. i'll be ready for some of that fog to kind of linger for us in the forecast. so as you move through tomorrow's forecast, we'll get that afternoon sunshine. and i think overall,
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this will just be a pretty nice day here for us. 54 over the south bay, san francisco checking in with some mid 50s. and for the north bay, a chilly 50 a daytime highs. look at this. just 75 in san jose. so comfortable weather 70 in martinez vallejo 68 down to fremont 74. peninsula 59 and half moon bay, then down to palo alto. we're checking in at 73 up to san francisco, 58 in the marina and the mission 63. and for the north bay 76, in napa, 72 up to santa rosa. we still have that pollen kind of floating around in the air. you want to watch out for oak, cedar and grasses in the high category, but other than that, some pretty tranquil weather this weekend. san francisco, mid 60s, morning fog, afternoon sunshine. and we're going to hold with that trend as we roll through next week. and right here for the inland valleys we're up to 78 on sunday. we get into some 80s early next week. looks so good i know. then it dips for the following weekend. so right now we're staying away from the big heat. just kind of
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right there in the middle right in the middle. exactly. all right thank you jeff. all right. coming up, another airline is gointo stopg
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lamar hernandez. thorpe is headed to china this sunday. nonprofit china silicon valley organized the trip it wants to create a network here in the bay area that would help chinese businesses operate in silicon valley. it would make it easier for them to navigate things like legal matters, taxation and real estate. china's silicon valley is also hoping to encourage tourism and cultural exchange between china and the bay area. frontier airlines is making some changes to its pricing options for you right now. frontier
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draws in customers with cheap base fares, but then it tacks on fees for everything from getting your seat to carrying on a bag. frontier today says it's adding what it calls a bundle fare option. the bundle tickets will cost more than the base fare, but they come with the carry on and a seat assignment. frontier also said it's going to stop charging a fee to change or cancel a flight. this comes as the biden administration is cracking down on airlines with a la carte pricing. wall street saw new highs today. the dow closed above four 40,000 for the first time in history. then it hit the mark and then fell back down before closing. walmart and the construction manufacturer caterpillar drove the progress. today. both companies bumped up a whole percentage point. s&p also climbed higher. nasdaq didn't get in on the gains, but it's had a positive week overall. okay, america's best gymnasts, including the goat simone biles, are in action this weekend. we're going to show y whatou
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and of course, the goat simone biles. tomorrow they're going to compete at a big meet in connecticut. several other olympians and world champions will be there as well. now, this
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competition tomorrow is the last regular meet before the u.s. championships later this month, which will determine who makes the final olympic team. so exciting. all right, don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. janelle and raj join us with what's coming up at 530. well, the weekend is here, jessica, and so is one of the bay area's biggest and most colorful events. thousand of people will be hitting the streets of san francisco for the annual bay to breakers race. the final precautions being taken right now, and preparations to make sure everything goes well and it's safe. also, tesla is slashing more jobs, the latest number of cuts and where they will take place, and we investigate a spike in evictions impacting the elderly, where do they go when they're forced to leave? happy friday, the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. this all started more than 100 years
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ago as a way to revitalize san francisco. following the 1906 earthquake. this weekend, the annual bay to breakers race. thousands of people will run and they'll be walking also from the bay to the breakers at ocean beach. they'll be walking in colorful costumes. they'll be in high spirits. the challenge, though, for police, keeping people safe. nbc bay area's christie smith is in the city with the final preparations. it's a race like no other. the annual bay to breakers brings out runners, costumes and people just ready to make their way across the city. it sounds like something fun to do at 77 years of age. these two are ready and have been training since january. we're from santa fe, new mexico and we did this 35 years ago. yes, 35. and we've used it as a get up and go. you pick up your bib here, you pick up your t shirts. there was plenty of pre-race activity today at sports basement in the presidio. kyle myers is the race director, so


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