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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  May 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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ago as a way to revitalize san francisco. following the 1906 earthquake. this weekend, the annual bay to breakers race. thousands of people will run and they'll be walking also from the bay to the breakers at ocean beach. they'll be walking in colorful costumes. they'll be in high spirits. the challenge, though, for police, keeping people safe. nbc bay area's christie smith is in the city with the final preparations. it's a race like no other. the annual bay to breakers brings out runners, costumes and people just ready to make their way across the city. it sounds like something fun to do at 77 years of age. these two are ready and have been training since january. we're from santa fe, new mexico and we did this 35 years ago. yes, 35. and we've used it as a get up and go. you pick up your bib here, you pick up your t shirts. there was plenty of pre-race activity today at sports basement in the presidio. kyle myers is the race director, so we're about 95%
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sold out. still taking registrations online or here at sports basement in person. currently sitting at about 20,000, that's up about 4000 from last year. while the event is upbeat and fun, organizers say they also take public safety seriously. we have multiple security checkpoints, 200 plus of our private security guards, and then we work with every district station that touches that the route touches. so yeah, we're prepared. the climate around the country has been a bit intense recently with anti gaza war demonstrations and a federal advisory about the potential for organizations to exploit gatherings associated with pride, but no specific locations. we asked police about plans for this race at this time , we don't have any information of any credible threats that might be posing an issue to the race. this weekend. they're working with organizers. the department has many additional officers working for this special event. as we know that
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this is bringing in lots of people for the race as well as a lot of attendees watching the race itself. they remind people to expect traffic delays and plan your route. organizers are expecting another enjoyable event. we like to think that beta breakers is just going to be a great day to celebrate fitness fun in san francisco. christie smith, nbc, bay area news. another round of layoffs for tesla, this time 600 job cuts from its offices in palo alto and fremont. tesla has been slashing jobs as we've been reporting since january. the company is restructuring as it faces a weakening demand for electric cars and increased competition. the cuts will impact people in most departments, from factory workers to robotics engineers, as there is a growing problem with our housing crisis, many senior citizens are struggling to keep their homes after the pandemic. renters and landlords are in tough positions. there's a spike in the number of elderly
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people in danger of eviction. senior investigative reporter bigad shaban explains why. for 80 year old zeta flowers, this isn't just a house. it's her home of 26 years. it's where she raised her four adopted children and more than 20 foster children, all on her own. but now she's being forced to leave. it's not fair. it's not fair. flowers runs a daycare out of her home, but the pandemic decimated her small business. her rent of nearly $2,000 a month, she says, became unaffordable before covid. had you ever not paid your rent? oh, no. never. not ever. no. i'm a believer in paying for where you stay. like many cities across california, oakland enacted an eviction moratorium during the pandemic, prohibiting landlords from kicking out tenants unable to pay their rent. but after
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that three year long moratorium ended last july, landlords were allowed to begin demanding up to a year's worth of back rent and evict tenants who didn't pay up. they were seeing an alarming rise in the eviction of low income seniors. attorney and tamika zamora is the executive director of the eviction defense center, a nonprofit providing legal aid to more than 3000 low income tenants each year. they have fixed incomes, right, like social security that barely, barely covers the rent. so they had like little side jobs to supplement. and the moment the pandemic hit, all those jobs dried up. today, nearly a quarter of the oakland clients at the eviction center are seniors. that's up 17% compared to pre-pandemic tenants. advocacy groups in san francisco and berkeley are also seeing spikes in the number of elderly facing eviction nationally, seniors are now the fastest growing age group experiencing homelessness. roughly 140,000 and counting. how do you tell somebody who's 75, get back in
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the job market because you need to make $600 more a month, right? it's a lot of these situations are really impossible . her nonprofit took on zeta's case after zeta got an eviction notice from her landlord, demanding she pay nearly $18,000 in owed rent or move out in three days. what went through your mind? what went through my mind, first of all, is they didn't care to expect me on a short notice to move that fast. like in three days. impossible. tenants can legally fight off their eviction for rent missed during the pandemic. if they can show they endured a substantial financial hardship as a result of covid 19. you can't just say it. you have to be able to support it. real estate attorney mark chernov says renters need to have documentation proving their struggles. they may also have to get an attorney if their
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landlord disagrees and takes them to court. what would you say to those who argue that this puts an unfair burden on the shoulders of tenants? because the only way to make the defense is to have to go through this legal process. if it's truly the result of substantial financial hardship, you would have bank records, you would have credit card bills. you would have loss of income that you could show you could have decreased of hours that would be pretty easy to prove up. chernov has represented hundreds of landlords, including the homeowner who sent zeta her eviction notice. as unfortunate as it is, small property owners can't subsidize these types of situations. it's not fair to ask them to. while zeta received her notice after the moratorium ended, we've learned hundreds of seniors were also getting eviction notices during the moratorium when it was illegal to force someone out of their home because of missed rent payments. records we obtained from oakland's housing department show the number of eviction notices filed against renters did drop by about 80% once the moratorium went into
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effect, but during the three years it was in place, we've learned landlords still sent out more than 2500 eviction notices, including to low income seniors. the letters threatened to kick out renters within just a few days, even though landlords didn't actually have the legal power to evict them during the moratorium. courts weren't granting evictions for lack of payment. there is no teeth behind those notices because the law says you can't collect that rent for that time period. but for many tenants, just getting those eviction notices was reason enough to pack up. that can cause very vulnerable populations, like low income seniors to be scared and not know their rights. and, you know, to basically move out. in fact, during the moratorium, we discovered oakland landlord sent at least 350 eviction notices to renters at ten apartment buildings that cater to low income seniors and those with disabilities. the apartments are all owned or operated by three companies newport partners llc, christian church homes, and
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human good, which calls itself california s largest nonprofit provider of senior housing. that group was the only one that responded to our request for comment, telling us the eviction notices. it's centering the moratorium do not reflect the actual number of evictions, which are extremely rare and must be approved by the court. they weren't allowed to serve serve that notice in the first place, and if a tenant moved as a result, they could sue the landlord for wrongfully evicting them. so it seems like really the only way to be able to fight that is the tenant first has to move out and then argue that it was a wrongful eviction. yeah, for a tenant to have an action for wrongful eviction, they can't be living in a rental unit anymore. so you can't be living somewhere and say that you were wrongfully evicted. hi, this is amanda calling back from the eviction defense center. we spoke yesterday briefly, which puts the burden on the renter to find a new place and then take the landlord to court and let's say the government is doing next to nothing to protect them. the alameda county district
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attorney's office wouldn't tell us how many wrongful eviction cases it's prosecuted, if any, and the city attorney's office in oakland has only tried for wrongful eviction cases over the past five years, but even lawful evictions can still feel wrong. to those forced to leave. i'm seeing seniors out pushing carts now because they're homeless. instead of going to court. zeta flowers reached a settlement with her landlord that forgives her, owed rent and provides her with moving expenses if she leaves by next month. i had help many others didn't have the knowledge of knowing what to do, and i think that when they were served, they just moved out. they just left it. zeta now has time to pack and say goodbye. she plans on leaving oakland in hopes of finding a new place she can afford. this may not be her house, but she'll always remember it as her home with the
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investigative unit at bigad, siobhan, if you have a story for our investigative unit, please give us a call 888996 tips. you can also visit our website slash investigations. she says a company denied her service but build her a couple hundred bucks anyway, i'm consumer investigator chris chmura, nbc, bay area response next, i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. what a day out there. temperatures near average to even a little bit below 69. in santa rosa, the average 75. we'll show you what's in store fo
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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—our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! a team is here to help chris kamara joins us now with the recent win kris happy friday. so many viewers flag us when a company won't address a billing issue like laura in san jose.
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she applied for a deal to switch her cell phone carrier. the new company declined her application, and yet she says they charged her 209 bucks anyway. laura says she kept calling the company to fix the error, but nothing worked. then the company sent her account to collections, so she contacted us. we contacted the company. it then corrected the error. but laura is not done. now she needs to check her credit report to make sure the cell company's mistake is not on there. and dragging down her credit score. we should all check our credit reports from time to time. and we made a how to video showing you the steps to do that each week for free. you can find that video in all of our other how to videos on our website, and our youtube page. just look for the how to playlist. have a great weekend! chris. thank you and wait, it's friday, the weekend is here, the weekend is here, and jeff is here to spread some sunshine. oh man, i can't believe it. it's around the
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corner. it's a big one with the bay to breakers sunday. yeah a lot of stuff happening out here across the bay area. and it looks like most certainly we're going to keep hot 90s and one hundredths away as we head through your saturday and your sunday. let's take it outside right now. if you're doing anything out here across the bay and look at san francisco, we do have some fog building in right near the golden gate bridge in the immediate coastline, but from the downtown view and right up through the oracle, we are still under some blue skies. speaking of which, the rockies and the giants go at it right here on nbc bay area starting at 7:00 tonight. and if you're headed out there, of course, make sure to take your jacket in san francisco. we got some typical weather here for that first pitch will be at 58 and some of that fog starting to roll in. maybe it's not san francisco, but you're headed up towards napa, or you're headed out there tonight, 66 right now. so on the cool side here, eventually some 50s later on tonight and really, no matter where you are out here across the bay area, you'll need that jacket. even with 72 in walnut creek, we're down to 64 at 8:00 and 59 here at 10 p.m. and down
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to the south bay. beautiful blue skies in san jose, 73 right now. and 65 right here at 8:00. now, as we roll through this weekend, here's the crazy thing. after some hot weather most recently, we're now tracking not one, but two different systems out here in the pacific. now, no rainfall chances with this. thankfully, your weekend plans are not going to get ruined, but with both of those systems sitting out there, it's going to continue to push back any hot air and keep that away. and we'll also get into a little bit of this fog pattern here, continuing as we head through our morning hours here on saturday and also on sunday. so for tomorrow morning, everybody really has a good chance here. starting off with some low cloud cover from the north bay through the peninsula, east bay, even for the south bay, especially down there towards gilroy. not not as much there for san jose. then as we head through about 11:00 in the morning, most of us should clear out from that pretty quickly. and then through the afternoon we have sunshine here from the north bay to the south bay. but notice if you're going to the
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coastline, any of our beaches, we still have that fog that will be staying put in the forecast. so we're going to start it off tomorrow morning with temperatures down here in the low to mid 50s across the bay area with those clouds, 53 in the east bay and san francisco in the mid 50s temperatures for tomorrow. check it out right near average to even a little bit below. but i think overall we're still coming in with a nice saturday forecast 75 here in san jose over to oakland. you're at a cool 67 out there to pleasanton 75 peninsula 59, half moon bay 70 redwood city san francisco 59. in the outer sunset, 62, in downtown and for the north bay up to sonoma. we're coming in at 74, so sliding in with nice weather on saturday. if you're headed to bay to breakers, though on sunday morning, be ready for that chilly race weather. temps in the 50s, fog to start, and then we'll get in on some sunshine here as we head through the afternoon. now, something else we've been following nationally is the severe weather traveling. look for delays, possibly from atlanta down towards orlando, tallahassee, thunderstorms and even the
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chance of maybe some tornadoes. right back here on that 7-day forecast in san francisco. we hold on to that trend of 60s through the next seven days, and we'll get up into some 80s by next monday, tuesday and wednesday. so, you know, as i like to tell everyone, 78 is my perfect temperature. so that's excellent. so sunday is our day. it is perfect. you can't go wrong with 78 hot. i've been working with you guys for a long time and i'm just finding this out. we we've talked about this several times. i gotta start paying attention. you got to come to the 78 party. yeah. all right. thanks, jeff. thanks, jeff. up next, are you ready for our new baseball team? yep. opening day for the oakland ballers is right around the corner. we'll chat with one of the trailblazing mbers of theme
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the beginning of their inaugural season. it's going to be fun. the new independent minor league team will play at the newly renovated raymond park in west oakland, and the ballers feature a woman on their roster she can play. here's nbc's anthony flores. she's a trailblazer on the diamond. when girls from the stands come and you know, talk to me and oh, my autograph and stuff like that. those are definitely moments where i get that feeling. but when i'm in between the lines, it's just it's the same game. i feel like i've always been playing. kelsie whitmore was the first woman to sign a pro contract with a major league baseball partner league
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team in 2022. now she's making history again, this time with the oakland ballers. the right handed pitcher will be the first woman to play a game in the 85 year history of the pioneer league. i eventually officially chose to sign with them because, honestly, how excited they were to have me and, you know, they wanted they wanted to work with me. they wanted to be a part of my career. kelsey's love for the game began at six years old. she played little league baseball and was the only girl on her high school team. reluctantly she played softball in college at cal state fullerton. even though i was in college playing a different sport, i knew in my head that when i was done, i wanted to pursue baseball professionally. what do you love about playing baseball? i love being able to call a baseball field my office. i love a lot of things about this game and it's one of my favorite things in the world. the 25 year old southern california native is an inspiration to many. every time she steps onto the field as a woman playing in a male
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dominated sport, being able to mentally and physically get myself prepared before games and before i step out on the mound, that takes away a lot of the pressure by being on the baller. she can also help ease the pain for baseball fans in oakland and the east bay, who are dealing with the pending relocation of the a's. i'm really looking forward to the fan base. i've heard nothing but great things from them and, i'm excited to play for them. and, you know, the goal is to win a championship for them. so looking forward to it. kelsey's ultimate goal is to one day play in the major leagues tonight. the ballers are playing their first of two preseason games to prepare for their season opener on tuesday. anthony flores, nbc, bay area we are excited for kelsey and the ballers. well, big news for the giants late today and it's not good. juju lee will have season ending surgery. the korean star will miss the rest of the season after he suffered a torn labrum in his left shoulder. right here, the speedy center fielder
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crashed into the wall trying to make a catch last sunday. watch it again in slow mo. he is expected to make a full recovery. that's the good news and be ready for next season. juju lee signed a six year deal with the giants in the off season, worth 113 million bucks, so we'll see how this team responds tonight. giants and the rockies at oracle park. the game right here on nbc bay area. our coverage live from the ballpark begins at 7:00. up next, the world's number one ranked golfer arrested just hours before he was teeing off in a major championship. the reason he was tan intoke a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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arrested on his way to the golf course for the pga championship. scottie scheffler, not in his usual golf attire. you see him here wearing the standard jail issued orange jumpsuit for his mugshot. here's what we know this morning a bus. you see the scene hit and killed a vendor near the valhalla country club, which is hosting the pga championship. when scheffler arrived, police say an officer gave him directions to get around the scene, but they say he refused to comply and drove forward, dragging the police officer. scheffler says it was all a big misunderstanding. you know, i feel like my head's still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning, i did spend some time
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stretching in a jail cell. that was the first for me. you know, i was part of my warm up. i was just sitting there waiting, and, you know, i started going through my warmup. i felt like there was a chance i may be able to still come out here and play. and so that really amazing. by the way, this is, out in louisville, kentucky. police say the officer suffered minor injuries. scheffler is charged with assaulting a cop, reckless driving and two misdemeanors after being released from jail. he went on and actually played in the tournament. he's now tied for fourth place on the leaderboard, a step to promote inclusion at the paris olympics and olympic organizers say it comes in the form of a boat. take a look at what's called the pride house. it's a barge on the banks of the river. send. olympic organizers held an event today to launch this boat. it's meant to be a safe space for lgbt athletes and visitors during the games. the hope is to send a clear message to his visitors that they are protected in france. the pride house opens this july, right after the opening ceremony. well tomorrow is a big race day. it's the
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preakness. it's the second event in horse racing's triple crown, which starts with the kentucky derby and ends with the belmont stakes at the pimlico race course. this is in baltimore right now. mystic dan, the winner of the kentucky derby, is the favorite, followed by imagination. you can watch the 149th running of the preakness right here on nbc bay area. our coverage begins tomorrow at 130 in the afternoon. but right now, jessica aguirre joins us with what's coming up next right now at 6:00. something to celebrate in big sur. it's been almost three months since this stretch of highway one was shut down for bay area visitors headed to big sur, but today, that stretch reopened. we'll show you the relief and gratitude. also, more fallout in the bay area over campus protests, calling out the israel hamas war. arrests. resignations and even the threat of a strike if these cuts go through there will be more guns
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on the street. there will be more fentanyl, there will be more rapists. but first, serious concerns about public safety. santa clara county is looking to cut 20 detectives at the district attorney's office. the news at six starts right now. good evening, and thanks for being with us on this friday. i'm raj mathai and i'm jessica aguirre. those proposed cuts come as santa clara county is facing a 251 million budget deficit. nbc bay area's damian trujillo joins us from the da's office, where the da is giving a stern warning. the da says the proposed cuts put public safety at risk, and it's actually the criminals who are celebrating. investigators with the district attorney's office routinely gather information at crime scenes to make sure prosecutors have a solid case in court. we follow up, you know, to make that case stronger, locate witnesses, collect evidence, conduct search warrants, interviews, things of that sort.
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former san jose police chief tony mata is the new chief of investigations for the da, overseeing 62 detectives in his proposed budget. the county executive is recommending the da's office eliminate 20 of those positions. we're facing a $251.3 million structural deficit. james williams says he's asking most county departments to make difficult cuts. he says it's not an easy ask. it's exceedingly difficult. look, i don't relish at all bringing forward a recommended budget that has cuts. but the da says to specifically ask for eliminating 20 detectives is dangerous. i think this is the first time that i have ever been as concerned about public safety as i am, jeff rosen says. he offered to cut $11 million from his budget, including eliminating 28 positions, but he doesn't want to touch the detectives bureau. if these cuts go through, there will


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