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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  May 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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tonight, the shocking video, the images appearing to show music mogul sean "diddy" combs brutally assaulting his ex-girlfriend. the hotel surveillance video seeming to show combs wearing only a towel coming down the hallway then grabbing, kicking, and dragging the woman. the video appearing to match allegations she made in a lawsuit last year. it all comes after the feds raided two of his homes in march. what we know. also tonight, deadly storms slamming the south. 100-mile-per-hour winds in houston blowing out windows on high-rises, ripping down a nightclub wall, vehicles crushed. hundreds of thousands without power. where is it moving next? the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, led away in handcuffs, accused of assaulting an officer outside the pga championship. scheffler booked in jail, released, and back in time to play. what he says happened. israel saying it's recovered the bodies
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of three hostages from a tunnel in gaza including the 22-year-old woman who became a symbol of the horrors of hamas. justice samuel alito under fire over this photo of an upside down american flag outside his home days after january 6th. he starred in hit movies like "tootsie" and "9 to 5." remembering dabney coleman. and the historic showdown. three olympics champs facing off on the road to paris. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening, and welcome. music mogul sean "diddy" combs facing a new round of negative public scrutiny tonight after the surfacing of disturbing surveillance video, which i'll warn we're about to show in a moment, first obtained by cnn of what appears to be mr. combs physically assaulting his former girlfriend, cassie ventura, in the hallway of a los angeles hotel. the video believed to
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be from 2016 appears to closely mirror ventura's account of the incident as she detailed it for a federal lawsuit filed last year, and that resulted in an undisclosed settlement between the pair. combs, who has denied previous domestic violence allegations, is right now the subject of a separate federal criminal investigation. chloe melas has more on this developing story. >> reporter: disturbing new video appears to show music executive sean "diddy" combs physically assaulting his then girlfriend, cassie ventura, in a los angeles hotel back in 2016. the silent video obtained by cnn, ventura is seen walking down the hall followed by combs wearing only a towel, who is seen grabbing, dragging, and kicking ventura in the elevator bank. the surveillance video appears to be from an incident described in a lawsuit ventura filed against combs last november. the complaint states that around march of 2016 at a former intercontinental hotel
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in century city, mr. combs became extremely intoxicated and punched miss ventura in the face giving her a black eye. it goes on to describe how he followed her into the hallway, grabbed at her, took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. it also alleges combs paid the hotel $50,000 for the hallway security footage from that evening. in a statement to nbc news, intercontinental's parent company said, this hotel is no longer under ihg management, and we do not have any access to prior incident records or footage adding, it did not receive money for the footage. so far there's no indication from law enforcement officials that any criminal complaint was filed by ventura. >> this video could create huge problems for diddy, especially with people who may be thinking about bringing allegations against diddy but haven't done so yet. >> reporter: ventura declined to comment on the footage today, but her attorney released a statement saying, the gut-wrenching
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video has only further confirmed the disturing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. ventura and combs settled the lawsuit earlier this year for an undisclosed amount of money. at the time combs' team released a statement saying, we have decided to resolve this matter amicably. i wish cassie and her family all the best. combs did not respond to nbc news' request for comment today, but in the past has repeatedly denied committing acts of domestic violence. this comes as the music mogul faces multiple civil lawsuits with allegations including abuse and sexual assault spanning decades. in march federal agents raided his properties in los angeles and miami. >> if federal authorities are investigating diddy for human trafficking violations, this video could be very interesting evidence to them. >> and, chloe, because of the statute of limitations, we likely won't see criminal charges here. >> that's right. while the window has passed for ventura to file criminal charges here, federal investigators could use this video as part
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of their investigation, and also those that have civil cases, they could actually use this video to show that there has been a pattern of behavior here. >> all right, chloe melas tonight, thank you. now to the severe weather in the houston area that left multiple people dead and caused widespread damage with hurricane-force winds. it was just the latest destructive storm to hit this spring. here's priscilla thompson. >> reporter: cars crushed, homes caved in, businesses crumbled after a wave of vicious and deadly storms tore through louisiana and texas. >> i'm normally sitting right there. >> reporter: kathleen cox, who is battling cancer, was home when this tree came crashing in. >> i can't say that i'm perfect, but i'm okay. >> reporter: more than 100-mile-per-hour wind pounded houston. people seen here sheltering in a costco and running for cover as rain poured into minute maid park during the astros game.
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in downtown houston, the ground is still covered with glass, just a fraction of what fell as the storm busted out windows in skyscrapers like this. officials say at least seven people were killed. >> horrible accident with the family tree fell and went right through the driver's compartment with children in the back. >> reporter: the torrential rain fueling dangerous floodwaters just north of the city as golf ball-size hail pummeled parts of west texas. the storm knocking out transmission towers. at one point more than a million people left in the dark prompting school shutdowns as hundreds of crews worked to clear roadways and restore power. >> we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. >> reporter: this latest round of severe weather part of a weeks-long bout of unrelenting rain and flooding across southeast texas.
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angie yarborough's home has been flooded for nearly three weeks. now, as the water rises again, she's decided to leave for good. >> i've cried and cried and cried about it. it's heartbreaking. 48 years i've been down here, but i can't -- i can't fight it anymore. i can't do it. >> priscilla, what are the conditions like there now? >> reporter: lester, there's still massive trees like this one in roadways, and officials say it could be up to two weeks until everyone's power is restored. the city now opening cooling centers as temperatures are expected to surge into the 90s this weekend. lester. >> all right, priscilla, thank you. let's get right to bill karins. bill, this severe weather is far from over. >> yeah, that severe weather, and then for the houston area, lester, they don't need summerlike heat and humidity, but that's exactly what they have coming over the weekend and right through next week. every single day the heat index is going to approach 100 degrees, so they have to get the power on for people, or they can't stay in their apartments or houses. it's just going to be
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way too hot. as far as the severe weather goes, the tornado watch continues in southern alabama, southern georgia. we have had areas that look like we've had rotation, no confirmed tornadoes so far, so that's good. as far as severe weather tomorrow, tallahassee all the way up to wilmington, myrtle beach, savannah also included in this, and we still have a chance for isolated flash flooding as flood watches continue from new orleans all the way to southern georgia. not over yet. >> okay, bill. thanks very much. we turn now to the stunning arrest today of the world's top ranked golfer, scottie scheffler, as he tried to enter the pga championship in louisville, kentucky. liz kreutz reports on what set things off. >> guys, guys. >> can you help me, please? >> reporter: tonight a shocking start to the second round of the pga championship. scottie scheffler, the number one ranked golfer in the world, arrested and charged with assaulting a police officer after attempting to bypass a traffic stop and enter the tournament. >> right now he's going to jail. >> okay. >> okay, he's going to jail. >> reporter: the moment captured on
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video by espn. >> scottie scheffler has been detained by police officers, placed in the back of a police vehicle in handcuffs. >> reporter: the incident unfolding early this morning after police responded to a man who was fatally struck by a shuttle bus outside the valhalla golf course in louisville, kentucky. with traffic backed up, a police report says the 27-year-old was told to stop but refused to comply and accelerated forward in his car dragging a police officer to the ground. the report saying the officer suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his uniform and pants, accusations scheffler's attorney denies. is that your understanding of what happened? >> no, that did not happen. he did not injure any officer. >> reporter: scheffler was later booked into jail, but a few hours later released and back at the club. >> scottie scheffler. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: teeing off to an outburst of cheers. the star golfer later addressing the arrest. >> my situation will get handled. it was just a -- it was a chaotic situation and a big misunderstanding. >> reporter: he said
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he was shaking for about an hour. >> i feel like my head is still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was a first for me. >> reporter: but it's not the first time a golf legend has found himself in handcuffs, most notably, tiger woods and john daly. still, the arrest of scheffler, a crowd favorite and two-time masters champion, leaving the golf world stunned. >> it's surreal for sure. scottie is the best player on the planet by far and one of the nicest guys on the pga tour. >> so, liz, what's next for scheffler? >> well, lester, he has an arraignment now scheduled for tuesday. his attorney says he will plead not guilty. lester. >> liz kreutz tonight, thank you. in san francisco, a long prison sentence for david depape, the man who broke into then house speaker nancy pelosi's home and attacked her husband. depape was sentenced to 30 years in prison for attempted kidnapping and the assault on paul pelosi with a hammer a year and a half ago.
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he faces a separate trial on state charges next week. now to supreme court justice samuel alito facing controversy after "the new york times" published a photo of an upside down american flag flying at his home in the aftermath of january 6th. peter alexander reports. >> reporter: tonight, top democrats are demanding supreme court justice samuel alito recuse himself from cases related to january 6th after "the new york times" published this photo showing an american flag flying upside down at his home. the picture reportedly taken just over a week after the capitol attack. an upside down flag is meant to signal distress and has been used as a sign of protest by both the left and right, but some of alito's neighbors tell "the times," they were alarmed, because it was the symbol adopted by some trump supporters during the capitol riot falsely claiming president biden stole the election. alito confirming the photo telling "the times," i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the
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flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs. according to "the times," the neighbor said the flag was there for several days and that alito's wife, martha-ann, was in dispute with another homeowner who displayed an anti-trump sign with an expletive, which offended martha-ann alito leading to an escalating clash between her and that neighbor. tonight, democratic senator dick durbin saying the flag creates the appearance of bias, demanding alito recuse himself from upcoming cases involving january 6th including former president trump's presidential immunity case where he's accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election results. >> he is, you know, more than willing to wear his partisan colors on his sleeve or, in this case, on the flagpole. >> reporter: a court spokesperson did not respond to nbc news' request for comment. >> and, peter, there's also a headline tonight about an offer from nbc news and telemundo to host a presidential debate.
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>> lester, that's right. president trump today posted that he has accepted that offer, that he wants to do additional debates with president biden, but the biden campaign quickly declined this evening. a senior adviser telling us, the debate about debates is over, that the president has already committed to doing two. lester. >> all right, peter, thank you for that. and the israeli military today says it found the bodies of three israeli hostages in gaza. two of them were thought to still be alive, but officials today saying they were among hundreds murdered by hamas terrorists at an israeli music festival on october 7th, and their bodies were taken to gaza. one of them, 22-year-old shani louk, seen in the back of a hamas pickup truck at the time. israel says about 100 hostages and the bodies of 30 more are still being held by hamas. in 60 seconds, the firestorm after the governor of texas granted a full pardon to a man convicted of murdering a black lives matter protester. what the mother of the man killed and the
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attorney for the man pardoned are telling our reporter next. ves matter protester. what the mother of the man killed and the attorney for the man pardoned are telling our reporter next. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. homequote explorer lets you easily compare coverage options so you don't end up overpaying. good, because we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high end stuff. sorry, that's our ghost. he's more annoying than anything. oh, a decal that says "kitchen." good, i forgot where i was for a second. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort
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in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive. there is growi there is growing fallout tonight in texas after the state's republican governor delivered on his vow to pardon a man convicted of murdering a black lives matter protester in 2020. we get more from marissa parra. >> reporter: tonight, daniel perry is a free man, one year after he was convicted of murdering garrett foster, a black lives matter protester in 2020. the texas board of pardons and paroles unanimous in its recommendation to pardon perry. state governor greg abbott delivering on his years' long and controversial promise to sign it the moment it came to his desk saying, texas has one of the strongest stand your ground laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney. it'll be four years in july since foster was shot dead in austin. perry was driving for uber when foster visibly armed
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approached his car with a group of people. perry said he acted in self-defense. >> i saw him raise his weapon. that's when i grabbed my revolver. >> reporter: it was perry's sentencing last year -- >> this court sentences you to a term of 25 years. >> reporter: -- that foster's family said brought them peace. >> i woke up feeling extremely peaceful and feeling, like, thank god justice works. >> reporter: that peace, they say, now shattered with news of perry's release. >> this is like the biggest miscarriage of justice i've ever seen in my life. >> reporter: perry's attorney says his client is overwhelmed with gratitude. >> he was in prison as of 2:00 yesterday, and now he's out, and, you know, will take some time to decompress and decide where his future is going to lead. >> reporter: but the district attorney vowing the legal fight isn't over. >> this case is still live on appeal, and we'll continue to explore other legal remedies. >> reporter: the same legal system that has foster's mom reconsidering her family's safety. >> i don't know what kind of a world we
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live in where something like this is okay, and i won't be living in the state much longer. >> reporter: marissa parra, nbc news. and still to come here tonight, the remarkable device only the size of a pill putting some premature babies on the road to a healthy life. we'll explain next. f a pill f a pill noth ing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer.
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technology, they're becoming smaller and smaller, and for some families, life-saving. yamiche alcindor has more. >> reporter: abigail kim spends most of her days smiling and cooing, a life made possible because of a pacemaker the size of a pill. >> i had run out of hope, and this device gave us hope. >> reporter: her parents, dan and kelsey, knew it was the only option. it's the smallest pacemaker ever created, no bigger than a penny, designed for premature babies with deadly heart defects like abby's. >> abigail! >> reporter: she's one of the first infants in the world to receive one. >> who is the ideal candidate for this tiny pacemaker? >> the ones that are too small to get a regular device, and so i would say babies that are between two and six pounds. >> reporter: dr. charlie berul, a pediatric cardiologist at children's national hospital, has spent decades trying to find a better way to help those infants. >> most of the time this is done for what we call congenital heart block where the top part of the heart
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isn't communicating with the bottom part, and so the heart rate is just too slow. >> reporter: but some pacemakers are just too big for a premature baby, and that's where these new devices come in. doctors can now place the mini pacemakers in the baby's stomach and connect it to their heart. doctors say the technology has given families with no options like the see how much smaller the kims lifesaving care. >> and you can see how much smaller the miniature one is compared to the full size one. >> reporter: abby's parents, who lost a stillborn infant son to similar heart problems, are thankful. >> how hard was it to hear that your next pregnancy, abigail, also had a heart condition? >> i mean, that's like the world collapsed all over again. >> we were just hoping for a miracle. >> it's keeping abby alive. we actually got a miracle with abigail. >> would you give me one more kiss? >> reporter: yamiche alcindor, nbc news, washington. and still to come here tonight, why three of the biggest names in u.s. women's gymnastics will make history this weekend. hi
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some sad news from hollywood tonight, actor dabney coleman has died. in his long career, coleman starred in hit movies like "9 to 5," "on golden pond," and "tootsie" and appeared in the tv series, "mary hartman, mary hartman" and "boardwalk empire." dabney coleman was 92 years old. and finally for the first time ever, three olympic champs are set to face off as they look to punch their tickets to
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paris. here's stephanie gosk. >> simone biles. >> reporter: winning olympic gold in the all around is every gymnast's dream. >> gabby, gold. >> reporter: gabby douglas, simone biles and suni lee have all done it. on saturday night these three olympic champions will compete in the same meet, an historic first. for them and newcomers like shilese jones and leanne wong, a ticket to paris is on the line. this event is one of the last chances these gymnasts have to prove that they deserve a spot on the olympic team, but what's also on display here is representation as the world dominance that usa gymnastics has had in this sport for more than a decade. gabby douglas won her gold in the 2012 london games. >> what does it mean to you to be part of this trifecta of champions here this weekend? >> honestly, i am very, very grateful to be here. it's a really fun moment. >> simone as splendid as ever. >> reporter: simone biles won her sixth world all-around title
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last year. >> every year gets a little bit better. >> reporter: marking a return to the sport after struggling at the tokyo games, stepping aside from events, she said, for her mental health. >> and it's suni lee. >> reporter: suni lee rose to the occasion winning the all-around but has since battled health issues. >> i think this time is more about proving it to myself. >> women's artistic usually has a short lifespan. >> reporter: laurie hernandez won olympic gold with biles in rio. >> what does it say about the sport right now? >> that's a great question. i think simone is kind of a trailblazer in that sense where she went to the games in rio and was, like, you know what, i'm going to go again. >> reporter: and again. paris would be biles' third olympic games. for all these athletes, there is still history to be made. stephanie gosk, nbc news, hartford, connecticut. and that is "nightly news." a program note, you can catch a new episode of "nightly news: kids edition" on saturday on nbc. i'll see you there. thanks for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other.
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good night. thanks for watching. everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night. inches to fit any lifestyle with its adaptable design, the possibilities of this v6 4x4 sprinter van are endless. now discounted to just 114 998. available at van. wow hey, grandma. let's go on a real roller coaster. yes now
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