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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  May 21, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. hey, roots. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody! bye-bye. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- daniel radcliffe, comedian and writer,
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neal brennan, cooking with chef george motz, featuring the 8g band with andy hurley. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're all doing well. and now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. president biden announced a plan yesterday to reduce student loan debt for 25 million borrowers. and in typical democratic fashion, he did it during the eclipse. [ laughter ] when are you going to announce universal health care, 11:59 on new year's eve? [ laughter ] president biden yesterday attacked former president trump over his stance on abortion. to be fair, trump's stance is always bad. [ laughter ] he looks like he's being pushed by a ghost. [ laughter ] that's right, president biden attacked former president trump over his stance on abortion, which trump describes as don't
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ask, don't tell. [ light laughter ] after former president trump said yesterday he does not support a national abortion ban, president biden told supporters, quote, if they put one on his desk, he said he'd sign it. yeah, but that's only because trump is in permanent autograph mode. you could put a dead bird on his desk and he'd say, "who should i make it out to?" [ laughter ] lawyers for former president trump filed an appeal yesterday to delay his hush money case and asked to move the trial out of manhattan because of possible jury bias. you were president. the whole country has a bias. [ laughter ] the only way you're getting a juror who doesn't know you is if it's randomly tiffany. [ laughter ] florida governor ron desantis hosted a group of donors over the weekend at the hard rock hotel and casino in hollywood, florida, where you can see keith richards' guitar, bono's glasses, and nancy sinatra's boots. [ laughter ] the "new york times" published an article yesterday titled "the method behind trump's mistruths." mistruths? why is it so hard for you guys
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to call him a liar? i'm not sure your own spelling bee would take "mistruth." you can just say trump lied about something and the world won't end. you don't have to say he engaged in a quasi deceptive part factual utterance, just say lie. you can do it. all right, all right, i guess that's something, i guess. the irish parliament today confirmed the country's youngest-ever new prime minister, so whoever wins here in november, they will be asking you for help with the wi-fi. [ light laughter ] "have you tried unplugging the router?" [ light laughter ] "it's often the router." [ light laughter ] the fast food chain kfc announced yesterday it will offer a new value menu which
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includes a combo meal with six pieces of chicken, four sides, and two paddles. [ laughter ] according to a new survey, half of americans consider their car to be part of the family. while the other half do know what words mean. [ laughter ] a defendant recently appeared in an irish courtroom completely nude. i assume to prove to the court that he had suffered enough. [ light laughter ] that's right. a defendant recently appeared in an irish courtroom completely nude. luckily, the jury still had their eclipse glasses on. [ laughter ] that was the monologue, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we've got a great show for you tonight. you know his work in "weird: the al yankovic story," "miracle workers," and of course as harry potter. he's currently starting in "merrily we roll along" at the hudson theater. our friend daniel radcliffe is
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back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] he is an emmy-nominated writer, director, comedian, as well as the co-creator of "chappelle show." his latest comedy special "crazy good" is on netflix now. my very good friend neal brennan is back on this show. [ cheers and applause ] and we'll also have the chef and owner of hamburger america with us. and i can't wait to eat what is supposed to be an amazing burger. george motz is also joining us. [ cheers and applause ] but before we get on all of that -- hey. my brother and i do a podcast. this week we're talking to andy samberg, and it's a really good listen. also, a lot of people have been complaining about the podcast plug, so i thought, why don't i do a second one? you guys, i have a new podcast at lonely island and seth meyers podcast where i talk to andy samberg, akiva schaffer and jorma taccone. you knew them as the lonely island on "snl." we talk about their digital shorts. the first episode dropped this week, it's a lot of fun. give it a listen. moving on, it's an election year. and here to give us insight on how the government is handling your concerns is one of our writers, jeff wright. >> everybody, tighten up. this an election year. democrat, you on the phones.
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why can't republican do it? because i'm busy, i'm draining the swamp. hey, government. hey, student. let me guess. here to complain again? why don't you sign up for the army? what? no. come on, now. why play "call of duty" when you can do your duty for real. all right, if i join the army, will you give me free health care? >> of course. >> and is it good health care? >> look, it's free. how good do you want it? >> okay, that's not why i'm here. i'm here because you said you would forgive my student loan. >> i said that? i gotta to stop saying that. but you know what? [ laughter ] consider it done. >> whoa, you -- you really getting rid of me? >> of course not, i said that so he'd leave me alone. hide behind the plant. >> you know i can see you, right? >> i'm getting rid of him. i just said that to get him to leave me alone. >> hey, i can hear you. >> hey, man, what do y'all want from me? it's not my job to fix this country's problems. it literally is. >> in that case, maybe i should read the rest of the constitution. it's just so long. hey, who's next? >> sup, government? >> hey, black citizen, scared me
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a little bit. what can i do for you? >> i want to trade in black history month. >> i know you wanted a good ones, man. i been trying to get rid of black history month for a while now. but it sounds better coming from you. why don't you want it anymore? >> because we only acknowledge it for one month, talk about the same three important black people, then forget about it for the rest of the year. black history is american history. >> wow. i never thought of it that way. there are more than three important black people. there's seven. >> oohh. i bet i could name all of them. beyonce. tyler perry. huh. this harder than i thought. j. lo? >> j. lo? >> she's not black. >> well -- okay. [ laughter ] all right, everybody. we'll keep black history month on february. but we'll give you an additional basketball team. and you could be on it. >> i don't play basketball. >> you don't? >> no. >> hmm. quick question. can you swim? >> yes. >> dammit. >> throw the whole list away. who researched this? hey, before you go, mr. black citizen, sir, i can count on
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your vote again, right? >> i ain't decided yet. >> glad to hear it. 'cause you should vote for me. i'm for the culture. have you seen my new sneakers? just like jordan's. [ laughter ] >> no, they're not. >> he's right. hey, but think about the sneakers. >> hey, government, my man, baby boomer. what can i do for you? >> i'm here for a job. >> you want to work in the government? for real? you should be retired, taking it easy. i mean, you've had a good run. >> i think i could do some good work in congress. 81 is the new 20. i mean, have you seen mitch mcconnell? >> bruh, have you seen mitch mcconnell? but, if you want to work in the government, you're going to have to be prepared to answer tough questions. >> i'm prepared to answer -- [ groaning ] >> i think he froze. >> okay, maybe we should unplug him and plug him back in? >> blow on him? >> oh, tell him "frasier's" coming back. >> hey, "frasier's" coming back. >> you know what, i don't want to be held liable for this. we shutting down. go vote. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: jeff wright, everybody. we'll be right back with daniel radcliffe. [ cheers and applause ] da- [speaker] at f [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] back with us tonight, he's a grammy-nominated musician who plays for multi platinum selling rock band fall out boy. [ cheers and applause ] the band is fresh off their massive worldwide headline tour supporting their latest release, "so much for stardust," which debuted as the number one rock album in the country. andy hurley is here. our first guest tonight is an emmy-nominated acor you know from his work in the "harry potter" franchise, "miracle workers," and "weird: the al yankovic story." he is currently starring in "merrily we roll along" at the hudson theater on broadway through july 7th. please welcome back to the show our friend daniel radcliffe,
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everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: i'm so impressed. look at you. you have all this energy. and then right after this, you have to go and do your broadway show. >> i know, yeah. >> seth: conserve your energy, daniel. >> i don't need to conserve my energy. [ laughter ] it's really -- when people come and see the show, they're like, "oh, you must be so tired." i'm like, "i'm really not." like, it's very -- i think if i was doing a show that i hated for a long time, that would be very draining. but like we really -- we love it a sickening amount. so i'm -- >> seth: and i imagine, too, there's an excitement from the audience that you feed off when you walk on stage? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, we are so lucky to have the kind of crowds that we've been getting and the responses from audiences has been just like amazing. so we are very, very spoiled -- >> seth: this is a -- the time when it first came out, this was a play that did not work, a stephen sondheim musical that did not have a very long run. >> yeah. >> seth: and now this is working
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this time. and it must be -- you all must feel -- i don't know, it must feel like an honor to have made this sondheim musical that deserved better actually finally land with the audience. >> yeah, i mean there's a fascinating documentary that i would recommend everyone watch called "the best worst thing that ever happened" about the original show, which is a really great like insight into why things went the way they did. but yeah, we're just -- i don't want to like -- 'cause there will -- i think there's a lot of recency bias in how we t -- in how the show is talked about, and everyone's like, "you're the definitive version." it's like, well, there's going to be other great versions of the show. and if we can be a part of showing that this show is wonderful and is a great thing that, you know, many people can do many great versions of, then that's --- we're very happy to be part of that. >> seth: it's a friendship between three people told in reverse over 20 years. so it does have -- i mean the entry point of it does immediately sound a little confusing. >> yes, i guess so. [ light laughter ] although it -- it doesn't --
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when you -- it's the one thing i tell everybody before they come is it goes backwards. >> seth: yeah. >> because if you don't know that piece of information, you'll pick it up. [ laughter ] but -- but they might have the first few, like, the first few scenes, "wait, they seem to just be really angry with each other. why are they all friends again now?" [ light laughter ] and -- i did have one friend who apparently was sitting in the audience and heard somebody in the row in front of them, when they got to the last scene of the play, go, "it's going backwards!" [ laughter ] which i did, i felt, what a bewildering two hours it must have been for that person. [ light laughter ] >> seth: this -- i -- before i ask more about the show, i do want to -- yesterday was your day off, broadway's day off. >> yes. >> seth: i'm wondering if you caught a peek at the eclipse. >> i did. >> seth: you did. >> yes, it was very exciting. >> seth: all right, i'm glad to hear it. >> actually, i was doing -- am i allowed to say that we do pre interviews, i was doing the preinterview for this show. and then i said -- >> seth: da da da da. >> no, no, no. we don't. [ laughter ] this is -- and then i said, like -- we've got to go. we both have to watch the eclipse. and yeah, it was great. it was -- i -- i -- well, i had stupidly had not realized that -- i kind of saw where the path of the totality was.
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>> seth: yeah. >> and i was like, "oh, well we're not in that, so i guess we don't see any eclipse." not realizing that we still get like 95 or whatever percecnt it was. so yeah, it was really cool. >> seth: i'm a completist. if it wasn't 100%, it wasn't interesting. >> doesn't count. [ laughter ] no, it's not an eclipse. >> seth: 95% to me is like all sun. >> yeah, i'm all about -- >> seth: that's the whole sun. [ laughter ] >> south dakota, 2042 or whenever the next one is. we're going to be there. >> seth: oh let's do it. [ light laughter ] you'll be doing regional theater. >> yes. we do "merrily we roll along" there. >> seth: you -- between off broadway and the broadway run of this show, your child was born. >> yes. >> seth: very exciting. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> seth: i'm -- based on that, i'm assuming sondheim has been a big part of their lives? >> it has, yeah. it's -- you know, i -- i have one song in the show, which is like a patter song, and it's very fast and lyricly kind of intricate called "franklin shepherd, inc."
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and my philosophy with that song has always been that i need to learn it well enough that could do it standing in a hurricane with people shouting at me. and a good simulation of that is can you do it while holding your newborn child? [ laughter ] and it was actually -- there's a lot of weird noises in the song, so he actually really, like, enjoyed that, i think. or he, you know, enjoyed it as much as he enjoys anything at four months old. [ light laughter ] and then -- and the true challenge, though, was there's a song at the end of the show which is called "our time" which is just an incredibly beautiful song, and it is impossible to sing that with your newborn son without bursting into tears several times. [ light laughter ] it is -- but yeah, it's -- it's lovely. and you know, i think -- you know, you start them young on sondheim. so he's going to grow up with it. [ light laughter ] >> seth: i worry when he goes to like the first baby music class and they're doing like "old macdonald," he's like, "this song sucks." [ laughter ] "this song is very repetitive. there's nothing new. there's no new information." >> he actually -- he loves "old macdonald." he just got into "old macdonald." and he does a really good like -- e-i-e-i-ah -- [ laughter ] at completely the wrong moments. it's great. >> seth: oh he never does it at the right time. >> never does it at the right time. we start singing "old macdonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o" and then we start to get into what the cow does, and he's just going e-i-e-i-aahh.
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[ laughter ] it's -- it's lovely. >> seth: we had a good one the other day where my 2 1/2-year-old, it was the 6-year-old's birthday, and she was singing "happy birthday" but never getting to the name. so it's just like -- ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ and then just that over and over. [ light laughter ] they were like, somebody unplug her. [ light laughter ] >> see, these are the -- these are the moments that like it sounds terrible but at the time you're like, god you're adorable. >> seth: oh it's the best. >> like, yeah, it's the best, yeah. >> seth: now, but you also -- your parents played sondheim for you, which as little uncommon. >> yes, i guess so. i didn't realize that not everybody is listening to sondheim on road trips. [ laughter ] but i -- yeah, there was a lot of sondheim in the car. partc -- not particularly "merrily we roll along," because of the way that show started, it didn't get the kind of cult status in england that it did over here, i think. but "company" was played in the car constantly. and i love that score. "company," "follies," i mean, and also a lot just a lot of like "chicago," a lot of like, kander and ebb, a lot of "chicago" a lot of "cabaret." "chicago" terrified me as a child before i had seen it. [ light laughter ] "cell block tango," i was like, these women are going to kill me. [ laughter ]
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and but it's -- yeah, i feel very fortunate. and it is a very cool thing to now be doing sondheim on stage, and they come and see me in the show. yeah, it's really -- it's lovely. >> seth: you like to know when your parents are coming? >> yes. >> seth: but you don't like to know when, say, a -- friends or celebrity guests, i guess, are coming? >> celebrity, or even like generally i don't like to know when friends are in if i can avoid it. but there's normally a practical reason that you have to, because you're going to see them after. but with -- like we had martin short and meryl streep came to the show the other day. and every time like a joke didn't land, i was like, "martin short saw you blow that." [ laughter ] so like -- i so really prefer to -- i prefer to not know when people are in. but when my mom and dad are in, it's like, i can't -- i can't screw up. they're going to love it. i could be -- i could do my worst show ever, and they will love it. >> seth: that's the best kind of parents. >> yes. >> seth: you need that for -- 'cause then, you know, then they can go tell marty short, "you know, it usually goes better." [ laughter ] >> it's funny, because sometimes -- my dad -- like most people will say, if you say,
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from all the audience tonight was a little bit like not as vocal or whatever, people kind of go, oh, no, they were great, it was great, people loved it. and the last -- couple of times ago, my dad came, and i said, "the audience seemed to not be into it tonight." and he was like, "no, they weren't, were they? it was weird." [ laughter ] >> seth: i have both a supportive dad and also one who would say exactly that. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: "they were a little soft." i'm like, "uh-huh." what about -- your director told you -- suggested, i should say, you make eye contact with audience members. >> well this was -- so for the first number of the show, we all come out, it's one of the only songs that we all -- the whole company is on stage, and we are singing at, sort of facing out to you, the audience. and when we were off broadway, it was a 200-seater house. so the front row -- i'm here, the front row is there. and it -- you would sometimes come out and start making eye contact with people and you'd see people being like, no. [ laughter ] i don't -- i don't want to see that. but a thing that i enjoy doing now, 'cause it is inherently awkward to like sing at somebody, i find -- i like to -- and also when you're in a bigger theater, you can't really see past a certain point. but what you can see is binoculars. you can see just the reflection of the rims of binoculars. so i love finding one pair of
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binoculars in the balcony and just making constant uncomfortable contact with -- [ laughter ] and the other day i did. i felt this was a real some sort of victory. and i'm sorry if you're that person watching. [ laughter ] but i stared at them and i just saw the binoculars go, ewww. [ laughter ] just, like, get lowered gradually. >> seth: it's like, somebody like -- it's like a sniper rifle. all of a sudden someone turning and going -- >> yeah. [ laughter ] yes. >> seth: i have a lot more to ask you. we'll be back with daniel right after this. [ cheers and applause ] after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ saratoga means more than spring water. ♪♪ carefully crafted for over 150 years. ♪♪ each curve of the bottle each drop sourced and bottled for the perfect taste
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: we're back with daniel radcliffe. i have so enjoyed, before you guys opened, the press of this show was so lovely because it was the three of you, and you could tell you genuinely got along -- >> yeah. >> seth: -- delighted each other, made each other laugh. there's a scene where jonathan groff is typing something on a typewriter. >> yes. >> seth: and he has admitted that he writes something obscene in efforts to make you laugh. >> yes, often obscene. i literally can't tell you what he writes. [ laughter ] like it's really -- it's very inappropriate for tv.
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>> seth: i will say, there's something extra funny about something obscene on an old-timey typewriter. >> i know, there really is. yeah, it's -- often -- sometimes -- it won't always be that -- like that i'm typing on the typewriter, and i leave, and he comes over for two seconds and types something on it very quickly, and then i throw the paper at him afterwards. but it -- sometimes it will be just like a comment, on like somebody in the audience, will have a crazy laugh, and he'll just be like, "crazy laugh," or whatever. [ laughter ] but recently -- when we're -- at the moment we're doing auctions. so we often auction off the piece of paper. and we are very explicitly told by our producers that we cannot auction off the obscene ones. [ laughter ] because it is for charity. and yeah, it's also -- there are some kids in the audience. [ laughter ] so -- but yeah, generally speaking, it's -- it's more -- it's just one of the -- i mean jonathan delights in screwing with me for most of the show in a way that i find, like -- i mean, i -- i adore him. and i just -- i don't know how he does it frankly. because there's one scene, probably one of his most intense scenes in the show, he, by the
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end of the scene he is full-on like, on the floor, sobbing, crying. you know, it's very, very intense. most actors before that scene would be, you know, taking a moment to be quiet or get into it or listen to some music or whatever. he is -- we are offstage together before that scene starts and he is, sometimes, literally tickling me. [ laughter ] or just trying to -- and i'm like -- i have a very specific entrance to make, so i'm just like "i need to hear this cue." [ laughter ] and he is just -- yeah. but they're both like -- yeah. him and lindsay, i truly -- you know, i want to find things to work with them on the rest of am i life. like it's -- they're both just like the absolute best. [ audience aws ] >> seth: and lindsay said a very sweet thing when she was here, that "there are people you can tell that show up because they are "harry potter" fans, but they leave sondheim fans." and that must just be a -- >> yeah, i mean that's always been like a really nice like offshoot thing about my career is that you -- i remember when i did "equus," there would be people would be like, "do you feel weird about people coming to see the show just because you're harry potter?" and i'd be like "i mean, not really, because they're going to see 'equus' eventually." like you know, with that, with "swiss army man," with um -- with, absolutely with this show, like it's really cool to -- to bring some people who might not otherwise have wanted to see a show to see that show. >> seth: i'm going through a really nice thing right now, which is my kids are the age where they're really into the books, and they're watching the movies, which you know, i was at
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the age when they came out that, i didn't see them. i just want to say, you're very good. [ laughter ] >> that's -- that's not true. but thank you. >> seth: but i -- i just -- i'm not just saying this, i think it's going to work. [ laughter ] >> i mean, thank you. i -- i disagree with you about many of -- my performance in many of the films. but i thank you for that, that's very kind. >> seth: oh, that's right. i will say, i uh -- so i said to my kids today, you were going to be on. i said "do you want to come?" and the speed at which they said no. because -- [ laughter ] but let me explain. >> fair. >> seth: they -- i've shown them times, you know, people have been on the show that have been in something they've loved, and im like "look, daddy talked to --" and they hate that it's not the character. >> right, yeah. >> seth: so, i would imagine when people, when kids meet you, they -- it probably sways wildly between overwhelmed and wildly disappointed. >> yes. [ laughter ] i mean, but it -- it often tilts wildly disappointed. i mean, it -- especially because they're being -- if they're very young kids, they've probably only seen maybe the first one or two films. >> seth: yeah. >> and so then they have a parent who's my age who's like, "it's harry potter!" the kid's like, "it is not!" [ laughter ] "this man is old!" [ laughter ] yeah, so i definitely -- there was a yeah, i think i probably have that effect on a lot of kids. like "this is harry potter --" >> seth: well of course, like
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for example, this is my son. and he is obviously closer to the age of harry potter than you are now. >> yeah. >> seth: but this is him when i read him the books. [ audience aws ] he dresses up -- >> does he get fully dressed up every time you read it? >> seth: well, he just got his gryffindor, uh, whatever cloak, so that's a big part of it now. >> whatever. [ laughter ] >> seth: he woke me up -- i -- look, i'm just going to say it. i don't think there's a difference in the houses. [ laughter ] i don't think -- i think there's way too -- he literally came in the room in the middle of the night, because he had this logic problem. he came in and he was like, "dad, dad." i'm like, "what?" he goes, "how do they -- when they show up they're wearing the cloaks." i'm like, "yes." he goes, "but the sorting hat hasn't picked the house yet. so how are they wearing the gryffindor cloaks later? when do they get the new cloaks?" >> i don't think -- i think -- that if i remember, and it was awhile ago -- i think we are in sort of neutral cloaks when we first come in. >> seth: yeah. >> and then, you know, magic. >> seth: that's what i told him. [ laughter ] >> i mean -- you can fix a lot. >> seth: i like by the way, you're giving me a hard time and you're like, "magic!" [ laughter ] >> one of -- one of the questions -- one of the questions we always had on set,
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because we'd look around these beautiful, amazing sets we were on and we would be like "it's really dirty." like, why is -- like that's an aesthetic choice. when you've got magic, to have like a rustic, dirty look is like, that's a choice you make. [ laughter ] >> seth: right. >> yeah. >> seth: yeah, you want to it be dirty. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: lastly, i think we showed you this, but this is -- because again, you say young kids have only seen the first two. >> yeah. >> seth: they do get scarier, right? >> yes. >> seth: and so -- but this is the end of the first one. and this is my son, axel. and he is so scared, and this made me so happy. [ light laughter ] >> you liar! >> kill him! ♪ [ laughter ] >> it's so good! >> seth: it's so good! [ applause ] >> it's so good. >> seth: it's so good. i'm really enjoying it. >> uh, yeah. >> seth: congrats on the show. >> thank you so much, it's such a pleasure. >> seth: it is always so great to have you here. daniel radcliffe. [ cheers and applause ] "merrily we roll along" is on
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the hudson theater on broadway through july 7th. we'll be right back with neal brennan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ come on in. [ sighs ] here's my pride and joy. [ romantic music plays ] ♪♪ beautiful stair renovation, sir. and they're covered with your home and auto bundle with progressive, so you get round-the-clock protection. so, is gabby coming down? oh, she said she'll meet you at the prom. what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is an emmy-nominated writer, director, comedian, and the co-creator of "chappelle show." his latest comedy special "crazy good" is streaming now on
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netflix. let's take a look. >> women's social media. it's just a lot of beautiful underdogs. [ laughter ] that's in -- a part of something very dramatic, the entire world's against them. it would be like, "when i began my journey." they're all on journeys, by the way, all of them are on journeys. [ laughter ] they're like, "when i began my journey, no one believed in me." that's what these girls -- it's not that no one believes in you, no one gives a [ bleep ] about anything anyone is doing but themselves. no one's thinking about you. no one's going to bed at night being like, "you know who's never going to open a small business? that bitch jessica." good night. [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome back to the show my very good friend neal brennan, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> seth: just a couple of bros that like the same color palette. >> uh -- can i say two shot? pretty nice. >> seth: pretty nice. congrats on the special, buddy. >> thank you, buddy. >> seth: before i get to it, did you see the eclipse yesterday? >> i did. it was -- i got to say, it was nice, as a white person -- >> seth: yeah. >> it was nice to see the sun get pushed around a little bit. >> seth: uh-huh? [ laughter ] yeah. expand on this. >> oh, i will. white people, we live in terror of the sun. do you -- your old enough to remember. do you remember when sun block began? >> seth: yeah, i kind of do. >> people over 40, do you remember when sun block began? [ laughter ] cover your whole body. but my point is, white people were getting scorched. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> we're getting scorched. so as a -- and you know who doesn't -- white people have real problems with the sun.
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>> seth: yeah. >> like we get skin cancer 30 times more than black people. and you know -- you know who doesn't care. black people. >> seth: yeah. >> i tell my black friends all the time, i'm like, "we have real issues." they're like, "yeah, neal, i'm having a hard time up and finding my passion for this." you know what i'm realizing if you think about it? the sun is basically the cops for white people. [ laughter ] think about it. following us around everywhere we go. messing with us because of the color of our skin. killing our cousins for no reason. and then when i tell my black friends that the sun killed my cousin, they're like, "what was he wearing?" >> seth: oh. [ laughter ] hey -- your specials, your previous two, have dealt with mental health in a way that i think was refreshing for people because it was honest but it was also really funny. >> uh-huh. >> seth: do you continue to do that? >> yeah.
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all right, look. mental health is spread -- it was like -- you know, it's been kind of a -- the last decade or so, it's gotten more and more mainstream. and now, it's into sports, and espn is advocating for athletes to have good mental health. and i want good mental health for everybody. but not athletes. [ laughter ] guys, we need our athletes to be total psychos, you don't understand that? [ laughter ] you know when i call an athlete with good mental health? an assistant coach is what i call them. [ laughter ] what documentary did we all watch during covid about basketball? "the last dance," right? did michael jordan seem mentally healthy to you in the slightest? [ laughter ] giant mansion, one chair. [ laughter ] a maniac. they're all -- all the goats are crazy. >> seth: which other goat? >> tom brady, not well. [ laughter ] he tried to retire, he made it like ten days, finally, he was like, "i don't know these [ bleep ] kids." [ laughter ]
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michael phelps. michael phelps has 23 olympic gold medals. you know what second place of all-time is? eight. [ laughter ] he should be in a padded cell somewhere, michael phelps. [ laughter ] i remember when he first started, i remember he got -- he got like six medals at the olympics, and he came back and he got busted for dui and then somebody took a picture of him smoking weed and people are like, "i'm worried about michael phelps." i'm like, "i'm not, this maniac's right on time." [ laughter ] that's just a boy who loves his country right there. [ laughter ] >> seth: what about -- do you see it in women's sports as well? >> uh, yeah. the gymnastics -- i mean, gymnastics should be against the law, probably. [ light laughter ] all -- do the figure skater girls seem like they're doing good? they look like they're struggling, to me. >> seth: okay. >> first of all, it's like the
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first time they've ever been able to use makeup at those. [ laughter ] so they're like figuring it out. where it's like, doll, doll, doll, doll, doll, doll, shock horror. [ laughter ] and then they -- again, it's so dangerous where they're just spinning around so fast that they become like a hologram of themself. [ laughter ] and then they have to stop and act like they didn't just travel through time. [ laughter ] and then they finish, and then they have to go sit in that booth with their kidnappers. [ laughter ] they're like holding flowers that someone got at the grocery store. "i'm free to go now, yes?"
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[ laughter ] so -- so, you know. >> seth: i feel like you've ruined sports. [ laughter ] we talked -- this is one of my favorite things about your visit. >> yeah. all right, so guys, seth and i have known each other 20-plus years. and -- and -- okay. so he's married with three children now. i'm still -- i'm less single. we get into that. i think i have -- i think i may have found a -- ♪ forever lady ♪ [ laughter ] but she might be a -- ♪ temporary mama ♪ [ laughter ] >> seth: we just had somebody in a broadway musical on before you, are you sure you want to do this? >> bring him out. [ laughter ] so -- so this is why -- this seems to be the explanation for
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why he's married and i'm longtime single. it's the difference between him socializing and me socializing. >> this is us in a nightclub in the mid-oughts. >> 2004. >> seth: okay. here we go. >> start him. what's neal doing? >> seth: let's find him. >> oh, no. [ laughter ] >> seth: you know what you look like? you look like a figure skater waiting for your score. [ laughter ] but now we have a new photo to show. i went day drinking with kristen stewart. >> yeah. >> seth: and i'm glad you saw this on social media as well. >> yes. >> seth: because i noticed it. >> yeah. >> seth: she gave me a lesbian makeover. >> right. >> seth: kristen stewart dressed me as a lesbian. multiple people online said me dressed like a lesbian, neal brennan. [ laughter ] and then you've gone one further. >> and then i restaged it, yeah. >> seth: you're like, "this isn't close enough." but then, this is really --
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you went the extra mile. [ laughter ] by the way, i -- it's not until i saw it on you that i'm like, "oh, i am making an idiot's face." [ laughter ] >> do you not like being a lesbian? [ laughter ] >> seth: i just think -- i think i'm surprised by how much i like it. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> seth: what a delight it is to have you back. congrats on the special. it's fantastic. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: neal brennan, everyone. "crazy good" streaming now on netflix. his podcast "blocks with neal brennan" wherever you get your podcasts. be back with chef george motz. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers a♪ “watch se ] ” by biig piig ♪ ♪ 'cause i feel it light up ♪ ♪ can you spark this fire? ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ move ♪ ♪
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so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. ♪ ♪ brandon: i knew i engineered to minimize noise. and built for adventure. which can also be your own quiet cabin in the woods. the fully electric q8 e-tron.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night." we're here with george motz, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] chef and owner of hamburger america located right here in new york city. and i am so excited about this, you're going to make us a burger. >> i'm going to make you a burger. >> seth: i'm so excited -- >> not us, no. >> seth: i'm so excited about this. and what kind of burger is it? >> so i'm going to make a classic smash burger. >> okay, and what do you love about a smash burger? >> there's no sauce on this burger. >> seth: okay. >> that's what i love about it. a lot of smash burgers out there right now -- the original american burger is a smash burger. this is the very first burger. goes back to the dawn of the hamburger. this is the first american burger. there were no sauces back then. everybody likes sauces, i know. but there's no sauce on this burger. there is what i have to call the midwestern trilogy, which is mustard, pickle, onion, and
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that's it. >> seth: love it. >> and that's why you're going to like it. >> seth: i can't wait. i already know i'm going to like it. all right, so talk us through it. >> so first of all, a smash burger starts with a portioned ball of beef. >> seth: great. >> not a preformed patty. >> seth: okay, perfect. >> the preformed patty, it's already preformed. >> seth: yeah, yeah, it's perfect. >> second thing you have to do is smash it, right? >> seth: great. this is already -- this is very remedial so far. >> exactly. [ light laughter ] but there's actually some method here. watch this, ready? >> seth: yep. >> 20 seconds or so. a cooked patch on there right. >> seth: just a patch, great. >> that's it so that makes it so it won't stick to the bottom of your spatula. >> seth: ah. >> i want you to feel that. >> seth: okay, great. >> this is one pound -- you can -- oh there you go. you can do that. >> seth: all right great. [ laughter ] >> i'll do the rest. >> seth: i just want the burger man! >> that was a good feeling. >> seth: and you have a 15 -- 15-stool counter. >> yes. >> seth: in new york city. >> i do, yes. >> seth: is that just exactly what you think it should look like when people have a good burger? >> exactly. it's supposed to make you feel good when you sit down at the counter to eat. >> seth: yeah. >> it tastes good, it smells good, and also obviously looks great as well. seasoning, a little secret
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seasoning on there. that's not too much of a secret. >> seth: can you tell me about the coffee milk that is on the menu? >> yes. >> seth: i've never heard of a coffee milk before. >> if you're from rhode island -- >> seth: no. >> well okay. [ laughter ] >> seth: it is a very small state, so you can feast your eye. >> thank you. >> seth: anybody from california? >> there you go. the coffee milk is very simple. if you're in rhode island, it's the specialty of rhode island. >> seth: okay. >> think of chocolate syrup. >> seth: yeah. >> but it's coffee syrup instead. >> seth: okay. >> and literally nothing more than milk. >> seth: yeah. >> in a glass. i teach my kids this all the time. don't fill it to the top before you put the syrup in. >> seth: all right. >> coffee syrup, right? >> seth: yes. >> that's it. and just a little more milk in there. then we can actually -- here we go. >> seth: okay. >> i want you to try it. >> seth: so it's just milk with coffee syrup? >> mm-hmm. that's it. >> seth: it's really good, dude. >> it's just -- [ light laughter ] >> seth: it just tastes like -- yeah, it tastes like exactly what it is, yeah. [ laughter ] have you always been obsessed with perfecting a hamburger?
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>> not always, but the last 20 years or so i have been. >> seth: you've been going around, you got a book of all the regional -- the best regional burgers. >> yes, it's called "hamburger america." also the name of the restaurant. and it's basically -- it's a guide to getting yourself around america to eat authentic regional american hamburgers. >> seth: and were you surprised at how many different regional hamburgers there were when you first started? >> totally. i couldn't believe how many there were. it's truly unbelievable. >> seth: was there something that blew you away -- was there a regional burger that blew you away just because you never would have thought of it on your own? >> yes, something called the butter burger in wisconsin. >> seth: okay. >> if you're from wisconsin, you know what that is. >> seth: so what is a butter -- i feel like everything you've said so far is just the ingredients. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> seth: "so now a butter burger, what would you put in that?" >> you do the math. it's a burger with -- >> seth: butter. >> yeah, right. >> seth: very -- >> that's it. >> seth: very wisconsin. >> very wisconsin, exactly. >> seth: and you taught a college course about hamburgers? >> yes. well, i've taught some continuing ed courses at nyu. i did some stuff at princeton. i also do consultations around
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the world for people who want to know more about the american hamburger. >> seth: do you feel like -- do you ever think of like what the -- a parent who sent their kid to princeton thinks when they're like, i'm taking a burger class! [ light laughter ] >> well -- that's okay. >> seth: yeah, that's fine, it's not your problem. >> i take it very seriously, they should too. >> seth: they should too. all right so now, is this an important part, to cover it up for the cheese to melt? >> absolutely, you know why? because i want the cheese to melt before the burger overcooks. it's very important. >> seth: oh, that's very important. >> i'm going to dope the bun, next thing. the trilogy. >> seth: oh, yeah. mustard. i'm very excited. when you said no sauce, i was worried that meant like no mustard. >> no, no, no, no. mustard. this is just diced onion. that's all it is right here. diced onion. not much of it. and two pickle chips. two dill pickle chips, right? >> seth: okay. >> this is ready. ready? >> seth: all right. i'm very excited. >> you're excited. >> seth: i am. >> me too. >> seth: so when people come to your restaurant, is this -- what percentage of it are ordering this burger? >> we have two burgers on the menu. we have the oklahoma fried onion burger and we have -- >> seth: what is that the oklahoma fried onion burger. >> actually it's a burger -- it's the same ball of beef.
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>> seth: uh-huh. >> onions are thin sliced. >> seth: fried. >> onions are smashed into the burger and fried into the beef. >> seth: okay great. >> you're catching up. >> seth: and so what is-- is it about a 50/50 split? or do most people want the smash? >> it's 50/50. >> seth: is it really? that's great. >> it's amazing. people -- they want -- actually one of each, i feel like, right now. >> seth: yeah. >> so you see how thin that is. it's been smashed as you know. >> seth: do you -- i mean, do you still have a love for like the fat burger? 'cause like, so sometimes i will go -- i'm not going to name names. my father-in-law. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: he will -- he makes these like big, fat patties. it seems very like -- i don't know, i like how fast this goes, and i like a flat burger. do you also like a big fat burger? >> i do. but i prefer -- i tend to gravitate to this burger much more often. yeah. >> seth: i -- the amount of want to grab this out of your hand. [ light laughter ] >> i made it easy to handle. it's in paper. >> seth: i'm very excited about this. mm, so good. >> it's pretty straightforward. it's not supposed to be anything but an uncomplicated burger. i think you ate some paper. oh no you didn't, okay. [ laughter ] he looks hungry.
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>> seth: don't make them think i ate the paper. [ laughter ] >> he did, he did. >> seth: this is fantastic. thank you much. >> thank you. >> seth: hey, you guys, george motz. [ cheers and applause ] hamburger america, everybody. been the best burger i've ever had. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i wanna thank my guests daniel radcliffe, neal brennan, george motz, everybody. i wanna thank andy hurley. [ cheers and applause ] 8g band. thank you for watching. we love you, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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