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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  May 22, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to bill maher, rose byrne, andrew jarecki, zayn, and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. thank you. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- kirsten dunst,
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mlb network analysts sean casey and ryan dempster, an all new "closer look." featuring the 8g band with andy hurley. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. when asked in a new interview how he would like to be remembered, president biden said, quote, "i hope my legacy was that i was honest, straightforward, and did what i said." in that case, i would say, don't fall off any more bikes. [ laughter ] the arizona supreme court ruled yesterday that a law from 1864 that criminalizes abortion is still enforceable. 1864? was anybody even there yet? [ light laughter ] was this their first law after don't shoot the piano player? [ laughter ] president biden's former white house chief of staff ron klain said yesterday that biden does quote two or three events a week where he's cutting a ribbon on a bridge. yeah, he should really stop doing that because ribbons are
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the only things holding our bridges up. [ laughter ] when asked in a new interview what he considered the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home, president biden said, quote, "donald trump, seriously." dude, stop saying seriously. nobody thinks you were joking. [ laughter ] i didn't think you were going to say video games. everyone knows trump is the biggest threat to democracy. i do a show about it every night. a show you were on, seriously. [ laughter ] former house speaker nancy pelosi yesterday criticized former president trump's announcement that he does not support a national abortion ban and said, quote, "he either is stupid or he thinks the rest of us are stupid." oh, lady, it's both. [ laughter ] that's like saying he's either guilty or he has bad lawyers. two things can be true. the utility company con edison announced this week they accidentally spilled about 1,000 gallons of oil into the bronx river, which severely polluted the oil. [ laughter ]
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the nfl announced yesterday that players can choose from 12 new helmet designs next season. unfortunately, some will get stuck with this one, yeah! [ laughter ] offseason jets burn! "consumer reports" yesterday called on the usda to remove lunchables from the national school lunch program and said they contain quote, "relatively high levels of lead, cadmium, and sodium." on the plus side, the students are getting a crash course on the periodic table. [ light laughter ] "oh, yeah, i have that today. i had a little bit of that." according to new estimates, costco each month is selling as much as $200 million worth of gold bars. well i'm not surprised since you have to buy like 48 at a time. [ laughter ] according to a new study, lesbians are more likely to climax during sex than heterosexual women. ah-ha, i knew it was her fault! [ laughter ] finally, authority -- what
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are -- can we go back to the picture? i like that that's -- [ light laughter ] wherever that person was when they took that picture did not know what joke it was going to be used for. [ laughter ] and finally, authorities in florida recently arrested a man after they allegedly found him sitting naked in a trash can on a public sidewalk. even worse, there were children around. [ laughter ] unfortunately, that was our last one. [ laughter ] that was the monologue, everybody! we are off and running. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a great show for you tonight. she's an emmy and academy award-nominated actress you know from "fargo," "marie antoinette," and "bring it on." her latest film "civil war" is in theaters friday. kirsten dunst is on the show, guys. [ cheers and applause ] they are formerly major league baseball all-stars and teammates who are now analysts on the mlb network. sean casey and ryan dempster are on the show. [ cheers and applause ]
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but before we get to all of that, donald trump is desperately trying to get convince people that he's not an extremist on abortion after proudly taking credit for overturning roe v. wade. which has now led to a horrendous ruling in arizona outlawing almost all abortions in the state based on a civil war-era law. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: there are very few things donald trump has been consistent on. he's changed his opinions on everything from health care to the minimum wage to the spelling of his own name. that's real. [ laughter ] he once misspelled his own name on twitter. ttump sounds like how the beatles would talk about the drums during a recording session. "first we need a ba-dum, then we need a little ts-ts-ts, then throw in a little ta-tump. [ laughter ] when trump named his twitter knock off truth social, he really missed an opportunity to call it ta-twitter. [ laughter ] but lest we forget, in 2016, trump did say very explicitly that he wanted the supreme court to overturn roe v. wade and that
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he would appoint justices who would do exactly that. >> do you want the court, including the justices that you will name, to overturn roe v. wade, which includes, in fact states, a woman's right to abortion? >> well, if that would happen, because i am pro-life and i will be appointing pro-life judges, i would think that that will go back to the individual states. >> but i'm asking you specifically, would you -- >> if they overturned it, it would go back to the states. >> do you want to see the court overturn roe v. wade? >> well, if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that's really what's going to be -- that will happen. and that'll happen automatically, in my opinion, because i am putting pro-life justices on the court. >> seth: asking trump a question is like playing chess against someone who only knows one move. all you have to do is ask him one or two follow-ups, and he'll immediately confess. i can't wait to see what he's like on the stand. "did you pay hush money to a porn star?" "if i did, it would be legal." [ light laughter ] "did you pay hush money to a porn star?" "if that happened, it would have been fine." "did you pay hush money to a porn star?" "yes, because i was afraid she would tell everyone i have a
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weird penis." [ laughter ] "why is it taking you so long to admit it?" "because it's illegal, duh." [ light laughter ] "and true, it's super weird. for real -- i see it in the mirror, i'm like, what? oh, right." [ light laughter ] that clip is from october 2016. remember those days when we all thought we were three weeks away from never having to look at or think about donald trump ever again? i guarantee you even trump was on this stage thinking to himself, thank god this is almost over, i can't wait to go to mar-a-lago and enjoy my large, marble bathroom that doesn't have any boxes of classified documents in it. [ laughter ] yet. that was actually a very unusual moment of candor from trump, because for years republican presidential candidates had played this dumb rhetorical game where they claimed they would have no idea how the justices they nominated would rule on abortion. >> should a voter assume that all judicial appointments you make to the supreme court or any other court, federal court, will also be pro-life? >> voters should assume that i have no litmus test on that issue or any other issue.
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>> seth: george w. bush genuinely wanted us to believe he would appoint judges without having any idea where they stood on abortion. although in bush's case, it was actually kind of believable he would have no idea who he was nominating. [ light laughter ] "i'm here to announce my supreme court pick. his name eludes me, so i call him lego man." [ laughter ] instead, trump -- yeah, you know, i wasn't around then, so it's good to, you know, show everybody i got a c-minus bush. [ laughter ] instead, trump went out of his way to promise that he would overturn roe, and then after it happened, he couldn't help but take credit for it in interviews. even though it's been massively unpopular with voters and it's cost republicans election after election. >> roe v. wade, i did something that nobody thought was possible. and roe v. wade was terminated, was put back to the states. now people, pro-lifers, have the right to negotiate for the first time. they had no rights at all. >> seth: what do you mean negotiate? everything with this guy is real estate. we're talking about health care and bodily autonomy for millions of women, and this guy is treating it like a golf course he's building in manhattan. "they said there was no room for
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an 18-hole course in midtown, but now we're negotiating to put a par 3 on top of the empire state building." [ light laughter ] and now the backlash to overturning roe has been so intense that voters in states as eclectic as michigan, california, ohio, and kansas have all gone to the polls to protect abortion rights in overwhelming numbers. voters even rejected an anti-abortion ballot measure in kentucky, which is so conservative their state bird comes in a bucket. [ laughter ] so there can be no escaping accountability. trump told everyone he would overturn roe, he nominated three justices who overturned roe, and then he bragged about overturning roe. normally it can be very hard to pin something on trump because he's so good at wriggling his way out of everything, but this is as straightforward as it gets. it's like one of those conspiracy theory boards with one string going from trump to roe. [ laughter ] and yet trump is now trying to trick everyone into thinking he's actually a moderate on abortion who opposes a national abortion ban. >> many people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights. my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted
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it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case, the law of the state. >> seth: oh, people keep asking you what your position is on abortion? you know what that means, my man? you're [ bleep ] communicator. you were president for four years. you never shut your [ bleep ] mouth, and yet people are still wondering where you stand on one of the biggest issues of our times. and i get that it's confusing. i mean, he says he's pro-life but he definitely seems like a guy who paid for an abortion, or at the very least told a woman he would go halfsies. [ audience oohs ] but the reality is, no one is confused. we all know what trump's personal opinion is on abortion, whatever will help him today. which is why what he thinks or what he says doesn't matter, it's what he's done. he overturned roe. his gop allies have introduced a national abortion ban in congress. they're making plans for a so-called department of life that would impose a nationwide abortion crackdown. trump's fda could and likely will revoke authorization for the abortion pill. republicans want a trump doj to enforce a 19th century law known
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as the comstock act that could allow them to prosecute anyone who sends abortion pills by mail. but trump and his allies think they can trick everyone into thinking he's a moderate on abortion by lying and claiming he'll leave it up to the states, which he won't. >> this issue does not hurt donald trump. he's not against abortion. he's actually okay with abortion. he wants that 15-week limit, perfectly reasonable. >> well, he's then said 15 weeks, that's not quoting. yesterday he had a different take. he didn't say 15 weeks. he said, let the states decide. >> well, that -- a point i happen to agree with, by the way, wholeheartedly. but i can't pin 15 weeks on him because it's not what he said. >> okay, but that makes him the pro-choice candidate, leave it up to the states. >> seth: this brings us to a statement called "seth tries really hard not to lose his [ bleep ]." [ chime ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] trump is the pro-choice candidate? are you out of your [ bleep ]?
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i'm sorry, i believe you are mistaken. your statements are misleading, and you are failing to provide an accurate good faith analysis of the facts. you're inverting the truth for political purposes and gaslighting the viewers by grossly misrepresenting the details of the situation. let me put it another way. you're a -- [ extended bleep ] piece of [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] well, i failed! [ cheers and applause ] this has been "seth tries really hard not to lose his [ bleep ]." [ chime ] also, let me just say, so cool to watch a couple dudes discuss an issue that literally hurts women as to whether or not it will hurt another dude, donald trump, at the ballot max. that guy as right-wing radio host named mark simone. also he suggested in an that interview that if women have to flee their states and travel tens or hundreds of miles to access life-saving medical care, it's no big deal. >> if you had to travel to another state to get an abortion, it's not the worst thing in the world. hopefully this is a very rare occurrence in your life, once in your life maybe you would do it. buying a bus ticket to go
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somewhere to get it is not the worst thing in the world. >> seth: then you take the bus, mother [ bleep ]. you take the bus. [ cheers and applause ] how about every time someone has to take the bus to get abortion care out of state we make mark simone wait in line for a greyhound at the port authority. dude would run out that day and buy a t-shirt that says "my body, my choice." by the way, some states that banned abortion, like louisiana, are surrounded by other states that banned abortion. if you live in louisiana, mark simone wants you to remember, when you get on the bus, take all your books cause it's a long-as ride. simone made that idiotic comment in response to a grotesque ruling out of arizona's conservative supreme court on tuesday that revived a civil war-era law from before arizona was even a state banning virtually all abortions. >> arizona's supreme court today ruled that a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban is still enforceable. >> the arizona state supreme court just announced that a state ban on nearly all abortions that dates all the way
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back to 1864 will be the law of the land in that state, and that 1864 law bans anyone from providing abortion services except to save the life of a mother. people found in violation of that law could face a mandatory two to five years in prison if convicted. >> this law dates back to the civil war, before arizona was even a state. >> seth: what the [ bleep ]? states can enforce laws written before they were even states? does that mean any state in the louisiana purchase is now subject to the laws of 18th century france? if you steal a loaf of bread in baton rouge, you'll be sentenced to 19 years in jail and they'll write a musical about you? [ laughter ] just to give you an idea of how insane this is, this law dates back to the civil war. before women had the right to vote. before the 13th amendment outlawed slavery. before arizona was a state. when abraham lincoln was still president. to put that in lincoln terms, this law is eight-score old and it was lincoln himself who said, "anything higher than four score is too many [ bleep ] score." [ laughter ] this is exactly the situation
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trump just said he supports, leaving it up to the states. trump and his allies can't escape this, as much as they may try. today, for example, after the horrific consequences of his action is ares became reality, trump tried to act like he was actually against the arizona ruling that only happened because he overturned roe. >> did arizona too far? >> yeah, they did, and that will be straightened out. and as you know, it's all about states' rights, it will be straightened out. >> seth: what do you mean, it will get straightened out? you broke it. this is your fault. we had a landmark supreme court ruling in place that protected the health care choices and bodily autonomy of all americans, and you undid it. you don't get to clog the toilet at a party and then say, i think we can all agree someone else will fix it. [ light laughter ] then there's trump's maga protege and senate candidate kari lake who ran for governor in arizona in 2022. you might remember her as the former tv anchor who used so much soft lighting in her zoom interviews that she looked like a.i. [ light laughter ] lake immediately ran away from the arizona ruling, issuing a statement that said, "i oppose today's ruling." but there's one inconvenient wrinkle.
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she's on the record repeatedly supporting it. >> we have a great law on the books right now, if that happens, we will be a state where we will not be taking the lives of our unborn anymore. i'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars-133603. so it will prohibit abortion in arizona, except to save the life of a mother. and i think we're going to be setting the -- paving the way and setting course for other states to follow. >> seth: she cited the exact law by name in question, and now she's trying to pretend she opposes it. "no, no, no, i didn't mean that ars-133603. i mean the other ars-133603. the one that makes it illegal to do a zoom interview without 12 different ring lights pointed directly at your face." [ light laughter ] trump can't escape accountability. he promised to overturn roe, he overturned roe. and then he bragged about overturning roe, it led to disastrous and deeply unpopular abortion bans across the country. and now trump's allies are
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planning another abortion crackdown if he wins a second term. it doesn't matter if trump says he'll leave it up to the states. there's no reason to believe him. he'll say whatever he thinks will help him win the election and stay out of jail. but i don't know, i don't know why he's so worried. think of it this way, donald. spending a few years in jail is -- >> not the worst thing in the world. >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll be right back with kirsten dunst, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. ♪ “watch me” by biig piig ♪ ♪ 'cause i feel it light up ♪ ♪ can you spark this fire? ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ move ♪ ♪ ♪ move ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪
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♪ maybe you should settle down ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. everyone say space pod! (♪♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like. these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that's why america's best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪
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♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat! ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible.
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(gentle music) ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the 8g band right over there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back with us tonight on drums, he's a grammy-nominated musician who plays for multi platinum selling rock band fall out boy, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the band is fresh off their massive worldwide headline tour supporting their latest release,
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"so much for stardust," which debuted as the number one rock album in the country. andy hurley is here. [ cheers and applause ] it's so wonderful to have you, andy. >> thank you. >> seth: our first guest tonight is an emmy and academy award-nominated actress you know from her work in fx's "fargo," in films as "the power of the dog," "the beguiled," "interview with the vampire," "marie antoinette," "bring it on." she stars in "civil war" which opens in theaters and imax nationwide on april 12th. please welcome back to the show, our friend kirsten dunst, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome back. >> thank you, it's been a minute. >> seth: it has been a minute. i've been lucky enough -- your husband, jesse plemons, has been on a couple of times. so i do feel as though i've been able to keep up with your family. >> yeah, this is his safe space of interviews. [ light laughter ] he really, really loves you. >> seth: oh, i'm very happy, 'cause i -- >> yes. >> seth: i love both of you a great deal.
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but i do want you to tell him when you get home that i also love him. >> okay, good. [ laughter ] he's a real "closer look" guy. he's always on his phone outside, like, i'm like, "what are you doing?" he's like, "just catching up on my seth." [ laughter ] >> seth: and you've added, since last time i saw you, you've added a couple of kids, congratulations. >> yes. oh, yeah, wow. yeah, it's been that long. [ cheers and applause ] whoa, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah. >> seth: and you -- i mean, we ended up adding a girl, but you, right in the wheelhouse of what we had -- two boys, two boys right now running around. how are you feeling? >> two boys. i mean, they're wrestling me, they're wrestling each -- it's a lot, it's a lot. >> seth: it is. you can't stop 'em from wrestling. >> no, you can't. >> seth: yeah. >> no. especially wrestling naked. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, they love to wrestle naked. >> yeah, it's -- yeah. >> seth: there's a lot -- yeah, they're out all the time. >> all the time. >> seth: now is it -- i heard you say that -- is it the oldest that likes to dress up like spider-man? >> it's the youngest. >> seth: the youngest, okay. >> james, yeah. >> seth: and does he have, like, the full zip-up spider-man suit? >> he does, but he mostly just wears his t-shirt and his hoodie over it all the way zipped to the top. >> seth: okay, gotcha. >> and then, you know, running around the house like -- >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] now i -- we have the full-body
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one. and i will tell you the scariest thing spider-man ever said is, "i have to poop." 'cause when those things are on -- [ laughter ] you're just like, "ah, son of a gun." but you're -- i mean, again -- >> oh, my god. >> seth: too young to know that their mom was in "spider-man"? >> yes. i mean, he -- well, he watches it, but he doesn't care about my part, obviously. [ laughter ] >> seth: gotcha. so really, you're on screen and it doesn't even register? >> i think 'cause i have red hair. >> seth: okay, gotcha. >> it's just like, whatever, i'm the boring part of the show. [ light laughter ] >> seth: it's really funny if he was like, "you should dye your hair, 'cause you look like spider-man's girlfriend." [ laughter ] >> be amazing. >> seth: you and jesse -- jesse has a scene in this film which is really -- and we're going to talk a lot about it, but it's a wonderful film. jesse's in it. this is the third time you guys worked together? do i have it right? >> yeah. >> seth: "fargo" - you met on "fargo" season two. >> yeah. >> seth: "power of the dog." >> yeah. >> seth: and then this, let me just say, no duds. you guys have worked together three times, no duds. >> you're right, i didn't think about that. >> seth: because let's be honest, i mean, i'm not gonna -- i mean, every actor is in some duds. >> i mean, we all are, yeah. >> seth: yeah. so the fact that you and your
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husband have managed to avoid the duds, it really says something about you guys. >> it like sets us up for failure. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] you know, what? my money on the next one, huge dud. >> dud, yeah, me too. [ laughter ] >> seth: but this -- this role was not -- jesse was not originally cast? >> no, he wasn't. it was another actor. and it happened during rehearsal that the actor dropped out, and jesse was there with the kids, and i suggested him, and -- >> seth: he just on -- he was nearby, just, like -- >> he's in atlanta with the kids, yeah. >> seth: now, did you suggest him, or was jesse like, "hey, you know --" >> i did. >> seth: okay. that's very nice. >> who wants to play that role, by the way? >> seth: i will say, he plays a real bad guy. >> yeah, and nobody wants to play this role. it's very intense. >> seth: yeah. >> he feels bad he played that role. >> seth: it is a real -- yes. i will say, it helps that -- i feel like we've seen jesse over the years, like both play good guys and bad guys, and we know him to be a good guy. you're right, if it was some actor i'd never seen before, i would be like, repulsed every time i saw him ever since. >> yeah. >> seth: so i feel like jesse, like, took one for the team. >> he really did. and yeah, he's -- he's a brilliant actor. >> seth: he really is a brilliant actor. >> i know.
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so i'm so proud. 'cause he is the kindest person. so, it's -- >> seth: yes, it is nice to see. >> and he's just a really fantastic actor. >> seth: and do you -- what is it like when you guys are on set together? i mean, again, you met on a set. >> we did. >> seth: so does it feel a little romantic when you're on set together? >> not in this scene. but -- [ light laughter ] >> seth: i'm so glad you're saying it, 'cause obviously nobody here has seen it yet. >> no one has seen it, yeah. >> seth: it'd be so weird if you said how romantic it was, and then they saw the scene. [ laughter ] they'd be like, "they've got a creepy marriage." [ laughter ] >> i was very -- we were respectful of each other's space. >> seth: got it. >> because he's playing someone really awful and racist. it's a really awful scene. and so i think everyone -- the way alex shot it was very immersive. >> seth: this is the director, alex garland, he's wonderful. >> yes. so the way he shot it, every scene felt very real and, like, documentarian-like. >> seth: yes. >> you know, so, we all gave each other space. >> seth: what -- so obviously there's been a little "spider-man." has -- i'm trying to think, has jesse been in any -- what's the first jesse project you're going to show your kids? >> "friday night lights"? >> seth: yeah, that's probably right.
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what's the last of the either of your projects you're going to show them? >> well -- oh, together? >> seth: yeah, yeah. >> this one, obviously. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: i feel like maybe on their 28th birthday? >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: you're like, "we've got a movie we're going to show you." >> oh, god. >> seth: i want to talk more about the movie. stick around. we're going to be right back with more kirsten after this. [ cheers and applause ] with more kirsten after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if you' iving with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions
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cameras on me. like -- oh, my god, like -- why didn't i just tell him not to shoot them -- >> they're probably going to kill them anyway. >> how do you know? >> he doesn't know, but that's besides the point. once you start asking yourself those questions, you can't stop. so we don't ask. we record so other people ask. want to be a journalist? that's the job. >> hey, lee. >> what? >> back off. >> what am i saying that's wrong? >> i'm not saying it's wrong, she's just shook up. >> he doesn't understand shook up. >> whoa. i'm not being protective of her? you're the idiot who let her in this car. >> seth: we're back with kirsten dunst, everybody. that was a clip from "civil war." [ cheers and applause ] this is -- it's really one hell of a movie. i was telling you this backstage. this takes place, sadly in the near future. and yet it feels like a very believable near future where there is a civil war happening. >> yeah. i mean -- we hope not. i think this film really shows, you know, how delicate our
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democracy is. and really, it doesn't -- it doesn't choose a side in the film. it really allows audiences to put their own anxieties and fears and their own political beliefs into the film while they're watching it. >> seth: there's also a haunting thing about this film which is, when it starts, everybody is accepting that there's a civil war going on. >> yeah. >> seth: it's not one of those movies where people are like, i can't believe! you and sort of the cast and people we see in that scene, you're all journalists. >> yes. >> seth: and so you were sort of passive observers of this, which was a really -- i don't know, it made it even darker to realize like, oh, how quickly we would just be like, you know, "the new york times" would be like, "all right, you've got to go cover that civil war," and you'd have to go cover this part of the civil war. did you feel, as actors in the film, like you had to do less because you were playing these passive observers? >> i -- i just felt like the -- the journalists, the war
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correspondents that i researched were very much, like, just there to tell the truth. and like they're -- no one is, you know, performing in any way. like, nothing about this is -- everything is very real and immediate, and they're risking their lives. and journalists don't really get that respect, war journalists, i don't think. so i -- and this was alex's way in, because he grew up around war correspondents. so, yeah, marie colvin was like a real inspiration for me for lee. and the way her and her journalists were together in syria and that was kind of my -- my north star of playing this role. >> seth: there's also a very i think telling line about your character where you basically say you started doing this in hopes in americans saw photos of war scenes from across the world, it would remind them to never go down that path. and obviously, you're sort of questioning the work you've done because it happened. and it's interesting because this movie is almost like a piece of war journalism. because it is showing -- it does feel like it's screaming out a warning to all of us of like look where this could go. >> yeah. >> seth: it's a lot of sort of
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desolate locations. and -- you know, sort of haunting in its quiet. did it feel when you were making it, like did it feel very quiet to you? >> um -- honestly, we shot in order. so it kind of ramped up as the movie's actually ramping up. and the last two weeks were -- alex wanted it to feel so real. so it was -- instead of full rounds, we use -- i mean, we use full rounds instead of half rounds or quarter rounds for our blanks. so like everything was so loud -- it was -- is as loud as when you're in the theater as it was on set. so it was very intense. and then you're reading about a school shooting or another shooting in america. and then you're on the set, like just listening to this noise. so it -- it really affected us all in a very intense way. >> seth: we were also talking backstage about how you're making a movie like this, you can't quite predict how it's going to look. and alex garland really makes beautiful movies. so even though it's about the
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most devastating thing you could imagine, this movie -- i couldn't -- i mean, i was going to say, i couldn't take my eyes off the movie. but that is -- >> watching a movie, no, but i know what you mean. >> seth: watching the movie. but like there are movies -- >> i felt the same way as you though. >> seth: that you get distracted and then with this one you did feel like you were watching, i don't know, like something real happening. >> yes, it did for me too. even -- i was in the movie, and i was shocked by watching the end. watching the final product. the way he edited it, the music, and all of it. it just -- it is a really intense theatrical film. people should see it in the theater, i think. it's one of those movies. and i was on the edge of my seat the entire time, and i was in it. >> seth: well, i totally understand. i've certainly never been in a movie where that's true, but it must be pretty -- must be a pretty cool feeling. >> yeah, yeah it is, i'm very proud. >> seth: you should be. just so nice to have you back. thank you so much for being here, kirsten. >> thank you, seth. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: kirsten dunst, everyone. "civil war" will be in theaters and imax nationwide on april 12th. stick around, be right back with sean casey and ryan dempster.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guests are former major league baseball all-stars and teammates. you can see their work as analysts on the mlb network on shows including "intentional talk" and "mlb tonight." please welcome to the show sean casey and ryan dempster! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> seth: good to have you guys here. sean, you've been on a bunch of times. first time for you, ryan. so happy to have you. >> oh, man, thank you so much. >> seth: i'm also very happy that baseball season is starting. >> yes. >> seth: very emotional day for me yesterday. 20-year anniversary of the 2004 boston red sox. one of the most special teams certainly for me. and the great tim wakefield passed away this year. his wife passed away. it was a beautiful ceremony for them. did you guys -- for guys who played for the red sox, was that a cool day for you to watch? >> i mean, i think even as a baseball fan, i think that's one of the greatest teams of all time. the characters on that team and everything. i think, you know, them having the big ceremony with wake's daughter throwing out the first pitch, the tech -- and you know, for baseball guys like you, brother, you know, it was a big day. >> seth: you -- you were both red sox. >> yeah. >> seth: did you enjoy your time with the red sox? >> oh my god, did i.
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it was amazing. i played one year, it feels like i played ten. [ laughter ] you know one year in 2013 -- >> well you won the whole thing. >> then win the world series, thank you. you know? >> yeah. >> seth: so that's your ring. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: that's what i will say, it's very tasteful. i'll tell you, you can barely notice it. >> thank you. [ laughter ] you know, the amazing thing about this, so true story about this, i get this ring, right? and we -- my wife and i come to new york city right after i'd retired. i went and got the ring. we went to nobu right here in manhattan. and we didn't have a reservation. and i was like, we got up there, maybe we can get a seat at the bar, or maybe they'll have an opening, because that happens a lot there, you know. [ laughs ] so we're sitting there and i'm like -- i'm watching all these people go up, and they're like, "it's going to be an hour, it's going to be an hour and a half." and my wife's like, "we should just go somewhere else." and i'm like, "just hold on. just hold on a sec." [ light laughter ] so, true story. i had my ring on and i was like, "excuse me. is there any chance -- there's just two of us." [ laughter ] and uh, you know, i'm not trying to like -- "is there any chance we can get a table?" and i watch her face, she's just going like this, right? and she goes, "i'll be right back." she came back five minutes later
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like, "we can get you right in." >> seth: wow. >> open table app. [ laughter ] >> seth: there you go! >> right when we need it. >> seth: now that's very nice. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: especially for a red sox world series ring in new york. >> new york, yeah. >> well, if i walk around the bronx, i go like that and i just -- [ laughter ] >> oh, yeah, standard ring. >> seth: its just a standard -- now, speaking of the bronx, you were -- for the second half of last season. >> yeah. >> seth: batting coach for the yankees. >> yes. >> seth: how was your time as a hitting coach? >> absolutely incredible. absolutely -- i think, too, you know -- when you're -- when you're the hitting coach or you're a coach in the big leagues, then you're -- the best player in the league is also your best person in the clubhouse in aaron judge -- >> seth: yeah. >> makes it a lot easier. so anyway -- it was incredible. aaron boone is like one of my dear friends. played six years with him in cincinnati. just reconnected with those guys. being able to be with, you know, g. stanton, and judgy, and volpe and those guys all year for the second half was incredible. >> seth: so i have to ask, right, so you're a hitting coach. you mentioned three guys who are obviously very good at hitting. like they've been doing it for a long time. what at the major league level do you even say to one of those guys? [ laughter ] >> i know. not much. [ laughter ]
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you see aaron judge hitting balls 500 feet, and it's like, "i ain't never did that. i don't know what the hell you're --" [ laughter ] but i think -- i think there's something to be said about for a guy that's done it, or that's a coach, that there's so many ups and downs in a 162-game season that like, i think sometimes just knowing that like anything you've ever done, as bad as you think you are, i've been worse. you know what i mean? i think and so -- >> seth: so you'd just walk around and set an example of how much worse it can get. [ laughter ] >> exactly. yeah, "you guys think it's bad now, you should see some of the things i did." [ laughter ] >> seth: you guys were teammates, reds? >> reds, yup, yeah. >> seth: '02-'03. how was it having sean as a teammate? >> oh, he was awesome, man. like, he really was. he had the nickname "the mayor," right? >> seth: yeah. >> like that's his nickname because he really was. he was so personable with everybody. i mean so friendly. like i remember one time -- should i tell this? >> what -- what we -- i don't even know what you're saying. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> yeah, like you just -- you just was a really -- like i got traded over to the cincinnati reds in 2002. and you know, week into the team, we went to st. louis. case calls me up in the hotel. we were staying at the beautiful hyatt hotel there. >> oh, gee. oh my -- >> two story hotel, it was
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gorgeous. [ light laughter ] >> seth: i like that you're finally remembering this story. [ laughter ] >> like you're -- >> i mean i know where this is going. >> seth: and it's too late to be like, no! >> i know, i was just going to say, i was like, "we can't tell this to seth meyers, dude. what are you doing?" >> we can and we're going to. [ laughter ] and we're sitting there and case goes -- calls my hotel room phone. and you know, now you're in that moment where you've got to try to be a good teammate. and he says, "can you come down to my room, i need to talk to you about something." and i go, walk down the hall, i knock on the door. he says, "hey, man, thanks a lot, dude. hey listen, you know -- my wife's coming in, i haven't had the chance to do my manscaping, can you shave my back for me?" [ laughter ] [ laughter and applause ] and i had to decide what kind of teammate i wanted to be. and here we are. all these years later. huh, pal? >> 22 years later, we're telling the world. [ laughter ] >> yes, you got that right, absolutely. >> well, you have to -- >> seth: i just like how quick -- >> whenever you look in the clubhouse, you see who the hairy guys are too. i looked -- demp took his shirt off, and i was like "i can call demp." [ laughter ] >> seth: i like that every time somebody got traded to the team, you're like, "maybe this is the guy." [ laughter ] you were always hoping they would be like a hairy player.
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>> hairy back club, yup. >> seth: you just threw out a first pitch. >> oh, yeah. >> seth: so, home opener for the reds or no? >> home opener for the reds. >> seth: home opener. and again, you're a beloved reds vet. >> yep. >> seth: and so how -- did you have any stress about it? >> what, are you serious? major stress, you know what i mean? it's different. when you're playing every day in the big leagues, and you're used to those crowds, it's one thing. but you're 16 years out of the game and then they're like, "hey, can you come throw the first pitch out on the opening day?" and cincinnati that's like a -- it's a national holiday too. >> seth: yeah. >> so the day before, i went to -- took my son andrew, i'm like, "hey, dude, listen, you've got to get down." we're going to a local high school, i'm ripping some balls in there from the mound, you know. you know, i'm thinking of george bush just putting it right on the money to jeter back in the day. i'm like, i got to do that. then i'm thinking of like 50 cent who threw it into the mets dugout. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> and i'm like, "okay, don't want to be that." somewhere between george bush and 50 cent and i'll be good. [ laughter ] so, i get out there, you know, 45,000 people cheering. and all of a sudden, man, it just -- your brain goes into this incredible place -- >> seth: right. >> -- of like this dungeon of like, if you throw it away, you know what i mean, you're going down. >> seth: and you did it -- because again, former player, you've got to do it from the mound.
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>> i had to do it from the mound. >> seth: yeah. >> and i was going to do it from the grass, everyone was like, "you got to go the mound." so i was like, "i'll go to the mound." >> seth: yeah. >> i get up there, and like dempy's a pitcher, so it's like, bam. i was a hitter, right? so i'm -- this is a different view. >> seth: yeah. >> 45,000 -- instead i get up there, i take a rip, ball starts cutting like mariano rivera. just -- i'm like, and brent suter who was a lefty -- a 6'6" lefty reliever. almost has to dive. but he makes the play. [ laughter ] he's like this. and i like literally like gave him the biggest hug ever, i was like, "dude, you saved my life, dude. [ laughter ] i didn't need a video out there forever like, you know, here's 50 cent, the mayor of cincinnati years ago, and sean casey." >> seth: well this is -- we are going to show a highlight video, but this is brett's highlight, this is not yours. [ laughter ] let's take a look at the save from the catcher. [ cheers ] [ laughter ] >> seth: i mean, by the skin of your teeth. >> oh my goodness. >> seth: the skin of your teeth. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my goodness. >> seth: i feel like we talked about this once.
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i think i met you -- you were cubs like '03-'04. >> yeah. >> seth: and i remember at the time being out with you -- i forget how we ended up at the same bar. but you had a great harry caray impression then. >> yeah. >> seth: and you had grown up -- it wasn't even because of the cubs. like people forget harry caray was the cubs announcer. >> yeah. >> seth: cubs used to be on wgn. it was america's -- weirdly america's team. >> yeah. >> seth: and so -- but you took it -- you started doing harry caray. where are you doing it here? that is an actual cub game? [ laughter ] >> that's during the seventh-inning stretch. >> seth: seventh-inning stretch? >> yeah. i got full makeup in. i've done it a few times, you know, different -- different places. like for example, i got a chance to roast george wendt. >> seth: george wendt, norm from "cheers," local chicago guy. >> and i method acted for that. i went down like this. then i shaved my beard off between times of rehearsal and that. and i went full makeup. nobody knew who i was. >> seth: so did the people there think you were -- had lost your mind? >> yeah. >> seth: that you were impersonating with just the -- >> yeah. bob odenkirk wife did for sure. >> seth: oh, yeah, naomi odenkirk, who's a famous manager. >> manager. she's like, "what's going on here? what's with this? you know, are you struggling for
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money? like what's happened," you know? [ laughter ] but she was really great. and so then i went out there. and i was nervous rarely, but that's a big thing. jason, his nephew -- >> seth: jason sudeikis. >> sudeikis, yeah. he's the roastmaster. and you had, like, people like, you know, tim kazurinsky, and betty thomas, and julia sweeney, and all these really famous people out there roasting him. and i'm -- i was an ex-baseball player and i didn't know what to do, and so i -- i just came out hot, out of the gate. >> seth: yeah. >> you know like, "here we go." jason introduced me. i come out. and i'm like, "i thank you so much, jason, it's great to be here. hey, is it just me or does sudeikis sounds like a sexually transmitted disease?" [ laughter ] i just went, you know. and i was like, "hey, there's bob odenkirk. yeah, bob's got a hit show called 'better call saul.' which is ironic because in the '80s, when we wanted hookers or cocaine, we'd say, "well, you better call bob." [ laughter ] >> seth: you know, i worked with sudeikis for years and it does sound like that. [ laughter ]
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first time it occurred to me. you also -- you grew up in canada. >> yep. >> seth: and so when you made to it the bigs, not a ton of canadian players -- >> no. >> seth: canadian-born players. >> not many at all. like, honestly in the big leagues, at the time i was in the big leagues early on, there was like six, seven major league baseball players. >> seth: and people -- so then the guys you met, the american ball players, it was really foreign to them that you were from canada? >> oh, yeah. like canada to them, you have to take some sort of raft and a plane, they'd be like, "wow, you're from canada, wow. what's that like playing baseball in canada?" [ light laughter ] and i'd be like, "well, you know, it's pretty normal. you have to stop the game every once in a while, to let the herd of polar bears go running through." [ laughter ] they'd be like, "really?" and i'm like, "no, we're like two hours north of seattle, you know? not really." >> seth: were you -- were you there -- >> i got an incredible -- he says this, i got an incredible canadian story. now, we're in a -- i'm not going to mention the guy's name. but everyone used to ask me, you know -- i played first base. so, like, you know, "case, tell me some great stories from first base." you know, "what do you guys talk about?" and it's some days, "hey, great
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weather, way to swing, how's your parents doing," all that stuff. and this one time -- this one guy was a big home run hitter, right? so he's -- hits first home run, second home run, next one double -- double -- and big pool hitter, too so, next one is a double in the gap. so he's 3 for 3. comes up -- i'd never seen this guy hit the other way my entire life, right? bam, he hits a rocket down the left field line. beautiful piece of hitting. last --last -- turns out, turns out dempy was pitching the game. we just found this out. >> backstage. [ laughter ] >> it's incredible, right? >> he's telling the whole story. >> he was telling the story. e was like "i was pitching that game." and i'm like, "babe, you got hammered that game." [ laughter ] so he hits a rocket down the line, seth. i'm like -- i'm like -- so i can't wait to talk to him. i go over and you know, he's on first base and i go "bro, i never seen you hit like this, man, a couple home runs, but i've never seen you go to left in your whole life. you know, this is incredible." i go, "4 for 4." he goes, "you know what, case?" he goes -- and this -- you could say this back in 2002. "i'm eight beers deep and a pack of smokes." [ laughter ] i'm like -- i'm like "what?"
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guy's crushing a beer an inning, a couple of heaters, and he's just cranking 'em. im' like, maybe i should start doing that. [ laughter ] >> i wrote him a note after the game, i said, "this is no way to treat a fellow canadian on u.s. soil. thank you." [ laughter ] >> seth: see, it was fun before steroids. >> exactly! [ laughter ] >> couple of beers and some marlboro reds, everything's good. >> that's it! >> seth: there you go. what a delight to have you guys here. >> yeah. >> seth: it's always great talking ball with you. [ cheers and applause ] sean casey, ryan dempster. everybody, you can see sean and ryan on the mlb network shows "intentional talk" and "mlb tonight." [ cheers and applause ] and sean's podcast "the mayor's office" is available wherever you get podcasts. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what?
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1:31 am
♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i wanna thank my guests kirsten dunst, sean casey, ryan dempster. i wanna thank an


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