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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 22, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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for a new job just into our newsroom. the position he is now seeking from the city from which he was fired. plus a dangerous chemical exposure dozens of children in san francisco sent to the hospital. the outside source blamed for the accident. the oceans changing, its changing ways. we don't completely understand. growing number of dead sea lion cubs
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being found off the california coast. we're going to tell you the steps researchers are taking to find the cause. this is today in the bay area. good wednesday morning. thanks for joining us on marcus washington. and i'm laura garcia. we're going to check the morning commute with mike in just a little bit. carrie's got a look at our forecast for today a nice one on tap. yeah. it's going to be a beautiful day. there is so much going on not only the next few days but also the weekend. and we're starting out with our typical may set up where we are seeing temperatures in the mid 50s. what's missing is the fog, and that's what will be returning as we get into the weekend. as we take a look at what to expect in oakland today, upper 50s at 9:00, at 1:00 it is 69 degrees and low 70s. a really beautiful day and comfortable temperatures. we'll see a high of 78 in san jose, 80 in morgan hill and 80 as well in martinez. upper 70s for novato. and it's going to be a windy 68 degrees
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in san francisco. but we are keeping the sunshine and the temperatures cool down a few degrees each day from tomorrow. and the coolest of those temperatures will be on saturday, so we'll talk about that in a few minutes. mike, you were saying that there was some police activity affecting the freeway? yeah, we're looking at the flashing lights. this is blocking your right lane or the slow lane northbound 680 between the auto mall and mission. so as you're traveling up to auto mall, you'll see this on the shoulder. now you see that there is a flatbed tow truck and a white vehicle on the back of that tow truck. i'm told this is fremont police department activity. you see them standing over on the right side as well. something going on in the neighborhood across the fence from the freeway. but they do have this activity going on on the freeway itself. so there's this distraction. now let's look on the map. it's northbound opposite your main commute. the slowing did show up southbound both sides. right now are moving well. but that distraction and we're following the news as far as what's going on in that portion of fremont, the rest of the bay light commute back up at the bay bridge, of course, back
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to you. all right. thank you very much. 602 just into our newsroom, oakland's ousted police chief, leronne armstrong, is running for an open city council seat. according to the chronicle. he plans to file that paperwork later this morning. he enters the race amid a lawsuit he filed against the city's mayor. in the suit, he accused mayor sheng tao of illegally terminating him for criticizing oakland's federal court monitor. tao made the decision after she and the city administrator placed armstrong on paid leave, citing an investigation which found he had allegedly mishandled two police misconduct cases. an arbitrator later cleared him of any wrongdoing. well, new this morning, a history making decision and a new blow to israel in its war with hamas. three european nations have agreed to formally recognize an independent palestinian state. now that landmark move from norway, ireland and spain also drawing swift response from israel and praise from palestinians today in the bay's brie jackson live for us in washington this
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morning. and brie supporters are calling this the next step toward a two state solution in the middle east. but not everyone agreeing here. that's right. good morning marcus. so leaders in all three countries are calling this an effort to help bring peace in the middle east. but it may also lead to a new isolation for israel and its invasion of gaza. palestinians are welcoming the announcement, calling it a huge step in their decades long quest for statehood. east jerusalem, the west bank and gaza strip are all territories israel seized in the 1967 six day war. israel, meanwhile, is ordering its ambassadors in all three nations to return home immediately. this as the israeli military expands its operation in gaza. critics are accusing the three nations of rewarding hamas terrorists for the october seventh attack that triggered the war. but the prime minister of ireland calls the decision an historic and important day for ireland and for palestine. today ireland,
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norway and spain are that we recognize the state of palestine . each of us will now undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to that decision. in the lead up to today's announcement, i've spoken with a number of other leaders and counterparts, and i'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks. in sweden recognized the palestinian state a decade ago, and france is holding off on any similar move unless it can be done as an effective tool to make progress towards peace. now, the decision announced today formally takes effect on may 28th. back to you. all right. we will be watching brie jackson in washington this morning. brie. thank you. now iran's supreme leader led prayers for the victims of that helicopter crash, which killed iran's president ibrahim rossi.
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the caskets of those killed were draped in iranian flag with their pictures on them. on the late president rossi's coffin set a black turban signifying him as a direct descendant of islam's prophet muhammad. following the prayer, there was a procession of the coffins through the downtown terrain to azadi. now people threw scarves and other items for the attendants on the truck to touch the coffins for a blessing. new. at 6:00, san francisco san bruno jail, the scene of an unusual incident which sickened 20 children. teams used tear gas and pepper spray chemicals for a training exercise. somehow those fumes made it into the air vents at nearby portola elementary school. first responders quickly arrived. there were no hospitalizations luckilly many suffered irritated eyes, throats and noses. now, supervisors are asking the sheriff's office to explain exactly what happened. well, police are asking for the public's help to find a missing
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uc davis student. authorities say diane krekorian min left campus on friday night, taking an amtrak to mission street in san francisco, where she was last seen. she was reported missing on monday. min is a first year student majoring in computer engineering. she was last seen wearing a dark top, dark pants and black shoes. if you have any information, call uc davis police. well, you know, just as we've been reveling in the growing number of sea lions at pier 39, a different story from the central coast. this is where a large number of dead seal pups are washing ashore today in the bay's. kris sanchez joins us now with more on what scientists is actually think is happening here. i mean, this is a sad story to report. pupping season starts next month, but sadly, hundreds of sea lion pups washed ashore on an island along the central coast, appearing to have been born too soon. i want to show you some drone shots here that were taken over ano nuevo island. each of these red dots represents one of those dead seal pups, and there are nearly 300 of them. for
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reference, in an average year, scientists count about 700 pups born. just 1 or 2 miscarried. not like this year, a researchers from uc santa cruz are studying the carcasses to determine a cause, whether pesticides or something like the avian flu are to blame. but it could also just be that there's not enough food for what is now a booming population. the scientists tracked those sea lions via satellite and find they're going as far south as baja california to feed. my best guess, and it's a guess, is that food availability is down. california sea lion populations are at a historic high so that there's there already at a point where they're pretty much maxed out. you heard him say that sea lion populations that are in an all time high, we've certainly seen that in san francisco since early may. we've seen a spike in the number of sea lions at pier 39. i'm surprised you can hear me over all their barking. the biologists at that point told us
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that they are here for the anchovies. there were more than a thousand, the most we've seen in 15 years. so the hope here along the central coast is that it is part of the circle of life, you know, and not something more serious at play. hmm'hmm okay. aren't we all here for the anchovies? i know you like sardines, but i know you like them. is that why you're standing on that side as opposed to over here? miss a day, miss a lot. the more you know when you watch the day in the bay. all right. thanks, chris. it's six. oh eight for you right now. let's take a live look for you this morning. this is greenfield, iowa. now, parts of the midwest this morning still dealing with the aftermath of the powerful and deadly storms. meteorologist kari hall is here this morning. i know you've been following this and a lot of damage done in that area. yeah, and authorities were saying that there were multiple deaths in the small town of greenfield, iowa, about 40 miles southwest of des moines. and you can see this new video that showed that moment that the tornado touched
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down and it flattened parts of the town. you can see the aftermath here, just widespread damage and just flattened homes there. and they also had golf ball sized hail and winds that were most likely sustained at 70mph and even higher. and some of those tornadoes that touched down. so we'll continue to see what the aftermath and the cleanup will be like for those people in iowa. and we're also seeing still more storms headed in that direction. so we're seeing another batch of some strong storms that are developing. but so far, a lot of the stronger storms have been farther to the south. but we are unfortunately in the midst of a record tornado outbreak season for the u.s, and it looks like it does continue here across the region. we're seeing a new storm system moving into the pacific northwest here across the bay area. it's been fairly quiet, but we've had numerous storms that have strengthened as they moved into the pacific northwest, are from the pacific
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northwest into the midwest, and we're starting out this morning all clear. and it's going to be a breezy and cool day. temperatures in the 60s near the coastline. some of those gusts may pick up to close to 40mph for today. and then that helps to cool down the valleys as well. so we're looking at 70s and 80s, not upper 80s like we had yesterday in the tri valley and north bay. and for the memorial day weekend, it will continue to come down several degrees and remain breezy. we'll talk about that in a few minutes. i know you might have to hit the road. so mike has a look at where you can find gas for less. yeah, we're looking and we're watching closely over the next couple of days. high demand weekend right. three day weekend for many driving alameda county right now has livermore with their low 424 at diamond gas and mart on south front road city by the bay and middle number here 479 is their best at best. gasoline and mini mart on san jose avenue near balboa park. same best in milpitas. 479 here at the bottom. that's at gulf on abbott avenue, right off. 237 or 880. they both
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converge right there. we have all this information at reported by you or received by you on the roadways. we're looking at a pretty smooth drive right now. the incident in fremont, the police activity cleared in the last couple of minutes. so great news, very easy recovery. there wasn't much slowing on the northbound side of 680. that police activity cleared just shy of auto mall parkway. and we're still following the news story in the news room. meanwhile, a little slowing 880 south pass the san mateo bridge. pretty standard. back to you. all right, mike, thanks. 611 right now, changing plans ahead on today in the bay a proposal for a high rise in the middle of san francisco's ocean beach gets scrapped. how neighbors put a stop to it, and what will take its place instead is $656 million too much to pay for pizza? i mean, they are largest after all. we'll take a look. let's go out to the futures this morning, see where we're going. s&p 500 will start at a new record, but looks like a little money coming off the table. well, speaking of the
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futures let's go back in time a little bit. hey you remember cat in the hat. well forget cat in the hat. how about a cat with a degree? we're going to tell you the special recognition this feline is getting dur
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votto and how the morning will shape up for you. it is a chilly start with upper 40s here, but look at how fast it warms up.
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we're going from 48 degrees to 73 at 1:00 this afternoon and headed for a high of 77. we'll get a look at the trends across all of our microclimates, which look much cooler for the weekend . that's coming up in a few minutes. that looks great. all right over here. looks great as well. fremont 880 moves smoothly actually. haven't had a problem this morning. headlights heading south past tesla at your commute direction into the silicon valley. and the other incident northbound on 680 did clear. no more police activity, just shy of auto mall parkway. it's all clear. well. good morning. very happy wednesday to you. the s&p 500 will open at a new record today. nvidia reports its profits after the closing bell today. nvidia and santa clara is one of the most important tech companies and tech stocks in america. the stock is up more than 200% just in the last year. disney and disney owned pixar in emeryville says it will lay off 14% of its employees. that's less than we were expecting. disney conducted big layoffs earlier this year, but held off
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on cuts to pixar until now. chinese financial media reporting tiktok will lay off employees, as well as many as 1000 coming from marketing and operations. we're working to nail down a number. the biden administration will sell a million barrels of gasoline from the nation's strategic gasoline supply in an attempt to smooth price changes, the department of energy says they'll time it to match demand, as we have said, many, many, many, many times, no matter who's president, presidents have little to no control over gas prices. they're not really responsible for low prices or high prices. it's supply and demand, in this case, selling some of the supply does at least add more product into the system. well, it's bitcoin pizza day. it was on this day in 2010 when bitcoin was kind of new. a guy named laszlo hanyecz paid someone 10,000 bitcoin to bring him two pizzas. one cheese, one pepperoni. he went on an internet chat board, said,
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hey, if you want, you guys will bring me a pizza. i'll give you a bitcoin. noteworthy, because it was one of the first times that somebody used bitcoin as a currency. also noteworthy because if laszlo had held on to the bitcoin instead of buying a pizza, he'd be very rich. the value of 10,000 bitcoin then $40 very reasonable for two pizzas, delivered the value of that bitcoin now 656 $56 million. and it doesn't stop there. the guy who went and got laszlo his pizza, a guy named jeremy now had all the bitcoin which if he had saved it would be worth $656 million. but he spent it on gas. oh yes. and what's funny is the guy who received the money, jeremy sturdivant i can't remember the main guy's name, but jeremy sturdivant got the 10,000 bitcoin and he ended up using it for travel expenses. so he no one in this equation made any crazy money. it was very it ended up being a very boring story for both of them until
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much later when it became an extremely embarrassing one. now bitcoin is very volatile, so keep in mind, ten years from now, bitcoin may be worth a few pennies, which case, ten years from now we can tell the story of somebody who had $656 million in bitcoin and held on to it, right. yeah. what do you think about you're just like wow i hope the pizza was good. it must have been. thanks, scott. you bet. we'll follow up for you on plans to build a 50 story skyscraper in san francisco's outer sunset. and you might say the sun has already set on that plan. the chronicle reporting that the developer just withdrew that application and now plans to sell the property to a nonprofit. the plans once called for more than 700 housing units. as you can imagine, not everyone in the neighborhood was on board with this. the nonprofit instead wants to build a eight story building containing all affordable housing. turning this morning, i'll see your cat in the hat and raise you. yeah. how
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about a cat in a graduation cap? one popular cat at vermont state university just received an honorary degree. this is max dow, called the campus tabby. he does have a home nearby down the street from the campus entrance. but as the story goes, he first started exploring campus about five years ago, and now he's such a familiar face. his owner says she gets students doing welfare checks on him. we're also pretty sure he's not the first student there to be on the five year plan, but his degree is a doctorate of litter each year. get it? litter it's specializing in kitty literature. yes, there you go, there you have it. all right. congratulations to all the graduates out there, though. a lot of hard work. some had to do more than just hang out on campus, right? right. those honorary degrees are nice. yeah, and we have some great weather. we know that people are going out to eat. they're going to party. they're going to celebrate the all of the graduates. and congratulations
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to you. it's going to be windy though. so you want to hold on to those hats out there, especially near the coast and in san francisco where the winds are going to be picking up last few days as well for some kids at school. and we're heading into a cool holiday weekend next week. we'll see more normal temperatures for late may into early june as it warms up just slightly, but we're looking at temperatures in san jose starting out in the mid 50s. and notice that it's going to be sunny all throughout the day. also, at times a little windy, but temperatures only in the mid 70s. so that's going to feel really nice. let's get a look at our wind gusts forecast, because it will be picking up here where we see the reds and the purples. if you're thinking of taking some beach photos, today may be a bit uncomfortable with winds like this as the winds pick up to 35 40mph as we go into the evening. while a lot of our inland valleys will see wind gusts at about 15 to 25mph, and then our high temperatures are coming down a little bit. won't be as warm as yesterday. we saw
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a lot of upper 80s in spots like fairfield and concord. today it will be in the low to mid 80s and mostly 70s for the inner bay into much of the north bay, while san francisco stays in the 60s and each day we're going to see the temperatures and those highs coming down a couple of degrees, with a significant drop on friday into saturday. saturday will be the coolest day, and that's as a storm system moves into the pacific northwest. and it also sends down some cooler air our way, as well as much more of that coastal fog and the breezy wind that's going to help cool down the valleys as well. check out walnut creek, our ten day forecast shows our highs going from low 80s today to upper 60s. on friday and saturday. sunday is also cool. and then for memorial day it will be in the upper 70s and we'll see more temperatures like that throughout much of next week. our temperatures going down after a spike in temperatures yesterday, and it's going to be so nice. but you may also have to drag out some of those
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sweaters and just be prepared for all kinds of temperatures around the bay area we'll see our microclimates in full effect as san francisco only hits a high of 58 degrees on saturday. that's going to be chilly. all right, mike, you were checking in on the south bay for the commute. that's right. and the first slowing we saw right on schedule cleared up it still holding steady, but it's ready. ready for the next build for the commute 101 will kick in first, then 87 about a half hour later. so that's over the next 40 minutes. we'll see those changes over here. the tri-valley has maintained a nice drive, but we do see more traffic southbound 680 coming down in towards sunol out of pleasanton. so the build is on highway 84. holds pretty steady right here. no major problems. dublin interchange sees a more traffic but no surprises. and a nice drive off the castro valley. y 880 south pass 92 continues in toward about union city for a little bit of break tap, but again very mild over here. the east bay pretty typical pattern light traffic 37 the east shore freeway through richmond and across the bridge. the bay
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bridge approach is also moving smoothly through the maze and there's a build for concord highway four. that's the biggest build for contra costa county. a nice smooth flow at the toll plaza itself. yeah. that's smooth. we've got more news, traffic and weather cominupg
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is not immune to, and one student at the university of san francisco has been working to help people in her community. garvin thomas shows her story in today's bay area proud. good morning everyone. i want to tell you about a young college graduate who didn't wait till the end of her college career to make her mark in the world when malia busansky got to the university of san francisco, their food pantry for students was housed in the basement of the school's library in a closet. through her work and the others in the food recovery network, it has a bigger, more prominent space now, with more fresh food, and attracts about 100 students a week. but that's not all. in an effort to reduce food waste every week, malia gathers excess food from the school's dining halls in the san francisco market and then serves it to those needing food in the mission. you can experience the whole story at nbc bay area proud, as well as hundreds of other stories of people being good to each other in the bay area well, we've got a lot more ahead for you at 630, including breaking news out of
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oakland. this is where the city wants to sell its shares of the coliseum. we have those details just coming into our newsroom at this hour. plus more than a coincidence. well, a san francisco man targeted with racist packages is now the victim of a destructive house fire. an update on the investigation now underway. and it turns out the new form of contactless payment for bart and other mass transit here in the bay area will not be rolling out this summer. the reason for the delay? stay with us. you'r
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the city of oakland is set to sell its shares of the coliseum. new details on the surprise move just announced this morning. i lost my parents today and i don't know why yet, but i'm hoping that they find out real soon. arson investigators try to determine if the fire that gutted a san francisco home is tied to recent strings of racist hate attacks, but police are now looking into as the investigation gets underway. upgrade on hold a new clipper system suddenly put on hold. we're live with what commuters need to know. this is today in the bay area. midway through our week. happy wednesday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm
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laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. let's get you caught up with that forecast today. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect another beautiful sunrise to. yes, it is nice to see the clear sky. and we're not as of today, seeing the may gray. but things will change into the next couple of days. that brings about cooler temperatures as we take a look at san francisco. you've got sunshine all throughout the day and it's going to go from mid 50s to mid 60s for the afternoon, but it will be a windy one. we'll really start to see those winds picking up for the afternoon. and some of those gusts may top close to 40mph. that's in san francisco. the valleys are going to be slightly cooler today with a high of 78 degrees in livermore, 80 in morgan hill and 79 today in napa. and we'll talk about a cooler memorial day weekend coming up in a few minutes. laura, thank you very much. carrie. well, breaking news, a live look at the coliseum where the city of oakland plans to sell its stake in the property to the same group now trying to redevelop it later this morning,
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mayor shengtao will lay out the deal made with the african american sports and entertainment group, a local group of investors. the chronicle reports. the city will receive a minimum $105 million payment. of course, alameda county has already sold its 50% stake in the coliseum to the oakland a's. the team so far is not issuing a comment. happening today, round two. for the man who brutally attacked nancy pelosis husband. jury selection begins in his state trial. now this is just days after david depape received a 30 year federal sentence. today in the bay's ginger conejero saab joins us live in san francisco this morning. ginger, it sounds like there's still more to play out. and really, both of these cases. that's right, laura and marcus. although the conviction in that federal case has been decided for some time now, that happened in december of last year or november, i should say, of last year. david depape was found guilty of two counts in that federal case. he was sentenced to serve maximum time for both
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of those counts and will serve a 30 year sentence concurrently. that sentence was handed down friday morning, but not long after, prosecutors filed this motion requesting to reopen sentencing to give depape the opportunity to speak for himself . that did not happen friday, before the judge handed down her sentence. the court granted the government's motion and set today as the deadline for a response from depape. the reopened sentencing hearing is set for next tuesday, may 28th. the defense has also submitted their appeal to the judgment and sentence in the federal case now also happening today, as both of you mentioned, jury selection into perhaps state case where he faces multiple charges, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse, among others. legal expert stephen clark says the recent sentencing in the federal case may be influential in the jurors minds. the big argument in state court is, was this
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attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon? how the jury now in state court will look at the case involving mr. depape when they know he's already serving a significant federal sentence? will be interesting to see, because this is a very high profile case. and those jurors coming to judge him in state court will be mindful of this sentence. and that jury selection is set to begin in just hours from now here in san francisco at the hall of justice . the response from depape and his defense attorneys is also expected before noon today. that will be in response to the reopening of that sentencing hearing. if there is any appeal to that or any motions that will be set. so our team of reporters will be at the hall of justice here in san francisco. we'll update on both fronts, both on air and online, and we'll bring that to you at marcus and laura, i'll send it back to you guys. all right. ginger, thank you. now, investigators in san francisco,
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they are now quickly trying to determine if a fire that destroyed a multi-level home is tied to racist threats made against one of the persons who lives there. flames. yesterday morning engulfed that building in alamo square. this is at grove and fillmore. first responders had to rescue two people inside. now they are the parents of terry williams. you see here. he's the same man who recently received racist packages, including a doll with a noose and extremely hateful messages. that incident remains unsolved, and williams is just hoping that that fire is unrelated. i don't know, i wasn't here, i can't say i don't, i'm just hoping, man, that it wasn't that man. i'm just hoping. i'm just hoping, man. because right now i don't know what to expect. i don't know how to think, man. it's like i feel like i let my parents down, man, because i wasn't here. now williams is a well known dog walker in the neighborhood and was actually over at city hall speaking with mayor breed when that fire started. his father has now been released from the hospital. his mother is still there for observation. new this morning, an unexpected roadblock for
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planned upgrade to the clipper card program. it's used by transit commuters everywhere across the bay area by summer, it was supposed to become much easier to pay. today in the bay bob redell joins us live at the dublin bart station this morning, so what's going on here? what happened? bob laura, the technology isn't working yet . anyone who wants to ride with bart, muni, ac transit or any of the other mass transit agencies they can still use contactless payment, but it must be through a virtual clipper card. you might recall this summer, the metropolitan transportation commission, which oversees our region's mass transit, was supposed to launch a system that would allow people to bypass that clipper card and just tap a credit or debit card instead. this has already been successfully deployed in new york and london. this would allow our transit agencies to offer free transfers, would make travel on our busses, trains and ferries easier for people from out of town, and would just make
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travel easier overall. again, without having to take that extra step of loading a virtual clipper card. so what happened? muni, caltrain, and a few other agencies. they ran a pilot program of this new payment system, which is called clipper two. they did that recently, and mtc discovered that integrating clipper two is much more difficult than first realized. after compiling data and test results from this pilot, we've identified issues that need to be resolved before we can continue to the next phase of testing. so based on what we've learned, we the start of customer transition is going to be deferred beyond the summer of 2024. the mtc is expected to issue a report this september on what progress, if any, it's made on the new clipper two system. last month, bart implemented new clipper card readers at some stations here in the east to bay make paying for transit faster and more convenient. but it has
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had the opposite effect. riders complained that the new tech actually took a few seconds longer to read their cards, which, if you're trying to get through a faregate, that's an eternity, bart told the chronicle. it was working with its vendor to fix that issue. reporting live here outside dublin, bart bob redell today in the bay 638 for you this morning. happening today, honoring the legacy of an lgbtq activist today would have been the late san francisco supervisor harvey milk's 94th birthday. milk was the first openly gay politician in california and was an advocate for the lgbtq community. milk and former mayor george moscone were assassinated at city hall in 1978 by supervisor dan white. he was 48 years old when he was killed, and over the weekend, san francisco celebrated harvey milk day. they hosted a block party in his honor. thousands of san jose state students are preparing for their crowning moment, starting later today, the class of 2024 will graduate.
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ten commencement ceremonies will happen over the next three days. and the good news is that the weather seems to be cooperating. it should be nice for all these graduates. carrie. yeah, we do have some sunshine that continues for us. we know that it's been. that's like one of those things where you want the weather to be perfect. if you're having a dinner outside or celebrating the graduate. if you're taking pictures, no matter what you're doing today, it looks amazing for your special day. and congratulations to all those graduates. we're starting out with temperatures in the low 60s for those earlier ceremonies. and then as we go through the day, we're going to see temperatures only in the upper 70s. so it's going to be a little bit cooler than it was yesterday. and that cooling trend continues through the rest of the week with our thursday high temperature of 77. and then on friday in the upper 60s, looking at the rest of the forecast today for walnut creek, we're also going to see a cool down starting out in the upper 50s and sunshine this morning. at lunchtime, it is 73 degrees
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and in the upper 70s as we go throughout the day and all around the bay area looks really nice and seasonable. high of 81 in concord, while san francisco will have a windy 68 degrees. also there we're going to see a mostly clear sky. and mike, you also wanted to talk about graduations today out of the celebration. exactly. now we're talking about traffic and we expect to build as it's happening here. 101 and 8787 comes into downtown san jose. and that's why we talk about the graduations as well. next three days, including today, we'll have a lot of activity because of a number of ceremonies, one after the other at san jose state, as one crew comes in, then the commencement, and then the group leaves, the next one should come in, but they're scheduled a couple of hours apart. that will mean constant traffic flow in and out around the area of san jose state to 8087. there will be some additional traffic. watch those off ramps from two 84th and seventh 10th all through the area. so that's what to expect for the next few days. meanwhile, right now we actually
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have a nice smooth flow of traffic on the east bay. the build across the san mateo bridge does show up on our live camera right here. things are extra slow because i don't know if we can see it over here. there's one vehicle that's moving very slowly. it looks like a maintenance vehicle across to the peninsula. no incidents. and that should clear in the next few minutes. back to you. good to know. thanks, mike. well, people in one bay area neighborhood taking a stand, feeling overrun by rvs. up next, the health issues they are fearing and the action now being taken by city leaders. well, cheap gas and student loan forgiveness. very popular with voters in the white house knows it
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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with voters. well, there is an election coming, right? so would biden do this if there this was not an election year. probably. but does it sit well with voters? absolutely the student loan issue, a double win for the president. he tried to push through huge loan forgiveness only to be blocked by republicans in the courts and at the capitol. and the campaign is not going to let voters forget that. his administration has also found ways to chip away at america's student loans. instead, today's announcement will erase more than $7 billion in loans to public service employees like firefighters and teachers, and those enrolled in the income based repayment plan. donald trump free to get back to the campaign trail. his
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testimony part of the criminal trial is over. the judge in the case says closing arguments will come next week, and then the jury decides if the former president of the united states is a felon or committed no crime . now, trump is clarifying remarks he made yesterday that sure sounded like he supported restrictions on contraception, telling a tv station in pittsburgh he is looking at new policies to withhold birth control and that the policy would, quote, be released very soon. some states, he said, will have different policies than others, but a few hours later on social media, trump wrote in all caps i have never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives. this is a democratic, fabricated lie. los dos partidos, el gobierno de coalicion progresista y haciendo nos cheers in spain, as that country's parliament passes a law recognizing palestine as a state so too did norway, and so
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too did ireland's parliament. here's irish prime minister simon harris in the lead up to today's announcement. i've spoken with a number of other leaders and counterparts, and i'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks. this is an historic and important day for ireland and for palestine. israel, which does not recognize palestinian palestine, rather as a separate state and opposes the two state solution, responded by recalling its ambassadors from those countries. now this comes on the heels of accusations from the chief prosecutor from the international criminal court that israel is committing crimes against humanity. we spoke with retired idf general amit aziz, devastating not only for israel, but for the whole western society, because, basically, this court is saying democracies have no right to defend themselves against the most,
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vicious, terrible terror we have seen since the holocaust, since the holocaust. and it's important to say that they have zero proof of anything that's saying in washington this morning, senate majority leader chuck schumer says he'll call for that. tough. that vote on that tough new border bill tomorrow. also tomorrow, potentially some really important supreme court decisions. we'll be watching for those, laura. of course. big day ahead. thank you very much, scott. well, fremont leaders are looking for answers to help solve a growing neighborhood conflict involving homeowners and the unhoused living in their rvs. the rvs are easy to see in the community of irvington. many are parked there for the long term. some neighbors say they feel hemmed in, saying the generators are often loud and create health issues. last night , council members discussed the final draft of a new response plan. data shows two thirds of unhoused in fremont live in
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their vehicles, and leaders say affordable housing is not keeping pace right now. is this legal for them to be parked? this is a public street and so with the public street, unless you change the rules to say that you cannot park there, they can park there might be a great amount of tax, great amount of parcels tax to live here. how is this image justified? we spoke with one family who lives in their rv. they say it would certainly prefer being able to park in a safe and secure location. seven council members right now say several options are on the table, but funding is critical. well, when it comes to oakland a's fans, it seems at least a few already have a new love. we want you to love your neighbor. we know what your plan damian trujillo. yeah, all those folks, they are part of history in the east bay. last night as a brand new oakland ballers took to the field a long way from home, they actually played in the beautiful downtown flathead valley of montana. yeah. this is
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video of the ballers viewing party over at oakland's athletic club. fans gathered there to watch the glacier range riders host the ballers in the team's first ever independent minor league game. the ballers. they won 7 to 6. first home game is june 4th at the raymond park in west oakland. all right, let's get a look. we're halfway through our workweek. it's been really pleasant weather wise. yeah, i got a little warm yesterday for some spots in the inland valley. we're in the 90s, i know hundreds. that wasn't too bad, considering what we have ahead for spring and summer, but we are going to take it in and enjoy a nice little cool down over the next couple of days. a look at morgan hill and our high temperature today, 80 and 82, in east san jose. now some of these spots were in the upper 80s, especially in the east bay yesterday. and in antioch. we'll see a high today of 83 degrees and upper 70s for pleasanton, danville and walnut creek. 80 degrees and 75 in oakland. and we'll be in the low 60s for half
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moon bay and daly city. redwood city 74. and then we'll see some upper 60s in san francisco today with a gusty wind. also breezy in the north bay with sonoma and novato looking at a high of 77. as you check out the 7-day forecast up at the bottom of the screen, you'll see that we'll have even cooler temperatures coming our way as quite a few showers develop across the pacific northwest and some of that really develops helps to develop a thicker marine layer in the coastal fog that we'll see into the weekend. that helps cool us off all across the bay area. so let's get a look at napa going from upper 70s to only upper 60s for saturday and sunday will be in the mid 70s, so it's going to be a really nice and comfortable weekend, but kind of chilly at the coastline as we are going to see a lot of cloud cover and then for the inland areas over the next few days, we're going from low 80s to upper 60s on saturday. memorial day is looking very pleasant with upper 70s. we are not, as of any time soon, looking at any extreme
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heat in the valleys and san francisco will see our typical may gray june gloom pattern, with a lot of clouds and fog and cool temperatures. as mike, now you're tracking a crash on the east shore freeway. yeah, i'm very concerned, folks. so there's a motorcycle, at least one down right here. they are addressing an injury and one motorcycle, but i heard there were two involved. and i see more emergency vehicles. the reason i'm kind of standing and blocking part of your view is i'm not sure exactly what we're going to see if anybody does move on this situation. so we do have your left lanes blocked as you're traveling toward the bay bridge. you see everybody shifting over here down the east shore freeway. now, what's going on is all the slowing down through the area. let me get over to the map. oh, there we go. a lot of emergency workers there. the map system is showing a smooth flow of traffic past that scene. but it is a big deal here. and we're going to show you this is just causing more delay down the eastshore freeway. guys westbound from highway four down to the bay bridge. we're now over 40 minutes, and that is causing a delay for folks heading to the bay bridge back to you. very
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concerning out there. thank you. mike, it is 652. california is looking to strengthen its ban on single use plastic bags. two bills have passed. the state senate and assembly. both would take would actually close a loophole which allows grocery stores to provide thicker plastic bags. the businesses say the thicker bag is reusable, but lawmakers say not many people know they can reuse the bags. both bills need to be approved by the legislative house and then eventually signed by the governor. well ahead for you, a look at our top stories this morning on today in the bay, including oakland's former police chief looking for a new job, the position he's now seeking from the city from which he was fired, plus a dangerous chemical exposure. dozens of children in san francisco sent to the hospital. the outside source blamed for that accident. we'll be
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six. welcome back. we're moving you forward with a look at the top stories on today in the bay. let's start with that breaking news for you. here is a live look at the coliseum. this is where the city of oakland plans to sell its stake in the property to the same group now trying to redevelop that area. now, later this morning, mayor qingtao, she's going to lay out a deal made with the african american sports and entertainment group, a local group of investors, as the chronicle reports that the city will receive a minimum of $105 million payment. of course, alameda county has already sold its 50% stake in the coliseum to the oakland a's. the team so far is not issuing a comment. oakland's ousted police chief, leronne armstrong, is running for an open city council seat, according to the chronicle. he plans to file that paperwork later this morning. he enters the race amid a lawsuit he filed against the city's mayor for
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wrongful termination. mayor shengtao placed armstrong on paid leave, citing an investigation which found he had allegedly mishandled two police misconduct cases. an arbitrator later cleared him of wrongdoing. well, happening today, round two for the man who brutally attacked nancy pelosi's husband. jury selection begins in his state trial. this comes just after david depape received a 30 year federal sentence. the judge did recently rescheduled that sentencing hearing to next tuesday due to a technicality, but the pop sentence is not likely to change. san francisco's san bruno jail, the scene of an unusual incident which sickened 20 children in teams, used tear gas and pepper spray chemicals for a training exercise. somehow those fumes made it into the air vents at nearby portola elementary school. many suffered irritated eyes, throats and noses. supervisors are asking the sheriff's office to explain exactly what happened. well, a sudden and unexpected roadblock in plans to roll out the upgraded clipper system for bay
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area transit commuters that update would allow people to tap a credit card or debit card instead of using the clipper cards or phones. plans. originally called for the system to be online this summer. it now is delayed indefinitely because the technology is not yet working. some great concerns on the roadway this morning. yeah, we'll get back to that scene on the east shore freeway. now we're looking at the view from our emeryville camera on the for the foreground, we have a number of emergency vehicles. it looks like only one motorcycle is involved. two other vehicles there now chp is reporting only minor injuries, but they're currently doing a traffic break. as we're looking at the screen, i think they're getting prepared to move some of the activity off of the freeway. it turns out the report says only minor injuries. and i'm going to follow this to make sure that's the case. but there is a major backup forming. so we're now about 20 minutes delayed between hercules and the bay bridge because of all this focus in through berkeley for westbound 80 there. they're starting to move right now. and we have a lot of sunshine in our
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forecast, but it will be slightly cooler today for the inland areas. highs in the low 80s. and it continues to cool off with saturday only in the upper 60s for the afternoon. well, today show is just moments away, but we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms. at 8:00 this morning, three time olympic gold medalist joins us live for a lesson in swimming safety, just in time for summer. oh yeah. it's nothing like the pool in the summer. that's right. or the ocean either. or a little cold that it is. all right. look, thanks for joining us here on today in the bay the today show is coming up next. that's right. join us for our midday news. that's at 11 a.m. have a great day. go good wednesday morning. we're following breaking news overnight. >> another widespread tornado


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