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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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give you a live look again. they're making some progress. there's a little bit less snow, less smoke than we saw earlier, but still a significant amount pouring out air quality officials are urging anyone near that area. keep your windows closed. stay indoors so you can avoid this type of smoke. we do have crews headed to redwood city right now. as soon as we get more info, we will bring it to you on all of our digital platforms. all right. our other top story tonight, some students at a south bay high school say that they are shaken after one of their classmates stabbed another right in front of them. yes, this happened at christopher high school in gilroy. and that's where nbc bay area's marianne favro joins us live in. marianne, what can you tell us about what happened today? well, police tell me this all happened around noon in the boys locker room here at christopher high. and the school was placed on lockdown. it's really scary to have this
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happen, especially in a public school. students van deren says he was in the boys locker room of christopher high school when one student stabbed another boy. and you just hear a big commotion, and i just see a kid laying on the floor and bleeding out, and then everyone's just circling around, and then they they haul him off tonight, gilroy police confirm that a male student stabbed another teen in the locker room on campus. we're told the victim was taken to a nearby hospital with what are being described as non-life threatening injuries. police say a school resource officer on campus and other staff detained the suspect, who was arrested and taken to juvenile hall. leah kim is shaken. she says her friend was the one stabbed, one was a one of my friends and he's a sophomore and i was really close with him and a fight broke out and then he just got stabbed. the high school alerted parents
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they had issued what's called a code blue, meaning students had to remain in their classrooms. parent maria kim tells us she was worried after getting word of the stabbing and chose to pick up her daughter early. she says she wished the school would have dismissed classes for the day like, are you okay? what's going on? and then, i was kind of disappointed, though, the way that the school handled it, it was kind of not. they took it easy, you know, like they didn't. they said, oh, it's fine now. everybody goes back to school. police say no one else was hurt and they believe there was only one suspect. police tell me they did recover a knife here on campus. and now some parents and students are wondering whether this stabbing will prompt the school to install metal detectors. reporting live in gilroy, marianne favro. nbc bay area news. all right. thank you very
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much, marianne. the numbers are in and they show a push to fight crime in the east bay. is working california highway patrol behind this crackdown. they say they've targeted crime through a series of sting operations. now, since february, the sting has led to more than 350 arrests, also helping recover more than 700 stolen vehicles and at least 46 firearms. the progress, especially strong in oakland, where the number of arrests and recovered vehicles is five times higher than it was during an initial chp crackdown back in february. a familiar face is back in the political spotlight, but this time he is looking for a different job. ousted oakland police chief laurent armstrong is now running for a spot on oakland's city council. nbc bay area's velena jones has more on why he's running and how he plans to stand out in an already crowded field. former oakland police chief leronne armstrong says he's not done with his mission to help the city of oakland. today, he launched his
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campaign for city council. he says he's still ready to lead, this time without a badge. but i felt like i had more to do in the city of oakland and that i could serve beyond, you know, law enforcement, beyond the police department that i could continue to give back. armstrong filed paperwork today for the city's open at large seat currently held by vice mayor rebecca kaplan. armstrong was fired by mayor shengtao last year amid accusations of mismanaged payment, but later cleared of any wrongdoing. he's now suing the city for wrongful termination. what i'm holding people accountable for wronging me, but i think that has nothing to do with my ability to serve the city of oakland. the oakland native says his goals are to address public safety, clean up street conditions and work to balance the city's finances. as oakland faces an extreme budget crisis. the first chief to do that to have a balanced budget. so i understand how to spend money and how to make sure the department actually takes care of the funding that it receives.
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but i also come with the experience of solving problems in this city. a current councilman says armstrong has the resume. she certainly knows not only the community, but also the behavior and the attitudes that are here in the city and so he would be a good, presentation for the city council, someone that knows public safety, which is the number one priority. bishop bob jackson of full gospel church, a spokesman for the naacp, says he's one of many that encourage armstrong to run. he's still on his feet saying, okay, but i'm not done. i've got more work to do in this city as a servant of the people. and i just think that's marvelous. this is a chief that, was, head of opd during numerous scandals. the former chief's critics include the anti-police terror project, who questioned his leadership abilities and his history with opd. it's not someone who we want as a city
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council member. that's not someone who we want legislating on our behalf. that's not someone, who has done a good job. armstrong joins eight other candidates currently vying for the same council seat. and while he's running for the council, when asked if he would run for the office of mayor, he says anything is possible. i don't know what the future holds, but i'm prepared to lead in any way that the city feels like they want, and so right now, we'll start here in oakland. velena jones, nbc, bay area news. more than 250 people have died from accidental overdoses. this year in san francisco, and that marks a decline for the city. in the first four months of this year, 258 people died of overdoses, down from 275 in 2023. last month marked the fewest deaths in a single month since december . public health department also released new data from a pilot program aiming to improve access to addiction treatment for the unhoused members. go out on the streets at night to set up on the spot. telehealth
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confrontations, consultations. pardon me with doctors who can immediately prescribe addiction medication. the important thing here is we're really meeting people where they are, but also when we see them and meet with them and talk to them, they may not have thought about it just the minute before, but we can link them to a doctor immediately. have them come up with a treatment plan, get the prescription filled and get them a room. in the last four weeks, the city says 173 unhoused people accepted consultations, 33% went to pick up their addiction medications that number increases 78% if they agree to accept a room for residential treatment. nvidia shares topping $1,000 in after hours trading after a strong earnings report released this afternoon, nvidia as a santa clara based chip maker. the company also said it was splitting its stock 10 to 1 based on the after market move. the shares are poised to reach a fresh high on thursday. the earnings report shows that demand for nvidia's ai chips remains strong. ceo jensen huang
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said the company would see revenue from its next generation ai chips. well later this year. mark's markets traded lower today, as minutes from the federal reserve's may meeting indicated it may not be ready to cut interest rates. the dow slid 202 points, the nasdaq down 31. the s&p fell 14 one. note that's auto maker polaris is ceo ringing the closing bell in celebration of the company's 70 year anniversary. home sales fell for the second straight month, according to the national association of realtors. high mortgage rates and near record home prices continue to stall the market. during the prime selling season, the median price of a home sold in april was $407,000, a little bit more than that, an increase of 5.7% over last year. economists do expect a significant decline in mortgage rates until the federal reserve starts cutting those interest rates. three us allies say they will now officially recognize a palestinian state,
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calling it an important step toward lasting peace in that region. the move comes just as we're seeing newly released video from the october 7th hamas attack. we should warn you, some of this video is very difficult to watch. nbc's alice barr has more from washington. in a landmark move and a major diplomatic blow to israel, ireland, norway and spain announcing they will formally recognize a palestinian state, and i'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step. the white house says the u.s. will not follow suit, despite agreeing that a two state solution is the only path to lasting peace. we believe the only way that you are going to achieve a two state solution that delivers for both israelis and palestinians is through direct negotiations between the parties, israel's foreign minister recalled. the three european countries ambassadors calling their move a gift to hamas and iran that enables more attacks, like the
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hamas october 7th assault that as newly released and disturbing video from that day, shows the moments seven female israeli soldiers were kidnaped by hamas. one has since been rescued and one found dead. the other five remain in captivity, and the hostage families forum says their families chose to make the video public to press for more action to bring them and all the hostages home, adding to the internal pressure on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as he faces growing international backlash, including allegations from the international criminal court that he's deliberately starving the people of gaza. netanyahu forcefully denied that to msnbc's stephanie ruhle. we've enabled an airdrops, we've enabled maritime routes. we're building a port that the whole thing of a deliberate starvation policy is ridiculous. the white house saying today aid is flowing into gaza, but not at the speed anyone wants to
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relieve a desperate humanitarian crisis. congressional leaders are preparing to welcome prime minister netanyahu for an address before lawmakers. it's touching off controversy at a time of deep divisions and politicization of israel policy in washington. alice barr, nbc news. still ahead, a proposed measure designed to make it harder to raise taxes in california, it's facing a lot of backlash y opponents say it's illegal, while proponents say it gives voters more say and remembering fallen officers, the special ceremony to honor san jose police officers who died in the line of duty. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. a beautiful day, lots of sunshine and many of our temperatures. still riding a little bit here. above average santa rosa up to 83 today. the average 76 and concord 82 with that average of 79. but things are going to change and big time. check out this temperature trend here. as
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we head through the next couple of days, we're actually going to see it drop into the 60s. by the time we get to saturday. more details on those cooler temperatures. also, when we might get a little bit of drizzle moving bkac i
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california. that measure is not only sparking a war of words, but also a lawsuit. our business tech reporter scott budman, joins us now with a closer look at these allegations. scott. well, jessica, proponents of the measure say you the voter, should have a stronger say in whether or not new taxes get approved. opponents call the proposal dishonest and even illegal. it's known as the taxpayer protection and government accountability act, and it's currently up for consideration as part of the upcoming november general election. those in favor say it would require a vote for any potential tax hikes. it empowers the people of california with the right to vote on future taxes, fees and balances. but opponents, including a coalition
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of small business, local unions and politicians call the proposal illegal. we continue to have these outside interests who want to prevent local cities from being able to raise the revenues that they need to do the work that that we do. those putting the proposal forward, like the california business roundtable, say, if the state or local legislature passes a tax in the future, they would have to seek voter approval before it can take effect. we need that without that, we're going to continue to have the highest costs in the country, and it's time for the people to be able to have their voice heard on these issues. opponents call it an attempt by the state's wealthiest residents to avoid paying their share, and say the proposal could hinder funding for critical services like paramedics. we respond to the unhoused, we respond to mental illness, we respond to fires. we respond to medical incidents. we are there for you. and, i can't imagine not having the funding in order to supply that service
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for the community. now this proposal is also the subject of a lawsuit filed by, among others , the office of the governor. they argue it's an illegal attempt to revise the state constitution. a decision on the lawsuit is expected within the next couple of weeks, and that decision could affect whether the bill actually makes it to the november ballot. janelle. thank you. scott. honoring fallen officers today, the san jose police department held a memorial ceremony in remembrance of every san jose police officer who died in the line of duty, the department says since it was founded nearly 175 years ago, 13 san jose police officers have lost their lives on the job. each of their names was read during a bell ceremony. police also held a department wide moment of silence across all police radios. families of fallen officers were guests of honor today, and mayor matt mahan was among those leaders who spoke at the annual ceremony . three of our own san jose police officers have been hit by
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a bullet while on duty since we last gathered here twice this month alone, including two officers who were recently shot protecting a mother and her children. i'm thankful we will not be reading their names here today. words cannot convey how grateful i am for their courage and selflessness. today's ceremony was the 30th annual memorial. this tradition began back in 1994. an important ceremony for sure. all right. jeff joins us now. so is today one of the last days of the warmth? we're going to start tapering down right? we are. and, you know, tomorrow is still going to be comfortable. right about near average. and then we're really going to see it plummet friday and also on saturday. and now it looks like we could even get into a little bit of drizzle coming in that forecast as well. we'll get you all squared away here as we head into memorial day weekend. and just around the corner. may not have felt like it today, but temperatures did actually go a
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little bit cooler from a system we're seeing off to the north. we're still hanging on right now to 79. in livermore. you're at a cooler, though. 65 in san francisco. all in all numbers for a lot of the bay area running anywhere from 2 to 9 degrees down from this time yesterday. so the thing that's at least starting some of that trend of the numbers dropping is a system just off to the north. now that's going to continue to move a little bit closer here through tomorrow. and it's really just nudging that hot area of high pressure out here towards the pacific. so tomorrow numbers go down a few more degrees. we're going to stay dry tomorrow and we'll still have plenty of sunshine. we'll get you more details again on the larger changes here in just a bit. let's take it through those temperatures here as we head into thursday. going to be nice to get into that forecast 51 here through the south bay over to san francisco. have you in the low 50s and for the north bay might need a light jacket here. and 50 temperatures as we move through tomorrow looking like this. we're going to drop it off another 2 to 6 degrees.
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so we're going to keep it here in the 70s throughout the south bay, 74 in cupertino, 76 in san jose, over to the east bay. we're dropping it out of the 80s for most locations, although antioch would still be the warmest at 80. i think you'll see some significant drops in pleasanton to 75 and 77 in walnut creek for the peninsula. more of that cold weather and half moon bay at 58 and over to redwood city, 71, san francisco 59, in the marina and up across the north bay. lots of upper 70s here. santa rosa, sonoma and right back towards napa. so we're looking at those larger changes, the way we see it now as we head into friday afternoon through saturday. the timing on the system we're seeing is kind of speeding up a little bit. so i do expect numbers to even start dropping as soon as friday's forecast. we'll get some clouds in here. and it does look like the possibility of maybe some drizzle. i wanted to show you an hourly forecast to let you know we're not going to see anything that's going to ruin your plans, but it's in the overnight hours here saturday.
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so starting at 4:00 in the morning, cloud cover quite a bit more here through the bay area. might get some spotty drizzle near the coastline. we could hang on to a slight chance here of some of that spotty drizzle into about 7:00 in the morning on saturday, and then we would be on a path here to sunshine saturday afternoon, sunday and also on monday's forecast. but look at these temperatures here in concord. we're down to 69 on saturday. although we get a pretty good rebound here. sunday and monday will be in those mid to upper 70s. and so far not too hot as we head through next week's forecast. we've had so much severe weather the past several weeks. another round on the way tomorrow. if you're traveling from the mid the plains all the way back towards the midwest, even as far east as washington. so strong thunderstorms, even tornadoes possible, especially in nebraska. on my 7-day forecast. here it is this weekend. we'll see it stay dry through the afternoon in san francisco and sunday, and for monday, 63. other thing of note here is the
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wind will pick up friday 15 to 30 mile per hour gusts as that system moves in. so certainly going to feel chilly in the days ahead. but we got that nice rebound back half of the weekend okay. thank you jeff. yeah coming up how is our economy doing. the surprising new poll that shows the majority of americans have a very difrentfe
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is introducing a proposal, it would require political advertisers to disclose when they use artificial intelligence in tv and radio ads. however, the fcc has no say over ads on digital and streaming platforms.
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if this proposal is adopted by the five member commission, it would add more transparency as ai rapidly advances to create lifelike images, videos and audio that could mislead voters. relief is coming to thousands of students who took out loans to pay for college. the biden ministration says it will forgive more than seven additional billion dollars in student debt. administration says the move will provide relief to more than 160,000 borrowers. the plan includes $5 billion for the 66,000 people asking for public service loan forgiveness, and nearly $2 billion for 39,000 people enrolled in income driven repayment plans. more than half of americans may falsely believe the u.s. is in a recession. a new poll by the guardian found 56% of people believe the u.s. is in a recession. 58% of those polled say president biden is responsible for what they see as an economic downturn. a recession is an extended period of economic decline. it is usually designated when gross domestic product has declined for two or more consecutive
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fiscal quarters, but the gdp grew by 1.6% in the first quarter of this year. that's down from 3.3% growth we saw in the fourth quarter of 2023. but it is not a recession in us. gdp growth has been outpacing other developed nations. well just ahead. remembering a bay area icon who made
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activism, harvey milk would have celebrated his 94th birthday today. milk was a community organizer in san francisco. supervisor. he was also the first openly gay politician in california and a fierce advocate for lgbtq rights. milk and former mayor george moscone were assassinated at city hall back in 1978 by fellow supervisor dan white. over the weekend, san francisco celebrated harvey milk day by hosting a block party in his honor. i suppose terminal one has also been renamed in his honor. don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. here's what we're working on. another trial for the man
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already convicted of attacking the husband of congresswoman nancy pelosi. jury selection has begun in the state trial of david depape. the new arguments from his defense attorneys. and we investigate close calls near schools. driverless car companies say their vehicles are safe, but some school crossing guards, they tell a different story. and holding on to cars longer than ever before. the new data that shows more people are keeping their old cars, rather than buying a pricey new one. welcome back. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. he's not done with the law. just yet. jury selection has now underway in the state trial against david depape. he's the man who has already been convicted of two federal felonies for breaking into the home of former house speaker nancy pelosi and attacking her husband. the dual trials are triggering new
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