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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 22, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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survey of space and time. camera was created at slack, the national accelerator lab there in menlo park. after more than two decades, scientists at stanford announced it was finally done just finished last month. it's going to capture images and study cosmic mysteries to eventually create the world's largest astronomical movie. finally tonight we are celebrating a little here at nbc bay area because a south bay soccer star with ties to the station was honored. this evening. tegan mcgrady was inducted into the santa teresa high school sports hall of fame. she graduated from the school in 2015, where she played tennis, soccer, and ran track and field. tegan went on to play soccer at stanford and she's now a pro soccer player, and her dad, william mcgrady, is our director of broadcast operations. so a big congratulations to tegan and actually the whole family. yeah i remember tegan when she was 3 or 4 years. oh my gosh. gosh. and she went through and with
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all her little soccer outfits everywhere, she used to run around the studio here when she was 10 or 11 years old. unbelievable so congratulations. congratulations. thanks for joining us. we hope to see you tomorrow. bye bye. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jeremy renner. jay pharoah. musical guest, the avett brothers. and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 1979. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a hot crowd. enjoy yourself. thank you very much. welcome, everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." [ cheers and applause ] you're here. thank you. well, guys, former president trump's hush money trial is winding down. and there have been lots of twists and turns so we thought we'd simplify everything for you right now. it's time for "the news in pictures." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the news in pictures yeah ♪ >> jimmy: now, trump has been on trial for over a month for making hush money payments to stormy daniels, and the evidence of about their affair has been eye opening.
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[ light laughter ] it's been wild. at the end of each day in court, trump stands in the hallway and shouts at the media like a crazy person. [ laughter ] of course certain parts of the trial have been boring, but others have been absolutely electric. [ laughter ] but that didn't stop trump from falling asleep several times, which was super awkward. [ laughter ] trump actually claimed he would testify, but when the moment came, he completely froze. [ laughter ] but he knows his future is at stake and that his very freedom is teetering on the edge. [ light laughter ] meanwhile, the prosecution is just hoping that their case has reached the jury and wormed its way into their brains. [ laughter ] a lot of people think trump is guilty, so if he's found innocent, they'll be blown away. [ laughter ] overall, it's been historic because we've never seen anything like this since america was born in is 1776. [ cheers and applause ] well, speaking of the former president, according to a new report, trump's attorneys found classified documents in his bedroom four months after the fbi searched mar-a-lago.
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the lawyers knew trump was hiding something when they saw a box labelled "books." [ laughter ] four months after the fbi search of mar-a-lago, trump's lawyers found more classified documents in his bedroom. in response, this fbi agent said, "we thought we'd searched everywhere, but we must have missed some things." and this fbi agent said, "trump's bedroom was searched, but not enough." and this person said, "don't ask me. i've never been in that room before." [ laughter and applause ] and listen to this. the trump campaign just announced that they're now accepting donations in cryptocurrency. not to be outdone, president biden announced that he's now accepting werther's original and ear quarters. [ applause ] that's for you. that was behind your ear. well, get this. trump's social media company, truth social, just reported that in the first quarter of this year, it made $770,000 and lost $328 million. [ laughter and cheers ]
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here to talk about their business plan is truth social's vice president, roger garvin. roger? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thanks for having me, jimmy. >> jimmy: roger, you're spending millions and making almost nothing. how are you going to turn the ship around? >> we're going to do what the best businesses always do, jimmy. we're going to pivot. >> jimmy: pivot to what now? >> to a brand-new product that has a much lower overhead. it's called "yelling into your trash can." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what do you -- what do you mean? >> basically you take any trash can, this one for instance. you bend over it. and then, whatever you would have posted on truth social, you just yell it into the trash can instead. like this. deep state! hunter biden's laptop! >> jimmy: okay, i don't understand. >> stop the steal! do your own research! >> jimmy: no, no, no. i mean, i see how it works. but how are you going to make money from that?
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>> oh, well, that's the great thing, jimmy. it's also a search engine. >> how to make money from yelling into a trash can? please help! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay, roger garvin. roger garvin, everybody. roger garvin. of course, the new movie about trump just premiered at the cannes film festival, and it's causing a lot of controversy. can we see the movie poster. no, no, guys wrong -- no, no, wrong -- wrong orange -- wrong orange guy. [ laughter ] sorry about that. but the cannes film festival is underway, and it seems like the standing ovations keep getting longer and longer. that's all you're reading about. kevin costner got a 7-minute standing ovation. demi moore got an 11-minute standing ovation. for more on this, let's check in live with a cannes film festival audience member. hello. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: sir, what are you applauding for right now? >> i don't know anymore. [ laughter ] i just started clapping and i never stopped.
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that was three days ago. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: three days? but why? why are you doing this? >> it's peer pressure, jimmy. if i stop, the french cinephiles are going to think that i don't love movies enough. and they're going to point to me and they're gonna say "j'accuse." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: aren't you in pain? >> what are you -- of course i'm in pain. i've been standing for three days. look at my hands. [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. oh, my gosh. >> i haven't had a square meal in days. i'm paying a small french child to put steak frites into a a blender and feed it to me through a straw. francois, donne-moi a manger maintenant. [ laughter and applause ] oh, god. oh, god. it's -- it's terrible. >> jimmy: then stop drinking it. >> no, i have to finish it, jimmy, so i can -- so i can use the cup as a bathroom.
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[ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: okay. very nice. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] guys, get this. president biden cancelled another $7.7 billion in student loans. [ cheers ] biden's getting on the good side of young voters. he's cancelling student debt, he's loosening marijuana laws, and then he's going to ruin it all by banning tiktok. i'm just saying. [ laughter ] some, more news from washington. today, the rnc headquarters was placed on lockdown after two vials of blood were delivered to the building. when he heard, rudy giuliani was like, "oh, good, my lunch is here." [ applause ] guys, did you see this? a fire broke out at a tesla factory in california that started in an oven. luckily, it's a tesla factory, so the fire department was already there. [ applause ] guys, this is interesting. apparently instead of asking their boss for paid time off,
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millennial employees are now quiet vacationing. have you heard of this? that's when they take vacations without telling their superiors. [ light laughter ] i was curious how often this happens. so, here now to give their perspective is a millennial writer at the show, brooks allison. brooks, are you there? >> hey jimmy, yeah i'm here, working hard. [ applause ] let me just say, this news story is totally bogus. i've never thought about "quiet vacationing." >> jimmy: yeah, that's what i thought too. i mean, it feels really unprofessional. >> i had the same thought. i mean, that's what our allotted vacation time is for. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly. so, do you have any friends taking part in this type of behavior? >> if they are, i don't consider them my friends. jfk, please. gotta catch a flight to aruba. >> jimmy: all right. well, thank you for clearing this up for me, brooks. >> you got it, boss man. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. very good. he's a hard worker. i like that guy. he's a good writer. well, this is wild. a skydiver dropped his phone from 12,000 feet and later recovered it without a scratch.
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yeah, the person it landed on is dead, but the phone is fine. [ laughter and applause ] it's amazing. we have a great show tonight! jeremy renner is here. jeremy renner is here! [ cheers and applause ] jay pharoah is joining us. and we got music from the avett brothers. stick around. when we come back, we're playing "egg roulette" with jeremy renner. come on back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: this is easy. >> is it? >> jimmy: this game is so easy. >> get a napkin. >> jimmy: anyone can play. ♪ “watch me” by biig piig ♪ ♪ 'cause i feel it light up ♪ ♪ can you spark this fire? ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ move ♪ ♪ ♪ move ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show." it's time to play "egg roulette," but i'm gonna need some help. he's a very talented actor, and the star of "mayor of kingstown" on paramount+. please welcome jeremy renner! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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higgins, would you like to explain how this works? >> steve: yes, james, i would love to. [ light laughter ] hello, jeremy. >> hello. >> steve: in my hand i have one dozen eggs, one dozen. eight of them are hard boiled, and four of them are still raw. you take turns selecting one egg at a time and smashing it upon the top of thine head. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: "thine." >> steve: you won't know which eggs are raw and which are hard-boiled. once you choose an egg --! you must smash that egg upon your head, no putbacks. >> jimmy: okay. >> steve: first one to smash two eggs raw upon the head loses, jeremy. >> loses, got you. >> steve: you are the our guest. >> all right. >> steve: would you care to choose --? >> jimmy: sure. >> --the primo nou -- ouveau -- ovum. [ laughter ] >> i haven't seen you in a a while, you sound a little different. >> jimmy: "the primo nouveau ovo." yeah, very nice. [ talking over each other ] >> so you can't really touch or shake 'em, or anything? >> jimmy: no, the audience will help you if you want. >> i think this one. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: huevo fortuna! >> jimmy: how you feelin'? >> [ bleep ] cold. feels wet. >> jimmy: it feels wet? >> it feels wet to me. >> jimmy: dude, welcome to the show, man. [ light laughter ]
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we're always -- we always let -- jump right back in. come on. >> yeah, i got metal plates on here, so it'll crack real easy. [ laughter ] oh, god. it feels wet, dude. >> jimmy: it does not. >> yes. >> jimmy: no, no, it's probably cooked. >> it feels wet. [ drum roll ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: yeah! ♪ >> do we dump it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> all right. that's definitely -- >> jimmy: that one looks -- that one's cooked. that one looks like it's cooked, right? [ audience shouting ] it doesn't? it does? [ audience shouting ] >> steve: oh, hey, oh. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: this is easy. >> is it? >> jimmy: this game is so easy. >> get a napkin. >> jimmy: anyone can play. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so easy. >> all right. >> steve: the odds are three to two. six left, two raw -- four-raw, four-raw.
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♪ >> let's go right here on the end. [ cheers ] what? you see something i didn't, why are they screaming? >> jimmy: no, i don't know. they think that that's -- no, don't shake it. >> oh, don't, don't, don't. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just go for it. [ audience ohs ] [ sad tuba ] [ applause ] >> all right, that's one. that's one for me. >> jimmy: you know you can tell right there, you're like, "yeah." >> yeah. >> jimmy: you don't want to let go of it. you're like, "yeah, that's right, yeah." [ audience ohs ] you were hoping even after you hit it, that it was hard boiled, as it was dripping. >> now -- now i know the feeling, yeah. ♪ >> jimmy: uh, i don't know if i'm gonna know the feeling, 'cause i've got a feeling i'm gonna grab this one. >> steve: oh! [ cheers ] ♪ >> you wanna shake it? >> jimmy: i'm not gonna shake it. i don't have a good feeling about -- i don't have a good feeling about this. [ drum roll ] all right. "mayor of kingstown" season three, paramount+, thanks for coming on the show. >> oh! [ audience ohs ] [ sad tuba ]
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i knew it, i knew it, i knew it. it felt different. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: it felt different. it felt different, that one there. >> steve: that was a splatter. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that was a good one. i felt confident, and right around here i lost all confidence. >> steve: it's a barn burner. >> jimmy: it's a barn -- all right, next one. >> so the next one loses, right? >> jimmy: if it's raw, yeah, that's correct. >> i'm doin' it. >> jimmy: this is actually good conditioner for our hair. [ cheers ] >> steve: good luck! >> i'm not shaking it this time. ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, baby. here we go! ♪ >> steve: "pick me, jimmy." bok-bok-bok b-kaw! [ cheers ] oh! >> jimmy: oh no. >> steve: oh no. >> you touched it. you touched it. [ cheers ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> it still could splatter if -- >> jimmy: i know, yeah. come on, man, >> steve: four boiled, two raw. >> here we go. ♪ >> steve: oh. [ cheers ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ yeah, baby. >> jimmy: well done. >> well done. >> steve: three boiled. >> good luck, player two. >> jimmy: that one's bad. that one's -- i'm not going near that one. [ cheers ] >> steve: you sure? >> it's good. ♪ [ cheers ] >> jimmy: last time it was raw -- oh, no. [ light laughter ] >> you can't even see. >> jimmy: can't even see right now. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is a record. it's a record, dude. >> steve: 50/50. >> oh, it is, isn't it? >> steve: two raw, two boiled. [ scattered applause ]
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>> jimmy: that's not a good face. >> i don't feel good. this doesn't feel very good. >> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show." >> come on baby, let's go! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> oh, my gosh. >> yes! >> steve: two of these are boiled -- no, one's boiled. >> one's boiled. >> steve: two are raw. >> ohh. >> jimmy: it's not that one, that one's bad. [ laughter ] that's the one i've been pointing at all game. >> steve: maybe that's the one you should take. >> jimmy: no -- >> steve: the magic you seek is in the thing you fear. >> jimmy: i'll -- i'll give that -- i'll give that to jeremy. ♪ it's my show and i make the rules. >> let's go. oh! [ bell dinging ] [ sad tuba ] [ cheers and applause ] he did it. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. we are talking to jeremy renner after the break. stick around. no, no, don't do it again. you're good. you're good, you're good, you did it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar and golden globe-nominated actor who stars in the show, "mayor of kingstown." season three premieres june 2nd on paramount+. everyone, please welcome jeremy renner. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: come on, bud! oh, my god, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] jeremy renner. >> yes. >> jimmy: you're looking fantastic, bud. it is so, so great to see you. and i don't want to get emotional, but, gosh, i was so worried. i thought we -- we lost you for a second. >> for a second, we did, yeah. but i got some duct tape, and i got all put back together, it's all good. >> jimmy: bud, i -- you were supposed to come on the show in january. >> i was kind of tied up last year. yeah, i was pretty -- >> jimmy: but what -- what? >> well, look. he was so worried, he texted me -- by the way, i remember -- in the icu, "dude, you're trending." >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> no, i'm dying. >> jimmy: i wanted to make you laugh. did it make you laugh? >> it did make me laugh. i wasn't sure if you were serious, but it was so funny.
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>> jimmy: i was like -- i didn't know what to do. can you -- is it hard to talk about? >> um, no, i think it's pretty cathartic. i think it's pretty -- quite healing. it's really kind of become -- it was way more popular of a a thing while i was out. i didn't know. and then -- so, it became much more other people's story as it was mine, you know? just because i'm the one that got injured doesn't mean anything. it happened to my parents. it happened to my poor daughter. it happened to a lot -- my poor nephew was there. all the eyes with me -- >> jimmy: it affects everyone around you. >> yeah, yeah, so the incident -- the incident affects everybody, right? >> jimmy: of course. >> so, i think it becomes, like, a lot of people's stories. i do talk about it. >> jimmy: oh, that's so terrible. >> i do share about it. i have shared some -- about the recovery on social media and things like that. >> jimmy: but you were -- you were helping your nephew. i -- what was happening? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and what is this machine that you were driving? >> it's a snowcat. it's -- they use it in ski resorts, and things like that, to plow runs and things like that. >> jimmy: but do you know how to operate those? >> yeah, yeah, of course. yeah, i've had it for years.
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it's just one of those error moments, and, you know, terrible conditions, and, you know. it happened the way it happened. >> jimmy: but you were driving one of those. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then you used it to pull a car? >> i was pulling -- yeah, pulling a lot of things got stuck in the snow. we had, like, 12 feet of snow in, like, 3 days or something. so we were trapped in the house, we had no electricity for like three or four days, and there was like 25 of us. we're having fun, don't get me wrong, but we had a break in the weather, and so i wanted to get people outside and have fun. and to do that i had to clear the road, and in doing so, pulling the truck out of the long driveway, got caught up. anyway, it got out of control, and the machine got out of my hands. and it was running into my nephew, and just crush him between the truck and the thing, so, i jump back on it -- or tried to -- and got caught up in the tracks. and i broke, like, 38 bones, and it was brutal, dude. it was brutal. >> jimmy: dude, i'm so -- 38 bones? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: like, how much of you is titanium right now? >> well, this is metal. this right here, this right here.
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>> jimmy: your leg is metal. >> yeah, half my face is metal. all the right side of my back is metal. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. ribs? >> the ribs, yeah, there was 14 breaks in the ribs. and, you know, but it's like -- you know, you see, like, your eye, is like, with your other eye, it's because my eyeball was out. so you just have, like, weird things kinda go through your head, right? it's like, "well, i guess that's real, but, like, i'll worry about that later." and i look at my legs, they're all twisted up. and, "i'll worry about later." 'cause i've gotta worry about breathing first, right? >> jimmy: what -- did you panic? did you --? >> no, you can't. you'd die. you'd die then. >> jimmy: you don't -- you're just like, figure -- just calm -- try to remain calm and you're gonna get air lifted out of here? >> well, there's wonderful lessons in that, right? i mean, i could go on and on about what happened the 45 minutes being on the ice. but the real learning lessons from it. there's so many great gifts that -- being tested to your limits, right? your physical limits, spiritual limits, right? emotional limits. it's like, i won't have a bad day for the rest of my life. it's impossible, right? there's that gift. >> jimmy: that's true, yeah. >> you know what i mean? >> jimmy: that's true, right, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] you already had it.
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>> so that's pretty awesome. but also, the idea of, you know, learning how to not panic, and how to focus. and how to -- like, in order to walk, you have to put one foot down, and then another foot in front of it, and then you're walking. just like breathing, i had to exhale with all my might, so i could suck air back in. didn't know i had a popped lung and all this other stuff going on. but i just had to breathe. if i didn't breathe, then i would've been gone, right? forget the eyeball, and the -- all the titanium and broken bones, it doesn't matter, right? so thinking about it step by step, i think is really a great reminder of what we all should be looking at in life. if we get too stressed, or things are too difficult, or if it's insurmountable odds, or whatever it might be, just put one foot down. and then put another foot down. and then move towards it, right? >> jimmy: you're a tough guy. >> whatever it is. >> jimmy: you're a tough guy, bud. you really are amazing. [ cheers and applause ] >> i mean -- >> jimmy: honestly, it means a a lot to me that you're even here tonight. and you're back to working now, okay? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you go on "mayor of kingstown" -- this is season three -- you go back on set. do you go -- i can't even believe -- i mean, i saw some of the rehab stuff that you posted.
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but even like, standing and walking. and you go, "can i act?" do you doubt? do you go, "can i do physical stunts?" >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: "can i say my lines?" >> i mean, it's all those things. i mean, thinking about, like, just going to do fiction? it's like, "wow, man, my life is a real reality right now." and then just learning to walk and -- >> jimmy: i can't even imagine. >> like, "i don't know if i want to go and learn some of these lines, and --" right? it just didn't -- but i got over that, 'cause i just kind of re-thought about it. like, maybe i'll use having to work and getting back out in the world as like, i had to pull the band-aid off, and go do something and not just do rehab all my life, right? so, i had to do it. and i did want to get people back to work. it was just after the actor's strike. and you know, just had to do it. it was touch and go at first, right? i had to lean on a lot of people physically and emotionally, and kind of had to walk on ice in dress shoes, and with busted old legs, you know? and my body's a hot mess. but i came out of the show -- >> jimmy: can you work a full day? >> that's what the problem was. it's like, the -- you know, they're 14-hour days, you know. they're like, "and action." i was like --
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[ snoring ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. of course. >> sleeping, yeah, yeah. so, i think they found ways to just work me more like a minor would, like, maybe six to eight hours they could work me, and give me like breaks and that kind of thing. >> jimmy: are you back up to 100%? >> i don't know what that is. but i expect to be, like, you know 150% by maybe the end of the year. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah. >> i don't know what 100% is, but -- [ cheers and applause ] yeah, yeah. and like, doing stunts -- doing stunts was, like, not on the docket for me. 'cause i was barely, you know, kind of walking around. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but, you know, i went up and just said, "i'll just try it." and put on these tennis shoes. like, "let me try it." kind of just -- >> jimmy: and you've got to get back. >> muscle memory just kind of happened. >> jimmy: and you go, "let's do this." >> yeah yeah. and it wasn't -- i wasn't confident in it, by any means, but it happened. we got it done. i think that's even what the clip we even brought is part of that sequence, which is great. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but, yeah, man, it's happening. it's moving forward. and it's always nice to get a a little pat on the back of progress, right?
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and progress is great fuel to keep progressing. and my daughter, my family's been number one in that fuel. and i hope -- i'm sure that it'll continue, 'cause i think it's perpetual. >> jimmy: you're the best, buddy. i'm so happy for you. i'm so happy for you. [ cheers and applause ] >> and i'm trending. i'm trending. >> jimmy: you're trending, dude. [ laughter ] i just wanted to make you laugh too, 'cause we love you. you're a great friend of the show, and we really worried about you. and i go, "what can i do?" of course i can just go, "hey, i'm worried about you." but i also wanted to see if i could make you laugh a little. >> yeah, yeah, you did. >> jimmy: i'm so happy, buddy. i want everyone to see a clip. here's jeremy renner in the new season of "mayor of kingstown." take a look at this. >> what are we doing? >> need your brass. >> mikey, there's black, there's white. you've gotta be [ bleep ] gray, [ bleep ] christ. >> hey, he ain't wrong, mikey. >> hey, [ bleep ] you. gimme the brass. >> ian. >> just gonna go [ bleep ] talk to him. gimme the [ bleep ] brass. two minutes. >> [ bleep ], mike. ♪
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[ fighting sounds ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about! [ cheers and applause ] that's exactly what i'm talking about! that's how you do it. jeremy renner! "mayor of kingstown" returns for its third season june 2nd on paramount+. jay pharoah joins us after the break, stick around. we love you, bud. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ saving on your education should be a right,
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not a competition. at university of phoenix, our bachelor's and master's scholarships are accessible to all. you'll get the best scholarship or savings you qualify for. simple as that. because everyone deserves an opportunity to save on their education without competing for it. explore scholarship options at university of phoenix. (♪♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting]
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extra cold. was this fire person's day hard enough for a mike's hard lemonade, joel? was it? (fire truck sirens) hey (cat hissing) keep it cool, cool cat. hard days deserve a hard lemonade (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) keep it cat. so, tell us about this corn festival?
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(stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a very funny actor and comedian, who is the host of a a brand-new game show called "the quiz with balls" -- [ light laughter ] -- which premieres may 28th at 9:00 p.m. on fox. everyone please welcome jay pharoah. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: jay pharoah!
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come on, bud. >> let's go. >> jimmy: i've got things to ask you about. okay, i want to know about "the quiz with balls," but first -- >> i heard 'em. i heard you laughing, i heard you. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, i -- we have questions. i know there's -- yeah. >> i had questions too when i first heard it. >> jimmy: yes. >> i was like, "what is this?" you know? >> jimmy: we can't -- no. but there's actual -- there's inflated -- there's -- >> inflated balls. >> jimmy: okay, there, yes, i can say it. yeah, i can say it. first off, you're one of my favorite impressionists in standups. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you for coming. you're on the road right now, look at all these dates right here. you're busy traveling all over the world. [ cheers and applause ] look at these. you looking forward to this? do you like being on the road? do you like going? >> man, i love it, man. i feel like as a comedian, man, our duty is to just make people forget about their problems, and i do that every weekend. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and you feel like you're saving the world. so i love it, man. love saving the world. >> jimmy: yeah, good for you. good, i love that. you were -- [ cheers and applause ] >> absolutely. >> jimmy: thank you for doing what you're doing. >> no, thank you, you know? >> jimmy: i was talking to you before the show. and we were saying -- you're fascinated with the kendrick lamar drake --
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>> absolutely. >> jimmy: -- diss track stuff. >> oh, it's -- i don't know if you've heard this, but you know shaq made a diss track for shannon sharpe. and you -- yeah, i was like, "what, why? why did you do that?" but he's dissing shannon sharpe, and actually shannon sent me his diss, and other celebrities sent me disses against shaq. so, i'm gonna do it here tonight for y'all if i could. [ cheers and applause ] you know, i'ma do it. >> jimmy: i would be honored. roots? >> can we do it? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right, walk me through 'em. ♪ hey hey we're 'bout to we're 'bout to ♪ if it wasn't for katt williams you would have no hope ♪ ♪ you always laughing but for real we don't hear no jokes ♪ ♪ i want all of the smoke i'm like the new catholic pope ♪ ♪ i seen you before porky pig that's all folks ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> shannon sharpe. ♪ listen listen look skip
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yeah ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ jealous brother's what it's giving ♪ ♪ you look like you throw barrels at mario for a living ♪ ♪ you need to lose weight you look like a slob ♪ ♪ instead of dissing me you need to find yo ass another job ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey shaq you a dummy how you gon' talk about people with money ♪ ♪ shaq you gonna be okay 'cause you've got a million jobs and i've got subway ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ look look this is blasphemous look this is blasphemous and hazardous and dastardous ♪ ♪ my vocab got a chipped tooth why? 'cause its fabulous ♪ ♪ oh shaq i don't think you should've asked for this ♪ ♪ come to first take ya assed out gluteus maximus ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ you don't yeah yeah ♪ >> 50. ♪ yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't wanna mess with me brother i go ham ♪ ♪ i'm a grown man make your ass famous on instagram ♪ ♪ pose a threat to me i'll take you down put you on the internet i'll break you down ♪ ♪ ha ha ha ha ha ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ look look all lies will be exposed in 2024 ay ♪ ♪ my interviews sold tickets
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for every comedian's tour ay ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ and the truth's coming out so much more in-store ay ♪ ♪ probably from your favorite artist you won't like em' anymore ♪ >> and jimmy. i got one for you too. but it's a complement track. y'all gotta hear this. here we go. ♪ look it's great it's so great look ♪ my smile bring joy like walmart ♪ ♪ gentrified fanbase from whole foods to pathmark ♪ ♪ higgins is my guy lorne michaels gave me my start ♪ ♪ goin' ten years strong late night got the world's heart ♪ ♪ yeah and the ratings are the proof ♪ ♪ in another ten years i'ma be here with the roots ♪ ♪ i've got a whole family of fallons hella cute been on late night so long i could be a dj booth ♪ ♪ bitch i'm the truth fallon is the truth fallon is the truth late night is the proof ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ jimmy jimmy fallon he a late night god jimmy jimmy fallon he the late night god ♪ ♪ mm mm mm mm roots are the squad mm mm mm mm steve higgins is the squad ♪ >> say late night ho! >> audience: late night ho! >> late night ho! >> audience: late night ho! ♪ congratulate congratulate
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congratulate congratulate ♪ >> say late night ho! >> audience: late night ho! >> late night ho! >> audience: late night ho! ♪ congratulate congratulate congratulate congratulate ♪ >> jimmy: come on. that's jay pharoah! [ cheers and applause ] wow. >> yes! >> jimmy: wow. >> yes! >> jimmy: dude. >> give it up! >> jimmy: come on. >> come on. >> jimmy: that's-- thank you very much. >> "that was so great. amazing. you're so great, man. yeah, come on, people. i love this show. i love doing it. it's good. [ cheers and applause ] it's good." >> jimmy: who -- who is that? >> that's you, man. it's jimmy fallon, man. yeah, it's great, man. it's great. [ cheers and applause ] all right. whoo! >> jimmy: unbelievable. >> whoo! >> jimmy: you are unbelievably talented. >> come on. >> jimmy: thank you, buddy. jay pharoah. >> thank you. >> jimmy: come on, that katt williams, unbelievable. ah, that's amazing. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: amazing. >> thank you, brother. >> jimmy: you always show up. thank you so much for coming and always bringing something fun. that was amazing, bud. thank you for doing this. and by the way, i was going to
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ask you, did you ever -- did you ever meet anyone you did an impression of that they're like -- i mean, everyone probably likes it. >> not everybody. you know, yes. but the people that i've met -- jay-z had no problem with it whatsoever. i remember he was -- it was him and justin timberlake, and they were doing "suit & tie," and i felt jay-z in the room. i said, "jay-z's here." i didn't even know he was here. i felt him. you can feel hov. it's almost like you can hear his gigglish -- him giglling in the background. [ giggling ] you can hear that. [ laughter ] looking around at everything. so -- so he gets up, he does "suit & tie." i -- and it's goodnights, you know? we're all under the bleachers, we're waiting. and jay-z is right there. and all his whole crew goes, "yo, do jay-z!" i said, "no, not right now, homie, not right now!" [ laughter ] and jay-z looked at me like, "yeah, you know, go ahead, do it." [ light laughter ] and i did it. and i did it, and he looked at me, goes, "yeah, wow. you know, that was -- that was pretty accurate." [ laughter and applause ]
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>> jimmy: he likes comedy. >> yeah, man. >> jimmy: he's a fan of comedy, so i think he'd dig that. >> you know, another person a a fan of comedy is barack obama. so, i met barack. and i did barack in front of barack. i was so scared though, man. it was a private event. 'cause he was the president at the time. so if he wants to -- "uh, snap his fingers." -- and it's over, you know what i'm saying? [ cheers and laughter ] snap his fingers and it's over. >> jimmy: "snap his fingers." >> so, i'm doing obama. i'm doing a -- pause, i'm doing an impression of obama -- >> jimmy: okay, thank you, yes. >> i'm doing an impression! >> jimmy: thank you for clarifying. >> listen, you have to be very careful what you say today. >> jimmy: thank you for clarifying, yes, yes. >> the news is watching, okay? [ light laughter ] all right. you've gotta be careful. so, i walk down the stairs, and i see obama there. and i'm doing an impression of him. and i'm checking to see if he likes it, and he looked at me. he went like -- i went like this, he goes -- "ah, you're doing pretty good. [ laughter ] you're doing pretty good. actually, i'm gonna be the comedian, and he's gonna take over the country. [ light laughter ] and the top of his hair's going
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to look like sisqo. [ light laughter ] that's what's gonna happen." [ applause ] so he loved it. he loved it. he loved it. >> jimmy: that's so funny, man. i want to talk about "quiz with balls." >> yes, "the quiz with balls." >> jimmy: this is, like, "family feud" -- >> it's like "family feud" crossed with "wipeout." y'all remember "wipeout"? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: so if you get it wrong, a giant "indiana jones" ball will come behind you and knock you -- >> knock you right into the -- >> jimmy: -- or grandma into the pool. >> yep. [ light laughter ] you will get baptized involuntarily. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. >> yes, that's what happens. >> jimmy: and some good trivia. are you -- having fun doing --? >> i am. you know what's -- the most fun part about it is, like, you can play along at home and you learn things. you're not just watching people get hit with balls. pause. you -- [ light laughter ] i have to -- you, you know -- you know how hard it was -- i had to get comfortable with saying "balls" so many times, man. [ laughter ] a whole bunch of balls. >> jimmy: you're doing a great job, yes. >> thank you.
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> thank you. >> jimmy: but i think you're good at this 'cause also comedians are good with crowd work. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: and so, you're just meeting everyday people and you're trying to make them money. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and also watching their family members get knocked into water. >> absolutely. and you really -- you really root for the families, though, man. and the grand prize is $100,000. who couldn't use that in today's economy? [ cheers and applause ] you know, who couldn't use that, man? >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's a clip of "the quiz with balls." check this out. >> which of these people walked on the moon? you picked eugene cernan and john glenn. and you're certain of john glenn? >> 100%. >> i want to find out. let's release three balls. >> let's do this. >> let's roll. john glenn, yuri gagarin, and alan shepard. release those balls. [ machinery whirring ] [ cheers and applause ]
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oh! alan shepard was one of the answers, he landed on the moon in 1971. man lost his voice and his glasses tonight. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: come on. [ cheers and applause ] that's jay pharoah, everyone. "the quiz with balls" premieres may 28 th at 9:00 p.m. on fox. we'll be right back with a a performance from the avett brothers. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ engineered to minimize noise. and built for adventure. which can also be your own quiet cabin in the woods. the fully electric q8 e-tron. an electric vehicle that recharges you. how we get there matters.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: whoo, look at this vinyl right here. look at this vinyl. go pick this up. performing "love of a girl" from their new self-titled album, please welcome back the avett brothers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ i got regret soul debt gotta get one hit ♪ ♪ sunlit unfit still owe my alma mater nightmare slow throwin' haymakers underwater ♪ ♪ gotta get my hair right love you goodnight gotta get cleaned up dressed up pressed up ♪ ♪ sun down comes around find me with my head down ♪ ♪ toes turned in with my hands in my pockets like a present day hesitatin' huckleberry finn ♪ ♪ so i sneak out peace out peek out the curtains of a blacked-out bedroom ♪ ♪ passed-out cartoon version of a person with a whole herd of sheep ♪ ♪ just countin' in a circle with some capital z's ♪ ♪ never find me waiting kindly for someone to come remind me why i struggle so ♪ ♪ well it's all for the love of a girl ♪ ♪ ♪ i got one older brother he's a fighter and a lover and every other day he seems to rediscover ♪ ♪ what the underlying meaning of the dreaming and the scheming is ♪
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♪ history colliding with the soul and the showbiz ♪ ♪ don't save much for a touchdown celebration runnin' out the tunnel of a hundred-foot elevator ♪ ♪ racin' through the scene like a drop of gasoline in a 427 in a ford galaxy ♪ ♪ never find him waiting patient for someone to come explain it why he suffers so ♪ ♪ well it's all for the love of a girl ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a hard up hard luck planet that we're livin' on ♪ ♪ heartache partaken of the blue ribbon on most of the trails that
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we didn't put rails on ♪ ♪ showing at the funeral home with bells on ♪ ♪ gotta get woken up opened up all the way ♪ ♪ lawyer on the phone saying hey i just called to say still two or three bills in the mail on the way ♪ ♪ hope you doin' all right hope ya had a great day ♪ ♪ well as a matter of fact i ain't really doin' half bad ♪ ♪ i was out running errands from early 'til half past four ♪ ♪ and i got a good deal on flowers at the grocery store ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ never find me waiting kindly for someone to come remind me why i struggle so ♪ ♪ why i struggle so
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well it's all for the love of a girl ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on, now. come on! that's how you do it. that is how you do it, right there. unbelievable. the avett brothers! [ cheers and applause ] catch their musical, "swept away," on broadway this fall, it's great. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to jeremy renner, jay pharoah, the avett brothers -- [ cheers and applause ] check out their broadway show. and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- liev schreiber. star of "girls5eva," actress busy philipps. an all-new "closer loo


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